Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Answer the questions below. Then write your answers in the space provided.
1. Do you agree with the results of your MAI? Why or why not?
Yes. I agree with the MIA result. Because some statements I read reflect on me.
2. Make a list of your “Top 5 Tips/Secrets for Studying” based on your personal experiences/preferences.
Share your answer in class.
do your best
be proud to your self
believe on your own skill
don’t be afraid
believe problems are ways to be success
3. Does your MAI result consistent with your personal Top 5 Tips/Secrets for Studying?
Yes. Because it’s my way of my personal life for studying and using this tips it
accurately to my life.
You are about to study for your final examinations and it is as if the universe conspired for a heavy finals
week, all your subjects provided at least three new reading materials and topics one week (7 days) before the
examination period.
Create a diagram or schedule using at least five of the metacognitive strategies, skills, and studying
techniques mentioned in this lesson on how you would prepare for the next seven days before your final
LESSON 2: Do Not Just Dream, Make It Happen
On each designated box, draw your envisioned “Future Self.” Who would you be:
b. In 10 years?
In 10 years I have been a great teacher, someone the students will remember in good means, like
someone who had a good impact on them. I see myself as a good role model for many children, ideally
working at this school.
c. In 20 years?
For 20 years I have been a great teacher or principal.
3. Outline your plans on how you will make your envisioned self into reality:
a. In five years
I envisioned myself become a great teacher
b. In 10 years
I envisioned myself as a good role model for many children
c. In 20 years
I envisioned myself having a family
4. How do you feel after doing this exercise?
I feel after doing this exercise is very motivated because goal setting helps me to be in
the right direction in my life.
Bandura (self-efficacy)- Bandura’s social cognitive theory states that people are active
participants in their environment and are not simply shaped by that environment.
Outcome expectancy is “a person’s estimate that a given behavior will lead to certain
Efficacy expectation is “the conviction that one can successfully execute the behavior
required to produce the outcomes.”
● Outcome and efficacy expectations are differentiated because individuals can believe that a
particular course of action will produce certain outcomes.
● Self-efficacy typically comes into play when there is an actual or perceived threat to one’s
personal safety, or one’s ability to deal with potentially aversive events.
● Dr. Bandura defined self-efficacy as “people’s beliefs about their capabilities to produce
designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives.”
● He identified acts of people with “high assurance in their capabilities,” such as:
1. Approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered;
2. Set challenging goals and maintain strong commitment to them;
3. Heighten or sustain efforts in the face of failures or setbacks;
4. Attribute failure to insufficient effort or deficient knowledge and skills which are acquirable;
5. Approach threatening situations with assurance that they can exercise control over them.
● In contrast, people “who doubt their capabilities”:
- shy away from tasks they view as personal threats;
- have low aspirations and weak commitment to goals they choose to pursue;
- dwell on personal deficiencies, obstacles they will encounter, and all kinds of adverse
outcomes, rather than concentrating on how to perform successfully;
- slacken their efforts and give up quickly in the face of difficulties;
- are slow to recover their sense of efficacy following failure or setbacks; and
- fall easy victim to stress and depression.
Bandura also described four main sources of influence by which a person’s self-efficacy is
developed and maintained.
● performance accomplishments or mastery experiences;
● vicarious experiences;
● verbal or social persuasion; and
● physiological (somatic and emotional) states.
Growth mindset- individuals do not mind or fear failure as much because they realize
their performance can be improved and learning comes from failure.
Characteristics of a growth mindset:
1. Believes intelligence and talents can be developed
2. Believe effort is the path to mastery
3. Believes mistakes are part of learning
4. Embrace challenges
5. Welcomes feedback
Individuals may not necessarily be aware of their own mindset, but their mindset can
still be discerned based on their behavior.
Goal setting is most effective when there is feedback that shows progress in relation to
the goal.
Goal setting (along with self-efficacy) mediates the effect of knowledge of past
performance on subsequent performance.
Goals affect performance by affecting the direction of action, the degree of effort
exerted, and the persistence of action over time
Goals stimulate planning in general. Often, the planning quality is higher than that which
occurs without goals. When people possess task or goal-relevant plans as a result of
experience or training, they activate them automatically when confronted with a
performance goal. Newly learned plans or strategies are most likely to be utilized under
the stimulus of a specific, difficult goal.
When people strive for goals on complex tasks, they are least effective in discovering
suitable task strategies if:
a. they have no prior experience or training on the task;
b. there is high pressure to perform well; and
c. there is high time pressure (to perform well immediately).
The belief that skills, intellect, and talents The belief that skills, intellect, and talents
are set and unchangeable. can be developed through practice and
It’s easy for him or her. I wonder how they did it.
They were born smart PEERS Let me try to figure it out.
Ignores feedback
Embraces challenges
1.Get a copy of the “College Student’s Stressful Event Checklist” from the Arizona State University available through
Research Gate. Use the link provided:
%3A361336895 754242%401463160837813)
2. Answer the questionnaire honestly. To put the checklist in our context, change the third item about “Divorce
between parents,” to “Separation between parents.”
5. During class session, pair with a classmate and share two to three life events you circled. Observe confidentiality after
2. Is the result near to your present perceived stress level? How do you feel with the result?
I was surprised by the result I saw because I did not expect that the result would be like
The Stress and Filipino really depicts the natural and unique culture and identity of being a Filipino. We naturally acquire
the “Cheerful Personality. Filipinos have a habit of smiling and laughing a lot. They smile when they are happy, or
sometimes even when they are sad or angry. Smiling has been a coping strategy for many Filipinos especially during
trying times and calamities. For instance, Filipinos smile and wave at the camera while being interviewed even after a
fire or flooding incident. They always try to maintain positive outlook in life which makes them resilient and able to
manage almost everything with a simple smile.
2. Self-Care Plan. Design for your self-care plan for the whole school year.
3. Reflection Paper. Make a self-compassionate letter and make a reflection paper about it .
Dear self,
You deserve the kindness and tenderness you give to yourself. Do not worry all things
have a purpose. Go forward confidently into the future you are developing right now.
Whatever giants you are facing, God is bigger. He is with you, and His goodness is bigger
than you know. You are loved and known, not forgotten and invisible. God never changes,
and He will not change His mind about you. Let everything fall to the ground like seeds,
and trust God who makes the flower grow, god who spoke everything you see into being.
Don’t pretend to be stronger than you are. Say prayer, go for a walk, choose gratitude, and
take a nap. Keep smiling, be thankful on small blessing that grace your life each day. Love
yourself for who you are now, in each and everyday of moment, live with no regrets, and
live with God.