Investments Opportunities in Bahia: Predictability, Good Regulation and Respect For Contracts
Investments Opportunities in Bahia: Predictability, Good Regulation and Respect For Contracts
Investments Opportunities in Bahia: Predictability, Good Regulation and Respect For Contracts
Many projects and investments opportunities are available and our mission is offers the
opportunity to discover how to get involved.
World Economic Outlook
China leadership role in the world economy
• Asia Leading the Way.
• China and India are leading the way, but the phenomenon
is by no means limited to these two countries.
“While the rich world puts its house in order, developing countries are becoming a
new engine of global growth and a pulling force for advanced economies.”
World Bank.
Trade Recovery
Bahia Challenges & Opportunities
Bahia is a new growth engine
Bahia Infrastructure sector offers profitable opportunities for trade partners. Many
projects are available and our mission is offers the opportunity to get involved.
Global Development 2010: Shifting Wealth
Perspectives on Global Development 2010
The dynamics of the global economy over the last 20 years, and the
economic rise of China and Brazil, highlights the increasing interactions
between our countries through trade and foreign direct investment.
Although the process has been ongoing for 20 years, the opportunities
for our countries are only starting to be understood.
Potential gains from China-Brasil trade
• Global recovery has advanced: activity in emerging
economies has been sustained by strong domestic demand
and the recovery of global trade.
• Major economies in Asia — China, India— remain in the
lead, followed by Brazil in Latin America.
• China’s rapid economic growth since 1978 has resulted in a
doubling of the country’s GDP every 7–8 years.
• This rapid growth bring a significant expansion in China’s
external trade. The large economy has grown fast and has
become quickly integrated with the world economy.
Trade could be one of the main engines of
growth over the coming decade.
The direct channels of interaction between
China and Brazil – such as trade and
foreign direct investment (FDI) – have
been intensifying.
Brazil is one of the most attractive markets for infrastructure in the World today thanks
to favourable macroeconomics, a competitive infrastructure sector developing fast.
In Brazil northeast, the Bahia state is moving forward, with a lot of projects in railways,
roads and ports. There are local and international players and a stable legal framework
allowing an increasing number of projects being tendered.
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Iron Ore Reserves: the importance of China to Bahia
Extension: 975 km
Term: 2011
* %
The sense of urgency created by the advent of the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics
in 2016 can be very positive for Brazil as this stirs the public and private sectors to
carry out badly needed infrastructure investments.
New Stadiun Fonte Nova
The sense of urgency created by the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016 can
be very positive for Brazil as this stirs the public and private sectors to carry out badly
needed infrastructure investments.
World Cup 2014 Stadium
• This project now is under progress as Private Public Partnership
(PPP) to build and operate a new World Cup 2014 stadium.
The state'
s future looks bright; but it will require lots of hard work
and leadership to bring the less fortunate people out of poverty.
Secretaria de Planejamento
Romeu Temporal
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