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Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheets Processed by Constrained Groove Pressing

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Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 450–459

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Materials Science & Engineering A

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Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets T

processed by constrained groove pressing

Zongshen Wanga, , Yanjin Guanb, Tao Wangb, Qian Zhanga, Xiuting Weia, Xiaoying Fanga,
Guangming Zhua, Shan Gaoc
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255000, PR China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, PR China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255000, PR China


Keywords: Constrained groove pressing (CGP) is of great potential for fabricating ultra-fine grained (UFG) sheet metals
AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets based on severe plastic deformation. However, researches on CGP of materials with poor formability and low
Constrained groove pressing ductility at room temperature (RT) are still very limited. Thus, in this work, an experimental setup with heating
Severe plastic deformation systems was developed for an improved processing efficiency by virtue of its new die design. CGP of AZ31
magnesium alloy sheets were performed at RT, 423, 473, 523 and 573 K. Their cracking behavior and the effects
Mechanical properties
of pass number and processing temperature on the evolutions of their microstructure and mechanical properties
were studied in detail. The results showed that the number of effective pressings gradually increased with
processing temperature. Only one pass including four pressings could be finished at 423 K, and twins inside
initial grains and dislocation cells were observed in the end. Two passes could be conducted to the materials at
temperatures higher than 423 K, and bimodal structures formed due to the occurrence of dynamic re-
crystallization (DRX) and experienced various evolutions. The microstructure evolution of the materials was
dominated by continuous DRX, and a relatively refined and homogeneous UFG microstructure was achieved at
473 K after two passes. In this situation, the average grain size was refined to 2.81 µm from the as-annealed
6.92 µm, and subgrains sized about 1 µm were observed. The influence of pass number on tensile properties
gradually decreased with processing temperature. Work hardening, grain refinement and texture modification
together decided the evolution of mechanical properties of the alloy sheets during CGP. The optimum com-
prehensive mechanical properties with yield strength of 240 MPa, tensile strength of 295 MPa, elongation to
failure of 18.5% and average microhardness of 73.9 HV were achieved at 473 K during the second pass. In
addition, the strong basal texture of the as-annealed sheets initially with a maximum intensity of 18.05 was
decreased to 10.61 at 473 K while no significant change was made when processed at higher temperatures.

1. Introduction moderate or high temperatures [5,6]. Therefore, lots of efforts have

been devoted to improve the formability and ductility of magnesium
Nowadays, the need of utilizing more lightweight materials in alloys in order to make full use of their benefits. It is well established
aerospace and automobile structures is increasing for the purpose of that both strength and ductility of the materials can be effectively en-
cutting emission and fuel consumption [1–3]. Being one of the lightest hanced by grain refinement and, until now, severe plastic deformation
commercialized metallic structural materials, magnesium and its alloys (SPD) methods have proven to be of great potential for achieving ultra-
exhibit tremendous potential in weight saving due to their low density fine grained (UFG) structure in materials and improving their physical,
and high specific strength [4]. However, the industrial applications of chemical and mechanical properties [7].
magnesium alloys are greatly restricted by their poor formability and Constrained groove pressing (CGP), originally developed by Shin
low ductility at room temperature (RT) associated with their hexagonal et al., is one of the most promising SPD methods suitable for producing
close-packed (HCP) crystal structure and insufficient slip systems, and UFG sheet or plane metallic materials with superior properties [8,9].
the high production costs of wrought magnesium alloys generally at During CGP, a set of asymmetrically groove dies and a set of flat dies

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: wangzsh@sdut.edu.cn (Z. Wang).

Received 17 October 2018; Received in revised form 31 December 2018; Accepted 2 January 2019
Available online 03 January 2019
0921-5093/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 450–459

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of CGP process.

are employed to perform alternately groove pressing and flattening on properties like ductility and formability of magnesium and its alloys
sheet metals, as shown in Fig. 1. By virtue of the constraint from the die through grain refinement and texture modification is of great interest
walls, the asymmetry of the groove dies and the 180° rotation of the and attracting more and more attention. However, only a small number
sheet sample around its normal direction (ND), theoretically, pure shear of papers have been published to verify the availability of CGP to
deformation under plane strain condition will be imposed into the process magnesium alloys, and the knowledge about the influences of
whole sheet sample without any changes in its dimensions. Therefore, a pass number and processing temperature on the evolutions of their
large amount of plastic strain can be uniformly accumulated into the microstructure and mechanical properties is still not comprehensive.
materials by repeating this process and, finally, a relatively homo- Thus, in this work, a high-efficiency experimental setup with heating
geneous UFG structure can be obtained and the properties are expected systems was newly developed for performing CGP on sheet metals
to be significantly improved. Accordingly, the groove pressed sample having poor formability and low ductility at RT. Then, the cracking
consists of inclined shear regions (SRs) and flat undeformed regions behavior and evolutions of microstructure and mechanical properties of
(URs), as shown in Fig. 1(b). In fact, there are interface regions (IRs) AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets during CGP were systematically studied,
between SRs and URs causing strain inhomogeneity during practical and the influence mechanism of pass number and processing tem-
deformation process [10]. Additionally, the die structure parameters perature was explored and discussed in detail.
including groove width (T) and groove angle (θ) are of great im-
portance to the evolutions of microstructure, mechanical properties and
2. Experimental materials and procedures
strain distribution of the CGPed materials, as shown in Fig. 1(a), and
the process could be optimized by choosing a proper combination of the
2.1. Materials preparation and CGP experiment
parameters [11].
Obviously, CGP process needs simpler tooling design and is much
The hot-rolled AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets with dimensions of
easier to perform, as compared to other SPD methods [9]. Thus, it offers
100 mm × 100 mm × 2 mm were used in this experiment, and their
great potential in fabricating large-volume UFG sheet metals and, till
chemical compositions are Mg-3.1Al-0.8Zn-0.3Mn (wt%). Before CGP,
now, it has been successfully utilized for grain refinement and property
the sheets were fully annealed at 573 K for 1 h to homogenize their
improvement of various pure metals and alloys. Nevertheless, most
initial microstructure. Fig. 2 shows the experimental setup for CGP
investigations are focused on metallic materials having face-centered
process on a 5000 kN computer-controlled electro-hydraulic servo
cubic (FCC) crystal structure as well as good ductility while there are
compression testing machine. As seen in Fig. 2(a), the dies could be
limited reports about CGP of materials exhibiting low formability at RT
heated to the desired temperature ( ± 5 K) by the built-in heating rods
such as magnesium and its alloys. Ratna Sunil et al. firstly adopted CGP
and, before pressing, the sheet samples were placed between the top
to achieve fine grain size in AZ31 magnesium alloy, and investigated
and bottom dies and stabilized to the processing temperature. The
the influence of microstructure evolution and surface features on
sample temperature was calibrated by a thermocouple probe, as shown
wettability, corrosion resistance, in-vitro bioactivity and cell adhesion
in Fig. 2(b). Previously, an experimental setup with heating systems for
of the materials [12]. It was found that CGP was a potential method to
CGP of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets was developed by Fong et al. [5].
enhance bioactivity and control degradation of magnesium alloys for
In their work, the groove and flat dies were used interchangeably and,
implant applications. Fong et al. [5] developed a directly orthogonal
for each pressing, the sheet samples were removed from the dies, cooled
CGP procedure involving four groove pressings with a 90° rotation of
in air and reheated in the dies. Thus, the processing and handling times
the sheet sample around its ND after each pressing and a final flat-
required were very long, which reduced the processing efficiency.
tening, and examined the effects of deformation path and temperature
Meantime, when reheating the sheets, the effects of static recovery and
on microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of AZ31B-O
static recrystallization as well as grain growth on their microstructure
magnesium alloy sheets. It implied that deformation path did not sig-
evolution should be considered. Thus, in this experimental setup, a new
nificantly impact the degree of grain refinement, and the new path
die design was firstly employed for a higher efficiency. As shown in
introduced higher strain amount while lower strain homogeneity due to
Fig. 2(b), the groove and flat dies were mounted on the same upper/
its complicated stress and strain fields. Afterwards, the microstructure
lower shoes. The groove pressing and flattening could be conducted
stability during isothermal annealing of AZ31 magnesium alloy pro-
simultaneously and, after pressed by one set of dies, the sample could
cessed by CGP, and the tensile flow behavior at moderately high tem-
be immediately placed to another set for the next pressing. In this way,
peratures of the CGPed and post-annealed alloy sheets were in-
the exchange of the groove/flat dies and the repeat heating of the sheet
vestigated in two separate works carried out by Fong et al. [2,3].
samples were avoided. Thus, the processing efficiency was greatly im-
As mentioned above, applying CGP to improving the mechanical
proved and the heating effect when reheating could be neglected. Here,

Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 450–459

Fig. 2. The (a) experimental apparatus and heating systems, (b) groove and flat dies, and sheet samples for CGP process.

the groove dies had a groove angle of 45° and a groove width of 2 mm dimensions of 25 mm × 6 mm× 2 mm according to ASTM E8M stan-
which was equal to the sample thickness, and molybdenum disulfide dard, and the gage length was aligned to be perpendicular to the RD of
was chosen as the lubricant. A constant press speed of 5 mm/min was the sheet samples. Each test was repeated three times to obtain re-
used in this experiment. When pressing, the groove direction (GD) of presentative results. Vickers microhardness tests were accomplished
the groove dies was perpendicular to the rolling direction (RD) of the using an HV-1000 Vickers hardness tester at a load of 200 g applied for
sheet samples, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Theoretically, by adopting the die 10 s. For each sample, ten measurements were taken for an average.
structure parameters mentioned above, an equivalent plastic strain of
about 1.16 could be uniformly accumulated into the sheet sample after
one CGP pass including two groove pressings and two flattenings. 3. Results and discussion

3.1. Initial microstructure of the as-annealed materials and their cracking

2.2. Materials characterization behavior during CGP

Optical microscopy (OM), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) Fig. 3 shows the optical microstructure, EBSD map measured from
and transmission electron microscope (TEM) were employed to ex- RD-ND plane and {0001} pole figure of the as-annealed AZ31 magne-
amine the microstructure and texture evolutions of AZ31 magnesium sium alloy sheet sample. As shown in Fig. 3(a), the microstructure of
alloy sheets during CGP. The OM specimens were mechanically po- the as-annealed materials mainly consisted of equiaxed grains, and the
lished and then etched for 30 s using a solution of 1 g oxalic acid, 1 mL average grain size was about 6.92 µm according to the statistical result
acetic acid, 1 mL nitric acid, and 150 mL distilled water. For EBSD based on the EBSD map shown in Fig. 3(b). It can be seen from Fig. 3(b)
analysis, small specimens were extracted from the sheet thickness cross and (c) that the as-annealed sheet sample exhibited a strong {0001}
section parallel to its RD and mechanically polished to achieve fine basal texture with a maximum intensity of 18.05, indicating the c-axes
surface finish. Then, the specimens were electro-polished with a mix- of most grains nearly parallel to ND of the sheet sample.
ture of perchloric acid, ethanol and water. The EBSD observations were In this experiment, the as-annealed magnesium alloy sheets were
conducted on a Hitachi S-3400N scanning electron microscopy (SEM) processed at RT, 423, 473, 523 and 573 K, respectively, to investigate
equipped with an HKL-EBSD system. An area of at least the influence of processing temperature on the evolutions of micro-
100 µm × 100 µm for each specimen was investigated using a step-size structure and mechanical properties of the materials, and the cracking
of 0.3 µm, and the analysis of EBSD maps was undertaken by the HKL behavior of the alloy sheets during CGP is presented in Table 1. Clearly,
CHANNEL 5.0 software package. For TEM observations, specimens the processing temperature had a substantial influence on the cracking
were cut from the central region of the sheet plane and conventionally propensity of the sheets. Firstly, CGP of the as-annealed magnesium
prepared by mechanical polishing and ion thinning. The observations alloy sheets could not be accomplished at RT due to their poor form-
were performed on an FEI Tecnai G2 F20 S-TWIN field emission TEM ability and low ductility. Secondly, the number of effective pressings
operated at 200 kV. gradually increased with the temperature. For example, only four
In order to explore the evolution of tensile properties of AZ31 pressings (one pass) could be performed on the sheets at 423 K before
magnesium alloy sheets, uniaxial tensile tests were carried out at RT on fractured while they could experience two passes of CGP at 473 K only
a CMT5205 electronic universal testing machine with a constant cross with micro-cracks and crack growth occurring during the second pass.
head speed of 3 mm/min. The specimens were machined with gage In this experiment, the cracking usually occurred during groove

Fig. 3. The (a) optical microstructure, (b) EBSD map and (c) {0001} pole figure of the as-annealed AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet sample.

Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 450–459

Table 1
Cracking behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets during CGP at different temperatures.
Temperature/K Groove 1 Flat 1 Groove 2 Flat 2 (Pass 1) Groove 3 Flat 3 Groove 4 Flat 4 (Pass 2)

RT Fractured – – – – – – –
423 No cracks No cracks Micro-cracks Micro-cracks Fractured – – –
473 No cracks No cracks No cracks No cracks Micro-cracks Micro-cracks Crack growth Crack growth
523 No cracks No cracks No cracks No cracks No cracks No cracks Micro-cracks Micro-cracks
573 No cracks No cracks No cracks No cracks No cracks No cracks Micro-cracks Micro-cracks

pressing at the regions near the groove corners and subjected to the temperatures due to the significantly reduction in their lower critical
most severe loading condition, which was in accordance with the pre- resolved shear stress [5,16]. Thus, by increasing the processing tem-
vious reports [11,13,14]. Finally, at higher temperatures of 523 and perature, more non-basal slip systems were activated to accommodate
573 K, two passes of CGP were successfully carried out on the sheets further plastic deformation of the materials, and more effective press-
without distinct cracks appeared at the sheet surface. It has been known ings were achieved. Thus, in the following sections, no more than two
that the poor ductility of magnesium alloys was attributed to the highly passes of CGP were considered to investigate its effect on the micro-
anisotropic dislocation slip behavior [15]. Plastic deformation of the structure and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets.
alloys at RT occurred almost entirely by basal slip providing only two
independent slip systems. Additional non-basal slip systems such as
prismatic and pyramidal slips were easily activated at higher processing

Fig. 4. The optical and TEM micrographs of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets processed by CGP at (a, b) 423 K after one pass, (c) 473 K after one pass, (d, e) 473 K after
two passes, (f) 523 K after one pass, (g, h) 523 K after two passes, (i) 573 K after one pass, (j, k) 573 K after two passes.

Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 450–459

3.2. Microstructure and texture evolutions grains, the size of the new DRX grains were smaller when processed at a
lower temperature of 473 K, as shown in Fig. 4(c), as well as a smaller
Fig. 4 represents the optical and TEM micrographs of AZ31 mag- volume fraction of these new grains after one pass, leading to a bimodal
nesium alloy sheets processed by CGP at different temperatures. It can structure even after two passes. In practice, the critical grain size, which
be seen from Fig. 4(a) that the grain refinement of the materials pro- was small enough for homogeneous nucleation throughout the original
cessed at 423 K after one pass was negligible except that many twins grains, was associated with the grain size at which non-basal slip was
appeared inside some initial grains. Correspondingly, only dislocation activated when processing [23]. Despite the identical initial grain
cells with their boundaries exhibiting tangled configuration were found structure, the processing parameters may lead to different values of the
in the TEM micrograph shown in Fig. 4(b). In general, the grain re- critical grain size, and generally the critical size increased with in-
finement of magnesium alloys during SPD was characterized by the creasing the processing temperature [21]. Therefore, owing to the
nucleation of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) fine grains along the higher processing temperature of 523 K, the critical grain size, the
original grain boundaries and twin boundaries [17]. Previous studies average size and volume fraction of new DRX grains might simulta-
revealed that DRX in magnesium alloys occurred when deformed in the neously increase, resulting into fewer passes of CGP for homogenizing
temperature range from about 420–600 K, which was available for the the microstructure [21]. However, the remarkable inhomogeneity of
consideration of microstructure evolution during ECAP [18–20]. Thus, microstructure appeared again at a higher processing temperature of
for AZ31 magnesium alloy processed by CGP at 423 K in this work, DRX 573 K. This may indicate that the extent of grain growth overpassed
was not observed after one pass and no further deformation could be that of DRX occurred in the materials processed by CGP at this tem-
conducted due to its poor formability and low ductility. At 473 K after perature. Additionally, in this investigation, the capability of CGP in
one pass, besides more twins, new DRX fine grains appeared at grain/ grain refinement of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets was confirmed. If
twin boundaries consuming the coarse matrix grains and a bimodal processed at a proper temperature like 473 or 523 K by two passes of
microstructure was developed, as shown in Fig. 4(c). It is well known CGP, a relatively homogeneous UFG microstructure as well as improved
that the grain refinement of magnesium alloys was greatly influenced properties could be attained in the materials.
by initial grain size [21]. There was a critical value of the initial grain For further examination of the influence of processing temperature
size deciding whether a homogeneous or a bimodal microstructure on microstructure and texture evolutions of AZ31 magnesium alloy
formed during SPD, and this critical grain size was between 3 and 9 µm sheets during CGP, Fig. 5 gives the EBSD and boundary structure maps,
for AZ31 magnesium alloy processed by ECAP at 473 K [21–23]. For misorientation angle distribution and {0001} pole figures of the sheets
initial grain sizes larger than the critical value, a bimodal grain struc- processed after two CGP passes at different temperatures. It can be
ture was developed at the initial stages of ECAP and gradually trans- clearly seen that the processing temperature was of great importance to
formed to be homogeneous afterwards. Similar results were also seen in grain refinement and orientation evolution of the CGPed materials.
this investigation on CGP of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets, and the According to the statistical results from the EBSD maps, the average
critical grain size in this situation was no more than 6.92 µm. With grain size of the materials was refined from 6.92 µm to 2.81 and
increasing strain, as can be seen from Fig. 4(d), more new DRX grains 4.75 µm at 473 and 523 K, respectively, while increased to 8.95 µm at
formed, and a further refined and homogenized microstructure with 573 K, as shown in Fig. 5(a-c). Obviously, the most effective grain re-
few twins and some initial coarse grains was observed after two passes finement was obtained at 473 K after two passes of CGP while at 573 K a
of CGP at 473 K. Meanwhile, subgrains with an average size of around larger average grain size was observed compared to that of the as-an-
1 µm were obtained in Fig. 4(e). Due to more non-basal slip systems nealed materials. In Fig. 5(a), a large number of new DRX fine grains
activated at higher temperatures of 523 and 573 K, no twins were found were found with their orientations very close to the initial coarse matrix
in the deformed microstructure, even after only one pass, as shown in grains. With increasing temperature, the volume fraction of new DRX
Fig. 4(f) and (i), respectively. At 523 K, slightly larger average grain grains gradually increased, as seen in Fig. 5(b) and (c) and the grain
sizes were evident after one and two passes in Fig. 4(f) and (g), com- coarsening was more remarkable at 573 K, which is consistent with the
pared with those at 473 K presented in Fig. 4(f) and (i), respectively, observation of optical microstructure shown in Fig. 4(g) and (j). In the
despite that the microstructure was further refined and homogenized by boundary structure maps shown in Fig. 5(d-f), the black line indicates
a higher strain amount after two passes. Moreover, there was no sig- high angle grain boundaries (HAGBs), the green line indicates low
nificant difference in substructure between Fig. 4(e) and (h) re- angel boundaries (LAGBs), and the color line indicates different types of
presenting the TEM micrographs of the materials deformed at 473 and twin boundaries. Correspondingly, Fig. 5(g-i) present the misorienta-
523 K, respectively. As shown in Fig. 4(i) and (j), the grain growth was tion angle distribution of the materials processed at 473, 523 and 573 K,
more significant when the materials were processed at a higher tem- respectively, and the misorientation angles less than 2° were excluded.
perature of 573 K. Nevertheless, the microstructure experienced further Firstly, as can be seen from Fig. 5(g), three significant peaks were ob-
coarsening with increasing strain, especially for the new DRX fine served with the angles ranging from 2° to 10°, near 30 and 86° related to
grains, which differed from the situations at 473 and 523 K. Corre- the LAGBs, {10−11}-{10−12} double twins and {10−12} tensile
spondingly, subgrains with clear boundaries and a larger average size of twins, respectively [24]. Obviously, the amounts of {10−12} tensile
around 3 µm were observed in Fig. 4(k). twin boundaries at both 523 and 573 K were lower than that at 473 K,
In fact, there were some discrepancies in the bimodal structures attributing to more non-basal slip systems activated to accommodate
developed by CGP at 473, 523 and 573 K after one pass, as shown in further plastic deformation at higher temperatures, as shown in
Fig. 4(c), (f) and (i), respectively, and these bimodal structures ex- Fig. 5(d-i). Meantime, the fraction of LAGBs slightly increased with the
perienced various evolutions with CGP passes. According to the grain temperature and the LAGBs were mainly observed inside the coarse
refinement model of magnesium alloys during ECAP proposed by Fig- grains at 573 K shown in Fig. 5(f). The highest frequency of HAGBs
ueiredo and Langdon, both the initial coarse grain size and the size of (72.1%) and average misorientation angle (37.0°) appeared in the
fine grains formed by DRX played key roles in microstructure evolution materials processed at 473 K, as seen in Fig. 5(g).
of magnesium alloys during SPD, and the later was dependent upon the Based on the EBSD data, {0001} pole figures of the CGPed materials
processing parameters such as temperature and speed [23]. In this ex- at 473, 523 and 573 K were also given in Fig. 5(g-i), respectively. As can
periment, the initial grain size and pressing speed were kept constant so be seen in Fig. 5(g), the texture exhibited a characteristic with the c-
the size of new DRX grains influenced by processing temperature must axes of some grains rotating to be almost parallel to the TD of the sheet
not be neglected. Generally, when processed at a higher temperature, sample. This may be caused by the appearance of {10−12} tensile
the newly formed grains were larger in size and occupying a larger twins introducing a rotation of about 86° for grains towards the TD of
volume fraction after one pass. Thus, compared to the initial coarse the sheet sample. Although the basal texture still existed, a much lower

Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 450–459

Fig. 5. The EBSD and boundary structure maps, misorientation angle distribution and {0001} pole figures of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets processed after two CGP
passes at 473 (a, d and g), 523 (b, e and h) and 573 K (c, f and i), respectively.

Fig. 6. Engineering stress-strain curves of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets processed by CGP at (a) 423, (b) 473, (c) 523 and (d) 573 K, respectively.

Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 450–459

Fig. 7. Tensile properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets processed by CGP at (a) 423, (b) 473, (c) 523 and (d) 573 K, respectively.

maximum intensity of 10.61 was obtained after processed by two passes The tensile tests demonstrated that the processing temperature
of CGP at 473 K, compared to the as-annealed sheet sample. Actually, significantly influenced the RT tensile properties of the CGPed mag-
during CGP, especially for groove pressing, the inclined SRs of the sheet nesium alloy sheets. It is well established that the mechanical properties
sample were subjected to not only pure shear strain but also compres- of magnesium alloys were mainly affected by grain refinement and
sion strain along ND and tension strain at RD-TD [5]. In this experi- texture modification [6]. As discussed above, the grain refinement was
ment, the constraint of the sheet sample along its TD was not per- not significant at 423 K, thus, the increase of strength accompanied by
formed, which was also named semi-CGP in previous reports [25,26]. In the remarkable decrease of elongation was mainly attributed to the
this procedure, slight flow along TD of the sample was allowed, prob- work hardening. It should be noted that the tensile curves and prop-
ably resulting into the occurrence of {10−12} tensile twins and the erties of the sheet sample after the first flattening were also illustrated
weakened basal texture. However, at higher temperatures of 523 and in Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 7(a), respectively. Interestingly, despite the in-
573 K, strong basal textures similar to that of the as-annealed sample complete CGP process as well as inhomogeneous strain distribution at
appeared again with the maximum intensities of 19.45 and 20.97, this stage, the deformed materials still exhibited increased yield
owing to the higher volume fractions of new DRX grains whose or- strength and tensile strength of 230 MPa and 295 MPa, respectively,
ientations were close to the initial grains [27]. and a high elongation to failure of about 18%. After the first flattening,
as illustrated in Fig. 1(c), the CGP process was still uncompleted with
SRs and URs alternately existing in the sheet sample. Theoretically, it
3.3. Mechanical properties
was expected that the plastic strain would be localized in the un-
hardened URs and the tensile properties were similar to those of the as-
Fig. 6 presents the engineering stress-strain curves of AZ31 mag-
annealed materials. Actually, a certain amount of plastic strain was
nesium alloy sheets processed by CGP at (a) 423, (b) 473, (c) 523 and
accumulated into the URs, which contributed to the increased strength
(d) 573 K, respectively. The corresponding tensile properties are given
and the reduced but still high elongation. When the temperature was
in Fig. 7. The as-annealed sheet sample expressed the yield strength and
increased to 473 K, both the yield and tensile strength experienced
tensile strength of about 181 and 270 MPa, respectively, and its elon-
gradual increase, and the decrease of the elongation was not as dra-
gation to failure was around 21%. As shown in Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 7(a),
matic as that at 423 K. As shown in Fig. 7(b), the improved tensile
after one pass of CGP at 423 K, both the yield strength and tensile
properties were obtained after the third flattening with yield strength of
strength experienced remarkable increase to 245 and 300 MPa, re-
240 MPa, tensile strength of 295 MPa and elongation to failure of
spectively, while the elongation decreased greatly to 9%. With in-
18.5%. According to the Hall-Petch relationship, the strength of poly-
creasing processing temperature, the increase of strength and the de-
crystalline materials was inversely proportional to the square root of
crease of elongation were gradually weakened, and the effect of pass
their grain size [28]. The grain refinement was most effective in this
number on the tensile properties of the materials became not very
situation, as shown in Fig. 5, which resulted into the optimum tensile
significant. After two passes, the yield strength and tensile strength
properties for the processed materials. Meanwhile, the texture mod-
were increased to 230 and 280 MPa at 473 K, and 230 and 285 MPa at
ification influencing the change of Schmid factor had an opposite effect
523 K, as shown in Fig. 7(b) and (c), respectively. Similar elongations to
to the variation of the strength. As well known, the yield strength was
failure of 16% and 17% were obtained at 473 and 523 K. However, as
greatly dependent on the Schmid factor of basal slip, and a larger
seen in Fig. 6(d) and Fig. 7(d), the variation of the tensile properties
Schmid factor was more beneficial to the basal slip, contributing to the
against pass number was negligible at 573 K, and the yield strength,
decrease of the yield strength [6,21]. Fig. 8 represents the Schmid
tensile strength and elongation to failure were 205 MPa, 270 MPa and
factors of basal slip for the as-annealed and CGPed sheet samples at
19%, which were comparable to the as-annealed materials.

Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 450–459

Fig. 8. The Schmid factors of basal slip for (a) the as-annealed and CGPed sheet samples at (b) 473 K, (c) 523 K and (d) 573 K after two passes.

473, 523 and 573 K after two passes. Obviously, the average Schmid obtained after two passes, respectively. At 573 K, the microhardness
factor for the as-annealed sample was 0.23, and it gradually increased experienced slight fluctuation and finally increased to about 71.4 HV.
to 0.25 with an almost even distribution from 0 to 0.5 after processed at Obviously, the variation of average microhardness of the materials
473 K, as shown in Fig. 8(a) and (b). Thus, at this temperature, the grain against pass number and processing temperature agreed very well with
refinement dominated the increase of the strength while the grain re- that of the yield strength, as shown in Fig. 7.
finement together with the texture modification contributed to the re-
latively high ductility [29]. With increasing temperature, the DRX and
grain growth became more significant and the effect of grain refinement 3.4. Different stages of plastic deformation during CGP
was weakened. At 573 K, a highest average Schmid factor of 0.29 was
obtained, indicating the ignorable final effect of this thermomechanical In order to further investigate the microstructure evolution and
treatment on the tensile properties of the materials. explore the plastic deformation mechanism of AZ31 magnesium alloy
Fig. 9 shows the effects of pass number and processing temperature sheets during CGP, the EBSD band contrast maps of the sheet samples
on the average microhardness of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets. In this processed at 523 K for different stages and regions are shown in Fig. 10.
experiment, the as-annealed materials had an initial microhardness of Correspondingly, based on the EBSD data from Fig. 10, the average
about 66.8 HV. As seen in Fig. 9, a dramatic increase to about 82.8 HV grain size, aspect ratio and misorienation angle as well as frequency of
was obtained at 423 K after one pass, which was caused by the domi- HAGBs of the samples are listed in Table 2. It should be noted that, in
nated work hardening effect. CGP at higher temperatures induced the band contrast maps, the black line indicates HAGBs and the green
gradual increase of microhardness with pass number. Similar variation line indicates LAGBs, and the high quality of the maps suggests high
trends were observed for the materials processed at 473 and 523 K, and reliability of the EBSD data.
the final average microhardness of about 75.5 and 77.8 HV were As can be seen from Fig. 10(a), some LAGBs were already observed
inside initial coarse grains after the first flattening, indicating a small
amount of plastic deformation was accumulated in the theoretically
URs. This also confirmed the increased strength and reduced but high
ductility of the materials at this stage, as illustrated in Fig. 7. In the SRs
shown in Fig. 10(b), more LAGBs appeared and new fine grains formed
along the initial grain boundaries resulting into the necklace-like ar-
rangement also mentioned as bimodal structure [30]. This revealed the
typical characteristics of continuous DRX during this stage of CGP [31].
When a whole pass was conducted to the materials, the grains became
more equiaxed and the frequency of LAGBs decreased, as shown in
Fig. 10(c) and Table 2. This could be interpreted by the unique de-
formation characteristics of CGP, that is, the reversal of shear direction
between every two pressings in the same plane resulted into the partly
restoration of equiaxed grains [32]. During the second pass, similar
microstructure evolution was observed with a further grain refinement,
Fig. 9. Average microhardness of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets processed by as shown in Fig. 10(d-f).
CGP at different temperatures. Evidently from the EBSD data in Table 2, it can be seen that the

Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 450–459

Fig. 10. The EBSD band contrast maps of the sheet samples processed at 523 K: (a) URs and (b) SRs after two pressings, (c) after four pressings, (d) URs and (e) SRs
after six pressings, and (f) after eight pressings.

Table 2 not be carried out at RT and only one pass could be finished at
The average grain size, aspect ratio and misorienation angle as well as fre- 423 K. At temperatures higher than 473 K, two passes including
quency of HAGBs of the sheet samples processed at 523 K for different stages eight pressings could be successfully conducted on the sheets.
and regions. (2) The capability of CGP in grain refinement and property improve-
Pass number Average Average Average Frequency of ment of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets was confirmed. A relatively
grain size aspect misorienation HAGBs /% refined and homogeneous UFG microstructure was achieved at
/μm ratio angle /° 473 K after two passes. The average grain size was refined to
Flat 1 URs 7.67 1.79 34.7 70.8
2.81 µm from the as-annealed 6.92 µm, and subgrains sized about
SRs 5.19 1.77 18.3 35.6 1 µm were observed. Correspondingly, the superior comprehensive
Flat 2 (Pass 1) 5.62 1.74 26.4 58.9 mechanical properties with yield strength of 240 MPa, tensile
Flat 3 URs 7.29 1.76 24.6 40.7 strength of 295 MPa, elongation to failure of 18.5% and average
SRs 3.74 1.71 24.2 51.5
microhardness of 73.9 HV were obtained in this situation, as
Flat 4 (Pass 2) 4.75 1.71 27.2 66.4
compared with the as-annealed yield strength of 181 MPa, tensile
strength of 270 MPa, elongation to failure of 21% and average
average grain size was decreased to 4.75 µm after the final pass while microhardness of 66.8 HV.
the microstructure was still inhomogeneous throughout the whole (3) Only twins inside initial grains and dislocation cells were observed
process. This was also demonstrated by the average aspect ratio higher at 423 K. Owing to the occurrence of DRX, bimodal structures
than 1.71 although it gradually decreased with pass number indicating formed at higher processing temperatures and experienced various
an improvement of deformation homogeneity. In addition, both the evolutions with CGP passes. The microstructure evolution was
average misorienation angle and the frequency of HAGBs experienced dominated by continuous DRX. The microstructure inhomogeneity
firstly decrease and then recovery during the whole process, as listed in existed throughout the whole process despite some improvement
Table 2. This further confirmed that the microstructure evolution was with increasing pass number.
dominated by continuous DRX in this work. At the initial stages of CGP, (4) The influence of pass number on tensile properties gradually de-
the dislocation accumulation and subgrain formation contributed to the creased with processing temperature. At 423 K, a significant im-
above decrease. Then, the subsequent increase of DRX fine grains ac- provement of strength accompanied by a great decrease of elon-
counted for the recovery of the average misorienation angle and the gation occurred due to work hardening and negligible grain
frequency of HAGBs. refinement. At 473 and 523 K, acceptable strength with high elon-
gation was attained while no significant change of tensile properties
4. Conclusions was made by CGP due to superior grain growth at 573 K. Work
hardening, grain refinement and texture modification together
In this work, a high-efficiency experimental setup with heating decided the evolution of mechanical properties of the alloy sheets
systems was newly developed to conduct CGP on sheet metals with poor processed by CGP.
formability and low ductility at RT. The cracking behavior of AZ31 (5) The as-annealed sheet sample had a strong {0001} basal texture
magnesium alloy sheets during CGP and the effects of pass number and with a maximum intensity of 18.05 which was decreased to 10.61
processing temperature on the evolutions of their microstructure and when processed at 473 K after two passes. This may be related to
mechanical properties were studied in detail. The main conclusions are the appearance of {10−12} tensile twins introducing a rotation of
drawn as follows. about 86° for grains towards the TD of the sheet sample. However,
strong basal textures with maximum intensities comparable to the
(1) The number of effective pressings gradually increased with pro- initial one appeared again at higher processing temperatures.
cessing temperature. CGP of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets could

Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 745 (2019) 450–459

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