Suriname Tourist Bulletin
Suriname Tourist Bulletin
Suriname Tourist Bulletin
Melaphierstraat no. 37 Paramaribo - Noord Suriname Tel. (+597)456223 / (+597)8914324 E-mail:
The annual general members meeting of Subud
Suriname took place on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th last
February. The latihan started at 7.30pm on Friday
evening so that the annual meeting could begin at 9 pm.
The national committee started with the activities- and
financial report concerning last year. Because of the
late hour (23 hours) the meeting was postponed till next
The next day (Saturday) the latihan began at 8.30 am.
We continued the second part of the meeting an hour
later. It was the turn of the committee members of
Subud Lelydorp and Subud Accaribo to present their
report. Both committees have the intention to develop
more of their surroundings through the implementation
of several activities in 2009. Accaribo mentioned a Youth and Culture in action.
clean-up of the environment to improve their
surroundings. The members of Lelydorp work hard to
realize a new Subud House.
Melaphierstraat no. 37 Paramaribo - Noord Suriname Tel. (+597)456223 / (+597)8914324 E-mail:
Melaphierstraat no. 37 Paramaribo - Noord Suriname Tel. (+597)456223 / (+597)8914324 E-mail:
Sweet Merodia
It was Saturday November 1st 2008. We had to
be at the wharf of the Sweet Merodia at the
latest at 8.15am. It was nice weather to go up
the Suriname river. Exactly at 8.30 am we left in
the direction of the Atlantic Ocean. The guide
for the day was mr. Harold Sijlbing who began
with presenting us with the house rules and
regulations before starting the journey. The
organizer of this trip, Subud Youth in the person
of Marcella, welcomed us sand called for 1
minute of silence to ask Almighty God for a
save trip and save return back home.
Melaphierstraat no. 37 Paramaribo - Noord Suriname Tel. (+597)456223 / (+597)8914324 E-mail:
Melaphierstraat no. 37 Paramaribo - Noord Suriname Tel. (+597)456223 / (+597)8914324 E-mail:
Project Accaribo
Susila Dharma have also contributed to the construction of the restroom
facilities in Accaribo. Financial donations have been made and also the proceeds
from the sale of an earth moving equipment could cover the initial costs of the
construction. Also by means of a collection from Subud members has it been
possible to realize this project. The intention is to build a guesthouse next to the
Subud House and exploit the surroundings of Subud House to start enterprise.
The aim of this project is also to get noted by the local residents of Accaribo and
in particular to show that Subud is more than only a spiritual brotherhood. This
project is a sign to the community that through brotherhood and cooperation and
working together in harmony it is possible to realize dreams.
Melaphierstraat no. 37 Paramaribo - Noord Suriname Tel. (+597)456223 / (+597)8914324 E-mail:
Susila Dharma Suriname of the
Zorg samen voor Suriname foundation
Zorg samen voor Suriname foundation was founded
on May 23rd 2002. The formal objective is to support
deprived groups in Suriname to provide them with
primary goods. They want to achieve that goal by
collecting goods and sending it to Suriname.
The Zorg samen voor Suriname foundation has been focusing on the
support of deprived groupings by providing materials (e.g. medical
goods, school furniture and educational tools, clothing, aid apparatus
etc.) to social institutions in education and care such as elderly person
centres, children’s homes, primary schools in the interior, hospitals
The married couple Adriaan and Lenie
etc. The foundation strives to ship 10 containers per year to Suriname. de Zeeuw.
To insure sufficient material for every shipment a volunteer network is
maintained in the Netherlands. The goods generally come from
education institutions and health care centres which proceed to
replacement. Other donations come from companies allied to the
same target groups. Furthermore the foundation must seek for
sponsors and conducts actions to be able to pay for the transport to
Melaphierstraat no. 37 Paramaribo - Noord Suriname Tel. (+597)456223 / (+597)8914324 E-mail:
02 Roxanna Martodikromo (’87)
06 Mardija Ponijem Karto (’35)
18 Francisca Kertodikromo (’87)
27 Ruhkmi Kromopawiro (’47)
28 Ryan Wirjonangoen (’79)
30 Salmiatie Kaslan (’40)
31 Hardy Sastroredjo (’69)
June July
03 Adjiet Sadhoe (’86)
02 Surtina Marie Martotaroeno (’43)
04 Roy Soerdjbali (’53)
02 Sawijem Kasimin (’52) 09 Miranti Wirjonangoen (’82)
03 Annie Saleh Tirtosentono (’67) 09 Arvin Jimmy Misran (’61)
07 Gavin Martodikromo (’86) 13 Richard Kromopawiro (’50)
08 Arnold Diran (’80) 14 Sebastiaan Kasanbadri (’60)
09 Gerard Sastroredjo (’55) 15 Samuel Amar Santokhi (‘75)
17 Ariana Soemotiko (’75) 16 Nicolaas Orlando Somowidjojo (’69)
24 Dusty Susanti Santokhi (’76) 19 Wijajanti Ponisem Kertodikromo (’70)
25 Cleo Tjitrodipo (‘80) 22 Irma Thea Boksteen (’45)
29 Rosada Kertodikromo (‘75) 23 Steven Adriaan Soerotiko (’69)
03 Soeratnie Tjitrodipo (’45)
03 Marianne Tirtosentono (’73)
06 Wijajanti Kasanbadri (’83)
14 David Kaslan (’31)
22 Patrick Karijodirono (’65)
29 Chudney Kromokarijo (’82)
Melaphierstraat no. 37 Paramaribo - Noord Suriname Tel. (+597)456223 / (+597)8914324 E-mail: