As a project manager the responsibilities are divided into four parts that are
of equal importance. First, the project manager is responsible for the project itself.
Think of it as a captain of the ship and the boat is the project itself. To what direction
it encompasses and problems it will face along the journey, the captain must keep
the ship intact and efficient. Along the way, objectives should always be met and
rest assured that the project manager achieves the desired end result or the
destination. Second, the project manager is an agent of the organization. As an
agent there are certain limitations and extent to how a project is executed. It is still
under the jurisdiction of the organization that the project manager complied to
company policies. In addition as part of the company’s management the
vertical/horizontal flow of information should always be evident for the purpose of
its own accountability and assurance that the project is still within the scope of the
company and its requirements. Third, as leader of the project comes with the
responsibility for its subordinates or the team members included in the project.
With the delegations of tasks and also utilizing the span of control the members
give feedback to the leader upon the performance in the project execution. The
project manager supervises it and see to it that there should be rapport and
camaraderie among its members. Lastly, the responsibility is also upon oneself.
Our own mind evaluates and seeks for how this project affects our lives. It can
either be a key in unlocking something and choose this career as a project
manager for formality or just be an accidental project manager if need arises.
2. There are variety of challenges evident in becoming a project manager.
One, is the principle of authority and responsibility. Both principles go hand in hand
with one another but still of different terms and uses. For a project manager, given
the responsibility does not mean he/she is fully in authority of the functional group.
It is because of this same group that required the project manager to be
knowledgeable and prove himself/herself to others. He/she must have the guts to
voice out authority that was given using the leadership skills one must possess.
Next is setting goals and objectives with realistic targets in mind. Based on what
we’ve learned there is limited to none when it comes to the amount of information
provided in each project. The response is to base the needs on many calculated
risks and uncertainty. However, given with the proper knowledge, tools and
techniques these realistic targets must be achievable. The planning process that
includes estimation of costs and resources is also with regards to critical thinking
and not solution jumping. Third challenge is all about functionality. It is common
for project managers to get caught up with this problem because of the teams’
diversity. Each team members also have their own personal intentions and
motivations for work. The solution to this is to eliminate silo mentality within the
team. In the perspective of a project manager, he/she also have work to do in
his/her own technical field. It clearly affects the balance between your own work
and work done for a project. Along with the responsibility is the reporting to your
own supervisors and the supervisor of a project management in the organization.
Lastly, is the presence of uncertainty but certainty that the project will work. The
organization, recognizes a project as something that can be achieved. From their
perspective it is always attainable with the right sense of control and management.
From the perspective of the project manager itself, is the uncertainty if the project
will work. To strike a balance between both extremes is to provide the relevant
information with the use of ranges.
3. The four major knowledge and skill categories are project management
process skills, interpersonal and behavioral skills, technology management skills
and desired personal traits. For project management process, it is desirable to be
proficient in all aspects covering the scope of the project. Problems encountered
during the execution phase range from different technical fields so each “hard skill”
present among the team, the project manager should be aware of. Along with
being competent one should also be a critical thinker. The interpersonal and
behavioral skills is dealing with the art of communicating with the team. A project
manager should be approachable, a great motivator, good in communication and
has top leadership skills. Each individual clashes with different personalities so as
the sole person in charge of the project. Maintaining harmony as one work through
each other’s differences makes the job a lot easier. Technology management skills
focuses on the technical aspect of the project. Being knowledgeable about how
the system works and literate for software applications that gives an appropriate
observation to the flow of the project. Desired personality traits are those inherent
and cultivated through growth and development. These are inherent to an
individual and part of its own nature. Traits like honesty, optimism, trustworthy,
confidence in one’s value, persuasive and assertive.