2 Scopusresults
2 Scopusresults
2 Scopusresults
Geoscience Frontiers
Research Paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This work developed models to identify optimal spatial distribution of emergency evacuation centers (EECs) such
Received 11 May 2020 as schools, colleges, hospitals, and fire stations to improve flood emergency planning in the Sylhet region of
Received in revised form 27 August 2020 northeastern Bangladesh. The use of location-allocation models (LAMs) for evacuation in regard to flood victims
Accepted 29 September 2020
is essential to minimize disaster risk. In the first step, flood susceptibility maps were developed using machine
Available online 7 November 2020
learning models (MLMs), including: Levenberg–Marquardt back propagation (LM-BP) neural network and deci-
Handling Editor: Sanghoon Kwon sion trees (DT) and multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method. Performance of the MLMs and MCDM tech-
niques were assessed considering the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve.
Keywords: Mathematical approaches in a geographic information system (GIS) for four well-known LAM problems affecting
Natural disasters emergency rescue time are proposed: maximal covering location problem (MCLP), the maximize attendance
Emergency evacuation centers (MA), p-median problem (PMP), and the location set covering problem (LSCP). The results showed that existing
Flooding EECs were not optimally distributed, and that some areas were not adequately served by EECs (i.e., not all de-
Machine learning mand points could be reached within a 60-min travel time). We concluded that the proposed models can be
Multi-criteria decision making
used to improve planning of the distribution of EECs, and that application of the models could contribute to
Location-allocation model
reducing human casualties, property losses, and improve emergency operation.
© 2021 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1674-9871/© 2021 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
management and emergency evacuation is at an early stage. The coun- In Bangladesh, many governmental, non-governmental, international,
try lacks a comprehensive emergency evacuation plan, particularly in private, and volunteer organizations are involved with the emergency
areas that are persistently affected by floods (Masuya et al., 2015). Sev- functions like dissemination of flood warning, evacuation, and relief op-
eral studies have been conducted to develop flood hazard maps to eval- eration among the flood victims. However, in most emergency rehabil-
uate flood risk in Bangladesh (Chowdhmy and Karim, 1996; Islam and itation programs, the operational team is unable to reach affected areas
Sado, 2000b, 2002; Tingsanchali and Karim, 2005; Dewan et al., 2007; in due time because of lack of appropriate information. Moreover, the
Islam, 2011; Masood and Takeuchi, 2012; Hossain, 2013; Ganguly location of the EECs is generally unknown and emergency management
et al., 2019). Even though flood protection works have been undertaken, finds it very difficult to transfer potential flood victims to appropriate
majority of them are conducted locally and without pre-planning or a EECs during floods, especially in the areas having lack of flood control
detailed flood risk assessment. It is, therefore, essential to consider (Alam and Ali, 2002). It is also difficult to determine whether these
flood susceptibility mapping and risk assessment, and to develop emer- EECs are operational, because some cannot be placed optimally (Kar
gency evacuation plans for pre- and post-flood situations so that the de- and Hodgson, 2008). As an evacuation plan depends on understanding
gree of damage can be reduced (Khosravi et al., 2016; Haghizadeh et al., the spatial distribution of EECs (Sherali et al., 1991), optimal allocation
2017). Though there have been several studies assessing flood suscepti- of EECs in susceptible areas is important. To optimize allocation of
bility of Bangladesh based on satellite images and hydrodynamic EECs, this study proposes four LAMs: i.e., p-median problem (PMP),
modeling (as well as other techniques and tools), none of the studies maximal covering location problem (MCLP), location set covering prob-
have integrated location-allocation models (LAMs), multi-criteria deci- lem (LSCP), and maximize attendance (MA). The results of the LAMs can
sion making (MCDM) technique, and machine learning (ML) algorithms provide scientific evidence for planning optimal locations for a variety of
to develop a comprehensive evacuation plan. The current study intends LAM users. Furthermore, location-allocation study along with ML and
to fill this gap. MCDM approaches would be innovative and makes new contributions
Although geospatial techniques have shown immense potential for to the management of flood risk. Specifically, the following contribu-
evacuation planning, their use remains limited in the context of tions to the science and society are explicitly noted. First, we attempted
Bangladesh floods. Geospatial techniques in ML can be used to construct to concentrate on synchronizing preparatory and response processes by
high quality datasets for machine learning models (MLMs) (Bui et al., integrating two approaches: i.e., the issue of locating facilities to identify
2019). Some of the recently proposed techniques for integration of hy- new EECs and the challenge of service allocation for the flood victims.
draulic, statistical, ML, and MCDM methods along with GIS and RS for Therefore, we can ascertain that a combined pre- and post-flood risk re-
flood susceptibility mapping include: FLO-2D (Silva, 2016; Erena et al., duction involves an integration of these issues. Secondly, we noted that
2018), HEC-RAS (Anees et al., 2016; Haltas et al., 2016), MIKE 21 designated evacuation centers should be given priority for restoration
(Hossain, 2013), frequency ratio (FR: Samanta et al., 2018; Ali et al., and expansion to achieve the integration of resources to solve a problem
2019), logistic regression (LR: Al-Juaidi et al., 2018), weights-of- relevant to LA.
evidence (WoE: Hong et al., 2018; Tehrany et al., 2019), artificial neural In this study, we hypothesized that the ML and MCDM models per-
networks (ANNs: Wahab and Ludin, 2018; Falah et al., 2019), decision form better in predicting flood and the results may be useful for identi-
trees (DT: Lee et al., 2017; Janizadeh et al., 2019), support vector ma- fying emergency evacuation centers (EECs) using LAMs. Specific study
chine (SVM: Chang et al., 2018; Bermúdez et al., 2019), analytic hierar- aims are to: (i) develop a flood susceptibility map using ML and
chy process (AHP: Seejata et al., 2018; Cabrera and Lee, 2019), simple MCDM approaches, incorporated with geospatial techniques; (ii) assess
additive weighting (SAW: Jato-Espino et al., 2019), and Technique for efficiency of ML and MCDM on the spatial distribution and predictive
Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS: Khosravi ability of flood susceptible areas; (iii) compare two ML techniques
et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2019). Furthermore, in recent years some ensem- (Levenberg–Marquardt back propagation (LM-BP) neural network and
ble models have been proposed to improve the efficiency of ML tech- decision trees (DT)) with the MCDM method to develop a population
niques (Tehrany et al., 2015; Chapi et al., 2017). risk map; (iv) assess the spatial distribution of flood EECs and quantify
In general, ML and MCDM models cannot cover multidimensional the number of EECs to serve the population demand points
problems, such as allocating the location of emergency evacuation cen- i.e., children, disabled and elderly in different impedance cutoffs using
ters (EECs) for flood victims. However, they can be used to evaluate four LAMs; and (v) develop a PMP based optimized MCLP model to
flood probability in an affected region. The integration of ML, MCDM serve the maximum demand points.
and LAMs in GIS would overcome this issue and optimally allocate
EECs to appropriate locations in flood-prone regions for serving the 2. Materials and methods
flood victims. In addition, an integrated approach is not only limited
to flood evacuation planning (pre- and post-flood) in Bangladesh but 2.1. Study area
also could be applied to similar environments. Besides, this approach
is feasible to apply in managing different disasters i.e., earthquake, land- Sylhet is an area subject to persistent flooding and lies in northeast-
slide, and cyclone, etc. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, this is ern Bangladesh. The area is surrounded by the Meghalaya hill to the
the first-hand work to suggest optimization process of large-scale emer- north (approximately 25.47°N and 91.37°E), the Tripura and Mizoram
gency planning, in the context of disaster preparedness and recovery re- ranges to the south (approximately 23.16°N to 23.94°N and 91.98°E to
sponse. However, LAMs have rarely been applied to planning of flood 92.94°E), and the highlands of Manipur to the east (approximately
evacuation, especially in Bangladesh. A few studies have investigated in- 24.66°N and 93.91°E). It has a population of more than 12.1 million peo-
corporation of geospatial techniques into LAMs in different countries ple (BBS, 2019) with an area of 12,298.4 km2 (population density of
(Chang et al., 2007; Gu et al., 2010; Li et al., 2011; Romero et al., 2012; about 980 persons per km2) (Fig. 1). The major rivers are Patnai, Baulai,
Xi et al., 2013; Mestre et al., 2015; Polo et al., 2015; Dinu and Ciucur, Jadukata, and Chalti in the north which regulate flow into Bangladesh
2016; Khan et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2018; Rizeei et al., 2019). from India (CEGIS, 2012). Hilly regions with steep slopes collect rainwa-
To support effective flood management planning, the current study ter as discharge and inundate river plains of the northeast region. The
attempts to develop an evacuation system. Role of existing EECs, estab- physiography includes hills and a few large depressions locally known
lishment of temporary shelters, support for rescue and health care facil- as ‘Beels’, which may be categorized mainly as oxbow lakes. Geologi-
ities, and supply of food, medication, and sanitary kits are necessary cally, the area is complex, with different geomorphic features. It has a
activities during a flood. Furthermore, it is essential to provide emer- high topography from the Plio-Miocene period, including the Khasi
gency services in a timely manner in order to reduce disaster losses. hills, Jaintia hills and other smaller hills along the border. The average
Therefore, time and distance are vital elements in emergency response. annual maximum temperature is 23 °C (August to October) and the
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
Fig. 1. Selected study area showing the locations of flood inventory points (main figure). The inset figures on the left show the location of the study area.
average annual minimum temperature is 7 °C (January). Approxi- facility). It is believed that road features considered in this study are a
mately, 80% of the average rainfall (3334 mm/yr) occurs between May highly useful to develop a successful location-allocation model in regard
and September during the monsoon period (Bari et al., 2015). to devising alternative routes as damages of roads after disaster are
common. Likewise, attribute of vehicular speed limits and road type
2.2. Data acquisition will help to manage time for evacuation. These attributes are believed
to be instrumental to advance existing location-allocation modeling,
The use of LAMs for emergency evacuations of flood victims is pro- particularly for data sparse countries. In addition, we established topol-
posed in this study. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) ogy datasets to eliminate certain topological errors (i.e., overextended
digital elevation model (DEM) data were acquired from https:// line and gap between line) by creating specific topological rules in
earthexplorer.usgs.gov/. Landsat 8 images (Operational Land Imager, ArcGIS (v. 10.5). Finally, a network dataset in a geodatabase was gener-
OLI; and Thermal Infrared Sensor, TIRS) for August 30, 2016 with a res- ated using all the layers. Various connectivity rules among different fea-
olution of 30 m were obtained from the US Geological Survey (https:// tures were determined for ease of access, turns, and attributes of the
earthexplorer.usgs.gov/). MODIS data for March 16, 2015 and August network dataset for optimal calculation. In this study, two types of im-
27, 2015 with resolution of 250 m were acquired from NASA (https:// pedance cutoffs (cost functions) were considered: travel distance
lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/imagery/subsets/) for determining flood (km) and travel time (minutes).
inventory. Rainfall and water level data were collected from the
Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) (https://www. 2.3. Methods
hydrology.bwdb.gov.bd/) between 1991 and 2016. A geological map
(scale 1:100,000) was obtained from the Geological Survey of The seven key steps of the methodological framework of the current
Bangladesh (GSB), while soil type and soil texture maps were obtained study are shown in Fig. 2: (i) flood inventory preparation; (ii) classifica-
(scale 1:100,000) from the Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI). tion of influencing factors; (iii) feature selection and multi-collinearity
These data are freely available at https://www.barc.gov.bd/. A land test; (iv) modeling process; (v) model performance analysis; (vi)
cover (LC) map with resolution of 300 m was collected from the location-allocation modeling; and (vii) sensitivity analysis of LAMs.
European Space Agency (ESA) (http://maps.elie.ucl.ac.be/CCI/viewer/
download.php). 2.3.1. Preparation of the flood inventory map
To carry out location-allocation analysis, we gathered attribute de- A flood inventory map comprises details of past floods distribution
tails of road features (road type, vehicle speed limits, and barriers), and characteristics (Rahman et al., 2019); this is a prerequisite for
and EECs facilities as point shapes (facility name, coordinates, type of flood susceptibility modeling (Tehrany and Kumar, 2018; Arabameri
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
et al., 2019). The flood inventory map was prepared using satellite data Water level data from monitoring stations was used to develop
extracted from Landsat 8 and MODIS, historical flood records, and field flood inundation depth (Fig. S1b) using a method proposed by
surveys. The flood events of 1995, 1998, 2004, 2007, 2014, 2015, and Tingsanchali and Karim (2005). Based on the results of studies
2016 were considered for the development of the flood inventory (Pourghasemi et al., 2019a, 2019b, 2020a, 2020b), and environmental
map. A detailed description of the construction of the flood inventory settings of the study area, a total of 15 flood conditioning factors were
map was given by Rahman et al. (2019). This flood inventory was ran- defined: slope angle, plan curvature (the curvature of the land in a
domly divided into two distinct categories: one for training (70%, 700 horizontal plane), profile curvature (the curvature of the land in a ver-
flood points and 700 non-flood points) and the other for validation pur- tical plane), elevation, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI),
poses (30%, 300 flood points and 300 non-flood points) (Fig. 1) to aspect, stream power index (SPI), topographic wetness index (TWI),
construct and evaluate the ML and MCDM techniques for flood suscep- drainage density, distance from river, distance from road, soil type,
tibility modeling. soil texture, geology, and LC. Elevation is one of the most important
factors in the assessment of probability of flooding. The chance of
2.3.2. Flood triggering and conditioning factors flooding in low-lying areas is inherently high as water flows from
Rainfall and flood inundation depth are the most important factors high to low-lying areas. This factor was extracted directly from the
affecting whether a flood incident occurs in the current study area. DEM (Fig. 1). Slope is considered another important factor due to its
Thus, these two factors were considered as the triggering factors for direct relation with surface runoff and infiltration. The slope map
flood susceptibility mapping. Rainfall data were derived from eight rain- was extracted from 30-m DEM. Aspect plays an important role in
fall stations in the study area and the Modified Fournier Index (MFI) flood susceptibility mapping because water flow directions can be eas-
(Arnoldus, 1980) was calculated to develop a rainfall thematic map ily calculated from it. The DEM was used to prepare the aspect map.
(Fig. S1a) using the inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation Plan and profile curvatures are useful conditioning factors in flood
model (Sarkar and Mondal, 2020). The MFI is computed using Eq. (1) susceptibility mapping from which helpful geomorphologic informa-
(Kourgialas and Karatzas, 2011): tion can be obtained. The TWI is a measure of the concentration of
water at any point. SPI is a measure of the erosive power and intensity
12 R2i of surface runoff. The TWI can be calculated using Eq. (2) and SPI can
MFI ¼ ∑ ð1Þ
i¼1 R be calculated using Eq. (3):
where, Ri is the average monthly rainfall (mm), and R is the average an- AS
TWI ¼ Ln ð2Þ
nual rainfall (mm). tan S
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
SPI ¼ AS tan S ð3Þ 2.3.3. Calculation of number of classes using Shannon's Entropy-
information coefficient
In this study, Shannon's Entropy-information coefficient is proposed
where, AS is the specific catchment area and S is the slope (in degrees) for the calculation of the accurate number of categories of the flood con-
(Khosravi et al., 2019). ditioning factor based on entropy index. The entropy index shows
The drainage density is defined by the proportion of total channel which categories are the most important to the flood susceptibility pre-
lengths to the overall basin area (Siahkamari et al., 2018). The DEM diction. The information coefficient was determined for two to ten cat-
was used to prepare the drainage density map. The distance between egories, for each conditioning factor (i.e., elevation, slope angle, profile
the flood-prone area and the river is another significant factor deter- curvature, SPI, TWI, NDVI, drainage density, distance from river, and dis-
mining occurrence of floods. The distance from river map was prepared tance from road), except for the categorical conditioning factors such as
using the Euclidian Distance method on the basis of the digital network aspect, plan curvature, LC, geological unit, soil type, and soil texture. The
flow layer. The distance from roads were also calculated using the coefficient values vary from 0 to 1. The values close to 0 indicate low ac-
Euclidean Distance method as it is also an important factor in flood sus- curacy and values close to 1 indicate high accuracy. The mathematical
ceptibility mapping. The NDVI was derived from the images collected expressions to calculate the coefficients are presented in Eqs. (5) to
from the Landsat 8 satellite (April 26, 2016) with a resolution of (9) (Constantin et al., 2011):
30 m × 30 m. NDVI is calculated as the ratio between the red (band
4) and near infrared (band 5) values, and for Landsat 8 NDVI was calcu- FPij ¼ ð5Þ
lated using Eq. (4): Ac
FP ij
FPij ¼ ð6Þ
Band 5−Band 4
NDVI ¼ ð4Þ ∑ FP ij
Band 5 þ Band 4 j¼1
LC is another significant factor because decreases in vegetation den- Ej ¼ − ∑ FPij log 2 FP ij , j ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . . :, n ð7Þ
sity are correlated with increases in likelihood of flooding (Mojaddadi i¼1
et al., 2017). Bedrock and soil porosity and permeability are also signif-
Ejmax ¼ log 2 Sj ð8Þ
icant factors affecting occurrence of floods. Therefore, bedrock and soil
type are important variables in flood susceptibility modeling (Islam
Ejmax −Ej
and Sado, 2000a; Rahmati et al., 2016). The water infiltration depends Ij ¼ , j ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . . :, n ð9Þ
largely on soil properties, and in particular soil texture. In other
words, the surface runoff and flood inundation are regulated by the
where, Ac is the area percentage of a category, Af is flood percentage of a
soil texture. The list of flood triggering and conditioning factors is
given category, FPij is the probability of flood in the ith class of the jth var-
shown in Table 1.
iable, Ej is the entropy value, Ejmax is the entropy value with S classes,
and Ij is the information coefficient.
Factor Data source Reference 2.4.1. Feature selection and multi-collinearity test
Rainfall intensity Rainfall, BWDB Kourgialas and Karatzas (2011), Information Gain (IG) analysis was performed for feature selection.
(MFI)a Sarkar and Mondal (2020) It is one of the most popular methods for determining the most appro-
Depth (m)a Water level, https://www.hydrology.bwdb.gov.bd/ priate flood susceptibility assessment conditioning factors to increase
the predictive ability and efficiency of models (Hunt et al., 1966; Javidi
Elevation (m) DEM (30 m) https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/
Slope (°) DEM (30 m) Samanta et al. (2018), Rahman et al. and Mansoury, 2017).
(2019) This study used multi-collinearity testing (MCT) of the conditioning
Aspect DEM (30 m) Bui et al. (2019) factors to determine whether variables are correlated or not. It can lead
Plan curvature DEM (30 m) Khosravi et al. (2019) to an error in explaining the importance of the model's parameters and
Profile curvature DEM (30 m) Costache et al. (2020)
affect the performance. Generally, a tolerance (TOL) < 0.1 and a vari-
(100/m) ance inflation factor (VIF) > 10 is regarded as a sign of multi-
TWI DEM (30 m) Khosravi et al. (2019), collinearity (Wang et al., 2019).
Pourghasemi et al. (2020b)
SPI DEM (30 m) Khosravi et al. (2019),
2.4.2. Levenberg–Marquardt back propagation neural network
Pourghasemi et al. (2020b)
Drainage density DEM (30 m) Bui et al. (2019) A number of factors should be considered in development of the LM-
(km/km2) BP neural network model; however, there are no rules for selection of
Distance from LGED river https://data.humdata. these factors. MATLAB (v. 2017) with the ‘nftool command’ and
river (km) network org/dataset/bangladesh-water-courses ‘trainlm’ algorithm were used to implement a multi-layer perceptron
Distance from LGED road https://data.humdata.
based LM-BP neural network (Xiong et al., 2019). The most common
road (km) network org/dataset/bangladesh-roads
NDVI Landsat 8 (30 m) https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ neural network structure has a total of three possible layers: input, hid-
Land cover (LC) ESA (300 m) https://maps.elie.ucl.ac. den, and output layers. In this work, flood conditioning factors were
be/CCI/viewer/download.php considered as input layers. To predict the susceptibility of flooding and
Geology BARC https://www.barc.gov.bd/
make statistical correlation between the conditioning factors and flood
Soil type BARC https://www.barc.gov.bd/ probabilities easier, the data were randomly split into two samples:
(scale-1:100,000) training samples (70%) and testing samples (30%). The training data
Soil texture BARC https://www.barc.gov.bd/ should be different from the validation data in case of developing LM-
(scale-1:100,000) BP. The training data was used to define the key factors in the study
Flood triggering factors area which influence flood susceptibility, while testing data was used
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
2.4.3. Decision trees βj ¼ ð13Þ
The purpose of the DT algorithm is to determine the number of de-
cision rules for predicting the result from a series of input variables. It
is also known as classification and regression trees (CART) when the Substep 3: At this step, a statistical method was implemented to
target variables are discrete or continuous (Debeljak and Džeroski, measure the concordance coefficient (agreement) in the view of experts
2011). The DT models have the ability to predict complex relations which indicate how close the respondent's judgments are from each
among variables (Kheir et al., 2010). In this work, the CART algorithm other. The coefficient of concordance (W) was calculated with Eq. (14):
with ‘RegTree’ command in MATLAB (v. 2015) was employed to build 12S
DT and predict the desired variable (Hateffard et al., 2019). Prior to run- W¼ e
W ∈ ½0; 1 ð14Þ
ning the model, a training (70%) and testing (30%) datasets were gener- e2 ðn3 −nÞ−e ∑ T k
ated following procedure mentioned earlier (i.e., LM-BP model).
where, Tk is the index of repeated ranks, e is the total experts and S is the
2.4.4. Extended stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis method total square deviation of the rankings of each criterion. S was calculated
The classical stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA) is from Eq. (15):
an MCDM method and was first introduced by Keršuliene et al. (2010).
" #2
Experts play a vital role in the SWARA method in terms of the judgment n e 1 n e
of criteria and weights, and therefore this is called an expert-oriented S ¼ ∑ ∑ T jk− ∑ ∑ T jk ð15Þ
j¼1 k¼1 n j¼1 k¼1
method. The most important criterion according to this method is
ranked 1 and the least important criterion is given the lowest ranking.
Substep 4: This step is used to calculate the importance of the con-
Although it is a comprehensive subjective weighing method, which
cordance coefficient because W is stochastic and therefore an additional
has been extensively used in several fields and has multiple applications 2
statistical parameter (Xα,f) is needed. The significance X2α,f of the concor-
and benefits, this tool requires consistent, precise, and exact decision
dance coefficient at α significance level and the degree of freedom
making (Ghenai et al., 2020). In such situations, a significant difference
f (Zavadskas et al., 2010) was obtained using Eq. (16):
in the weight of the criterion will greatly affect the results, leading to
uncertain and inaccurate ranking or selection. Therefore, in this study, 12S
we have proposed the extended stepwise weight assessment ratio anal- X 2α,f ¼ W:e:ðn−1Þ ¼ e
ysis (ESWARA) approach for increasing the accuracy of the classical enðn þ 1Þ− n−1
∑ Tk
SWARA process and minimizing the impact of subjective personal judg-
ments on outcome (Zolfani et al., 2018). In this study, the value of (α) was considered as 0.05. The hypothesis
The following steps define the ESWARA method: of an agreement between independent experts is agreed and group
Step 1: Calculating average attributes value. opinion would be formed, if the value X2α,f is greater than the tabular
The criteria were sorted according to their importance in descending value X2tabl for the degree of importance. Further, if X2α,f < X2tabl then, the
order (Zolfani et al., 2018). The expert assessment method was used agreement of experts is not reasonable and cannot accept the hypothe-
here to determine the importance of each attribute. Then, the average sis of rank correlation.
attributes rank (T j Þ was determined using Eq. (10): Step 3: The factor kj was calculated as follows:
∑ T jk kj ¼ 1;j ¼ 1 or kj ¼ sj þ 1;j > 1 ð17Þ
Tj ¼ ð10Þ
where, Tjk is the rank of the jth criterion by the kth expert and e is the total Step 4: The recalculated weight qj was estimated as follows:
number of experts.
q j−1
Step 2: Identifying sj and the consistency of the expert judgment. qj ¼ 1;j ¼ 1 or qj ¼ ;j > 1 ð18Þ
Step 2 consists of four substeps:
Substep 1: Determining the attribute value in comparison to other
criteria. Keršuliene et al. (2010) referred to this value in the classical
SWARA method as the “comparative importance of average value (sj)” Step 5: The relative weights wj of the evaluation criteria were calcu-
and experts have illustrated the comparative importance of one crite- lated as follows:
rion for the next by setting rough numbers. This value was determined
using the following equation to improve the reliability of the process wk ¼ ð19Þ
and to increase the accuracy of the results obtained (Zolfani et al., 2018). ∑ qm
sj ¼ n
ð11Þ n
∑ Tj F P ¼ ∑ wk x ð20Þ
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
Initially, all the three models were employed for the calculation of 2003). In terms of allocating the demand points, LSCP model was similar
the flood probability index, which was assigned for the generation of to the MCLP model but varies in relation to the number of facilities allo-
flood probability thematic layers for all pixels in the study area. The cated according to the distance used. It can be derived accordingly
first phase consisted of a unique flood probability index for each pixel (Church and Gerrard, 2003):
in the study area; then, these indices were exported in ArcGIS (v.
10.5) and used to create a final flood probability thematic layer. In the Minimize Z ¼ ∑xj ð23Þ
second phase, thematic flood triggering layer was constructed by inte-
grating flood inundation depth with rainfall intensity. Finally, the Subjected to : ∑ pij xj ≥1 for each demand, i ¼ 1, 2, 3 . . . , m
thematic layer of flood probability was converted into a flood suscepti- j∈N i
xij , xjj ∈f0, 1g Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
where, Z is the objective function, pi is the population of demand i, dij is Elevation 0.115 0.426 0.148 0.260 0.315 0.279 0.205 0.248 0.209
Slope 0.630 0654 0.677 0.693 0.716 0.739 0.756 0.769 0.779
the travel distance between i and j, xij is 1 if flood victims site (demand Profile 0.038 0.076 0.170 0.187 0.194 0.222 0.215 0.219 0.247
points) i is allocated to a EEC (facility) j and xij is 0 otherwise, and f is the curvature
number of facilities to be used as EECs. TWI 0.017 0.016 0.017 0.020 0.022 0.019 0.021 0.020 0.023
SPI 0.008 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.016
NDVI 0.030 0.029 0.027 0.028 0.026 0.024 0.023 0.022 0.037
2.6.2. Location set covering problem model
Drainage 0.072 0.080 0.048 0.054 0.032 0.042 0.044 0.034 0.035
The LSCP model intends to minimize distance or time, if the number density
of facilities that cover or satisfy all demand. This model was different Distance 0.004 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.027
from other models, in that it defines the number of facilities required from river
to meet certain distance requirements to optimally accommodate a cer- Distance 0.008 0.005 0.009 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.026 0.029 0.037
from road
tain number of facilities onto a demanding surface (Church and Gerrard,
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
2.6.4. Maximize attendance model (IG = 0.019), plan curvature (IG = 0.015), and SPI (IG = null). As the
The MA model is designed to optimize the demand attendance with IG value for SPI was null, SPI was excluded from the MLMs for develop-
respect to distance and time spent getting to the point of demand ing flood susceptibility maps.
(Algharib, 2011). This is another form of coverage problem which is dif- The tolerance values (TOL) and variance inflation factor (VIF) were
ferent from previous estimations. The major difference in the MA model calculated by performing multi-collinearity analysis; for all factors
is that it covers a demand weight ratio and does not provide full cover- TOL > 0.1 and VIF < 10 (Table 3). There was no serious multi-
age for each demand level. The findings of this model were helpful for collinearity among the independent variables.
analysis when various demand surfaces were implemented. This
model's objective function is as follows (Holmes et al., 1972): 3.3. Spatial relationship between flood incidence and conditioning factors
n n The spatial relationship was calculated from nFR values of each sub-
Z ¼ ∑ ∑ pi S−dij xij ð25Þ
i¼0 j¼0 class of factors (Table S1). The higher the nFR value, then the higher the
probability of flood occurrence. The nFR value of elevation between 2
where, Z is the objective function, pi is the population of demand i, n is and 12.37 m was 0.687 which was the highest among all other elevation
the flood victim's sites number, S is the threshold distance, dij is the classes. This indicates that the lower the elevation, the higher the flood
travel distance between i and j, and xij = 0 if the flood victim site i is probability is. The estimated value of nFR of slope between 0° and 2°
not covered by a EEC j and 0 < dij ≤ 1 when the victim site i is sheltered was 0.871, which indicates this class is very susceptible to flooding oc-
by a EEC j. currence. On the other hand, nFR value of slope in the class 18° to
31.07° was 0.00, which indicates this class is not susceptible to flood oc-
3. Results and discussion currence. The highest value of nFR (0.161) for aspect was calculated for
the class ‘flat,’ while lowest value of nFR was 0.082 for the class north (0°
3.1. Determining the class numbers of the flood conditioning factors to 22.5°). The highest value of nFR for plan curvature was 0.572 (flat
curvature), which could be explained by the fact that the topography
The maximized information coefficient of each flood conditioning of hillsides direct water flow into lower-lying and flat areas, leading to
factor, represented by the number of classes, was determined by the flooding. The highest nFR value was 0.299 where the profile curvature
Shannon's entropy index according to the procedure discussed in the varied between −0.03 and 0.01 and the lowest nFR value was 0.00
methods. Elevation was categorized by the geometric interval classifica- where profile curvature varied between −1.13 and −0.35. The highest
tion method and the information coefficient was maximized (0.426) nFR (0.148) for the NDVI factor was for the −0.23 to −0.06 class,
when categorized into three classes (Table 2, Fig. S1c). For slope angle, followed by an nFR of 0.142 for the −0.06 to 0.02 class. Increasing vege-
the information coefficient was maximized (0.779) when manually tation density (indicated by an increase in NDVI) was an indicator of de-
classified into ten classes (Fig. S1d). Profile curvature, TWI, SPI, and creasing likelihood of flooding in the study area. The highest nFR was
NDVI were classified into ten classes (Figs. S1h, S1i and S1m) by consid- 0.134, when TWI varied between 24.05 and 28.54, and the lowest nFR
ering the natural break classification method. The maximum informa- was 0.035, where the TWI varied from 0.0 to 2.0. The nFR results on the
tion coefficients for these factors were of 0.247, 0.023, 0.016, and TWI factor showed that in general the nFR value increased as TWI in-
0.037, respectively (Table 2). For drainage density, the information coef- creased, indicating that TWI is directly correlated with the probability
ficient was maximized (0.080) when classified by applying geometric of flood occurrence. The calculation of nFR for the ratio of flood incidence
interval classification into three classes (Fig. S1j). For distance from and drainage density indicated that class 0.72 to 1.40 has the highest nFR
river, the information coefficient was maximized (0.027) when manu- value (0.502), followed by 0.37 to 0.72 (0.330). This indicated that prob-
ally classified into ten classes (Fig. S1k). Finally, for distance from road, ability of flood occurrence increases because of the lower infiltration and
the information coefficient was maximized (0.037) by classifying into higher surface flow with increasing in drainage density. In the case of dis-
ten classes with equal intervals (Table 2, Fig. S1l). tance from river, areas furthest away from the river (> 18 km) showed
the lowest probability of flood occurrence. In general, probability of
3.2. Feature selection and multi-collinearity assessment of flood condition- flooding increased with decreasing distance from the river. Distance
ing factors from the road is another important factor affecting the likelihood of
flooding. Impervious surfaces such as asphalt and the surrounding
IG analysis, to assess the significance of each conditioning factor in areas have a significant influence on flood occurrence because cannot
susceptibility assessment (Table 3), showed that slope angle (IG = penetrate the surface. The distance from road in the class 15.79 to
0.164) had the highest impact on flooding. This was followed by geology 18.04 km had the highest nFR value of 0.125, indicating a higher probabil-
(IG = 0.140), soil texture (IG = 0.133), soil type (IG = 0.121), elevation ity of flooding; in contrast, the distance from road varied between 20.30
(IG = 0.104), LC (IG = 0.081), distance from river (IG = 0.070), TWI and 22.56 km had the lowest nFR value of 0.018, indicating that areas far
(IG = 0.063), drainage density (IG = 0.060), profile curvature (IG = from roads were least prone to flooding. With the exception of water
0.049), aspect (IG = 0.048), NDVI (IG = 0.026), distance from road bodies, the highest nFR value for LC classes was for grassland (0.243),
Table 3
Multi-collinearity analysis of flood conditioning factors.
Sl. no. Conditioning factors IG Collinearity statistics Sl. no. Conditioning factors IG Collinearity statistics
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
Fig. 4. Flood susceptibility maps: (a) LM-BP, (b) ESWARA, (c) DT, and (d) population risk map.
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
Fig. 6. Model validation of flood susceptibility: (a) training data, (b) testing data.
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
Table 4
Calculated demand points for EECs using the p-median problem (PMP) and MA models (Hospital*, Fire station**, College***, and School****).
EECs No. Demand Demand Impedance cutoff Total weight EECs No. Demand Demand Impedance cutoff Total weight
points weight (minutes) points weight (minutes)
EEC 01* 3 3 2.99 0.77 0.77 0.77 EEC 51**** 417 417 304.31 6761.52 6761.52 4271.07
EEC 02**** 8 8 7.53 28.18 28.18 26.15 EEC 52**** 589 589 502.29 5202.65 5202.65 4279.99
EEC 03**** 257 257 223.53 2007.96 2007.96 1642.31 EEC 53**** 2140 2140 1333.18 48,409.33 48,409.33 24,894.74
EEC 04**** 271 271 232.12 2333.08 2333.08 1903.95 EEC 54**** 1496 1496 1052.29 26,622.71 26,622.71 15,285.84
EEC 05* 632 632 506.90 7505.81 7505.81 5729.39 EEC 55**** 858 858 645.96 12,722.21 12,722.21 8310.69
EEC 06* 1366 1366 811.39 33,276.41 33,276.41 13,042.39 EEC 56**** 2019 2019 1206.26 48,764.56 48,764.56 21,727.20
EEC 07* 1381 1381 993.34 23,259.81 23,259.81 14,886.00 EEC 57** 151 151 129.81 1271.14 1271.14 1016.88
EEC 08* 220 220 173.36 2798.61 2798.61 2043.12 EEC 58**** 976 976 685.71 17,417.42 17,417.42 11,143.85
EEC 09* 1669 1669 1144.59 31,464.46 31,464.46 17,831.50 EEC 59**** 45 45 41.62 202.54 202.54 182.07
EEC 10* 2033 2033 1418.13 36,891.91 36,891.91 23,247.77 EEC 60*** 1104 1104 831.69 16,338.87 16,338.87 10,493.51
EEC 11* 1171 1171 942.25 13,725.17 13,725.17 10,445.77 EEC 61*** 711 711 549.11 9713.57 9713.57 7023.09
EEC 12* 6 6 5.92 4.85 4.85 4.78 EEC 62**** 413 413 323.36 5378.23 5378.23 3777.76
EEC 13* 1068 1068 864.37 12,218.08 12,218.08 9354.80 EEC 63**** 2 2 1.99 0.61 0.61 0.61
EEC 14* 1475 1475 1149.63 19,521.98 19,521.98 14,341.46 EEC 64**** 461 461 381.04 4797.43 4797.43 3804.55
EEC 15* 605 605 529.50 4530.23 4530.23 3726.87 EEC 65**** 88 88 79.24 525.81 525.81 458.29
EEC 16* 841 841 594.24 14,805.36 14,805.36 8983.74 EEC 66**** 3 3 2.99 0.30 0.30 0.30
EEC 17* 2776 2776 1767.63 60,502.42 60,502.42 30,849.51 EEC 67**** 48 48 45.28 163.33 163.33 150.99
EEC 18* 1056 1056 768.94 17,223.44 17,223.44 11,698.57 EEC 68**** 11 11 10.59 24.51 24.51 23.26
EEC 19* 456 456 371.71 5057.59 5057.59 3852.25 EEC 69**** 512 512 411.11 6053.25 6053.25 4538.17
EEC 20* 1278 1278 770.42 30,454.54 30,454.54 12,934.08 EEC 70**** 492 492 362.43 7774.41 7774.41 4995.24
EEC 21* 3457 3457 1973.58 89,005.03 89,005.03 42,036.62 EEC 71**** 249 249 202.77 2773.75 2773.75 2068.66
EEC 22* 2166 2166 1501.92 39,844.97 39,844.97 24,896.50 EEC 72*** 25 25 24.60 24.17 24.17 23.63
EEC 23* 2302 2302 1804.62 29,842.87 29,842.87 22,061.92 EEC 73**** 406 406 196.99 12,540.70 12,540.70 4039.62
EEC 24* 1 1 1.00 0.09 0.09 0.09 EEC 74**** 248 248 206.31 2501.31 2501.31 1966.46
EEC 25* 1119 1119 931.78 11,233.47 11,233.47 8994.36 EEC 75**** 40 40 37.67 139.65 139.65 129.91
EEC 26* 854 854 623.27 13,844.08 13,844.08 8939.96 EEC 76**** 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EEC 27* 59 59 49.74 555.59 555.59 447.91 EEC 77**** 22 22 21.66 20.39 20.39 19.77
EEC 28* 3575 3575 2030.88 92,647.36 92,647.36 36,638.93 EEC 78**** 270 270 214.17 3349.65 3349.65 2503.92
EEC 29**** 4 4 3.98 1.19 1.19 1.19 EEC 79**** 192 192 169.16 1370.62 1370.62 1143.09
EEC 30**** 1 1 1.00 0.07 0.07 0.07 EEC 80**** 14 14 13.72 16.54 16.54 16.15
EEC 31**** 3 3 2.98 1.04 1.04 1.03 EEC 81*** 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EEC 32* 2 2 1.99 0.49 0.49 0.49 EEC 82**** 360 360 297.37 3757.88 3757.88 2918.15
EEC 33*** 69 69 61.71 437.56 437.56 383.69 EEC 83**** 7 7 6.88 6.91 6.91 6.76
EEC 34**** 1 1 1.00 0.24 0.24 0.24 EEC 84**** 2 2 1.99 0.89 0.89 0.88
EEC 35* 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EEC 85* 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EEC 36*** 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EEC 86**** 1 1 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.29
EEC 37**** 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EEC 87*** 419 419 326.55 5546.99 5546.99 3724.53
EEC 38* 1012 1012 656.52 21,328.51 21,328.51 10,928.45 EEC 88* 1378 1378 557.95 49,203.18 49,203.18 14,202.43
EEC 39* 5 5 4.97 1.67 1.67 1.65 EEC 89* 148 148 138.17 589.72 589.72 534.30
EEC 40** 575 575 453.13 7312.47 7312.47 5351.59 EEC 90**** 136 136 111.78 1453.10 1453.10 1082.55
EEC 41** 1838 1838 1317.32 31,241.08 31,241.08 18,035.97 EEC 91* 423 423 336.71 5177.46 5177.46 4012.93
EEC 42**** 520 520 446.86 4388.59 4388.59 3627.35 EEC 92* 1124 1124 735.75 23,295.04 23,295.04 13,220.46
EEC 43**** 564 564 481.02 4979.05 4979.05 3994.89 EEC 93* 16 16 15.47 31.70 31.70 30.44
EEC 44**** 252 252 202.37 2978.09 2978.09 2179.58 EEC 94**** 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EEC 45* 604 604 491.48 6751.38 6751.38 5160.54 EEC 95* 18 18 17.71 17.32 17.32 16.95
EEC 46**** 389 389 291.88 5827.35 5827.35 4059.47 EEC 96* 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EEC 47**** 906 906 767.82 8290.95 8290.95 6549.65 EEC 97**** 118 118 104.31 821.30 821.30 701.15
EEC 48*** 142 142 128.95 783.10 783.10 689.02 EEC 98**** 2 2 1.99 0.65 0.65 0.64
EEC 49** 672 672 560.68 6679.37 6679.37 5249.31 EEC 99**** 388 388 341.91 2765.59 2765.59 2384.85
EEC 50*** 44 44 40.78 193.36 193.36 177.14 – – – – – – –
been selected as facility points for location-allocation modeling. The were served by the existing EECs where EEC 35 received the largest
reason for using 500 m × 500 m grid size for population is because of number of demand points (3575) (Table 4).
its availability. Moreover, capacity for EECs are not considered in this The MCLP model showed similar results in terms of demand selec-
paper due to its focus on reducing travel time to evacuate the most vul- tion (Alshwesh, 2014). The correlation between the results of the PMP
nerable people therefore, larger grid size assumes to have less influence and MCLP models was the same because of their similar features in min-
in our work. imizing the overall weighted distance between the EECs and flood vic-
In the second step, a detailed and accurate map of the road network tim sites (demand points), and with regard to the handling of
was constructed which is consistent with the actual situation of roads demand. Maximum distance constraints were introduced for the PMP
including junctions, lengths and connections to implement in the model. Our results are in line with a previous study (Algharib, 2011).
LAM. Then, the PMP model was parameterized to select the optimum However, it is noted that a total of eight existing EECs (i.e. EECs 35, 36,
EECs to serve the maximum demand points within the specified cover- 37, 76, 81, 85, 94, and 96) did not serve any demand points. At the
age time of 60 min from the closest facilities. In this study, the weights of same time, several EECs were located far away from the demand and
all EECs were decided according to their importance. We have consid- had little coverage of the demand points (Table 4 and Fig. 7c).
ered that all the EECs have the same importance so the demand weight The LSCP model was applied to minimize the distances and
would be same for all EECs, i.e., 1 in this case. The results of the PMP determine the minimum number of EECs required for serving all
model showed that a total of 58,250 demand points out of 62,147 demand points within the defined coverage distance or travel
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
Fig. 7. (a) Road network and existing EECs, (b) demand points (low to very high), and (c) minimize weighted impedance or p-median problem (PMP) model.
time. Table 5 shows the calculated demand points for EECs using Finally, as the study hypothesized that the EECs need to be located so
the LSCP model. In total, 15 EECs serve 58,250 demand points; that all the flood victim sites are covered within the specified coverage
EEC 38 served the most demand points (9006), while EEC 19 time of 60 min from the closest facility and maximum demand points
served the fewest demand points (456). It is noted that, most would be served within a 10-min drive of existing EECs. Thus, this
EECs were overloaded; therefore, it could be difficult or costly study considers different impedance factors using the MCLP model to as-
for authorities to serve flood-affected people during floods be- sess the demand point coverage within the impedance cutoffs (Fig. 8). In
cause of the uneven and inadequate distribution of EECs. this respect, a sensitivity analysis was performed based on several im-
The MA model was applied to maximize the attendance of demand pedance thresholds to check whether the impedance could meet the re-
for each EEC and to minimize the total distance between the EECs and quirements for the selection of current EECs to reach all demand points
the flood victim demand points. In terms of allocation of EECs and (Table 6). The findings show that 71.89% of the demand points were inac-
choosing the demand, the MA model is different from the PMP, MCLP, cessible within the specified coverage time of 10 min from the EECs
and LSCP models. The results showed that the total demand weight (Table 6). The percentage of inaccessible demand points decreased
for the MA model was less than that for the PMP model when providing with the increased of impedance cutoffs. The target demand points
99 facilities (EECs) within the distance specified (Table 4). The reason is (62,147 points) coverage within the targeted critical time of 60 min
that the MA model uses the ratio of the total demand weight per de- was 93.73% (58,250 points) which did not meet the objective of the
mand point; the ratio decreased when the distance between the EECs study. Therefore, it can be concluded that the study area required more
and the demand points increased. EECs to cover the entire demand points within the critical time of 60 min.
Table 5
Calculated demand points for EECs using the LSCP model (Hospital*, Fire station**, and School****).
EECs Demand Demand Impedance cutoff Total EECs No. Demand Demand Impedance cutoff Total weight
no. points weight (minutes) weight points weight (minutes)
EEC 06* 1371 1371 33,461.943 33,461.943 EEC 38* 9006 9006 209,607.72 209,607.72
EEC 07* 1828 1828 35,219.839 35,219.839 EEC 41** 7727 7727 197,152.85 197,152.85
EEC 10* 4594 4594 127,937.39 127,937.39 EEC 45* 3003 3003 64,141.317 64,141.317
EEC 17* 3154 3154 71,359.071 71,359.071 EEC 53**** 4995 4995 114,583.23 114,583.23
EEC 19* 456 456 5057.5859 5057.5859 EEC 55**** 5002 5002 137,043.96 137,043.96
EEC 20* 2127 2127 63,519.948 63,519.948 EEC 73**** 2767 2767 87,206.386 87,206.386
EEC 23* 5232 5232 101,619.14 101,619.14 EEC 88* 1662 1662 56,104.962 56,104.962
EEC 28* 5326 5326 142,805.61 142,805.61 – – – – –
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
Fig. 8. Results of applying the MCLP model considering different impedance cutoffs: (a) 10 min. Impedance; (b) 20 min. Impedance; (c) 30 min. Impedance; (d) 40 min. Impedance;
(e) 50 min. Impedance; and (f) 60 min. Impedance.
Table 6
Results of the sensitivity analysis of the MCLP model considering different impedance cutoffs.
Population risk category due to flood Demand points (Nos.) Percentage (%) Impedance cutoffs (in minutes) and unreachable demand points of EECs
10 20 30 40 50 60
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
Fig. 10. The results of the optimized MCLP model after redistributing and including new EECs.
M. Rahman, N. Chen, M.M. Islam et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 101095
(62,147 out of 62,147 demand points) (Figs. 9 and 10b). This result is Acknowledgements
feasible to fulfill the objective of our study which can further be opti-
mized by considering capacity of each EEC. If the capacity of each EEC This study is based on a PhD thesis by first author: Mahfuzur
is known then integrated model could easily determine whether new Rahman, which is supervised by Professor Ningsheng Chen. The authors
EECs are required or not. acknowledge and appreciate the provision of rainfall and water level
Furthermore, due to an increase in the need of location-allocation data by the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), without
modeling for emergency evacuation planning in the frequently flooded which this study would not have been possible. Authors would like to
regions such as Bangladesh, we believe that this research could add sig- thank the handling editor for his editorial comments and anonymous
nificant value to the field. Especially, when there has been very limited reviewers for their careful review of the original manuscript and their
research regarding location-allocation modeling for emergency evacua- valuable suggestions which helped us to improve the manuscript. This
tions, researchers could use the proposed work as a foundation for fur- research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of
ther work in the field. Finally, it can be concluded that these results help China (Grant Nos. 41861134008 and 41671112) and the 135 Strategic
to fill noticeable service gaps of the study area. Program of the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment (IMHE),
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (Grant No. SDS-135-1705).
4. Conclusion
Appendix A. Supplementary data
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