Đề Cương Ôn Tập Tacn2: Unit 16: Corporate Finance
Đề Cương Ôn Tập Tacn2: Unit 16: Corporate Finance
Đề Cương Ôn Tập Tacn2: Unit 16: Corporate Finance
6. What questions are decided In planning the finance, the finance managers
by the finance manager? take into consideration questions like:
+ How much finance is required by the
In “planning the finance” what company?
should financial managers take + What are the sources /sɔːs/ of finance?
into consideration? + How to use the finance profitably
7. What is the task/job of the The finance manager has to raise (collect)
finance manager in raising the finance for the company from many sources
finance? such as shares, debentures, banks, financial
institutions, creditors and so on
8. What sources of finance can The finance manager can raise /reɪz/ more
finance managers think of when capital from shares, debentures, banks,
they want to raise more capital? financial institutions, creditors and so on
9. What is the task/job of the The finance manager has to uses two types of
finance manager in investing corporate finance to achieve the objectives of
the finance the company
10. How is the capital of a firm (They are)/ The capital of a firm is divided into
basically classified? fixed capital and working capital
11. How are fixed capital and The fixed capital is used to purchase fixed
working capital often used?/ assets such as land, buildings, machinery, and
so on
what is fixed capitap used for? Fixed capital has lower liquidity.
For what purposes is fixed The working capital is used to purchase raw
capital used materials and to pay the day-to-day expenses
such as salaries, rent, taxes, electricity bills,
and so on
Working capital has higher liquidity.
12. What is fixed The fixed capital is the money that is used to
capital/working capital? purchase fixed assets such as land, buildings,
machinery, and so on
13 What is the task/job of the The finance manager has to minimize the cost
finance manager in monitoring of finance, the wastage /ˈweɪstɪdʒ/ and
the finance misuse /ˌmɪsˈjuːs/ of finance, and the risk of
investment of finance
What is the objectives of the
finance manager in monitoring The finance manager also has to maximum
the finance return on the finance.
2. What does higher gearing mean? The higher gearing means the more
Cong ty rui ro nhieu hon trong nhung exposed the company is in times of
giai doan kho khan hon economic difficulty
8. what is the venture firms? Venture firms are firms that are
interested in financing high-growth
companies or new companies
9. what the advantage of Venture the venture capital company does not
capital usually interfere in the running of the
10. what the disadvantage of Venture the venture capital usually demands a
capital much faster and higher rate of return
than an owner would expect from his/
her own capital
11. what way to raise more capital in the The company can raise more capital by
unlisted securities market issuing securities and selling them on the
unlisted securities market
12. what the advantage of the unlisted The unlisted securities market have the
securities market advantage of allowing a company to
raise money from outside investor
without losing much control of the
13. what the disadvantage of the unlisted This source of equity is available only to
securities market small and medium companies
14. what way to raise more capital in the the Stock Exchange is the listed
Stock Exchange? securities market
15. what the advantage of the Stock the listed securities provide the long-
Exchange? term opportunity of raising capital by
issuing fresh shares
16. what the disadvantage of the Stock at least 25 percent of the equity must be
Exchange? in public hands – thereby reducing the
control of the original /əˈrɪdʒənl/
17. what is the mean of long-term loans Long-term debt consists of loans and
financial obligations lasting over one
18. what sources of long-term loans? The sources of long-term loans such as
ngân hàng thanh toán bù trừ, ngân hàng clearing banks, merchant banks, and
thương mại, và thậm chí cả quỹ hưu trí even pension funds
20. what the disadvantage of long-term in harder times, the owner’s earnings
loans? will drop dramatically/drəˈmætɪkli/ as
trong những thời điểm khó khăn hơn, thu
nhập của chủ sở hữu sẽ giảm đáng kể do interest payment soak /səʊk/ up most of
việc trả lãi vay chiếm phần lớn lợi nhuận the company’s profits.
của công ty.
The gearing:
- High when: borrowing/ issuing bonds
- Low when: issuing/ selling stocks.
- Stocks represent the company’s - Bonds represent the company’s
partial ownership debt
- The stockholders are the - The bondholders are
company’s owners creditors/lenders
They are entitled to receive dividends, They have no right to interfere in the
to have voting rights, to control & Co. management but receive regular
supervise the Co. operation fixed interest and get back principal at
Share capital is the capital which is Vốn cổ phần là vốn góp của các cổ đông
contributed by shareholders who put up bỏ tiền ra và nắm giữ cổ phần trong
the money and hold shares in the công ty
Loan capital is money (capital) needed Vốn vay là vốn cần thiết để duy trì hoạt
to run a business that is raised from động kinh doanh được huy động từ việc
borrowing đi vay
Leverage /ˈliːvərɪdʒ/ the relationship Đòn bẩy tài chính là mối quan hệ giữa
between the amount of money that a lượng tiền mà một công ty nợ và giá trị
company owes /əʊ/ and the value of its cổ phiếu của công ty đó
security is money or property which is Thế chấp là tiền hoặc tài sản được như
used as a guarantee /ˌɡærənˈtiː/ that dụng như một sự đảm bảo rắng ai đó sẽ
someone will repay a loan trả một khoản vay.
(collateral) /kəˈlætərəl/
4. what are 3 major applications of Both types of working capital have three
working capital? major applications: firstly inventories,
secondly debtors, and finally cash
10. What can cause the disruption in disruption in production caused by the
production? delay in receiving raw materials.
7. What does the “just-in-time” The just-in-time philosophy /fəˈlɒsəfi/ is
philosophy refer to? aimed at reconciling/ˈrekənsaɪl/ these
conflicting interests and keeping
inventory costs to a minimum
8. if working capital is raised without there will be a drop in profit
a corresponding rise in production
Lean manufacturing means the business
9. “Lean manufacturing” refers to? of production goods in large numbers
using mathods that avoid waste and
reduce the time taken
Target consumer
Target consumer is people or a group
of people who are targeted to buy a
certain product.
14. loyal customers regular buyers of a company or a shop
21. Which is larger, consumer market the producer market is actually larger
or producer market? than the consumer market
vì nó bao gồm tất cả các nguyên liệu thô, because it contains all the raw materials,
các bộ phận được chế tạo và các thành manufactured parts and components
phần đi vào hàng tiêu dùng, /kəmˈpəʊnənt/ that go into consumer
cộng với thiết bị vốn như nhà cửa và goods, plus capital equipment such as
máy móc, vật tư như năng lượng và bút buildings and machines, supplies such as
và giấy và các dịch vụ từ vệ sinh đến tư energy and pens and paper, and services
vấn quản lý, tất cả đều phải được ranging from cleaning to management
marketing. consulting, all of which have to be
23. Why must the company consider Because they who always have to be
the existence of competitors? identified, monitored and defeated in the
những người luôn phải được xác định, search for loyal customers.
theo dõi và đánh bại trong việc tìm kiếm
khách hàng trung thành.
Why the mistakes in the setting the Because many companies make the
price are called common? same mistakes in setting the prices
What are the most common mistakes The most common mistakes are that:
in the setting the price?
- định giá quá theo định hướng chi - pricing is too cost
phí, oriented/ɔːrientɪd/
- giá không được sửa đổi thường - price is not revised often enough
xuyên đủ để theo kip những thay đổi của to capitalize ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz/ on market
thị trường, changes
Prove that price plays an important Price plays an important role in the
role in the economy? economy:
+ It’s major determinant of buyer choice.
(What’re the important roles of price?) + It’s one of the most important
elements determining company market
share and profitability.
+ It’s only element in the marketing mix
that produces revenue
What do company do to handle In order to handle pricing well,
/ˈhændl/ pricing well? companies should consider prices in
relation to order factors including other
3Ps of marketing-mix.
What are the different ways of setting- Price are set in different ways in
prices? different types of companies:
(How are prices set in different types - In small companies, prices are often set
of organization?) by top management.
(Giá được đặt theo nhiều cách khác
nhau trong các loại công ty khác nhau: - In large companies, prices are handled
+ Trong các công ty nhỏ, giá thường by divisional and product-line managers.
được thiết lập bởi các nhà quản lý hàng
đầu. - In industries, prices are determined by
+ Trong các công ty lớn, giá cả được a pricing department.
quản lý bởi các phòng ban chức năng và
quản lý dòng sản phẩm.
+ Trong các ngành công nghiệp, giá
được xác định bởi một bộ phận định giá)
5. what is the input and output of the - output of the accounting process
accounting process? is accounting information
- economic activities are input of
the accounting process
định ra mục tiêu tổng thể của cty purpose: Management accounting
đánh giá việc thực hiện công vc của information is desingned to assist the
các phòng ban và các cá nhân management in running the business
quyết định có nên giới thiệu dòng sp
mới + in setting the company’s overall goals
giúp tạo ra hầu hết các loại quyết + evaluating/ɪˈvæljueɪt/ the
định về quản lý performance of departments and
+ deciding whether to introduce a new
line of products
+ in making virtually /ˈvɜːtʃuəli/ all
types of managerial decisions.
10. The balance sheet includes The balance sheet includes the
company’s assets, its liabilities and
shareholder’s funds.
11. Owners’ (or Shareholders’) Equity + share capital: money received from the
includes: (net assets) issue of shares
15. What figures do earning and It gives figures for total sales or tunover
expenditure equate to? and cost or overhead
16. in order to make a profit, what figure The total sales must be higher than the
is higher? cost or overhead >> in order to make a
17. How are profit divided? + Part of the profit goes to the
government in taxation;
How profits are usually split? + part is usually distributed to
shareholders (stockholders) as dividend,
+ and part is retained by the company
18. The cash slow statements Show the inflow of cash and the outflow
the source and application of funds of cash
the statement of changes in financial the inflow of cash (Sources of funds) :
position trading profits, depreciation provisions,
sales of assets, borrowing, and the
issuing of shares.
20. Where is flow of cash both in and flow of cash both in and out of the
out of the company recorded? company recorded in the cash slow
22. accounts payable (US) or creditors sum of money owed to suppliers for
(GB) purchases made on credit
khoản phải trả
23. double-entry bookkeeping every transaction is recorded in one
ghi sổ kép account as a sum received and other as a
sum paid
Definition of Financial analysis /ə Financial analysis is the selection,
ˈnæləsɪs/? evaluation, and interpretation of
financial data, along with other pertinent
/ˈpɜːtɪnənt/ information, to assist in
investment and financial decision-
Chỉ số lợi nhuậ trên đầu từ cung cấp A return on investment ratio: provides
thông tin về số lượng lợi nhuận so với information on the amount of profit,
các tài sản đc sử dụng để tạo ra lợi nhuận relative to the assets employed to
đó. produce that profit.
Chỉ số lợi nhuận trên đầu tư
7. How does the G control/ encourage Countries have special programs such
the exports? as: provide marketing information,
Cung cấp tt markets, hình thành phái establish trade missions, subsidize
đoàn ngoại giao, trợ cấp hàng xuất khẩu exports and provide tax benefits or
và cung cấp ưu đãi thuế incentives.
8. Explain how exporting countries they receive money from selling exports
become wealthy?
11. Why might a government the G want to provide jobs for the
subsidize an inefficient export population or to control the market for
industry? products.
12. Why does the G control/ restrict governments want to protect a domestic
the imports? industry because that industry provides
employment for the population
13. How does the G control/ restrict Gs impose taxes which eliminate the
the imports? comparative advantage, of quotas which
CP đánh thuế để loại bỏ lợi thế so sánh, restrict the import of the product.
hạn ngạch để hạn chế nhập khẩu sp
15. What are two forms of they are taxes and quotas
16. What is one advantage of tariffs tariffs raise revenue for the G
over quotas to a government?
17.Why do tariffs and quotas have tariffs increase the price but the supply is
different effects on the market? not limited, while quotas may be a
higher price but restrict supply
19. With a floating exchange rate, the value of currency would tend to raise
what would happen to the exchange (decrease)
value of currency from a country that
exports more (less) than it imports?
20. Explain why the value of the because the currency of this country
currency of a country that imports would become weaker? (stronger)
more than it
exports would tend to decrease (raise)
26 Why might a country encourage to develop its economy, to prove jobs for
foreign investment or the the population, to reduce balance of
establishment of subsidiaries of trade deficit.
foreign companies?
The world trade organization? The WTO is the widest reaching of free trade
It enforces strict rules against member nations
It restricts acceptable use of things like tariffs,
but have similar effects
what does merchandise trade balance + The merchandise trade balance looks
looks at? only at visible goods.
What are countries with current countries with current account surplus
account surplus called? called profitable traders (nhà trao đổi có
Đầu tư ra nước ngoài hoặc cất vào khoản countries with current account surplus
dự phòng ngoại tệ can use the extra money to invest
abroad, or it can put it in foreign
currency reserves.
What are countries with current countries with current account deficit
account deficit called? called unprofitable traders
Tìm kiểm khoản vay hoặc đầu tư ở nước can look abroad for loans or investments
ngoài hoặc buộc phải dốc khoản dự or be forced to dip into its own reserves
phòng để thanh toán cho khoản nhập to pay for its excessive imports.
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