Loss in Fiber Optics
Loss in Fiber Optics
Loss in Fiber Optics
Signal Attenuation & Distortion in
Optical Fibers
Why & to what degree do optical signals get distorted as they propagate
down a fiber?
Signal distortion cause that optical pulses to broaden as they travel along a
fiber, the overlap between neighboring pulses, creating errors in the receiver
output, resulting in the limitation of information-carrying capacity of a fiber.
Attenuation (fiber loss)
• Power loss along a fiber:
Z=0 Z= l
− p l
P(0) mW P(l ) = P(0)e mw
− p z
P( z ) = P(0)e [3-1]
• The parameter is called fiber attenuation coefficient in a units of for
example [1/km] or [nepers/km]. A more common unit is [dB/km] that is
defined by:
10 P(0)
[dB/km] = log = 4.343 p [1 / km] [3-2]
l P(l )
Fiber loss in dB/km
z=0 Z=l
3- Radiation defects
Scattering Loss
• Small (compared to wavelength) variation in material density, chemical
composition, and structural inhomogeneity scatter light in other directions
and absorb energy from guided optical wave.
• The essential mechanism is the Rayleigh scattering. Since the black body
radiation classically is proportional to −4(this is true for wavelength
typically greater than 5 micrometer), the attenuation coefficient due to
Rayleigh scattering is approximately proportional to −.4This seems to me
not precise, where the attenuation of fibers at 1.3 & 1.55 micrometer can be
exactly predicted with Planck’s formula & can not be described with
Rayleigh-Jeans law. Therefore I believe that the more accurate formula for
scattering loss is
scat −5 exp( )
k B T
h = 6.626 10 −34 Js, k B = 1.3806 10 −23 JK -1 , T : Temperatur e
Absorption &
losses in
1- Material Dispersion
2- Waveguide Dispersion
3- Polarization-Mode Dispersion
A measure of information
capacity of an optical fiber for
digital transmission is usually
specified by the bandwidth
distance product BW L
in GHz.km.
For multi-mode step index fiber
this quantity is about 20
MHz.km, for graded index fiber
is about 2.5 GHz.km & for single
mode fibers are higher than 10
g d 1 d 2 d
= = =− [3-15]
L dω c dk 2c d
• If the spectral width of the optical source is not too wide, then the delay d g
difference per unit wavelength along the propagation path is approximately
For spectral components which are apart, symmetrical around center
wavelength, the total delay difference over a distance L is:
d g L d 2 d
= = − 2 +
d 2c d d2
d d L d 2
= = = L [3-16]
d d V d 2
d 2
• 2 is called GVD parameter, and shows how much a light pulse
d 2
broadens as it travels along an optical fiber. The more common parameter is
called Dispersion, and can be defined as the delay difference per unit length
per unit wavelength as follows:
1 d g d 1
= − 2c 2
D= = [3-17]
L d d V g
• In the case of optical pulse, if the spectral width of the optical source is
characterized by its rms value of the Gaussian pulse , the pulse
spreading over the length of L, g can be well approximated by:
d g
g = DL [3-18]
Spectrum, ²
Spread, ²
t t
1 o 2 0
/ k − n2
2 2 2
/ k − n2
b= [3-21]
n1 − n2
2 2
n1 − n2
n2 k (1 + b) [3-22]
• Using V number:
V = ka(n1 − n2 ) kan2 2 [3-23]
2 2 1/ 2
Waveguide Dispersion
• Delay time due to waveguide dispersion can then be expressed as:
L d (Vb)
wg = n2 + n2
d wg n2 L d 2 (Vb)
wg = L Dwg ( ) = V [3-25]
d c dV 2
Dwg ( )
= Pulse spread
n1 x // x Ey
Input light pulse
Suppose that the core refractive index has different values along two orthogonal
directions corresponding to electric field oscillation direction (polarizations). We can
take x and y axes along these directions. An input light will travel along the fiber with Ex
and Ey polarizations having different group velocities and hence arrive at the output at
different times
pol = − [3-26]
v gx v gy
• The rms value of the differential group delay can be approximated as: