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C - Nippon - Ma3000 Le146

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Mercury analyzer
Thermal decomposition :
Sediment, Soil, Food, Biological tissue, Blood,
Dehumidified gas line
Photo tube
Urine, Ore, Coal , Plastics, Crude Oil , Waste
Mercury removal filter
Absorption cell 2 water and more.
Methods : USEPA 7473; ASTM D 6722-01; ASTM
D 7623-10
Flow sensor Photo tube
Reduction vaporization : MA-3000
Drink water, River water, Sea Water, Waste
Photo tube Absorption cell 1 water, Digested Liquid and more.
Lamp Methods : USEPA 245.1, 245.2, 245.5, 7470A,
Sample inlet
7471B, ASTM D 3223-02, EN 1483; APHA 3112,
JIS K0102
Exhaust gas line
Mercury collection
furnace Sample heating furnace Gas analysis :

Direct Thermal Decomposition Mercury Analyzer

Ambient air, Working environment air, Fuel gas,
Oxygen gas line Natural Gas, LPG and more.
Digital flow meter Mercury removal filter Auto sampler
M e t h o d s : A S T M D 595 4 - 9 8; I S O 6978 ,

with Extended Range Triple-Detectors
Sequential Dual-Cells Optics for Pure Performance
Mercury detecting section Measurement principle Non-dispersive dual-cell tri-beam CVAAS Patent-pending
Wave length 253.7nm
Detectors Photo tubes
Detection limit 0.001ng
Maximum measurement range Up to 25,000ng(RSD < 1% @ 1.0ng; RSD <3% @ 0.1ng)
Measuring time Approx. 5 minutes
Sample decomposition section Combustion tube Quartz (Filled with catalyst) Patented (JP NO.5001419)
Sample boat Ceramic (standard supply)
Maximum decomposition temp. Up to 1,000℃
Auto sample changer section Sample position 100 positions
Sample size Solid : up to 1,500mg
Liquid : up to 1,400μL (Depend on sample matrices/boat type)
Data processing system OS WindowsXP, 7
(PC-Win / MA-3000) Display Peak profile, Calibration, Raw data, Statistics, Flow Graphics& Status
21 CFR Part II compliance
Device control Analysis condition (Temperature, Decomposition time), Blank check, Standard check
Data processing Calibration curve (Linear & Cubic fits), Peak Height & Peak area tabulation, simultaneous LOW & HIGH
concentration tabulation, Unit selection, Concentration conversion, Baseline correction, Statistics (mean, S.D., CV%)
Printing Memo, Analysis condition, Calibration curve, Measured and Statistical data, Peak profiles
Dimension & Utility Dimension 430W × 770D × 470H (mm)
Weight 55kg
Power supply AC100 ∼ 240V, 15A (MAX)
Power capacity 1.5kVA
Gas Oxygen (>90% purity), 0.1 ∼ 0.29MPa

Reduction vaporization attachment Auto Reagent dispenser RD-3
Auto sample changer SC-3
Manual attachment S-MA (5ml, 20mL)
Detection limit 1ppt (5mL)
Maximum measurement range Up to 100ppb (5mL)
Gas analysis attachment Heating unit for mercury collector tube RH-MA3
Detection limit 0.001ng
Maximum measurement range Up to 1,000ng

Ceramic Sample Boat, Nickel Sample Boat, Combustion Tube (pre-packed with catalysts), Mercury collector tube, Teflon joint set.


Osaka office : 14-8 Akaoji-cho, Takatsuki-shi, Osaka 569-1146 Japan

/Tech. center TEL +81-72-694-5195 FAX +81-72-694-0663
E-mail hg-nic@rigaku.co.jp URL www.hg-nic.com
Singapore office : 10 Science Park Road, #03-24A, Singapore 117684
TEL +65-6873-7068 FAX +65-6873-6372

ISO 9001 : 2008 CERTIFIED Tech-center, Factory & Osaka office/2003. 1. 30

ISO 14001 : 2004 CERTIFIED Tech-center, Factory & Osaka office/2007. 6. 8
Objective of Mercury Analysis --- Ultra-Dynamic Extended-Range Detector with Uncompromised-Precision

Ease, Fast and Precise!

The unique Dual-Cell Tri-Beam Detector achieves a seamless low to high concentration precise measurement range without cross-range interference
seen in other competitive systems. Extended range of up to 25,000ng (or up to 1000ppm) measurement allows coverage of more types of
applications and sample matrices, offering unmatched versatility.

Photo tube

With world’growing industrialization, it is inevitable to environmental pollutions. Therefore, environmental laws,

permits and legislations are in place and getting ever more stringent.
MA-3000 Peak profile
Mercury, being one of the most toxic and polluting metals, has been strictly monitored and controlled in various Absorption cell 1
areas including environmental (water, waste and air), foods (fish, baby products & etc), commercial (cosmetics, 0.18

plastics & etc) and many more. With such increase demands of mercury analysis in all kinds of sample matrices, new 0.16

0.14 Cell 1
and improved analytical technologies and techniques are clearly needed to meet such requirements of EASE OF USE; Photo tube 0.12
Cell 1 peak(Low) peak(Low)





Absorption cell 2 0.04

Cell 2
NIC M A-3000 is a dedicated mercury analyzer 0.02
Cell 2 peak(High)

which focuses on superlative thermal


Lamp -0.02
decomposition , gold amalgamation, cold vapor Photo tube 0 10 20
time [sec]
30 40

atomic absorption spectroscopy detection, on

virtually any sample matrix - solid, liquid , and gas,
enable quick result s without any tedious,
time-consuming and elaborate sample preparation Extending Analysis and Bench-Top Configuration with
p ro c e s s . R u n n i n g c o s t i s re d u c e d a s n o w e t
reagents are needed, and less sample re-run with
Application to its Limit Small Foot-Print
most errors mostly incur during sample The new concept combustion tube (Patented 5001419) with robust U n p re c e d e n t e d m u l t i - t i e r c o n c e p t a u t o s a m p l e c h a n g e r a n d
preparation. Technique is in compliance with catalyst formulation extends analysis applications including samples of combustion chambers creates design compactness, allowing overall
USEPA 7473, A STM D - 6722- 01, D -7623 -10 test complicated matrices with halogens and high selenium, enabling low dimension to be 50% less than previous model and other similar
term stability, low operating cost and minimal maintenance. analyzers, maximizing bench space.
MA-3000 unique dual-cell detector Results of Standard Reference Materials
(Patent-pending) design achieves ultra dynamic
Sample name Certificated values (Total Hg) N AV (mg/kg) CV (%) Recovery
wide -range with high -precision measurement,
Coal D770mm
w i t h o u t a n y s p e c t r a l - i n t e r f e r e n c e f ro m l o w (NIST 1632c)
0.0901∼0.0975 mg/kg 5 0.0954 2.8 99%
concentration to high concentration range. In
Dogfish liver
addition, the new combustion tube (Patented 2.36∼2.80 mg/kg 5 2.59 3.2 100%
5001419) with robust catalysts extends the running
life especially with bet ter tolerance to difficult Results of Difficult Samples H470mm
matrices (containing Halogenated and Selenium
Sample Sample size Results STD addition
compounds ). Seamless integrated 100-positions Sample
name (mg) AVE CV (%) Recovery(%) CV (%)
auto sampler accomplishes economical efficiency,
operational labor saving and laboratory Salt 190∼220 3.81μg/kg 5.3 102 1.2
(For experiment use) W430mm
productivity with unmatched versatility.
High Se containing sample NIST1515* *NIST1515
I t i s a p e r f e c t s o l u t i o n t o t o d ay ' s i n c re a s i n g 50∼60 0.0453mg/kg 1.9
(Se is contained 34∼46wt%) +SeO₂ 0.044±0.004mg/kg
l ab o rato r y d e ma n d fo r ea sily, fa st , accu rate
detection and analysis.
No Sample Pretreatment Up to 100-positions for
Selective Option Attachments - Multi-Configurable
/Quick Precise Results unmanned automated analysis
MA-3000 is available to equip with attachment accessories for Reduction Vaporization / MA-3000 measures samples without tedious and cumbersome acid / M A-3000 is integrated with a high analysis throughput auto boat
Gas Tube Desorption analysis, allowing a single analyzer for multiple analytical techniques. alkali pretreatment. It uses environmental friendly technique which sample changer, fully controlled and operated via a user-friendly
Reduction vaporization attachment has options for automatic unit (reagent dispenser and eliminates hazardous operation. Typical measuring time in as little as 5 intuitive graphical interface (GUI) software loaded with numerous
auto sample changer) or manual unit for economical saving. minutes. b e n e fi c i a l f e a t u re s a n d 21 C FR Pa r t I I c o m p l i a n c e t o i m p ro v e
Total running cost is saving 80∼86%, compared to CV-AAS and ICP-MS. laboratory productivity.
Auto Reduction vaporization attachment Manual Reducing Vaporization attachment Gas / Gas tubes analysis attachment
The Comparison of Analysis Time(H) per 6 Samples


Total: 2H 80% TIME SAVING Measurement


CVAAS Digestion

SC-3 RD-3 S−MA S−MA RH-MA3 MB-1 Total:14H
Auto sample changer Auto reagent dispenser Manual attachment Manual attachment Desorption unit for Mercury Vapor
(5mL) (20mL) Mercury collector tube Calibration Box
Total time Boat size 39 × 11 × 7.2

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