BPC On Vmware
BPC On Vmware
BPC On Vmware
How To…
Run SAP BPC in
a VMware
Version 1.00 – December 2008
Applicable Releases:
SAP BPC 5.x, SAP BPC 7.0 (MS), SAP BPC 7.0 (NW)
(.Net tier only)
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1 Scenario
This “How-to guide” will focus on the particularities of running SAP Business Planning
and Consolidation in a VMware environment.
2 Introduction
This how-to guide applies to BPC 5.x, BPC 7.0 for the Microsoft platform, as well as the
.Net tier of BPC 7.0 for the Netweaver platform.
Please note that running BPC in a Virtual Machine is NOT officially supported by SAP
and this guide should not be taken as an endorsement by SAP but merely as guidance
for those who decide to run BPC in a virtual environment.
The screenshots in this guide have been taken using VMware ESXi 3.5, running BPC 7.0
SP02 for the Microsoft Platform, in a 2-tier topology, with both VMs running on the same
VMware host, as well as a BPC 5.1 VM.
3 Hardware considerations
It is essential that the server hardware be on the VMware supported hardware list for the
virtualization product being used.
It is also important to use CPUs that have enhanced support for virtualization.
The server hardware might have several USB ports, LPT port, COM ports, etc… All
those ports consume some resources even when not utilized, so it is advisable to disable
them in the BIOS. Likewise, the eventual Floppy disk drive and CD/DVD-ROM drives
should be disabled once the VMware host software has been installed.
3.2 Storage
There are several options for storage: Direct-attached storage (DAS), Network-attached
storage (NAS), and Storage-Area-Network (SAN), which comes in various technologies:
Fibre-Channel, Hardware-based iSCSI and Software-based iSCSI.
Currently, Fibre-Channel SAN offers the best performance, with a bandwidth of 2 Gb/s,
compared to 1 Gb/s for NAS and iSCSI SAN over Gigabit Ethernet. However,
technologies are evolving and 10-Gigabit Ethernet could soon change this picture.
4 Configuration of the Virtual Machines for BPC
The general topology and architecture guidelines for the implementation of BPC in VMs
are similar to those for physical servers. In multi-server implementations, 64-bit VMs
should be used for the Database Services and Analysis Services servers, and 32-bit
VMs should be used for the Web, Reporting Services and Application servers. In the
case of BPC 7.0 for the Netweaver platform, the .Net tier can run on either 32-bit or 64-
bit VMs, in WOW emulation mode. Because of the overhead of the WOW emulation, a
32-bit VM is preferable.
There are some steps that are specific to an installation in Virtual Machines, that should
be taken before installing BPC:
4.1 Components
4.2 Installing VMware Tools
VMware tools provides a suite of device drivers that are specific to VMware and usually
have reduced overhead compared to the drivers that emulate real hardware.
3. The default installation is fine
4. Click on Finish
4.3 Installing the Enhanced VMxnet Network Adapter
This adapter has been designed for optimal communication with the Virtual network that
is part of the ESXi server.
3. Click on Add, and select Ethernet
6. The new hardware is detected
automatically (only if VMware tools
have been installed). Adjust its IP
configuration as necessary.
The BusLogic SCSI adapter is slightly more efficient than the LSILogic adapter. However
VMware does not recommend its use on 64-bit Windows servers. As the benefit would
be marginal on a Web/App tier (which is not very disk-intensive), the only practical
benefit would be for a single-server BPC implementation.
2. By default, VMware uses the LSI
Logic SCSI adapter. To change it,
first shutdown the VM.
5. Select BusLogic
7. A final warning…
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8. After booting up, the new adapter
appears in Device Manager inside
the VM.
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4.5.2 File location
There is an issue with .Net 1.1 that seems to appear quite frequently when installing
some SQL server components in a VM. The symptoms are usually some difficulties
connecting to SQL, and some MSinstaller errors as well as some .Net errors in Event
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The fix described in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928319 corrects it.
As always, a backup of the VM or at least of the registry is best practice and is strongly
5 Resource Management
Virtualization offers some flexibility and some cost benefit compared to traditional
hardware. However it is not without risks.
First, it can be very tempting to forget the limitations of the host hardware. It is indeed
possible to run many VMs on a single host. But as the number of VMs increases, the
resources (CPU, Memory, storage and network bandwidth) have to be shared among
those VMs. This can very quickly lead to severe performance problems because of
overcommitment of one or more resources.
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Do not use more virtual CPUs than needed. This is not an issue as long as the number
of physical CPU cores exceeds the total number of Virtual CPUs. But after that, physical
CPU cores have to be shared between VMs, leading to a degradation of performance.
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