A) Introduce Your Company and Its Products/services Capture Interest
A) Introduce Your Company and Its Products/services Capture Interest
A) Introduce Your Company and Its Products/services Capture Interest
First, I would like to thank the Strategic Planning Committee members for their commitment to
this planning process, for their patience and good humor, and for their fortitude in seeing it
through to the end. Zemen bank is a designed specifically for the ever growing, highly attractive
market; credit skills and technology innovation are the two main enablers of our strategy. It
began operating at the start of 2009 G.c and foundations of success are now firmly in place.
Strategic planning keeps an organization on track over time, and allows the organization to
respond to change while remaining faithful to their mission and vision. The process itself may
have as much value to the organization as the final plan, since so much can be learned from
surveying both the position of the organization and the state of the environment in which the
organization operates. Zemen Bank has joined the ranks of commercial banks that have
contracted external consultants to overhaul their management strategies. Zemen has hired Price
water house Coopers East Africa (PwC) to design a five-year strategic plan and a 10-year
strategic road map.
Strategic planning and management system that organizations use to achive the objectives:
Develop the skills and competency of the employee in the finical sector
Improve business the infrastructure and information technology systems
Strong and diversified small business sector
Effective and forceful auditing and monitoring system
Established a specialized entity in deposit guarantee
Effective and reliable channel for decision making process
Contributing in developing capital market
In order to achieve strategic planning, the bank has adopted balanced scorecard. The balanced
scorecard (BSC) is a strategic planning and management system that organizations use to:
Communicate what they are trying to accomplish
Align the day-to-day work that everyone is doing with strategy
Prioritize projects, products, and services
Measure and monitor progress towards strategic targets
The Strategic Planning development Process
BSC is selected as Strategy design tool
Training to the Top Management and Experts has been given
Establishment of a steering committee to coordinate and guide the SP dev’t (EMC)
Continuous deliberation on each part of the draft document
One day work-shop with all Directors and managers
Presentation to the BoD for comment and approval
Continuous awareness creation among all staffs
Monitoring evaluation of results
The vision of Zemen Bank is to be "Ethiopia's Five Star Bank"
Mission Statement
1. To deliver our clients the most distinctive banking experience in Ethiopia through a mix
of local Know-how and world-class standards
2. To ensure for our staff an engaging, rewarding, and attractive work environment
alongside a best-in-industry compensation scheme
3. To provide our shareholders satisfactory returns on a sustainable basis
Core Values
Innovation and Scaling up
Social Responsibility
Personal Banking
Personal Saving
Personal Checking
Consumer Loan
Certificate of Deposit
International Banking
Corporate Loans
Multi-Channel Banking
Internet Banking
ATM Banking
Mobile Banking
Doorstep Banking
Key Strategic Issues
Resource Mobilization
Capital Growth
Optimal Utilization of IT
Premise Acquisition and Asset Management
Human Resource Management & Development
Process Efficiency and Effectiveness
Marketing & Promotion
Risk Management and compliance
Strategic Themes & Results Operational Excellence
This is a strategy geared to excelling service delivery through the provision of efficient and
effective services at all levels. To enhance its current growth momentum to a higher level, and
needs to achieve a distinguished service excellence via instituting operational efficiency and by
providing differentiated products. Generally, the purpose of operational excellence is to imprint
the bank in the minds and hearts of the customers by meaningfully aligning its organization,
human resources, processes and technology resources towards the convenience of customers
Business Growth. The following key results are sought:
Increased resource base (deposit + FCY),
Availing new banking services in response to customers’ needs,
Expanded service outreach,
Creating competent staff, and
Sustained gross profit
Executive Summary
Advancement in technology has continuously impacted on how businesses operate in an
expanding and an ever increasing business environment (Nicoletti, 2013). Technology
continuously dictates that business should grow, shift and adapt for them to retain a competitive
edge in a rapidly business environment. Technology influences how employees are valued by the
organization, and how the organization conducts its business on a regular basis. Therefore, the
evolvement of technology demands that business should evolve as well for it to remain
competitive in the marketplace. An example of such technological innovation includes e-
banking. Various financial products and business process have been developed (Demirer, 2016).
Markets for the financial institution and retail clients have been increased as a result of
innovation. This has been improving and developing some of performance measurement systems
like ERP and CRM with the existing process of conducting business to achieve greater efficiency
(Willcocks, 2015).
To set up strategic planning for coming five years and due to achive
Objectives and initiatives are not clearly articulated and properly cascaded.
Lacks clear directions on monitoring and evaluation of performances on the stated
The strategy is not comprehensive enough to address all the required targets
and initiatives therein
Our Values
Team work
Staff Development
Customer Focused
Strategic Implications of Banks Culture: The organizational culture requires consideration for
the company’s cultural factors in strategic management. For example,
Leadership accountability makes the banking company’s strategies include measures and
metrics for monitoring strategic results and their links to leaders’ decisions.
The cultural emphasis on team orientation requires management decisions to utilize
teams, such as in team-based strategies for marketing.
to support the corporate culture’s empowerment of employees through diversity
Q2. Mission/Vision
A. Show existing mission and vision statements
The Company abides strictly by the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where it operates,
and observes the guidelines and rules issued by regulatory authorities of the Federal Republic of
Ethiopia. It also keeps its corporate governance system under constant review to ensure that it is
in line with international and local best practices since the first day of operation October 2008.
The vision of Zemen Bank is to be "Ethiopia's Five Star Bank"
Mission Statement
To deliver our clients the most distinctive banking experience in Ethiopia through a mix
of local Know-how and world-class standards
To ensure for our staff an engaging, rewarding, and attractive work environment
alongside a best-in-industry compensation scheme
To provide our shareholders satisfactory returns on a sustainable basis
B. why it is improved?
Zemen bank’s vision and mission combined offer a broad, overall sense of the organization’s
direction. To work toward achieving these overall aspirations, organizations also need to create
goals—narrower aims that should provide clear and tangible guidance to employees as they
perform their work on a daily basis. Strategic leaders need to ensure that their organizations have
three types of aims. A vision states what the organization aspires to become in the future. A
mission reflects the organization’s past and present by stating why the organization exists and
what role it plays in society. Goals are the more specific aims that organizations pursue to reach
their visions and missions. The best goals are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic, and time-bound. An easy way to remember these dimensions is to combine the first
letter of each into one word: SMART
C. Compare your mission and vision to a leading competitor’s statements.
Buna International Bank S.C. has joined the Banking industry of Ethiopia following the
favorable economic developments witnessed in the country during the last decade and the
incessantly growing needs for Financial Services.
Vision Statement
“To become one of the top three commercial banks in Ethiopia by the Year 2030.”
Mission Statement
“To Provide Commercial Banking Services to enhance values of key stakeholders and win public
trust using professional employees and State-of-the-art technology”
D. How they support the strategies?
The mission and vision statements of a company help direct the organizational strategy. Both
provide purpose and goals, which are necessary elements of a strategy. They outline the audience
for the business, and what that audience finds important. Vision, mission, and values play a part
in the organizational strategy process. The basic building blocks of values such as honesty,
integrity, respect, and professional behavior is combined and developed into the mission
statement of what the organization is all about. Identifying the mission of the organization
identifies where the organization is and how it conducts business currently. Values provide the
guidance of how the organization will reach the ultimate goal or vision. Without strong and
defined values, a mission or vision is not possible because there are no individual steps to
provide guidance.
By formulating strong and ethical values that are the foundation and individual steps, a mission
can be stated. A mission or the current state of affairs for an organization as it is currently helps
employees and customers understand what the organization is all about. A mission assists the
organization move toward its vision or ultimate goal or objective of what the ultimate end should
look like when the organization achieves its mission. By identifying and understanding how
values, mission, and vision interact with one another, and organization can plan a well-designed
and successful strategic plan leading to competitive advantage.