MATH 102 - : - Calculus Ii
MATH 102 - : - Calculus Ii
MATH 102 - : - Calculus Ii
Course webpage
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Exams & Grading : • 1st Midterm (26 2/3%) March 7, 2020 Saturday 10:00
• 2nd Midterm (26 2/3%) April 18, 2020 Saturday 10:00
• Final Examϕ (26 2/3%) to be announced later
• Quizzes (10%)
• Homework (10%)
Week Subject MT
#1 Feb 3–7 Vectors, Lines & Planes (12.1–12.5)
#2 Feb 10–14 Partial Derivatives (10.1–10.2, 13.1–13.3, 14.1)
#3 Feb 17–21 Partial Derivatives (14.2–14.3)
#4 Feb 24–28 Partial Derivatives (14.4–14.5)
#5 Mar 2–6 Partial Derivatives (14.6–14.7) #1
#6 Mar 9–13 Multiple Integrals (14.8, 15.1)
#7 Mar 19–20 Multiple Integrals (15.2)
#8 Mar 23–27 Multiple Integrals (10.3, 15.3, 12.6)
#9 Mar 30–Apr 3 Multiple Integrals (15.6–15.7)
#10 Apr 6–10 Infinite Series (15.8–15.9, 11.1)
#11 Apr 13–17 Infinite Series (11.2) #2
#12 Apr 20–22, 24 Infinite Series (11.3)
#13 Apr 27–30 Infinite Series (11.4–11.6)
#14 May 4–8 Infinite Series (11.7–11.9)
#15 May 11–15 Infinite Series (11.10–11.11)
ϕ The Final Deal: The lower midterm score is replaced by min(2 min(MT1,MT2),max(F,min(MT1,MT2))).
• You need a valid registration code, supplied with your copy of the textbook sold by • You must turn off all your electronic equipment before the lecture starts.
the Meteksan Bookstore, to access WebAssign. In particular, phones, tablets, and laptops must be turned off and put away or should
not be brought to class at all. It is scientifically proven that laptop multitasking
• The class key for this course is 7016 9911. hinders learning for both users and nearby peers [Computers & Education 62 (2013) 24-
31], non-academic internet use in the classroom is negatively related to classroom
• Registering in and using WebAssign correctly and properly is part of the homework. learning regardless of intellectual ability [Computers & Education 78 (2014) 109-114], the
• You must enter your Bilkent Student ID Number as your Student ID Number when mere presence of one’s own smartphone reduces available cognitive capacity [Journal
creating your WebAssign account, and you must enroll in the WebAssign course of the Association for Consumer Research 2/2 (2017) 140-154], checking phones in lectures
only through one account. Otherwise, your homework score on STARS will be zero can cost students half a grade in exams [Educational Psychology (2018) 1-14], using digital
irrespective of what your WebAssign scores are. technologies excessively results in loss of motivation to study and more anxiety about
exams [Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (2020) to appear], and you can lead a horse to
Make-up Policy: water but you cannot make it learn [British Journal of Educational Technology 46/4 (2015)
• Students who miss a midterm exam with a valid and documented excuse
• You must avoid all activities that are better performed elsewhere, includ-
are entitled to take a make-up exam subject to the approval of the in-
ing talking to your classmates, during the lecture. If you have a question
structor. A single make-up exam is given for the midterms during the last week of
or comment related to what is being discussed at that moment in class, raise your
classes and covers the entire syllabus. The make-up exam for the Final Exam takes
hand and address the entire class; otherwise, wait until the end of the lecture.
place on the third day after the Final Exam.