Insight To The Pathophysiology of Stable Angina Pectoris
Insight To The Pathophysiology of Stable Angina Pectoris
Insight To The Pathophysiology of Stable Angina Pectoris
Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, 19, 1593-1600 1593
1st Cardiology Department, Hippokration Hospital, Athens University Medical School, Greece
Abstract: Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease which mainly represents an inflammatory response in the vessels. Myocardial ischemia
manifested by angina pectoris can be either acute or chronic and usually is a result of imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and
myocardial oxygen demand. Chronic stable angina is chest discomfort attributed to myocardial ischemia without the presence of necrosis
and is the most common symptom encountered by emergency room physicians. A growing amount of data has shown that endothelial
dysfunction, is now considered an important early event in the development of atherosclerosis, while in the absence of angiographically
obstructive coronary artery disease, anginal chest pain is often attributed to microvascular coronary dysfunction. Moreover, atheroma
formation and in turn, atherosclerotic plaques seem to affect coronary flow, given that multivessel flow-limiting obstructions are ob-
served in patients with chronic coronary syndrome. Morphological changes of diseased arteries related to significant atherosclerosis, such
as vascular remodeling may also result in stable angina or claudication. However, several issues with respect to the comprehension of the
pathophysiology of the chronic coronary syndrome have not been fully elucidated.
Keywords: Stable angina, atherosclerosis, pathophysiology, myocardial ischemia.
In case of elevated myocardial enzymes, such as troponin I Table 1. Diagnostic Approaches for Chronic Stable Angina
and troponin T, the applicable clinical term becomes non-ST-
elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI).
Method Comments
• Syndrome X is typically more common in women, is accom-
panied by normal coronary angiograms, and positive exercise Electrocardiogram Low sensitivity- resting ECG may be
tests, while endothelial dysfunction potentially is a critical normal in 50% of patients
pathophysiological suspect.
• Vasospastic or Prinzmental’s angina occurs at rest, often at Exercise treadmill Moderate sensitivity and specificity. Initial
night and is due to focal vasospasm of an epicardial coronary testing non-invasive test for risk stratification and
artery, rather than atherosclerotic lesions. It is characterized diagnosis of CAD
either by transient elevation in ST-segments on the electro-
cardiogram or ST depression [16]. Stress imaging Preferred in patients with a history of prior
Diagnosis (Table 1)
Stress It is limited by patient characteristics
Interestingly, a large proportion of the patients who are seen in
emergency rooms (about 50-55%), are diagnosed with non-cardiac Echocardiography (obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary
chest pain [17]. Diagnosis of cardiac chest pain relies on history, disease)
patient characteristics, and identification of classical risk factors. It Stress myocardial Preferred in women and obese patients
has been indicated that high risk patients would benefit more from
coronary angiography rather than non-invasive testing, whereas in
case of a low probability of having CAD, further work up should Cardiac magnetic Able to detect and quantify areas of
focus on non-cardiac causes of pain [18]. The electrocardiogram resonance imaging necrosis and scar tissue. Limited in patients
(ECG) is a convenient, though insensitive method of diagnosing
with metallic hardware
myocardial ischemia. A resting ECG is often normal in stable an-
gina pectoris in the absence of a previous MI, while during pain the Computed tomography Coronary artery calcification can be
ECG could show ST- segment depression and/or T wave inversion. determined. May be useful in the coronary
Also, exercise treadmill testing is recommended for the initial non- artery lumen and plaque visualization
invasive risk stratification and diagnosis of CAD in patients who
are capable of exercising and negative ECG. However, the gold Positron emission High sensitivity and contrast resolution.
standard for definitive diagnosis of CAD remains invasive coronary tomography Able to detect ischemia accurately
angiography which indicates the site and severity of a coronary
lesion, especially in patients with absolute contraindications to Coronary angiography Gold standard for definitive diagnosis of
stress testing, or medically refractory angina [19]. Functional ca- coronary artery disease
pacity classification and exercise capability in angina patients are
presented in Table 2. Angina must be differentiated from other
well-known causes of chest pain, such as gastrointestinal, muscu- Table 2. Functional Capacity Classification and Exercise
loskeletal and pulmonary causes. Capability in Angina Patients
formation of the vasoconstrictor endothelin-1 (ET-1) secreted by systemic oxidative stress and thus damage proper endothelial func-
ECs which is mainly found increased in states of endothelial dys- tion [55-58]. NO bioavailability is typically damaged as a result of
function and atherosclerosis [39, 40]. Furthermore, NO regulates eNOS gene down regulation [59] and enhanced reactive oxygen
the secretion of vWf, PAI-1, TNF-a and IL-1 which in states of species generation. NO is the most well-identified endothelial
endothelial injury increase and result in leukocyte migration and molecule that exhibits vasculoprotective properties. Obviously,
platelet aggregation. Additionally, NO exhibits antioxidant proper- reduced NO release predisposes to atheromatous disease. Particu-
ties by scavenging free radicals. Experimental studies suggest that larly, insulin itself is a well established stimulant of eNOS activity.
reduced NO is associated to O2- accumulation and subsequent to In states of DM, insulin deficiency triggers pathophysiological al-
potent reactive oxygen metabolites formation [41]. Free radicals terations that result in impaired NO bioavailability [60-62]. Be-
either directly consume NO or down regulate eNOS activity thus sides, insulin resistance activates the mitogen-activated protein
diminishing NO bioavailability and maintaining the vicious circle kinase (MARK) via the GTPase Ras (Ras/MARK pathway) and
of oxidation [42-44]. Consequently, endothelial dysfunction and the results in enhanced expression of the vasoconstrictor ET-1 as well
concomitant alterations are the initial step of atherosclerotic disease as pro-inflammatory adhesion molecules [63, 64]. Furthermore, the
and related clinical manifestations. up regulation of NADPH oxidase [65, 66] in combination with the
uncoupled eNOS activity favor the enhanced ROS generation [67].
Microvascular Dysfunction Specifically, ROS damage vascular health through directly consum-
In the absence of angiographically obstructive CAD, anginal ing NO and simultaneously favor the augmented excretion of endo-
chest pain is often attributed to microvascular coronary dysfunction. thelium-depended contracting factors [68, 69]. Additionally, endo-
It can be observed impaired dilation from ED at both macro and thelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are currently implied in the patho-
microvascular levels which may contribute to limit blood flow [19]. physiology of diabetic vasculopathy [70, 71]. EPCs are stem cells
Histologic evidence for small-vessel coronary artery disease in originating from bone marrow that are implicated in mechanisms of
patients with angina pectoris in patients with normal angiograms vascular repair. DM damages the quantity and quality of EPCs with
has revealed myointimal proliferation, endothelial degeneration, the proportionate consequences for blood vessels.
and lipid deposits in the microvasculature, while accumulating evi- Hyperlipidemia is characterized by elevated circulating levels
dence involve coronary microcirculation dysfunction in IHD [45]. of LDL which impair vascular homeostasis. The modification of
In that case, risk factors (hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, dia- LDL in the respective oxLDL seems to be the key mechanism to
betes etc.) also contribute to increased oxidant stress within endo- that process [72-74]. Hyperlipidemia reduces NO bioavailability
thelial cells to impair nitric oxide bioavailability. Moreover, similar and mobilizes inflammatory processes [75]. Specifically, hypercho-
to other cardiovascular diseases, patients with angina pectoris and lesterolemia favors leukocyte and platelet adhesion as it enhances
microvascular dysfunction usually are presented with elevated lev- the circulation of pro-inflammatory adhesion molecules [76]. Addi-
els of inflammatory biomarkers, such as C-reactive protein, sug- tionally, several experimental trials prove a remarkable increase of
gesting an underlying inflammatory process [46]. Recently, vascu- the vasoconstrictor ET-1 [77, 78]. Furthermore, essential hyperten-
lar endothelium has emerged as a potential therapeutic target, hence sion has been demonstrated to be accompanied by both increased
dilation of coronary resistance arterioles in CCS is under current basal vascular resistance and abnormal induced vasodilatatory re-
investigation [47, 48]. sponse to acetylcholine, reflecting an endothelium-derived NO
system defect. Several data have suggested that ED in hypertension
Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Atherosclerosis could be attributed to a selective abnormality of NO synthesis,
Atherosclerosis is a disease of large and medium sized arteries probably related to impaired intracellular phosphatidilinositol/Ca2+
that covers a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations such as pathway [49]. Importantly, recent evidence has shown that systemic
CAD. The formation of atheromatous plaque is the resultant of inflammation and infections may participate in the initiation and
multiple incidences including endothelial dysfunction, systemic evolution of CAD, given the potential role of mast cells, neutrophils
inflammation, dyslipidemia and impaired immunology [49]. Diabe- and dendritic cells along with the presence of macrophages and T
tes mellitus (DM), hypertension, smoking and hyperlipidemia are lymphocytes in atherosclerotic lesions [49]. For example, among
the most well-clarified incriminating risk factors which damage various mechanisms, viral and bacterial infections have been found
endothelial homeostasis in multiple ways. to be involved in the development and progress of atherosclerosis
Clinical and experimental studies have investigated the se- by triggering several inflammatory processes which lead to the
quences of pathophysiological alterations that lead to the formation expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules,
of atheromatous plaque. Specifically, the concomitant endothelial migration and differentiation of smooth muscle cells [49, 51, 52].
dysfunction triggers the enhanced circulation of pro-inflammatory
cytokines and growth factors [50, 51]. Under those conditions, cir- THE ATHEROSCLEROTIC PLAQUE
culating immune cells (leukocytes, monocytes, lemphocytes) attach Furthermore, macrophages at this stage metabolise cholesterole
to the vessel wall while VSMCs under the influence of growth and and modify to foam cells. The foam cells’ interactions with other
chemotactic factors migrate and proliferate within the intima [52]. cells, such as T lymphocytes, form fatty bands, leading to the de-
Furthermore, low density lipoproteins (LDL) and cholesterol build velopment of the subendothelial lipid core, which is one of the most
up within the intima and thus the vessel wall progressively thickens. important stages of the progress of a vulnerable plaque [79]. A
Additionally, secluded from blood antioxidants, LDL are modified growing body of data has identified several molecular and cellular
to oxidized forms (oxLDL) which contribute to the formation of the processes causing the atherosclerotic plaques and progressing to a
atheromatous plaque in two ways. On one hand, oxLDL triggers vulnerable plaque in which, subclinical inflammation seem to play
systemic inflammatory response with the aforementioned resultants crucial role [4]. Atheroma formation and in turn, atherosclerotic
[53]. In addition, macrophages that have previously migrated into plaques seem to affect coronary flow, given that multivessel flow-
the vessel wall undertake oxLDL and transform into foam cells limiting obstructions which are observed in patients with CCS.
[54]. Apparently, inflammatory and oxidative mechanisms are Even though, vulnerable plaques (rupture, erosions, intraplaque
dominant in pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and are triggered by hemorrhages) are considered the pathophysiological substrate of
multiple risk factors analyzed below. ACS, the mechanisms responsible for the evolution of CCS are not
DM is a major risk factor that contributes multifactorily in the elucidated yet [80].
emergence and progression of the atherosclerotic disease. Hyper-
glycemia, insulin resistance and elevated free fatty acids result in
1596 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, Vol. 19, No. 9 Tousoulis et al.
It is well-known that lipid core formation is accompanied by several stages, such as gene transcription, and the inhibition of the
smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation leading to the pro- active enzyme by endogenous inhibitors. A2-macroglobulin and
duction of collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins (elastin, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) normally regulate
proteoglycans), which provide mechanical strength. Actually, ma- MMPs, while disruption of the balance between the MMPs’ pro-
trix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a family of zinc metallo-endopep- duction and their inhibition may result in uncontrolled ECM poduc-
tidases, seem to be involved in all stages of the atherosclerotic tion and remodeling observed in several cardiovascular diseases
process, from the initial lesion to plaque rupture. Also, it has been [94].
recently suggested that MMP activity may facilitate atherosclerosis, Matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors, as well as the
plaque destabilization, and platelet aggregation [81, 82]. Advanced interactions among arterial wall components, determine a major
plaques tend to present with large lipid cores in which the extracel- part of arterial mechanical properties in cardiovascular diseases. For
lular matrix has been extensively degraded. These lesions also con- example, patients with essential hypertension exhibit predominantly
sist of a fibrous cap probably attributable to dysfunctional or apop- eutrophic inward remodeling (small arteries), while in secondary
totic smooth muscle cells. Activated macrophages in the atheroscle- hypertension hypertrophic remodeling is mostly being observed
rotic plaque may induce collagen breakdown in the fibrous cap by [95]. More specifically, a significant contributor to the development
MMPs, thus contributing to the vulnerability of plaques to rupture of atherosclerotic lesions is circulating inflammatory cells. Even
[82, 83]. Smooth muscle cell dysfunction is stimulated by macro- though, the underlying mechanisms allowing for leukocyte after the
phages via several mechanisms including the production of nitric adhesion event remain largely unknown, it has been recently sug-
oxide, pro-inflammatory cytokines. Moreover, it has been shown in gested that MMP action may facilitate these processes [96]. It has
previous studies that macrophages participate at the eventual rup- been demonstrated that interactions between T lymphocytes and
ture of a thin fibrous cap, given the fact that plaques usually rupture endothelial cells potentially trigger T-cell secretion of MMP-2,
at sites of increased macrophage content [81]. which degrades basement membrane [97]. In turn, infiltrating cells
Plaque rupture may occur rapidly or gradually and, unstable interact with ECM, oxidized lipids, and with each other which lead
plaques often rupture at the plaque shoulder, where T lymphocytes in production of MMPs in macrophages and further structural
and macrophages are more common than smooth-muscle cells [83]. changes [96].
Eventually, rupture of the fibrous cap releases lipids, inflammatory Furthermore, given its role as a potent vasoconstrictor but also
cells, tissue factor, necrotic debris, and platelet derived prothrom- as an inflammation mediator and a promoter of cell growth, matrix
botic substances to the circulation, provoking the platelet activation deposition and prothrombotic state, angiotensin II is considered a
and aggregation and thrombosis. Accumulating evidence also sug- regulatory factor in the changes in wall structure and function dur-
gest that increased density of vasa vasorum is present in lesions ing vascular remodeling. Although several angiotensin receptors
with increased inflammatory activation and intraplaque hemor- have been described, type 1 (AT1) receptor potentially plays crucial
rhage, suggesting that these microvessels contribute to plaque pro- role on the physiological and pathological effects during vascular
gression [84]. Furthermore, systemic factors may influence local remodeling. The AT1 receptor signals through small GTP-binding
plaque instability and this is nicely exemplified by data which have proteins which stimulate several signaling cascades, leading in tis-
shown that high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level is independ- sue remodeling via induction of SMC hypertrophy, hyperplasia, and
ently related to increased risk of acute coronary event. Of note, migration and extracellular matrix production [98].
several biomarkers implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
and its complications have emerged as potent biomarkers for early Recently, differences in vascular remodeling have been ob-
detection of myocardial ischemia [85, 86]. served related to variations in SMC phenotype. In particular, they
may be appeared in several states, such as decreased, apoptotic, or
VASCULAR REMODELING AND ARTERIAL STIFFNESS dysfunctional in terms of synthesis and repair of extracellular ma-
IN ATHEROSCLEROSIS trix [99]. Obviously, morphological changes of diseased arteries
related to significant atherosclerosis include progressive flow-
Vascular remodeling is considered as any change in the size
limiting stenosis and result in stable angina or claudication. Recent
and/or composition of the vessels in the ground of adaptation and
advances in clinical imaging have led to the observation that while
repair. Moreover, homeostasis of the vascular extracellular matrix
atherosclerotic lesions develop within the intimal layer, the whole
(ECM) may affect structural and functional properties of the arterial
arterial wall is reshaped resulting in different geometrical patterns.
wall, such as vascular remodeling and arterial elasticity [87]. Al-
Therefore, vascular remodeling can be expansive, also known as
terations in hemodynamic forces including luminal pressure and
positive (compensatory) remodeling, which is observed more often
shear stress, either physiological or pathological, lead to functional
and to a greater degree in ACS than in CCS [100]. Otherwise, it can
and/or structural alterations of the vascular wall including changes
be constrictive, also known as negative remodeling which occurs in
in wall diameter and thickness. However, these changes are not
most patients with a CCS and a few patients with an ACS presenta-
solely determined by hemodynamic forces, and a role for inflamma-
tion [99]. These later considerations have shifted current concept of
tory responses and changes in ECM components has been sug-
atherosclerosis and have provided a framework for understanding
gested [88, 89].
current pathophyiological determinants of ACS and stable angina.
The ECM in the vascular has a supporting and structural role
Large-artery stiffness due to alterations in ECM, is an inde-
and its function (elasticity, resistance to stretch) depends for the
pendent predictor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, re-
most part on collagens and elastin, the main protein constituents of
sponsible for increased peripheral resistance and is the main deter-
vessels [90]. Moreover, proteoglycans and structural glycoproteins,
minant of pulse pressure. Aortic stiffness can be estimated directly
which are synthesized by the three vascular cell types: intimal en-
by assessing pulse wave velocity (PWV) along the descending
dothelial cells, medial smooth muscle cells and adventitial fibro-
aorta, using appropriate software [101]. Notably, increased arterial
blasts, play crucial roles in other functions of vessels, while colla-
stiffness and wave reflection amplitude are associated with in-
gen types I and III represent 60% and 30% of vascular collagens,
creased systolic aortic pressure and pulse pressure as well as myo-
respectively [91, 92]. Moreover, metalloproteinases are endopepti-
cardial systolic wall stress and oxygen demand [102]. With regards
dases that physiologically participate to tissue remodeling in several
to its relation to MMPs and ECM alterations, it has been observed
physiological processes. In contrast, they are enzymes that degrade
increased MMP-9 activity in state of hypertension, whereas in an
the ECM, contribute to the physiological remodeling after a tissue
experimental absence of MMP-9 activity resulted in arterial stiff-
injury thus, overexpression of these enzymes has unfavorable ef-
ness [103]. Accordingly, in healthy individuals circulating MMP-2
fects [93]. The proteolytic activity of MMPs may be regulated at
and MMP-9 have been inversely associated with arterial stiffness
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