Correct Work
Correct Work
Correct Work
2.1 Selling
Defined by Philip Kotler on his book “The Principle of Marketing”, selling is
one of the oldest professions in the world. The people who do the selling are goes by
many names such as salespeople, sales representative, account executive, sales
consultant, sales engineers, agents, district managers, and account development reps.
However, according to(Pederson, Wright, & Weitz, 1988), “Our definition of selling
that influence and persuasion are only a part of selling. Selling is also involves
helping customer identify the problems, supplying information on potential solutions,
and proving after-the-sales-service to ensure long term satisfaction.”
Thus, the selling itself it is not only just create a sales or make customer
making a purchase, but selling is also the process of understanding customer main
problem, help them to understand those problem, solve the problem with the product
or service which we offer, and also maintaining the relationship for long term
valuable relation.
marketing principle and selling principle that appear from selling practice
in the real world.
2.1.3 Salesperson
Salesperson is an individual that represent a company to the
customers by performs the following activities such as prospecting,
communicating, selling, servicng, information gathering, and relationship
(Oxford, 2009) Are cited from Business and Management Dictionary on page 423,
product, to convince the buyer of his or her need for it and develop with the
buyer and an ongoing customer relationship.”
(Jobber & Lancaster, 2009) There is a simple explanation about the strength
and weakness of personal selling, which are shows in the table below:
Strenght Weakness
1. Interactive: The question can be 1. Sales activity through
answered and objective to overcome meetings and calls are costly
2. Adaptive: Presentation can be
changed to meet customer needs
3. Complex arguments can be developed
4. Relationship can be built because its
personal nature
5. Provides the opportunity to close the
(Source: Jobber & Lancaster, “Selling and Management: 8th Edition, p. 5)
2.2.1 Face-to-face
(Jobber & Lancaster, 2009, p. 174) explained about the direct method
in salesperson and customer interaction. Direct method estimated the person
who acting on behalf of the companies which used to describe all products
or services that company provided in the direct contact or face-to-face.
(Zeithaml, Bitner, & Gremler, 2010) determined that face-to-face is how to
do a selling that occurs between customer and salesperson in direct contact.
Both verbal and non-verbal behavior is important determinants of quality of
service in term of selling as are tangible cues such as employee dress and
other symbols of service (equipment, informational brochure, or physical
2.2.2 Telemarketing
(Sugars, 2006)Telemarketing is a form of selling practice that
generally involves communicating with prospects within telephone media.
It typically consist of incoming and outgoing calls or inbound and outbound
telemarketing. (Manning & Reece, 2007) Telemarketing is a channel in
which the sales process is conducted by telephone media. Telemarketing
serves two general purpose which are sales and services. (Baack, 2007)
explained that telemarketing is the use of telephone by the salesperson to
make a sales call and presentations to the customer. There are two types of
telemarketing which are:
• Inbound Telemarketing that is occurs when employee handle customer
call (call-in) to response to the customers that make initial call and
designed to serve and attract them
• Outbound telemarketing that is occur when the employee calls the
prospective customer or client (call-out) the objective is to reach as
many as customer we can for raising the campaign or make relationship
with previous purchasers.
• Approach
Approach means when salesperson meets with the customer for
the first time. The salesperson should know how to meet and greet
the buyer and get the relationship off to a good start. This step
involve the salesperson’s appeareance, opening lines, and follow-
up remarks. The opening must be powerfull and positive followed
with key question to learn more about customer major need and
attract the buyer’s attention and curiousity. “As in all stages of the
selling process, listening to the customer is crucial”, said Philip
• Presetation and Demonstration
• Handling Objection
The salesperson seeks out, clarifies, and overcome any customer
objection to buying. Answering any of customer question to
ensure them and make them trust on the salesperson capabilities
and companies product or services. The salesperson should use a
positive approach, seek out hidden objection, ast the buyer to
clarify any objection, take objection as opportunities to provide
more information, and turn the objections into a reason for buying.
• Clossing
After handling customer objections, now salesperson tries to close
the sale. In this step, the sales person ask the customer for an order
or persuade them to immediate purchase. Salespeople can use
several closing techniques for persuading customer to buy, ask for
2.3.1 Consultation
Consultation is the service technique that enhancing in supplementary
service. Enhancing supplementary service is required for add extra value
for customer in order to ensure them to use the core product that offered
or sell. (Sugars, 2006) Consultation is where you actualy have a contact
with the customers, discussing their situation, and how you can meet their
needs. It’s also your chance to show how nice you are. People tend to deal
with the people they like. Sometimes, business with higher prices will win
the job because they seem “friendly”. In (Lovelock & Jochen, 2011),
consultation suggest a simple response to customer’s questions or printed
information that anticipates their needs. Consultation also involve a
dialog to probe customer requirements and then deveop a tailored
solution. Consultation consist of immediate advice from a knowledgeable
service person in response to a request and effective consultation requires
an understanding of each customer’s current situation before suggesting a
suitable course of action.
Norms Database
(a) (b)
Common Consultative
Presentation Sales Plan
Plan •Need Discovery
•Approach •Selection for the
•Presentation solution
(Product •Need-Satisfaction
knowledge) •Servicing the sale
•Servicing the sale
which not only understand the customer major problem but also giving a
solution throughout an approapriate product or services offered. So that’s
why the customer which threaten by consultative selling plan will getting
more satisfied and trust to cooperate with the salesperson, because the
sales person understand what the customer really need to solve their
In consultative selling presentation plan, the salesperson should think
of the sales presentation as a four part processes, wich are:
• Part One – Need Discovery
Need discover means the stage of salesperson emphasising on
question. The salesperson questioning rospect to discover the
information from prospect buyer and also understand the major
problem and need.
• Part Two - Selection of the solution
The second part of the consultative sales presentation consist of
selecting or creating solution that will satisfies the prospect’s
buying motives.
• Part Three - Need-Satisfaction presentation
On this stage, the salesperson is less questioning and exchange an
information but more emphasis on statement. The saleperson
rather much informing, persuading, and/or reminding to satsfy the
customer need.
• Part Four - Servicing the sale
These activities, which occur after closing the sale, ensure
maximum custimer satsifaction and set the strategy for a long term
relationship. The objective of this stage is to build repeat business
with the customer.
diagnose and solve the customer’s prolem, better than competitor. Need
discover is a standard
andard part of the salespresentation with the emphasis the
question during the initial contact with customer.
Selection of the Satisfaction Servicing the
Need Discovery
solution sale
Match benefits
Ask appropriate Select informative
with buyingt
question presentation
• Asking question
The effective use of question are using to achive need
identification and need satisfaction understanding by the
salesperson. The type of question you ask, the timming of those
question, and how you pose them will greatly impacts your ability
to create customer value. The Table
Table will show the type of
effective question which are used in consultative selling.
Consutltative selling practice can be easily mastered, but the truth is the
consultative selling has a complex process that puts great demands on salespersonnel
ability. This approach to personal selling requires an understanding of concept and
principles borrowed from psychology, communication, and sociology. It takes a great
deal of personal communication and self-discipline to become a better sales
consultant or adviser for gaining relationship with customer even before the purchase
is made (satisfaction before purchase, trust, and willingnest to buy) and also after the
purchase is made (retention, repeat purchase, recommendation to another, and less
(Manning & Reece, 2007) Service, retail, manufacturing, and wholesale firms
that embrace the marketing concept already have adopted or are currently adopting
consultative selling practice. The customer is seen as a person to be served, not
prospect to be sold. Consultant or consultative salesperson believe their function is to
help the buyer make an intelligence decision.
To solve the customer’s problem, a consultant must be known the needs and
major problem. Only when customer’s needs are known, then the expertise,
hardware, and services that compose a system become useful components as the
solution for the problem. This is difference between servicing a product or servicing
the customer, because it is allows your relationship with the customers to be
consultative rather than simple sell and bill relationship.
(Manning & Reece, 2007) Many Salesperson believe that when a real need
for their product exist, the satge is set for a persuasive action throughout persuasive
presentation, explanation, and handling objection. The major goal of using the
persuasive method within a selling process is the strategy to influence the buyer’s
beliefs, attitudes, behavior, and to encourage buyer action on decision making.
trust the product, company, or salesperson itself. That’s why, the better
persuasiveness of salesperson will reflect the best performance of the professional
seller. Persuasion
Persuasion is mostly use in sales presentation and the salesperson always
performing sales presentation in selling activity as their working performance.
Not only on sales presentation but persuasion also consist in every activity in
selling process that required the performance of the seller. Thus, sales
performance is related to how the salesperson performing their selling skill such
as persuasion, and to be persuasive is an essential to achieve a greater sellinggoal.
(Manning & Reece, 2007) Explained that persuasion is the act of presening
product appearls so as to influence the prospect buyer’s belief, attitude, or
behavior. Persuasion is a strategy designed to encourage the buyer to make a
buying decision. Persuasion also can be integrated into every phase of sales
presentation in selling activity. A friendly greeting and a firm handshake at the
time of initial customer contact represent a relationship-oriented form of
persuasion. Aditional forms of persuasion include positioning yourself to ask
question, gaining agreement at each stage of buying process, and asking for the
Thus persuasion not only just a selling method but very close and related
to the salesperson in doing all of selling acidity, such as when the salesperson
want to ask some question, when the salesperson gaining an agreement, when the
salesperson handling objection, how the salesperson put a statement in
communication, and when saleperson asking for purchase and long term
commitment. Salesperson normaly use persuasion to ensure and attract customer
to buy the product or service offered and greater their sales performance of
making a sale. Performance
Performance is a result of one's work achieved in carrying out the
tasks assigned to him based on the skills, experience, determination, and
working time. Performance appraisal is used as a form of how someone
has worked which compared with the target that has been set by the
company (Cushway, 2002, p. 198).
difficulty, so their personal ability and effort will determine the higher
ability salesperson. So that in equation 2, a sales maager’s perception of a
salesperson performance is a function of ability times effort and ignore
contectual factors such as territory difficulty or luck, then plus or minus
on the effect of differing task difficulty.
Variables Explanation
Availability Product was in stock at time of expected
Tracking Ability to track orders until delivered
On-Time Product arrived when expected
Variables Explanation
Ease How easily were you able to find the product
that you were looking for
Selection Types of products available
Clarity How clear and understandable was the
product information
Price Price relative to other place
Look Overall look, physical evidenvce and design
of the product and everything related to the
product, such as product color and attribute,
store condition, salesperson or employee,
Ship-Fee Shipping charges
Ship-Options Desired options were available
Charge Total Purchase amount (including shipping
or handling charges) displayed before order
(Source: Gerstner, Eitan; Posselt, Thorsten, 2005, p35-47)
Cited from Oxford Business and Management Dictionary, that explained on page
customer trust them and their company in order to make the customer do
not hestitate to buy the products or services that being offered.
• When the purchase decision is made, the salesperson si stop selling the
product and start to selling other related items, such as service contracts.
It is important to make sure the customer believes the product was a
great choice, and also performing the sales persuasiveness to persuade
customer for repeat buy.
The previous research and this research have similaritis which analyzing
the consultant (or salesperson that act like consultant) who provide consultation
advise which combined with their nature of sales performance in communicating
with the customer to reach an agreement or sales. The differences between the
previous research and this research is appear on the Independent variable (X2)
which analyzing the performance. The previous research said the consultant are
measuring by their overall performance in order to help customer or persuade
them to purchase, but on this research focus on the salesperson performance in
personal selling process which conducted by sales persuasiveness or persuasive
sales communication skill. The performance and consultation technique will
impact the customer trust toward company, in the other hand, persuasiveness of
salesperson and consultative selling skill will also impact customer pre-purchase
satisfaction. The second differences is appear on the Intervening variable that
differentiate customer trust with customer pre-purchase satisfaction, but those 2
variables have similar impact toward customer purchase decision. Another
differences come up on the variable dependent which discussed on the previous
research that the trust can impact upselling in order to make the customer or
client doing another purchase activity or repurchase. In the other hand, this
research conduct the purchase decision affected by customer pre-purchase
satisfaction for a first time buyer whose contact with the salesperson until they
have paid. The explanation in this paragraph mostly tells about differences
between this research with the previous research, but still have similarities on
analyzing the use of consultation technique and worker performance to attract
customer before they are purchase in order to achieve the companu main goal of
sales, is to generating a customerto purchases.
The framework on Figure 2.6 shows that consultative selling and sales
persuasiveness are approaching together and in relation as factors that effect
customer pre-purchase satisfaction. The consultative selling could directly affect
customer purchasedecision and sales persuasiveness can also effect customer
purchase decision. In the process on the field, consultative selling and sales
persuasiveness are effects each other (combined/performing together) to create
greater sales performance and build more satisfaction in customer side to guide
them to do a straight purchase decision.
Thus, there are 4 relationships for this research that given by:
2.8 Hypothesis
in this section, the researcher describe all the hypotheses which are
developed based on related researches and some understanding of the object
under study. Each Hypothesis and the relationship among vawiables can be
seen in the explanation above.
salespersonnel for persuading a customer to trust the sales and buy the
product. Persuading effort related to sales persuasiveness to contact with
customers. (Horvath, 2011) said convincing people to buy something is
only one of the places you might employ the principles of persuasion.
When I talk to the people in government or non-profit about persuasive
design, their typical knee-jerk reaction is “that’s not for me.” When we
dig a bit in to their reasoning, it typically comes down to one of two
things. They either justify their position by claiming that they are not
selling anything, or they take the high moral ground that “persuading” is
akin to “tricking”. Since they are government or non-profit organization,
it’s an extra focus to not tricking somebody. In this paper, I will explained
deeper in how various principles of persuasion can be used for things
other than selling, it is create trust, shared knowledge, and built a
satisfaction from what a person perform for convince the other people.
The higher the persuasiveness of sales can cause the easiness to make the
customer willing to buy, but in other hand the low sales persuasiveness
will generate the low probability of customer to buy and satisfied by the
selling services. Thus, from the explanation above has been found
following explanation which is:
short-term. We also
found that customer
satisfaction was
related to both types
of salesperson's
orientations. Our
study has a
considerable impact
for small and medium
sized businesses in
the BRIC emerging
markets such as
India, as it throws
light on how firms
can leverage their
suppliers salesforce
to create value
creation with their
Liu & Leach A mail survey K1: Salesperson Customer satisfaction
(2001)in Singh & were sent a power (performance) is related to a
Koshy (2011) in sample of 735 K2: Consultative customer’s intention
Newel, et all organizational selling (contact to purchase,
(2011) buyer. The current quality) especially for future
customer and L: Perceived business contact.
prospect customer credibility (trust with Enhancing the level
all within salesperson) of customer’s trust
Washington D.C., M: Satisfaction with and perception with a
Georgia, and supplier salesperson may
Florida N: Loyal Behavior ultimately enhance
sales revenue. In
order to do this,
salesperson must be
perceived as credible
Hostler, Yoon, The study X1: few authors have
Guo, Guimaraes, developed a Recommendation studied how
& Forgionne theoretical model Agent (Persuasion consumer behavior is
(2011) to illustrate the and promotion) affected by those that
impact of RAs on X2: Product Search make suggestions to
online consumer Effectivenes online consumers
behavior. The Y: User Satisfaction based on their recent
model was tested Z: Unplaned shopping behavior.
through an online Purchase Decision Fewer still have
shopping examined the role
simulation over that RAs play in
200 persons which influencing impulse
used a purchasing decisions
collaborative online. Results
filtering based showed that our
product RA. model provided
insights into the
impact of an RA on
online consumer
behavior and thus
provided suggestions
for implementing
effective systems.
Huang & First, 93 data are X: Customer Pre- Previous studies have
Dubinsky, (2013) collected, than the purchase satisfaction addressed customer
second 433 data Y: Purchase Decision satisfaction as a post-
participated. In Making purchase
total, there is 526 phenomenon.
data participated However, examining
in this research. solely post-purchase
satisfaction when
consumer satisfaction
is incomplete because
multiple stages are
involved in the
purchase decision
making process.
Thus, the result of
this study was there's
the decision making
of first time buyer
can be influenced by
satisfaction, so
develop an
instrument to assess
customer satisfaction
in the pre-purchase
stage will greater the
chance of making
customer doing
Rickwood (2009) 55 participant in X: Customer pre- Final decision
Syndey,Australia. purchase behavior making is influenced
The participants (internal, external, by pre-purchase
that are join are and risk factors) behavior. Pre-
the AXA pty LTD Y: Pre-purchase purchase behavior
(financial Satisfaction which contain
planning and Z: Decision making internal, external, and
insurance) risk factors
customer influenced decision
making, and those
factors of pre-
purchase cause a
customer to make a
decision to save for
behavior can be
generated by the sales
reps. performance
and communication
ability to make them
understand of theirs
internal, external, and
risk factors. If the
prospective buyer are
satisfy with sales
reps. performance
and ability of making
them understand of
those 3 factors, so
they will have a sense
of willingnest to
make a decision to
save for retirement
Gerstner & About 1000 X1: Pre-Sale Post-sale satisfaction
Posselt, (2005) sample of Satisfaction has stronger effect on
customer from 1.3 X2: Post-Sale purchase intention
million active Satisfaction than pre-sale
shopers in Y: Purchase satisfaction. While Intention the post-purchase
which volunteered satisfaction has a
to provide rating stronger impact on
and complete the the customer
feedback form repurchase intention
or repeat purchase
decision, than the
satisfaction have
positive effects on the
first time buyer to do
(Source: Data processed by researcher, 2013)
From the customer point of view, tha salesperson is the essential part
for the customer purchase intention. what is perceived by the customer from
the quality and efforts of the salesperson will affect customer purchasing
decisions for products or services which being offered. If cutsomer feel that the
salesperson has enough ability in explaining the product to be sold and they are
also able to serve consumers with better perfromance, knowledge, and selling
service, thus the customer will feel satsified although they are not yet
Perceived means what the customer received from the service provider.
The service provider for a marketing product or service is a salesperson. In
the beginning of the selling process, the salesperson contact quality and
power are essential to make the customer willing to share their problems and
exchange the value with the seller. The sales person power can be said as how
the salesperson could persuade customer to tell about their problem and also
offering the product which suitable for them. And salesperson contact quality
is how the salesperson could build a relation with the customer from how the
they greet the customer, talk briefly and clearly with them, introducing their
self and product offered, and asking the question politely. Once the customer
perceived the salesperson power and contact quality, then they will trust to
the salesperson because they think the salesperson are professional and has an
ability to solve the problem. And then from further contact and handling
objection, the customer will more satisfied and have a willingnest to purchase
the product. From the first time of the selling process. The salesperson are
actively stimulated customer behavior, trust, and satisfaction toward their
selling service. Thus, it makes the customer think that the product or service
offered are good, the company who produce the product are the best, and the
salesperson are trustable, and so on. Finally, it will reduce customer
ambiguity toward the product that they purchased, minimized the intensity of
complaint, gaining more willingnest to purchase at the first time, and
generating the loyalty from the beginning until another repear purchase.
Professor Gerstner and Posselt also said that Satisfaction are comes up
in both pre-sale and post-sale activity. The impact of post-sale satsifaction is
10 times stronger to make customer willing to do a repeat purchase or shop
again. It follows by the most important factors that influence repurchase
intention which are product met expectation, customer support, on-time
delivery, and availability of the product. In the other hand, pre-sale
satsifaction which consider on the variable of convenience, physical
evidence, product attribute, selling service perfromance, information and
demonstration, also financial security in transaction also found to create
positive effect on personal selling activity, word-of-mouth marketing,
improving customer willingnest to pay, and loyalty for the first time buyer.
Supported by Szymanski and Hise (2000) and Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003),
the pre-sale (pre-purchase) satsifaction are straighly affected customer
purchase decision in buying the product or serviced offered by the marketer.