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Information & Communication Technology 7: Week 3

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Week 3



Most Essential Learning Competencies

Value the different types of computer

Specific Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
 Identify the different types of computer and their significance
 Identifying the types of computers
 Explaining how each type of computer was created



To understand the lesson please watch this video on YouTube.



Types of Computers

Computers not only evolved into different generations throughout the years; it also
evolved into several types, namely, the desktop computers, laptop computers, and handheld
computers. Each type serves specific purpose according to its design specifications.

1. Desktop Computers

Ever since the computing power of the microprocessor increased over time,
the size of computers literally began to shrink and fit in the smallest space in any
household and workplace. You have seen how enormous computers were, as
they occupied space that was as big as a classroom. Despite the changes in
size, the capacity of computers to process data was not compromised.
Desktop computers are typically design for household use. Since its
computing power is comparable to that of bigger computers that can process enormous amounts of
data, most companies also make use of them within the confines of business establishments.
The orientation of traditional desktop computers was based on the position of the computer unit
that held most of its parts, which was the CPU. Early desktops had their monitors placed on top of
their CPUs to save space. However, this model or orientation had limitations. For once, it could not
accommodate peripheral devices. Peripheral device are computer parts that you add to a computer
that further enhance its computing, entertainment, and accessibility capacities. These devices could
be placed and connected to a computer using interface cards. Since traditional desktop computers
did not have enough spaces for numerous peripheral devices, they were only capable of basic
functions such as displaying data and printing. Modern desktop computer designers came up with a
design that enables it to accommodate more peripheral devices. Thus design is known as the tower
case PC.
The tower case PC design is a popular design for today’s computers. Compact as it can be, it
can process huge amounts of data and can accommodate more peripheral devices. It can be
upgraded with the latest technology out in the market. It is versatile as it can do more thing with the
many applications it can be installed with.

Type of computer can also be assembled with parts of different brands so long as they are
compatible with each other. Assembled computers are somewhat cheaper compared to the branded
computers produced by computer manufacturers. There are a lot of alternatives to choose from. Given
a tight budget, a lot of people opt for an assembled computer as it entails a lot of savings and it
functions just the same as branded computers. One advantage though, of getting a branded computer
is that retailers provide the user with technical support service. Some brands also come bundled with
software applications for use only in thise particular units. You can assured of the geniuneness of new
computer parts, ass well as its optional functionality, and you can trust that the computer designers will
give ample support and upddatesfor the application. You can also fix your computer straightaway with
a recovery disk that comes woth some brands.
People can connect this type of computers to one another forming isolated networks and
growing into broader ones to become the start of what is known as the Internet. Computer’s
connectivity can be done using a local area network (LAN), which group of interconnected computers
within a small area network.

2. Laptop Computers

As people used computers more and more to process data, the need
to transport PCs physically and geographically grow. To address thus
need, computer developers came up with a portable device similar to
desktop computer. It is called laptop computer or simply laptop.
Desktop computers must always be plugged into a power source
before they can be used. Laptop computers, meanwhile, can rely in both
a direct power source or its batteries. Early models of laptops, however, gad batteries that lasted for
a short period of time, they stopped functioning when the batteries run out of power and there are
no direct power sources available. Early laptops processed information at speeds that were
tolerable, but much slower than desktops. They were also able to store less data into their memory.
Nowadays, laptops have been developed and engineered to be as fast at desktops, and to
contain as much memory. They have become like desktop computers in functionality and speed,
and can do as much work as a desktop. Their batteries are also long being improved to work for
longer periods of time. They also have the same connectivity functions as desktops.
Modern-day laptops can store and run the same basic applications suited for a particular user.
They can also accommodate some of the basic peripheral devices that a desktop computer usually
accommodates. Thus, they can also produce most of the basic outputs that users need, such as
reports, letters, and spreadsheets.
A variety of laptop computers are now available in the
market; this suits not only the needs of some users but also
their lifestyle. As for the mobility that they offer, some
developers found it fit to customize some laptops for extreme
environmental conditions and for hard-core laptop users who
are always on the go. For example, some laptops are designed
to withstand extreme cold and heat, water bacteria, and other
As laptop computers became more and more powerful, they
also became smaller and more compact. The only difference is
the size of the screen display. Some of the smallest screens out in
the market range from 7 to 8 inches (inch). This made computing

anywhere a total reality, as people can easily stuff these notebook computers in their bags. Also,
their supplies last longer than their predecessors.

3. Handheld Computers

As the user’s demand for computing began to adjust with their dynamic lifestyle,
computer developers went one step further in putting right in the palm of the users’
hands. Thus, they were able to produce handled computers, also called personal
digital assistants (PDAs). These devices enable the users to carry around information
in their own pockets. Early handled devices offered appointment monitoring, calendar functions,
and simple contact applications.
As the desktops and the laptop continued to evolve, so did handheld devices. From simple
personal information management (PIM) machine, they were developed to be able to view
documents and spreadsheet files in limited scale since processors for handheld devices then were
not yet capable of handling such tasks. This served as challenge for developers to address the
need for more computing power for handheld devices.

Early Model of PDA

Modern Model of PDA

Between the 1990s and 2000s, there was not much development available for PDAs. But in the
middle of the year 2000, PDAs became popular in the form of Pocket PCs. These gadgets were now
able to run some applications in the most computers, like word processing and spreadsheet
applications, which are essential to every user. Internet connectivity was also introduced and bundled
with this Pocket PCs as wireless connectivity became more accessible to everyone. Most users could
synchronize their Pocket PCs with their desktop or laptop computers, thus enabling them to take their
much-needed information anywhere they go in a more convenient and comfortable way.

The need for the users to stay connected prompted developers to integrate mobile
phones with the Pocket PCs. This removed the hassle for users of having to carry around
so many gadgets in their pockets. As modern designs for mobile phones
came pouring in and as Pocket PCs evolved, the marriage between the

two technologies gave mobile warriors the ability to seamlessly communicate and process information
using one piece of technology.


Worktext Exercises

A. Do as indicated. Write your answer on the line/s.

1. Complete these sentence: A ______________________ enables the users to carry around

information in their own pockets.

2. Differentiate laptop computers from desktop computers.


3. Write the other name handled computers are known for.


4. List down the features of Pocket PCs, a form of handheld computers.


5. Explain why the tower case PC design is a popular design for today’s computers.

B. Answer each question. Write your answer on the lines.

1. What do you think led developers to come up with different types of highly sophisticated
computers? Why do you think so?

2. What technology do you think still needs to be discovered and integrated for today’s computers?


3. Why do you think it is important for people to continuously improve technology?


4. Which do you think needs more improvement: the computer’s present design of the computing
technology itself? Why?

5. How do computers and other technology affect our relationships with people?


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