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Suction Electrodes

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United States Patent (19) (11) 3,862,627

Hans, Sr. (45) Jan. 28, 1975

54 SUCTION ELECTRODE 171,966 12/1965 U.S.S.R.......................... 128/2.()6 E

76) Inventor: Wendel J. Hans, Sr., 703 Josina
Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 94306 Primary Examiner-Richard A. Gaudet
Assistant Evanninier-Lee S. Cohen
22 Filed: Aug. 16, 1973 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Townsend and Townsend
21 Appl. No.: 389,038
52 U.S. Cl. ....................... 128/2.06 E, 128/DIG. 4
(5) Int. Cl............................................... A61b 5/04 A suction electrode for establishing electrical contact
58 Field of Search ....... 128/2.06 E, 2.1 E, DIG. 4, between living tissue and an electrical conductor. The
128/404, 41 6-4 18, 40-41 1, 2.05 S, 2.05 P, electrode comprises a cup-shaped member that termi
300 nates in an opening defined by a peripheral lip having
a minimum radius of about 0.015 inch. An interior
(56) References Cited cavity defined by the member has a depth at least 0.5
UNITED STATES PATENTS times the diameter of the opening and includes an
1,585,104 5/1926 Montgomery....................... 28/4()4 evacuation port opposite from the opening. Air chan
1863,534 6/1932 Odell.................................. 128/3()() nels or grooves depressed into the cavity surface con
2,580,628 111952 Welsh .................... ... 28/DIG. 4 nect the evacuation port with remote portions of the
2,880,729 41959 Kruse....... ... 128/DIG. 4 cavity to facilitate the evacuation process even if tis
2,983,273 5/1961 Howel............ ... 128/DIG. 4 sue is drawn into contact with the cavity walls. Sur
3,505,993 4/1970 Lewes et al.................... 28/2.06 E faces of the member coming into contact with the tis
3,568,663 3/1971 Phipps................. ... 128/2.06 E sue have a relatively rough surface finish and the
3,621,832 l l 1971 Fearnside et al............... 128/2.06 E member includes means for connection to an electri
3,674,031 711972 Weiche............................... 128/300 cal conductor or the like.
298, 129 121 1929 Great Britain...................... 128/3()()
3,862,627 2
SUCTION ELECTRODE tion comprises a generally cup-shaped member that has
a hollow interior cavity and a continuous sidewall form
ing a portion of the interior. Free ends of the sidewalls
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION terminate in a skin-contacting surface and an inwardly
The present invention relates to suction electrodes of projecting peripheral lip which defines an access open
the type employed in electrocardiography and similar ing that communicates the cavity with the exterior of
applications in which electrical contact must be made the member. Means is provided for forming an evacua
with living tissue, e.g., with a patient's skin. U.S. Pat. tion port that is spaced from the opening for connec
No. 2,580,628 generally discloses a suction electrode tion of the cavity with an evacuator such as a rubber
which comprises a spherically-shaped cup that is no O bulb. A plurality of grooves are disposed in the portion
greater than a hemisphere and that terminates in of the member defining the inner space and each
straight edges defining an access opening to the interior groove is adjacent the port and connected therewith so
of the cup. The cup member includes an evacuation that the grooves aid the evacuation of the cavity. Free
port for connection with an evacuating member such as groove ends are spaced from the access opening and
15 the port. The cavity depth, that is the straight line dis
a rubber bulb and a clamp for connection with an elec tance between the access opening and the port exceeds
trical conductor. This prior art cup is applied by plac about one-half the minimum transverse dimension of
ing it against the patient's skin, compressing the rubber
bulb, and releasing the bulb so that a vacuum formed the opening and is preferably between 0.5 to 1.2 such
with the cup cavity draws the cup against the patient's 20 transverse dimension. Greatest holding forces are ob
skin to thereby form an electric connection from the 0.75 tained when the cavity depth is in the vicinity of about
clamp to the skin via the cup member. the access opening diameter. Means is also pro
This prior art device, though a substantial improve vided This
for connecting the conductor to the member.
suction electrode develops a substantially
ment over earlier electrodes that had to be strapped or
taped against the patient's skin and which were, there 25 greater holding force than could be attained with prior
fore, cumbersome to use, still is less than fully satisfac art electrodes. The relatively great depth of the cavity
tory. A primary deficiency of the electrode is its rela allows filling
the formation of a substantial vacuum without
out the interior space with tissue drawn into the
tively low holding power and a resulting tendency to
fall off when applied to upright portions of a patient's cup-shaped interior. I have determined with a cavity
torso, for example, due to its own weight and that of 30 depth the
of about 0.6 times the access opening diameter
holding force developed by my suction electrode is
electrical conductors secured to it. The problem is ag
gravated by the frequent use of electrolytic paste or between about 15 to 30 percent greater than the hold
surgical gel which enhances the electrical contact ing force developed by the earlier discussed prior art
suction electrode. An even greater holding force differ
formed but which also renders the patient's skin more ential is obtained when the cavity depth is increased to
slippery. 35 about 0.75 times the access hole diameter. Thereafter,
It appears that a number of factors account for the
inadequate holding force of such prior art electrodes. an increase of the depth beyond about 0.75 times the
With an increasing shallowness of the electrode cavity, access hole diameter causes a gradual decline of the
the holding power appears to decrease for a given vac holding force as depth approaches and exceeds the ac
uum and electrode aperture diameter. Thus, I have 40 about equal diameter
cess opening until, at a ratio of about 1.2 it is
to the holding force exerted at a cavity
found that in instances in which the cavity depth is depth to opening ratio of about 0.5.
about 0.4 times the access opening diameter the elec Even in instances in which the cavity depth is rela
trode's holding power is frequently insufficient to re tively low, say in the vicinity of 0.5 times the access
tain the electrodes to the encountered unevenness and
curvature of inclined skin portions. Although initially 45 hole diameter or less, the provision of the air evacua
tion grooves in the ceiling of the cavity which commu
it seems to be unlikely that the cavity depth has much nicate with the evacuation port substantially enhance
influence on the electrode's holding power, it appears the holding power of the electrode of the present inven
that when skin is drawn into the evacuated cavity it can tion. This appears to be a result of eliminating a prema
prematurely block the evacuation port when the cavity ture blocking of the evacuation port by tissue drawn
is relatively shallow. This causes the entrapment of air 50
bubbles which reduce the total holding force. The into the cavity.
straight downwardly facing sidewalls of this prior art A yet further increase in the holding power of the
suction electrode further appear to offer relatively little peripheral electrode is obtained from the provision of a
resistance against lateral electrode sliding, particularly lip at the access opening. Tests have indi
cated that
when the total holding force is relatively low and the 55 tion resists lateral the suction electrode of the present inven
underlying skin is lubricated with electrolytic paste. sliding on human tissue with a force
of from 2 to 3 times greater than the force generated
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION by the above-discussed prior art suction electrode. In
The present invention provides a suction electrode part force
this seems to be a result of the greater holding
and/or vacuum developed within the electrode of
which overcomes the shortcomings encountered with 60 present
prior art suction electrodes. In particular, it develops a the to lateral
invention. However, this greater resistance
sliding also appears to result to a substantial
holding force which greatly exceeds the holding force extent from the provision of the peripheral lip.
that can be developed with prior art electrodes without
increasing the formed vacuum or causing patient dis peripheral lip. However, in practicetothey
In the past it has been suggested incorporate such
have not been
comfort from excess vacuums, sharp edges and the like. 65 generally
Generally speaking, a suction electrode for establish discomfort whenever a significant vacuum they
accepted, at least in part since
formed in
ing a firm and secure electrical contact with living tis the cavity since the lips have a tendency to restrict
sue constructed in accordance with the present inven
3 4
blood circulation at least in the skin layers immediately contact with the skin are metal plated or otherwise ren
underlying the lip. This problem has been eliminated in dered electrically conducting and a suitable electric
the lip of the present invention since this lip has a mini connection is made from connector 12 to the plated
mum radius of about 0.015 inch. The lip contact sur surfaces.
face against the inwardly drawn skin is thereby suffi 5 In the presently preferred embodiment of the inven
ciently enlarged so that it ceases to be a source of pa tion the electrode body 4 has a generally circular
tient discomfort. cross-section and a resulting generally cylindrical exte
A still further advantage provided by the suction rior configuration. Cavity 6 has a mushroom-like shape
electrode of the present invention is derived from the and is defined by an interior surface 22 which is spheri
relatively rough interior surface finish of the suction 10 cally shaped, resulting in a generally hemispherical cav
cup. In a preferred embodiment of the invention the ity. For the purposes of this specification and the
surface finish is in the range of about 350 to 20,000 claims, the term "hemispherical' is intended to mean
micro inches (10p to about 350pu) as measured with a a shape which approximates a hemisphere. The term is
Profilometer or Brush Surface Analyzer in accordance not intended, however, to limit the shape to the precise
with the ASA B46.1-1962 standard. Such a finish can 15 geometrical configuration of a hemisphere. Rather, it
be obtained with 600 to 50 grit sandpaper or sandblast, is intended to and does refer to a geometric body that
for example. The use of a surface finish within the approximates a hemisphere even though it might be de
stated range substantially enhances the resistance of fined by surfaces that are not spherical in shape and/or
the electrode against lateral sliding on living tissue irre which defines a geometrical body which is more than
spective of whether or not electrolytic paste is em 20 one-half a sphere.
ployed. Access opening 20 is disposed opposite from evacua
Thus, the suction electrode of the present invention tion port 10, is circular and is defined by an inwardly
represents a substantial improvement over such prior projecting peripheral lip 24. The lip is at a lower end
art electrodes. It is readily applied and it greatly re 26 of cylindrical sidewalls 28 and terminates in an edge
25 that is rounded and has a minimum radius 'R' of 0.015
duces if not eliminates the danger that an electrode be
comes disengaged from tissue during a test such as dur inch.
A plurality of elongate, equally spaced grooves 30
ing electrocardiography.
are depressed into interior surfaces 22 and extend radi
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS ally away from evacuation port 10 and have first ends
FIG. 1 is a side elevation, partially in section, of a 30 which communicate with the port. The grooves termi
suction electrode constructed in accordance with the nate in free ends 32 which are spaced from both the
present invention; evacuation port and access opening 20. In the presently
FIG. 2 is a bottom end view of the electrode illus preferred embodiment of the invention the grooves
trated in FIG. 1; have a width of about one sixty-fourth to one thirty
35 second of an inch with a minimum depth of at least
FIG. 3 is a fragmentary, enlarged detail of a sidewall
of the electrode and a peripheral lip defining the access about 0.010 inch and preferably of between one sixty
opening of the electrode; fourth to one thirty-second of an inch for purposes
FiG. 4 is a bottom end view similar to FIG. 2 but illus more fully described hereinafter.
trates another embodiment of the invention; and Referring briefly to FIG. 4, in another embodiment
FIG. 5 is a bottom end view similar to FIG. 4 of yet of the invention the electrode 2 is constructed identical
another embodiment of the invention. to the one illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2 except for the ar
rangement of the grooves. Instead of a star-shaped
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED array of grooves, a pair of aligned grooves 34 extend in
EMBODIMENTS opposite directions away from the evacuation port and
45 terminate in an annular groove 36 that interconnects
Referring to FIGS. 1-3, a suction electrode 2 con the free ends of the aligned grooves.
structed in accordance with the present invention gen
erally comprises a main body 4 having a cup-shaped Turning now to the use of the suction electrode 2 of
hollow interior cavity 6, a resilient bulb 8 secured to an the present invention and referring to FIGS. 1-4, con
evacuation port 10 of the body and a connector 12 for 50
ductor 14 is coupled to connector 12 by inserting it in
releasably securing an electrical conductor 14 (sche a receptacle hole 38 and an attendant grasps bulb 8 and
matically shown in FIG. 1 only) to the electrode. The compresses it. The electrode is placed against the pa
evacuation bulb is of a conventional construction and tient's skin so that end faces or surfaces 40 rest against
includes a neck 16 that embraces an exterior surface 18 the skin and the bulb is released. A vacuum is thereby
of the evacuation port in an upright manner. As is well 55
formed within cavity 6 of the electrode which draws in
known when the bulb is compressed and body 4 placed tissue and causes atmospheric pressure to bias the elec
against a compliant surface such as living tissue, release trode into intimate contact with the patient's skin, the
of the bulb draws air from the interior of the body into electrical contact being primarily formed by interior
the interior of the bulb. When access opening 20 is cavity walls 22 and the radiused peripheral lip 24. De
closed off with the compliant material a partial vacuum 60 pending upon the relative volumes between the bulb
(hereinafter vacuum) is formed in the hollow interior and the electrode interior, the bulb resiliency and the
thus biasing the body against the tissue with a force that resulting vacuum, the patient's skin is drawn into the
is a function of both the diameter of the access opening electrode interior to a greater or lesser extent. Even if
and the effective vacuum in the hollow electrode inte the shape of the electrode interior and the vacuum is
rior. such that the patient's skin is pulled into contact with
The electrode may be constructed of metal or of an the interior surfaces 22 and against evacuation port 10
electrically non-conductive material such as plastic. If a complete evacuation of the hollow interior is still pos
constructed of plastic electrode surfaces that come in sible since the evacuation grooves 30, 34 and 36 pro
S 6
vide fluid communication from the electrode interior to approximately opposite from the aperture for evacuat
the evacuation port. With the above-mentioned mini ing the cup, and means for connecting the surface with
mum groove depth, blockage of the grooves by drawn an electrical conductor.
in skin is avoided. Consequently, the formation of rela 2. A suction electrode for releasably adhering to liv
tively high pressure air pockets in the cavity is avoided. 5 ing tissue and the like and forming a firm and secure
A uniform and maximum holding force for the elec electrical contact from an electrical conductor to the
trode is thus achieved. tissue comprising a member having a hollow interior,
As already referred to in the earlier portions of this and an electrically conductive continuous sidewall de
specification, the holding force is maximized when the fining a portion of the interior and terminating in an
cavity depth "H" is about 0.75 times the diameter "D" 10 end of the member, an inner portion of the sidewalls
of access opening 20. Good results have been obtained adjacent the end defining an inwardly extending pe
when this ratio between H and D is from 0.5 to 1.2. A ripheral lip terminating in an edge which in turn defines
ratio of 0.6 is desirable in that it avoids an excessive un a generally round opening communicating the interior
dercut of the electrode cavity with respect to the access with the exterior of the member, the edge having a min
opening and lip 24 and thus assures that the skin 15 imum radius of about 0.015 inch, the sidewall having
contacts substantially the entire cavity surface 22. Fur a surface finish of between about 350 to 20,000 micro
thermore, a relatively small undercut facilitates contact inches, an evacuator means defining an evacuation port
of the skin with the entire cavity surface 22 and the spaced from the opening and connecting the interior
ease with which the electrode is mass produced, e.g. space with said evacuator, a plurality of grooves de
cast. fined by the member and being formed into the interior
As already referred to above, the holding force of the portion of the member defining the inner space, an end
electrode is further increased by providing surfaces in of each groove communicating with the port so that the
contact with the patient's skin with a relatively rough grooves aid the evacuation of the inner space, another
surface finish such as the 350 to 20,000 micro inch free end of the grooves being spaced from the opening,
range surface finish. Surfaces provided with such a 25 a straight line distance between the opening and the
roughened finish are the surfaces of lip 24 and at least port being about 0.75 times the diameter of the open
portions of interior surfaces 22 defining cavity 6. ing, and means for connecting the conductor to the
Referring now briefly to FIG. 5, in another embodi sidewall.
ment of the invention an electrode 42 which is gener 3. A suction electrode for releasably adhering to liv
ally constructed in the same manner as electrode 2 il 30 ing tissue for forming a firm and secure electrical
lustrated in FIGS. 1-3 has a body 44 of an elongate contact from an electrical conductor to the tissue com
configuration. The resulting access opening 46 is elon prising a member having a hollow interior and an elec
gate, e.g. generally rectangular or elliptical and leads to trically conductive sidewall defining a portion of the
a similarly shaped electrode cavity 48. As above de interior and terminating in an end of the member, an
scribed the electrode cavity communicates with the in 35
inner portion of the sidewall adjacent the end defining
terior of an evacuation bulb 50 through an evacuation an inwardly extending peripheral lip terminating in an
port 52 constructed as above described. In all other re edge which in turn defines a generally round opening
spects including its operation, the provision of air evac communicating the interior with the exterior of the
uation grooves 54, a peripheral lip 56, a rough surface member, the edge having a minimum radius of about
finish and the like, this electrode is identical to the one 40
illustrated in FIGS. 1-3. 0.015 inch, the interior sidewall having a maximum
I claim: spacing in a plane parallel to the opening which ex
1. A suction electrode comprising a cup having an ceeds the diameter of the opening so as to define an un
electrically conductive interior surface, the cup termi dercut, the sidewall having a surface finish of between
nating in a continuous inwardly directed edge defining 45 about 350 to 20,000 micro inches at least in the vicinity
an aperture providing access to the surface, a termial of the edge, an evacuator, means defining an evacua
point of the edge having a minimum radius of about tion port spaced from the opening and connecting the
0.015 inch, the cup having an interior transverse di interior
space with said evacuator, the interior space
having a depth measured from the opening
mension in a plane parallel to the aperture which is
larger than a corresponding transverse dimension of 50 which is about 0.75 times the diameter of the opening,
the aperture, the interior surface further having a depth and means for electrically connecting the conductor
measured from the aperture which is about 0.75 times with the sidewall. sk k k sk ck
a transverse dimension of the aperture, means disposed



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