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Đề Cương Ôn Tập Tacn2: Unit 16: Corporate Finance

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Phương Linh- CQ56/18.02

1. The concept of corporate Corporate finance is a broad term that is used
finance to collectively identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ the various
What is the definition of CF? financial dealings /ˈdiːlɪŋ/ undertaken by a
How can you define “CF”? corporation
What does the term “CF” refer to? TCDN là một thuật ngữ rộng được sử dụng để
xác định chung các giao dịch tài chính khác
nhau được thực hiện bởi 1 công ty.
2. The objectives of corporate - Muc tieu cu the:
finance are: + making wise use of the financial resources
available to the company (tận dụng hiệu quả
các nguồn tài chính sẵn có) make use of
+ developing /dɪˈveləpɪŋ/ an operating budget
that addresses all the needs of the company
+ tracking income generated from various
operations and investments
- Muc tieu tong quat:
The general goal is to ensure that the
corporation is achieving /əˈtʃiːv/ the maximum
benefit from available financial resources
while incurring the minimum amount of

3. The other functions of Main function:

corporate finance are: The core (main) /kɔː(r)/ functions of
corporate finance is making wise use of the
financial resources available to the company
Other functions:
+ the management of investments
+ creating and managing the process for
issuing shares of stock or offering corporate
+ acquisitions(buying/purchase) of property or
other companies, mergers, corporate
restructures, or the selling of company assets

4. What does corporate finance The corporate finance include planning,

include?/what is the activities of raising, investing and monitoring of finance in
corporate finance? order to achieve the financial objectives of the
 The activites of corporate finance are
decided by the finance manager
5. What is the task/job of the The finance manager has to takes decisions on
finance manager in planning the questions like
finance ? + How much finance is required by the
+ What are the sources /sɔːs/ of finance?
+ How to use the finance profitably

6. What questions are decided In planning the finance, the finance managers
by the finance manager? take into consideration questions like:
+ How much finance is required by the
In “planning the finance” what company?
should financial managers take + What are the sources /sɔːs/ of finance?
into consideration? + How to use the finance profitably

7. What is the task/job of the The finance manager has to raise (collect)
finance manager in raising the finance for the company from many sources
finance? such as shares, debentures, banks, financial
institutions, creditors and so on

8. What sources of finance can The finance manager can raise /reɪz/ more
finance managers think of when capital from shares, debentures, banks,
they want to raise more capital? financial institutions, creditors and so on

9. What is the task/job of the The finance manager has to uses two types of
finance manager in investing corporate finance to achieve the objectives of
the finance the company

10. How is the capital of a firm (They are)/ The capital of a firm is divided into
basically classified? fixed capital and working capital

What are two type of coporate


11. How are fixed capital and The fixed capital is used to purchase fixed
working capital often used?/ assets such as land, buildings, machinery, and
so on
what is fixed capitap used for? Fixed capital has lower liquidity.

For what purposes is fixed The working capital is used to purchase raw
capital used materials and to pay the day-to-day expenses
such as salaries, rent, taxes, electricity bills,
and so on
Working capital has higher liquidity.

12. What is fixed The fixed capital is the money that is used to
capital/working capital? purchase fixed assets such as land, buildings,
machinery, and so on

The working capital is the money that is used

to …

13 What is the task/job of the The finance manager has to minimize the cost
finance manager in monitoring of finance, the wastage /ˈweɪstɪdʒ/ and
the finance misuse /ˌmɪsˈjuːs/ of finance, and the risk of
investment of finance
What is the objectives of the
finance manager in monitoring The finance manager also has to maximum
the finance return on the finance.

14. What is the activities of the The Activities are

finance manager in monitoring + Supervising, controlling financial activities
the finance and conditions.
Hoạt động: + Evaluating effects caused by financial
- giám sát, kiểm soát các hoạt decisions.
động và điều kiện tài chính. + Suggesting necessary solutions and
- đánh giá hiệu quả do các quyết adjustments for business improvements.
định tài chính gây ra
- đề xuất các giải pháp cần thiết
và điều chỉnh để cải thiện hoạt
động kinh doanh
15. Two major ways of raising a. Equity financing:
funds for corporation? The way companies raise funds by issuing and
selling stocks to investors, using retained
earnings or mobilizing/ˈməʊbəlaɪz/
venture/ˈventʃə(r)/ funds.
b. Debt financing:
Company funds can be raised by borrowing
from creditors or by issuing bonds for

debenture (n) /dɪˈben.tʃər/ a type of loan, often used by companies to raise

Trái khoán money, that is paid back over a long period of
time and at a fixed rate of interest

dilution (n) /daɪˈluːʃən/ the process or action of making something less

 việc/ quá trình làm giảm bớt strong or valuable or
giá tri the process or action of making a company's
shares less valuable by making more shares


1. What is the definition of Gearing is the relationship between
gearing/ˈɡɪərɪŋ/? equity capital invested in the business
and long-term debt

2. What does higher gearing mean? The higher gearing means the more
Cong ty rui ro nhieu hon trong nhung exposed the company is in times of
giai doan kho khan hon economic difficulty

3. What are the forms of equity?

The forms of equity include:
- owner’s capital
- venture capital
- listed and unlisted securities
- long-term loans
4. what is the mean of owner’s Owner’s capital is the money invested
capital? by the owners of the company

5. what the advantage of owner’s in successful times, the owners have a

capital? claim on all the net profit of the

6. what the disadvantage of owner’s Owner’s capital is the most exposed

capital? form of capital
La loai von rui ro nhat (since a return is received only after all
other calls on a company’s profits have
been satisfied)
7. what is the mean of Venture capital Venture capital is the money provided
by the venture firms

8. what is the venture firms? Venture firms are firms that are
interested in financing high-growth
companies or new companies

9. what the advantage of Venture the venture capital company does not
capital usually interfere in the running of the

10. what the disadvantage of Venture the venture capital usually demands a
capital much faster and higher rate of return
than an owner would expect from his/
her own capital
11. what way to raise more capital in the The company can raise more capital by
unlisted securities market issuing securities and selling them on the
unlisted securities market

12. what the advantage of the unlisted The unlisted securities market have the
securities market advantage of allowing a company to
raise money from outside investor
without losing much control of the
13. what the disadvantage of the unlisted This source of equity is available only to
securities market small and medium companies

14. what way to raise more capital in the the Stock Exchange is the listed
Stock Exchange? securities market

The company can raise more capital by

by issuing securities and selling them on
the listed securities market

15. what the advantage of the Stock the listed securities provide the long-
Exchange? term opportunity of raising capital by
issuing fresh shares

16. what the disadvantage of the Stock at least 25 percent of the equity must be
Exchange? in public hands – thereby reducing the
control of the original /əˈrɪdʒənl/
17. what is the mean of long-term loans Long-term debt consists of loans and
financial obligations lasting over one
18. what sources of long-term loans? The sources of long-term loans such as
ngân hàng thanh toán bù trừ, ngân hàng clearing banks, merchant banks, and
thương mại, và thậm chí cả quỹ hưu trí even pension funds

The company must secure its debt over

the fixed assets
And The company must pay interest

19. what the advantage of long-term In times of prosperity, a high gearing

loans? will give the owners a much better

20. what the disadvantage of long-term in harder times, the owner’s earnings
loans? will drop dramatically/drəˈmætɪkli/ as
trong những thời điểm khó khăn hơn, thu
nhập của chủ sở hữu sẽ giảm đáng kể do interest payment soak /səʊk/ up most of
việc trả lãi vay chiếm phần lớn lợi nhuận the company’s profits.
của công ty.

The gearing:
- High when: borrowing/ issuing bonds
- Low when: issuing/ selling stocks.

- Stocks represent the company’s - Bonds represent the company’s
partial ownership debt
- The stockholders are the - The bondholders are
company’s owners creditors/lenders
They are entitled to receive dividends, They have no right to interfere in the
to have voting rights, to control & Co. management but receive regular
supervise the Co. operation fixed interest and get back principal at

bankruptcy (n) /ˈbæŋ.krəpt.si/ a situation in which a business or a person

 Tình trạng phá sản becomes bankrupt
Overdraft (n) /ˈəʊ.və.drɑːft/ Overdraft means withdrawal of money in excess
 Sự rút quá hạn hạn mức trong tài of the credit balance on a bank account.
khoản ngân hàng
Prosperity (n) /prɒsˈper.ɪ.ti/ the state of being successful and having a lot of
 Sự thịnh vượng money
Capital is the money that a company Vốn là tiền mà một công ty sử dụng để
uses to operate and develop hoạt động và phát triển

Share capital is the capital which is Vốn cổ phần là vốn góp của các cổ đông
contributed by shareholders who put up bỏ tiền ra và nắm giữ cổ phần trong
the money and hold shares in the công ty
Loan capital is money (capital) needed Vốn vay là vốn cần thiết để duy trì hoạt
to run a business that is raised from động kinh doanh được huy động từ việc
borrowing đi vay

Leverage /ˈliːvərɪdʒ/ the relationship Đòn bẩy tài chính là mối quan hệ giữa
between the amount of money that a lượng tiền mà một công ty nợ và giá trị
company owes /əʊ/ and the value of its cổ phiếu của công ty đó

security is money or property which is Thế chấp là tiền hoặc tài sản được như
used as a guarantee /ˌɡærənˈtiː/ that dụng như một sự đảm bảo rắng ai đó sẽ
someone will repay a loan trả một khoản vay.
(collateral) /kəˈlætərəl/

Dividents is the money that

Shareholders receive periodic /ˌpɪəri
ˈɒdɪk/ payments

overleveraged means a company that

has difficulty in making payments on its

the principal is the sum of money


Interest is a percentage of the principal

paid to lender


1. what is the main function of the main functions of financial
financial management? management is to provide the correct
amount of working capital at the right
time and in the right place to get the
greatest return on investment

2. what is the working capital Working capital can be divided into:

divided? permanent and temporary.

3. for what purpose is permanent Permanent /ˈpɜː.mə.nənt/ working capital

working capital required? (temporary is tied up in keeping the business flowing
working capital) throughout the year

temporary working capital is needed

from time to take account of seasonal,
cyclical /ˈsaɪklɪkl/, or unexpected
fluctuation/ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃn/ in the business.

4. what are 3 major applications of Both types of working capital have three
working capital? major applications: firstly inventories,
secondly debtors, and finally cash

5. inventories Inventories include raw materials, work

in progress, finished goods

In managing inventories, the financial

manager has to minimize the stocks of
raw materials, work in progress, and
finished goods.

6. Debtors Debtors include payment due to

suppliers, payment owed by customers

The financial management has to see

that generous credit terms are
negotiated with suppliers, but minimal
credit is offered to customers.

7. cash cash is needed for both normal and

abnormal requirements

the financial manager has to ensure that

adequate(enough)/ˈædɪkwət/ cash is
always available for meeting the
company’s day-to-day debts and that
there is also a small reserve on hand to
meet contingencies /kənˈtɪndʒənsi/

9. what happens to the production over-stringent /ˈstrɪndʒənt/ control can

system of a company if its inventories lead to disruption in production
are controlled too stringently?

10. What can cause the disruption in disruption in production caused by the
production? delay in receiving raw materials.
7. What does the “just-in-time” The just-in-time philosophy /fəˈlɒsəfi/ is
philosophy refer to? aimed at reconciling/ˈrekənsaɪl/ these
conflicting interests and keeping
inventory costs to a minimum
8. if working capital is raised without  there will be a drop in profit
a corresponding rise in production
Lean manufacturing means the business
9. “Lean manufacturing” refers to? of production goods in large numbers
using mathods that avoid waste and
reduce the time taken

credit term (n): the arrangements made for giving credit,

điều khoản tín dụng especially the amount of money, the
period of borrowing
customer goodwill (n) /ɡʊdˈwɪl/ part of a company's value that includes
uy tín khách hàng things that cannot be directly measured,
for example, its good reputation or its
customers' loyalty


1. what is the selling concept ? Vigorous/ˈvɪɡərəs/ hard-selling
Vigorous hard-selling:bán hàng cao siêu techniques used to persuade resisting /rɪ
ˈzɪst/ consumers to buy non-essential /ɪ
ˈsenʃl/ goods and services.

2. what is the marketing concept? The “marketing concept” assumes that

the producer’s task is to find wants and
fill them.

3. market opportunities mean possibilities of filling unsatisfied

khả năng đáp ứng các nhu cầu không needs in sectors in which a company can
được thỏa mãn trong các lĩnh vực mà profitably produce goods or services
một công ty có thể sản xuất hàng hóa
hoặc dịch vụ một cách sinh lợi
4. product concept an idea for a new product, which is
tested with target consumers before the
actual product is developed /dɪˈveləpt/

5. distribution channel all the companies or individuals

involved in moving a particular good or
service from the producer to the

6. product features attributes /əˈtrɪbjuːt/ or

characteristics /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk/ of a
thuộc tính hoặc đặc điểm của sản phẩm: product: quality, price, reliabilities, etc.
chất lượng, giá cả, độ tin cậy, v.v
7. market segmentation dividing a market into distinct /dɪ
chia thị trường thành các nhóm người ˈstɪŋkt/ groups of buyers who have
mua riêng biệt có yêu cầu hoặc thói quen different requirements or buying habits
mua khác nhau
8. points of sale places where goods are sold to the public
điểm bán hàng – shops, stores, kiosks, market stalls, etc
9. sales representative someone who contacts existing and
potential customers, and tries to
persuade them to buy goods or services

10. market research collecting, analyzing /ˈænəlaɪz/ and

thu thập, phân tích và báo cáo dữ liệu reporting data involved in a specific
liên quan đến một tình huống marketing marketing situation
cụ thể (chẳng hạn như một sản phẩm
mới được đề xuất)
11. to launch a product to introduce a new product onto the

12. packaging /ˈpækɪdʒɪŋ/ wrappers /ˈræpə(r)/ and containers in

which products are sold

Target marketing involves dividing a

13. target market market into segments and then
Marketing mục tiêu bao gồm việc chia concentrating /ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ your
thị trường thành các phân khúc và sau đó marketing efforts on one or a few key
tập trung nỗ lực tiếp thị của bạn vào một segments
hoặc một vài phân khúc chính

Target consumer
Target consumer is people or a group
of people who are targeted to buy a
certain product.
14. loyal customers regular buyers of a company or a shop

15. marketing mix set of different substances together in


16. sales promotion activities or techniques intended to

các hoạt động hoặc kỹ thuật nhằm tạo ra create consumer demand for a product or
nhu cầu của người tiêu dùng đối với một service
sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ

17. potential market A potential market is the part of the

Thị trường tiềm năng là phần thị trường market you can capture in the future
bạn có thể nắm bắt trong tương lai.
18. What are the elements /ˈelɪmənt/ the elements of the marketing mix are
of the marketing mix? product, place, promotion and price.

19. What aspects are considered in Factors of products include : quality,

marketing products? features (standard and optional), style,
What factors are included in …..? brand /brænd/ name, size, packaging,
services and guarantee.
Sản phẩm bao gồm chất lượng, tính
năng, phong cách, tên thương hiệu, kích Price includes the basic list price,
thước, đóng gói, dịch vụ và bảo hành. discounts, the length of the payment
period, possible credit terms, and so on
Giá bao gồm những đơn giá cơ bản,
chiết khấu, kỳ thanh toán và các điều Place Includes distribution channels,
khoản vay. locations of points of sale, transport,
inventory size, etc.
Địa điểm trong marketing mix bao gồm
những yếu tố như kênh phân phối, địa Promotion includes promotion groups
điểm bán hàng, vận chuyển, together advertising, publicity, sales
lượng hàng hóa tồn kho promotion and personal selling.

Xúc tiến thương mại/ Quảng bá sản

phẩm gồm những hoạt động như quảng
cáo, quảng bá, xúc tiến thương mại, bán
hàng trực tiếp

21. Which is larger, consumer market the producer market is actually larger
or producer market? than the consumer market

vì nó bao gồm tất cả các nguyên liệu thô, because it contains all the raw materials,
các bộ phận được chế tạo và các thành manufactured parts and components
phần đi vào hàng tiêu dùng, /kəmˈpəʊnənt/ that go into consumer
cộng với thiết bị vốn như nhà cửa và goods, plus capital equipment such as
máy móc, vật tư như năng lượng và bút buildings and machines, supplies such as
và giấy và các dịch vụ từ vệ sinh đến tư energy and pens and paper, and services
vấn quản lý, tất cả đều phải được ranging from cleaning to management
marketing. consulting, all of which have to be

consumer market is the market in which

people buy products for direct

Producer market refers to consisting of

all the individuals and organizations
that acquire goods and services that are
used in the production of other goods, or
in the supply of services to others.
22. Why should the production Market opportunities are generally
department should understand the isolated /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd/ by market
marketing concept? segmentation. Once a target market has
Cơ hội thị trường nói chung bị cô lập bởi been identified, a company has to decide
phân đoạn thị trường. khi đã xác định what goods or services to offer. This
được thị trường mục tiêu, công ty phải means that much of the work of
quyết định cung cấp hàng hóa hoặc dịch marketing has been done before the final
vụ nào. Điều này có nghĩa là phần lớn product or service onto the market.
công việc tiếp thị đã được thực hiện
trước khi sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ cuối
cùng ra đời.

23. Why must the company consider Because they who always have to be
the existence of competitors? identified, monitored and defeated in the
những người luôn phải được xác định, search for loyal customers.
theo dõi và đánh bại trong việc tìm kiếm
khách hàng trung thành.


price (v) - định giá To fix or establish a price for a property.

price (n) [praɪs] - giá The amount as of money or goods, asked

for or given in exchange for something

market-positioning strategy (n): plan of action to position the market

– chiến lược định vị thị trường
/pəˈzɪʃənɪŋ/ /ˈstrætədʒi/
bargain (v) [ˈbɑːgɪn] discuss prices, conditions to reach a
dam phan satisfactory agreement

thảo luận về giá cả, các điều kiện để đạt

được thỏa thuận thỏa đáng

negotiate (v) [nɪˈgəʊʃɪˌeɪt]: try to reach an agreement by formal


What is the difference between setting How was prices set?

prices now and in the past? - In the past, prices were set by buyers
and sellers negotiating with each other
How can you distinguish setting price in  Sellers would ask for a higher price
the past and setting price now? than they expected to receive
 buyers would offer less than they
How setting price in the past differs expected to pay.
from setting price now?
How are prices set?
- Now prices are determined by the
demand and supply and are set for all

Why the mistakes in the setting the Because many companies make the
price are called common? same mistakes in setting the prices

What are the most common mistakes The most common mistakes are that:
in the setting the price?
- định giá quá theo định hướng chi - pricing is too cost
phí, oriented/ɔːrientɪd/

- giá không được sửa đổi thường - price is not revised often enough
xuyên đủ để theo kip những thay đổi của to capitalize ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz/ on market
thị trường, changes

- price is set independently of the

- giá được đặt độc lập với phần còn rest of the marketing mix rather than as
lại của the marketing mix hơn là một an intrinsic /ɪnˈtrɪnzɪk/ element of
yếu tố nội tại của chiến lược định vị thị
market-positioning strategy
- and price is not varied /ˈveərid/
- và giá cả không đủ đa dạng cho
enough for different product items and
các mặt hàng sản phẩm và phân khúc thị
market segments
trường khác nhau

Prove that price plays an important Price plays an important role in the
role in the economy? economy:
+ It’s major determinant of buyer choice.
(What’re the important roles of price?) + It’s one of the most important
elements determining company market
share and profitability.
+ It’s only element in the marketing mix
that produces revenue
What do company do to handle In order to handle pricing well,
/ˈhændl/ pricing well? companies should consider prices in
relation to order factors including other
3Ps of marketing-mix.

+ Prices shoudn’t be too cost oriented.

+ In addition, prices should be revised
often enough to capitalize on market
+ Price should be varied enough for
different product items and market

What are the different ways of setting- Price are set in different ways in
prices? different types of companies:

(How are prices set in different types - In small companies, prices are often set
of organization?) by top management.
(Giá được đặt theo nhiều cách khác
nhau trong các loại công ty khác nhau: - In large companies, prices are handled
+ Trong các công ty nhỏ, giá thường by divisional and product-line managers.
được thiết lập bởi các nhà quản lý hàng
đầu. - In industries, prices are determined by
+ Trong các công ty lớn, giá cả được a pricing department.
quản lý bởi các phòng ban chức năng và
quản lý dòng sản phẩm.
+ Trong các ngành công nghiệp, giá
được xác định bởi một bộ phận định giá)


1. what is accounting? The process of recording, classifying and
summarizing /ˈsʌməraɪz/ economic
logical manner: một cách hợp lý events in a logical manner for the
purpose of providing financial
information for decision making

2. What is the basic purpose of the basic purpose of accounting is to

accounting? provide decisions makers with
information useful in making economic
3. what is the accounting information? Accounting information is the means
là phương tiện mà chúng ta đo lường và by which we measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ and
truyền đạt các sự kiện kinh tế communicate economic events

4. what is the accounting process? - The accounting process produces

accounting information
được người ra quyết định sử dụng trong
việc đưa ra các quyết định kinh tế và purpose: used by decision maker in
thực hiện các hành động cụ thể making economic decisions and taking
specific actions

5. what is the input and output of the - output of the accounting process
accounting process? is accounting information
- economic activities are input of
the accounting process

6. what is the financial accounting Financial accouting refers to information

information? describing /dɪˈskraɪb/ financial
resources, obligations and activities of
(Kế toán tài chính là thông tin mô tả các an economic entity
nguồn tài chính, nghĩa vụ và hoạt động
của một tổ chức kinh tế) Purpose: Financial accounting
(Thông tin kế toán tài chính được thiết information is designed mainly to assist
kế chủ yếu để hỗ trợ các nhà đầu tư và investors and creditors in deciding to
chủ nợ quyết định đầu tư các nguồn lực place their scare investment resources
đầu tư đáng sợ của họ)

7. Who uses financial accounting Financial accounting information is

information? mainly used by people outside the
company such as investors and

Financial accounting information also is

used by managers and in income tax

8. what is financial position? financial position describe financial

Tình hình tài chính resources and obligations of an entity at
one point in time
9. results of operations results of operations describe financial
kết quả hoạt động activities of an entity during the year

10. Management accounting Management accounting involves the

information development and interpretation /ɪn
ˌtɜːprəˈteɪʃn/ of accounting information

 định ra mục tiêu tổng thể của cty purpose: Management accounting
 đánh giá việc thực hiện công vc của information is desingned to assist the
các phòng ban và các cá nhân management in running the business
 quyết định có nên giới thiệu dòng sp
mới + in setting the company’s overall goals
 giúp tạo ra hầu hết các loại quyết + evaluating/ɪˈvæljueɪt/ the
định về quản lý performance of departments and
+ deciding whether to introduce a new
line of products
+ in making virtually /ˈvɜːtʃuəli/ all
types of managerial decisions.

11. Tax accounting information tax accounting refers to calculating how

much tax an individual or a company
should pay – or trying to reduce this

purpose: the preparation of an income

tax return /ˌprepəˈreɪʃn/
12. tax return is a form that some people must fill in to
kê khai thuế give information about how much they
have earned in a year

13. tax planning tax planning means anticipating the “tax

effects” of business transactions and
 lập kế hoạch thuế có nghĩa là dự structuring these transactions in a
đoán “tác động thuế” của các giao dịch manner that will minimize the income
kinh doanh và cấu trúc các giao dịch tax burden.
này theo cách sẽ giảm thiểu gánh nặng
thuế thu nhập

Assets are anything owned by a

company such as cash, buildings,

Expenditure means the money that a

company spends

liabilities are money that a company will

have to pay to someone else such as
bills, debts, interest, taxes¸ etc.

Income is the money that a company

receives from supplying goods or

bookkeeping is a book that recording

transactions (purchases and sales) in
auditing is checking and evaluating
financial records


1. what is the definition of Journal? Journal is sometimes called the book of
original entry(i)

Journal is a book recording daily

business transactions

2. business transactions include? business transactions such as sales, uses

of raw materials, purchases, and so on
3. The ledgers /ˈledʒə(r)/? The ledgers is a book containing all the
accounts of a company

4. An account? An account is a financial record(e)

hồ sơ tài chính… giao dịch tương tự which contains information about a
group of similar transactions

5. Definition of financial statements Financial statements are written

records(e) that convey the business
activities and the financial performance
of a company.

6. purpose of financial statements  used as a basis for business

decisions such as:
What are financial statements used for? + allocation of financial
+ development of new
+ expansion of operations
 used for determining /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/
income taxes liabilities

7. what are the tasks of accountants? Daily accountants record(i) business

transactions in a journal

Periodically, they transfer figures from

the journal to the ledger.

At the end of the fiscal year, they have to

design the financial statements based on
the information in the accounts
8. The balance sheet show? shows the company’s financial situation
on a particular date, generally the last
day of the financial year.

9. accounting equation? Assets = Liabilities + Owners’ Equity

10. The balance sheet includes The balance sheet includes the
company’s assets, its liabilities and
shareholder’s funds.

+A business’s assets include debtors or

accounts receivable as it is assumed that
these will be paid

+ Liabilities include creditors or

accounts payable, as these will have to
be paid

+ shareholder’s funds (Owners’ (or

Shareholders’) Equity): share capital,
sahre premium and company’s reserves

11. Owners’ (or Shareholders’) Equity + share capital: money received from the
includes: (net assets) issue of shares

+ share premium (GB) or paid- in

surplus (US) is any money realized by
selling shares at above their nominal

+ the company’s reserves including the

year’s retained profits

12.market capitalization ? /ˌkæpɪtəlaɪ the total value of company shares at any

ˈzeɪʃn/ given moment, i.e. the number of shares
von hoa thi truong? times(x) their market price

 Shareholders’ equity or net assets are

generally less than a company’s market

13. Negative items on financial Negative items on financial statements,

statements? such as creditors, taxation, and dividends
paid, are usually enclosed in brackets

14. The income statement.(profit and It show earnings and expenditures

loss account) show?

15. What figures do earning and It gives figures for total sales or tunover
expenditure equate to? and cost or overhead

16. in order to make a profit, what figure The total sales must be higher than the
is higher? cost or overhead >> in order to make a

17. How are profit divided? + Part of the profit goes to the
government in taxation;
How profits are usually split? + part is usually distributed to
shareholders (stockholders) as dividend,
+ and part is retained by the company

18. The cash slow statements Show the inflow of cash and the outflow
the source and application of funds of cash
the statement of changes in financial  the inflow of cash (Sources of funds) :
position trading profits, depreciation provisions,
sales of assets, borrowing, and the
issuing of shares.

 the outflow of cash (Applications of

funds): purchases of fixed assets or
financial assets, payment of dividends,
repayment of loans, and- in a bad year –
trading losses.

19. How many financial statements do financial statements include: The

companies include in their annual balance sheet, The income statement,
report? The cash slow statements.

20. Where is flow of cash both in and flow of cash both in and out of the
out of the company recorded? company recorded in the cash slow

21. accounts receivable? sum of money owed to customers for

khoản phải thu goods or services purchased or credit

22. accounts payable (US) or creditors sum of money owed to suppliers for
(GB) purchases made on credit
khoản phải trả
23. double-entry bookkeeping every transaction is recorded in one
ghi sổ kép account as a sum received and other as a
sum paid
Definition of Financial analysis /ə Financial analysis is the selection,
ˈnæləsɪs/? evaluation, and interpretation of
financial data, along with other pertinent
/ˈpɜːtɪnənt/ information, to assist in
investment and financial decision-

Purpose of Financial analysis used internally to evaluate issues :sử

dụng nội bộ đánh giá cac vấn đề
+ employee performance,
+ the efficiency of operations
+ credit policies,

used externally to evaluate potential

investments and the credit-worthiness
/ˈwɜːðinəs/ of borrowers : sử dụng bên
ngoài nhà đầu tư tiềm năng và khả
năng thanh toán của ng đi vay

the sources of data? There are three the sources of data:

- Financial statement data:
- Market data:
- Economic data:

Financial statement data: provided by the company itself in its

annual /ˈænjuəl/ reports

+ Include: profit & loss,

+ provides: to disclose additional

Market data: + Include: the market prices of

Được cung cấp bởi báo cáo tài chính, securities, stock price indices
phương tiện truyền thông điện tử hàng /ˈɪndɪsiːz/
ngày. + Come from: financial press, daily
electronic media…

Economic data: + Include: GDP & CPI (Consumer Price

Index),consumption, production…
+ Come from: Government and private
+ provides: financial data about the
company’s operating performance and
financial position.

Current events: may help explain the company’s present

Những sự kiện gần đây có thể giải thích condition and may have a bearing on its
tình trạng hiện tại của công ty và có thể future prospects /ˈprɒspekt/
ảnh hưởng đến triển vọng tương lai của
công ty. + Include: Co. expansion,
+ Come from: Reports, mass media…

A ratio A ratio is a mathematical /ˌmæθə

ˈmætɪkl/ relation between one quantity
and another.

A financial ratio A financial ratio is a comparison

between one bit of financial information
and another

Current ratio Current ratio is the comparision

between current assets and current

Current assets are assets which can be

readily /ˈredɪli/ turned into cash
 Tai san ngan han, san sang
chuyen sang tien mat
Current liabitities are debts which are
due in the near future
 No ngan han

How are financial ratios classified? Financial rations are classified by

Theo cấu trúc và đặc trưng construction and by general

+ By construction ratios can be classified

as a coveraged ratio, a return ratio, a
turnove ratio or a component percentage.
+ by general characteristics, they can
classified into a liquidity ratio, a
profitability ratio, an activity ratio, a
financial leverage ratio, a shareholder
ratio and a return on investment ratio.

A coverage ratio A coverage ratio is a measure of a

chỉ số khả năng thanh toán là thước đo company’s ability to satisfy (meet)
khả năng của một công ty trong việc đáp particular obligations.
ứng các nghĩa vụ cụ thể

A return ratio is a measure of the net benefit, relative

chỉ số lợi nhuận là đánh giá lợi nhuận to the resources expended.
ròng so với các nguồn lực đã đc sử dụng
A turnover ratio is a measure of the gross benefit, relative
chỉ số doanh thu đánh giá tổng lợi to the resources expended.
nhuận so với nguồn lực đã đc sử dụng

A component percentage is a ratio of a component of an item to

tỷ trọng thành phần là một chỉ số của the item.
một thành phần sản phẩm này so với
tổng sản phẩm

aspects of the company operation A liquidity /lɪˈkwɪdəti/ ratio: provides

by general characteristics classified into.. information on a company’s ability to
meet its short-term, immediate
 Chỉ số thanh khoản

A profitability ratio: provides

information on the amount of income
from each dollar of sales.
 Chỉ số khả năng sinh lời

An activity ratio: relates information on

a company’s ability to manage its
resources (that is, its assets) efficiently.
 Chỉ số hoạt động

A financial leverage ratio: provides

Chỉ số đòn bẩy tài chính cung cấp thông information on the degree of a
tin về mức độ của các nghĩa vụ tài trợ cố company’s fixed financing obligations
định của một công ty và khả năng đáp and its ability to satisfy these financing
ứng các nghĩa vụ tài trợ này. obligations.
 Chỉ số đòn bẩy tài chính
Hệ số cổ phần mô tả tình trạng tài chính
của công ty về số lượng trên mỗi cổ A shareholder ratio: describes the
phiếu cổ phiếu. company’s financial condition in terms
of amounts per share of stock.
 Hệ số cổ phần

Chỉ số lợi nhuậ trên đầu từ cung cấp A return on investment ratio: provides
thông tin về số lượng lợi nhuận so với information on the amount of profit,
các tài sản đc sử dụng để tạo ra lợi nhuận relative to the assets employed to
đó. produce that profit.
 Chỉ số lợi nhuận trên đầu tư

Interpretation (n) [ɪnˌtɜːprɪˈteɪʃən] the act or process of interpreting or

explaining; elucidation


1. Auditors? Auditing is an accounting function that
là 1 chức năng của kế toán liên quan involve the review and evaluation of
đến… financial records.

internal auditing internal auditing is done by

accountants of accounting department.

2. How is auditing done? It is done by someone other than the

person who entered the transactions in
the records

3. What kind of system for checking Corporations usually maintain a

on operating and recording jobs is continuous internal audit or internal
maintained by many organizations? control by their own accounting
kiem toan noi bộ lien tuc hoac kiem
soat noi bộ

4. What do accountants do to + continously review operating

maintain an internal audit? procedures /prəˈsiːdʒə(r)/ and finacial
What are the tasks of internal auditos? records and report to management on
What do internal auditors do? the current state of the company’s fiscal

 Liên tục kiểm tra….

 báo cáo cho giám đốc về tình

hình hiện tại của các vấn đề của
công ty
+ also make suggestions to management
for improvements in the standard
operating procedures.
 Đề xuất cho giám đốc về cải thiện
trong trình tự hoạt động chuẩn

+ check the accounting records in the

regard /rɪˈɡɑːd/ to completeness /kəm
ˈpliːtnəs/ and accuracy /ˈækjərəsi/,
making sure that irregularities are
 Kiểm tra những ghi chép đối
chiếu với việc hoàn thành và tính
chính xác

 Chắc chắn tất cả những bất

thường được làm đúng
5. What is the aim of internal + seek to ensure that the various
auditors? departments of the company follows the
policies and proccedures established by
 Chắc chắn rằng các phòng ban
của cong ty tuân thủ các chính
sách và trình tự được thiết lập
bởi nhà quản lý

6. What different emphases can be

placed on an internal auditor’s
In some organizations, the auditor’s
trong một số tổ chức, chức năng chính major or even sole function is to report
hoặc thậm chí duy nhất của kiểm toán on the completeness and accuracy of the
viên là báo cáo về tính đầy ddue và books of account, as the financial
chính xác của số sách kế toán, vì hồ sơ records are known collectively.
tài chính được biết đến chung.
In more progressive companies, greater
trong các công ty lớn hơn, sự quan attention may be paid to the auditor’s
tâm lớn hơn dành cho đề xuất của kiểm suggestions.
toán viên.

7. What weakness exists in the

internal auditing system?
internal audit may be not objective
Kiểm toán nội bộ có thể không khách because if a report is unfavorable /ʌn
quan bởi vì nếu một báo cáo không ˈfeɪvərəbl/ , it may not be shown to the
thuận lợi, nó có thể không được hiện thị person in management who can correct
cho người quản lý, người có thể sửa vấn the problem
8. advantages? advantages:
Nhờ kiểm toán nội bộ, ban giám đốc: Thanks to the internal audit, the
+ biết tình trạng hiện tại của các vấn đề + Knows the current state of the
tài chính của công ty company’s fiscal affairs.
+ biết những sai lệch so với các quy + Knows deviations /ˌdiːviˈeɪʃn/ from
trình vận hành chuẩn standard operating procedures.
+ nhân được các đề xuất cải tiến trong + Receives suggestions for improvement
các quy trình vận hành tiêu chuẩn in the standards operating procedures

9. What happens if management if management receives incorrect

receives the incorrect information? information, they can not correct the
problem that exist

10. How can management overcome To overcome this weakness

this weakness? (disadvantage), management must
ensure that reports are received at all
levels with absolute objectivity.

UNIT 27: international business

1. advantages of world trade? Advanrages of world trade:
+ develop the economy
How might underdeveloped countries + meet market demands
benefit from international trade? + increase production of goods

2.What factors would contribute to Factors leading to efficient production in

efficient production in some certain some certain countries include:
countries? - Climate
- Natural resources
What four factors mentioned would - Geographical location
contribute to a country’s production - Laborers
efficiency? Effective production of certain goods:
Low costs, high productivity, high
output, good quality

3. What types of business There are: Transportation/ marketing /

opportunities are presented as a result distributing
of interdependence among trading

4. Adam Smith’s absolute advantage In a free market, countries produce

theory? whatever they can most efficiently grow
or manufacture, or what is of the greatest
advantage to them

there is international specialization

which results in the most efficient
production of goods.

5. David Ricardo’s comparative an exporting country does not have to be

advantage theory? the most efficient producer of the
product, it only has to be more efficient
than the country which imports the

Mutually beneficial trade arises when

one country has a comparative

6. Why does the G control/ encourage - a country enjoys an advantage if it

the exports? exports more than it imports.
- Wealth accrues /əˈkruː/ to the
exporting country.

7. How does the G control/ encourage Countries have special programs such
the exports? as: provide marketing information,
Cung cấp tt markets, hình thành phái establish trade missions, subsidize
đoàn ngoại giao, trợ cấp hàng xuất khẩu exports and provide tax benefits or
và cung cấp ưu đãi thuế incentives.

8. Explain how exporting countries they receive money from selling exports
become wealthy?

9. Dumping? Dumping is selling on a foreign market

at a price below the cost of production

10.Why would a country object to this would damage dometic industries

foreign countries dumping goods?

11. Why might a government the G want to provide jobs for the
subsidize an inefficient export population or to control the market for
industry? products.

12. Why does the G control/ restrict governments want to protect a domestic
the imports? industry because that industry provides
employment for the population

13. How does the G control/ restrict Gs impose taxes which eliminate the
the imports? comparative advantage, of quotas which
CP đánh thuế để loại bỏ lợi thế so sánh, restrict the import of the product.
hạn ngạch để hạn chế nhập khẩu sp

14. Two forms of import taiffs? A specific tariff is a certain amount of

tax for each unit of the product, for
example $500 for each automobile

An ad valorem tariff is based on the

value of the product, for example 5% of
its value.

15. What are two forms of they are taxes and quotas

16. What is one advantage of tariffs tariffs raise revenue for the G
over quotas to a government?

lợi ích từ thuế: A tariff increases the

price of the item, raise revenue for the
government, and controls consumption
through market forces.

17.Why do tariffs and quotas have tariffs increase the price but the supply is
different effects on the market? not limited, while quotas may be a
higher price but restrict supply

18. International trade International trade involves the

exchange of one currency for another

Most currencies are now exchanged on a

floating rate basis - There are no official
exchange rates.

a floating rate basis is the rates

fluctuate according to market forces

19. With a floating exchange rate, the value of currency would tend to raise
what would happen to the exchange (decrease)
value of currency from a country that
exports more (less) than it imports?
20. Explain why the value of the because the currency of this country
currency of a country that imports would become weaker? (stronger)
more than it
exports would tend to decrease (raise)

21.Balance of payments Balance of payments is the amount of

Cán thân thanh toán money that goes in and out of a country

22. Balance of trade Balance of trade is the difference

between a country’s imports and exports.

Balance of trade surplus is when a

country exports more than it imports

Balance of trade deficit is when a

country imports more than it exports

23.Why the comparative advantage Because the transportation costs increase

which a country enjoys sometimes and currency exchange rates change

24. What would be a good reason for - to save transportation costs

an exporting company to set up a
subsidiary in the country that imports
its products?

25. What is a parent company? - parent company is a large company

subsidiary is a small company

26 Why might a country encourage to develop its economy, to prove jobs for
foreign investment or the the population, to reduce balance of
establishment of subsidiaries of trade deficit.
foreign companies?


Trade barriers? Trade barriers are any of a number of
Những hạn chế đc áp đặt của government-placed restrictions on trade
chính phủ lên thương mại của các between nations
quốc gia
The most common sorts of The most common sorts of trade barriers are:
trade? tariffs, quotas, subsidies, and embargoes (cấm
+ Tariffs are simply taxes placed on imports:
đơn giản là thuế đánh lên hàng NK
A tariff is added to the price of the imported
goods. : được cộng vào giá của sp đc NK

+ a quota is simply a quantity restriction

placed on a good, service, or activity
Quotas are design to restrict imports and
promote exports
For example, employers often face hiring
quotas for different demographic groups and
sales representatives often have quotas for sales

+ Subsidy is a grant paid a G to an enterprise

to benefit the public or to keep prices low.
Subsidies are often placed to protect domestic
for example, are heavily subsidized, to ensure
the citizenry has a constant supply of
affordable food. Steel is also often subsidized,
to ensure a nation always has a domestic steel
supply, which can be crucial during times of
war when normal shipping avenues may be cut

+ Embargoes basically prohibit the import or

export of anything with another country : cơ
bản là cấm nhập khẩu hoặc xuất khẩu…

They are often done as a form of punishment,

or to try to force the country to undergo radical
change internally : được thực hiện như hình
thức trừng phạt hoặ cố gắng ép buộc quốc gia
nào đó thay đổi căn bản từ bên trong

Reasons commonly used to justify Nation commonly use trade barriers

trade barriers? + to protect domestic employment.
+ to protect relatively young domestic
Các lý do đc sử dụng để biện industries.
minh cho rào cản thương mại + to prevent unfair trade practices of foreign
+ to prevent dumping.
+ to Protect firms and industries that produce
output vital to the security ans defense /dɪ
ˈfens/ of the nation

The world trade organization? The WTO is the widest reaching of free trade
It enforces strict rules against member nations
It restricts acceptable use of things like tariffs,
but have similar effects


What does the merchandise trade They are the merchandise trade balance,
balance measure ? the current account, the capital account
Cán cân thương mại hàng hóa, tài khoản and the balance of payments.
vãng lai, tài khoản vốn và cán cân thanh
What is the narrowest measure of a It is merchandise trade balance
country’s trade? + The merchandise trade balance looks
only at visible goods.

what does merchandise trade balance + The merchandise trade balance looks
looks at? only at visible goods.

+ The current account includes a

country’s exports and imports of
services, in addition to its visible trade.

+ The capital account includes all the

payments and transfer of funds.

What is the widest measure of a The widest measure of a country’s trade

country’s trade is called its balance of payments

+ The balance of payments includes not

only payments arboard, but the goods,
services, and all transfer of funds that
cross international borders (đi biên giới
quốc tế)

What are countries with current countries with current account surplus
account surplus called? called profitable traders (nhà trao đổi có

Đầu tư ra nước ngoài hoặc cất vào khoản countries with current account surplus
dự phòng ngoại tệ can use the extra money to invest
abroad, or it can put it in foreign
currency reserves.

What are countries with current countries with current account deficit
account deficit called? called unprofitable traders

Tìm kiểm khoản vay hoặc đầu tư ở nước can look abroad for loans or investments
ngoài hoặc buộc phải dốc khoản dự or be forced to dip into its own reserves
phòng để thanh toán cho khoản nhập to pay for its excessive imports.
khẩu dư ra

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