Pirls: Assessment Framework and Specifications
Pirls: Assessment Framework and Specifications
Pirls: Assessment Framework and Specifications
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
February 2006
TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center
Lynch School of Education, Boston College.
ISBN: 1-889938-40-8
tel: +1·617·552·1600
fax: +1·617·552·1203
PREFACE ............................................................. v
4 Assessment Design and Specifications .... 37
Reporting Reading Achievement........................................ 38
REFERENCES ..................................................... 49
IEA READING RESEARCH .................................................... 55
APPENDIX A ..................................................... 59
PIRLS National Research Coordinators Contributors
to PIRLS Development
APPENDIX B ..................................................... 65
Sample Passages, Questions, and Scoring Guides
PIRLS 2006 provides countries with the unique opportunity to obtain
internationally comparative data about how well their children can
read. Countries also will obtain detailed information about home
supports for literacy as well as school instruction. For the 35 coun-
tries that participated in PIRLS 2001, PIRLS 2006 will provide infor-
mation on changes in students’ reading achievement. Since PIRLS
will continue on a five-year cycle into the future, new participants
can collect important baseline information for monitoring trends in
reading literacy.
Funding for PIRLS was provided by the National Center for Educa-
tion Statistics of the U.S. Department of Education, the World Bank,
Boston College, the National Foundation for Educational Research
in England and Wales, and the participating countries. The work
contained in this document represents the efforts of a considerable
number of people. I would like to express my thanks to the Read-
ing Development Group; the staff of the TIMSS & PIRLS Interna-
tional Study Center at Boston College, especially Ann M. Kennedy,
the PIRLS Coordinator; and to the staff involved from the IEA Data
Processing Center and Secretariat, Statistics Canada, and the Educa-
tional Testing Service. I appreciate, in particular, the contribution of
the National Research Coordinators, and of the PIRLS Study Direc-
tors, Ina V.S. Mullis and Michael O. Martin.
Hans Wagemaker
Executive Director, IEA
The TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center
at Boston College
The TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College serves
as the International Study Center for IEA’s studies in mathematics,
science, and reading – the Trends in International Mathematics and
Science Study (TIMSS) and the Progress in International Reading
Literacy Study (PIRLS). The staff at the Study Center is responsible
for the design and implementation of the study. The following had
major responsibility for preparing the PIRLS framework for the 2006
Pierre Foy
Director, Sampling and Data Analysis
Ann M. Kennedy
PIRLS Study Coordinator
Marian Sainsbury*
PIRLS Reading Coordinator
Lisa M. White
PIRLS Literacy Specialist
Kathleen L. Trong
PIRLS Research Associate
PIRLS Project Management Team
In implementing PIRLS, the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center
at Boston College works closely with the IEA Secretariat in Amster-
dam, Statistics Canada in Ottawa, the IEA Data Processing Center in
Hamburg, and Educational Testing Service in Princeton, New Jersey.
In each country, a national representative, called the National Re-
search Coordinator (NRC), is responsible for implementing PIRLS in
accordance with international procedures.
Hans Wagemaker
Executive Director
Barbara Malak
Director, Membership Relations
Juriaan Hartenberg
Financial Manager
Dirk Hastedt
Co-Director, IEA Data Processing Center
Oliver Neuschmidt
Julianne Barth
Co-Managers, TIMSS & PIRLS Data Processing
Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada is responsible for PIRLS sampling activities in conjunc-
tion with Pierre Foy of the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center
and the PIRLS Sampling Referee, Keith Rust of Westat, Inc. in the
United States.
PIRLS 2006 Questionnaire Development Group
Hong wei Meng
The China National Institute of Education
China, PRC
Marc Colmant
Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale
Knut Schwippert
University of Hamburg
Bojana Naceva
Bureau for Development of Education
Republic of Macedonia
Mieke van Diepen
University of Nijmegen
Ragnar Gees Solheim
National Centre for Reading, Education and Reading Research
University of Stavanger
Laurence Ogle
National Center for Education Statistics
United States