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Smart Scale Tracking System Using Calibrated Load Cells: 1 Sedia Jaiteh 2 Su Farah Adillah Suhaimi 3 Tan Ching Seong

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Smart Scale Tracking System Using Calibrated

Load Cells
1st Sedia Jaiteh 2nd Su Farah Adillah Suhaimi 3rd Tan Ching Seong
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering
Multimedia University Multimedia University Multimedia University
Cyberjaya, Malaysia Cyberjaya, Malaysia Cyberjaya, Malaysia
sedia.jaiteh@gmail.com sufarahadilla@gmail.com cstan@mmu.edu.my

4th Adamu Muhammad Buhari 5th Dr. Lee Lini 6th Hisham Neyaz
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering
Multimedia University Multimedia University Multimedia University
Cyberjaya, Malaysia Cyberjaya, Malaysia Cyberjaya, Malaysia
adam m.buhari@yahoo.com linilee@mmu.edu.my thisishisham@ieee.org

Abstract—In this paper, a multipurpose smart tracking system The measured weights were stored in a Secure Digital storage
that operates as a weighting scale and as a human tracking system (SD card) and also displayed on an android app that was
by utilizing human gait is designed and analyzed. The prototype developed for this project.
presented in this paper can function as a standalone system (e.g
industrial weighting machine) or as part of a larger multilevel The prototype presented in this paper seeks to address some
biometric system. The design uses load cells as it’s primary input limitations present in other works like the slip on in-shoe
sensors. Eight load cells were used to build the prototype sensing apparatus used in [2]. The prototype is a shoe that is made
platform. When weight is placed on the platform, the change in up of Graphene Porous Network Structure Pressure Sensors
resistance of the load cells are recorded as analog signals which that does the data collection to determine the walking plantar
are fed into an amplifier and then to an Arduino microprocessor
for data processing, data analyzing and data representation.The force and the gait characteristics are recognized using machine
whole system can be powered by a 9V battery or solar energy. learning. The categories included for analysis were ,toe in,
Between 5kg to 20kg of static weights and 10 individuals of toe out, lame feet and heel feet. Despite the merits of [2],
varying age groups, gender, weight and foot sizes were used for the prototype is not cost effective and the need to prepare the
testing the precision and accuracy of the sensing platform. wearable in sole sensor for every subject is quite tedious and
Index Terms—Calibration, Load cells, Gait, Weight scale,
time consuming.
The prototype discussed in [3], is a floor type prototype
which answers some drawbacks in [2], like preparing the shoe
sole and time consumption. However the issue of cost still
Locomotion involves standing, walking, jogging, running remains and an additional disadvantage is the need for a lot
etc. The systematic study of locomotion is called Gait Analysis of raw data in order for the machine to undergo supervised
[1]. The limitations of conventional tracking systems that rely learning for gait recognition.
on finger prints, iris, facial structures to identify humans in
a particular environment remain a challenge for researchers.
These limitations range from the need for a proper light source
to close proximity to a camera or an iris scanner. Human gait A. Load Cells
is a good alternative as a tracking input in an effort to solve A load cell is a force transducer with a strain gauge, it
the proximity problem. converts the force or pressure acting on it into electrical
In simple terms Gait can be defined as manner or style signals. When force is applied on the strain gauge, the internal
of walking and its analysis is the combination of kinematics resistance changes to a degree proportional to the applied
and kinetics data [1]. In gait analysis the entire or part of a force. The operating principle of a load cell strain gauge is
pattern of walking is analyzed. In this work, human weight, based on the Wheatstone bridge. This principle is ideal for
heel strike, toe strike, distance between successive left and the measurement of small changes in resistance and, therefore,
right foot as well as the position a particular foot is at on the suited for this project. When a static weight or an individual
sensory platform, are considered for analysis. All participants is placed on the load cells, the changes in resistance is
for the analysis were of healthy body masses and were free converted into an electrical signal. However, the change is
of any current or preexisting hip, leg or foot injury. Weight of very small, so an amplifier is connected to the load cells before
participants were recorded after the load cells were calibrated. recorded changes in resistance are sent to the microprocessor.

978-1-7281-3276-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 170

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The amplifier used in this project is the HX711 amplifier, Fig. 4 shows the top and bottom views respectively. Fig. 5
which is a precision 24-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) shows the final sensor platform designed and used in this
designed for weight scales and industrial control applications project.
to interface directly with a bridge sensor. A total of 8 load cells
and 8 amplifiers were used in this project to record any weight
placed on the sensor platform. The load cells were built into
a Sensor Platform while the amplifiers were integrated with a
microprocessor, power supply unit, bluetooth module and SD Fig. 2. Side sketch view a sub-platform
card in a compartment called the Data Processing Unit. Refer
to Fig. 1 for the load cells used.

Fig. 1. Designed and Implimented load cells

B. Sensor Platform
The sensor platform has a total of 8 load cells integrated Fig. 3. Top sketch view of a sub-platform
into them. The platform is divided into two parts called sub-
platforms. Each sub-platform has 4 load cells. The outer edges
C. Data Processing board
of the sensor platform are made of coated aluminium to protect
users from it’s sharp edges. For each sub-platform, the length The data processing board is were data analysis takes place.
is 1.49m and the width is 0.89m, the area of a sub-platform is It contains an arduino microprocessor, a bluetooth module, SD
1.326m2 hence the total area of the sensor platform is 2.652m2 . card, 9V battery and several HX711 amplifiers. The arduino
The relatively small area is preferred because of portability used in this prototype is arduino uno, and it is powered by the
concerns and more accurate readings were observed when the 9V battery, and in turn it powers the rest of the components in
distance between the load cells were kept as small as possible. the data processing board and the load cells. The 9V battery
The total area allows for a minimum of up two complete is rechargeable using solar energy.
gait cycles for an average human which is sufficient for data The bluetooth module used is the HC-05 HC05 Wireless
collection. There is a metal bar crossed in the middle of both Bluetooth Serial Port TX RX Module. The bluetooth’s primary
sub-platforms to provide stability when weight is placed on it job is to connect the arduino microprocessor to an external
or when humans are walking on it. device like a mobile phone or a tablet. The SD card keeps
The working principle of the sensor platform is very similar a record of all the activities when the blutooth is connected
to other weighing scales. Weights are placed on the sensor to an external device. The HX711 amplifiers are connected to
platform or humans are as asked to walk on it for data the load cells and the analog inputs of the arduino.
collection. The only components that require power supply When a static weight or a human stands or walks on the
in the sensor platform are the load cells. The voltage supply sensor platform, the weights and the patterns of movements on
comes from an arduino microprocessor which is powered by a the platform are sensed by the load cell and the applied force
9V battery. This 9V battery is rechargeable and solar energy is on the platform is converted to electrical signals. These signals
compatible with the battery charging circuit designed for the are fed into the HX711 amplifier for amplification before they
prototype. For weight measurement, weight may be placed on are send to the arduino. After the data has been processed, an
any part of the sensor platform and the microprocessor can external device can be connected with the bluetooth module for
present the measured weight sensed by individual load cells, data representation. The arduino can also present data through
and the total weight from all the load cells. The closer a weight one of its serial ports. Refer to Fig. 6 for the data processing
is to a load cell the higher it’s readings are relative to other load board schematic diagram.
cells. This form of data presentation makes it easy to determine
three things. The ability to locate the position of the weights III. CALIBRATION AND GAIT ANALYSIS
placed on the platform, individual weight measurements and Calibration is an operation that, under specified conditions,
total weights on the sensor platform at a particular time. Fig. 2 establishes the relationship between the value of force applied
shows the side view sketch of a sub-platform, while Fig. 3 and to a load cell and the corresponding value of the indicated


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dropped onto it for weighing had often showed output failures
approximately after one year of use.
C. Hysteresis
Hysteresis is the difference between two load cell output
readings for the same applied load – one reading obtained by
increasing the load from zero, the other by decreasing the load
from the load cells maximum rated capacity [7]. First, 1kg is
loaded onto the sensor platform and the output is recorded.
The load is then increased 1kg at a time up to 13kg and
individual output for every increment were recorded. Then,
all the weights were unloaded, starting with 13kg, the weights
Fig. 4. Bottom sketch view a sub-platform
were decreased 1kg at a time until and the output for individual
decrements were recorded.
D. Gait Analysis
Since the body weight impacts the foot locomotion, it is
important to study how the forces move from heel to mid
stance to push off regions [8]. When the heel strikes the
ground, the force rises sharply. As the weight of the person
is distributed on the heel, the force stops growing and begins
to fall as the weight is distributed to the entire foot [8]. The
pressure then grows as the weight shifts forward and spikes as
the weight is focused on the mid stance and toe [8]. The sensor
platform in this project was viewed as a common Cartesian
coordinate system or x-y coordinate for short, where ’x’ and
’y’ represented the x and y coordinates on the sensor platform.
The position(x-y) a particular human foot occupied on the
sensor platform and the weight(w) exerted on the platform
Fig. 5. Final sensor platform
were first determined and recorded. The difference between the
amount of force exerted by the heel and the toe of a particular
load cell output, where both values have associated measure- foot was also recorded. Then the transition time between heel
ment uncertainties [4]. Different laboratory instruments like and foot and the time between two successive foot was also
oscilloscopes, piezoelectric sensors and load cells are often recorded.
calibrated. The periodic calibration of these devices guarantees For the x-y position, singular value decomposition was used
and optimizes the quality of the acquired data [5]. Two types with the aid of matlab. The relationship in (1) below was used
of calibrations were performed, static calibration and dynamic to find the x-y position. letters a,b,c,d,e,f represent a constant
calibration. which were determined by singular value decomposition. The
letter w, represents the different weights on the sensor plat-
A. Static Calibration form. The multiple w represents the different weights placed
at the same place on the sensor platform at a time.
Static calibration generally refers to input-output relations  
obtained when only one input of an instrument is varied at a  w
a b c d  0
time, while all other inputs are kept constant. Individual static = w1 (1)
y e f g h
weights were placed on the sensor platform for calibration and wn
weighting. Different weights ranging from 1kg to 13kg were
measured on the sensor platform for data collection.
A. Android App for smart scale
B. Dynamic Calibration Fig. 7 shows the step by step operational flow of the mobile
Similar to static calibration, static weights were used rang- application which was developed for weighting and recording
ing from 1kg to 13kg. However instead of placing a specific weights if the system is used as a smart scale.
weight on the sensor platform at a specific time, weights were The following are the steps involved when using the mobile
dropped, rolled and thrown on the sensor platform and multiple application on an android to weigh materials.
reading instead of one were taking of the same weights. Care • Turn on the bluetooth on the android device and open the
must be taken when dropping objects on the sensor platform. app.
In [6], Load cells used on scales in which objects were • Click on iDrop.


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Fig. 6. Data processing board schematic diagram


B. Calibration
Static calibration was done on different weights ranging
from 1kg to 13kg with 1kg increment at a time. The static
calibration was done to find the calibration factor of individual
load cells. Weights of other loads that were not used for the
static calibration were measured to determined the reading
errors associated with the static calibration.
Dynamic calibration was done by rolling, dropping and
throwing different weights on the sensor platform. After
recording the calibration factor, some weights were used on
the sensor platform to check the accuracy in a dynamic
environment. The average value for each weight of the load
is determined by reading multiple values for each particular
weight. The prototype developed for this project was intended
to allow for human motion, so dynamic calibration and move-
Fig. 7. Android App Operational Flow ment is required to test the accuracy of the sensor platform.
From Table. I, the average reading for 8kg is about 7.97kg.
A difference of about 0.03kg, which can be further reduced
by adjusting the calibration factor but it is almost impossible
• Enter login details. to totally eradicate the uncertainties associated with the load
• The app on the android device connects with the HC-05 cells and the sensor platform.
bluetooth built in the data processing unit. After a con-
nection has been established the rest of the components TABLE I
will turn on and initialize. DYNAMIC M EASUREMENT
• The app would request the user to drop a weight on the
Input(kg) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
sensor platform and wait. Output(kg) 7.8 8 8.1 7.7 8.2 7.7 8.3
• The dropped item would be weighed and recorded.
• The app would close automatically after recording the


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and the unloading used weights ranging from 1kg to 13kg with
1kg increment or decrements at a time. During the hysteresis
test, the highest weight difference in measurement was about
D. Gait analysis
Ten people walked on the sensor platform for the gait
analysis. Ten unique foot pressure distributions were recorded
and are represented in Fig. 9. With different foot sizes, foot
structures and body weights, the amount of force exerted
on the sensor platform differs from one person to the next
within the chosen sample size. From Fig. 9, the longest spikes
represent the heel strikes and the immediate shorter spikes
represented the toe strike.
A smart scale tracking system using load cells has been
presented in this paper. The prototype can be used in mul-
Fig. 9. Force exerted by heel and toe on the sensor platform as seen on the tiple environments, as a smart weighing scale and also as a
arduino serial plotter standalone biometric device. This prototype would be ideal
in an environment with multiple employees were loading
and unloading weights is the main focus. An employee can
be identified by their gait while the system can keep track
of weight measurement at the same time. With solar power
capabilities this prototype is cheap and sustainable.
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