David L. Powers - Boundary Value Problems - and Partial Differential Equations-Academic Press (2009)
David L. Powers - Boundary Value Problems - and Partial Differential Equations-Academic Press (2009)
David L. Powers - Boundary Value Problems - and Partial Differential Equations-Academic Press (2009)
Preface ix
CHAPTER O Ordinary Differential Equations 1
0.1. Homogeneous linear EQuations 1
0.2. Nonhomogeneous linear EQuations 14
0.3. Boundary Value Problems 25
0.4. Singular Boundary Value Problems 38
Chapter Review 44
Miscellaneous Exercises 44
Ordinary Differential
d2 u du
2 + k(t) d + p(t)u = f (t). (2)
dt t
In either equation, if f (t) is 0, the equation is homogeneous. (Another test: if
the constant function u(t) = 0 is a solution, the equation is homogeneous.)
In the rest of this section, we review homogeneous linear equations.
A. First-Order Equations
The most general first-order linear homogeneous equation has the form
d = k(t)u. (3)
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0.2 Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations 15
d2u -t
with general solution u,(t) = c 1 cos(t) + c 2 sin(t) (found in Section 1). A par
ticular solution of the equation with the inhomogeneity f1 (t) = 1, that is, of
the equation
d2 u
dt2 + u = 1,
is u p2(t) = ½e-t. (Later in this section, we will review methods for con
structing these particular solutions.) Then, by Theorem 2, a particular solu
tion of the given nonhomogeneous Eq. (5) is u p (t) = 1 - ½e-t. Finally, by
Theorem 1, the general solution of the given equation is
u(t) = 1 - -e-t + C J cos(t) + c 2 sin(t).
If two initial conditions are given, then C J and c 2 are available to satisfy them.
Of course, an initial condition applies to the entire solution of the given differ
ential equation, not just to u,(t). D
Now we turn our attention to methods for finding particular solutions of
nonhomogeneous linear differential equations.
240 Chapter 3 The Wave Equation
where s, s', q, and p are continuous, and s and p are positive for l ::= x ::=
r. (Note that we have a rather general differential equation, but very special
boundary conditions.)
If <PI is the eigenfunction corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue Ai, then
</) 1 satisfies Eq. (1) for A = A I . Alternatively, we can write
But <PI (I) <PI (r) = 0, so the first term vanishes and we are left with the
Because p(x) is positive for l ::= x ::= r, the integral on the right is positive
and we may define Ai as
It can be shown that, if y(x) is any function with two continuous derivatives
(I ::= x ::= r) that satisfies y(I) = y(r) = O, then
A2 < ° (4)
I - D(y)
Estimate the first eigenvalue of