Contract of Agency
Contract of Agency
Contract of Agency
one person is employed to render service for another, excludes, however, from its
concept the relationship of employer and employee
Agency is a fiduciary relationship which implies a power in an agent to contract with a
third person on behalf of a principal. It is this power to effect the principal’s contractual
relations with third persons that differentiates the agent from the employee, the
servant, and the independent contractor
Agency, properly speaking, relates to commercial or business transactions. Agency
relationship may also arise in non-business situations, as for example, a person returns
an article to a lender for a borrower-friend.
(1) CONSENSUAL, because it is based on the agreement of the parties which is perfected
by mere consent;
(2) PRINCIPAL, because it can stand by itself without need of another contract
(3) NOMINATE, because it has its own name
(4) UNILATERAL, if it is gratuitous because it creates obligations for only one of the
i.e., the agent; or bilateral, if it is for compensation because it gives rise to reciprocal
rights and obligations; and
(5) PREPARATORY, because it is entered into as a means to an end, i.e., the creation of
other transactions or contracts
(1) PRINCIPAL. — one whom the agent represents and from whom he derives his; he is the
person represented. Agency imports the contemporaneous existence of a principal, and there is
no agency unless one is acting for and in behalf of another
(2) AGENT. — one who acts for and represents another; he is the person acting in a
representative capacity. The agent has derivative authority in carrying out the principal’s
business. He may employ his own agent in which case he becomes a principal with respect to
the latter
(3) THIRD PARTY-the party with whom the business is transacted. is added to the agency relationship
from the time the agent acts or transacts the business for which he has been employed in
representation of another,