Half-Yearly Examination Guidelines Class V SESSION 2021-2022
Half-Yearly Examination Guidelines Class V SESSION 2021-2022
Half-Yearly Examination Guidelines Class V SESSION 2021-2022
SESSION: 2021-22
04.09.2021 Saturday x x x
05.09.2021 Sunday x x x
● Half yearly examination will commence from the 31st August, 2021.
● The students will join their respective classrooms using their own student
● For each subject, there will be two Google forms comprising of MCQ
followed by a question paper.
● The two Google forms links will be posted on the class room wall at
an interval of 15 minutes. The link of the first Google form will be
posted at 8:15 a.m. and the second at 8:30 a.m. The students are
supposed to submit both the Google forms by 8:45 a.m. The question
paper will be assigned to the students at 8: 45 a.m. The assessment of
the question paper will continue till 10:45 a.m. (which includes
scanning of the answer sheet and ‘turning in’ of the PDF)
● Total marks of each subject will be 80(15 marks of each Google form
plus 50 marks of the question paper)
2. On the top of the first sheet the name, class, section, subject and the
total number of pages used to be written by the students. At the bottom
of each paper, they have to write their full name and the page number.
The first page will be numbered as page 1, second as page 2 and so on.
3. The students SHOULD NOT write at the back of any page. They
should take new sheets every time once they have finished with the old
7. Parents are requested to assist and monitor their wards while clicking
on the images and ‘turning in’.