Glories of Lord Shiva
Glories of Lord Shiva
Glories of Lord Shiva
Just as the Gaìgä is the greatest of all rivers, Lord Acyuta the supreme
among deities and Lord Çambhu [Çiva] the greatest of Vaiñëavas, so
Çrémad-Bhägavatam is the greatest of all Puräëas.
Of the many unusual things about Lord Shiva, one that often strikes
people the most is the worship of his genitals known as the Shiva-linga.
Why would vedic scripture advocate worship of a male genital? What is
the history behind this?
Padma Puran 1st canto chp 16-17 describes an interesting story behind
the worship of Shiva's genital.
Once grad sacrifice was performed by Lord Brahma at Pushkar.(Pushkar
is a city in the Ajmer district in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is
situated about 10 km (6.2 mi) northwest of Ajmer and about 150
kilometres (93 mi) southwest of Jaipur. The most famous among
Pushkar temples is the red spired Brahma Temple built by Pushkar, who
is father of Vedmata Gayatri, who was a chechi kanya married to Lord
Brahma. )
Present at the ceremony were Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Indra and all
other devatas- auspicious time approached to begin the sacrifice,
Brahma sent his assistant to bring his wife Savitri - for one can not
perform yajna without the presence of one's wife. - assistant requestes
Savitri - I haven't made any auspicious decorations in the house yet. The
pots have not been washed. Morever, Lakshmi has not arrived yet, nor
Gauri(wofVaruna), Svaha(wofAgni), Dhumorna (wofYamraj), Ganga,
Sarasvati rivers, Arundhati(wofVasistha). - Pls tell my husband to wait
for a little while and I will come when all of these other ladies arrive."
Unmarried girls worship Lord Shiva so that they can expect a husband
who is as good a vaishnava as he. The girls are not taught to select a
husband who is very rich or very oppulent for material sense
gratification; rather, if a girl is fortunate enough to get a husband as good
as Lord Shiva in devotional service, then her life is perfect. The wife is
dependent on the husband, and if the husband is a vaishnava then
naturally she shares the devotionsl service of the husband bcz she
renders him service.
Why does Lord Shiva have snakes all over his body?
In order to get release from the false ego, one has to worship Saìkarñaëa.
Saìkarñaëa is also worshiped through Lord Çiva; the snakes which cover
the body of Lord Çiva are representations of Saìkarñaëa, and Lord Çiva
is always absorbed in meditation upon Saìkarñaëa.
CC ADi 6
teìho karena kåñëera däsya-pratyäça
But I do request one benediction from you, who are full of all perfection
and able to shower down the fulfillment of all desires. I ask to have
unflinching bhakti unto Krishna and unto you - who are completely
surrendered unto Krishna.
tapyante loka-täpena
sädhavaù präyaço janäù
paramärädhanaà tad dhi
Lead by an example!
you can not do all the good
that the world needs.
But the world needs all
the good that you can do.
When body goes into repair mode sometimes its not easy to
bring it back to its normal functioning. Its a hardwork! Whole
life we may have to keep paying a big price ! We feel guilty
Better take precaution now, instead of hardwork just do simple work
now by regulating life and see the difference.
Same thing applies to our youth. Its delicate. you have a choice
to shape it the way you want it to be. Let us take precautions and
as far as possible save the repair cost - guilty conscience (a
personal awareness of right and wrong that you use to guide
your actions to do right. Moral development is the process
through which one develops proper attitudes and behaviors. Best
means to do that is use the platform of ABCD -
B - They value books like they value air, food and water.
Reading, listening scriptures enlightens one's mind, our
perspectives to life are widened.
following ABCD one becomes a person of substance - 1, a
person who embraces the uncertainty of life - The world is not
black and white - it is shades of grey, ex- one couple with 1 year child
happened to speak to me on last Mon. They were appreciating
GaurGopal Pr. They shared their story of life with me. 2. a person
who adds value to the world)
Lord Shiva - Most exalted and auspicious personality
Intention behind speaking about Lord Shiva is to glorify him and seek his blessings
to render devotional service with great enthusiasum.
Just as the Gaìgä is the greatest of all rivers, Lord Acyuta the supreme
among deities and Lord Çambhu [Çiva] the greatest of Vaiñëavas, so
Çrémad-Bhägavatam is the greatest of all Puräëas.
Although Mr. RK was usually prone to argue, these SP's points satisfied
SB 4.30.38 purport
Vaiñëavänäà yathä çambhuù: the most exalted Vaiñëava is Lord Çiva,
and those who are actually devotees of Lord Çiva follow Lord Çiva's
advice and take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Viñëu. The so-called
devotees of Lord Çiva, who are simply after material prosperity, are in a
way deceived by Lord Çiva. He does not actually deceive them, because
Lord Çiva has no business deceiving people, but because the so-called
devotees of Lord Çiva want to be deceived, Lord Çiva, who is very
easily pleased, allows them all kinds of material benedictions. These
benedictions might ironically result in the destruction of the so-called
devotees. For instance, Rävaëa took all material benediction from Lord
Çiva, but the result was that he was ultimately destroyed with his family,
kingdom and everything else because he misused Lord Çiva's
benediction. Because of his material power, he became very proud and
puffed up so that he dared kidnap the wife of Lord Rämacandra. In this
way he was ruined. To get material benedictions from Lord Çiva is not
difficult, but actually these are not benedictions.
The Pracetäs received benediction from Lord Çiva, and as a result they
attained the shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Viñëu. This is real
benediction. The gopés also worshiped Lord Çiva in Våndävana, and the
lord is still staying there as Gopéçvara. The gopés, however, prayed that
Lord Çiva bless them by giving them Lord Kåñëa as their husband.
There is no harm in worshiping the demigods, provided that one's aim is
to return home, back to Godhead.
Nandi - Shiva's Bull Carrier - A gift from Krishna (ref Chp 36,text 42-
47 Brahmavaivarta Purana -Krsna-janma-khanda)
Understanding that his pride had been the cause of his difficulties, Lord
Shiva renounced it and began offering prayers to Krishna.
While relating this story to Srimati Radharani, Krishna concluded..
tato aham vrisha-rupena vahami tena tam priyam
mama priyatamo nasti trailokyeshu shivat parah
Since then, I started carrying Shiva over My back as his vehicle because
no one in the 3 worlds is dearer to Me than Shiva. (We can simply
admire the rel between Lord & Shiva)
Daksha goes to Lord Shiva and asks him to return his son-in-law. If you
will not return Chandra to me then I shall pronounce terrible curse upon
you. Shiva said I am unable to return the moon who has sought my
shelter. Daksha was about to pronounce a curse on Lord Shiva. Lord
Shiva remembered Govinda.
At that moment Lord Krsna appeared on the scene as old Brahmana. He
advised to Lord Shiva - O Shiva nothing is as dearer to all creatures than
their self. Considering this O Mahadev you should save yourself by
giving the moon to Daksha. You are calm, vaishnavanam yatha...,and
you treat all creatures equally. You are free from violence and anger.
Daksha is an illustrious son of Lord Brahma and he is full of anger. A
noble person gives in before an angry person.
For Example -
On His way to Jagannath Puri, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to the
place named Ekamraka, Bhubaneshwar. Mahaprabhu saw there a great
temple of Shiva. Gauranga Mahaprabhu enters to the temple and bows
down His head low and offers dandavat pranam. In His ecstatic mood
He offers the prayers of praise to the Lord of the mountains. Its
premanam evadya harau videhi
May the Supreme Lord who is known as the son of Çrématé Çacé-devé
be transcendentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart.
[Blessings are given by the author – In his very old age, Krishnadas
Kaviraj Goswami has written CC. Once we situate Lord Caitanya in
our heart then we experience the fullness of life! How can we
situate Lord Caitanya in our heart by falling in love with Him in
other words experiencing the power of Gaura-prem ] Resplendent
with the radiance of molten gold, He has appeared in the Age of Kali by
His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation has ever offered
before: the most sublime and radiant mellow of devotional service, the
mellow of conjugal love.
Srila Kavi Karnapur in his Sri Gaura -ganoddesa dipika text 11 has
bhaktavatara acaryo advaito yah sri-sadashivah - The incarnation of a
devotee, Lord Advaita Acarya is Lord Sadashiva.
pañca-tattvātmakaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ
bhaktāvatāraṁ bhaktākhyaṁ
namāmi bhakta-śaktikam
Let me offer my obeisances unto Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who has manifested
Himself in five as a devotee(LCM), expansion of a devotee(LNP),
incarnation of a devotee(Advaita Prabhu), pure devotee(Srivas Thakur)
and devotional energy(Gadadhar Pandit).
Lord Caitanya appeared before Lord Shiva and told him that vey soon
He would fulfill the intention of Shiva by appearing in Navadvip with
His followers. Rudradeva became pacified and began to further sing the
glories of Mahaprabhu.
Lord Shiva - in the mood of his eternal service of protecting the Lord's
Seeing her husband dancing in wild ecstacy from chanting the name of
Gauranga, Parvati-devi asked him to explain. When she heard Lord
Shiva's glorification of Lord Gauranga and His mercy of freely giving
prema in Kali-yuga, Paravati-devi immediately came here and
performed austerities.
While receiving the darshan and blessings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, she
put His red-foot-dust on her simanta, the parting in her hair. Since then
this island has been named Simantadvipa and also it became the
residence of Lord Shiva and Parvati.
The local people in this island have worshipped a large tree here as the
residence of Lord Shiva and Paravati. This tree is located in the
ISKCON Jagannath Mandir property and has a very old shiva-linga
residing underneath it.
When Lord Shiva heard that Suta Goswami was about to speak on the
pastimes of Lord Caitanya here, he could not tolerate missing even one
word. His anxiety to reach here in time was so intense that he even
abandoned his normal carrier, the bull Nandi, and took up Lord
Brahma's much faster hamsa(swan) carrier.
The Hamsa-Vahana temple houses the deity of Hamsa-Vahana-Shiva -
but only for 3 days a year. This deity is still manifesting the heat of Lord
Shiva's anxiety, and it becomes very hot. Therefore during the year He is
kept cool by being placed deep inside a nearby lake. Then in the month
of Caitra(March/April) he is taken out for 3 days. During this time water
is constantly poured on the deity to keep him cool, and there is a grand
Conclusion -
These pastimes reveal
- how Lord Shiva is absorbed in relishing the nectar of gaura-
- his great eagerness to serve the devotees and to give them
priceless treasure of Sri Gauracandra's supreme mercy.