Thermodynamic Properties of The Elements (1956)
Thermodynamic Properties of The Elements (1956)
Thermodynamic Properties of The Elements (1956)
Tabulated values of the heat capacity, heat content,
entropy, and free energy function of the solid,
liquid, and gas states of the first 92 elements are
given for the temperature range 298° to 3000°K.
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.fw001
AH Rights Reserved
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.fw001
given elsewhere for compounds, the authors have provided the (H0298 — Ho0)
values that will allow conversion from one reference temperature to the other.
It is perhaps regrettable that the authors have not elected to attempt the
difficult task of assigning uncertainties to the data, particularly the heats of
sublimation. Often, differences between thermodynamic quantities are known
with much higher accuracy than the absolute values are known. Thus, it is
frequently necessary to retain many figures beyond the last significant figure to
retain the accuracy of the relative values. However, when no indication of the
absolute accuracy is given, the person using the tables can be deceived by the
number of figures presented. It is important to know the limitations of the
calculations that one is making. Some of the heats of sublimation given in the
tabulations are uncertain enough to cause uncertainties in the calculated vapor
in R is 1 in 27,000, and should be kept in mind when the values in this tabulation
are combined with values from earlier tabulations based on the old temperature
scale. Also, the values used for A, k, and Ν have fluctuated in recent years and
the values used in this compilation are probably not the ones that will be gener
ally accepted in the f u t u m Here again, the corrections are nuisance corrections
rather than significant ones, but it appears likely that the data tabulated i n
these tables for gaseous elements will have to be recalculated for complete con
sistency with future tabulations when general agreement has been reached on
the values of A, k, and N, as well as the ratio of the physical and chemical atomic
weight scales. Fortunately, the modern calculating machines make this chore
relatively easy.
A word should be said about the use of these tables in evaluating vapor
pressure data or in calculating vapor pressures from the heats of sublimation.
Because of the difficulty in obtaining accurate temperature coefficients, the
calculation of heats of sublimation or vaporization from the temperature co
efficient of the vapor pressure is often not reliable. When entropies are known
and free energy functions are available, the preferred method of treating the
data is to calculate the heat of vaporization or sublimation from each vapor
pressure by means of the relationship, AH^g = Τ [AF°/T - (AF° - ΑΗξ^/Τ],
where the function (AF° - AH^/T is tabulated in the tables and AF°/T is
obtained from the equation AF°/T = — RT In P . If the data have no serious
temperature-dependent errors, the values of AH^B derived from data at different
temperatures will show no trend with temperature. If the data are subject to
error, AH^s will show a trend with temperature. However, a reasonably good
value can still be obtained from the average ΔϋΓ°98> whereas the temperature co
efficient of the vapor pressure would yield a heat greatly in error.
Because the heats of sublimation and vapor pressures are related through
the free energy functions, it is important that they be used consistently. Heats
of sublimation derived through the use of free energy functions in other tabula
tions should not be used with the tables given here. Comparison of the data
in this compilation with those in other compilations will show differences in
the tabulated values, even though the same original data were treated, because
of different methods of preparation of the free energy functions. In spite of
the tables and the interrelationships of the data if he plans to make extensive
use of the values. Moreover, he must not use them blindly. T h e actual num
bers tabulated for the different thermodynamic functions are not so significant
as the final equilibrium constants that are to be calculated from them. These
tables are designed to yield equilibrium constants of as high an accuracy as can
be obtained from the available data. Thus, the uncertainty of a given heat of
sublimation may be considerably smaller in regard to its use for calculation of
vapor pressures than in regard to its use for heat balance calculations.
The above considerations point out the importance of having all thermo
dynamic tables prepared in a consistent way, preferably by a single group.
New data are being obtained at a rapid rate and it is important to have some
permanent staff of experienced people providing continuous revisions, either
through use of loose-leaf additions or through lists of revised values. T h e
National Bureau of Standards has made a start in this direction with the pub
lication of Series I and II of their thermodynamic compilations in Circular
500. Since the publication of Circular 500, however, the N B S group appears
to have lost its momentum; work on Series III, the high temperature compila
tion, seems to have come to a halt except for some tabulations published in the
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. T h e job of obtaining a
complete tabulation of all available data is such an enormous one that no single
group could hope to do it adequately. It is to be hoped that many groups will
contribute by tabulating data in their fields of interest so that the first stage of
a complete compilation can be achieved. T h e n it might be possible for the
National Bureau of Standards to keep these tables up to date, but even this
would require much more adequate staffing and support.
In many instances, estimates were necessary to carry out the calculations.
E v e n for the elements a surprising amount of experimental data are necessary
to put the tables on a firmer basis. It is hoped that research workers will take
note of these gaps and endeavor to fill them when they have the equipment and
materials on hand. Thermodynamics can be an extremely powerful tool,
but its edge is severely blunted when the fundamental starting data are lacking.
Berkeley, California LEO BREWER
August, 1956
dynamics as a useful research and engineering tool. When accurate data are available, a
screening program based on thermodynamic calculations frequently points out the most
favorable approach to the production of the elements and their compounds. E v e n
estimates can sometimes indicate the most promising of the available routes or the most
suitable material for a particular purpose.
Examples of thermodynamic calculations are discussed by Kelley (181, 183, 184)
(italic numbers i n parentheses refer to the bibliography on page 227) i n his pioneer bulle-
tins on practical applications of thermodynamics. Other examples are detailed b y
Brewer and coworkers (36). M o r e recently, Margrave (222) has presented the advan-
tages of the free energy function i n thermodynamic calculations. I n the hydrocarbon
field, representative papers b y Rossini and coworkers (103, 189, 339) demonstrate the
value of thermodynamics for the petroleum industry.
In order to make thermodynamic data for chemical compounds consistent and
directly comparable, values for the heats and free energies of formation must a l l refer to a
single set of data for each element. I t was to provide such a set of data for the tempera-
ture range from 298° to 3000° K . that this project was undertaken. T h e choice of a
reference state for any particular element is somewhat arbitrary, but we believe the
most practical choice is that of the condensed state u p to the temperature at which the
vapor pressure of the element reaches one atmosphere and the ideal gas state above this
temperature. W e have therefore elected to use the crystalline solid from room tempera-
ture to the melting point at one atmosphere, the liquid from the melting point to the
normal boiling point, and the most representative ideal gaseous species i n the tempera-
ture range from the normal boiling point to 3000° K . I n two cases, arsenic and phos-
phorus, the vapor pressure of the solid reaches one atmosphere at a temperature below the
melting point and the liquid is not used as a reference state for these elements.
Tables for this defined reference state, including the heat capacity, the heat content
relative to 298.15° K . , the absolute entropy, and the free energy function at even 100°
intervals from 298.15° to 3000° K . have been assembled for the first 92 elements. These
tables are arranged alphabetically beginning on page 36. T h e choice of 298.15° K .
as the reference temperature is made because the low temperature heat capacities of
many elements and compounds are not known. M o s t of the thermodynamic data now
reported i n the literature refer to 25° C , which, when combined with the recent inter-
national agreement on 273.15° K . for the ice point (819) gives a reference temperature of
298.15° K . T h e figure 298° K . quoted i n the tables and text should be understood to be
the reference temperature, 298.15° K . F o r those who prefer to use 0° K . as the reference
temperature, we have included, for cases i n which it is known, the heat content at 298.15°
K . relative to 0° K .
Changes i n phase i n the tables are indicated b y lines drawn across the tables i n the
appropriate temperature interval, while the nature of the phase change is easily deter-
mined from the description of the reference state at the top of each table. T h e tables
are based on 1 gram atomic weight of the element, except for hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen,
and the halogens, for which the more familiar diatomic form is used.
I n addition to these reference state tables, we have tabulated the thermodynamic
properties of all but a few of the ideal gaseous species over the entire range from 298.15° K .
to 3000° K . These values can be readily calculated from molecular constant and spectro
scopic data b y methods described i n standard texts (158, 225, 271). Pertinent data were
mainly taken from the compilations of Moore (241), Herzberg (152), and L a n d o l t -
Bornstein Tabellen (208). Estimates were made for a few molecules for which spectro
scopic data were not available.
A t temperatures below the normal boiling point of an element, the heat and free
energy of formation of these gaseous species refer to the process
xE (condensed) -*· E (gas)
of formation, given i n the last column of these tables, is, therefore, identical with the
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch001
logarithm of the partial pressure i n atmospheres of the gaseous species E i n the saturated
vapor of the element E. The total vapor pressure of the element Ε is obtained b y adding
together the partial pressures of the various species which make up the vapor. I n the
frequent cases i n which only the monatomic form is present, the vapor pressure is directly
determined from the logarithm of the equilibrium constant of formation of the mon
atomic gas.
Above the normal boiling point, the heat and free energy of formation refer to the
? E (gas)
v E, (gas)
in which E is the gas species selected as the reference state and E is any other form of
y 9
interest. T h e equilibrium constant i n this case can be used to calculate the amount of
each form present i n the vapor, provided the saturation pressure of the element is not
exceeded. The vapor density can be readily calculated from these data b y considering
the equilibria among the various gaseous species.
U p o n examination of the tables, i t will become evident that the gaseous reference
state selected may not be the most stable state over the entire temperature range i n which
it is used. F o r example, our selection of ideal diatomic gas for the reference state of
phosphorus is based on the fact that this form predominates i n most of the temperature
range from 704° to 3000° K . F o r a short range just above 704° K . , however, the equilib
rium constant of formation of the tetratomic form indicates that this form is more
stable than the diatomic form. Similarly, monatomic chlorine is more stable than the
reference state of diatomic chlorine at temperatures above 2100° K . Since the transition
from one gaseous species to another takes place over a considerable teinperature range,
it is not possible to select a single species for these elements which is always the most
stable. I n order to keep an unambiguous expression for the equilibrium constant,
however, i t is necessary to use a single form for the reference state. When considering
the equilibrium point of a reaction involving the reference state of an element, therefore,
it may be necessary also to take into account the equilibrium between the reference state
and other elemental gas species.
Sources and discussion of the data presented for each element begin on page
10. T h e elements are arranged alphabetically according to their names. I n many
cases, the tables for the condensed states represent an assemblage of information from
previous exhaustive compilations, particularly those of Kelley (180, 182, 185, 186),
Rossini and coworkers (274), and Brewer (85). W e have searched the literature through
1955 i n order to bring these compilations up to date. A considerable mass of new thermo
dynamic data is now available and it is believed that in many cases the present tables are an
improvement. F o r some of the gaseous species, earlier calculations b y Brewer (85)
and b y K a t z and Margrave (178) agree i n general with our values. Since our data are
given at smaller temperature intervals, interpolation should be simplified. Several
investigators have made their experimental information available to us i n advance of
publication and we express our gratitude to them. Comments and suggestions by readers
of an earlier limited edition have been very helpful.
In spite of the diligent efforts of many able scientists, there are still many gaps i n our
knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of the elements. I n cases where other
workers have made reasonable estimates needed to fill these gaps we have used them,
while i n numerous instances we have made our own estimates. I t is difficult to assess
the reliability of these estimates and we have operated on the principle that an "educated
guess" may be of some value. When experimental data are available we will be among
the first to abandon our estimates.
We wish to thank the many coworkers who assisted i n the assembling, computation,
and printing of this report.
The Dow Chemical Co.
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch001
Midland, Michigan
July 1956
The values used are the 1953 international atomic weights published by Wichers
(345) except for the 12 elements revised on recommendation of the Commission on
Atomic Weights of the International U n i o n of Pure and Applied Chemistry (101).
Element Symbol Number Atomic Weight 9
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch002
Actinium Ac 89
Aluminum Al 13 26.98
Antimony Sb 51 121.76
Argon A 18 39.944
Arsenic As 33 74.91
Astatine At 85 (210)
Barium Ba 56 137.36
Beryllium Be 4 9.013
Bismuth Bi 83 209.00
Boron Β 5 10.82
Bromine Br 35 79.916
Cadmium Cd 48 112.41
Calcium Ca 20 40.08
Carbon C 6 12.011
Cerium Ce 58 140.13
Cesium Cs 55 132.91
Chlorine CI 17 35.457
Chromium Cr 24 52.01
Cobalt Co 27 58.94
Copper Cu 29 63.54
Dysprosium Dy 66 162.51
Erbium Er 68 167.27
Europium Eu 63 152.0
Fluorine F 9 19.00
Francium Fr 87 (223)
Gadolinium Gd 64 157.26
Gallium Ga 31 69.72
Germanium Ge 32 72.60
Gold Au 79 197.0
Hafnium Hf 72 178.50
Helium He 2 . 4.003
Holmium Ho 67 164.94
Hydrogen H 1 1.0080
Indium In 49 114.82
Iodine I 53 126.91
Iridium Ir 77 192.2
Iron Fe 26 55.85
Krypton Kr 36 83.80
Lanthanum La 57 138.92
Lead Pb 82 207.21
Element Symbol Number Atomic Weight 0
Lithium Li 3 6.940
Lutetium Lu 71 174.99
Magnesium Mg 12 24.32
Manganese Mn 25 54.94
Mercury Hg 80 200.61
Molybdenum Mo 42 95.95
Neodymium Nd 60 144.27
Neon Ne 10 20.183
Nickel Ni 28 58.71
Niobium Nb 41 92.91
Nitrogen Ν 7 14.008
Osmium Os 76 190.2
Oxygen 0 8 16 (defined)
Palladium Pd 46 106.4
Phosphorus Ρ 15 30.975
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch002
Platinum Pt 78 195.09
Polonium Po 84 210.
Potassium Κ 19 39.100
Praseodymium Pr 59 140.92
Promethium Pm 61 (145)
Protactinium Pa 91 231
Radium Ra 88 226.05
Radon Rn 86 222
Rhenium Re 75 186.22
Rhodium Rh 45 102.91
Rubidium Rb 37 85.48
Ruthenium Ru 44 101.1
Samarium Sm 62 150.35
Scandium Sc 21 44.96
Selenium Se 34 78.96
Silicon Si 14 28.09
Silver Ag 47 107.880
Sodium Na 11 22.991
Strontium Sr 38 87.63
Sulfur S 16 32.066 6
Tantalum Ta 73 180.95
Technetium Te 43 (99)
Tellurium Te 52 127.61
Terbium Tb 65 158.93
Thallium Tl 81 204.39
Thorium Th 90 232.05
Thulium Tm 69 168.94
Tin Sn 50 118.70
Titanium Ti 22 47.90
Tungsten W 74 183.86
Uranium U 92 238.07
Vanadium V 23 50.95
Xenon Xe 54 131.30
Ytterbium Yb 70 173.04
Yttrium Y 39 88.92
Zinc Zn 30 65.38
Zirconium Zr 40 91.22
° A value given i n parentheses denotes the mass number of the isotope of longest
known half life.
Because of natural variations in relative abundance of the sulfur isotopes, its atomic
weight has a range of ±0.003.
Rossini and coworkers (272) give values for the necessary physical constants. T h e
new value of the ice point has been used (319), necessitating changes i n some of the
derived constants. Although some calculations were made using older constants, the
difference does not affect the thermodynamic functions in the second decimal place.
g.f .w. = G r a m formula weight
i/ «M5 - Ho = Enthalpy at 298.15° K . relative to 0° K . i n cal./g.f.w.
cal./g.f .w.
S T = Absolute entropy at temperature T° K . i n cal./deg./g.f.w.
F — U298.1S „ £ A.' * 1 /_i / t (HT ~~ # 2 9 8 · ΐ δ )
ψ = Free energy function m cal./deg./g.f.w. = ψ S
Giauque and Meads (123) have measured the low temperature heat capacity from 15°
to 302° K. and calculate at 298° K. an entropy of 6.769 ±0.02 e. u. and an enthalpy of
1094 cal./gram atom. T h e heat capacity and heat content data for the solid state are
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
taken from the work of K e l l e y (185). The melting point appears well established at 932°
± 1° K. (185, 206, 274). A value of 2550 cal./gram atom has been selected as the heat
of melting on the basis of Kelley's heat content data, since the recent determinations of
Oelsen, Oelsen, and Thiel (254) and W i t t i g (348) are not i n good agreement. The liquid
heat capacity value given b y K e l l e y (185) has been extrapolated to the boiling point.
Huff, Gordon, and M o r r e l l (163) have calculated the thermodynamic properties of
the ideal monatomic gas using spectroscopic data given b y Moore (241). Vapor pressure
measurements have been made b y Brewer and Searcy (39), B a u r and Brunner (23), and
Farkas (108). G i v i n g Brewer and Searcy's data the most weight, we derive a heat of
sublimation at 298° K. of 77,500 cal./gram atom, a boiling point of 2720° K., and a heat
of vaporization at the normal boiling point of 70,200 cal./gram atom.
The low temperature heat capacity has been measured by Anderson (9) and by
DeSorbo (88), who calculates the entropy at 298° K . to be 10.92 ±0.05 e. u. F r o m these
data we calculate the enthalpy at 298° K. to be 1410 cal./gram atom. K e l l e y (185) lists
the heat capacity of the solid above 298° K. and the liquid as well as the melting point of
903° K., with an associated heat of melting of 4740 cal./gram atom. These values agree
well with those of Kubaschewski and coworkers (206), and the heat of melting is about
the average of the heat measured by Oelsen, Oelsen, and Thiel (254) and b y W i t t i g (347).
The thermodynamic functions of the monatomic gas were calculated from the spectro-
scopic values given b y Meggers and Humphreys (233). T h e thermodynamic func-
tions of the diatomic gas are based on the data given b y K e l l e y (185, 186) and were ex-
tended to 3000° K .
I n addition to the vapor pressure data listed b y K e l l e y (180) and Brewer (35), meas-
urements have been made by Nesmeyanov and l o f a (247) and b y Richards (267). C o n -
sidering all these data, the best fit is obtained b y combining the thermodynamic functions
of the monatomic and diatomic species with the following values: (1) an entropy of 83.65
e. u. at 298° K. and a heat of sublimation at 298° K. of 49,000 cal./mole for the gaseous
species S b ; (2) a heat of sublimation at 298° K. of 56,400 cal./mole for the gaseous species
S b ; and (3) a heat of sublimation at 298° K. of 62,700 cal./mole for the monatomic gas.
The last value is consistent with the value of 69,000 cal./mole given b y Gaydon (118) t o r
the dissociation energy of the diatomic gas. These values lead to a total vapor pressure
of a l l species of one atmosphere at 1910° K., i n good agreement with the measured value
of von Leitgebel (211). The heat of vaporization of 1 gram atomic weight at 1910° K.
to the equilibrium vapor is 16,230 cal. The reference state selected is the condensed state
below 1910° and the ideal diatomic gas state above 1910° K. Note that the reference
state table is based on 1 gram atomic weight (121.76 grams) for a l l phases.
Clusius and Frank (61) find 83.78° K . for the melting point with 280.8 eal./gram
atom for the heat of melting as well as 87.29° K . for the normal bailing point and 1558
cal./gram atom for the associated heat of vaporization. These vapor pressure data are
substantiated b y the more recent work of Clark, D i n , Robb, Michels, Wassenaar, and
Zwietering (57). Thermodynamic properties of the ideal gas have been calculated at
the National Bureau of Standards (296). K o b e and L y n n (193) select 151° K . for the
critical temperature and 48.0 atmospheres for the critical pressure.
F r o m the heat capacity measurements of Anderson (7) from 57° to 291° K . , Kelley
(186) calculates the entropy at 298° K . to be 8.4 =fc 0.2 e. u., and we calculate the enthalpy
at 298° K . to be 1226 cal./gram atom. Kelley (186) gives the heat capacity of the solid
from 298° K . to the melting point of 1090° K . where he estimates the heat of melting (182)
as 6620 cal./gram atom. Our data indicate a vapor pressure of about 28 atmospheres at
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
this temperature. Thermodynamic functions for the monatomic gas were calculated
using the spectroscopic data listed b y Moore (241). Kelley (186,186) lists heat content
and entropy for the diatomic gas, while Gaydon (118) adopts 90,800 cal./mole for the
dissociation energy of the diatomic gas at 0 ° K .
Vapor pressure data, as reviewed by Brewer and K a n e (37), can be represented by
assuming the tetratomic molecule to be the gaseous species, with a heat of sublimation
at 298° K . of 34,500 cal./mole, an entropy at 298° K . of 75.00 e. u., and a reasonable
estimate of the heat capacity. According to this view, there is no appreciable concentra-
tion of the diatomic species i n the vapor at saturation pressure below 1000° K . , which
sets a lower limit of about 48,000 cal./mole for the heat of sublimation at 298° K . for the
diatomic gas. Comparison with the bond energies of P and S b gives support to this
4 4
The data of Preuner and Brockmôller (262) lead to an unreasonably low figure and
are somewhat discredited b y comparison of their values for phosphorus, antimony, and
sulfur with those of other workers. The heat of sublimation at 298° K . to the monatomic
species was calculated to be 69,400 cal./mole using G a y don's value (118) for the dissocia-
tion energy of the diatomic gas. This treatment leads to a total pressure of one atmos-
phere at 886° K . and a heat of sublimation of 7630 cal./gram atom. F o r the reference
state we have selected the solid below 886° K . and the ideal diatomic gas above the subli-
mation point. Note that the reference state table is based on 1 gram atomic weight (74.91
grams) for a l l phases.
These data are entirely estimated by comparison with the other halogens and are
intended to serve only until measured data become available.
K e l l e y (181) estimates the entropy at 298° K . as 16,0 e. u. while Latimer (210) esti-
mates 15.1 e. u. We adopt 15.5 e. u . Kubaschewski (205) has reported solid and liquid heat
capacity data, a heat of transition of 140 =fc 80 cal./gram atom at 643° K . , and a heat
of melting of 1830 =fc 70 cal./gram atom at 983° K . The heat capacity of the solid beta
phase and the liquid phase appear to be extraordinarily high, and when combined with
vapor pressure data lead to a very unusual Trouton's constant of about 14. Conse-
quently, we have estimated a lower heat capacity of the condensed phases by comparison
with calcium.
Thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic gas were calculated using spectro-
scopic da*:a from Bacher and Goudsmit (19). Vapor pressures have been measured b y
Hartmann and Schneider (146) and b y Rudberg and Lempert (278). W e consider the
data of the former workers to be more reliable. Their data give a heat of sublimation a t
298° K . of 41,740 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 1910° K . , and a heat of vapor
ization at the normal boiling point of 36,070 cal./gram atom.
H i l l and Smith (156) have measured the heat capacity from 4 ° to 300° K . Their
results lead to an entropy of 2.28 e.u. at 298° K . and an enthalpy of 468 cal./gram atom.
The recent measurements of solid heat capacity of Ginnings, Douglas, and B a l l (127)
have been adopted and extrapolated to the melting point. T h e melting point accepted
by several sources is 1556° ± Γ Κ . (206,207,274), while the recent review of Kubaschew-
ski and coworkers (206) gives 2800 db 500 cal./gram atom for the heat of melting. I n
the absence of any liquid heat capacity data, we have used the value of 7.50 eal./degree/-
gram atom estimated b y K e l l e y (187).
Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated using
the energy levels given b y Moore (241). . T h e vapor pressure data of Gulbransen and
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Andrew (188) and of Holden, Speiser, and Johnston (160) are i n good agreement, while
the results of Schuman and Garrett (288) are too low and the values given b y B a u r and
Brunner (23) have a wrong temperature dependence. W e calculate a heat of sublimation
at 298° K . of 77,900 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 2750° K . , and a heat of
vaporization of 70,400 cal./gram atom at the normal boiling point.
Low temperature heat capacity measurements b y Anderson (10), Bronson and
M a c H a t t i e (42), Keesom and v a n den Ende (176), and Armstrong and Grayson-Smith
(16) were used to calculate an entropy and enthalpy at 298° K . of 13.58 e. u . and 1536
cal./gram atom, respectively. F r o m many sources, K e l l e y (185) derives an equation for
the solid heat capacity above 298° K . Kubaschewski and coworkers (206) select 544.5°
K . as the melting point and 2600 =fc 50 cal./gram atom for the heat of melting. D a t a on
the liquid heat capacity are discordant and the average value for liquid metals of 7.50
cal./degree/gram atom has been used.
Thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic gas were calculated using the
energy levels listed i n Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen (208). K e l l e y (185, 186) gives data
for the diatomic gas. T h e dissociation energy given b y Gaydon (118), 39,200 cal./mole,
indicates the saturated vapor must be largely monatomic. Of the vapor pressure measure
ments, those of O'Donnell (252) are about an average of the low pressure region while
in the normal boiling point range the determination of von Leitgebel (211) is considered
most reliable. When corrected for the actual composition of the gas, the results of
O'Donnell and von Leitgebel are i n excellent agreement and lead to a value of 47,500
cal./gram atom for the heat of sublimation at 298° K . of the monatomic species. C o m
bining this value with the dissociation energy given b y Gaydon yields a heat of sublima
tion at 298° K . of the diatomic form of 55,300 cal./mole. F r o m these data we calculate
a normal boiling point of 1832° K . and a heat of vaporization to equilibrium gas at 1832° K .
of 36,200 cal./gram atom.
Johnston, Hersh, and K e r r (168) have measured the heat capacity of the crystalline
form from 13° to 305° K . , and calculate the entropy at 298° K . to be 1.403 db 0.005 e. u .
and the enthalpy at 298° K . to be 292 cal./gram atom. I n the absence of definite informa
tion, we have estimated that the solid heat capacity will reach a value of 7.5 cal./degree/-
gram atom at the melting point and have extrapolated the low temperature measurements
in a reasonable manner to obtain this value. Cueilleron (77) has measured the melting
point of the crystalline variety and reports a range of 2273° to 2348° K . , which we have
M c D o n a l d (227) has measured the melting point to be 265.95° K . , while Rossini
and coworkers (274) hst 2520 cal./mole (2 gram atomic weights) for the heat of melting.
M c D o n a l d (227) has also measured the heat of vaporization i n the temperature range from
298° to 308° K . , from which we derive 7450 cal./mole for the heat of vaporization at
298° K . Evans, Munson, and Wagman (106) have calculated the thermodynamic proper-
ties of the ideal diatomic and monatomic gases, while G a y d o n (118) gives 45,440 cal.'/mole
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Craig and coworkers (75) have recently measured the heat capacity from 12° to 320°
K . and have reported the entropy at 298° K . as 12.37 =fc 0.01 e.u. These heat capacity
data lead to an enthalpy at 298° K . of 1491 cal./gram atom. Kelley's values (185) for the
neat capacity of the solid and liquid, the melting point of 594° K . , and heat of melting
of 1450 cal./gram atom have been used. T h e last value is i n good agreement with the
recent measurements of Oelsen and coworkers (258., 254)*
The thermodynamic properties of the monatomic gas have been calculated from
spectroscopic data given b y Landolt-Bornstein (208), K e l l e y (180) has selected 1038° K .
for the boiling point and 23,870 cal./gram atom for the heat of vaporization. T h i s leads
to a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 26,750 cal./gram atom. Recent measurements
of O'Donnell (251) and K o t o v (202) are i n good agreement with K e l l e y ' s selected value,
giving heats of sublimation of 26,620 and 26,910 cal./gram atom, respectively.
Kelley (186) selects the entropy at 298° K . as 9.95 =fc 0.10 e. u . , relying almost entirely
on the low temperature data of Clusius and Vaughen (70). F r o m these data we calculate
an enthalpy at 298° K . of 1380 cal./gram atom. The solid and liquid heat capacity data
given b y Kubaschewski (205) have been used. H e lists 713° K . for the solid state transi-
tion with a heat of transition of 270 =fc 40 cal./gram atom and 1123° K . as the melting
point, with a heat of melting of 2070 db 80 cal./gram atom.
Thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from the
spectroscopic information reported b y Moore (241). Vapor pressure measurements have
been made b y Douglas (88), H a r t m a n n and Schneider (146), Pilling (261), Priselkov and
DeSorbo and T y l e r (86) have recently measured the heat capacity from 13° to 300°
K . , and calculate the entropy at 298° K . to be 1.372 =fc 0.005 e. u., and an enthalpy at
298° K . of 251 cal./gram atom. Thermodynamic properties of the solid and the ideal
monatomic gas have been taken from the compilation of Rossini and coworkers (278).
Thermodynamic properties of the ideal diatomic gas have been calculated from the spec-
troscopic data of Herzberg (152). Our calculated entropy at 298° K . agrees with that cal-
culated b y K e l l e y (186), but is R In 3 less than the value calculated b y Gordon (129).
According to Brewer (84) additional low lying electronic states are to be expected, so
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Douglas (87), and that of Reaction 3 is from B r i x and Herzberg (41). T h i s gives for
Reaction 4 at 298° K . a value of 170,890 =fc 500 cal./gram atom. I n view of the uncer-
tainties that have been mentioned, we estimate the total vapor pressure reaches 1 atmos-
phere at a temperature of about 4000° K .
Parkinson, Simon, and Spedding (257) have measured the heat capacity from 2 ° to
180° K . and report the entropy at 298° K . to be 16.64 e. u. and a n enthalpy at 2 9 8 K .
of 1742 cal./gram atom. W e have adjusted Kelley's (185) solid heat capacity equation
so that i t joins smoothly with the low temperature data. Spedding and Daane (814)
report a transition at 1027° K . and a melting point of 1077° K . W e have estimated the
heats accompanying these phase changes, as well as the liquid heat capacity. A h m a n n
(4) and Brewer (85) have measured the vapor pressure, and differ b y nearly one order of
magnitude. T a k i n g a n average of their data and estimating the gaseous spectroscopic
contribution, we find a normal boiling point of 3200° K . , with an associated heat of
vaporization of 75,000 cal./gram atonu
Based on the low temperature measurements of Dauphinee, M a r t i n , and Preston-
Thomas (82), we calculate an entropy at 298° K . of 20.16 e. u. and an enthalpy at 298° K .
of 1859 cal./gram atom. Clusius and Stern (69) have measured the melting point as
301.8° K . W e have averaged the values for heat of melting reported by K e l l e y (186),
Dauphinee, M a r t i n , and Preston-Thomas (82), and Clusius and Stern (69) to obtain 510
cal./gram atom. T h e liquid heat capacity measurements of Dauphinee, M a r t i n , and
Preston-Thomas (82) have been extrapolated to the boiling point.
Evans, Jacobson, Munson, and Wagman (105) have calculated the thermodynamic
properties of the ideal monatomic and diatomic gases and list 10,380 cal./mole for the
heat of dissociation of the diatomic gas. Vapor pressure measurements have been made
by Scott (290), Ruff and Johannsen (281), Taylor and Langmuir (824), Fuchtbauer and
Bartels (116), Kroner (204), and by Hackspill (HI). T h e data of the last four sets of
workers are i n excellent agreement, and lead to a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 18,670
cal./gram atcm for the ideal monatomic species, 26,630 cal./mole for the ideal diatomic
species, a norn a l boiling point of 958° K . , and a heat of vaporization to equilibrium vapor
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Based on the measurements of Giauque and Powell (124) Rossini and coworkers (274)
give the melting point, 172.16° K . ; heat of melting, 1531 cal /mole; normal boiling point,
239.10° K . ; and heat of vaporization, 4878 cal./mole. T h e critical temperature, 417°
K . , and critical pressure, 76.1 atmospheres, listed b y K o b e and L y n n (198) have been
adopted. Evans, Munson, and Wagman (106) have calculated the thermodynamic
properties of ideal monatomic and diatomic gases. They select 57,880 cal./gram mole
for the dissociation energy at 298° K . Note that the reference state table is based on
2 gram atomic weights.
L o w temperature measurements b y Weertman, B u r k , and Goldman (842) and by
Anderson (12) are i n fair agreement and give an entropy at 298° K . of 5.70 e. u. and a n
enthalpy of 973 cal./gram atom. Recent heat capacity work b y Armstrong and Grayson-
Smith (17) on a very pure sample has been adopted and has been extended to join Kelley's
(185) equation smoothly at about 1300° K . K e l l e y s equation has been extrapolated to
the transition. I n working with multicomponent systems as well as very pure chromium,
Bloom, Putnam, and Grant (28) have found evidence of a transition at 2113° =fc 15° K .
and a melting point of 2176° =fc 10° K . T h e data of Grube and K n a b e (187) on the
palladium-chromium system lead to a calculated heat of melting of 3300 =fc 200 cal./gram
atom. However, the directly measured value of Umino (882) is 3650 cal./gram atom and
probably includes the heat of the transition, so we have selected the difference, 350 c a l . /
gram atom for the heat of the transition, leaving 3300 ± 200 cal./gram atom for the heat
of melting. T h e heat capacity of the solid above the transition has been assumed to
have the same value as the liquid, which K e l l e y (179) reports as 9.70 cal./degree/gram
atom based on Umino's data.
Thermodynamic properties for the ideal monatomic gas state have been calculated
using the spectroscopic energy levels listed by Moore (241). The vapor pressure has been
reported by Speiser, Johnston, and Blackburn (817), Gulbransen and Andrew (189), and
B a u r and Brunner (28). The data of B a u r and Brunner appear to be too high, since there
is good agreement i n the data of the first two sources. W e calculate the heat of sublima-
tion at 298° K . to be 95,000 cal./gram atom, the normal boiling point of 2915° K . , and
a heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point of 83,360 cal./gram atom.
F r o m the data of Duyckaerts (92) as well as their own low temperature measure-
ments from 15° to 270° K . , Clusius and Schachinger (68) calculate an entropy at 298° K .
of 7.18 e. u . W e calculate from these same data an enthalpy at 298° K . of 1146 cal./gram
atom. Since the latest compilation of K e l l e y (186), Armstrong and Grayson-Smith (17)
have measured the heat capacity of a very pure sample up to 1073° K . They report a
peak i n the heat capacity curve from 720° to 755° K . which we interpret as a sluggish
phase change. W e select 720° K . as the ideal transformation temperature which would
be obtained with infinitely slow heating. Armstrong and Grayson-Smith obtain 60 c a l . /
gram atom as the heat of this transition b y direct integration of the peak. T h e heat
capacity data of Armstrong and Grayson-Smith have been used and extrapolated to the
Curie point. The Curie point is given b y the " M e t a l s Handbook" (216) as 1388° K . and
by M e y e r and Taglang (286) as 1404° K . W e interpret these data as a lambda point a t
1395° K . of undefined shape and add 130 cal./gram atom at this temperature, the value
selected b y K e l l e y (185) for this discontinuity. T h e melting point was determined as
1768° =fc 1° K . b y V a n Dusen and D a h l (836). K e l l e y (185) lists 3640 cal./gram atom
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
for the heat of melting and also gives the liquid heat capacity.
We have calculated the thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic gas from
the spectroscopic data of Moore (241). Vapor pressure has been measured b y Dancy
(80), Ruff and K e i l i g (282), K o r n e v and G o l u b k i n (199), and b y Edwards, Johnston,
and Ditmars (98). W e have the most confidence i n the measurements of Edwards,
Johnston, and Ditmars, although the data from the other three sources form a different
consistent pattern. Combining the measurements of Edwards, Johnston, and Ditmars
with the other thermodynamic data, we find the heat of sublimation at 298° K . to be
101,600 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 3150° K . , and a heat of vaporization
at the normal boiling point of 91,400 cal./gram atom.
Kelley (186) has calculated the entropy as 7.97 =fc 0.02 e. u. based on heat capacities
from several sources including measurements to 1 ° K . Giauque and Meads (128) give
the enthalpy at 298° K . as 1201 cal./gram atom. Solid and liquid heat capacity and heat
of melting of 3120 cal./gram atom have been taken from Kelley's (185) compilation.
Rossini and coworkers (274) give 1356° K . as the melting point.
Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from
spectroscopic data given by Moore (241 ). Older vapor pressure measurements of Harteck
(145) and of Marshall, Dornte, and Norton (228) agree with the more recent measure-
ments of Hersh (151) a n d of Edwards, Johnston, and Ditmars (99). F r o m these data we
find the heat of sublimation at 298° K . to be 81,100 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling
point of 2855° K . , and a heat of vaporization at 2855° K . of 72,800 cal./gram atom.
Griffel, Skochdopole, and Spedding (136) have measured the heat capacity from 15°
to 300° K , and report an entropy at 298° K . of 17.78 e. u . and an enthalpy at 298° K .
of 2116 cal./gram atom. Spedding and Daane (814) indicate 1773° K . as the approximate
melting point and have measured the vapor pressure at 1390° K . as 0.01 m m . of mercury
(818). They calculate a heat of vaporization at 1390° K . of 66,700 cal./gram atom. F r o m
these data we estimate the boiling point as 2600° K . and the heat of vaporization at the
boiling point as 60,000 cal./gram atom. T h e solid, liquid, and gas heat capacity and heat
of melting are a l l estimated and are intended for use only until measured values become
Skochdopole, Griffel, and Spedding (810) have measured the heat capacity from 15°
to 320° K . , and calculate an entropy at 298° K . of 17.48 e. u . and an enthalpy at 298° K .
of 1763 cal./gram atom. Spedding and Daane (814) indicate a melting point of about
1800° K . and from their suggested volatility we estimate a normal boiling point of 2900°
K . The remaining data have been estimated by comparison with related metals and
should be used only until measured values are available.
Skochdopole, Griffel, and Spedding (810) have compared measured entropies for the
rare earths with theoretically predicted values. Although they do not predict a value
for europium, they believe i t is somewhat higher than its immediate periodic table neigh-
bors. O n this basis, we adopt a value of 17 e. u. for the entropy of europium at 298° K .
Spedding and Daane (814) remark that europium is the most volatile of the rare earths.
Landolt-Bornstein (208) report available spectroscopic terms from which we have cal-
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
culated the thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic gas. T h e remaining data
listed for this element are estimated and are consistent with the above known facts.
These data are intended for use only until measured values become available.
H u , White, and Johnston (162) have determined the low temperature thermal data
for fluorine and report a solid state transition at 45.55° K . with a heat of 173.90 cal./mole,
the melting point at 53.54° K . with a heat of melting of 121.98 =fc 0.5 cal./mole, the b o i l -
ing point at 85.02° K . , and a heat of vaporization at 84.71° K . of 1563.98 db 3 cal./mole.
The resulting calorimetric entropy of the gas at 85.02° K . is i n excellent agreement with
that calculated b y statistical methods. Correcting the heat of vaporization to 760 m m .
and 85.02° K . gives 1562 db 4 cal./mole. The critical temperature, 144.2° K . , and pres-
sure, 55 atmospheres, have been taken from C a d y and Hildebrand (50). Thermodynamic
functions for the ideal monatomic and diatomic gases as well as the dissociation energy
are from the work of Evans, M u n s o n , and Wagman (106). Note that the reference state
represents 2 gram atomic weights for this element.
These data are completely estimated b y comparison with the other alkali metals and
are intended to serve only until measured data become available.
Griffel, Skochdopole, and Spedding (185) have measured the heat capacity from 15°
to 355° K . , and report an entropy at 298° K . of 15.77 e. u . and an enthalpy of 2172 c a l . /
gram atom. W e have estimated the solid and liquid heat capacities as well as the heat
of melting. Spedding and Daane (814) report approximately 1600° K . for the melting
point and a volatility which places the normal boiling point i n the vicinity of 3000° K .
Gaseous spectroscopic data from Russell (284) permit calculation of the thermodynamic
properties of the ideal monatomic gas. Based on these data, we calculate a heat of subli-
mation at 298° K . of 82,500 cal./gram atom and a heat of vaporization at the normal
boiling point of 74,500 cal./gram atom.
A n entropy of 9.82 =fc 0.05 e. u . and an enthalpy of 1331 cal./gram atom at 298° K . ,
based on measurements from 15° to 323° K . , have been calculated b y Adams, Johnston,
and K e r r (1). Their values for the heat of melting, 1335 cal./gram atom, melting point
303° K . , and liquid heat capacity are also employed. Speiser and Johnston (816) have
estimated the liquid heat capacity to be 6.65 cal./degree/gram atom i n the high tem
perature region.
Thermodynamic properties for the ideal monatomic gas have been computed from
the spectroscopic energy levels reported b y Moore (241) > Vapor pressures reported b y
Harteck (146) are somewhat lower than the more recent measurements of Speiser and
Johnston. G i v i n g the latter workers the most weight we calculate a heat of sublimation
at 298° K . of 65,000 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 2510° K . , and a heat of
vaporization at the normal boiling point of 61,200 cal./gram atom.
Estermann and Weertman (104) and H i l l and Parkinson (166) have recently meas
ured low temperature heat capacities of very pure samples, covering the temperature
range from 0 ° to 200° K . with good agreement. T h e extension of the heat capacity
curve to the melting point was accomplished b y direct analogy with similar measured
data for silicon and gray t i n . T h i s results i n a smooth curve reaching a value of 7.0 c a l . /
degree/gram atom at the melting point. Integration leads to a n entropy at 298° K . of
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
7.43 =fc 0.10 e. u., i n good agreement with the value of 7.40 e. u . derived b y Coughlin (78),
and an enthalpy at 298° K . of 1105 cal./gram atom. Hassion, Thurmond, and Trumbore
(147) have measured the melting point under a variety of conditions and report 1210.4°
K . W i t t i g (848) and Greiner (188) have measured the heat of melting as 7100 and 8100
cal./gram atom, respectively. A n average of 7600 cal./gram atom has been adopted.
We have estimated the heat capacity of the liquid to be 7.0 cal./degree/gram atom.
We have assumed that the gas is ideal and monatomic and have calculated the ther
modynamic properties based on the energy levels of Moore (241 ). Searcy (891 ) and Searcy
and Freeman (298) have measured the vapor pressure, while H o n i g (161) has studied the
vapor species i n a mass spectrometer. These data are consistent with a heat of sublima
tion at 298° K . of 90,000 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 3100° Κ , and a heat
of vaporization at 3100° K . of 79,900 cal./gram atom.
Geballe and Giauque (119) have recently measured the heat capacity from 15° to
300° K . , and report the entropy and enthalpy at 298° K . to be 11.32 db 0.02 e. u . and 1434
cal./gram atom, respectively. The solid and liquid heat capacity and the heat of melting
have been taken from the compilation of K e l l e y (185). Stimson (819) has listed 1336.15°
K . , the defined melting point, as a primary calibration point on the International T e m
perature Scale. F r o m spectroscopic data listed b y Landolt-Bornstein (208), we have cal
culated the thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic gas. Vapor pressure data
given b y H a l l (142) lead to a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 84,700 cal./gram atom, a
normal boiling point of 2980° K . , and a heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point
of 77,540 cal./gram atom.
L o w temperature heat capacities have been measured b y Cristescu and Simon (76)
from 13° t o 210° K , and by Weertman, B u r k , and Goldman (842) from 50° to 200° K .
Since the latter workers have not substantiated the anomaly reported b y the former
workers, we have adopted the values of the latter group and have extrapolated them to
absolute zero with a Debye function. F r o m this information, we calculate the entropy at
298° K . to be 10.91 e. u. and the enthalpy at 298° K . to be 1448 cal./gram atom. W e have
estimated the heat capacity of the solid above 298° K . and of the liquid. A transition
point has been reported b y Duwez (91) and b y Fast (110). T h e melting point has been
reported b y Adenstedt (2), L i t t o n (218), and Zwikker (862). Considerable disagreement
is evidenced by these values. There is probably a transition in the vicinity of the melting
point, but in view of the uncertainty existing, we have elected to minimize the necessary
estimations b y considering a single phase change at the melting point and combining any
transitional heat with the heat of melting. I t seems to us that the most reasonable melt-
ing point is that given by Adenstedt, 2250° K . Estimating the entropy of melting at 2.3
e. u., we calculate the heat of melting to be 5200 cal./gram atom.
F r o m data given i n the Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen (208), we have calculated the
thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas. Richardson (268) has roughly
measured the normal boiling point to be 5400° K . , which is i n good agreement with the
estimate b y Brewer (85) of 5500° K . , which we have used. F r o m these data we calculate
a heat of sublimation at 298°.K. of 168,000 cal./gram atom, and at the normal boiling
point a heat of vaporization of 158,000 cal./gram atom.
The solid is not stable at one atmosphere, and can only be obtained at elevated pres-
sures. I n the range from 0° to 1° K . , the required pressure is reported by Simon and
Swenson (804) as 25 atmospheres. A t a pressure of 103 atmospheres, Keesom (174)
reports the melting point to be 3.5° K . , with an associated heat of 5 cal./gram atom.
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Keesom also reports the second order transition (lambda point) at 2.186° K . , and the
normal boiHng point at 4.216° K . with the associated heat of vaporization of 20 cal./gram
atom. Thermodynamic properties for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated
at the National Bureau of Standards (295). Kobe and L y n n (198) report the critical
temperature as 5.3° K . and the critical pressure as 2.26 atmospheres.
Skochdopole, Griff el, and Spedding (810) have estimated the entropy at 300° K .
to be 17.81 e. u., very close to the entropy of dysprosium. Spedding and Daane (814)
give the approximate melting point of 1773° K . , and place its volatility similar to that of
dysprosium. This element appears to be very similar to dysprosium. The values listed
are, therefore, based on dysprosium and are to be used only until measured data are
Woolley, Scott, and Brickwedde (850) have compiled the thermodynamic properties
for normal hydrogen. They list the melting point as 13.95 ° K . and give the heat of
melting measured b y Simon and Lange (802) as 28.0 db 0.15 cal./mole. Unpublished
vapor pressure measurements by Brickwedde and Scott cited in the compilation lead to a
normal boiling point of 20.390° K . , the presently accepted value. A new determination
of the temperature scale using gas thermometry by Moessen, Aston, and Ascah (288) will,
if adopted i n 1960 by the International Committee of Weights and Measures, lead to a
value of 20.365° K . The value measured by Simon and Lange for the heat of vapori-
zation is 215.8 ± 1.1 cal./mole.
White, Friedman, and Johnston (848) have measured the critical constants for normal
hydrogen and have found 33.24 ° K . and 12.797 atmospheres. Woolley, Scott, and B r i c k -
wedde have presented data on the dissociation energy and the thermodynamic properties
for the ideal diatomic gas, including contributions from nuclear spin. W e have omitted
the spin entropy i n compiling our tables. Thermodynamic properties for the ideal mon-
atomic gas have been computed at the National Bureau of Standards (295). Note that
the reference state represents 2 gram atomic weights for this element.
Clusius and Schachinger (66) have measured the heat capacity from 12° to 273° K . ,
and Clement and Quinnell (58) from 1.7° to 21.3° K . , from which can be derived the en-
tropy at 298° K . of 13.82 e. u . and an enthalpy at 298° K . of 1578 cal./gram atom. R o t h ,
Meyer, and Zeumer (275) have reported data for the solid heat capacity, melting point,
heat of melting, and liquid heat capacity. Oelsen (258) has measured the heat of melt-
ing and liquid heat capacity and Oelsen, Oelsen, and Thiel (254) give a value for the heat
of melting. F r o m these sources we have selected our heat capacity data and the heat
of melting of 780 cal./gram atom. Valentiner (338) has accurately measured the melt-
ing point as 429.32° K .
Thermodynamic properties for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from
energy levels listed i n the Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen (208). Kohlmeyer and Spandau
(194) have measured the normal boiling point directly and report 2273° =fc 10° K . A n -
derson (14) has measured the vapor pressure from 1000° to 1348° K . H i s results extra-
polate to a normal boiling point of 2364° K . W e have selected the heat of sublimation at
298° K . to be 57,000 cal./gram atom, which leads to an average normal boiling point
of 2320° K . and an associated heat of vaporization of 54,100 cal./gram atom.
O n the basis of literature values of low temperature heat capacities, Kelley (186) cal-
culates an entropy at 298° K . of 27.9 e. u., i n good agreement with calculations of Giauque
(120). Giauque also reports an enthalpy of, 3178 cal./gram mole and a heat of sublima-
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
tion of 14,877 cal./gram mole, both at 298° K . Kelley (185) gives an equation for the
heat capacity of the solid to the melting point of 386.8° K . , the heat of melting as 3770
cal./mole, the heat capacity of the liquid to the normal boiling point at 456° K . , and the
heat of vaporization at the boiling point of 9970 cal./mole. Thermodynamic properties
of the ideal monatomic and diatomic species as well as the dissociation energy are given
by Evans, Munson, and Wagman (106). Note that the reference state represents 2
gram atomic weights for this element.
The entropy at 298° K . has been estimated by Lewis and Gibson (212) to be 8.7 ±
0.5 e. u . Kelley (185) has given an equation for the solid heat capacity from 298° to
1800° K . , which we have extrapolated to the melting point and have assumed that the
heat capacity of the liquid is the same as that of the solid at the melting point. Based on
the work of Henning and Wensel (150) and of M o r r i s and Scholes (242), Vines (838)
selects a melting point of 2727° K . F o r a face-centered cubic lattice, we adopt an en-
tropy of melting of 2.3 e. u., which leads to a heat of melting of 6300 cal./gram atom.
Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from
spectroscopic data listed i n the Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen (208). Brewer (88) be-
lieves a former estimate of 4800° K . for the normal boiling point is somewhat high, and
we have selected 4400° K . This results i n a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 150,000
cal./gram atom and a heat of vaporization at 4400° K . of 134,700 cal./gram atom.
Kelley (186) gives the entropy at 298° K . as 6.49 =fc 0.03 e. u., based on measurements
from 1° K . upward. F r o m these data an enthalpy at 298° K . of 1070 cal./gram atom can
be derived. A n excellent review on the high temperature thermal properties of iron is
given b y Darken and Smith (81) and we have used their data exclusively. W e prefer
their treatment of the heat capacity i n the vicinity of the Curie point. According to this
view, there is no change i n phase i n this temperature region and hence no heat of transi-
tion. There is a very sharp peak or lambda point in the heat capacity curve at 1033° K .
and the measured data have been integrated directly to obtain the derived values. Bona
fide transitions occur at 1183° and 1673° K . , with associated heats of 215 and 165 c a l . /
gram atom, respectively. The melting point is listed as 1812° K . with a heat of melting
of 3670 cal./gram atom. Liquid heat capacity data of D a r k e n and Smith have been
extrapolated to the boiling point.
Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from
spectroscopic data reported by Moore (241)· The vapor pressure of iron has been meas-
ured b y Jones, Langmuir, and M a c k a y (170), Marshall, Dornte, and Norton (228) and
Edwards, Johnston, and Ditmars (98). While agreement between the first two sets of
observations is good, truly pure iron has only been produced within the last few years.
Thus, we believe the slightly lower pressures reported by Edwards, Johnston, and Ditmars
are more nearly correct. Their data yield a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 99,830
cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 3160° K . , and a heat of vaporization of 83,900
cal./gram atom.
Clusius (60) reports 115.9° K . for the melting point and 391 cal./gram atom for the
heat of melting. Michels, Wassenaar, and Zwietering (287) have measured the vapor
pressure and find 119.75° K . for the normal boiling point. Clusius, K r u i s , and Konnertz
(64) have measured the heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point as 2158 cal./gram
atom. K o b e and L y n n (198) give 209.4° K . as the critical temperature and 54.3 atmos-
pheres for the critical pressure. Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas
have been calculated at the National Bureau of Standards (295).
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Parkinson, Simon, and Spedding (257) have measured the heat capacity from 2° to
180° K . , and calculate the entropy at 298° K . as 13.60 e.u. and the enthalpy at 298° K . as
1569 cal./gram atom. Kelley (185) reports the heat capacity of the solid above room
temperature. Spedding and Daane (814) have reported the melting point at 1193° K .
We estimate the heat of melting to be 2700 cal./gram atom. Kelley (187) has estimated
the liquid heat capacity. Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas have
been calculated from the spectroscopic data reported i n the Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen
(208). Daane (78) has measured the vapor pressure from 1600° to 1900° K . B y select-
ing a smoothed value i n the middle of this range, we derive a heat of sublimation at
298° K . of 99,600 cal./gram atom. These data extrapolate to a normal boiling point of
3640° K . and a heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point of 95,500 cal./gram atom.
Based on seven sets of measurements covering the range from 2° to 303° K . , K e l l e y
(186) computes the entropy at 298° K . to be 15.49 ± 0.05 e.u., while Meads, Forsythe, and
Giauque (280) report the enthalpy at 298° K . to be 1644 cal./gram atom. D a t a for the
solid and liquid heat capacity, melting point, and heat of melting have been adopted
from the work of Douglas and Dever (90). Thermodynamic functions of the ideal mon-
atomic gas have been computed from the energy levels listed i n the Landolt-Bornstein
Tabellen (208).
Vapor pressures have been measured by Baur and Brunner (28), Harteck (145),
Rodebush and D i x o n (269, 270), Fischer (111), von Leitgebel (211), Egerton (100),
von Wartenberg (841), Ingold (164), Greenwood (180-182), and Ruff and Bergdahl (279).
Measurements reported i n the last six references are high i n comparison with the remain-
ing measurements and, i n agreement with Kelley (180), we believe these high results are
unreliable. Of the first seven references, we have given the most weight to the results
of Rodebush and D i x o n i n calculating a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 46,800 cal./gram
atom. Extrapolation gives a normal boiling point of 2024° K . and a heat of vaporization
at the normal boiling point of 42,880 cal./gram atom.
Evans, Jacobson, Munson, and Wagman (105) have critically reviewed the litera*
ture and have selected a consistent set of values. They find the entropy at 298° K .
to be 6.753 e. u . , the enthalpy at 298° K . as 1092.2 cal./gram atom, the melting point as
453.70° K . , and the heat of melting to be 722.8 cal./gram atom. They present the solid
and liquid heat capacities as well as the thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic
and diatomic gases. They have also summarized the vapor pressure data and derive
heats of sublimation at 298° K . of 38,440 cal./gram atom and 50,470 cal./gram mole for
the monatomic and diatomic gases, respectively. F r o m these data we calculate that this
system reaches a total pressure of one atmosphere at 1604° K., at which temperature the
heat of vaporization to equilibrium gas is 32,190 cal./gram atom.
Skochdopole, Griffel, and Spedding (810) have estimated the entropy at 300° K . as
11.79 e. u . Spedding and Daane (814) report the melting point i n the range from 1923°
to 2023° K . and place the volatility between samarium and thulium. Klinkenberg (192)
gives the available spectroscopic data from which we calculate the thermodynamic prop-
erties of the ideal monatomic gas. T h e remaining data are estimated, are consistent
w i t h the above facts and are intended for use only until measured information is available.
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
The third law entropy based on measurements from 12° to 320° K . b y Craig and
coworkers (75) is 7.81 e. u . at 298° K . Using their heat capacities we calculate an en-
thalpy at 298° K . of 1195 cal./gram atom. I n addition to the heat capacity data r e -
viewed b y Kelley (185), we have considered the values given b y Kubaschewski (206, 206)
and the measurements of M c D o n a l d and Stull (228). The heat of melting is 2140 c a l . /
gram atom from M c D o n a l d and Stull. Rossini and coworkers (274) have selected a
melting point of 923° K .
Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from
the energy levels reported b y Moore (241). Vapor pressure data measured by B a u r and
Brunner (28), H a r t m a n n and Schneider (146), Greenwood (180), von Leitgebel (211),
Schneider and Esch (286), Vetter and Kubaschewski (887), Ruff and H a r t m a n n (280),
and Coleman and Egerton (72) are i n reasonably good agreement, except for Coleman
and Egerton who are somewhat high. G i v i n g the most weight to the results of H a r t -
mann and Schneider, we calculate a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 35,600 cal./gram
atom, a normal boiling point of 1390° K . , and a heat of vaporization at the normal boil-
ing point of 30,750 cal./gram atom.
Shomate (800), Kelley (177), Armstrong and Grayson-Smith (16), Elson, Smith, and
Wilhelm (102), and Booth, Hoare, and M u r p h y (29) have reported low temperature heat
capacity data. F r o m these data we calculate an entropy and enthalpy at 298° K .
of 7.65 e. u . and 1194 cal./gram atom, respectively. Above 298° K . Armstrong and G r a y -
son-Smith (17) and N a y l o r (244) have reported heat capacity measurements which we
regard as equally reliable. W e adopt an average of these data to the first transition.
Naylor finds transitions at 1000°, 1374°, and 1410° K., with accompanying transitional
heats of 535, 545, and 430 cal./gram atom, respectively. T h e heat capacity between
1000° K . and the melting point has been adjusted to give the enthalpy found by N a y l o r .
The melting point, heat of melting, and the liquid heat capacity have been given by K e l l e y
(186) as 1517° K . , 3500 cal./gram atom, and 11.00 cal./degree/gram atom, respectively.
Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from
the energy levels listed by Moore (241). Brewer (88) has reported the heat of sublima-
tion at 298° K . as 66,730 cal./gram atom, which leads to a normal boiling point of 2314°
K . and a heat of vaporization at 2314° K . of 52,520 cal./gram atom.
Busey and Giauque (48) have measured the heat capacities and transitional heats
from about 15° to 300° K . Their melting point of 234.29° K . is i n good agreement with
that of Wilhelm (846) who found 234.287° K . and proposed this transition as a secondary
thermometrie calibration point. Busey and Giauque (48) find 548.6 cal./gram atom for
the heat of melting, 18.19 e. u. for the entropy of the liquid state at 298° K . , and an enthalpy
at 298° K . of 2232 cal./gram atom. L i q u i d heat capacities of Busey and Giauque have
been adopted. They have extended their measurements by adjusting the values of
Douglas, B a l l , and Ginnings (89) to join smoothly with their own.
Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas were calculated. Energy
levels listed by Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen (208) indicate that below 3000° K . there is
no electronic contribution. Busey and Giauque have reviewed the vapor pressure data
and find the normal boiling point at 629.88° K., the heat of vaporization to the ideal mon-
atomic gas at the normal boiling point of 14,137 cal./gram atom, while the heat of vapori-
zation at 298° K . is 14,652 cal./gram atom. Beale (26) has recently measured the heat
of vaporization as 13,595 =b 23 cal./gram atom. Beale (24) points out that this heat of
vaporization can only be made consistent with the other thermodynamic properties by
assuming a much larger gas imperfection than that derived by Busey and Giauque from
vapor pressure data. Experimental data on mercury vapor are needed to resolve the
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Simon and Zeidler (806) have measured the low temperature heat capacity, which
leads to an entropy and enthalpy at 298° K . of 6.83 =fc 0.05 e.u. and 1092 cal./gram atom,
respectively. Using the Shomate method (801), enthalpy measurements of Kothen (200)
and Redfield and H i l l (265) have been combined with the values selected by Kelley (185)
to give the heat capacity of the solid to the melting point. W e have adopted a melting
point of 2890° =fc 10° K . , which is an average of the values selected by Rossini and co-
workers (274) and by Kelley (182). Brewer (35) estimates the heat of melting to be 6600
cal./gram atom. We estimate the liquid heat capacity to be 10.00 cal./degree/mole.
Thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from
energy levels given i n the Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen (208) and by Trees and Harvey
(880). T h e vapor pressure has been measured by Jones, Langmuir, and M a c k a y (170)
and by Edwards, Johnston, and Blackburn (97). These data have been averaged to ob-
tain a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 157,500 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point
of 5100° K . , and a heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point of 142,000 cal./gram
Parkinson, Simon, and Spedding (257) have measured the heat capacity from 2° to
180° K . , and report an entropy at 298° K . of 17.50 e.u. and an enthalpy of 1804 cal./gram
atom. Spedding and M i l l e r (815) have measured the heat capacity from 273° to 673° K .
and support the equation given by K e l l e y (185). Spedding and Daane (814) report a
transition point at 1141° K . and the melting point at 1297° K . , and also give vapor pres-
sure data. W e have estimated the heats of transition and melting and the heat capacities
of the solid above the transition and of the liquid. Using spectroscopic data from
Klinkenberg (190) and Schuurmans (289) we have calculated the thermodynamic func-
tions of the ideal monatomic gas. F r o m these data we calculate a heat of sublimation at
298° K . of 76,800 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 3360° K . , and a heat of vapor-
ization at the normal boiling point of 67,800 cal./gram atom.
Clusius (60) reports 24.55° K . as the melting point, with 80.1 cal./gram atom as the
heat of melting. Henning and Otto (143) have measured the vapor pressure and find
the normal boiling point at 27.07° K . F r o m the heat of sublimation calculated by Clusius
(69), we calculate the heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point to be 422 cal./gram
atom. Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated at
the National Bureau of Standards (295). Kobe and L y n n (198) report 45.5° K . for the
critical temperature and 26.9 atmospheres for the critical pressure.
Busey and Giauque (47) have measured the third law entropy and enthalpy at 298°
K . to be 7.137 e. u . and 1144 eal./gram atom, respectively. The heat capacity data se-
lected b y Sykes and Wilkinson (823) are i n good agreement with the results of Neel
(246) and Krauss and Warncke (208) up to the lambda point at 630° K . Above the
Lambda point, both Neel and Persoz (269) are from 6 to 7% above the coincident data of
Sykes and Wilkinson, Kelley (185), and Krauss and Warncke. W e have adopted the
heat capacity data of Sykes and Wilkinson up to about 850? K . , where i t joins smoothly
with Kelley's equation. V a n Dusen and D a h l (836) have determined the melting point
at 1728° =b 1° K . , while Kelley lists the heat of melting as 4210 cal./gram atom. Kelley's
value of 9.20 cal./degree/gram atom has been used for the heat capacity throughout the
liquid range.
Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from
the energy levels listed by Moore (241)- Our calculations based on the vapor pressure
data of Johnston and Marshall (169) give a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 101,260
cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 3110° K . , and a heat of vaporization of 88,870
cal./gram atom.
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Brown, Zemansky, and Boorse (45) have measured the heat capacity up to 12° K .
and also i n the range from 65° to 75° K . W e have used these meager data with a Debye
function to calculate the entropy and enthalpy at 298° K . as 8.73 e.u. and 1264 cal./gram
atom, respectively. Kelley (185) lists the heat capacity for the solid above 298° K .
Reimann and Grant (266) have determined the melting point as 2770° K . W e estimate
the heat of melting of 6400 cal./gram atom and the liquid heat capacity.
Thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated using
energy levels listed b y Moore (241). F r o m the rate of evaporation measurements of
Reimann and G r a n t (266), we calculate a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 177,500 c a l . /
gram atom. Estimating the gaseous heat capacity to be 1 cal./degree/gram atom less
than the liquid heat capacity i n the range from 3000° to 5000° K . , we calculate a normal
boiling point of 5200° K . and a heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point of 166,500
cal./gram atom.
Giauque and Clayton (121) have measured the low temperature heat capacity and
give 55 cal./mole for the heat of transition and 172 cal./mole for the heat of melting.
Corrected for changes i n temperature scale, the transition temperature is 35.62° K .
Furukawa and McCoskey (117) give the triple point as 63.18° K . Armstrong (15) has
measured the vapor pressure and finds a normal boiling point of 77.36° K . Giauque and
Clayton and Furukawa and McCoskey have measured the heat of vaporization. W e
have adopted an average value of 1335 cal./mole. The critical temperature of 126.26° K . ,
and the critical pressure of 33.54 atmospheres have been measured by White, Friedman,
and Johnston (844)·
Wagman and coworkers (889) report the thermodynamic properties for the ideal dia-
tomic gas, while the National Bureau of Standards (295) has published calculations of the
thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas. The value of 225,100 cal./gram
mole selected by Gaydon (118) for the dissociation energy at 0° K . is supported by the
recent work of Douglas (87), Hendrie (148), Burns (46), Toennies and Greene (828),
and Altshuller (6). This appears to conclude a voluminous literature on this subject.
Note that the reference state represents 2 gram atomic weights for this element.
The entropy at 298° K . has been estimated by Lewis and Gibson (212) to be 7.8 =fc
0.5 e. u . Kelley (185) has given an equation for the solid heat capacity from 298° to
1800° K . which we have extrapolated to the melting point. We have assumed that the
heat capacity of the liquid is the same as that of the solid at the melting point. W e have
adopted the value of 3000° K . for the melting point based on the estimate of Vines
(888). F o r a hexagonal close-packed lattice we adopt 2.3 e. u . for the entropy of melting,
which leads to a heat of melting of 7000 cal./gram atom. Thermodynamic functions for
the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from energy levels listed i n the Landolt-
Bornstein Tabellen (208). A t the suggestion of Brewer (83) we have lowered previous
estimates of the boiling point to 4500° K . , and have calculated a heat of sublimation at
298° K . of 160,000 cal./gram atom and a heat of vaporization at 4500° K . of 150,000 c a l . /
gram atom.
Hoge (159) has reviewed the literature and has assigned the transition points,
23.886° and 43.800° K . , and the melting point, 54.363° K . , as well as the critical tempera-
ture, 154.78° K . , and the critical pressure, 50.14 atmospheres. Giauque and Johnston
(122) have measured the heats of these transitions: 22.42 cal./mole at 23.886° K . , 177.6
cal./mole at 43.800° K . , and 106.3 cal./mole for the heat of melting. The presently ac-
cepted International Temperature Scale defines 90.190° K . ( — 182.97° C.) as the normal
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Based on the measurements of Clusius and Schachinger (68) as well as their own
measurements, Pickard and Simon (260) calculate the entropy at 298° K . to be 9.05 e. u .
and the enthalpy as 1308 cal./gram atom. W e have adopted the solid heat capacity
values above 298° K . of Kelley (186). Rossini and coworkers (274) have selected 1823°
K . for the melting point and 4000 cal./gram atom for the heat of melting. W e have
estimated the heat capacity of the liquid to be the same as the solid at the melting point,
8.30 cal./degree/gram atom. Thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic gas
have been computed from the spectroscopic data of Shenstone (298). F r o m Brewer's (85)
estimate of the vapor pressure, we calculate a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 94,000
cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 3400° K . , and a heat of vaporization at the
normal boiling point of 90,000 cal./gram atom.
Farr (109), of the Tennessee Valley Authority, has compiled a resume of the physi-
cal and thermodynamic properties of the allotropie forms of phosphorus. Based on
entropy calculations from low temperature heat capacity measurements, Stephenson
(818) believes that red crystalline triclinic phosphorus ( T . V . A . designation V ) is the most
stable form at room temperature. This point of view is buttressed by the x-ray work
of R o t h , D e W i t t , and Smith (276). Consequently we have selected red phosphorus V
as the reference state up to its sublimation point at 704° K .
Stephenson reports the entropy of the red triclinic crystals at 298° K . as 5.46 e. u .
F a r r has reported the heat capacity of this form to the sublimation point as well as a
melting point of about 870° K . Spectroscopic data by Moore (241) on the monatomic
species and by Herzberg (152,158) for the diatomic and tetratomic species have been used
to compute the thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic, diatomic, and tetra-
tomic gases. F r o m vapor pressure measurements reported by Farr, we calculate the
gas at 298° K . is calculated to be 42,725 cal./mole P , based on the heat of the dissociation
E i c h (113). A slightly higher value is obtained from the vapor pressure data listed b y
F a r r (109) and may be due to nonideal behavior at high pressures. F a r r lists the normal
boiling point of liquid white phosphorus as 554° K . , and we calculate a heat of vaporiza
tion to P vapor at this temperature of 2960 cal./gram atom. I n the temperature range
from 600° to 800° K . liquid white phosphorus is rapidly converted to red phosphorus.
The heat of formation at 298° K . of white a from red V derived from the data presented
here is 4180 cal./gram atom, i n good agreement with the value of 4200 cal./gram atom
selected by Y o s t and Russell (851) from calorimetric measurements.
F r o m low temperature measurements by K o k and Keesom (195) and by Simon and
Zeidler (805), Kelley (186) calculates the entropy at 298° K . as 10.00 =fc 0.05 e. u . and we
calculate an enthalpy at 298° K . of 1384 cal./gram atom. Kelley (185) also gives an
equation for the solid heat capacity from 298° to 1800° K . , which we have extrapolated
to the melting point. W e assume the heat capacity of the liquid to be the same as that
of the solid at the melting point. Kelley (182) and Rossini and coworkers (274) are i n
substantial agreement on a melting point of 2043° K . and a heat of melting of 4700 c a l . /
gram atom.
Thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from
energy levels listed i n the Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen (208). Jones, Langmuir, and
M a c k a y (170) have measured the vapor pressure. W e calculate a heat of sublimation at
298° K . of 134,800 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 4100° K . , and a heat of
vaporization at the normal boiling point of 122,000 cal./gram atom.
M a x w e l l (224) and Beamer -and M a x w e l l (26) have measured the melting point as
527° K . and find a transition at about 370° K . The sluggish nature of the transition sug
gests a small heat of transition which can be neglected. Brooks (44) has measured the
vapor pressure from 711° to 1018° K . , which can best be fit by assuming both diatomic
and monatomic species to be present i n the vapor. This view finds support i n that the
diatomic form is important i n bismuth and tellurium, neighboring elements i n the periodic
table. The thermodynamic functions of the ideal gases as well as the entropy, heat capac
ity, and heat of melting of the solid and the heat capacity of the liquid are a l l estimated.
These estimates were used i n calculating the heats of sublimation at 298° K . of the mon
atomic and diatomic species as 34,450 and 32,900 cal./mole, respectively. T h e boiling
point is 1235° K . and the heat of vaporization to equilibrium gas at 1235° K . is 14,400 c a l . /
gram atom.
The low temperature measurements of Dauphinee, M a r t i n , and Preston-Thomas
(88) and of Wallace, Craig, and K r i e r (340) are i n excellent agreement and lead to an en-
tropy and enthalpy at 298° K . of 15.39 e.u. and 1695 cal./gram atom, respectively.
Evans, Jacobson, Munson, and Wagman (105) have critically reviewed the literature and
have selected a consistent set of values. W e have used their values for the heat capaci-
ties of the condensed states. They report 336.4° K . for the melting point and 554 c a l . /
gram atom for the heat of fusion. They present complete thermodynamic functions for
the ideal monatomic and diatomic gases as well as the dissociation energy. Employing
their evaluation of the vapor pressure data and adjusting for the above new entropy value,
we calculate the heats of sublimation at 298° K . to be 21,420 cal./gram atom and 30,580
cal./gram mole to the ideal monatomic and diatomic gases, respectively. W e calculate a
normal boiling point of 1039° K . and an associated heat of vaporization of 18,530 c a l . /
gram atom of equilibrium gas. This boiling point is higher than the 1027° K . recently
reported b y Makansi, Madsen, Selke, and Bonilla (281).
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Parkinson, Simon, and Spedding (857) have measured the heat capacity from 2° to
180° K . , and report the entropy at 298° K . to be 17.45 e. u., and the enthalpy as 1697 c a l . /
gram atom. W e have extrapolated the solid heat capacity to the transition point at
1071° K . and the melting point at 1208° K . , both of which are reported b y Spedding and
Daane (814)- W e estimate the heat of this transition to be 320 cal./gram atom and the
heat of melting to be 2400 cal./gram atom. W e have estimated the heat capacity of the
liquid. Daane (78) has measured the vapor pressure from 1425° to 1692° K . and, reports
3290° ± 90° K . for the normal boiling point and 79,500 ± 1 1 0 0 cal./gram atom for the
heat of vaporization b y a second law extrapolation. Spectroscopic data are not avail-
able to make a third law check of these values.
Skochdopole, Griffel, and Spedding (810) estimate the entropy at 300° K . to be
17.25 e. u . A l l other values are estimated and are intended to serve only until measured
values are available.
A l l data are estimated and are intended to serve only until measured values are
Rossini and coworkers (874) list 973° K . for the melting point. Landolt-Bornstein
Tabellen (808) present spectroscopic data for the ideal monatomic gas. The remainder
of these data are estimated and are intended to serve only until measured values are
Rossini and coworkers (874) estimate 202° K . as the melting point, 693 cal./gram
atom as the heat of melting, 211° K . as the normal boiling point, and 3920 cal./gram
atom as the associated heat of vaporization. Thermodynamic properties of the ideal
monatomic gas have been calculated at the National Bureau of Standards (895).
Smith, Oliver, and Cobble (812) have measured the low temperature heat capacity
and report 8.887 e. u . and 1307 cal./gram atom for the entropy and enthalpy at 298° K . ,
respectively. Kelley's (185) solid heat capacity equation, based on data to 1500° K . , has
been extrapolated to 3000° K . Sims, Craighead, and Jaffee (806) have measured the
melting point and report 3453° =fc 20° K . Estimating the entropy of melting to be 2.3
e.u., which is reasonable for a hexagonal close-packed structure, we calculate 7900 c a l . /
gram atom for the heat of melting. Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic
gas have been calculated using spectroscopic data given b y Klinkenberg (191). Sher-
wood, Rosenbaum, Blocher, and Campbell (299) have measured the vapor pressure and
estimate the liquid heat capacity at 10.8 cal./degree/gram atom. W e have calculated a
heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 185,650 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 5900°
K . , and an associated heat of vaporization of 169,000 cal./gram atom.
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Lewis and Gibson (212) have estimated the entropy at 298° K . to be 7.6 =fc 0.5 e. u .
Kelley (186) gives an equation for the heat capacity of the solid which we have extra-
polated to the melting point. W e have assumed the heat capacity of the liquid to have
the same constant value as the solid at the melting point. T h e melting point selected b y
Vines (888) is confirmed b y the recent work of Oriani and Jones (255) at 2239° =fc 3 ° K .
F o r a face-centered cubic lattice we employ an entropy of melting of 2.3 e. u., which leads
to a heat of melting of 5200 cal./gram atom. Thermodynamic functions for the ideal
monatomic gas have been calculated from the spectroscopic data of M o l n a r and Hitchcock
(289). W e estimate the normal boiling point as 4000° K . , leading to a heat of sublimation
at 298° K . of 133,000 cal./gram atom and a heat of vaporization at the normal boiling
point of 118,400 cal./gram atom.
F r o m the low temperature measurements of Dauphinee, M a r t i n , and Preston-
Thomas (82), we calculate an entropy and enthalpy at 298° K . of 18.22 e. u . and 1790 c a l . /
gram atom, respectively. These workers report 560 cal./gram atom for the heat of melt-
ing. Rossini and coworkers (274) select 312.0° K . for the melting point. W e have esti-
mated a n average heat capacity for the liquid range. Evans, Jacobson, Munson, and
Wagman (106) present the thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic and d i -
atomic gases, as well as the dissociation energy of the diatomic gas. Vapor pressure has
been measured b y Scott (290), Hackspill (141), Ruff and Johannsen (281), and K i l l i a n
(188). A t 298° K . we calculate the heat of sublimation to the ideal diatomic gas as 27,550
cal./gram mole and the heat of sublimation to the ideal monatomic gas as 19,600 cal./gram
atom. T h e total pressure i n the gas phase reaches one atmosphere at 974° K . , at which
temperature the heat of vaporization to equilibrium gas is 16,540 cal./gram atom.
Lewis and Gibson (212) have estimated the entropy at 298° K . to be 6.9 =fc 0.5 e. u .
We adopt Kelley*s (185) values for the solid heat capacity and the heats and tempera-
tures of the transitions: at 1308° K . a heat of 60 cal./gram atom ; at 1473° K . a second
order transition (no heat change) ; and at 1773° K . a heat of 320 cal./gram atom. Brewer
(85) estimates the melting point as 2700° K . and the heat of melting as 6100 cal./gram
atom. W e estimate a boiling point of 4000° K . , which leads to a heat of sublimation at
298° K . of 144,000 cal./gram atom and a heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point
of 135,700 cal./gram atom. T h e heat capacity of the liquid and the gas are assumed to
be equal i n the range from 3000° to 4000° K .
Skochdopole, Griffel, and Spedding (310) estimate the entropy at 300° K . to be 16.32
e. u . W e have estimated the heat capacities of the solid and liquid states. Spedding and
Daane (314) report a transition at 1190° K . and the melting point at 1325° K . W e have
estimated the heats of these phase changes. Spectroscopic data from B r i x (40) and A l b e r t -
son (6) have been used to calculate the thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic
gas. Spedding (813) indicates that the vapor pressure reaches 0.01 m m . of mercury at a
temperature less than 1073° K . Assuming i t to be 0.01 m m . at 1000° K . , we calculate
a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 50,000 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of
1860° K . , and a heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point of 45,800 cal./gram atom.
The entropy at 298° K . has been estimated to be 9.0 e. u . b y Brewer (86). K e l l e y
(187) has estimated the heat capacity of the solid and the liquid as well as the melting
point, 1673° K . , and the heat of melting, 3850 cal./gram atom. W e estimate the normal
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
DeSorbo (84) has recently measured the heat capacity from 15° to 300° K . , and cal-
culates an entropy and enthalpy at 298° K . of 10.15 =fc 0.05 e. u . and 1319.2 cal./gram
atom, respectively. T h e low temperature heat capacity has been extended linearly to the
melting point using the measured data of M o n v a l (240) and Borelius and Paulson (SO).
W e adopt the values of K e l l e y (185) for the melting point, 490° K . , the heat of melting,
1300 cal./gram atom, and the heat capacity of the liquid. Thermodynamic functions for
the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from the energy levels listed b y Moore
($41)* while those for the ideal diatomic gas are based on the spectroscopic data given b y
Herzberg (152). T h e heat capacity of the ideal hexatomic gas has been estimated.
Vapor pressures have been measured by Brooks (48), deSelincourt (296), N i w a and
Sibata (249), Neumann and Lichtberger (248), and Preuner and Brockmôller (262). A n
entropy of 110 e. u . at 298° K . for the hexatomic gas and heats of sublimation at 298° K .
of 35,380 and 34,120 cal./mole for the hexatomic and diatomic species, respectively, were
selected to give the best fit with the vapor pressure data. Gaydon (118) gives the dissoci-
ation energy of the diatomic gas as 64,600 cal./mole, from which we calculate the heat of
sublimation at 298° K . of the ideal monatomic gas to be 49,400 cal./gram atom. A t the
normal boiling point, 958° K . , we calculate a heat of vaporization of 1 gram atom of
selenium to equilibrium gas to be 6290 cal. Note that the values given for the reference
state are based on 1 gram atom of selenium and that the diatomic gas is selected as the
reference state above the boiling point.
Using the low temperature heat capacity data of Pearlman and Keesom (258),
Nernst and Schwers (246), Magnus (219), and Anderson (8), we calculate a third law
entropy at 298° K . of 4.53 ± 0.05 e. u . and an enthalpy of 769 cal./gram atom. Since
the measured data for the solid heat capacity of Serebrennikov and GePd (297) and
Magnus (219) are i n agreement, we have chosen the equation given b y the former. H a n -
sen and coworkers (144) have measured the melting point to be 1683° =fc 5° K . , while
Korber and Oelsen (198) give the value 11,100 cal./gram atom for the heat of melting.
We estimate the heat capacity of the liquid state to be equal to that of the solid state at
the melting point and obtain the value 7.0 cal./degree/gram atom.
Thermodynamic properties of the ideal monatomic gas were calculated using energy
levels listed b y Moore (241). Although H o n i g (161) has detected polyatomic species i n
silicon vapor, there is not sufficient information available to calculate the thermodynamic
functions of these species. Honig gives the heat of sublimation of the monatomic species
as 105,000 cal./gram atom and calculates a boiling point of about 2950° K . , considerably
higher than earlier determinations of Ruff and Konschak (288) and B a u r and Brunner
(28). This high value is supported b y the spectroscopic work of Barrow and Rowlinson
(21 ). Without more spectroscopic data on the polyatomic species we cannot check the b o i l -
ing point or calculate the heat of vaporization to equilibrium gas b y third law methods.
Based on five different sets of measurements from 1° to 303° K . , K e l l e y (186) calcu-
lates the entropy at 298° K . as 10.20 =fc 0.05 e.u., while Meads, Forsythe, and Giauque
(280) calculate an enthalpy at 298° K . of 1373 cal./gram atom. T h e measurements of
Lyashenko (216) have been considered along with sources listed b y K e l l e y (185) i n select-
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
ing the solid heat capacity from 298° K . to the melting point. The defined melting point
on the International Temperature Scale as described b y Stimson (819) is 1233.95° K .
The heat of melting, 2,700 cal./gram atom, is a rounded value reached b y considering
those reported b y Kubaschewski and coworkers (206), b y W i t t i g (847), and b y K e l l e y
(179, 182, 185). T h e liquid heat capacity has been estimated as 7.5 cal./degree/gram
Thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from the
spectroscopic data listed i n Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen (208). K e l l e y (180) selects the
vapor pressure data of Harteck (145) as being the most reliable of the older data. Harteck
is i n fair agreement with the measurements of Fischer (111) and M c C a b e and Birchenall
(226b), while L y u b i m o v and Granovskaya (217) are too low and B a u r and Brunner (28)
are too high. W e find a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 68,400 cal./gram atom, a normal
boiling point of 2450° K . , and a heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point of 60,960
cal./gram atom. Searcy, Freeman, and M i c h e l (294) have recently indicated that poly-
atomic species may be important i n silver vapor.
L o w temperature measurements of Dauphinee, M a r t i n , and Preston-Thomas (82),
Simon and Zeidler (805) and Parkinson and Quarrington (256) were used to calculate an
entropy and enthalpy at 298° K . of 12.21 e. u . and 1532 cal./gram atom, respectively.
Published values of other thermodynamic properties have been reviewed b y Evans,
Jacobson, Munson, and Wagman (105). They select the melting point to be 370.97° K .
and the heat of melting as 621.8 cal./gram atom. They present data on the solid and
liquid heat capacity, thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic and diatomic
gases, and the dissociation energy. Consistent with this information we find the heats of
sublimation at 298° K . to ideal monatomic and diatomic gases as 25,900 and 33,800 c a l . /
mole, respectively. The total pressure reaches one atmosphere at 1163° K . and the heat
of vaporization to equilibrium gas at this temperature is 21,280 cal./gram atom. A more
comprehensive review of the physical and thermodynamic properties of sodium has been
compiled b y Thomson and Garelis (825).
Kelley (186) estimates the entropy at 298° K . as 12.5 sfc 0.5 e. u . T h e solid heat
capacity above room temperature was estimated b y comparison with calcium. Eastman,
Cubicciotti, and Thurmond (98) have reported a transition point at 862° K . and a melt-
ing point of 1043° K . , i n good agreement with the review of Kubaschewski, Brizgys,
Huchler, Jauch. and Reinartz (206). Kubaschewski and coworkers (206) have estimated
the heat of melting to be 2200 cal./gram atom. W e estimate the heat of the transition to
be 200 cal./gram atom by comparison with calcium. Thermodynamic functions of the
ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from the energy levels listed b y Moore (241).
Vapor pressures measured by Hartmann and Schneider (146) and b y Priselkov and
Nesmeianov (268) are i n fair agreement, and lead to a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of
39,100 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 1640° K . , and a heat of vaporization of
33,200 cal./gram atom.
Eastman and M c G a v o c k (94) have measured the heat capacity of the solid from 12°
to 366° K . , from which can be derived for the rhombic form at 298° K . an entropy and
enthalpy of 7.62 e. u. and 1053 cal./gram atom, respectively. Braune and M o l l e r (81) have
measured the heat capacity of the liquid and have reviewed previous work. They list a
heat of transition from rhombic to monoclinic of 90 cal./gram atom at 368.6° K . and the
heat of melting as 337 cal./gram atom at 392° K . T h e boiling point of sulfur is defined
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Low temperature data have been given by K e l l e y (178) Keesom and Désirant (176),
Simon and Ruhemann (808), and Clusius and Gutierrez Losa (62), from which we cal-
culate an entropy and enthalpy at 298° of 9.90 e. u. and 1358 cal./gram atom, respectively.
Hoch (157), Jaeger and Veenstra (167), and Magnus and Holzmann (220) have measured
the heat capacity of the solid to 2939°, 1828° and 1173° K . , respectively. W e have
smoothed these data b y the method of Shomate (801) and have extrapolated them to
3000° K . Brewer (85) lists the melting point as 3270° K . and the heat of melting as 7500
cal./gram atom.
Thermal properties of the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from the spec-
troscopic data of V a n D e n Berg, Klinkenberg, and V a n D e n Bosch (884). Edwards,
Johnston, and Blackburn (95), Langmuir and M a l t e r (209), and Fiske (114) have meas-
ured the vapor pressure. D a t a reported by the first two sources are i n good agreement but
lower than that of Fiske. Using the data of the first two sources, we calculate a heat of
sublimation to ideal monatomic gas at 298° K . of 186,800 cal./gram atom. Assuming the
heat capacity of the liquid and the gas above 3000° K . to be equal, we compute a normal
boiling point of 5700° K . and an accompanying heat of vaporization of 180,000 cal./gram
Brewer (86) has estimated the entropy at 298° K . to be 8.0 e. u., the heat capacity of
the solid, the melting point as 2400° K . , and the heat of melting as 5500 cal./gram atom.
The spectroscopic data of Meggers (282) have been employed to calculate the thermo-
dynamic functions of the ideal monatomic gas. Using Brewer's estimate of the vapor
pressure at 3000° K . and estimating AC to be 3.5 cal./degree/gram atom, we calculate
Based on the low temperature measurements of Slansky and Coulter (811) and of
Anderson (18), K e l l e y (186) calculates the entropy at 298° K . as 11.88 ± 0.10 e. u., and
we compute the enthalpy at 298° K . as 1463 cal./gram atom. Kubaschewski (206) has
given the heat capacity of the solid and liquid states and lists 723° K . as the melting point
and 4180 ± 130 cal./gram atom as the heat of melting. Spectroscopic energy levels listed
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Skochdopole, Griffel, and Spedding (810) estimate the entropy at 300° K . as 17.5
e. u . Spedding and Daane (SI4) indicate the melting point is between 1673° and 1773 K . e
The remainder of the values are estimated by analogy with neighboring elements and
should be used only until measured data are available.
The entropy at 298° K . is 15.35 =fc 0.06 e. u . as given b y K e l l e y (186). F r o m the
measurements of H i c k s (164) we calculate the enthalpy at 298° K . as 1632 cal./gram atom.
Recent measurements of the solid and liquid heat capacities and heats of transitions have
been made by Kubaschewski and coworkers (206, 206) and by Oelsen and coworkers
(263, 264). Considering also the review of K e l l e y (186), we have selected the heat capac-
ities, the transition point of 507° K . with associated heat of transition of 90 cal./gram
atom, as well as a melting point of 577° K . and a heat of melting of 1020 cal./gram atom.
Meggers and M u r p h y (284) have reported spectroscopic data which we have used to
calculate the thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic gas. Vapor pressures
have been reported by Gibson (126), von Leitgebel (211), and Coleman and Egerton (72).
We calculate a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 43,000 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling
point of 1740° K . , and an accompanying heat of vaporization of 38,740 cal./gram atom.
Griffel and Skochdopole (184) have measured the heat capacity from 20° to 300° K . ,
and report an entropy and enthalpy at 298° K . of 12.760 e. u . and 1556 cal./gram atom,
respectively. Kelley (186) has reported an equation for the solid heat capacity which
we have adjusted to fit the low temperature data and extrapolated to the melting point.
Chiotti (53, 54) has recently shown the presence of a solid state transition from a face-
centered to a body-centered lattice at 1673° K . and has determined the melting point
as 1968° K . W e have estimated the heat of transition and heat of melting as 670 and
3740 cal./gram atom, respectively. T h e liquid heat capacity is also estimated. Based
on the work of Zwikker {852), Brewer (35) has calculated the normal boiling point at
4500° K . and a heat of vaporization of 130,000 cal./gram atom. The term values of
thorium gas have not yet been determined and no thermodynamic functions for the gas
can be calculated.
Skochdopole, Griffel, and Spedding (810) estimate the entropy at 300° K . as 17.10
e. u. Spedding and Daane (314) place the melting point between 1823° and 1923° K . and
believe the volatility is between that of dysprosium and lutetium. Meggers (281) lists
the available spectroscopic data. The information listed has been estimated and is
consistent with the above known facts. These values are intended for use only until
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
On the basis of five sets of low temperature data covering the range from 1° to
287° K . , K e l l e y (186) calculates an entropy value of 12.29 e. u . at 298° K . for white t i n ,
and we calculate the enthalpy as 1507 cal./gram atom. Jovanovic (172) has measured
the heat of transition of gray to white t i n at 292° K . and gives 535 =fc 8 cal./gram atom.
The heat capacity of the solid and liquid have been adopted from the compilation of
Kelley (185), who also gives the heat of melting as 1720 cal./gram atom at 505° K .
Thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from the
energy levels listed i n Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen (208).
Of the vapor pressure measurements reviewed b y Baughan (22), only those of
Harteck (145) are i n agreement with the recent measurements of Brewer and Porter (88)
and Searcy and Freeman (292). Searcy and Freeman have demonstrated that tin vapor
is monatomic. We adopt a rounded value of 72,000 cal./gram atom for the heat of sub-
limation at 298° K . , and further calculate a normal boiling point of 2960° K . with an
accompanying heat of vaporization of 69,400 cal./gram atom.
K o t h e n and Johnston (201) have measured the heat capacity of a high purity sample
from 15° to 305° K . , and report an entropy and enthalpy at 298° K . of 7.33 =fc 0.02
e. u . and 1150 cal./gram atom, respectively. K o t h e n (200) and Jaeger, Rosenbohm,
and Fonteyne (166) have measured the heat content, from which we derive the heat
capacity of the solid and the heat of transition of 950 cal./gram atom. Edwards, Johns-
ton, and Ditmars (99) have confirmed McQuillan's (229) value of 1155° K . for the transi-
tion temperature. Of the recent values listed for the melting point (3, 143, 226a, 255,
287), we have taken an average value of 1950° =fc 20° K . N o direct measurement of the
heat of melting has been made, but the average entropy of melting for body-centered
cubic elements is about 1.9 e. u. O n this basis we have used a heat of melting of 3700
cal./gram atom. The heat capacity of the liquid has been estimated.
Thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from
the energy levels of Moore (241), and are i n good agreement with those of K o l s k y and
Gilles (196). Vapor pressure measurements have been made b y Edwards, Johnston, and
Ditmars (99), who have corrected the results of Blocher and Campbell (27) and C a r -
penter and M a i r (51). F r o m these data we calculate a heat of sublimation at 298° K .
of 112,600 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 3550° K . , and an associated heat of
vaporization of 102,500 cal./gram atom.
Kelley (186) reports the entropy at 298° K . as 8.04 =fc 0.10 e. u . F r o m the same
data we calculate the enthalpy at 298° K . as 1216 cal./gram atom. Solid heat content
measurements of Magnus and Holzmann (220), Jaeger and Rosenbohm (166), and
Hoch (167) are i n good agreement and have been smoothed b y the method of Shomate
(801) and extrapolated to 3000° K . Brewer (86) lists the melting point as 3650° K . and
the heat of melting as 8420 cal./gram atom. Thermodynamic functions for the ideal
monatomic gas have been calculated from energy levels listed i n Landolt-Bornstein
Tabellen (208). F r o m the vapor pressure measurements of Jones, Langmuir, and
M a c k a y (170) we calculate a heat of sublimation at 298° K . of 200,000 cal./gram atom.
B y estimating the heat capacity of liquid and gas from 3000° to 6000° K . at 8.5 and
7.5 cal./degree/gram atom, respectively, we find a normal boiling point of 5800° K . and
an accompanying heat of vaporization of 191,000 cal./gram atom.
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
Jones, Gordon, and Long (171) have measured the heat capacity from 15° to 300° K . ,
and report an entropy of 12.03 =b 0.03 e. u . at 298° K . W e calculate the enthalpy at
298° K . to be 1559 cal./gram atom. W e have adopted the heat capacity of the solid
and the heats and temperatures of transition as measured b y Ginnings and Corruccini
(126). T h e melting point of 1406° ± 2 ° K . seems well established from the measure-
ments of D a h l and Cleaves (79), U d y and Boulger (881), and Buzzard, Lies, and Fickle
(49). W e have estimated the heat capacity of the liquid to be the same as the solid at
the melting point.
V a n D e n Bosch and V a n D e n Berg (885) have reported spectroscopic energy levels
from which we have calculated the thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic gas.
F r o m the vapor pressure measurements of R a u h and T h o r n (264), we calculate the heat
of sublimation at 298° K . to be 117,160 cal./gram atom, the heat of fusion at the melting
point to be 3700 cal./gram atom, the normal boiling point as 4200° K . , and the heat of
vaporization at the normal boiling point as 101,000 cal./gram atom.
Anderson (11) has measured the heat capacity from about 50° to 300° K . and com-
putes an entropy at 298° K . of 7.01 ± 0.10 e. u . W e calculate a heat content of 1122
cal./gram atom from his data. T h e heat capacity of the solid has been derived from
the data of Jaeger and Veenstra (167). Recent measurements of the melting point b y
Oriani and Jones (255) and b y Adenstedt, Pequignot, and Raymer (8) are i n reasonable
agreement and we adopt the value 2190° ± 10° K . I n the absence of a measured
value for the heat of melting, we have used 1.9 e. u., the average entropy of melting for
body-centered cubic elements, and calculate a heat of melting of 4200 cal./gram atom.
B y comparison with chromium and titanium, the heat capacity of the liquid has been
estimated to be 9.50 cal./degree/gram atom.
Thermodynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas state have been calculated
from the spectroscopic energy levels of Moore (241). F r o m the vapor pressure measure-
ments of Edwards, Johnston, and B l a c k b u r n (96), we calculate a heat of sublimation
at 298° K . of 122,750 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 3650° K . , with a n ac-
companying heat of vaporization of 109,600 cal./gram atom.
A melting point of 161.3° K . and heat of melting of 549 cal./gram atom have been
reported b y Clusius and Riccoboni (66). Michels and Wassenaar (286) have measured
the vapor pressure and find the normal boiling point at 165.04° K . i n good agreement
with the measurements of Clusius and Wiegand (71), who also report 3021 cal./gram atom
for the heat of vaporization at this temperature. K o b e and L y n n (198) adopt 256.57° K .
as the critical temperature and 58.0 atmospheres as the critical pressure. Thermody-
namic functions of the ideal gas have been calculated at the National Bureau of Stand-
ards (295).
Spedding and Daane (314) report a transition at 1071° K . and the melting point
at 1097° K . They indicate the volatility to be between europium and samarium. Ther-
modynamic functions of the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from energy
levels given i n Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen (208). T h e information listed for the refer-
ence state is consistent with the above facts and has been estimated. I t is intended
that this information will serve only until measured data are available.
Brewer (85) estimates the entropy at 298° K . as 11.0 e. u . K e l l e y (187) has esti-
Publication Date: January 1, 1956 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1956-0018.ch003
mated the heat capacities of the solid and liquid, as well as the melting point of 1773° K .
and the heat of melting of 4100 cal./gram atom. Brewer (85) has estimated the normal
boiling point of 3500° K . The energy levels listed b y Moore (241) have been used to
calculate the thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic gas. Consistent with
these estimates, we have computed the heat of sublimation at 298° K . to be 102,000 c a l . /
gram atom, and a heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point of 94,000 cal./gram
Kelley (186) lists the entropy at 298° K . as 9.95 ± 0.05 e. u . Barrow and coworkers
(20) have calculated the enthalpy at 298° K . to be 1349 cal./gram atom. K e l l e y (186)
also reports the heat capacity of the solid and the liquid states, based on numerous
sources. H i s value of the melting point, 692.7° K . , and his heat of melting, 1765 c a l . /
gram atom, have been recently confirmed by Kubaschewski and coworkers (206). Ther-
modynamic functions for the ideal monatomic gas have been calculated from the energy
levels of Moore (241)* Barrow and coworkers (20) have reviewed the vapor pressure
information and find the heat of sublimation at 298° K . to be 31,180 cal./gram atom.
We calculate a normal boiling point of 1181° K . with an accompanying heat of vaporiza-
tion of 27,560 cal./gram atom.
Skinner and Johnston (809) have measured the heat capacity from 14° to 300° K .
and Todd (327) has measured the range from 51 ° to 298° K . The entropies at 298° K .
are i n good agreement and we adopt the value 9.29 =fc 0.04 e. u . Skinner and Johnston
(809) report an enthalpy at 298° K . of 1313 cal./gram atom. Skinner (807) has used
his own measurements and those of Coughlin and K i n g (74) to calculate the thermo-
dynamic functions for the solid state. Skinner finds a transition at 1143° K . with an
associated heat change of 1040 cal./gram atom. Adenstedt (2) and Oriani and Jones
(256) are i n good agreement that the melting point is 2125° K . N o direct measurement
of the heat of melting has been made, but the average entropy of melting for body-
centered cubic elements is about 1.9 e. u. O n this basis, we have used a heat of melting
of 4000 cal./gram atom. The heat capacity of the liquid has been estimated.
Thermodynamic functions of the ideal monatomic gas state have been calculated
from the spectroscopic data of Moore (241). Values recently reported by K o l s k y and
Gilles (197) are i n agreement. Skinner, Edwards, and Johnston (308) have reported
the only vapor pressure data measured from 1949° to 2054° K . Their data lead to a heat
of sublimation at 298° K . of 146,000 cal./gram atom, a normal boiling point of 4650° K . ,
and an accompanying heat of vaporization of 139,000 cal./gram atom.
ΔΗ, CAL/GFW. 1000 6.12 4472 51.09 46.62 145582 112012 24.482
1100 6.16 5085 51.67 47.05 145405 108676 21.593
1200 6.23 5704 52.21 47.46 144254 105434 — 19.203
S.P. °K 1300 6.32 6331 52.71 47.84 144191 102201 17.183
1400 6.43 6968 53.19 48.22 144128 98964
- 15.450
1500 6.54 7617 53.63 48.56 144057 95742 13.950
1600 6.66 8277 54.06 48.89 143977 92521 12.637
1700 6.76 8948 54.47 49.21 143898 89294 • 11.479
T.P. e 6.87 9629 54.86 49.52 143809 86083 10.451
K 1800
1900 6.96 10320 55.23 49.80 143720 82882
- 9.533
2000 7.05 11020 55.59 50.08 143620 79680 - 8.706
2100 7.13 11730 55.94 50.36 143510 76478 7.959
2200 7.20 12450 56.27 50.62 139450 73450 7.296
T.P. e
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