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Chapter One: 1.1 Background of The Study

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1.1 Background of the study
Ethiopia has about 120 million people with 85% of the population life depends on agriculture.
[ CITATION ATA14 \l 1033 ] Barley is among Ethiopia’s most important cereal crops. Barley is a cool
weather crop grown in the extreme highlands of Ethiopia with an optimum altitude range of 2000 to
3500 meters above sea level. Barley occupies about 0.4 million hectares. It is used as staple diet of
many Ethiopians in the highlands and is eaten in many ways and also used in the production of tella, a
locally produced beer. Barley is a subsistence crop, grown mostly without external inputs. Pesticides
are used to some extent, particularly for aphid’s control.[ CITATION 14Et \l 1033 ] Even though
agriculture is practiced a lot of years ago, it is not well organized and technology advanced. Harvesting
a sufficient and adequate crop from the proportional land average is not attained. Hence, previous
harvesting method of the barley was labor intensive and time consuming. barley harvesting machine is
developed to minimize the dissipation of barley. Barley will be harvested at the right time before it is
wasted. Therefore, this technology is preferable compared to the old ones.

Figure:1 Barley Harvesting technique in Ethiopia. [ CITATION Eya14 \l 1033 ]

Harvesting is the operation of cutting, picking, plucking and digging or a combination of these
operations for removing the crop from under the ground or above the ground or removing the useful
part or fruits from plants[ CITATION ATA14 \l 1033 ]

The purpose of grain harvesting is to recover grains from the field and separate them from the rest of
the crop material in a timely manner with minimum grain loss while maintaining highest grain quality.
The methods and equipment used for harvesting depend upon the type of grain crop, planting method,
and climate. [ CITATION Han07 \l 1033 ]

Our machine consists of solar panel as power source and different mechanical mechanisms are used for
cutting and harvesting barley. The machine is helpful for both whom having small or big farms. Solar
plate produces free energy from the sun through converting daylight to electrical energy with less part,
nil emission, and zero repairs. The solar plate, the primary element of a solar power system, is a group
of entity silicon unit that produce electrical energy from sunshine. The photons generate an electrical
energy as they hit the exterior of the slim silicon wafers.

It has been found that the solar tracking system can gather about 17.72% extra power than fixed panel
structure. [ CITATION Nag18 \l 1033 ] and thus, more effectiveness are achieved through this

1.2 Statement of the problem

In the present day due to the gradual increase in population, there are too many demands of harvesting
machine in the farm sector due to the scarcity of daily labor, the output from these laborers is less
productive due to manual operations adopted by them. Many small-scale cereal crop farmers harvest
their crop produce by use of hand, something that is time-consuming and tedious. During harvesting,
Farmers are usually forced to sit or bend from the hips which causes serious back pain and injuries on
hands. Poor handling of crops during harvesting leads to shattering and crop loss that reduces
productivity. Large hectare farms require many daily skilled labors which requires high cost and
scarcity of labor results delay on harvesting period. The mainly significant problems facing the planet
these days are the power crisis. This crisis has resulted since the improve of require in support of
electrical power and more price of petroleum.

1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General objective
The main objective of this project is to design and analyze a solar powered small-scale Barley
harvesting machine.
1.3.2 Specific objectives
 To generate the conceptual design.
 To design tracking system for solar panel.
 To configure mechanism.
 To analyze structural geometry of the components by using solid work software ANSYS 19.0.
 To estimate overall cost machine.

1.4 Scope of the project

The scope of this project is to design solar powered barley harvesting mini machine limited to data
collection, conceptual design, appropriate material selection to each components of the machine,
providing design and analysis, geometry structure of machine by using solid work software, finally
determine cost of this project.

1.5 Methodology of the project

Problem identification

Objective explanation
Conceptual design

Concept selection

Component design

Material selection

Analytical calculation No


3D-Model by Solid work

No Load analysis


Result and discussion

Figure :2 Methodology of project

The reel in a combine harvester machine delivers the stalks to the cutting mechanism, holds them
upright during cutting and pushes the cut crop towards the platform conveyor. Pickup reels are used for
lodged crops (crops that have fallen over due to heavy rains, winds, etc.), because they have fingers that
reach into the lodged crops and help pick them up for cutting.
Optimum reel position is determined by the crop height, amount of straw cut, and the condition
of the straw. Normally, the reel should be set so the slats, when in their lowest position, will
strike the straw 15 to 25 cm above and slightly ahead of the cutter bar for lodged crops the reel should
be set farther back. Proper reel speed is important to minimizing
shattering and gathering losses. A reel turning too fast will result in excessive shatter loss,
whereas too slow speed will result in the cut grain head falling off the platform, a cutter bar loss.
[ CITATION sri06 \l 1033 ]

The change of the crop posture due to the reel operations causes a change in the center of gravity of the
crop stalk, which significantly affects the motion of the cut stalk. For the analysis of crop posture: load
(deflection force), height at the loading point, and the physical properties of crops, such as flexural
rigidity are required data. In the case of a standing crop stalk, deflection of the crop stalk at the reel
acting point (loading point) is determined geometrically. When the deflection force at the reel acting
point, which varies with the reel trajectory of a trochoid, is consistently predicted based on the
deflection determined at the loading point in the crop model, the model is demonstrated to be
applicable to posture analysis. From the above reasons, the relationships between deflection and
deflection force were measured through a series of experiments involving reel operations, and the
application of the mechanical model to the investigation of the reel crop interaction and the analytical
methods of determining deflection force were evaluated by comparing the results.[ CITATION Kle70 \l
1033 ]

Developed and innovation of microcomputer-based sun tracking and manage the system. It will be able
to maintain the highest power location of a PV collection by changing the load taking place the
collection used for highest effectiveness plus altered the location of the collection comparative towards
the sun. One additional significant purpose of the arrangement was the track of the sun, frequently a
need for focusing array. This also minimizes a number of other efforts connected by traditional
shadow-band solar tracking such since their vulnerability to dirt plus dust that may affect glide during
the solar arrangement. It as well minimizes the effect of structural wear to which big array may be
present subjected throughout the daylight.[ CITATION Pri05 \l 1033 ]

The designed system was acting like a pretend tracker during which travel tracking system have been
used to remain the motor inactivity to accumulate power. The tracking scheme was not controlled with
the geological position of fixing of the solar plate because it be intended for finding
Automatic solar-tracker scheme used for best possible solar power collection. Data giving out and for
manage of the mechanical drive scheme a microprocessor regulator unit is used to find the sun position
with the help of electro-optical sensors. Optimum efficiency to track the sun position of solar power
collection can be achieved by this system.[ CITATION Sax90 \l 1033 ]

Using a single sensor, the concept of multiple target tracking shown that sensors can provide better
performance. An approach to numerous target’s track with several sensors are at major performing
individual sensor track and after that merged the track since the dissimilar sensors. There are two types
of process architectures to follow fusion they are sensor track fusion to sensors and track fusion system
with sensor. A variety of approaches used for fusing track state estimates which are comparatively
improved during the theoretical study plus simulation.[ CITATION AKo16 \l 1033 ]

3.1. Concept generation and description
Concept one
The solar powered barley harvester machine uses solar power as power source, the solar panel converts
the solar energy in to electrical energy and stored in the battery. The solar panel is connected with
tracking system in order collect from solar radiation using sensor. The charging regulator sits between
the array of panels, the batteries, and the equipment or loads. Through wiring the DC motor is
connected with the battery and switching cable positioned near to the push handle for ease of operation.
The DC motor is coupled with cutting blades using slider crank mechanism (reciprocating back and
forward), which is the concept of hair cutting machine mechanisms. The conveyer conveys the barley
to the one side and placed in to the ground orderly. The machine is not self-propelled and need to be
pushed while it is cutting.

Figure :3 Concept one schematic representation

Concept two
The solar powered teff harvester machine uses solar power as power source, the solar panel converts
the solar energy in to electrical energy and stored in the battery. The solar panel is connected with
tracking system in order collect from solar radiation using sensor. The charging regulator sits between
the array of panels, the batteries, and the equipment or loads. Power to the circular saw blade is directly
provided from DC motor using belt. Mechanism is work using belt connection between motor and
blade rotating the shaft, also two circular blade is connected together by belt with conveyer. The two
blades rotate in same directions. The fixed cutters are placed below rotating cutter to hold the rotating
one cutter. At same time the conveyer conveys in to the one side and placed to crop orderly
Figure :4 Concept 2 schematic representation

Concept three
The solar powered teff harvester machine uses solar power as power source, the solar panel converts
the solar energy in to electrical energy and stored in the battery. The solar panel is connected with
tracking system in order collect from solar radiation using sensor. The charging regulator sits between
the array of panels, the batteries, and the equipment or loads. Power to the circular saw blade is directly
provided from DC motor using belt. One blade is provided which has the fixed placed below it to hold
the crop while the rotating ones cuts it. And it conveyed by central rotating arms fixed on the same
shaft above cutter.
Figure :5 Concept three schematic representation

3.1.1 Concept selection

Through the process of evaluation and tradeoffs between attributes, a final concept is selected. The
concept selection method in this section is built around the use of decision matrix for evaluating each
concept for teff harvesting machine with respect to a set of selection criteria.

3.1.2 Evaluating and selecting alternatives

The procedure is, therefore, first setting criteria for each sub functions, then comparing the given
possible solutions for each sub functions with a reference based on the sated criteria finally selecting
the best alternative from the given based on their result. The following are the steps to be used in the
selection process.

3.1.3. Concept Selection Process

 Prepare the Matrix
 Criteria
 Rate of Concept
 Weightings Rate Concepts
 Rank the concepts
 Sum Weighted Scores Combine and Improve
 Reflect on results
3.1.4 Concept Selection Criteria
The following selection criteria for teff harvesting machine was finalized by taking into consideration.

 Cutting performance
 Inexpensive
 Easy to operate
 Durability
 Simplicity
 Ease of Maintenance
 Easy of Manufacture

The next task was assigning weights to each selection criteria in the scoring matrix. Several different
schemes can be used to weight the criteria such as assigning the importance value from concepts for
teff harvesting with respect to selection criteria was done.

3.1.6 The weighted objective method

The weighted objective method for teff harvesting machine is shown in Table 1. The method uses a
weighted sum of the ratings to determine concept ranking. The reference points for each criterion are
signified by bold rating values. The weighted objectives method is an evaluation method for comparing
design concepts based on an overall value predesign concept and it involves assigning weights to the
different criteria. The weighted objectives method is best used when a decision has to be between a
select number of design alternatives, design concepts or principle solution.

Table 1 Concept weighted objective method

Selection Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3

Utility Weight Utility Weight Utility Weight
requirement Weight
Score Score score
Cutting 12 5 60 3 36 2.5 30
Cost 10 3.5 35 4 40 4 40
Easy to 8 4 32 3.5 28.5 3 24
Simple design 9 3.5 31.5 4 36 3.5 31.5
Easy to 10 4 40 4.5 45 4 40
Simple 8 3.5 28 3.5 28.5 3.5 28.5
Easy to 10 4.5 45 3 30 3 30
Reliability 9 4.5 40.5 2.5 22.5 3.5 31.5
Durability 8 4 32 2 16 2.5 20
Stability 8 3.5 28.5 2 16 2 16
Operability 8 4 32 3.5 28 3.5 28
401.5 328.5 322.5
Rank 1 2 3
Selected Yes No No

4.1 Design for Power Requirement
This is described as how the machine of the power requires to driven by human power. From the
existing data’s the average output power of human is 300 watts. By considering the variation of power
according to different peoples, the average driving power of healthy person in temperate climate
consumes 300watts.While in tropical climates as a result of heat stress the rate is consumed to

The fact that many primary agricultural production operations demand higher rates of energy rates
energy than the maximum sustainable rate energy consumption by humans necessitates rest periods in
manual work. The rest period required can be estimated by using the formula.

T r=60 (1− ) Where, T r= required period in min/h of work.

P = actual rate of energy consumption in watts using the formula it follows that the manual riding
operation which demands 400—1000w requires rest periods of between 22.5 and 45 minutes per hour
of work. Note that at 1000 rate of energy consumption the farmer can work only for 15 minutes and
must rest for 45 minutes per hour of work. From 0.3kw only 25% of the energy is consumed and the
physical power output is approximately 0.075kw sustained for an 8 -10-hour work day. But normally
the average human power ranges from 60 to 120watt, therefore the selected human power delivered by
humans for manual work is 75watt from the above data, and the average force applied will be 150-
200N. Let us take the force applied to drive the machine as 160N. [12]
Therefore, P=75w and F=160N
Let us calculate the torque, speed and time required to harvest one-hectare farm by using the available
data from the equation below.
Where, T=torque produced on the wheel
F=force required to push the machine
R=radius of the wheel
Now let us select the diameter of the wheel of the machine, and then let us assume the diameter of the
wheel as
D=500mm r=250mm
To calculate the speed of the person while pushing the machine, first let us get the revolution or rpm of
the wheel.
60 P
It can be calculated from the equation,T =
2 πN
60 P 60∗75 watt
Rearranging the equation gives N= N= N =17.91rpm
2 πT 2 π∗40 Nm
To get the linear velocity of the person while pushing the machine (v), firstly the angular velocity must
be calculated. It can be found by applying the equation
2 πN 2 π∗17.91 rpm
ω= ω= =1.875 rad / s
60 60
Then the linear velocity of the person will become V=ω∗r
V=1.875 rad /s∗0.25m V=0.5m/s
The time required to harvest one-hectare farm by the machine will be calculated by taking a distance
traveled by the person while pushing of 1m and it can be found as follows.
s s 1m
v= so ; t= t = =2s
t v 0.5 m/ s

Where, s=the distance traveled

V=the speed of the person
t=time required to harvest
The total time required to harvest one-hectare farm will be the sum of all distance. the total area to be
harvested is 1hectare =100m×100m=10,000m 2
Therefore, the total time will become t=10,000 m× 2 s=333 min=5.5 hr
As we gathered information from some farmers near our campus to compare the time required for
manual harvesting and the designed machine, it needs 8-10 man working for 8-10 hours to harvest one-
hectare farm by manual harvesting. For manual harvesting a farmer can work for 15minutes and must
rest for 45minutes in one hour, therefore the total time consumed for 1 farmer in 8 hours to harvest
1hectare farm become
15 min
t= ∗8 hr=120 min

The total time required for 8 farmers will be

Therefore, it can be concluding that the designed machine is more effective than manual harvesting by
comparing the time consumption.

4.2 Design of Pulley and Belt

4.2.1. Design of Pulley
Pulleys are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of flat belts, V-belts or ropes.
Since the velocity ratio is the inverse ratio of the diameters of driving and driven pulleys, therefore the
pulley diameters should be carefully selected in order to have a desired velocity ratio.
We selected cast iron pulleys for our design for their low cost and good strength. The cast iron pulleys
are generally made with rounded rims. This slight convexity is known as crowning. The crowning
tends to keep the belt in center on a pulley rim while in motion. The crowning may be 9 mm for 300
mm width of pulley face.[CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]
Figure: 6 Cross-sectional view of the pulley.[CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]
Where B= pulley face width, b= pulley thickness, t= belt thickness

The belts are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of pulleys which rotate at the
same speed or at different speeds.

The amount of power transmitted depends upon the, velocity of the belt, tension under which the belt is
placed on the pulleys, arc of contact between the belt and the smaller pulley, the conditions under
which the belt is used.

Factors to be considered during selection of belt drive

The various important factors which the selection of a belt drive depends on, speed of the driving and
driven shafts, speed reduction ratio, power to be transmitted, center distance between the shafts,
positive drive requirements, shafts layout and service conditions. [CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]
Belt Drives type
The belt drives are usually classified into, light, medium, heavy drives based on drive system. Light
drives these are used to transmit small powers at belt speeds up to about 10 m/s as in agricultural
machines and small machine tools. Medium drives these are used to transmit medium powers at belt
speeds over 10 m/s but up to 22 m/s, as in machine tools. Heavy drives these are used to transmit large
powers at belt speeds above 22 m/s as in compressors and generators. Though there are three main
types of belts used these days based on its structure; flat belt, V- belt & Circular belt.[CITATION
RSK \l 1033 ]

We select the flat belt with that of cast iron for the canvas due to, large center distances, because of
larger weight per unit length, it’s durable than others, the construction of pulleys for flat belts are so
simple, it’s suitable for constant speed applications such as synchronous machines and timing devices.
The belt life is not influenced with temperature changes, improper belt tension and mismatching of belt
lengths. Also, the centrifugal tension allows the use of flat belts at speeds below 5 m /s and above 50 m
Flat belt

The flat belt as shown in the Figure 4.2 is mostly used in the factories and workshops, machine
components where a moderate amount of power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another when
the two pulleys are not more than 8 meters.

Figure: 7 flat belts.[CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]

The materials of the belts to be used for transmission must be strong in tension, flexible and pliable,
durable, relatively light in weight, and have good frictional surfaces.
Four type of belts are there depending on the materials to be used. Leather belt, Fabric and canvas
belts, Rubber belts, Balata belts.[CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]
Leather belt is selected for our design. It is the most important material for flat belt. The best leather
belts are made from 1.2 meter to 1.5 meters long strips cut from either side of the back bone of the top-
grade steer hides. The hair side of the leather is smoother and harder than the flesh side, but the flesh
side is stronger. The fibers on the hair side are perpendicular to the surface, while those on the flesh
side are interwoven and parallel to the surface. Therefore, for these reasons the hair side of a belt
should be in contact with the pulley surface as shown in Figure. This gives a more intimate contact
between belt and pulley and places the greatest tensile strength of the belt section on the outside.
Figure :8 Leather belts[ CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]

Working stress in the belt

Factor of safety for leather belt is taken equal to 8 to 10. The working stress so obtained must be
multiplied by the efficiency of the joint to find the allowable stress.

Figure: 9 v- belt open drive

The wedging action of the V-belt in the groove of the pulley results in higher forces of friction.
The wedging action and the transmitted torque will be more if the groove angle of the pulley is small.
A small groove angle will require more force to pull the belt out of the groove which will result in loss
of power and excessive belt wear due to friction and heat. The selected groove angle is a compromise
between of 32° to 38°. Usually the groove angles are used. Action between the belt and the V-groove
in the pulley or sheave. A clearance is provided at the bottom of the groove. Figure Leather belts
Figure: 10 Cross-section of v-belt & v-grooved pulley respectively[ CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]
According to Indian Standards (IS: 2494 – 1974), the V-belts are made in five types i.e. A, B, C, D and
E. The dimensions for standard V-belts are shown in the Appendix A Table 1. The pulleys for V-belts
may be made of cast iron or pressed steel in order to reduce weight. The dimensions for the standard V-
grooved pulley according to IS: 2494 – 1974, Table 2 appendix A.
Advantages of V-belt drive
The V-belt drive gives compactness due to the small distance between centers of pulleys. The drive is
positive, because the slip between the belt and the pulley groove is negligible. Since the V-belts are
made endless and there is no joint trouble, therefore the drive is smooth. It provides longer life, 3 to 5
years also, can be easily installed and removed. The operation of the belt and pulley is quiet
The wedging action of the belt in the groove gives high value of limiting ratio of tensions, therefore,
the power transmitted by V-belts is more than flat belts for the same coefficient of friction, arc of
contact and allowable tension in the belts.[ CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]

Design calculation of pulley and belt

Pulley with v-belt.
Face width; B=(n-1)e+2f
Where, n=is No. of sheave grove

From standard values we have.

B=(n-1) e+2f= (6-1)15+20=65mm

Thickness, t=8mm

Power, p =1.1kw

Weight per meter length, 1.06N

C, center distance.
d, diameter of the smallest diameter.
D, diameter of the largest pulley.
T 1, Tension in tight side.
T 2Tension in slack side.
N 1, speed of the motor.
N 2, speed of the gearbox input.
Let’s find the diameter of the pulley of the input gearbox shaft using velocity ratio. From table 2
Appendix A
Diameter of the pulley,
N2 d 900 75 1800∗75
= = D= =150 mm
N1 D 1800 D 900
Speed of the pulley, V
πd N 1
π∗0.075 mm∗1800rev /min
v= =7m/s
Centre distance, C.
C=2D =2*150mm=300mm
Angle of contact, α
D−d 150mm−75 mm
Sin α = Sin α¿ =0.125
2C 2∗300 mm
α=sin−1( 0.125)=7.2⁰
Angle of contact on the motor pulley, θ1
θ1=18 0 0−2 α
θ1=18 0 0−2(7.2⁰)=165.6⁰ we multiply by to change degree into radian.
18 o ⁰
θ1=¿165.6⁰ * =2.88rad
18 o ⁰
Angle of contact on the gearbox pulley, θ2
θ1=18 0 0+ 2 α
θ2=18 0 0+ 2(7.2⁰)=194.4⁰ we multiply by to change degree into radian.
18 o ⁰
θ2=¿ 194.4⁰ * =3.4rad
18 o ⁰
Coefficient of friction of the pulley, μ1
42.6 42.6
μ1=0.54- Barth equation where v is pulley velocity μ1=0.54- μ =0.54-0.26 =0.28
152.6+v 1 152.6+7 1
Coefficient of friction of the pulley, μ2
42.6 42.6
μ2=0.54- μ1=0.54- μ =0.54-0.29 =0.25
152.6+v 2 152.6+6.9 2
So, the design prefers to a pulley for which θμ is small. Let’s compare the results both for the motor &
gearbox pulley.
θ1 μ 1=0.28*2.88rad=0.8 θ2 μ2=0.25*3.38=0.84
Since,θ1 μ 1 of motor pulley is less than θ2 μ2 of gearbox, the design is based on the motor pulley.
Length of the belt, L

We have the diameter of d1 larger pulley, d2=75mm and the diameter of pulley d1=150mm and let
us take center distance X=300mm, then by taking from equation we get

L= (d 1+ d 2)+2x+ (d 1+d 2)
2 4x
(150 mm+75 mm)2
L=1.57 ( 75 mm+150 mm ) +2(300 mm)+
4 (300 mm)
(225 mm)2
L=1.57 ( 225 mm ) +600 mm+
1200 mm
L=353.25 mm+600 mm+ 42.2mm L=995.45 mm ≈ 996 mm
Speed of the belt, V b
V b =(1−s) v
πd N 1
V b =(1−s)
π∗0.075∗1800 rev
V b =(1−0.02) - --------------------2% slip is considered from standard value
V b =6.9 m/ s
Mass of the belt per length,
Assume the groove angle of the pulley,
The angle of groove from the table 2β=34 where β=17⁰
Frictional force, f =2 μ R 1 where ; R1=
2 sinβ
μR 0.28∗0.22
f =μR cosec β ,--------- = =21.2N
sinβ sin17⁰
Maximum tension in the belt, T
T max=stress*area T max=σ *A
T max=4Mpa*0.008mm*0.013mm=416N
Torque transmitted by the driven pulley shaft.
P∗60 1.5 Kw∗60 90000
T= = T =¿ =11.6Nm =11.6*103Nmm
2 π N 2 2∗3.14∗900 rev 5652
We know that power transmitted, P, let’s the tensions.
P= (T 1−T 2)V
1.1 Kw
1.1 Kw= (T 1−T 2)7m/s T 1−T 2= =157N--------------eqn. 1
7 m/s
2.3log¿)=θ1 μ 1
2.3log¿)=0.28∗2.88 2.3log¿)=0.28∗2.88=0.8
T 1 3.5
log¿)=0.35 =e =2.24
Solving the two equation simultaneously, we have.
T1 = 387.12N &T2 =172.8N
Centrifugal tension in the belt, Tc

T c=m* v 2 T c=0.1Kg/m*(6.9 m/s)2 =4.8N

The initial tension T0 will be obtained from the equation

√ T 1+√ T 1=2 √T O √T 1 + √T 1 =√ T

√ 387.12 N + √ 172.3 N = T T0¿ ¿ T 0=269 N

√ O
Torque transmitted by the shaft,
1.1 Kw∗60 66000 W
T= T= =5.84Nm
2∗3.14∗1800 rev 11304 rev
Bending moment of the shaft due to the tensions of the belt,
M = (T1 + 2Tc +T2 )L
M = [387.12N+172.8N+ 2(4.8N) ]0.9m
M=569.1N m
The equivalent twisting moment

Te=√ T 2 + M 2 Te=√ (5.85 Nm)2+ ¿ ¿

Te=569 Nm
The equivalent twisting moment also equal to;
π π
Te= ¿ τ ∗d3 569 Nm= ∗50 MPa∗d 3
16 s 16
Pulley of the flat belt
Pulley for the canvas or collector of the crop use pulley with the same diameter which is driven by flat
Properties of pulley with cast iron.
Dimension of pulley, D = 80mm
Allowable bending stress, δb =15Mpa (from properties of cast iron)

Density of pulley, ρ =7200kg m/
Shaft and key = tension & compression= 80Mpa, shear= 50Mpa.
Belt width = 100mm.
Pulley width = belt width + 13mm, 100+13mm= 113mm for belt up to 125mm diameter the pulley
width is 13mm greater than that of belt width.
According to Indian standards, IS: 2122(part I) – 1973 (reaffirmed 1990), the width of pulley is fixed
as given in the table 1.
Table 1 Standard width of pulley.[ CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]
Belt width Width of pulley to be greater than belt
In mm width by(mm)

Up to 125 13

125-250 25
250-375 38

475-500 50
Thickness of pulley rim varies from ( 2mm) -( 3mm), substituting the values.
300 + 300 +
160 mm
¿ )- ( +3 mm ) ………3mm is taken.
Thickness of solid web = thickness if the rim because our D<200mm, which is going to be 3mm.
Dimension of arms
The number of arms may be taken as 4 for pulley or diameter from 200mm to 600mm and 6 for
diameter from 600mm to 1500mm. The pulley less than 200mm diameter are made with solid disc
instead of arms. Thickness of the solid web is taken equal to the thickness of rim measured at the
pulley face.
R 80 mm
Length of cantilever, L= = =40 mm
2 2
Centre distance,
Let’s x be the distance between the two-end edge of the pulley or the length of our cutter bar.
C be the distance between the centers of the two pulleys.
So, C=x-D
From this equation we got the value of center distance to be
C =920mm……………………. center distance.
Velocity of the pulley (v) is given by
π∗D∗N π∗80 mm∗1800 rev
v= = =7.5m/s
60 60
Diameter of the hub
The diameter of the hub d1 in terms of the shaft diameter (d) may be fixed by the following relation.
d1 =1.5*d+25mm, shaft diameter is38mm.
d1 =1.5*38mm+25mm d1 =82mm
The length of the hub,

L= ( π2 ) d= π2 ∗38 mm L=59.7mm

The minimum length of the hub is L=( )B but it should not be more than width of the pulley.
L=( )113mm L=75mm
Flat belt drive
Material for belt – leather.
Density, ρ=1000kg m/ 3

Ultimate strength, (21 up to 35MPa is recommended) ……. we take 25MPa as an appropriate value for
our design.
Factor of safety, (8 up to 10) ….9 is selected.[ CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]
Allowable stress = 1.75mpa.
The most efficient type of belt joint is selected, cemented type which is 90-100% efficient. From Table
3 Appendix A.
From R20 series for flat belt design.
Belt width = 100mm
Belt thickness = 8mm.
Belt length, L
(D+ d)2
L=2 C+ 1.57 ( D+ d )+
(2∗80 mm)2
L=2( 920 mm)+1.57 ( 2∗80 mm ) +
4∗920 mm
L=1840 mm+251.2 mm+ 40 mm L=2131 mm
Coefficient of friction,
42.6 π∗D∗N 3
152.6+v 1 barth equation where v is pulley speed. v= 60
, N3is speed of the

Output gear box & D is diameter of the pulley. From Table

π∗0.08 mm∗450 rev
v= v=1.884 m/s
By substituting the values of v we got,
μ1=0.54- μ =0.54-0.275 =0.264
152.6+1.884 1
Mass of the belt, mass =area* length*density m =b* t* l *ρ, by substituting all the values from the
m=100mm*8mm*1*1000Kg/m 3
m=0.8kg/ m
Maximum tension in the belt T,
T max=stress∗areaT max =σ∗A
T max=1.75 MPa∗100 mm∗8 mmT max =1400 N
Speed at which absolute maximum power can be transmitted.
T 1400
√ √
v=24.1 m/s

1400 N
Centrifugal tension for absolute maximum power,T c = =466.67 N

4.3 Design of single stage reduction spur gear box

Figure: 11 Spur gear

Gear box is used to multiply engine (motor) torque or reduce engine (motor) speed (rpm) to much
varying forward operating conditions. To achieve these results, the transmission (gear box) employs
different gear ratios. Gear drives are mainly used as reducer which may be made in single, double or
triple stages. Single, two and three stage reducers may appear with its shafts in parallel, also two stages
with power bifurcation or with coaxial input and output shafts.

Construction of gear box

The design gear box is constructed of the major components; Pinion Gears and larger gears, shafts and
gear box housing

Gear Materials
The material used for the manufacture of gears depends upon the strength and service conditions like
wear, noise etc. The gears may be manufactured from metallic or non-metallic materials. The metallic
gears with cut teeth are commercially obtainable in cast iron, steel and bronze. The steel is used for
high strength gears and steel may be plain carbon steel or alloy steel. The steel gears are usually heat
treated in order to combine properly the toughness and tooth Hardness duet to this property o we select
heat treated alloy steel for gear material.

Table 2 Gear material and their properties

Type of material for both Allowable static BHN for BHN for gear
pinion and gear σ 2
stress( o N/mm ) pinion
Steel 190N/mm2 200 200

Design analysis
4.3.1 Larger and pinion Gear design
Gear ratio (Gr)
input speed 900 rpm
Grear ratio= = =2---------------------------------(1)
out put speed 450 rpm
G =2
G𝑟<6 single stage gear box is recommended.
6<G𝑟<36 two stage gear box recommended.
36<G𝑟 < 216 three stage gear boxes recommended.

Since the gear ratio (𝐺𝑟) is less than 6 single stage reduction gear box is recommended
The smallest number of teeth on the pinion without interference is given by;

T p= ¿ --------------------(2)
(1+2 m) sin 2 ϕ

Where; TP = number of teeth on the pinion, K =1, M =Gr = gear ratio = 2, ∅ = pressure angel = 20, 𝑇𝑃 =
14 teeth
Now let find the gear teeth (TG)
Gr = , where 𝑇𝐺= 𝐺𝑟x 𝑇𝑃 =14 x 2 𝑇𝐺=28teeth
TG 28
Gr = Gr = =2 the reduction is correct
TP 14
diameter of gear
We select module m= , 6mm from standard Table 3 Appendix A…… (3)
number of teeth
Diameter of pinion and gear

Diameter of pinion
𝐷𝑃 = module x Number of teeth of pinion
= m x 𝑇𝑃 = 6mm x 14 𝐷𝑃 = 84mm
Diameter of gear
𝐷𝐺 = module x Number of teeth of gear
= m x 𝑇𝐺 = 6mm x 28 𝐷𝐺 = 168mm
Speed and torque
Speed (N)
Input speed (𝑁1) = 900rpm
N 1∗T P rpm∗14
Output speed N 2= N 2=900 𝑁2 = 450rpm …. the reduced speed is
TG 28
Torque (T)
Input torque exercised by the pinion
𝑇1= (𝑃 ∗ 60)/(2𝜋 N 1) = (1100 ∗ 60)/(2 ∗ 3.14 ∗ 900) = 11.6N.m
Output torque
𝑇2= (𝑃 ∗ 60)/(2𝜋 N 2 ) = (1100 ∗ 60)/(2 ∗ 3.14 ∗ 450) = 23.3Nm
Gear specification
Center distance (C)
Dp Dg 84 mm 168 mm
C= + C= +
2 2 2 2
C = 126mm
Pinion gear parameter
Number of teeth Tp =14
Pitch circle diameter (Pc)
Pc=Tp x m=14x 6 = 84mm
Tip circle diameter = d + 2m=84+2*5=94mm
Root circle diameter = 84 - 2 x 1.25=70-2*1.25 = 81.5mm
Addendum circle =module
Addendum= 1.25m=1.25*6=7.5mm
Face width (Fc) for spur gear the face width is 4 to 5 times module
Fc=4*m = 4*6 Fc=24mm
Angular velocity ratio (mv)
ω out 450 rev
m v= = =0.5
ω¿ 900rev
1 1
Torque ratio (mA) mA= = =2
m v 0.5
Gear parameter
Number of teeth (Tp) =28
Pitch circle diameter (Pc)
Pc=Tp x m=28x 6 = 168mm
Tip circle diameter d + 2m=168+2*6=180mm
Root circle diameter d - 2 x1.25=168-2*1.25 = 165.5mm Clearance=0.25m=0.25*6=1.5mm
Addendum circle =module = 6mm
Duodenum= 1.25*6=7.5mm
4.3.2 Force analysis of pinion and gear
One of the fundamental parameters to be considered analyzed and checked for designing a gear system
is the load transmitting capacity of gear teeth. Depending on the given data, the tangential force or the
transmitted load can be derived from the following standard equations; -
𝐹𝑡 = (2000 ∗ 𝑇)/𝐷
Where T = Transmitted torque in Nm
D = Pitch circle diameter in mm
The normal force n is resolved in to two components the tangential force (𝐹𝑡) and the radial force(𝐹𝑟)
Force analysis for pinion gear
Tangential force (𝐹𝑡)
𝐹𝑡= (𝑃 ∗ 60)/(2𝜋 N 1 ) = (1100 ∗ 60)/(2 ∗ 3.14 ∗ 900rev) = 11.6Nm
𝐹𝑡 = (2000 ∗ 𝑇)/𝐷 = (2000 ∗ 11.6𝑁𝑚)/84𝑚𝑚
𝐹𝑡 = 276N
The Radial Force (Fr)
Fr =Ft cos20 = 276.2cos20 =260N
Normal force (Fn)
F n=√ F2t + F 2r
Peripheral velocity (V)
Pinion gear peripheral velocity
πDpNp (π∗0.084 m∗900 rev)
V= V= V =3.95m/s
60 60
π DG N G (π∗0184 m∗450 rev)
V= V= V =3.95m/s
60 60
Fundamental Stress Equations
Two fundamental stress equations are used in the AGMA methodology, one for bending stress and
another for pitting resistance (contact stress). In AGMA terminology, these are called stress numbers,
as contrasted with actual applied stresses.
4.3.2 Factors in stress calculation of gear
Size Factor Ks
The size factor reflects non uniformity of material properties due to size. It depends upon tooth size,
diameter of part, ratio of tooth size to diameter of part, face width, area of stress pattern, ratio of case
depth to tooth size, harden ability and heat treatment.
Standard size factors for gear teeth have not yet been established for cases where there is a detrimental
size effect. In such cases AGMA recommends a size factor greater than unity. If there is no detrimental
size effect, use unity. AGMA has identified and provided a symbol for size factor. Also, AGMA
suggests Ks = 1.2
Load-Distribution Factor Km
The load-distribution factor modified the stress equations to reflect non uniform distribution of load
across the line of contact. The ideal is to locate the gear “midcaps” between two bearings at the zero
slope place when the load is applied. However, this is not always Possible the following procedure is
applicable to, net face width to pinion pitch diameter ratio F/d ≤2, face widths up to 60mm contact,
when loaded, across the full width of the narrowest member.
The load-distribution factor under these conditions is currently given by the face load distribution
A +QV −3 2
V t max ¿( )
B=0.25(12-Q V )
C m =¿1 for uncrowned teeth 0.8 For crowned teeth

C pf = F≤1mm
10 d−0.0025
C pf =1 straddle-mounted pinion with C pf = ≤ 0.175mm
C pf =1 straddle-mounted pinion with C pf = ≥0.175mm
C e =¿A+BF+C F 2
Ce = 0.8 for gearing adjusted at assembly, or compatibility 686 is improved by lapping, or both 1 for
all other conditions
K m =¿ C m =¿ 1+C m ( C pf C p + C m C e ¿
f c m a

K m =1+ 1 [ 0.0695 ( 1 ) +0.15 ( 1 ) ] =1.22

Overload Factor ( K o )
The overload factor K o is intended to make allowance for all externally applied loads in excess of the
nominal tangential load Wt in a particular application examples include variations in torque from the
mean value due to firing of cylinders in an internal combustion engine or reaction to torque variations
in a piston pump drive. There are other similar factors such as application factor or service factor.
These factors are established after considerable field experience in a particular application most of the
time 𝑘𝑂=1
Reliability Factor ( K R)
The reliability factor accounts for the effect of the statistical distributions of material fatigue failures.
Load variation is not addressed here. The functional relationship between (𝑘𝑅) and reliability is highly
nonlinear. When interpolation is required, linear interpolation is too crude. A log transformation to
each quantity produces a linear string. A least-squares regression fit is
 K R = 0.658 −0.0759 ln (1 −R) ---------------0.5 <R <0.99
 K R=0.50 −0.109 ln (1 −R) -------------------- 0.99 ≤R ≤0.99999

Table 3 Reliability factor[ CITATION Shi05 \l 1033 ]

Reliability 𝒌𝑹

0.9999 1.50
0.999 1.25
0.99 1.00
0.09 0.85
0.50 0.70
Dynamic Factor ( K v )
As noted earlier, dynamic factors are used to account for inaccuracies in the manufacture and meshing
of gear teeth in action. Transmission error is defined as the departure from uniform angular velocity of
the gear pair.
K v =¿
B=0.25(12-Q V )
Maximum velocity representing the end point of Qv curve;
A +QV −3 2
V t max ¿( )
Quality number 3 to 7 will include most commercial quality gear. Quality numbers 8 to 12 are of
precision quality. The AGMA transmission accuracy- level number Qv could be taken as the same as
the quality number. The above equations for the dynamic factor are based on these Qv numbers.
For our design we take Qv = 4.
B = 0.25 (12 −Qv) =0.25(12-4)2/3 = 1
A = 50 + 56 (1 −B) =50+56(1-1) = 50
A +Q V −3 2 50+( 4−3) 2
V t max ¿( ) V t max ¿( ) V t max=13 m/ s
200 200
K v =¿
K v =1.25Surface Condition Factor ( Z R)
The surface condition factor Z R is used only in the pitting resistance equation, it depends on surface
finish as affected by but not limited to, cutting, shaving, lapping, grinding, residual stress, plastic
effects (work hardening). Standard surface conditions for gear teeth have not yet been established.
When a detrimental surface finish effect is known to exist, AGMA specifies a value of ZR greater than
Hardness-Ratio Factor CH
The pinion generally has a smaller number of teeth than the gear and consequently is subjected to more
cycles of contact stress. If both the pinion and the gear are through-hardened, then a uniform surface
strength can be obtained by making the pinion harder than the gear. A similar effect can be obtained
when a surface-hardened pinion is mated with a through hardened gear. The values of CH are obtained
from the equation;
CH = 1.0 + A′(mG −1.0)
A ′= 8.98 (10−3) HBP/HBG −8.29 (10-3)1.2 ≤HBP/HBG ≤1.7
The terms HBP and HBG are the Brinell hardness (10-mm ball at 3000-kg load) of the pinion and gear,
respectively. The term mG is the speed ratio and is given by.
HBP/HBG <1.2, A′= 0
HBP/HBG >1.7, A ′= 0.00698
Since both pinion and gear are made up of the same material HBP/HBG=1 HA ′=0 then Hardness-
Ratio Factor CH = 1.0 + A ′ (mG −1.0) CH =1
Temperature factor (𝑲𝑻)
For oil or gear-blank temperatures up to 250F 0 (120°C), use 𝐾𝑇. =1 for higher temperatures, the factor
should be greater than unity. Heat exchangers may be used to ensure that operating temperatures are
considerably below this value, as is desirable for the lubricant.
Rim-Thickness Factor(𝑲𝑩)
When the rim thickness is not sufficient to provide full support for the tooth root, the location of
bending fatigue failure may be through the gear rim rather than at the tooth fillet. In such cases, the use
of a stress-modifying factor KB or (𝑡𝑟) is recommended. The rim-thickness factor adjusts the estimated
bending stress for the thin-rimmed gear from table 𝐾𝐵=1.36
Stress Cycle Factors (𝒀𝑵 and 𝒁𝑵)
The purpose of the stress cycle factors which are bending strength –cycle factor (𝑌𝑁) and pitting
resistance stress cycle factor 𝑍𝑁 is to modify the gear strength for lives other than 107 cycles. Values
for these factors are given 𝑌𝑁 and 𝑍𝑁 = 1 on each graph. Note also that the equations for 𝑌𝑁 and 𝑍𝑁
change on either side of 107 cycles. The stress cycle factor is obtained from Appendix A graph 1 and 2
based on number of load cycle (N).
Strength Equations
Instead of using the term strength uses term allowable stress numbers and designates these by the
symbols St and Sc for bending and wear resistance of gear. The equation St and Sc are obtained from
Appendix A graph 1 and 2 based on material brine hardiness test and type of material used (grade 1
Safety Factors SF and SH
The safety factor SF guarding against bending fatigue failure and safety factor SH guarding against
wear failure.
The definition of SF
St Y N
K T K R fully corrected bending stress
SF= =
σ bending strength
σc Z N CH
K K fully corrected contact stress
SF= T R =
σc contact stress
Stress analysis for gear
Two fundamental stress equations used in the AGMA methodology, one for bending stress and another
for wear resistance (contact stress).
Bending for pinion
1 Kh Kb
σ c =W t K v ( ) ¿
Fm J
𝜎𝑐= bending strength of pinon gear
𝑊𝑡 = tangential load in the gear
𝐾𝑉 = Dynamic factor
𝐾𝐻 = load distribution factor
𝐾𝐵 = Rim thickens factor
J = bending strength geometry factor
F = face width of pinion gear
m = module
Wt =σ ℘ * f *m*π* y
σ ℘ = static stress = 195N/mm2
F = face width of gear = 24mm
m = module = 6mm
y = tooth forming factor = 0.115

Wt =10.9N/ mm
Pinion tooth wear
Checking pinion strength for strength.
1 N
δ c =10989∗1.2∗1.25∗1.3 [
24∗84 ]
Allowable bending stress number (St)
(St)p = 0.533HB +793Mpa
HB =200Mpa
(St) p = 0.533(200)+81Mpa =81N/mm2

Bending strength stress cycle factor, (yN)

From graph based on number cycle factor N= 109
y N =¿1.3558[109 ]−0.0178 =0.91

δ c =( S t ) G∗y N =81 MPa∗0.91=73.71 MPa


Factor of safety in bending for pinion gear is,

δ all 73.71 MPa
n= = =3.9
δc 18.5
Bending of gear
Checking gear strength for bending
1 N
δ c =10989∗1.2∗1.25∗1.3 [ 24∗84 ]
Where, wt = tangential load = 10989N
Allowable bending stress factor for gear(St)
(st)p = 0.533HB +793Mpa
HB =200Mpa
(St )p = 0.533(200)+81Mpa =81N/mm2

Bending strength stress cycle factor, (yN)

From graph 1 Appendix A Based on number cycle factor N= 109
y N =¿1.3558[109 ]−0.0178 =0.91

δ all =( S t ) G∗y N =81 MPa∗0.91=73.71 MPa


Factor of safety in bending for gear is,

δ all 73.71 MPa
n= = =6.58
δc 11.2
Pinion tooth wear
Checking pinion strength for wear
¿ k o∗k u∗k s∗k m
(δ ¿¿ c) p=C p
√ wt
Where, wt = tangential load = 10989N
∗C f

Other factors are the same like that taken for bending of gears accept

𝐶𝑓 = surface condition factor = 1.2

ko = Over load factor 1.2,
ku = Dynamic factor 1.25,
k m Load distribution factor 1.32
C p=¿Elastic coefficient

1 /2
C p=[ ]
1−U 2p 1−U 2G
Where, UP = poisons ratio pinion gear material, = 0.33
UG = poisons ratio gear material, UG = 0.33
EP =30*106 , modules of elasticity
EG =14.2*106, modules of elasticity
1/ 2
C p=[ ] C p=2300
1−0.332 1−0.332
30∗10 6 14.2∗10 6
10989∗1.2∗1.25∗1.3∗1.32 1.3 N
(δ ¿¿ c) p=2300
√ 24∗84 1
(δ ¿¿ c) p=18.7

Wear strength factor for pinion tooth

Scp=2.22HB+120Mpa =2.22(200) +120Mpa ( S¿¿ c ) p=120 ¿
Wear resistance stress cycle for pinion based on N = 109
Z N P=1.448 N −0.023
Z N P =0.899
δ all =Z N P∗Sc =120 2
mm mm2
Factor of safety in wear for pinion gear δ all mm2
n= = =5.76
δc 18.5
Gear teeth wear
Checking gear strength for bending
km C f

(δ ¿¿ c) p=C p wt + k o +k u + k s
d∗b z 1

Wear strength factor for gear tooth

Scp=2.22HB+120Mpa =2.22(200) +120Mpa ( S¿¿ c ) p=120 ¿
Wear resistance stress cycle for pinion based on N = 109
Z N P=1.448 N −0.023
Z N P =0.899
δ all =Z N P∗Sc =120 2
mm mm2
Factor of safety in wear for pinion gear δ all mm2
n= = =7.76
δc 13.8
4.3 Shaft Design
A shaft is a rotating machine element which is used to transmit power from one place to another. The
power is delivered to the shaft by some tangential force material for shaft is cast iron with shear stress
of τ = 40N/mm2
Input shaft Design

Input speed N = 900rpm.
Torque transmitted by the shaft
P∗60 1100 W ∗60
T= T= T =11.67 Nm
2πN 2∗3.14∗900 rev
Tangential force
T 11.67 Nm
F t= Ft=
Dp 0.042
Radial force
Fr =Ft cos20 =276.2cos20=260N
Normal force
F n=√ F2t + F 2r F n=√ 276.22+ 2602 F n=380 N
V=∑ F y
When, V = shear force
M =∫ f ( v ) , fy =vertical force
M =∫ f ( v )
0.18 0.18

M= ∫ 190 N−¿ ∫ 380 N ¿

0 0.09

Bending moment
Fn∗l 380 N∗0.18
M= = =17.1 Nm
4 4

Shear force diagram

Bending moment diagram

Figure: 12 Input Shaft Shear force and moment diagram

Table 4 Combined shock and fatigue factors for ASME code shaft design equation [ CITATION
Shi05 \l 1033 ]
Type of loading 𝒌𝒃 𝒌𝒕
Stationary shaft
Gradually applied load 1.0 1.0
Suddenly applied load 1.5-2.0 1.5-2.0
Rotating shaft
Gradually applied load 1.5 1.0
Suddenly applied load
With minor shock 1.5-2.0 1.0-1.5
With heavy shock 2.0-3.0 1.5-3.0
Rotating shaft with gradually applied load 𝑘𝑏 =1.5 and 𝑘𝑡 = 1

Equivalent twisting moment

T e =√( K ¿¿ b∗M )2 +( K ¿¿ T∗T )2 ¿ ¿

T e =√1.5∗17.1 ¿2 +(1∗11.6)2 ¿ T e =28∗103 Nmm

π 3 3
T e= d =28∗10 Nmm
Output shaft design

Power (P) = 1100W,

Speed (N) = 450rpm
P∗60 1100 W ∗60
Transmitted torque by the shaft T = T= T =23.3 Nm
2πN 2∗3.14∗450 rev
Tangential force
T 23.3 Nm
F t= Ft= F =277.4 N
Dp 0.084 t
Radial force Fr =Ft cos20 =277.4 N cos20=267N
Normal force
F n=√ F2t + F 2r F n=√ 277.42 +2672 F n=389 N
V=∑ F y
When, V = shear force
M =∫ f ( v ) , fy=vertical force
M =∫ f ( v )
0.5 0.5
M=∫ 194.5 N−¿ ∫ 389 N ¿
0 0.25

Bending moment

Fn∗l 389 N∗0.5 m

M= = =48.63 Nm
4 4
Figure 13 Output shaft shear force and moment diagram

Rotating shaft with gradually applied load 𝑘𝑏 =1.5 and 𝑘𝑡 = 1

Equivalent twisting moment

T e =√( K ¿¿ b∗M )2 +( K ¿¿ T∗T )2 ¿ ¿

T e =√1.5∗22 ¿2 +(1∗23.3)2 ¿ T e =42∗10 3 Nmm

π 3 3
T e= d =42∗10 Nmm


Gear box housing

Table 5 Gear box thickness [ CITATION Shi05 \l 1033 ]
Wall thickness in mm of the Non case handled Case handled gear
Gear box material.

CI casting 0.007L+6mm 0.010L+6mm

Steel casting 0.005L+4mm 0.007L+4mm
Welded construction 0.004L+4mm 0.005L+4mm
For this design cast iron casting is used. Using the empirical formula for CI casting and case handled
gear, gear box thickness is determined.
Gear box thickness
S = 0.010L+6mm, where, L = largest diameter of the housing
L = 250mm+20mm = 276mm
S = 0.01 * 210mm + 6mm = 8.76mm
Top cover thickness Sc =0.8S =0.8*9m=7mm
Cover flange thickness Scf =2S 2*8.76 =17.5mm
Cover flange bolt diameter Dcb =1.2S =1.2*8.76 =10.5mm
Cover flange width
wcf =1.8*Dcb =1.8*10.5=18.9mm
Cover flange bolt spacing
wcs =3.6*Dcb =3*10.5=31.5mm

4.4 Cutting Principles

For cutting biological materials, operation of a sharp or serrated-edged knife is employed. It causes
failure, primarily in shear. Shear failure is achieved either by using a single cutting element, such as a
sickle, scythe, rotary cutters, or flail-type cutters or by employing double-cutting elements, as in
scissors or reciprocating-type cutters. [ CITATION Han07 \l 1033 ]

In all cutting processes, failure in shear or impact or both is possible when a system of forces acts on
the material. Before shear failure, the material is invariably first compressed, then bends (deformation),
which increases the work required in a cutting operation.

Plant deformation, ∂ along the applied force, F is functionally expressed as,

∂=k F

Where; A effective cross-sectional area

h= cutting height or stubble height
δ =¿shear stress of material (crop)
k =constant of proportionality that depends on knife characteristics and the material being cut.
In cutting crop stems of cereal and pulses that are weak in bending, single-element cutters moving at
high velocity (linear or rotary motion) will require a low-cutting force for close operation (minimum
stubble height) of the cutting element.

Shearing occurs at the intersecting point of the elements that maintain almost no clearance. Increased
clearance between them will either result in the crop bending instead of cutting, or clogging the cutting
unit. More often, in an oscillating shear-bar–type cutting unit, design emphasis is given related to
cutting effectiveness, drive to reciprocating mechanism, and safety in operation, instead of force and
power requirements.

4.4.1 Cutting Force and Energy

Comparative performance of cutting elements used in harvester design can be judged by their cutting
energy requirements, cutting force, and stress applied.
Various research workers have investigated the effects of different process variables in cutting
agricultural materials and have established that the force and energy parameters to cut the materials
tend to lie within fairly constrained limits. The double-shear arrangement of blades for cutting crop
stem was most effective, as it not only reduced the critical speed value to 10–20 m/s, but also resulted
in relatively low specific energy and specific peak force values.[ CITATION Pan93 \l 1033 ]

Reciprocating Action Cutters

All cereal and forage crop harvesters are provided with reciprocating action-type cutting units of
different designs. Based on the construction and distance between the adjacent guards (also called
fingers) three types of cutter-bar are employed in harvesting machines:

 Standard or conventional type,

 low-cut type, and

 Medium-cut type cutter-bar.

Because of the variations in the distance of the guards, the knife edges in extreme positions may or may
not coincide with guards, but generally the knife edge stroke length (S) for all types of cutters will lie
between 75 and 110 mm. The knife edge stroke length, S in the standard-type cutter bar, is equal to the
distance between the adjacent guards, and the knives in their extreme positions lie in the fingers. The
standard cutters with S 76.2-mm stroke or pitch are used in mowers and reapers (grass, cereal, and
commercial crops). The 90-mm–pitch cutters are used to cut thick-stalk commercial crops, corn,
sunflower, and the like.[ CITATION Han07 \l 1033 ]
The reciprocating-action cutters with stationary counter cutting edges make to and-fro motions between
the successive guards when the cutting of crop stems occurs. The included angle between the cutting
edges is near 38°[ CITATION Han07 \l 1033 ], and this angle is less than normal for wheat crop and
increases for serrated edges. The knife edges of such a cutter-bar derive reciprocating motion through a
crank mechanism and make forward movement during field operation. Relative to ground level, any
point on the knife edge will, therefore, make a curvilinear path. It is possible to obtain the knife edge’s
path of any selected point on the edge graphically if the crank radius r or the knife edge stroke S and
distance L traveled by the machine in a half revolution of crank, are known

Reciprocating Sickle Bar cutter

Sickle bar mowers sever the crop by slicing it between a moving blade and counter shear. The
reciprocating mower is composed of the moving blades, an oscillatory drive mechanism, and the
stationary frame and guards that support and protect the mechanism. Sickle bar cutters tend to cut the
crop at low speeds, 1.5-3 m/s.The reciprocating-action cutter-bars are powered from the DC motor
through a gear box and Vbelts. The cutter-bar speed the harvester is lies between 400 and 500 rpm
cutting strokes per minute or knife velocity of 2.85 and 3.75 m/s for an 8-cm–stroke length. This speed
is more than enough for scissoring action of the knife for crops to fail in pure shear.[ CITATION
Han07 \l 1033 ]

4.5 Design and Selection of cutter

Generally, the knife edge stroke length (S) for all types of cutters will lie between 75 and 110 mm. The
knife edge stroke length, S in the standard-type cutter bar, is equal to the distance between the adjacent
guards, and the knives in their extreme positions lie in the fingers. The standard cutters with S 76.2-mm
stroke or pitch are used in mowers and reapers (grass, cereal, and commercial crops).[ CITATION
Han07 \l 1033 ] Since our crop is barley let take 76.2 mm pitch cutter because it is low in strength than
corn. The cutter is made of steel with an oblique angle of 30º and smooth knife edge to decrease the
shearing strength of barley stalk or to harvest at minimum force.
Figure:14 Geometry of a single cutter

Number of knife section =
¿ knife section
Number of knife section = =16
0.06 m
The knife speed was calculated using V K =
Where V K =¿ knife speed S=stroke length N= crank speed
For α of 30o the knife velocity should be 1m/s.
30∗v K
Therefore, N K =
30∗1m/ s
N K= N =394.737 rpm
76.2mm K
For a standard 76 mm knife section, the above velocity translates into 400 rpm of knife section. The
actual average knife speed of cutter bar would be.

400 rpm∗76.2mm
V K= V K =1.016 m/ s
This value is almost equal to the assumed and given standard.
Determination of Forces Acting on the Cutter Bar
F=F c + F f + F i Where;
F= total resisting force on cutter bar, N or Kg
Fc = average resistance to cutting, N or Kg
Ff= frictional force N or kg
Fi = inertia force of knife section, N or Kg
Cutting Force in the Cutter Bar

The total cutting force (FC) on the cutter bar is given by

E Ft Z
F c=

FC = total cutting force in cutter bar, N

E = 1.25 N-Cm/Cm2 for wheat/barley crop. [ CITATION Bel89 \l 1033 ]

Ft = knife load area for single stroke cutter. It is calculated, it means area of cutter =0.003372m 2
Z = Number of knife section in the cutter bar
Xc = Displacement of knife, start to end of cutting = 76.5 mm for the designed knife section
1.25 N− ∗24 c m2∗16
Cm 2
F c= Fc =62.7 N
7.65 mm
Inertia Force in Cutter Bar

It is given by,

F i=M k r ω 2 (1− )

Where, Mk = mass of knife section, kg

r = radius of crank, cm

ω = angular velocity, rad/sec

x = length of stroke, cm

At initial and final points of stroke, F i would be maximum. So, F i max = Mkrω2. Since it is slider crank

Slider crank mechanism

For the motion of cutting mechanism for blades a simple Slider-Crank Mechanism is employed. This
mechanism is used to convert rotary motion into the reciprocating motion. This can be achieved by
mounting the coupler off set from the center of rotating disk as shown in the Fig below.
S ɸ θ


Figure: 15 Slider crank mechanism

The circle represents a rotating disk of thickness t and radius R Represents the length of the coupler
positioned offset in rotating disk at a distance r. When the coupler and the dotted line indicating
distance, r gets collinear at one end the minimum stroke and in the other end maximum stroke is
achieved and thus the displacement S takes place.
For this mechanism, the power for driving the cutting mechanism is transmitted from the motor with
the help of the pulley mounted on the external shaft and suitable diameters of the pulley is used in the
cutting mechanism to ensure the velocity of blades in cutting mechanism. The rotating disk is
mounted at the thick plate which is welded to the frame and it rotates about the vertical axis parallel to
the shaft.

The maximum displacement of the cutting blades and the velocity of the blades are calculated. The
distance by which the slider moves per stroke is given by the following relation.

S r
ɸ θ

X =a(1-cosϕ) +r(1-cosθ) …………………………….………eq(1)

Where X =the linear displacement a = the length of connecting rod r=the length of the crank
ϕ=the angle subtended by the connecting rod with the horizontal.
θ= the angle subtended by the crank with the horizontal.
Also from geometry it can be seen that aSin(ϕ)=rSin(θ)……..eq(2)

[ √
X =r [1−cos (θ )+ n 1− 1− ( sinθn ¿¿ ¿2]}] …………………eq (3)
Substituting for aSin(ϕ) from equation 2 in equation 3, leaves θ as the only variable on the right-hand
side of the expression,
¿ ¿…………………………………eq (4)
Equation 4 can be substituted into equation 1 to obtain the kinematic equation for the slide crank
X =r−rcos ( θ )+ a− √a 2−[rsinθ]2……………………………. eq (5)
Equation 5 can then be rearranged by introducing another parameter, n, the ratio of the length of
the connecting rod, a, to the radius of the crank, r, as
X =r ¿] ……………………. eq (6)
Where; n=
Equation 6 is the kinematic equation for the sider-crank mechanism.
X 80 mm
r = r= =40 mm
2 2
Putting values in equation 1
80mm=a(1-cos30) +40mm(1-cos30)
a=55.7mm ≈60mmLength of the connecting rod is required.
Summary of crank-slider mechanisms X
=80mm a = 40mm r=60mm
For harvester weight of cutter bar per meter length is 20 to 22 N. [ CITATION Muk10 \l 1033 ]
And weight (Mk) of 80 cm long cutter bar is 16N. But our bar length is 1m let’s take 18N
Newton’s second law F=ma m=
18 N
Taking gravitational acceleration, a=9.81m/s m= =1.81kg For Vk =1 m/s and r=40 mm of a
9.81 m/s
1m long cutter bar using the above equation.
v 1
V=ω∗r ω= ω= =25 rpm
r 0.04
F i=M k r ω 2 (1− )
F i=1.81 kg∗60 mm∗¿
F i=45.25 N
Frictional Force in the Cutter Bar
The frictional force (Ff) acts on the knife slides over the finger bar and was given by
Ff1 = Force due to weight of cutter bar which was calculated by
F f 1=M k ∗f f = 0.2- 0.3, take average of it 0.25
F f 1=1.81 Kg∗9.81∗0.25=4.43 N
Therefore, total resisting force (F) acting on the cutter bar is calculated using equation.
F= Fc + Ff+ Fi
F= 62.7N + 4.43N+ 45.25N=112.389N

4.6 Design of conveyor belt

Belt conveyor is a mechanical device for charring packages material from one location to another. Belt
conveyor has high load carrying capacity, large length of conveying path, simple design, easy
maintenance and high reliability of operation.[ CITATION Con94 \l 1033 ] This section provides to
design the conveyor system used for which includes belt speed, belt width, belt specification, shaft
diameter, pulley selection, with the help of standard model calculation.

Figure: 16 Simple conveyer system

The basics of flat idler design

Figure:17 Typical flat idler arrangement

The idlers are an important part of a belt conveyor system; they provide stability to the conveyed
materials. There are mainly three types of idles used in the industry namely, flat idlers, trough idlers,
and garland idlers. In this article we will design only the flat type belt conveyor idler design.
Design calculation
Power requirement
T2 T2

Driving pulley T 1 T1 Driven pulley

Belt width = 15cm, length, L = 1m

Length of the belt conveyor /L/=2πr+2C



C B∗V ∗Qm
P 1=
C B = Width factor, C LLength factor,

C B=¿31, from table based on belt width and duty type which is light duty

C L=667, from table based on length of belt

LT =2*1m+d=2.04m
k f = from table good alignment with; intermediate speed., k f =1.17
500 Kg
Qm = =0.5 t /h
Power at drive pulley: The power required at the drive pulley can be calculated from the belt tension
value as below:
Pp = (Tb*V)/1000…………….eq.1 Where,
Pp is in KW.
Tb = steady state belt tension in N.
v = belt speed in m/sec.
πDN π∗80 mm∗450 rev
Belt speed, = =1.88 m/s
60 60
0.5 t
∗67∗1.8 m
P 1= P1=155 W
Required motor power, P M
P1 155 W
PM= PM= =172.2W
η 0.9
Belt breaking strength
This parameter decides the selection of the conveyor belt. The belt breaking strength can be calculated
Bs= (Cr*Pp)/ (Cv*V) ………. eqn.2
Bs is in Newton. Cr = friction factor Cv = Breaking strength loss factor Pp = Power at drive pulley in
Newton. V = belt speed in m/sec.
C v∗v
Where, CR = friction factor, Cv = breaking strength loss, V= belt speed.
CR =59, based on belt width and drive pulley surface.
Cv =0.75
k= =5703N/m
0.75∗1.8 m/s
Belt tension: The belt of the conveyor always experiences a tensile load due to the rotation of the
electric drive, weight of the conveyed materials, and due to the idlers. The belt tension at steady state
can be calculated as:

Fu =C* f *L*g* [2*mi ]………………equ3

Tb is belt tension in Newton. f = Coefficient of friction
L = Conveyor length in meters. Conveyor length is approximately half of the total belt length.
g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/sec2
mi = Load due to the idlers in Kg/m.
mb = Load due to belt in Kg/m.
mm = Load due to the conveyed materials in Kg/m.
c = 1.92
f = 0.05, based on belt speed.
Belt type DLP250PVCFDA with total thickness of 3mm
Weight = 1.2kg/ m2
The handle was made circular hollow pipe, diameter of the handle is 30 mm. The designing of handle
also approximate 800m height is sufficient for pushing of any machinery, which is relevant to average
human height. For the design 450 angles is selected.
Total power of machine is power of conveyor, power used by cutter and by solar trucker.
Ptotal =Pcutter + Pconveyer + Ptrucker
Ptotal =2(173 W +113 W )+15 W =583.6W

4.7 Power requirement

4.7.1 Photovoltaic Systems
Photovoltaic (PV) modules are solid-state devices that convert sunlight, the most abundant energy
source on the planet, directly into electricity without an intervening heat engine or rotating equipment.
PV equipment has no moving parts and, as a result, requires minimal maintenance and has a long life.
It generates electricity without producing emissions of greenhouse or any other gases and its operation
is virtually silent.[ CITATION Mak99 \l 1033 ]
Generally, northern Africa including Ethiopia, is the area where there is the maximum intensity and
duration of sunshine over the globe, and as much as 4,000 bright sunshine hours are receiving in a year.
Most parts of Ethiopia receive over 7 hours of bright sunshine daily, and in the south eastern, northern
and north eastern lowlands, it reaches 10 to 12 hours’ duration. It is only during the summer rainy
season in the highlands of central and south western Ethiopia, when there is much cloud cover, that the
daily duration of sunshine hours is less than 5 hours. Ethiopia receives 7.4 to 7.6 KWh/m 2 of solar
radiation per day. This abundant solar energy of the order of 7-8 KWh/m 2, received daily for over 6-8
hours’ day in most parts of Ethiopia for the major portion of the year, could be utilized for economic
and social development. [ CITATION Nti \l 1033 ]

4.7.2 Photovoltaic principles

Photovoltaic systems provide electricity. When certain semi-conducting materials, such as silicon, are
exposed to sunlight, they release small amounts of electricity. This process is known as the
photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect refers to the emission or ejection of electrons from the
surface of a metal in response to light. It is the basic physical process in which a solar electric or
photovoltaic (PV) cell converts sunlight directly to electricity.
Sunlight is made up of photons or particles of solar energy. Corresponding to the different wavelengths
of the solar spectrum, photons contain various amounts of energy. When photons strike a PV cell, they
may be reflected or absorbed, or they may pass right through. Only the absorbed photons generate
electricity. When this happens, the energy of the photon is transferred to an electron in an atom of the
PV cell (which is a semiconductor). Because of the absorbed energy the electron escapes from its
normal position in the atom of the semiconductor material and becomes part of the current in an
electrical circuit. By leaving its position, the electron causes a hole to be formed. Special electrical
properties of the PV cell - a built-in electric field - provide the voltage needed to drive the current
through an external load (such as a light bulb).

Table 6 Approximate energy efficiency ranges for various module types[ CITATION Mak99 \l 1033 ]
Cell type Efficiency range [%]

Mono crystalline silicon cells 14 to 16

Multi crystalline silicon cells 13 to 15

High efficiency Mono crystalline silicon cells 16.5

Table 7 Comparison of different Solar Panel[ CITATION Mak99 \l 1033 ]

Parameters Mono-crystalline Polycrystalline solar Panel Thin-Film solar
solar panels panels

Efficiency less, high, 15-20% 14-16% 7 -13%

space It covers small space large space Very large space

life span longer than 25 years because of its lower The shortest life span
silicon purity, it lasts of the mono& poly
below 25 years solar panels.
Cost High less expensive least expensive
heat High Less Medium

high temperature co- its output decrease as its output decrease as less effect on the
efficient and shading temperature increase temperature increase PV performance
effects and shading effect and shading effect
increase increase
4.7.3 Sizing of PV System
Design Specification
 Power demand by the motor………………. 1.11kw [1.5 HP] (the motor is selected since the
power to drive the cutter blade and belt conveyer is 1000 watt)
 Peak design power ……………………………….1.5 KW [2.01HP]. [ CITATION Dev85 \l 1033 ]
 Machine operation time per day……. 6 hrs. per day
 The average solar radiation in least sunny month of the site….7 kwh/m2/day.
 The Battery storage time ……………6 hrs.
 The battery rated voltage is ………………12 V

Determination of Power Demand

In sizing of a solar PV system it is necessary to find out first the total power and energy consumption
of all loads, which are to be supplied by the solar PV system. Most of the power in the harvester
machine is required to reciprocate the cutter bar and for the conveyer. This can be performed by the
following steps:
Daily power demand
Calculating the daily power demand of the connected load, which used to drive the dc motor. Which is
the total Watt-hours per day, E L. This can be obtained by
EL = PR *TOP ------------- [Kwh /Day]
Where EL is daily power demand, PR is power required, TOP is time of operation
EL =1.5*6 =9Kwh

Battery Load required

Calculate the total load required from the battery (EB). Can be obtained by allowing a safety factor (%)
accounted for unforeseen addition to the system load, lower ambient temperature, recent discharge, and
system losses, i.e.
EB = EL* FOS ----------------------- [Kwh / day]
Where EB is Load required from the battery, EL is daily power demand, Fos is factor of safety Allowing
for 20% safety factor accounted for unforeseen addition to the system load, Lower ambient
temperature, recent discharge, and system losses, which mean multiplying with 120%; the total load
required from the battery will be:
EB = 9*1.2 = 10.8Kwh/day

Daily power needed from PV

Calculate the daily power needed from the PV system, this is the total Watt-hours per day, E PV and is
determined by multiplying the daily power demand by 1.3 (by considering 30% of energy lost in the
system), That is;
EPV =1.3*EB --------------- [Kwh /day/]
The total energy needed from PV panels will be:
Epv =1.3*10.8=14.04 Kwh/day

Sizing of PV module
Based on the above conditions it is possible to size the PV module as per our energy demand. This can
be done by the following steps:
Total peak power
Calculate the total peak watt rating, WP, needed for PV modules. The peak watt (Wp) produced depends
on size of the PV module and climate of site location.

Where EPV is total energy needed from PV panels, PGF is panel generation factor of PV system it is
different from site to site and it is given by PGF = Collective efficiency * Average solar radiation in
least sunny month-------- (kWh/m2/day) Ethiopia receives 7.4 to 7.6 KWh/m 2 of solar radiation per
day. This abundant solar energy of the order of 7-8 KWh/m2, received daily for over 6-8 hours day in
most parts of Ethiopia for the major portion of the year.[ CITATION Nti \l 1033 ]

Assuming a collective efficiency of 36% [ CITATION Mak99 \l 1033 ] for the solar panel and in
addition to tracking system efficiency increased by 17%, [ CITATION Nag18 \l 1033 ] and the average
solar radiation in least sunny month in Ethiopia 7 KWh/m2, the panel generation factor becomes.
PGF = 0.53*7 = 3.71Kwh m/ 2 / day
Therefore, the total peak watt of the PV panel will be:W p = =3.784

Calculate the number of PV panels for the system. This can be calculated by dividing the total peak
watt of the PV panel by the rated output Watt-peak of the PV modules available to you (which can be
selected from Appendix A table 6.
N pv =
W ps
Selecting some of the pv panels which have less area with higher peak output power as well as likely
availability of the solar panel is considered. Analyzing total area requirement to harvest
1.5KW power with minimal area and less number of panels are given below.

Table 8 selected solar panels

Width Height Area Total area
Product output Npv
(mm) (mm) (m2) required

1 KD255GX-LFB2 1662 990 1.64 255 2 3.28

2 KD260GX-LFB2 1662 990 1.64 260 2 3.28
3 YL-275P 1970 990 1.95 275 2 3.9
4 SW 270 mono 1675 951 1.59 270 2 3.18
5 SW 275 mono 1675 951 1.59 275 2 3.18
6 YL-240P 1810 990 1.79 240 3 5.37
7 YL-280P 1970 990 1.95 280 2 3.9
8 SW 280 mono 1675 951 1.59 280 2 3.1
9 YL-270P 1970 990 1.95 270 2 3.9

To know the number of PV module we have to first select the appropriate PV module from the
standard table. Let us use pv number 5 which is SW 275 mono model PV module with peak watts of
275 watt and 1.59 m2of area. Therefore, the number of PV modules required for the system:
N pv = =1.376
Increase any fractional part of result to the next highest full number and that will be the number of PV
modules required, but the result implies only two solar panel is enough for the system to provide the
power demand.

Figure: 16 solar panel

4.7.4 Sizing of Battery
Solar cell modules produce electricity only when the sun is shining. They do not store energy, therefore
to ensure flow of electricity when the sun is not shinning, it is necessary to store some of the energy
produced. The most obvious solution is to use batteries, which chemically store electric energy.

Batteries are required in many PV systems to supply power at night or when the PV system cannot
meet the demand. The selection of battery type and size depends mainly on the load and availability
requirements. When batteries are used, they must be located in an area without extreme temperatures,
and the space where the batteries are located must be adequately ventilated.

The principal requirement of batteries for a PV system is that they must be able to accept repeated deep
charging and discharging without damage. Although PV batteries have an appearance similar to car
batteries, the latter are not designed for repeated deep discharges and should not be used.

To be economically attractive the storage of solar electricity requires a battery with following particular
combination of properties:

 Low cost
 Long life
 High reliability
 High overall efficiency
To achieve an uninterrupted power supply, the PV systems must be equipped with energy storage
batteries. The sizing of batteries and its components is presented in the section below.

There is a huge range of batteries including lead acid batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries [NiMH],
Nickel- Cadmium batteries[NiCd], silver zinc, Lithium ion batteries or Lithium polymer batteries
which can be used. We selected Lead acid batteries for their less cost and easier to work with but have
less power to weight ratio.
Figure :17 Battery

The minimum energy that can be stored by the battery is given by:
EBM = EB *TS ------------------ [Wh/ day]
Where EBM is minimum energy that can be stored by battery, EB is Load required from the battery, TS is
time of storage.

Then, the net capacity that the battery can store in Ampere-hour/day will be
CN ¿
V cc
Where CN is net capacity of the battery, E BM is minimum energy that can be stored by battery, V CC is
rated battery voltage.
The net capacity of the battery depends on the depth of the discharge of the battery (DDP), and the
depth of discharge determines the life cycle of the battery. Deep cycle lead acid battery can store 30%
to 80% depth. Then the total commercial capacity of the of the battery is calculated by Assume 80%
depth of discharge is

C T= CT=

Where CT is commercial capacity of the battery, CN is net capacity of the battery, DDP is depth of
discharge of the battery, EB is load required from the battery, TS is time of storage, VCC is battery rated

To calculate the battery size required for 6 hrs of uninterrupted power supply, and for 12V rated battery
voltage, the battery bank must be rated first;
10.8∗103∗6 hr
24 hr =281.25Ah at 12 V
C T=
12 v∗0.8

Since we used 12V battery and we don’t want the number of batteries to be high due to its cost and
weight. We chose a battery with Ampere hour capacity of 140 (i.e. 7 or 20 hrs.) From Appendix A
table 7.
Number of Batteries
Where NB= required number of batteries, CT= commercial capacity of the battery, BT=available battery
capacity selected from Appendix A the standard table.
281.25 Ah
NB= =2
140 Ah

This implies two batteries with 140Ah @12V is enough to store and supply the required power demand
by the barley harvester machine.

Charging time of battery

The equation used to find the peak hours required to charge the battery is given as:
BT ∗V batt
T C=
Where TC=peak hours required, VBatt=battery voltage, BT=battery capacity, WPS= peak watt of the PV
12V ∗140 Ah
T C= =6 hr
This mean 6 hours are required to charge the battery from fully discharged to fully charged state. The
other thing that has to be considered is the solar panel charges the battery even while the machine is in

4.7.5 Charge controllers

We also need a charge controller that will be wired between the solar panel and the battery. The work
of this controller is to stop the battery from discharging through the solar panel when there is no sun
and the panel is not creating electricity. It also prevents overcharging when the battery reaches full
charge and also regulates the voltage to the battery.
The controller is chosen for the correct capacity and desired features. Normally, controllers allow the
battery voltage to determine the operating voltage of a PV system. However, the battery voltage may
not be the optimum PV operating voltage. Some controllers can optimize the operating voltage of the
PV modules independently of the battery voltage so that the PV operates at its maximum power point.

Figure: 18 Solar charge controller

4.7.6 Sizing of Charge Controller

Choosing a well-made charge controller is integral to the long life and efficiency of your entire solar
power system. Solar charge controllers are rated and sized by the solar panel array current and system
voltage. Most common are 12, 24, and 48-volt controllers. Amperage ratings normally run from 1 amp
to 60 amps, voltages from 6-60 volts.

So, we have a 275-watt solar panel array that operates at 12 volts DC and our battery bank is 12 volts
DC lead acid battery. Solar charge controllers are rated by the output amperage that they can handle,
not the input current from the solar panel array. To determine the output current that the charge
controller will have to handle we use the very basic formula for power (watts), which is:

I CC= Here we know the power is 275 watts, the battery bank is 12 volts, so:
V cc
I CC= =22.91 A

We still want to boost this value by 25% to take into account special conditions that could occur
causing the solar panel array to produce more power than it is normally rated for (e.g. due to sunlight's
reflection off of snow, water, extraordinarily bright conditions, etc.). So, 22.91 A increased by 25% is
29A. A charger controller 12v with 30 Ampere is selected for safety of operation.
4.7.7 Sizing and selection of motor
An electrical motor is a machine which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The power
needed by the motor can be calculated as follows
P total
Where, Ptotal total power of machine, ηm is the efficiency of DC motor, Efficiency of DC motor
typically be range 70%-85%[ CITATION www \l 1033 ] let us take average assumed 75%
583.6 W
PM= =778.13W
Let us take 5% factor of safety
P=1.05*778.13W=817.036 Since 817.036W is less than 1000W
We selected OMPM-DC Series permanent magnet DC motor for the following reasons;

 It is totally enclosed fan cooled design ensures maximum cooling and long life.
 All steel constructed junction box and cover as well as fan cover.
 It has Heavy-duty, permanently lubricated and sealed ball bearings for long motor life.
 It has removable base made of extra-strength steel and reduces vibration.
 Provided with flange for precision direct-couple mount and reduced vibration.
All OMPM-DC motors are constructed from heavy duty gauge steel including frames, end bells,
mounting bases, junction boxes and covers. These DC motors are specifically designed for use with
SCR controllers where applications require torque throughout the application and speed range, as well
as adjustable speeds. The DC motor voltages available are 12, 24, 90 and 180 volt.
Since DC motors has high rotational speed (rpm) Speed reduction by means of a gear box is necessary
results in increased torque.
Since our operational system voltage is 24V and we require higher torque with higher power, from the
standard table below we selected OMPMDC1.5-18-24V-56C model permanent dc motor.
Specification of the motor;
Input voltage------------------------------------- 24v
Power ----------------------------------------------1.5HP
Motor speed --------------------------------------1800 RPM
Armature Full Load Current Amps -----------62.2 Arm Amps
The shaft of the motor--------------------------38mm
Dimension L x W x H----------------------------363mm x 114mm x 161mm
Figure: 19 Permanent magnet DC motor

The torque applied by the motor

The torque applied by the motor can be calculated by using the power equations.
P =T *ω------------------------------ [watt],
Where, P = The power of the motor
T = Torque of the motor
ω = Angular velocity
2∗π∗1800 rad
ω¿ =188.4
60 s
T¿ -------------------------------- [Nm]
1.1185 Kw
¿ =6 Nm
4.7.8 Electrical wiring
To connect the components of a Solar Energy System, you will need to use correct wire sizes to ensure
low loss of energy and to prevent overheating and possible damage or even fire.

A proper electrical wiring is to be put in place putting into consideration the safety of the operator and
any other person who may come into contact with the harvester machine. To do this we need to have
the correct wire sizing, correct gauges and circuit breakers, switches and terminals put in the right

Using online a wire size calculator for the given data below we choose

Solar Panel output voltage =12V.

The total Amps that the Solar Panels will produce all together------8.9amps*2=17.8amps.
The distance in feet from our Solar Panels to your Battery Bank / Charge Controller since it has
tracking system. 7feet [2m].
Percentage of acceptable loss which range between 3%, 4%, 5% typical for 12V, 24V and 48V
respectively ---------3% of loss.

4.8 Design of Sun Tracker

The solar receptor is affected by two factors. The first factor is the 360 0 rotation of the earth about its
orbit, which is called azimuth, within 24 hours. Within a day the earth is under two conditions that is, it
can be either day or night, the length of which is depends on the season of the year. The receptor
should be rotated by the tracker for 180 0 from west to east or vise versa to capture the complete
available energy of the sun. The second factor is the rotation of the earth around the sun that leads
inclination between ±23.5 degrees to north or south hemisphere, which is called zenith. The azimuth
rotation has a great adverse effect than the zenith rotation because the azimuth rotation covers 360 0 per
day whereas the zenith rotation covers around 23.50 within three months. Hence the receptor shall
rotate 1800 per day (10 per 8 minutes) east west (vice versa) and 23.5 degree per three months (1 0 per
3.83 days) north south (vice versa). [ CITATION Klo09 \l 1033 ]

The sun tracker is dual axis i.e., it rotates both east-west and north-south axis. Based on the above
results it is advisable to make the azimuth rotation automatic and north-south rotation operated. This is
due to simplifying the mechanism, to reduce cost and to save the amount of energy used to drive the

Based on the simple mechanism, it was selected the crank slider mechanism. There are two piston
cylinder systems. The first one is a plunger pump, which pumps a very small amount of fluid per
stroke. The second piston cylinder system is the powerhouse, which receives fluid from Plunger pump
and changes the length of the link, which in turn rotates the receptor east-west direction.

The receptor should rotate 1800 per a maximum of 24 hours. Hence, the powerhouse should rotate the
receptor 1800 per a maximum of 24 hours based on the location of the site. Hence, the amount of fluid
pumped by the Plunger pump has only a capacity of extending or retracting the powerhouse once per

Let us designate the dimensions for the piston, powerhouse and the tracking support.
Figure: 20 Simple Representations of solar tracker stand with piston cylinder

The standard available size of the solar panel is between 285*385*20mm and 1650*992*20mm.
Appendix A table 6 Since solar receptor is feasible for medium and large solar panels, the dimensions
should be intermediate between medium and large. Hence, the side of the (solar panel supporter) is
chosen to be 950 mm. The corresponding dimensions are from table;

These chosen dimensions are the core of the work of these designs. Based on these data it is possible to
get D1, D2 and L. Based on tube tables, it is advisable to choose the dimensions of:
D2=2r2=30 mm, D1=2r1=5 mm, L=950 mm,

4.8.1 Design of the powerhouse and the plunger pump

The designing of the powerhouse and the plunger pump requires the amount of load applied on them.
To get this applied force let us start from the standard weight of the solar panel and the weight of the
supporting mechanism. The minimum and maximum weights of the solar panel are 1.5 kg and 50 kg
respectively. The dimension of the solar panel is 1675mm by 951mm. The weight of SW 275 Mono –
275 from table

Table 8 Plus, SW 275 Mono - 275 Watt Solar Module w/ monocrystalline cell structure[ CITATION
www1 \l 1033 ]
Solar World Model Number Plus SW 275 Mono

STC Rating 275.0 Watts

PTC Rating 247

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 39.4 Volts

Short Circuit Current (Isc) 9.58 Amps

Frame Color Clear Aluminum

Origin USA

Power Tolerance 0/+5%

Module Efficiency 16.40 %

Area 18.06 ft²

Weight 1.36 lbs.

However, the weights of the supporting elements are unknown exactly. Therefore, it is possible to take
an engineering approximation If the support elements have 3 mm thickness and 7000kg/m 3 density, its
weight becomes: mass (m)=volume*density=v*ρ
=[4(0.951*0.03*0.003)+3(1.65*0.03*0.003)]* 7000kg/m3 =5.515kg
By considering the mounting mechanisms, electric cable and the like, the total mass of the support
becomes around 9.5 kg. Hence, the weight is calculated as
W =mg = 9.5Kg*9.81m/s2 =93.195N
So that the total weight is equals to the sum of the weight of the solar panel and the support. The
weight of solar panel is 3Kg or 1.36 Ibs from above table.
W = weight of panel +weight of support =3Kg*9.81+93.195N= 122.65N
This amount of force is applied on the piston which comes from a single solar panel. However, the
solar panel may be two, which are symmetrical about the support. The powerhouse should exert a
force, which is more than twice the total weight (245.3N force) of the system, 245.3N amount of force
should be exerted by the pressure that is created inside the powerhouse to rotate the solar receptor.
Mathematically, we can relate the force and the pressure during extending the linkage as follows:
Force (F) =Pressure (P)*Area (A2)
Where A2 is the inside area of the cylinder of the powerhouse which has an inside diameter of 50mm.
hence the area becomes;
A2 = πr22 =π*0.025m2 = 0.001925m2
The pressure inside the powerhouse is equal to;
245.3 N
P= =124.99 KPa
0.001925 m2
Therefore,124.99 KPa pressure should be created to rotate the receptor. This pressure is equal to
pressure inside the Plunger pump but there is pressure loss in the fittings and pipelines. Even if the
amount of pressure lose is not known exactly let us take 5% loss that means the pressure inside the
plunger pump is equal to 1.05 times of the pressure inside the powerhouse (1.05x124.99Kpa) 131.2KP
Hence, the amount of force that is exerted on plunger is equal to:
Force (F) =Pressure (P)*Area (A1)

Where A1 is the area of the plunger of the Plunger pump, which has a diameter of 5 mm, hence the area
becomes; A1 = πr12 =π*0.00252 =19.635*10-6m2
F =PA1 =131.2Kpa*19.635*10-6m2 =0.844N
Based on the above result 0.844N force should be applied on the plunger.
4.8.2 Design of Powerhouse 1
The powerhouse is one link of the mechanism in which its function is to rotate the solar receptor by
either extending or retracting this link.
When the fluid is entered into the cylinder via extending port the piston is pushed forward and the
receptor is forced to rotate from its initial position (morning) towards final position (night). At night the
fluid is entered via retract port which retracts the link of the powerhouse. This in turn brings the
receptor towards its initial position. Since the volume in the retract side is very small it takes few time
to retract while the volume in extend port is large hence it take more times to extend with a maximum
of 24 hours. Thus, energy can be saved during retraction of the piston.

4.8.3 Design of the Cylinder

The cylinder is a hollow cylindrical shaped material, which is used to receive the fluid from the plunger
pump and transmits power to the piston rod. The cylinder should have strength to resist the stress
caused by the internal pressure. The parameters that make the cylinder strong enough are the material
of the cylinder and the thickness of the cylinder, since the cylinder is always in contact with fluid and
climate, it should be fabricated from corrosion resistant materials.
The internal pressure induced in the cylinder N is Pi =124.99 KPa, the internal diameter of the cylinder
is 20 mm and its stroke length is 500 mm.
Designing a pressure cylinder, which has capable of resisting 124.99 KPa, internal diameter of 30mm
and the stroke of the piston is 500 mm.
Determine the shape of the cylinder, which is compatible with the piston. The critical stress region in
the cylinder is in its thickness. On the thickness of the cylinder, it should be checked for hope stress
and longitudinal stress.



Figure: 21 Cylinder

Therefore, the material for cylinder is galvanized carbon steel from table. The factor of safety shall be
two to make a compact size, reduced weight and cost cylinder.

yield stress σ y 217 MPa

working stress= =σ w = = =108.5 Mpa
factor of safety n 2
So the design is safe 124.99KPa less than 108.5MPa

Detailed stress analysis;

Calculation of the minimal thickness of the cylinder:
The cylinder should be classified either thin or thick. If the ratio of the wall thickness and the internal
diameter of the cylinder is less than 0.1 it is thin cylinder. On the other hand, if it is greater than 0.1 the
cylinder is thick.[ CITATION RSK \l 1033 ] Using the seamless tube standard data, the possible
minimum and maximum thickness of the cylinder is 3.967 mm and 4.781 mm respectively. Dividing
these (3.967 mm and 4.781 mm) to the internal diameter of the cylinder (20 mm) results a ratio of 0.19
and 0.23 respectively. Since the ratio is less than 0.1, the cylinder is thick.
In thin cylinder, the longitudinal stress is half of the circumferential or hoop stress. Therefore, the
design of a pressure vessel must be based on the maximum stress i.e. hoop stress.
The thickness is calculated by the formula, t= where P is internal fluid pressure= 124.9KPa and
2 σw
d is internal cylinder diameter = 20 mm
124.99 KPa∗0.02m
t= =¿1.151*10-7m = 0.0001541mm
2∗108.5 Mpa
The thickness of the cylinder that can withstand the 124.99KPa internal pressure becomes very small.
Hence, the minimum available standard thickness should be selected. The minimum standard thickness
is, t= 3.967mm. The corresponding outside diameter of the cylinder becomes,

Do = Di +2t = 20mm+2*3.967mm =27.93mm

The length of the cylinder is equal to the sum of the stroke of the piston and clearance between the
cylinder. The stroke of the piston is 500 mm.
3.8.4 Design of Piston
The piston is a cylindrical shaped material, which is used to receive the fluid power and transfers to the
solar receptor to rotate it. The end of the piton rod should be closed to prevent accumulation of water
and other entries.
The internal pressure induced in the cylinder N is Pi = 131.2KPa, the internal diameter of the cylinder is
30mm and its stroke length is 500 mm.
Determine the shape of the piston, which is compatible with the cylinder, and joints. The critical stress
regions in the piston are in the diameter and thickness of piston head, in the diameter, thickness and
length of piston rod, and at the welding permanent joint
t L

Figure: 22 Piston cylinder

Therefore, the material for piston is galvanized carbon steel from standard table. The factor of safety
shall be two to make a compact size, reduced weight and cost piston.

yield stress σ y 217 MPa

working stress= =σ w = = =108.5 Mpa
factor of safety n 2
Finding the thickness of the piston head; the diameter of the piston head is known which is equal to the
internal diameter of the cylinder (20mm). The shearing force is equals to the product of fluid pressure
and piston head area,
d 2 0.02 m 2
F=PA where A=π =π =3.14×10−4 m2
4 4
F=131.2Kpa*3.14×10−4 m 2=41.19N
Hence the stress developed in the head is τ = where area is A=πDt and F=PA

F 41.19 N
A= A= A=3.796 ×10−7 m2
τ 108.5 MPa
t= t=6.046 ×10−6 m
The thickness of the piston head is becoming very small so we have to maximize it because there is a
welding between the piston head and the piston rod. Hence, the thickness becomes 5 mm.
Finding the diameter and length of the piston rod. The piston rod is selected from standard seamless
tube where its outer diameter is less than the internal diameter of the cylinder (20 mm). The standard
diameter of the seamless tube less than 20 mm is and the thickness is equal to 3.048 mm. The piston
rod should be checked for tensile stress and buckling:
The stress induced in the piston rod is,
F π
σ= , A= ¿
A 4
A= (0.022−0.016 2)=3.54∗1 0−4 m2
245.3 N
σ= =693893.112 KPa
3.54∗1 0−4 m 2
Since the induced stress is much less the working stress of the design is safe.
According to Euler’s theory the buckling load F under various end conditions is represented by a
general equation.
C π 2 EA K 2 C π 2 EA
F= =
L2 L2
Where E= modulus of elasticity for the material of the column,
A=area of cross-section
k=least radius of gyration of the cross-section
I=moment of inertia,
L=length of the column, and
C=constant, representing the end conditions of the column or end fixity coefficient
E-207GPa, A=3.54∗10−4 m 2
π π
I= ( D 4o −D4i ) I = ( 0.024 −0.0164 )=6.43∗10−6 m 4
64 64
C=4 for end condition of both ends fixed
2 π 2∗4∗207GPa∗6.43∗10−6 m 4 2
L= =2215576.6 m L=464.3m
243.5 N
The length of the piston rod will not buckle because its actual length is much less than the expected
length. Hence, the design is safe for buckling.
4.8.5 Tracking system other components
Light Dependent Resistors (LDRs)
A picture resistor or LDR or cadmium sulfide cell is a resistor those oppositions decreases by means of
growing incident daylight power. A picture resistor requires an energy supply since it does not produce
Photo-current a picture produce is manifest within the variations in the electrical resistance of the

Figure:23 Light Dependent Resistor [ CITATION pal19 \l 1033 ]

An LDR or light dependent resistor is also known as photo resistor, photocell, photoconductor.It is a
one type of resistor whose resistance varies depending on the amount of sun radiation falling on its
surface. When the radiation falls on the resistor, then the resistance changes. These resistors are often
used in circuits where it is required to sense the presence of light.

The device that will be installed on the solar tracker to perform the proposed control of A1. A
controller with the capacity to manage dates and hours and perform some arithmetic operations is
required. A 14 bits Microcontroller used since instructions which allow use for every command to be
single text instructions.
Table 9 Control device selection matrix.[ CITATION pal19 \l 1033 ]
Device Cost Availability Maintenance
Diligent field programmable gate array Low High Low
(FPGA) for Linux

Arduino microcontroller Low High Low

Festo (programmable logic controller (PLC)) Medium Medium High

compact unit control

Industrial personal computer (PC) with output High Low Low


One feasible option for the development of the control system is a system based on a microcontroller
combined with an H bridge due to its low cost and high availability; however, FPGA boards are
equally feasible. The selected control system is used to perform basic arithmetic operations and to
facilitate the incorporation of a manual alignment system for the installation of the solar tracker.

Figure:24 Controller connection schematic diagram[ CITATION pal19 \l 1033 ]

Total mass of machine

Total mass= mass of support + mass of battery and motor + mass of solar trucker+ mass of cutter mass
of pulleys + mass of gear box.
Mass of support =mass of horizontal support + mass of vertical support
=[2[1.5*(0.04m*0.04m-0.03m*0.03m)] + 8[1m*(0.04m*0.04m-0.03m*0.03m)] *7000Kg/m3
Mass of battery and motor =5Kg
Mass of solar trucker =12.5Kg
Mass of cutter=1.834Kg
Mass total=41.4Kg+5Kg+12.5Kg+1.834Kg=60.73Kg

4.9 Design of support shaft(Axle)

The strength of the machine will be done by applying a force on the axle of the machine and by
considering the weight of the machine distributed on the two wheels of the machine with the resisting
force of the wheels, hence the bending moment and shear force will be found from this.
The total mass of the machine on this shaft and connected to ground wheel. The total weight of
machine can be calculated as,

Figure:25 Geometry of the axle (shaft)

Where W=weight of the machine

Width of machine

RC and RD are the reaction forces on the right and left side of the frames
Figure: 26 Axle diagram with load
Take summation of moments at point A to get reaction forces
∑ M @ A=0= 2 ∗1040 mm−¿ R D∗1020 mm−RC ∗20 mm=0 ¿
297.98 N∗1020 mm=R D∗1010 mm−RC∗10 mm

And take summation of force in the vertical direction.

∑ F y =0=R D + RC − 2 − 2 =0
R D + RC =595.97N

Then put eqn. (2) in to eqn. (1) to get reaction force at point D.
297.98 N∗1040 mm=R D∗1020 mm−[595.97 N−R D ]∗20 mm

R D=297.98 N
RC =595.97N- R D=297.98N

After doing this we can get the moment at different points

1. Section near to point C,

To get shear force on this section take summation of force on the vertical direction.
∑ F y =0 , 2 + V 1=0 , V 1= 2 =297.98 N
V 1=V 2 =297.98 N

And to get the moment on the section take summation of moment.

∑ M =M x + 2 X =0 M x =
X =297.98 NX

Therefore M C =M X ( X =10 mm )=297.98 N∗10 mm=2.98 Nm

M A =0
Section near to point 2

To get shear force on this section take summation of force on the vertical direction.
∑ F y =¿ RC − 2 =297.98 N −297.98 N=0 ¿
V C −V 1=0 N

And to get the moment on this section take summation of moment

∑ M =M x + 2 X −R C (X −10)=0


Finally taking a bending moment on the total length of the shaft to get moment and shear forces

Taking moment at point B to get MA

∑ M B=0=M A− 2 −R C∗1010 mm−R D∗10=0
M A =297.98 N∗1020 mm+297.98 N∗1010+ 297.98 N∗10=608.89 Nm
To get shear force at point B, take summation of the forces at y direction = 0
∑ F y =0 , RC + R D − 2 − 2 −V =0
V=V B =0 N
The above calculation of bending moments and shear forces can be summarized by the
following table.

Table 10 bending moment and shear force

Bending moment Shear force

at point A MA=-608.89Nm VA=297.98N
at Point B MB=608.89Nm VB=0N
at point C MC=2.9798Nm VC=0N
at point D MD=-2.9798Nm VD=297.98N
By using the above data, the combined bending moment and shear force diagram can be drawn

Bending Moment diagram

Figure: 27 Shear force and bending diagram of ground wheel

4.10 Design of Ground Wheel Driven by Human Power

Wheel: - is a machine element which transmits torque and support the weight of the load.
Structure of wheel: - wheel is must be raised enough to retain their shape under an operated operating
The dimensional tolerances of the wheel should be accurate enough for carrying out wheel alignment
and balancing.
Weight of wheel: -wheel must be light so that the unsparing weight is reduced. Light wheel and tiers
follow the road surface control move accurate so that wheel bounce is minimized, resulting improve
road contact and reduce tired wear.
Tire attachment: -since the wheel tire combination is responsible for the transmission of friction to the
road for steering recon. The tire must be suitable recorded and raised secured on the wheel.
Determination of power and torque for the ground wheel
The first thing we must determine before going to the detail design of the harvesting machine
components is that we should determine the power which is required to propel our machine at different
working conditions but the power is adult human being that have 75 watt.
Predefined parameter (Givens)
Total mass of carrying the ground wheel(M) = 60.73Kg let us take 70kg(the mass machine and the
mass of solar panel and it is support.)
Average velocity of ground wheel (Vav) = 0.58 m/s
Angle of inclination 150 inclination
Radius of the wheel (r)= 0.2m = 20 cm
Coefficient of friction
Human speed=0.58m/s
Human power= 75 watt
Figure: 28 Ground wheel
Therefore, the wheel perimeter will be
P=2 πr=2∗π∗0.2 m
¿ 1.256 m
Total weight of the machine
F 4F
Stress σ= A = 2
4∗687.7 N
3.14∗0.4 m 2
The rotation of the torque at the wheels: F=
75 watt
F= F=129.31 N
0.5 m/s
Hence, T=F*r
The harvester can harvest crop by applying 25.86 torque on
4.11 Software analysis
4.11.1 Analysis of the Forces on the on-spur gear

Figure: 29 Total deformation on the spur gear

The spur gear tooth is modeled and is analyzed in the static structural domain of ANSYS 19.0 software.
The force analysis on the spur gear is done. A uniformly distributed load of 260N is applied on the on
gear. As shown on the total deformation contour at the back edge of larger gear the color of contour is
red this implies there is maximum total deformation which is 3.6635e-6, (0.00806m) whereas
deformation is gradually decreases towards to pinion gear and become blue in color as shown on the
above figure.
This force generated a maximum Von Misses stress at center. The results found in the above figures are
the maximum equivalent stress is 9.5215e6MPa (3.83 MPa). By observing the equivalent stress contour
color of contour is red at center which maximum stress.

Figure: 30 Von-mises of spur gear

4.11.2 Analysis of the Forces on the Cutter bar
The force analysis on the cutter blade is done. A uniformly distributed load of 122N is applied on the
cutter blade. This force generated a maximum principal stress is 0.882MPa. Also, the maximum total
deformation is 0.000579m.

Since the material selected for cutter safe in theoretical calculation the software also justifies the result.
Figure: 31 Total deformation of cutter bar

Figure: 32 Maximum stress on the Cutter Blade

Steady state solar panel thermal analysis

Figure: 33 Total heat flux of solar panel
As we try to explain theoretical part heat flux is 7.4W/m2. The simulation also shows that the average
heat flux from sun radiation is 6.89 W/m2
Solid work simulation
Structural force analysis on frame

Figure: 34 Factor of safety frame

Figure: 35 Frame Upper bound axial and bending

Figure: 36 Axle von Mises

4.12 Overall cost Estimation

Table 11 Cost analysis of solar powered multi crop cutter and harvester machine

Item Unit cost total cost

Part number Description quantity
NO. (Birr) (Birr)

Rectangular mild For frame structure. 30 x 30

1 steel. x 2mm
x2 500 1000

2 gear box Single stage x1 850 850

gear box pulley (larger) x1

200 200
3 pulley Motor pulley(smaller) x1 100 100

Conveyor pulley x2 110 220

For wheel x2 200 400

4 shaft
For conveyor X2 450 900

5 Wheel Wheel of Motor Bicycle x2 800 1600

6 Solar Battery 151mm x 65mm x 93mm X2 4500 9000

OMPMDC1.5-18-24V 56C
7 Motor x1
Dc motor 2950 2950

8 Handle Metal x2 75 150

9 Piston cylinder Standard X2 300 600

10 Cutter bar fixed x1 600 600
movable x1 600 600

11 Belt Flat x1 190 190

v-belt X1 44 44

12 Conveyer Main X1 190 190

13 Solar Panel 275W x2 5000 10000

14 Trucking support RHS 30mmx30mm 1 600 600

15 electric switch x1 12 12
Pin 6 12 73
16 Fastening

17 Electric Wire 5m - 300 300

18 Microcontroller Arduino 1 800 800

19 LDR Sensor 4 30 120

Manufacturing Welding 1 1500 1500

Electricity KWh 5hrs. 150

20 Cutting 6hrs. 300

Total 33299

Table 12 Result and discussion table of various components
No. Part Material Results Discussion
1. Frame Mild steel Horizontal =1.5m It is safe to carry all loads
Vertical=1m without failure

2. Pulley Cast iron D This value is safe to get the

=150mm required velocity ratio.
m =0.74 kg
3. Gear High carbon D pinion=84mm This is enough to transmit
steel Teeth=14 the required power
D larger=168mm
Teeth =28
4. Shaft of Cast iron L=1040mm It is to work without
wheel D=25mm bending. And also, can resist
5. Belt Leather belt L =2131 The length of the belt is safe
mm to transmit the required
t=8mm power without slippage.
6. Motor Cast iron W=80mm This value is safe to transfer
pulley D=75mm the required velocity ratio.
7. Handle Mild steel D =20 mm Since, the height of the
H =800mm handle is 800mm, this gives
less force requirement for
the user.
8. Cutter High carbon V= 1.016 m/s Since the average velocity of
steel W= 76.2 mm barely cutter is 1.01m/s
L=1m Therefore, it safe to cut the
with 6hr one hectare.

9 Wheel Rubber D=400mm The thickness of the wheel

is small it is easy for the
t =20mm
user to push the reaper
without much
resisting force(friction)
10 Conveyo DLP250PVCFD L = 1314mm Since, its diameter is equal
to the two end pulleys.
r A
Therefore it is safe to rotate
without slack
11 Piston L=500mm It safe can lift to appropriate
12 Pin Cast alloy D=6.5mm It is safe and prevents

Table 13 Result power component

Design Summary of power component
Solar panel
Peak output power 275 watt
Peak current 8.94 ampere
Average panel efficiency 16.4%
Rated voltage 31 V
Maximum system voltage 1000V
Number of pv module 2
Dimension length x width x thickness 1675mm x 951mm x 31mm
Voltage 12V
Ampere Hours capacity 7 A for 20 hrs.
Charging time 6hrs.
Dimension Length x width x height 151mm x 65mm x 93mm
Weight 2.6 Kg
Number of batteries 2
Charge Controller
Operating Voltage 12V
Current 30 Ampere
DC motor
Power 1.5HP [1.1185Kw]
Input voltage 24V
Motor speed 1800 RPM
Armature Full Load Current Amps 62.2 Arm Amps
Torque 4.9178 FT LBS
Dimension Length x width x height 363mm x 114mm x 161mm
This can generate power required for mechanical system.

6.1 Conclusion
Ethiopian agriculture has remained underdeveloped Because of a poor economic base, low
productivity, weak infrastructure (the agricultural tools and instruments), and low level of technology.
Agricultural mechanization helps in increasing production, productivity and profitability in agriculture
by achieving timeliness in farm operations. So, we should use maximum renewable energy of the earth,
which is solar energy. The electrical energy is produced from the solar power through the solar panel to
rotate and oscillate the cutter and conveyor part of the machine with the converted solar energy to
electrical energy. The sun tracker designed in order to increases the solar receptor from in the azimuth
direction and from the zenith direction. It incorporates two powerhouse, two piston cylinder, Light
dependent resistor and microcontroller.
The mechanical part such as cutter bar, shaft, and pulley with both v-belt & flat belt is designed and
fully analyzed by applying loads that tests the stiffness, strength and structural adequacy of the
machine using solid works work bench.

The project has proven to provide a very successful design of solar powered barley harvester machine
with detail calculations, simulation, and with detailed drawing.

6.2 Recommendation
By designing this machine that can have standard component could be found and further time was
spent on design. The project will provide a good awareness and inspiration for agricultural technology.
Ideally, this model will determine a plan for developing it is prototype. Next, we recommend that the
agricultural sector and beer factory can take and apply this designed project.


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Appendix A Table 1 Dimensions of standard V-belts according to IS: 2494 – 1974. [ CITATION
RSK \l 1033 ]

Appendix A Table 2 Dimensions of standard V-grooved pulleys according to IS: 2494–1974.

[ CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]

Appendix A Table 3 Efficiencies of belt joints.[ CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]

Appendix A Table 4 Coefficient of friction between belt and pulley. [ CITATION RSK \l 1033 ]
Appendix A Table 5 Different factors selection of flat belt conveyer
Appendix A Table 6 Standard table of PV panel specification [ CITATION Mak99 \l 1033 ]
Product Width Height Area Watt/ Efficiency Peak Peak Peak Maximum
(mm) (mm) (m2) m (%) output voltage current system
(watt) voltage

NE-80EJE 1200 537 0.64 124.15 12.41 80 21.6 4.63 600

NE-165UC 1575 826 1.3 126.83 12.68 165 34.6 4.77 600
NE-170UC 1575 826 1.3 130.67 13.07 170 34.8 4.9 600
ND-123UJE 1499 662 0.99 123.95 13.39 123 17.2 7.15 600
ND-130UJF 1499 662 0.99 131 13.1 130 17.4 7.5 600
ND-176UC 1328 994 1.32 33.33 13.33 176 23.42 7.52 600
ND-198UC 1491 994 1.48 133.3 13.36 198 26.3 7.52 600
ND-224UC 1640 994 1.63 137.41 13.74 224 29.3 7.66 600
YL-270P 1970 990 1.95 138.44 13.84 270 35.3 7.65 1000
YL-275P 1970 990 1.95 141 14.1 275 35.3 7.65 1000
YL-280P 1970 990 1.95 143.57 14.36 280 35.3 7.65 1000
YL-235P 1810 990 1.79 131.15 13.11 235 32 7.65 1000
YL-240P 1810 990 1.79 133.94 13.39 240 32.2 7.65 1000
X21-335 1559 1046 1.63 205.5 21.1 335 57.3 20 1000
X21-345 1559 1046 1.63 211.6 21.5 345 57.3 20 1000
Appendix A Table 7 Standard table of Battery specification [ CITATION Mak99 \l 1033 ]

Voltage(V) Amp Hours (20 hrs.) Size (mm) Weight (Kg)

4 10 50 x 94 x 100 1.33
6 1 42 x 51 x 51 0.26
6 1.2 97 x 25 x 51 0.30
12 7 151 x 65 x 93 2.60
12 7.5, 8 151 x 65 x 93 2.65
12 8 112 x 98 x 118 3.00
12 8 196 x 56 x 118 3.00
12 12 151 x 98 x 94 4.03
12 15 181 x 76 x166 6.00
Appendix A Table 6 Standard DC motor [OMPMDC dc motor manufacturer]

Appendix H Iteration of the dimension of internal diameter of the cylinders

Appendix A Figure 1 Allowable bending stress number (St)[ CITATION Shi05 \l 1033 ]
Appendix A Figure 2 Allowable wear stress factor.[ CITATION Shi05 \l 1033 ]

Appendix B Part drawing and assemble drawing

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