Home Activities: Sample Database
Home Activities: Sample Database
Home Activities: Sample Database
1- Write Relational algebra expressions for the following information needs over IMDB-
sample Database:
1 List the first and last names of all the female actors.
π actors.first_name,actors.last_name,directors.first_name (σ movies_directors.movie_id =
roles.movie_id ((σ actors.id = roles.actor_id (actors ⨯ roles)) ⨯ (σ directors.first_name = 'Quentin' (σ
directors.id = movies_directors.director_id (directors ⨯ movies_directors)))))
2- Write Relational algebra expressions for the following information needs over
University Database:
6 Retrieve the title of the course that is pre-req of 'Database System Concepts'
7 Retrieve the semester and the year in which ‘Einstein’ taught the course ‘Physical Principles’.