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Sts Module3 Answer Sheets

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Human Flourishing

Name: Schedule:
Course, Year, & Section: Faculty:



1. What makes you happy?

- My makes me happy now during quarantine is watching youtube or tiktok in social media or
computer games online, listening music and one of my way to realese all my problem stress,
pain, anxiety to avoid my problem before the quarantine is go to the beautiful spots to makes
me happiness like travel in mountains to see the tall tree and the oceans waves so to be one of
nature can one of makes me happiness.

2. Which matters to you more, health or wealth?

- For me of course health because very important this better than wealth then if you are rich but
your condition in your health is abnormal this is a useless to the wealth and money cannot buy
if you are death. so health can you protect since you have a wealth as much as possible wealth
measure use to good action and maintain the healthy lifestyle. last wealth like a things did not
you will never carry it to your death.

3. What is your basis to say someone is prosperous?

-For me to say someone to prosperous speaking of poor and rich you are born to poor so not a
big deal but if you are again die in poor is that a big deal issue so you need to improve your
mindset to move forward because if you cannot create action to your problem you are still in
down so move forward to be successful in your life to achieve your goals in life.

Guide Questions:

1. How does a virtuous person describe in the video?

- Virtue person means would carry out in the same circumstances and the action is only right like
during the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, in the right amount, toward the right people.
2. Based on the video, why the following terms are described as golden mean between the two

2.1. Courage
- Virtue golden mean according the Aristotle courage mind point between two extremes
cowardice and recklessness
Cowardise is vice deficiency of courage
Recklessness is vice excess of courage both are said “You definitely can have to much of a
good thing
Courage is finding the right way to Act”

2.2. Honesty
- Honestly is perfect mind point between brutal honestly and failing to say things that need to
be said
Honestly -it also means knowing how to deliver hard truths gracefully. How to break bad nes
gently, or to offer criticism in a way that’s constructive, rather than soul – crushing.

2.3. Generosity
- The virtue of generosity with the same way stringiness and but also two much prodigality

3. Who are moral exemplars and what are they for?

- According this theory build to be ability to recognized and the designers to emulated them so
learn virtue by watching it, and none doing it.

4. Why do we have to develop eudaimonistic life?

- Because to improve more think positive in your life pushing yourself to achieve your goal and
finding success to makes your full of the happiness.

5. Do you agree that character is developed through habituation? Why?

-Yes, I’m agree to Aristotle said if you do a virtous think over and over again, eventually it will
become part of your character.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Answer these pre-discussion questions before you proceed to the next
part of this module.

1. What do you think is/are the inputs of eudaimonia (human flourishing) or eudaimonic life to the
development of Science and technology?
-Yes, for me because eudaimonia (human flourishing) is part of science can gaves you any
explaination about your happiness and also to your doing good what you do to find makes your

2. What are the advantages of having eudaimonic life in the perspective of science?
- The advantages focuses on the development of habits that promote human excellence &

3. What about its disadvantages?

- The disadvantages is without focus in self – centeredness, Misguidance, Limited

Guide Questions:

1. How do these two theories help in the development of science and technology?
-Falsification – popper’s idea to refuse a theory to disprove it and Verification – all statements
must be empirically proven to be considered scientific this two theories help in the development
of science and technology as to create knowledge by identifying true statements as true
(verified) and false. Statements as false (Falsified)

2. Based on the discussion, which of the two is more acceptable to you? Why?
- For me if I choose one I accept is verification because this is a important part of verified if your
answer is true in your word but the correct answer is false to know what your mistake and to be
successful in your goals.

3. 3. Based on the videos, how can a scientific theory be falsified?

- For example, based on the video the hypothesis that “all swans are hite” can be falsified by
observing a black swan.
4. Do you agree that Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory is a pseudoscience? Why?
- Yes, I’m agree because if has produced so many hypotheses that cannot be refuted empirically

5. What are the qualities of a scientist should we possess to accept the idea of Karl Popper towards
- The qualities of a scientists are rethinking the fundamental principle that scientific theories
must make testable predictions, and “Falsifiability” by the 20 th century philosopher of science
karl popper.



1.) How would you apply the concept of Eudamonia or human flourishing within you, with
others, and with the community?

- For me Eudaimonia (human flourishing) is all about like a way to find your makes happiness
such as playing online games in social media platforms for avoid or release the more stress,
anxiety, trauma etc. in your life and to come freedom one day or less one day to be freedom
always no more pressure to come the others same vibes to find makes happiness but in the
community Eudaimonia (Human Flourishing) purposes is help so many people to achieve the
goals in our life.

2.) Does eudaimonic life supports the idea of sustainable development? Why?

- Yes, for me it’s because eudaimonic is influencing so many people to do good not bat action
and can reflects in the community to improve more create technology can helps improvement in
the society.

3.) Will endemonic life support human to have solutions – oriented mindset?

- Yes, because eudemonic can helps people to change mindset to do good and stay chill in your
life if you are tired on your work then eudemonic one of support to you achieve your goals in
your our life.

4.) Using the framework given below, what are the necessary skilss you need to attain
eudaimonic life? In no less than20 sentences, justify your answer:

- For me using example the Global citizenship like awareness and openness it’s because this is a
important to be endaimonic because being awareness in your life and in your society is one to
kind the necessary and Openness in your community or as a person you can do all good action in
your life.
1 How would you apply the concept Eudaimonia or human flourishing
. you
of with others, and with the within
Edit your answer here
, community?


2 Doe eudaimoni lif supports the idea of sustainable development?

Edit your answer
s c here
. _____________________________________________________________
e Why?

3 Will eudemonic lif support human to have -oriented mindset?

Edit your
. answer here
e solutions

4 Using the ew rk given wha are the necessary skills you need
. attai
frameudaimonio life below,
In no less than,
t 20tosentences, justify your
n c ? answer.

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