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• To encourage the creation of a policy • To create fear psychosis for Soviet
and regulatory environment Russia.
favorable to the development of the • To stabilize mentally the European
Asia Pacific Information nations.
Infrastructure. • To save the country of Europe and
• To encourage technical cooperation America which was to be attacked
among member economies in the by Russia.
development of the infrastructure. • To unite all the countries of Europe
• To facilitate the construction and and America under one umbrella. It
expansion of an interconnected and also aimed at economic stability of
interoperable information these countries and advancement in
infrastructure in the region. military front.
• To further the exchange and • To warn Russia that if it attacks on
development of human resources. any country of Europe or America,
• To promote free and efficient flow of then USA would help that affected
information. country.

ROLES (in trade): ROLES:

• Delivering strong advocacy for • To defend its member states against
global value chains and open aggression or the threat of
markets. aggression and to the principle that
• Supporting services integration. an attack against one or several
• Working towards a Free Trade Area members would be considered as
of the Asia-Pacific. an attack against all.
• To include the war on terrorism after
9/11 terrorist attack on world trade
center which was considered an
attack on the US.
• To safeguard the freedom & security
of its member countries by political
and military means.
• To serve as a regional defense
• To connect the region through • Committed to the peaceful
improving physical infrastructure resolution of disputes.
linkages, people mobility and • To guarantee the freedom and
institutional ties across the Asia- security of its members through
Pacific. political and military means.
• To enhance social equity in the • To promote democratic values and
region. enables members to consult and
• To foster transparency, competition, cooperate on defense and security-
and better functioning markets in the related issues to solve problems,
Asia-Pacific through regulatory build trust and, in the long run,
reform, improving public sector and prevent conflict.
corporate governance, and
strengthening the legal
• To improve logistics and transport
networks to enable component parts
and final goods to travel across
multiple borders, contributing to a
more efficient regional supply chain.
• To improve the competitiveness of
SME by promoting entrepreneurship
and innovation by connecting
technology start-ups with funding
and mentors.
• To improve the ease of doing
business in the Asia-Pacific.
• To make easier to trading across
• To promoting trade and economic
growth in the Asia-Pacific.
• To reduce non-renewable energy in
the region and to work toward
doubling the share of renewable
energy by 2030.

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3. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (2019). Functions of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic
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4. Rana, V. (n.d.). NATO: Formation, Principles, Objectives and Analysis of NATO.
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