Nim : 192421044
A. Reading
Page 108 A
Semua rapat harus memiliki waktu mulai dan penyelesaian yang pasti.
3. It’s more important to learn about the culture of the country you do business with than to learn the
Lebih penting mempelajari budaya negara tempat Anda berbisnis daripada belajar bahasa.
4. There’s no point having a detailed plan before you start a project. Things always change, and you
need to be very flexible.
Tidak ada gunanya memiliki rencana terperinci sebelum Anda memulai proyek. Segala sesuatu selalu
berubah, dan Anda harus sangat fleksibel
f. Fix problems when they happen : perbaiki masalah ketika itu terjadi.
Page 108 C
3. Charles Tang thinks deals go wrong mainly because of language problems. (F. Charles Tang thinks
deals go wrong mainly because of a misunderstood e-mail.)
4. For the Chinese, being on time is very important. (T)
Page 109 E
3. Problems : issues
4. To be unsuccessful : fail.
B. Language
Page 109 A
1. offers : 2, 4, 6
Requests : 1, 3, 5, 7, 8
2. You need to go to a go a good restaurant : Could you recommend a good restaurant for me, please?