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IEEE 802 Architecture

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orking group, Wi he veloped by the 7 standards and then at the specifics of IERE #.11 : architecture of TE] Pesto ese The architecture of a LAN is best described in terms of organize the basic functions of a LAN ‘This sect ene standardized protocol architecture for LANs, which encommurce eet i access control, and logical link control layers We then look ty ee pth medium access control and logical link control, snore deal st medium Jay ‘ering of protocols that ith a description of the Protocol Architecture Protocols defined specifically for LAN and MAN (metropolitan area network) trans- mission address issues relating to the transmission of blocks of data over the network In OSI terms, higher-layer protocols (layer 3 or 4 and above) are independent of net. work architecture and are applicable to LANs, MANs, and WANs. Thus, a discussion of LAN protocols is concerned principally with lower layers of the OSI model. Figure 14.1 relates the LAN protocols to the OSI architecture (Figure 4.3). This architecture was developed by the IEEE 802 committee and has been adopted by all organizations working on the specification of LAN standards. It is generally referred to as the IEEE 802 reference model.’ Working from the bottom up, the lowest layer of the IEEE 802 reference model corresponds to the physical layer of the OSI model and includes such functions as + Encoding/decoding of signals (e.g., PSK, QAM. etc.) + Preamble gencration/removal (for synchronization) «© Bit transmission/reception hysical layer of the 802 model includes a specification of the trans- mission medium and the topology. Generally, this is considered “below the lowest layer of the OSI model. However, the choice of transmission medium and topology is critical in LAN design, and so a specification of the medium is jneluded For oe of the IEEE 802 standards. the physical layer is further subdivided into sublayers. In players are defined: the case of IEEE 802.11, two sul . : Defines a method of mapping . i ye vergence procedure (PLCP): Det i n weit} MAC layer protocol data units (MPDUs) into a framing format suit- Tease dine and receiving user data and management information erent ‘or more stations using the associated PMD sublayer eet MD): Defines the characteristics of, i jum dependent sublayer (PM . ond caine of rating and receiving, user data through a wireless and metho medium betwcen two or more stations In addition, the pI ganizations involved i ww of the key 0 rovides an overvie Oar. ———_— is book's Web site pi A supporting document — ead road ‘standards, including the IEEE 802 Stan cat in developing communi Scanned by CamScanner FP ww ‘ OSI Reference Model _ Apptication Prewetation IEEE 802 I Reference Senses Model Trampert | Upper-layer | “prota Lc service ‘access point Network (LSAP) Fi gure 14.1 IEEE 802 Protocol Layers Compared to OSI Model ‘Above the physical layer are the functions associated with providing service to LAN users. These include * On transmission, assemble data into a frame with address and error detec- tion fields. * On reception, disassemble frame, and perform address recognition and error detection. * Govern access to the LAN transmission medium, * Provide an interface to higher layers and perform flow and error control. These are functions typically associated with OSI layer 2. The set of functions in the last bullet item is grouped into a logical link control (LLC) layer. The func- ons in the first three bullet items are treated as a separate layer, called medium “ecess control (MAC). The separation is done for the following reasons: * ‘The logic required to manage acce traditional layer 2 data link control, * For the same a . fi in so a shared-access medium is not found everal MAC options may be provided. Scanned by CamScanner TP segment ————~ PP datagram ————~ LLC protocol data unit —————~ —— MA frt9e Figure 14.2. IEEE 802 Protocols in Context Figure 14.2, which reproduces Figure 11.14, illustrates the relationship between the levels of the architecture. Higher-level data are passed down to LLC, which appends control information as a header, creating an LLC protocol data unit (PDU). Tis control information is used in the operation of the LLC protocol. The entire LLC PDUs then passed down to the MAC layer. which appends control information at the front and back of the packet, forming a MAC frame. Again, the control information in the frame is needed for the operation of the MAC protocol. For context, the figure also shows the use of TCP/IP and an application layer above the LAN protocols - MAC Frame Format “The MAC layer receives a block of data from the LLC layer and is responsible for performing functions related to medium access and for transmitting the data. As Pith other protocol layers, MAC implements these functions making use of a proto- this case, the PDU is referred to as a MAC frame. ‘The exact format of the MAC frame differs somewhat for the various MAC protocols in use. In general, all of the MAC frames have @ format similar to that of Figure 14.3. The fields of this frame are as follows: + MAC Controk This field contains any protocol control information needed for the functioning of the MAC protocol. For example, a priority level could be indicated here. + Destination MAC Address: TB: LAN for this frame. col data unit at its layer. In « destination physical attachment point on the Scanned by CamScanner 6 LAN STANDAIND bay WHEELS! WEE AND THE TELE at 462, curren scan | Sours Data MAC mae Tne [MAC wddress fp frame |_controt_| MAC adress? 7 2 Variable xtc tor 5 Soe + Information ] LLC Ppsar [scar LLC contro! ah PDU f : z LLC ue DSAP value cm) SsAR gabe address fields i vl DSAP = destination verve access pit Oe = commande settee ces poi rommand/response SAP Figure 14.3 LLC PDU in a Generic MAC Frame Format + Source MAC Address: The source physical attachment point on the LAN for this frame. © Data: The body of the MAC frame. This may be LLC data from the next higher layer or control information relevant to the operation of the MAC protocol. © CRC: The cyclic redundancy check field (also known as the frame check sequence, FCS, field), This is an error-detecting code, as described in Section 8.1. The CRC is used in virtually all data link protocols, such as HDLC (Appendix C). In most data link control protocols, the data link protocol entity is responsible not only for detecting errors using the CRC but for recovering from those errors by retrans- mitting damaged frames. In the LAN protocol architecture, these two functions are split between the MAC and LLC layers. The MAC layer is responsible for detecting errors and discarding any frames that are in error. The LLC layer optionally keeps track of which frames have been successfully received and retransmits unsuccessful frames Logical Link Control ‘The LLC layer for LANS is similar in many respects t ink Ia use, Like all link lay with the tranemiston cts between two stati has two characteristi ‘$s in common LLCis concerned with the transmission of a link-level PDU without the necessity of an intermediate switching node. LLC not shared by most other link control protocols: I sl C ii Itrmus support the multiaccess, shared-medium nature of the link (this differs m a multidrop line in that there is no primary node). othe : 2. Itis relieved of some details of link access by the MAC layer. Scanned by CamScanner Addressing in LLC invoty cs , , seris shew: Specit ppieally.a USEF iS a higher-ayer cet ayer pene EINE the 9 ion. These LLC ser addresses ane et eter ° gecping With OST terminology for the wee neat ncn We look first at the services that authe LLC protocol, a high herd evel user r and then LLC Services LLC specities the mechan anedium and for controlling the exchange of data: ad format of this standard is based on MDL e services for attached devices: M « Unacknowledged coi m ctionless service: Th cigrnieigeiane his is a datap a ven meen ‘ice that docs not involve any flow 7 nisms. Thus, the delivery of data i vert Te ll bee ee of data is not guaranteed. However. in mos. de ee eceae her layer of software that deals with reliability soe e Connection-mo ‘ice: This Hap i f ity 7 A losical sc ontiecti cee This service is similar to that offered iy gical n is set up between two users cx Shiri controland errarcontrolare provided. saan eta am serve and €rror-comtro} te e Acknowledged i is i Ack owledged conne fionless service: This is a cross between the previous ) . It provides that datagrams are to be acknowledged, but n logical connection is set up. m er ‘Typically,a vendor will provide these services as options that the customer can select when purchasing the equipment, Alternatively, the customer can purchase equipment that provides two or all tree services and select a specific service based on application. The unacknowledged connectionless service requires minimum logic and is useful in two contexts. First, it will often be the case that higher layers of software will provide the necessary reliability and flow-control mechanism, and itis efficient ro avoid duplicating them, For example, TCP could provide the mechanisms needed to ensure that data are delivered reliably. Second, there are instances in which the over- head of connection establishment and maintenance is unjustified or even counter productive (for example, data collection activities that involve the periodic sampling ‘of data sources, such as sensors and automatic self-test reports from security equip- ment or network components). In a monitoring application, the loss of an occasional data unit would not cause distress, as the next report should arrive shortly. Thus, in most cases, the unacknowledged connectionless service is the preferred option. The connection-mode service could be us .d in very simple devices, such 3 that have little software operating ‘above this level. In these eases it ‘ol and reliability mechanisms normally implemented cations software. is useful in sever : ‘oftware must maintain some sort of that connection. Hf the nations for data, farge number of ‘environment remote sensors, would provide the flow contr at higher layers of the communi The acknowledged connectionless service cal link control s sion-mode service, the logical link conto» to keep tal of the status of ren ge number of dest user needs guaranteed delivery but there * a larg ae the then the connection-mode service may De impract nh reamed E8108 tables required. An example is a proces control or au al contents With the conn table for each active connection, Scanned by CamScanner 1 WIRELESS LAN STANDARD werent AND) THE AEE sunicate with a large number of processors ang the handling, of important and time factory. Because Of their tmportaney sured that the signal gop {nol want LO Lake the tinye J to comm atrollers. Another use cof this ‘ Mergen com signals ia HCLOEY sted se that the sender ean Be of the sig i then send the dat where a central site may 1 programmable con critical alarm or er an acknowledgment is Ne through, Because of the urge’ first to establish a logical connection LLC Protocol The basic LLC proto s. The differences col is modeled after HDLC and has simitay hetween the two protocols can be surnam functions and forma rized as follows: chronous balanced mode of operation of HDLC tg service: this is referred to as type 2 operation «© LLC makes use of th support connection-mode 1 The other HDLC modes are not employed. «LLC supports an unacknowledged connectiontess servi bored information PDU: this is known as type 1 operation. © LLC supports an acknowledged connectionless service by using two ney unnumbered PDUs; this is known as type 3 operation. © LLC permits multiplexing by the use of LLC service access points (SAPs), using the unnum. All three LLC protocols employ the same PDU format (Figure 14.3), which con. sists of four fields. The DSAP and SSAP fields each contain a 7-bit address, which specify the destination and source users of LLC, respectively. One bit of the DSAP indicates whether the DSAP is an individual or group address. One bit of the SSAP indicates whether the PDU is a command or response PDU. The format of the LLC control field is identical to that of HDLC (Figure C1, Appendix C), using extended (7-bit) sequence numbers. For type 1 operation, which supports the unacknowledged connectionless ser- vice, the unnumbered information (UI) PDU is used to transfer user data. There is no acknowledgment, flow control, or error control. However, there is error detec- tion and discard at the MAC level. __ Two other PDU types, XID and TEST, are used to support management func: tions associated with all three types of operation. Both PDU types are used in the following fashion. An LLC entity may issue a command (C/R bit = 0) XID or TES T. The receiving LLC entity issues a corresponding XID or TEST in response. The XID PDU is used to exchange two types of information: types of operation sup- ported and window size. The TEST PDU is used to conduct a loopback test of the Sapamison path between two LLC entities. Upon receipt of a TEST command ‘Wine onerat entity issues a TEST response PDU as soon as possible. SAPs priorte daeen ion, a data link connection is established between two LLC lata exchange, Connection establishment is attempted by the type? protocol in response to a request fr or A ite iewues 8 SABME PDU? to request a logieal quest from a user. The LLC entity issues a SABM ‘quest 4 logical connection with the other LLC entity. If the connection This stands for set async ! wsynchronous balanced mode extended, Wis used in HDLC to choose ABM and select extended sequence type Doperation Ne numbers of 7 bits Both ABM and 7-bit sequenve numbers are mandatory Scanned by CamScanner Mav 10.02.11 ANCIENT FAND SUIEVICES 465 _ceepted by the LLC user desi js aceeP ser designated . isfy returns am unnumbered laden es DSAR then the gforth uniquely identified by the 4 © pair of user $A SAP: ene cre rejects the connection re yser rejects 4 clion request, its LLC 's Hf the destinati . LO en re inatic + (pM) PDU. nity returns a disconnected ined le (Once the connection is established data are ppUsasin HDLC. Information PDUs include send ed ae tsing information sequencing and flow control. The supervisory PDUs wre tac ae nen timbers pws conrol and error contol Pe catty cam ear act 8 DLC for nection bY ising ‘a disconnect (DISC) PDU. hinate a logical LLC con- th type 3 operation, euch transmitted PDU is found in HDLC) unnumbered PDU, the scnowindged saad A now (not jnformation PDU, is defined. User data are sen AC com aa Pt (acy be acknowledged using an AC response PDU.To guard ay inst lost Pons abil Raquence number is used. The sender alternates the use of 0 ind | ints AC seainand PDU, and the receiver responds with an AC PDU with the o poste number of the corresponding command. Only one PDU in each direction iar outstanding at any time. fo! AND SERVICES EEE 802-11 ARCHITEC In 1990, the IEEE 802 Committee formed a new working group, IE 802.11, specificall devoted to wi LANs, with a charter to develop a MAC protocol and physical medium sp al interest was in developing a wire- jess LAN operating, in the ISM (industrial, scientific, and medical) band. Since that time, the demand for WLANS, at different frequencies and data rates, has exploded. Keeping pace with this demand, the 802.11 working group has issued an ever-expanding list of standards (Table 14.1). fable 14.2 briefly defines key terms used in the IEEE 802.11 standard. (The Wi-Fi Alliance weptance was 802.11b, Although ‘The first 802.11 standard to gain broad industry acc 802.11b products are all based on the same standard, there is always @ concern whether products from different vendors will successfully i “To meet this bility Alliance (WECA), an industry con- reless Ethernet Compati med in 1999. This organization, subsequently renamed the Wi liance, created a le suite to certify interoperability for £2004, products from over 120 vendors have been certified, fied 802.11b products is Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Cl nlification has been ducts, and 57 vendors have 50 far been qua fied. The Wi-Fi ped a certification pre for 802.114 products, called alified for Wi certification. auened with a range ‘of market areas for WLANS, hot spots. concern, the Wi sortium, was for (Wireless Fidelity) Al 802.11b products. As o} The term used for certi extended to 802.11g pro’ Alliance has also develo Wi-Fi5. So far, 32 vendors have __ The Wi-Fi Alliance is con! including enterprise, home, andh Scanned by CamScanner

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