Activity No. 6 Trees Course Code Program: Course Title Date Performed: Section: Date Submitted: Name: Instructor: 1. Objective
Activity No. 6 Trees Course Code Program: Course Title Date Performed: Section: Date Submitted: Name: Instructor: 1. Objective
Activity No. 6 Trees Course Code Program: Course Title Date Performed: Section: Date Submitted: Name: Instructor: 1. Objective
Course Code BCS 120 Program:
Course Title Fundamentals of Programming Date Performed:
and Data Structures
Section: Date Submitted:
Name: Instructor:
1. Objective:
The goal of this laboratory activity is to understand and apply the concepts in tree
structures. The student must be able to both create a tree and navigate through it.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
After completion of this activity the students should be able to:
2.1 Write a short program to create a tree and search for specific elements in
2.2 Execute programs to navigate the tree in prefix, post-fix, and in-order
2.3 Examine the navigation techniques and their differences
3. Resources:
Computer with 32-bit Operating System
Dev C++
4. Procedure:
Programming Exercise A
Create a program that first allows the user to select an order to read and compute
for an expression in a specific notation. Program must be limited to 5 values and
4 operations.
Enter a notation: PREFIX
Enter the expression: 52 2 + 48 2 + -
Answer: 4
Programming Exercise B
Create a program that would construct the tree below and print out all paths that
would lead to the root. (Only the creation of the tree can be hard-coded)
Programming Exercise C
Given the same tree in exercise 2, print out the elements in each level. (The root
shall be referred to as Level 1)
Programming Exercise D
Given the same tree in exercise 2, print out all nodes that do not have siblings.
1. Where is the concept of treex usually applied?
Infix Expression:
Postfix Expression: AX B CY * + D E - /
Prefix Expression:
Infix Expression:
Postfix Expression:
Prefix Expression: * + A B + C E
Infix Expression: ( AX * ( BX * ( ( ( CY + AY ) + BY ) * CX ) ) )
Postfix Expression:
Prefix Expression:
Infix Expression:
Postfix Expression: H A B C + D * + F * G * E * * J +
Prefix Expression:
3. What would happen if you delete the root of a tree? What would happen to its
children and leaves?
9. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):