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Kinematic Wave Routing - Example

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Kinematic Wave Routing - Example

The inflow hydrograph to a rectangular channel is tabulated below. The channel has a width of 100 ft, a
bottom slope of 0.001, and Manning n of 0.035. The length of the channel is L = 25000 ft. Using the
Kinematic Wave, obtain the outflow hydrograph.

Time Inflow
(min) (cfs)

0 2000

12 2000

24 3000

36 4000

48 5000

60 6000

72 5000

84 4000

96 3000

108 2000

120 2000
Kinematic waves govern the flow when inertial and pressure forces are not important. Thus, in a
kinematic wave the gravity and frictional terms are balanced, so the flow does not accelerate
appreciably. For these kinds of waves, the energy grade line is parallel to the channel bottom.

The continuity and momentum equations governing kinematic waves are,


The momentum equation above is equivalent to a rating curve of the following form:

Manning equation is one such rating curve,

It can be shown that the celerity of kinematic waves, ck, is,

Assuming a wide rectangular channel, like the one of this problem, Manning equation reduces to:

and thus, the kinematic wave celerity is,

If an observer moves with the kinematic wave flow at a speed equal to the kinematic wave celerity, the
observer would see the flow rate increase at a rate equal to the lateral inflow rate, q.

Thus, for conditions of no lateral inflow like those of the problem at hand, that is, for q = 0, kinematic
waves do not attenuate; they simply translate downstream without dissipation. Routing of kinematic
waves for those cases reduces to determining the time of travel of the wave through a reach,
The table below presents the routing procedure for this simple kinematic wave problem. The problem is
reduced to defining the time of arrival at the downstream end of the reach of individual kinematic
waves associated with individual discharges. To do so,

A.- For each value of discharge, determine the corresponding flow depth by solving Manning equation:

For Q = 2000 cfs

y = ((2000) 0.035/1.49/100/sqrt(0.001))^(3/5) = 5.048 ft

B.- For each kinematic wave (i.e., discharge) compute corresponding kinematic celerity using

ck = (5/3) (1.49sqrt(0.001)(5.048)^(2/3)/0.035 = 6.603 ft/s

C.- For each wave, compute time of travel using,

Dt = (25000 ft)/(6.603 ft/s) = 63.104 min

D.- For each wave compute time of arrival at downstream end as,

For Q = 2000 cfs starting at to = 0, the time of arrival t = 63.104 min

This procedure should be repeated for all values of the inflow hydrograph. The results are tabulated and
graphed below. Observe the steepening of the rising limb and the flattening of the receding limb of the

Inflow Time Qi (cfs) y (ft) Ck (f/s) Dt (min) Outflow Qo (cfs)

(min) Time (min)

0 2000 5.048322 6.602854 63.10403 63.10403 2000

12 2000 5.048322 6.602854 63.10403 75.10403 2000

24 3000 6.438754 7.765478 53.65628 77.65628 3000

36 4000 7.651826 8.712518 47.82391 83.82391 4000

48 5000 8.748046 9.525937 43.74023 91.74023 5000

60 6000 9.759326 10.24661 40.66386 100.6639 6000

72 5000 8.748046 9.525937 43.74023 115.7402 5000

84 4000 7.651826 8.712518 47.82391 131.8239 4000

96 3000 6.438754 7.765478 53.65628 149.6563 3000

108 2000 5.048322 6.602854 63.10403 171.104 2000

120 2000 5.048322 6.602854 63.10403 183.104 2000

CE322 Basic Hydrology
Jorge A. Ramirez
Muskingum Routing - Example

The inflow and outflow hydrographs of a river reach are tabulated below.

Time (h) Inflow Outflow

(m3/s) (m3/s)

1 93 85

2 137 91

3 208 114

4 320 159

5 442 233

6 546 324

7 630 420

8 678 509

9 691 578

10 675 623

11 634 642

12 571 635
13 477 603

14 390 546

15 329 479

16 247 413

17 184 341

18 134 274

19 108 215

20 90 170

The Muskingum routing procedure is used for systems that have Storage - Discharge
relationships that are hysteretic. That is, for systems for which the outflow is not a unique
function of storage. The S vs. O relationship for the river reach under consideration is graphed

A. Parameter Estimation

Use these observations to obtain the Muskingum routing parameters k and x for this river reach.
The initial storage in the system is 715,000 m3.

Graphical Procedure:
The graphical procedure consists in generating graphs of [xI + (1-x)O] vs. S for different values
of x, arbitrarily selected such that 0 < x < 0.5. The optimal value of x is selected as that which
produces the narrowest and straightest loop graph of [xI + (1-x)O] vs. S. The slope of the least
squares linear fit to the resulting points is the estimate of k.

a) Generate accumulated storage in the system. Use continuity equation as follows:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

x=0.25 x=0.35 x=0.1 x=0.15

Inflow, I Outflow,O Ave. Ave. Storage Weighted Average Flux

Inflow Outflow
(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3) xI + (1-x)O
3 3
(m /s) (m /s)

93 85     715000 87 87.8 85.8 86.21204

137 91 115 88 812200 102.5 107.1 95.6 97.96922

208 114 172.5 102.5 1064200 137.5 146.9 123.4 128.2414

320 159 264 136.5 1523200 199.25 215.35 175.1 183.3923

442 233 381 196 2189200 285.25 306.15 253.9 264.6645

546 324 494 278.5 2965000 379.5 401.7 346.2 357.634

630 420 588 372 3742600 472.5 493.5 441 451.816

678 509 654 464.5 4424800 551.25 568.15 525.9 534.6043

691 578 684.5 543.5 4932400 606.25 617.55 589.3 595.1201

675 623 683 600.5 5229400 636 641.2 628.2 630.8782

634 642 654.5 632.5 5308600 640 639.2 641.2 640.788

571 635 602.5 638.5 5179000 619 612.6 628.6 625.3037

477 603 524 619 4837000 571.5 558.9 590.4 583.9104

390 546 433.5 574.5 4329400 507 491.4 530.4 522.3653

329 479 359.5 512.5 3778600 441.5 426.5 464 456.2743

247 413 288 446 3209800 371.5 354.9 396.4 387.8502

184 341 215.5 377 2628400 301.75 286.05 325.3 317.2138

134 274 159 307.5 2093800 239 225 260 252.7894

108 215 121 244.5 1649200 188.25 177.55 204.3 198.789

90 170 99 192.5 1312600 150 142 162 157.8796

Columns 1 & 2 are given.

Columns 3 & 4 are the average inflow flux (Ii+1 + Ii)/2 and outflow flux (Oi+1 + Oi)/2,

Column 5 is the cumulative storage in the system obtained using the continuity equation below.

Columns 6 - 9 are the values of the weighted average flux [xI + (1-x)O] for different values of x.
The graph of Columns 6 - 9 vs. Column 5 is shown below.

Based on these results, a value of x = 0.15 is selected. The best least squares fit to the
corresponding points yields a value of k = 2.3 h.

Least Squares Procedure

Inflow Outflow Storage O2 I2 OI SO SI

(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)2 (m3/s)2 (m3/s)2 (m6/s) (m6/s)

93 85 715000 7225 8649 7905 60775000 66495000

137 91 812200 8281 18769 12467 73910200 111271400

208 114 1064200 12996 43264 23712 121318800 221353600

320 159 1523200 25281 102400 50880 242188800 487424000

442 233 2189200 54289 195364 102986 510083600 967626400

546 324 2965000 104976 298116 176904 960660000 1618890000

630 420 3742600 176400 396900 264600 1571892000 2357838000

678 509 4424800 259081 459684 345102 2252223200 3000014400

691 578 4932400 334084 477481 399398 2850927200 3408288400

675 623 5229400 388129 455625 420525 3257916200 3529845000

634 642 5308600 412164 401956 407028 3408121200 3365652400

571 635 5179000 403225 326041 362585 3288665000 2957209000

477 603 4837000 363609 227529 287631 2916711000 2307249000

390 546 4329400 298116 152100 212940 2363852400 1688466000

329 479 3778600 229441 108241 157591 1809949400 1243159400

247 413 3209800 170569 61009 102011 1325647400 792820600

184 341 2628400 116281 33856 62744 896284400 483625600

134 274 2093800 75076 17956 36716 573701200 280569200

108 215 1649200 46225 11664 23220 354578000 178113600

90 170 1312600 28900 8100 15300 223142000 118134000

      O2 = I2 = O = SO = SI =

3514348 3804704 3472245 29062547000 29184045000

Using the above equations yields:

A = 1255.626164 s

B = 7029.100513 s

k = A+B = 8284.726677 s = 2.3 h

x = A/(A + B) = 0.151559154

Observe that these results for k and x are the same as those of the graphical procedure. For
comparison purposes, the observed outflow hydrograph and that predicted using the estimated
values of k and x are graphed below.
B. Muskingum Routing

Use the Muskingum routing procedure to route the hydrograph tabulated below through the same
river reach of Part A

Select a t = 1 h, as suggested by the inflow data. However, check that with the selected t,
parameter values meet restrictions:

x < 0.5 t/k < 1 - x

For this case: 0.1515 < (0.5) (3600)/8284.73 < 1 - 0.1515 Thus, OK. Proceed with routing, by
obtaining Co, C1, and C2.
This yields: Co = 0.061787; C1 = 0.346074; and C2 = 0.592139. Using these values in the
Muskingum routing equation:

obtain the outflow hydrograph as tabulated below. The resulting hydrographs are also graphed

Time (h) Inflow Co x Ii+1 C1 x Ii C2 x Oi Outflow

(m3/s) (m3/s)
(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)

1 50       50

2 100 6.1787 17.3037 29.60695 53.08935

3 200 12.3574 34.6074 31.43627 78.40107

4 325 20.08078 69.2148 46.42433 135.7199

5 450 27.80415 112.4741 80.36505 220.6433

6 600 37.0722 155.7333 130.6515 323.457

7 700 43.2509 207.6444 191.5315 442.4268

8 780 48.19386 242.2518 261.9782 552.4238

9 790 48.81173 269.9377 327.1117 645.8611

10 775 47.88493 273.3985 382.4396 703.723

11 750 46.34025 268.2074 416.7018 731.2494

12 680 42.01516 259.5555 433.0013 734.572

13 590 36.45433 235.3303 434.9687 706.7534

14 500 30.8935 204.1837 418.4962 653.5734

15 420 25.95054 173.037 387.0063 585.9938

16 350 21.62545 145.3511 346.9898 513.9663

17 300 18.5361 121.1259 304.3395 444.0015

18 250 15.44675 103.8222 262.9106 382.1796

19 225 13.90208 86.5185 226.3034 326.724

20 200 12.3574 77.86665 193.466 283.6901

CE322 Basic Hydrology

Jorge A. Ramirez

Level Pool Routing - Example

Use the Storage-Indication Method to route the Input hydrograph tabulated below.

Time Input Time Input

Hydrograph Hydrograph
(h) (m3/s) (h) (m3/s)

0 0 0.00 90 420.000

6 50.000 96 320.000

12 130.000 102 270.000

18 250.000 108 200.000

24 350.000 114 150.000

30 540.000 120 100.000

36 735.000 126 72.000

42 1215.000 132 45.000

48 1800.000 138 25.000

54 1400.000 144 10.000

60 1050.000 150 0.000

66 900.000 156 0.000

72 740.000 162 0.000

78 620.000    

84 510.000    

This hydrograph flows into a reservoir whose storage and discharge characteristics are as
presented in the following table. The initial storage in the system is 1'000,000 m3, and the initial
outflow is 20 m3/s.

H (m) O (m3/s) S (m3)

130 20 1.00E+06

131 34 1.69E+06

132 57 2.85E+06

133 96 4.80E+06
134 162 8.12E+06

136 463 2.31E+07

137 781 3.91E+07

138 1318 6.59E+07

139 2226 1.11E+08

&#9;Reservoir or level pool routing refers to routing for systems whose storage and outflow are
related by a function of the type S(t) = f[O(t)] which is of the invariable type (unique, non-
hysteretic). These relationships imply that for a given set of conditions (e.g. stage) the outflow is
unique, independent of how that stage is achieved. Reservoirs or systems with horizontal water
surfaces have S vs. O relationships of the invariable type. Such systems have a pool that is wide
and deep compared to its length in the direction of flow, and low flow velocities in the reservoir.
For such systems, the peak outflow occurs when the outflow hydrograph intersects the inflow

&#9;The Storage-Indication method is a level pool routing procedure for calculating the outflow
hydrograph of a system with horizontal water surface, given its inflow hydrograph, and storage
outflow characteristics. The solution involves integrating the continuity equation as indicated
below, and rearranging terms such that all the unknown quantities are on the left-hand side of the

Storage-Indication Routing Equation:

For a level pool reservoir, the storage is a unique function of elevation; and the outflow is a
unique function of elevation. Thus, the left-hand side of the equation above is a unique function
of elevation in the system, only. Usually, the storage-elevation relationship is available from
topographic surveys, and the outflow-elevation relationship is available from hydraulic
considerations with respect to the outlet structures (e.g. spillways, etc.)

&#9;The solution involves the development of the function 2S/t + O = f(O) and then solving it
sequentially for every time step. These steps are illustrated below.

A. Develop the function 2S/t + O vs. O. Use a t of 6 hours, as suggested by the time
interval of the inflow hydrograph.
1 2 3 4 5

H (m) O (m3/s) S (m3) 2S/t 2S/t + O

(m3/s) (m3/s)

130 20 1.00E+06 92.59259 112.5926

131 34 1.69E+06 156.4815 190.4815

132 57 2.85E+06 263.8889 320.8889

133 96 4.80E+06 444.4444 540.4444

134 162 8.12E+06 751.8519 913.8519

136 463 2.31E+07 2142.593 2605.593

137 781 3.91E+07 3615.741 4396.741

138 1318 6.59E+07 6103.704 7421.704

139 2226 1.11E+08 10303.7 12529.7

&#9;In the table above, Columns 1-3 are given. Columns 2 and 5 correspond to the desired
function, 2S/t + O vs. O , which has been graphed above.

B - Proceed with the routing of the inflow hydrograph by using the Storage-Indication routing
equation sequentially for every time step:

t = 0 -- i = 0. Initial Conditions: So = 1'000,000 m3; Oo = 20 m3/s.

t = 6 -- i = 1

(Io + I1) = (0 + 50) m3/s = 50 m3/s

(2So /t - Oo) = (2 x 1'000,000 m3)/(6 x 3600 s) + 20 m3/s = 72.593 m3/s

(2S1 /t + O1) = (Io + I1) + (2So /t - Oo) = 122.593 m3/s

Using the relationship (2S/t + O) vs. O developed in Part A, obtain the outflow O1
corresponding to the value of (2S1 /t + O1) obtained above. This is done by entering the graph
with the value of (2S1 /t + O1) and exiting with the value of O1. Use interpolation as indicated

O1 = 20 m3/s + [(34 - 20)/(190.4815 - 112.5925)] (122.593 - 112.5925) m3/s = 21.797 m3/s

t = 12 -- i = 2

(I1 + I2) = (50 + 130) m3/s = 180 m3/s

(2S1 /t - O1) = (2S1 /t + O1) - 2 x O1 = 122.593 m3/s - 2 x 21.797 m3/s = 78.998 m3/s

(2S2 /t + O2) = (I1 + I2) + (2S1 /t - O1) = 258.998m3/s

Using the relationship (2S/t + O) vs. O developed in Part A, obtain the outflow O2
corresponding to the value of (2S2 /t + O2) obtained above. This is done by entering the graph
with the value of (2S2 /t + O2) and exiting with the value of O2. Use interpolation as indicated

O2 = 34 m3/s + [(57 - 34)/(320.8889 - 190.4815)] (258.998 - 190.4815) m3/s = 46.084 m3/s

Proceed as above for every time step. Results are tabulated below.

Time (h) I (m3/s) Ii + Ii+1 2Si/t - OI 2SI+1/t + Oi+1 O (m3/s)

(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)

0 0       20

6 50 50 72.593 122.593 21.797

12 130 180 78.998 258.998 46.084

18 250 380 166.829 546.829 97.129

24 350 600 352.572 952.572 168.889

30 540 890 614.794 1504.794 267.142

36 735 1275 970.509 2245.509 398.933

42 1215 1950 1447.644 3397.644 603.621

48 1800 3015 2190.403 5205.403 924.556

54 1400 3200 3356.291 6556.291 1164.37

60 1050 2450 4227.552 6677.552 1185.896

66 900 1950 4305.76 6255.76 1111.018

72 740 1640 4033.723 5673.724 1007.694

78 620 1360 3658.336 5018.336 891.347

84 510 1130 3235.641 4365.641 775.479

90 420 930 2814.684 3744.684 665.234

96 320 740 2414.216 3154.216 560.402

102 270 590 2033.411 2623.411 466.164

108 200 470 1691.084 2161.084 383.912

114 150 350 1393.261 1743.261 309.571

120 100 250 1124.119 1374.119 243.892

126 72 172 886.334 1058.334 187.707

132 45 117 682.921 799.921 141.863

138 25 70 516.195 586.195 104.087

144 10 35 378.022 413.022 73.366

150 0 10 266.291 276.291 49.134

156 0 0 178.022 178.022 31.761

162 0 0 114.501 114.501 20.343

CE322 Basic Hydrology
Horton's Laws - Example
Jorge A. Ramirez

Obtain estimates of the Bifurcation Ratio, RB, the Length Ratio, RL, and the Area Ratio, RA, using
the data tabulated below. Also, for the same data, a) determine the area of the basin, b) the total
length of streams, c) the drainage density, Dd, and d) the average length of overland flow, Lo.

Order,  Number of Average Average Area

Streams Length (km) (km2)

1 60 2 5

2 13 5 12

3 9 13 40

4 4 20 110

5 1 55 330

The Horton law of stream numbers states that there exists a geometric relationship between the
number of streams of a given order N and the corresponding order, . The parameter of this
geometric relationship is the Bifurcation Ratio, RB.

The Horton law of stream lengths states that there exists a geometric relationship between the
average length of streams of a given order and the corresponding order, . The parameter of this
relationship is the so-called Length Ratio, RL.


The Horton law of stream areas states that there exists a geometric relationship between the
average area drained by streams of a given order and the corresponding order . The parameter
of this relationship is the so-called Area Ratio, RA.


In the equations above,  is the order of the basin, and the over-bar indicates the average value
of the corresponding variable.

a. Taking logarithms of each of the above equations leads to:




These equations are linear in . Thus, estimates of the RB, RL, and RA, can be obtained by linear
regression of:


respectively. Denoting by m the slopes of the corresponding fits, the above estimates are
obtained as:

For the problem at hand:


Order Number of Average Average Area log(N) log(L) log(A)

Streams Length

1 60 2 5 1.778151 0.30103 0.69897

2 13 5 12 1.113943 0.69897 1.079181

3 9 13 40 0.954243 1.113943 1.60206

4 4 20 110 0.60206 1.30103 2.041393

5 1 55 330 0 1.740363 2.518514

A) Law of Stream Numbers and Bifurcation Ratio:

The linear regression analysis returns a slope m = -0.40682. Thus, RB = 2.551635.

B) Law of Stream Lengths and Length Ratio:

The linear regression analysis returns a slope m = 0.348073. Thus, RL = 2.228807.

C) Law of Stream Areas and Area Ratio:

The linear regression analysis returns a slope m = 0.46013. Thus, RA = 2.884894.

D) The total length of streams can be calculated as:

Using the above equation leads to LT = 437 km.

E) Drainage density:

Thus, Dd = (437 km)/(330 km2) = 1.3242 km-1

F) Average length of overland flow:

Thus, Lo = 0.377574 km = 377.74 m

CE322 Basic Hydrology

Jorge A. Ramírez

Infiltration Computations Example

Assume that the time evolution of the infiltration capacity for a given soil is governed by
Horton's equation (Note that this equation assumes an infinite water supply at the surface, that is,
it assumes saturation conditions at the soil surface).


For this soil, the asymptotic or final equilibrium infiltration capacity is fc = 1.25 cm/h; and the
initial infiltration capacity is fo = 8 cm/h. The rate of decay of infiltration capacity parameter is k
= 3 h-1. For the precipitation hyetograph tabulated below, carry out a complete infiltration
analysis, including evaluation of cumulative infiltration and rate of production of precipitation
excess,  + v.
Time  Precipitation    Time  Precipitation 

(min)  (cm/h)  (min)  (cm/h) 

0 - 10 1.5   40 - 50 4.0

10 - 20 3.0   50 - 60 3.0

20 - 30 8.0   60 - 70 0.8

30 - 40 5.0      

1. Compute accumulated precipitation volume as a function of time. The incremental

volume over each time period of 10 minutes is:

P = i t

Time  Precipitation Cumulative Time  Precipitation Cumulative

Intensity, i.  Precipitation, Intensity, i.  Precipitation,
(min)  P (cm)  (min)  P (cm) 
(cm/h)  (cm/h) 

0 - 10 1.5 0.25 40 - 50 4.0 3.583

10 - 20 3.0 0.75 50 - 60 3.0 4.083

20 - 30 8.0 2.083 60 - 70 0.8 4.217

30 - 40 5.0 2.917      

2. Compute infiltration capacity using Horton's equation for conditions of unlimited water
supply at the surface using equation 1 (Table 1 - Column 2).
3. Compute the accumulated infiltration that would occur under conditions of unlimited
water supply at the surface using the following equation 2 (Table 1 - Column 3),


4. Compare infiltration capacity with precipitation intensity (Figure 1). Observe that during
the first 20 minutes of the rainstorm, the infiltration capacity exceeds the precipitation
intensity. Thus, during this period, all of the precipitation infiltrates. The actual
infiltration rate is (Table 2 - Column 5), 

5. Because the actual infiltration rate is less than the infiltration capacity during the first 20
minutes, the actual infiltration capacity does not decay as predicted by Horton's equation.
This is because, as indicated above, Horton's equation assumes that the supply rate
exceeds the infiltration capacity from the start of infiltration. Therefore, we must
determine the true infiltration capacity at t = 20 min. To do so, first determine the time tp
by solving the following equation:


and then evaluate fp(tp) as follows. The left-hand side of equation 4 represents the
accumulated volume of actual infiltration, while the right hand side of equation 4
represents the volume of infiltration that would have accumulated up to time tp if the
actual rate of infiltration had been equal to the infiltration capacity.

At t = 20 min the actual volume of accumulated infiltration is:

F(t = 20 min) = (1.5 + 3.0) cm/h (10 min/60 min/h) = 0.75 cm. Substituting this value for
F(t) in equation 4 and solving for tp obtain: tp = 0.107 h = 6.41 min. Finally, the true
infiltration capacity at 20 minutes is obtained using equation 1 as fp(tp) = 6.15 cm/h = fop.
Alternatively, using equations 1 and 2 to eliminate time and express cumulative
infiltration as a function of infiltration capacity obtain the following equation,


6. The rainfall rate at 20 minutes i = 8 cm/h exceeds the corresponding infiltration capacity
fop = 6.15 cm/h. Therefore, the actual infiltration rate equals the infiltration capacity, and
the decay of infiltration capacity follows Horton's equation with an initial infiltration
capacity equal to fop and starting at time t* = 20 min (Table 1 - Column 5 and Table 2
Column 3). That is (see Figure 2 and Figure 3),

7. Because the precipitation rate exceeds the infiltration capacity, there is excess
precipitation available for runoff and depression storage,  + v (Table 2 - Column 6).


 Table 1

1 2 - Eq. 1  3 - Eq. 2  4 5 - Eq. 6 

Time  Infiltration Cumulative Cumulative Actual
Capacity, fp Infiltration, F Precipitation, Infiltration
(min)  P  Capacity 
(cm/h)  (cm) 
(cm)  (cm/h) 
0 8 0 0  
10 5.344082 1.093639 0.25  
20 3.733186 1.838938 0.75 6.150306
30 2.756129 2.372957 2.083333 4.222186
40 2.163513 2.778829 2.916667 3.052722
50 1.804074 3.106975 3.583333 2.343406
60 1.586063 3.387979 4.083333 1.913184
70 1.453832 3.640389 4.216667 1.652242
80 1.373631 3.875456   1.493972
90 1.324986 4.100005   1.397976
100 1.295481 4.318173   1.339752
110 1.277586 4.532471   1.304437
120 1.266732 4.744423   1.283018

Table 2

1 2 - Eq. 1  3 - Eq. 6  4 5 - Eq. 3  6 - Eq. 7 

Time  Infiltration Actual Precipitation Actual Runoff rate 
Capacity, fp Infiltration Intensity, i Infiltration
(min)  Capacity  Rate, f(t) +v
(cm/h)  (cm/h) 
(cm/h)  (cm/h)  (cm/h) 
0 8.0 8.0 1.5 1.5 0.0
10 5.344082 > 6.15030 3.0 3.0 0.0
20 3.733186 6.150306 8.0 6.15030 1.849694
30 2.756129 4.222186 5.0 4.22218 0.777814
40 2.163513 3.052722 4.0 3.05272 0.947278
50 1.804074 2.343406 3.0 2.34340 0.656594
60 1.586063 1.913184 0.8 0.8 0
70 1.453832 1.652242      
80 1.373631 1.493972      
90 1.324986 1.397976      
100 1.295481 1.339752      
110 1.277586 1.304437      
120 1.266732 1.283018      

CE322 Basic Hydrology

Jorge A. Ramirez

Precipitation Data Analysis - Interception and Depression Storage - Examples

1. The coordinates of four precipitation gauging stations are A = (3,4), B = (9,4), C = (3,12),
and D = (9,12). The observed precipitation amounts at these gauges are PA = 15 mm, PB =
23 mm, PC = 10 mm, PD = 19 mm, respectively. These stations are located in a
rectangular basin whose boundaries are defined by the following coordinates (0,0),
(14,0), (14,16), (0,16). Compute the mean areal precipitation over this basin using the
Thiessen polygons method and the arithmetic average method.


Using Thiessen polygons, the areas of influence are AA = 48; AB = 64; AC = 48; AD = 64. The
basin area is Abasin = 224. Thus, the mean areal precipitation is obtained as:

MAP = (48/224)15 + (64/224)23 + (48/224)10 + (64/224)19 = 17.36 mm

Arithmetic Average method: MAP = (15 + 23 + 10 + 19)/4 = 16.75 mm

2. The precipitation amounts for the months of June, July, and August are missing from the
record for one gauging station in a basin. This station belongs to a network of four in that basin.
For those three months, the other three stations recorded the following:


  1 2 3

June 55 65 75

July 47 50 45

August 45 40 55
Estimate the missing precipitation values if the long-term annual average precipitation at the four
stations is:

  1 2 3 4

June 60 65 70 67

July 50 55 65 60

August 45 47 60 55
Use the Normal Ratio Method,

 June: Px = ((67/60)55+(67/65)65+(67/70)75)/3 = 66.73

 July: Px = ((60/50)47+(60/55)50+(60/65)45)/3 = 50.83
 August: Px = ((55/45)45+(55/47)40+(55/60)55)/3 = 50.74

3. Assume that a rainfall event of intensity 1.25 cm/h falls over a uniformly forested watershed
of area 20 km2. If the only water losses during this event are those due to interception, compute
the volume of water that leaves the basin as storm runoff for a 1-hour and a 2-hour rainfall.
Interception volume as a function of precipitation volume P is given by,


Assume that K is 1.5, S is 0.2 cm and that the evaporation rate is zero.

a. Compute total precipitation volume:

P = (1.25 cm/h) (1 h) = 1.25 cm

P = (1.25 cm/h) (2 h) = 2.5 cm

Use equation 4 to obtain:

Li = (0.2 cm) (1 - exp(-1.25/0.2)) = 0.1996 cm

Li = (0.2 cm) (1 - exp(-2.5/0.2)) = 0.2 cm

Assuming that there is no change in basin storage, then the output of the basin is equal to:

Volume of Output = (P - Li)*Abasin = ((1.25 cm - 0.1996 cm)/100 cm/m ) (20 106 m2) = 210,080.0

Volume of Output = (P - Li)*Abasin = ((2.50 cm - 0.2 cm)/100 cm/m ) (20 106 m2) = 460,000.0 m3

4. Repeat Problem 3 but assuming that in addition to interception there are also losses due to
depression storage. The depression storage equation is:

Assume that Sd is 0.2 cm. What is the runoff ratio for these conditions? How much runoff would
have been produced halfway into the storm?

Pe = P - Li = 1.0504 cm. Thus, V = (0.2 cm) (1 - exp(-1.0504/0.2)) = 0.1989 cm

Pe = P - Li = 2.3 cm. Thus, V = (0.2 cm) (1 - exp(-2.3/0.2)) = 0.2 cm

Again, assuming that there is no change in basin storage, then the output of the basin is equal to:

Volume of Output = (Pe - V)*Abasin = ((1.0504 cm - 0.1989 cm)/100 cm/m ) (20 106 m2) =
170,300.0 m3

Volume of Output = (Pe - V)*Abasin = ((2.30 cm - 0.2 cm)/100 cm/m ) (20 106 m2) = 420,000.

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