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Design and Simulation of Different Wireless Power Transfer Circuits

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2nd International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), 19-21 December 2017, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Design and Simulation of Different Wireless Power

Transfer Circuits

Saikot Baroi, Md. Shahidul Islam and Shawon Baroi

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Email: saikot987@gmail.com, siruet@gmail.com and shawon0864@gmail.com

Abstract— Wireless power transfer (WPT) means, In this paper, four WPT circuits are discussed, among
transmission of electrical energy without any wire (or physical which the first two circuits use inductive coupling for WPT
contact). In this paper, four WPT circuits have been designed [1]-[4]. The last two circuits are not based on inductive
and simulated using MATLAB/Simulink and Multisim. The first coupling. They are RF energy harvesting circuits [5]-[10],
& second circuits are based on inductive coupling and they have which can produce usable voltage (1-3 V), using ambient RF
both transmitter and receiver section. But the last two circuits energy.
have only receiver section and they can be used for harvesting
ambient radio frequency (RF) energy. The first two circuits were
simulated using both MATLAB/Simulink & Multisim but the last II. WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER CIRCUITS VIA INDUCTIVE
two circuits were simulated only in Multisim. COUPLING
The first two circuits consist of a transmitter, an air core
Keywords— Wireless power transfer (WPT); electromagnetic inductor and a receiver. The first circuit (Fig. 1) is called Tesla
induction; MATLAB/Simulink & Multisim.
coil (TC) [1]. The receiver coil produces magnetic field
around it. This magnetic field can light florescent bulb, near
I. INTRODUCTION to it (without any connection of wires). The open terminal of
Wireless power transfer (WPT) is a well known field of the receiver coil is the high voltage terminal.
research. It is very convenient, where interconnection of wires The second circuit (Fig. 2) has separate transmitter and
is complicated, risky and difficult to manage [1]. It has three receiver and there is no electrical connection between them
major limitations, e.g. a) size (often large size transmitter and [2]-[4].
receiver is required); b) Range (only a few meters) and c)
Efficiency (less efficient than conventional wire based system)
Transmitter Receiver
Coil Coil
Two methods are mainly used for WPT system, e.g. 300
electromagnetic induction, electromagnetic radiation [2]. The 5
first one is the most common method for WPT. It uses two
coils. One is the transmitter coil and another is the receiver 22K
coil. Electrical energy is transferred, from transmitter to
receiver coil by magnetic field. Faraday’s law of induction
states that [1]

ε = −N ( ) (1) Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of the first circuit.
where ε is the electromagnetic force (EMF), φ is the Transmitter Receiver
30 30
Circuit Circuit
magnetic flux, dt is the change in time in second, N is the
1K 3V
number of turns. The magneto motive force (MMF) depends
on the number of turns (N) and the amount of current (I) flow. N2222A
So, MMF can be expressed as [1]
mmf = N * I (2) Fig. 2. Circuit diagram of the second circuit.

978-1-5386-3341-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

2nd International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), 19-21 December 2017, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

III. RF ENERGY HARVESTING CIRCUITS The second circuit was made by two separate air core coil
The range of RF wave is from 3 KHz to 300 GHz. The (28 SWG copper wire) each having diameter of 8 cm and 30
ambient RF energy can be converted to electrical energy, turns. There was no electrical contact between the primary
which can be used to charge batteries, power small motors and coil and the secondary coil. For testing of wireless
LEDs. There are many circuits for RF to DC conversion but transmission of energy from primary coil to secondary coil, a
here, two common circuits (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4) are discussed led was connected to the secondary. When the secondary coil
with simple modification. was brought near to the primary coil, the led was turned on.
When the secondary coil was taken far from the primary, the
led was turned off. The test results of the second circuit are
shown in Table II.
C1 C3
C4 Input to Distance from Output of Efficiency
C2 D2
Primary Coil Primary to Secondary Coil (%)
_ (V) Secondary (cm) (V)
1:50 3 5 0 0
D4 3 4 0.8 26.67
C1=C2=.22µF, C3=C4=100µF; D1=D2=D3=D3= Schottky Diode, 10BQ015
3 3 1.4 46.67
3 2 1.9 63.33
Fig. 3. Circuit diagram of the third circuit. 3 1 2.2 73.33
3 0 2.4 80
For inductive coupling WPT the power transfer depends
C1=C2=C3=C4=1µF; on number of turns in the coil. If more winding is used in the
D1=D2=D3=D3= Schottky Diode,
secondary, the florescent bulb/led will be more bright and the

range of transmission will also be increased. For handling

more power, the number of winding (both primary and
C1 C2
secondary) should be increased.
D1 D2 D3 D4 The third circuit was made with 1N4148 diodes and the
fourth circuit was made with 1N34A germanium diodes,
C3 C4 instead of schottky diodes. A co-axial cable from a dish
antenna (RF source) was connected to the input terminal. A
+ voltmeter was connected to the output terminal. The voltage

was gradually rising and then became nearly stable.

Fig. 4. Circuit diagram of the fourth circuit. V. SIMULATIONS AND RESULTS

The first two circuits are simulated in both
IV. CASE STUDY MATLAB/Simulink & Multisim. In both case, same result is
obtained. In Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 (MATLAB simulation), ideal
In case study, the above circuits were implemented. A transformer is used but in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 (Multisim
Tesla coil was built having 5 turns (20 SWG copper coil) in simulation), coreless virtual coil is used. In all simulation,
primary side and 300 turns (28 SWG copper coil) in ground terminal (GND) is used as reference terminal.
secondary side. A PVC pipe of 2 cm diameter was used to
make the secondary coil (tower). The air gap between primary Here, the output voltage of Fig. 5 and Fig. 9 are observed
and secondary side was 0.3 cm. A florescent bulb (10 watt) (shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 11) very high in simulation but in
was used for testing the wireless transmission of energy. practice, this high voltage is not obtained. From Fig. 7 and
When the bulb was brought near to the coil, it was illuminated
and when the bulb was taken far from the coil, it was turned
off (shown in Table I). There was no electrical contact
between the tower and the bulb.

Distance from Tesla Tower (cm) Illuminant Level (10 watt

Florescent Bulb)

More than 2 cm No Bright

1.6- 2 cm Less Bright
1-1.5 cm Half Bright
0.5-0.9 cm Bright
0-.4 cm Full Bright Fig. 5. Simulation of the first circuit in MATLAB/Simulink.
2nd International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), 19-21 December 2017, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

U1 U2
30 30

Ext Trig

1kΩ XMM1


V1 2N2222A



Fig. 10. Multisim simulation of the second circuit.

Fig. 6. Simulation of the second circuit in MATLAB/Simulink.


Voltage (V)




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (s)

Fig. 7. Simulation result (MATLAB/Simulink) of the first circuit.

Fig. 11. Simulation result (Multisim) of the first circuit.

Voltage (V)



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (s)

Fig. 8. Simulation result (MATLAB/Simulink) of the second circuit.

Fig.11, it is observed that the output voltage is constant but in

practice, the output voltage is very oscillatory. In simulation, Fig. 12. Simulation result (Multisim) of the second circuit.
this constant high voltage is obtained due to measuring output
voltage across GND. The simulation result of Fig. 6 and Fig. The last two circuits are simulated only in Multisim (Fig
10 (shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 12) are very close to the practical 13 and Fig 14). From the results of the simulation (Fig. 15 and
result. Fig. 16), it is observed that these circuits can produce constant
U1 U2 DC voltage from ambient RF energy. Here, 450 KHz, 50 mV
5 300 FM signal is used as RF source.
Ext Trig

C1 10BQ015 C2
Q1 .22µF

2N2222A XMM1 XSC1





T1 C4 D4

XSC1 V1 .22F 10BQ015

Ext Tr ig

9V 50mV

450kHz 100Hz
1:50 D2


Fig. 13. Multisim simulation of the third circuit.

Fig. 9. Multisim simulation of the first circuit.
2nd International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), 19-21 December 2017, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

obtainable for WPT; as a result, the outputs are not fully
50mV FM V1 stable. Besides, high frequency transformer is needed for RF
450kHz 100Hz
harvesting circuits.
C1 C2
1µF 1µF

D1 D2 D3 D4
10BQ015 10BQ015 10BQ015 10BQ015 In this paper, four different WPT circuits were discussed
Ext Tr ig

C3 C4
with their simulations. It is observed that the first circuit can

1µF 1µF produce very high voltage and can light florescent bulbs

wirelessly. The second circuit has separate transmitter and


XSC1 XMM1 receiver circuit and can power any two terminal devices
wirelessly. The efficiency of inductive coupling WPT system
Fig. 14. Multisim simulation of the fourth circuit. is inversely proportional to the distance between the
transmitter and receiver. For more power handling (by
inductive coupling WPT) the number of winding (both in
primary and secondary) should be increased. The last two
circuits are not based on inductive coupling. They are RF
energy harvesting circuits, which can produce usable voltage
(1-3 V), using ambient RF energy. Future research is
necessary to increase the range, efficiency and voltage
stability of the above circuits.

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