The Romanian Philokalia Volume IV
The Romanian Philokalia Volume IV
The Romanian Philokalia Volume IV
The texts of The Romanian Philokalia were translated from Greek language in
Romanian language and put together by Priest Professor PhD Academician Dumitru
Translated from Romanian language in English language, by the will of God, by the most worthless from men: E.l.t.
Finished at 04.13.2018, on the Healing Spring Holyday.
Sibiu, 1948
Archdiocesan Printing House
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Preface 4
Thalassius the Libyan, The Life 6
Thalassius the Libyan, About Love, Restraint, and that 8
Living According to the Mind
Hesychios the Sinaite, The Life 38
Hesychios the Sinaite, Word about Watchfulness and 42
Philotheos the Sinaite, The Life 89
Philotheos the Sinaite, Heads about Watchfulness 94
John the Carpathian, The Life 112
John the Carpathian, One Hundred Heads about 115
John the Carpathian, Ascetic Word 147
Abba Philemon, The Life 154
About Abba Philemon 155
Saint John Damascene, The Life 170
Saint John Damascene, Word Useful to the Soul 173
Theodor of Edessa, The Life 183
Theodor of Edessa, One Hundred Heads 188
Theodor of Edessa, Word about Contemplation 215
Theognostus, The Life 226
Theognostus, About Doing, Contemplation and 228
Elijah the Ecdicus, The Life 249
Elijah the Ecdicus, Collection of Wise Men`s Sentences 254
Theophanous the Monk, Ladder 293
With the will and with the help of the Merciful God it
comes out of the light of the Romanian press this fourth volume
of the Philokalia. With it, it comes to an end the first volume of
the Greek Philokalia (second edition), which comprises two
volumes. I showed in the “Foreword” at the first Romanian
volume that in the first Greek volume are comprised the
following authors in the following order: Anthony the Great,
Isaiah the Hermit, Evagrius the Monk with 3 writings, John
Cassian with 2 writings, Mark the Ascetic with 3 writings,
Hesychios the Priest, Nilus the Ascetic with 2 writings,
Diadochus of Photice, John the Carpathian with 2 writings,
Theodor of Edessa with 2 writings, Maximos the Confessor with
3 writings, Thalassius, John Damascene, Philemon,
Theognostus, Philoteos, Elijah the Ecdic and Theophanous the
Monk. IN the present volume we grouped the authors spelled
above with italics, after we presented the others, except Saint
Maximos the Confessor who we presented within the second
and the third volumes.
It would follow that in the fifth volume to present the
authors from the second volume of the Greek Philokalia,
starting with Peter Damascene, writer of the twelfth century.
But probably we will intercalate in two or three volumes (V-VII)
also the writings of Saint Simenon the New Theologian, the
great saint and spiritual writer from the eleventh century,
namely the speeches out of a neo-Greek translation, and the
hymns out of the old, original text2.
The authors comprised in the present volume are little
known in what concerns their lives. But their writings were
being appreciated in the monasteries from East and lately they
have become the object of some attentive researches 3. These
writings comprise the most precious concrete norms for
accomplishing the ideals of spiritual life, presented in the
previous writings in a rather speculative manner. That`s why
they imprinted their characteristic seal on the monastic life of
It was edited in Venice in 1790, which comprises first the speeches in neo-Greek translation
at Dionysus the Zagoreus, then 55 hymns, edited by Nicholas Glyki. We have the second
edition from Siros, 1880.
A beautiful exposition of the ideas out of the Thalassius` writings it is the one of Th. M.
Disdier, Le témoignage spiritual de Thalassius le Lybien, in Etudes Byzantines, tome II, 1946,
p. 79-118, which we have known after concluding the present volume.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Dumitru Stăniloae
Epistles: 9 (G.P. 91, 445); 26 (G.P. 91, 616); 40-42 (G.P. 91, 633-637).
Aszese un Mystiq in der Väterzeit, Fr. i. Br. 1939, p. 244.
G.P. 91, 29D, 449A.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
A Thalassius, prior of a so-called of Armenians from Rome Monastery , forwards in the year
649 top the Synod from Lateran, together with other abbots and monks from East, arrived
with more or less time before at Rome, a factum asking for the translation of the Synod`s
documents in the Greek language. It is quite possible to be our Thalassius, who would have
come together with Saint Maximos at Rome, after around the year 640 the Egypt fell under
the Arab rule (Mahsi, Amplissima, coll. Council. Tom. 10, 1901, p. 904, 909).
26. “As the wax melts down by the face of the fire” 9,
likewise the unclean thought by the fear of God.
27. A bad loss is to the wise soul to tarry with the mind
in a reproachable passion.
28. Endure the happenings of sadness and pain,
because through these ones the taking care of God (the
Providence) it cleans you up.
29. If you have cast the matter and you have rejected
the world, reject now also the evil thoughts.
30. The characteristic work of the mind is of ceaselessly
occupying itself with the words of God.
31. Like the work of God is to rule the world, likewise of
the soul is to rule its body.
32. With what hope will we meet Christ if we have been
serving until now to the body`s pleasures?
33. The pleasure is quenched through the bad suffering
and through sadness, either through the wiling ones, or
through the ones brought by the Providence.
34. The love for money is a substance of the passion
because it determines the general pleasure to increase.
35. The absence of the pleasure it gives birth to the
sadness; and the pleasure is twinned with every passion.
36. The measure with which you are measuring your
body, it will be measured back to you from God.
37. The deed of the godlike judgment it is the right
rewards the things done into body.
38. The virtue and the knowledge give birth to
immortality; their absence is the mother of the death.
39. The sadness after God it quenches the pleasure; and
the quenching of the pleasure it means the resurrection of the
40. The absence of passions it is the soul`s lack of
movement towards sin. But one cannot achieve it without the
mercy of Christ.
41. The Savior of the soul and of the body is Christ. The
one who steps on His tracks that one liberates himself from sin.
Psalms: 68: 2: KJB: “As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before
the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.”; 67: 2: ROB: “As the smoke is
quenched, let them be quenched; as the wax is melted by the face of the fire, so the sinful
ones to perish from the face of God,”.
The two general stages of the spiritual life.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Isaiah: 45: 3: KJB: “And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of
secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the
God of Israel.”; ROB: “And to you I will give hidden treasuries, riches buried into ground, for
you to know that I am the Lord Who called you by name, I am God of Israel.”
Heads no. 96-96 they compose a whole.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
The Greek Philokalia.
The Greek Philokalia.
The body necessarily is under one of these two slaveries: either of the mind or of the
In the Greek Philokalia: to serve disorderly to the uncleanness. Παραθεσιν probably
appeared here out of the wrong spelling of the word πάθεσιν.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
The soul (φυχη) is of feminine gender in the Greek language, and the mind (νους) is of
masculine gender. A similar comparison we find in Answers towards Thalassius, no. 25, in
The Romanian Philokalia, volume III, p. 81.
In the Greek language Jerusalem is of feminine gender.
According to the mode.
71. The sadness after God it breaks the heart; and the
sadness is born by the fear of labors.
72. The sadness after God it cleans the heart and
removes from the heart the defilements of the pleasures.
73. The patience is the soul`s love for toil. And where
the love for toil is, it has been removed the love for pleasure.
74. Any sin is done for pleasure and any forgiveness it
comes for the bad suffering and for sadness.
75. The one who doesn`t want to repent through willing
toils, he falls, according to the Providence, in unwilling toils.
76. Christ is the Savior of the entire world and He has
given to the people the repentance towards salvation.
77. The repentance gives birth to the keeping of the
commandments; and the keeping of the commandments it
brings the cleanness of the soul.
78. The cleanness of the soul it means the deliverance
from passions; and the deliverance from passions it gives birth
to the love23.
79. Clean soul is that one which loves God; and clean
mind, that one which has separated itself from nescience.
80. Fight for the commandments of Christ to death;
because by cleaning on yourself through them, you will enter in
81. Use your body as on a servant of the
commandments, by guarding it with all your power disobedient
to the pleasures24 and without illness.
82. The uprising of the body it comes out of the
neglecting the prayer, the diet and the good tranquility.
83. The good tranquility it brings forth good fruits: the
restraint, the love, and the clean prayer.
84. The reading and the prayer they clean the mind; and
the love and the restraint, the passionate (the affective) part of
the soul.
85. Keep the same restraint always, to not fall, through
inequality, in the contrary ones.
86. The one who establishes laws to himself, to not
make himself disobedient to himself. This is because the one
who disregards on himself, he deceives on himself.
A good definition of the lack of passions: the cleanness of the soul. And if according to all
the Fathers the lack of passion it is followed by love, one can say that the love if born by the
cleanness of the soul.
Without pain, in Migne.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Saint Maximos the Confessor, Gnostic Heads, I, 84-85, in The Romanian Philokalia,
volume II, p. 159.
Of which acrostic is this one: But truly evil aren`t the ones
which sadden the body, and they clean the soul, but the ones
which sadden the conscience, and they delight the body26.
In the Greek Philokalia: of the thoughts about things.
Migne = εν τω αιδιω φωτί (into light); Greek Philokalia = εν τω ιδίω φωτί (in its light).
62. He puts his soul for you before the stirring up of the
passions; and when the passions are being stirred up, he takes
your soul.
63. The uncultivated land has been taken over by
thistles, and the careless soul, by unclean passions.
64. The considerate mind it restrains its soul, it
torments its body and it bridles the passions (is dominates its
65. The seen movements are the signs of the ones from
inside, like the produced fruits are the signs of some unknown
66. The words and the deeds prove the hypocrite and
they bring to sight the hidden liar prophet.
67. The reckless mind doesn`t advice (discipline) its soul
and it takes the soul away from love and restraint.
68. The cause of the worthless thoughts it is the bad
habituation, which is born out of vain glory, out of pride and
69. Characteristic to the things said above are the
followings: the hypocrisy, the cunningness, the plotting, the
irony and the lie, which is also the worst.
70. Are serving the ones mentioned before the
followings: the envy, the strife, the anger, the sadness and the
keeping in mind the evil.
71. This is the way of the ones who live in carelessness
and this is the treasure of the things hidden within me.
72. The soul is saved through the bad suffering and
humbleness. They deliver the soul from the passions mentioned
73. On the word “considerate” it hangs the useful word;
and on the good soul it depends the virtuous doing.
74. The enlightened mind it brings out wise words and
the clean soul cultivates godlike thoughts.
75. The thoughts of the zealous one are occupied with
the wisdom, and his words enlighten the ones who listen to
76. When the virtues are dwelling into the soul, the soul
cultivates good thoughts. And when the sins are dwelling into
the soul, the soul gives birth to worthless thoughts.
77. The soul of the passionate it is a factory of evil
thoughts; and out of its treasury brings out the evil things.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
the one of the pride; and the others, in common to the three
90. It follows in common to the three ones: the thoughts
of the sadness, the thought of the anger, of the remembrance of
the evil, of the envy, of the idleness and the others.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
1. The one who has detached his mind from the love for
the body and from the body`s pleasures, that one has killed
with the living ghost the body`s deeds.
2. Do not think that you have separated yourself from
the affection for the body, until the mind still occupies itself
with the ones of the body.
3. As the ones of the body are the feeling and the ones
submitted to the senses, so the ones of the soul are the mind
and the intelligible ones.
4. Retract your soul from the feeling of the submitted to
the senses ones and the mind will be into God and in the
intelligible ones.
5. Kindred with the godhead are the thinking beings,
known only with the mind; and the feeling and the ones
submitted to the senses were created to serve to the mind.
6. Let the feeling and the ones submitted to the senses
to serve to you towards the spiritual sight (the contemplation)
and do not turn the feeling and the ones of it towards the lust of
the body.
7. You have been ordered to kill the deeds of the body,
to resurrect through toils the killed through pleasures soul.
8. Let yourself to be mastered by God and master your
feeling and do not allow on yourself, who are better, to be
mastered by the worse one.
9. God is eternal, limitless, borderless (indefinite), and
Who promised eternal, limitless and unspoken goods to the
ones who obey themselves to Him.
10. It depends on the mind`s nature to live in God, to
cogitate about Him, about His taking care and about His
fearsome judgments.
11. You have the power to incline yourself towards both
parts; be yourself of the better part and you will bring the worse
one into submission.
12. Good is the feeling and good are the ones submitted
to the feeling, as things of the Good God. But they cannot be
likened at all to the mind and to the intelligible ones.
In the Greek Philokalia: all of them.
Eva is the feeling; the serpent is the devil.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
27. When mastering your love for vain glory, take heed
towards fornication, lest, running from honors, to fall down in
28. Running away from the vain glory you look towards
God; and if not you will surely fall in the self appreciation or in
29. It is characteristic to the vain glory to show its
competence; and it is characteristic to the pride to despise and
to quarrel.
30. Running away from the covetousness of the belly,
guard yourself against the pleasure of being pleasant to the
people; that it wants to show a pale at sight cheek.
31. The beautiful fasting it is the one which enjoys a
little and simple food and doesn`t try to be pleasant to the
32. By fasting until the evening comes, do not eat in the
evening until you will satiate yourself, to not build again what
you have once crumbled down.
33. When you do not drink wine, do not satiate yourself
with water; and if not, you will give to the fornication the same
34. The pride makes us getting away from the godlike
help, to trust in ourselves and to raise ourselves against people.
35. Against pride there are two medicines; who doesn`t
receive these two, he will have a third one, a very harsh one.
36. To remove the pride you must pray yourself with
tears, to not despise anybody and to willingly receive the
unwilling troubles.
37. The advising through trials it is a spiritual staff. It
teaches the one who mindlessly raises himself to cogitate with
38. It depends on the mind`s nature to not suffer the
thoughts which secretly gossips the neighbor.
39. As the gardener, if he doesn`t plucks the weeds,
they chock the vegetables, likewise the mind, if doesn`t clean
the thoughts, it loses the toils.
40. A considerate man is the one who accepts the advice
and especially the spiritual Father who advises him.
41. The ones who is being killed by passions he doesn`t
listen to the advice and doesn`t endure at all the spiritual
rebuking and advising.
That mind which has rejected the perceiving through feeling.
The mind in Greek is of masculine gender.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
The same order of the virtues like at Saint Maximos the Confessor, Head about Love, I, 2,
in The Romanian Philokalia, volume II, p. 37.
The natural knowledge it is the one achieved through the contemplation of the nature, from
the second phase of the spiritual ascension; higher that this knowledge it is the knowledge of
In the Greek Philokalia we have: regarding the menaces.
69. The sign that the mind lives into the hoped goods, it
is that the mind has totally forgotten about the ones from here
and it widens itself in the knowledge of the future ones.
70. Good is the truth which we learn through the God of
the truth, Who fills up the loving of God soul, with confidence,
even from here.
71. The goods which are waiting for the inheritors of the
promise are above ages and before any age and above mind and
72. Let`s ourselves submit to the canons of the awe,
lest, deviating in passions, to fall from hope.
73. Jesus is Christ, as One of the Trinity, of Whose
inheritor you will also be.
74. The one who has learnt the knowledge of the
creatures from God, he won`t be unfaithful to the Scripture
regarding the ones said above.
75. The Holy Ghost, when finding the mind emptied of
passions, He mysteriously teaches the mind, according to its
power, about all the hoped ones.
76. The soul receives the knowledge of the godlike ones
on the measure of the mind`s cleanness.
77. The one who has disciplined his body and lives into
knowledge, he is increasingly cleaned up by the knowledge
78. The mind which starts to become wise (to
philosophize) in the godlike ones, that mind starts from faith
and, by passing through the ones from the middle, it ends again
to the highest faith.
79. At the beginning of the wisdom it is seen the fear
which is at the end; and at the end, the love which is at the
80. The mind by starting to become wise (to
philosophize) from the closest faith, it ends to the theology (the
knowledge of God) from beyond any mind, which is the faith
that is never forgotten anymore and the seeing of the unseen
81. The rationalities concerning God are contemplated
by saints not out of Himself, but out of the ones from around
82. And the rationalities from around God are cogitated
some of them through affirmation, other through removing.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
beginning (principle), like the One Who gives birth and proceeds
the One Who are out of Him according to the being and are in
Him from eternity, namely the Son and the Holy Ghost.
93. By moving itself after Them, to the Trinity, the unity
it remains unity; and the Trinity, by gathering Himself to the
unity, He remains Trinity, which is a wonderful thing39.
94. I also understand the Son and the Ghost, not
without principle, but eternal. Not without principle as
reporting Themselves to the Father as principle and source; but
eternal, as One Who are from eternity together with the Father,
One of Them through birth, and Another through proceeding.
95. They keep the One godhead of the Trinity,
undivided, and They preserve the three hypostases of the One
godhead, unmixed.
96. Distinctive characteristics of the Father, I say that
are the ones of being without beginning and unborn; of the Son
of being in the beginning (in the principle) and of being born;
and of the Holy Ghost, of being with the beginning (the
principle) and of being proceeded. And the beginning of the Son
and of the Ghost I don`t say about it as being temporal. And
who could that be? But through Him it shows the cause out of
which, like the light out of the sun, They have Their existence
from eternity. This is because out of Him (out of the principle)
They are, according to the being, although not after Him.
97. The distinctive characteristic of the hypostases
remains, after Them, unmoved and unchanged.
98. I confess the unity in Trinity and the Trinity in
unity, as One Who divides Himself undivided, and unites
Himself divided.
99. I know the Father as being the One beginning (the
principle) of everybody: of the Son and of the Ghost, as birth
give and as eternal source, together eternal, borderless, of-one-
being and not-separated; and of the creatures, as Maker,
Source of the Providence, and Judge, namely through the Son
and in the Holy Ghost. “This is because through Him and
towards Him are all the things; His to be the glory forever and
ever. Amen!”40
It is a place from Gregory of Nazianzus, Orat. I de Filio, head no. 2, commented by Saint
Maximos the Confessor in Ambigua, G.P. 91, 1036.
Romans: 9: 36: KJB: “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be
glory for ever. Amen.”; ROB: “For from Him and through Him and into Him are all things.
His be the glory forever. Amen!”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
100. I also say about the Son and about the Holy Ghost
that They are together eternal with the Father, but not together
without beginning (principle); together eternal with the Father,
like being together with the Father from eternity; but not
together without beginning, not being without a cause; because
They are out of Him, though not after Him, as the light out of
the sun, as it has been said before. I also say about Them, that
They are without beginning, when one understand the
beginning out of the time, for not being cogitates under time the
One out of Whom the time is. Therefore They aren`t without
beginning in what concerns the cause, but They are without
beginning regarding the time, being before all time and before
all ages and above ages and time, through Them being all ages
and all time and the ones out of the time; as They being, as I
have said before, together eternal with the Father, to Whom
together with Them is due the glory and the mastery, forever
and ever, Amen.
like a candle hanged inside the mind, then like a moon, and at
last like a sun with endless light, and this is Jesus Himself (II<
64). Now we have become seers (θεωρητιχοί). Because the guide
who leads us there is the guarding of the mind, this one can be
called as birth giver of light, birth give of lightning, birth giver of
fire (I, 64).
In this state, the heart has Jesus Himself as Master,
Who mysteriously tells His will to it (II, 84). This is the heavens
of the hesychia, where the mind has entered (II, 98). So we
become angels into Christ Jesus, through watchfulness and
ascension in love (II, 99)46.
The Greek Philokalia, Second Edition, volume I, p. 82-91; G. P. 93, 1480-1544. Between
the text from The Greek Philokalia and the one from the Greek Patrology are enough
differences. But in general the one from Philokalia is way better, if not perfect. That`s why we
mainly have used this text. Otherwise, out of the marginal variants one can see that the editor
consulted several codices. It is strange that sometimes the Latin translation from Greek
Patrology it follows a text similar to the ones from the Greek Philokalia. For instance: II, 2, G.
P. = 103 Greek Philokalia; II, 21, G. P. = 123 Greek Philokalia. But most often it follows the
text from the G. P.
The counting of the heads it is also different between the two versions, starting from I,
80. In the text from the Greek Philokalia there are 203 heads and for many times the matter is
better distributed in them. Although, we have taken the counting in two hundreds of the text
from G. P. because the quotes from there, from foreign writings, are easily to be followed in
this way, the text from the G. P. being more accessible.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
η μονολογιστος εμφάνεια πράγματοσ πονηρου, it is a definition of the attack, taken from
Mark the Ascetic, “About Baptism”, in The Romanina Philokalia, volume I, Second Edition,
p. 298. Saint Mark said μονολογιστος because it emerges at the beginning as a simple
thought, inoffensive, to which we haven`t stuck ourselves yet with the pleasure aroused
within us. Hesychios calls it like that because it is the first to appear in us from elsewhere, to
which our thoughts follow to answer.
Psalms: 119: 42: KJB: “So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I
trust in thy word.”; 118: 42: “And I will answer word to the ones who rebuke me, for I have
hoped in Your words.”
Psalms: 62: 1: KJB: “Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation.”;
ROB: 61: 1: “Won`t my soul obey to God? Because from Him is my salvation.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
24. But the mind can`t defeat, only by itself, the devilish
hallucination. Let it not dare to! This is because being sly, they
pretend to be defeated, but on the other hand they make the
mind falling through the vain glory. But by calling Jesus Christ,
they do not duffer to stay and to deceive even for once.
25. Take care of not making high opinions about yourself,
as that Israel of yore, and to surrender also you to the spiritual
enemies. This is because Israel, being delivered by Egyptians
through everybody`s God, it contrived to itself a casted idol.
26. And through casted idol you understand our weak
mind, which, while it calls Jesus Christ against the ghosts of
the evilness, it easily banishes them away and with masterly
science puts on run the unseen and warrior powers of the
enemy. But when it recklessly dares to totally lean against
itself, it rolls down like bird called Oxypteros (quickly flying).
“Towards the Lord, he says, my heart hoped and I was helped;
and my body flourished again”54. Or: “Who, except the Lord, will
raise me up and will stand together with me against the
countless cunningly plotted thoughts?” 55 And the one who
trusts in himself and not in God, he will fall a pitiful falling.
27. The way and the order of the heart`s quietude is this
one: If you want to fight, let the small bug of the spider be
always example to you. And it not, you still haven`t achieved
quietude with the mind. That one hunts small flies. And you, if
you do so and you want to gain the quietude of your soul with
tiredness, do not cease always killing “the Babylonian children”.
This is because for this killing you will be blessed by the Holy
Ghost, through David.
28. A sit is impossible to be the Red Sea seen on the sky
amidst the stars and as the man can`t walk on earth without
breathing this air, so it is impossible to clean our heart of
passionate thoughts and to banish the spiritual enemies from
within it, without the often calling of Jesus Christ.
29. If you always live in your heart with humble thought,
with the remembrance of the death, with the self-blaming, with
Psalms: 28: 7: KJB: “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I
am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.”; 28: 9-
10: ROB: “The Lord is my help and my defender, in Him hoped my heart and He helped
me. // And my body flourished and out of my willingness I will praise Him.”
Psalms: 94: 16: KJB: “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up
for me against the workers of iniquity?”; ROB: 93: 16: “Who will rise himself up together
with me against the ones who commit cunningness and who will stand together with me
against the ones who work the lawlessness?”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
The housemaid is the body (σάρξ), the landlady is the soul (ψυχή).
trust your body. “The body`s will is enemy to God” 60, because it
won`t obey the law of God; and “the body lusts against the
ghost”61. “And the ones who are into body, they can`t be
pleasant to God”62. But we aren`t though into body, but into
34. The work of the restraint is to always move the anger
towards the inward war and towards self-despising; of the
wisdom, to move the rationality towards full and ceaseless
watchfulness and towards the spiritual contemplation; of the
righteousness, to direct the lusting part of the soul towards
virtue and God; and of the manhood, to guide the five senses
and to defend them to not be defiled through them our human
being from inside, which is the heart, and the ones from
outside, which is the body.
35. “Over Israel His glory”63; namely over the seeing mind
it descends the beauty of the glory of God, as much as it is
possible. “And His power into clouds”, namely in the luminous
souls, which look in the mornings at the One Who sits on the
right hand of the Father and sends them light, like the sun
sends its rays in the clean clouds, showing its beauty.
36. By committing somebody sin, says the godlike
Scripture, he will lose great kindness, namely by committing
the mind sin, it loses the foods and the beverages of ambrosia,
shown in the previous chapter.
37. We aren`t stronger than Samson, neither wiser than
Solomon, nor knower like David, neither more loving God than
Peter the Apostles. Let`s then do not trust in ourselves. Because
the Scripture says: “The ones who trusts in himself, he will fall
miserable falling”.
Romans: 8: 7: KJB: “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to
the law of God, neither indeed can be.”; ROB: “Because the desire of the flesh is enmity
against God, for it doesn`t obey to the law of God, because neither it can.”
Galatians: 5: 17: KJB: “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the
flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye
would.”; ROB: “Because the body lusts against the ghost; for these ones resist to each other,
to not be you doing what you would want to do.”
Romans: 8: 8: KJB: “So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.”; ROB: “And the
ones who are in flesh cannot be pleasant to God.”
Psalms: 68: 35: KJB: “Ascribe ye strength unto God: his excellency is over Israel, and his
strength is in the clouds.”; 67: 35: ROB: “Give glory to God! Over Israel His greatness, and
His power into clouds.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
towards the evil one as towards someone good, like the dove
runs towards the one who lays snares to its baby birds. And so
he mixes his own thoughts with the hallucination of the devilish
bait. If he encounters the face of a beautiful woman, or
something else totally forbidden by the commandments of Jesus
Christ, he wants to plan something with those things, to
transform in deed what it has been shown to him like being
beautiful. And then, falling into consent, he transforms,
through the mediation of his body, in fact the lawlessness from
the cogitation, towards his own damnation65.
44. This is the craftsmanship of the cunning one; and
with these poisoned arrows it poisons the whole soul. That`s
why it is not without danger to let the thought enter in our
heart, before our mind to be experienced in war, and especially
at the beginning. Because in an instant our soul is charmed by
the devilish baits, it becomes sweetened by them and it follows
to them. But we must only understand them and to cut them
off immediately as they emerge and attack us (allure us). But,
after the mind has been exercised through long battling in this
wonderful thing and it has achieved the ceaseless habit of the
war, than it truly understands the thoughts, and like the
Prophet says: “It can easily master the small foxes”, than it
ought to let the thoughts to come inside, and then to wage war
to them into Christ, to prove them with science and to
overthrow them.
45. As it is impossible that through a trench to pass
concomitantly fire and water, likewise it is impossible the sin to
enter into the heart, if it doesn`t knock before at the door of the
heart through the hallucination of the cunning bait.
46. First is the bait (the attack); the second one is the
accompanying or the mixing of our thoughts with the ones of
the cunning devils66; the third one is the consenting (the
It is the order in which the bait becomes sin with the deed.
The literal translation would be: “the accompanying or our thoughts and the ones of the
devils become mixed”. It is repeated the ideas from the head 43: “And so the mind it mixes its
own thoughts with the hallucination of the devilish bait”. This takes place through our
“sweetening” by the bait (head 44). This sweetening is a glue which makes to accompany, to
stick with, to unite (copulation it is the term used by the Latin translation) our thoughts with
the simple (not sweetened yet by our adhesion) through thrown by satan. The definition of the
bait and the idea of its transformation into sin it is done through the adhesion of our thoughts
to it, it is taken from Mark the Ascetic (About the Spiritual Law, 140, in The Romanian
Philokalia, volume I, p. 243; About Baptism, in The Romanian Philokalia, volume I, 285, and
so on). But the scheme of the four moments we find it for the first time at Hesychios (bait,
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
60. The one who doesn`t know the truth, he cannot also
truly believe. This is because the knowledge precedes, according
to the nature, the faith. The ones said in the Scripture weren`t
said only to be understood by us, but also to be done by us.
61. Let`s therefore start working. This is because by
advancing so, step by step, we will find out that not only the
hope in God, but also the string faith, the most inner
knowledge, the deliverance of temptations, the gifts of the
charisms, the confession from the heart and the insisting tears,
they come to the believers only through prayer; and not only
these ones but also the enduring of the troubles which come
upon us, the sincere forgiveness of the neighbor, the knowledge
of the spiritual law, the finding of the righteousness of God, the
visiting from the Holy Ghost, the giving of the spiritual
treasures and everything that God promised to give to the
faithful people, both here and in the future age. Shortly
speaking, it is impossible to the soul to show itself as being in
the image of God otherwise than through the gift (charisma) of
God and through the faith of the man, insisting in the mind
with much humbleness and with the prayer which is not
62. I said out of experience that it is truly a great good
thing that the ones who wants to clean up his heart, to
ceaselessly call the Lord Jesus against the spiritual enemies.
But look at how the word said by me out of experience it is
covered with the Holy Scripture`s witnesses: “Prepare yourself,
it says, Israel, to call the name of your Lord God”. And the
Apostle says: “Be you ceaselessly praying” 68. Our Lord also says:
“Without Me you can do nothing; the one who remains into me
and Me into Him, that one will bring forth much fruits” 69. And
again: “If won`t remain in Me, he will be brought out like the
offshoot”70. Great good is the prayer. This is because the prayer
comprises in itself all the goods, as one which cleans up the
heart, in which God makes on Himself seen to the faithful ones.
I Thessalonians: 5: 17: KJB: “Pray without ceasing.”; ROB: “Pray ceaselessly.”
John: 15: 5: KJB: “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him,
the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”; ROB: “I am the vine,
you are the offshoots. The one who remains into Me and I into him, that one brings much
fruit, for without Me you can do nothing”.
Ibid: 6: KJB: “If a man abides not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and
men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.”; ROB: “If somebody
doesn`t remain in Me he is thrown outside like the offshoot and he withers; and they gather
them and throw them into fire and they burn them.”
Galatians: 5: 16: KJB: “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of
the flesh.”; ROB: “I say then: Walk you into the Ghost and do not fulfill the lust of the body.”
and immaterial prayer, the one who is the sign of the inward
72. Many passions are hidden within our soul. They are
shown only when the causes occur.
73. Do not pay all your attention to the body, but decide
to the body an ascesis according to your power. And turn the
whole your mind towards the inward ones. This is because, “the
bodily ascesis is useful to a little, and the awe towards all the
useful ones”.
74. When the passions appeased, there comes the pride.
Ant this thing it happens to you either because the causes
haven`t been cut off, or because the devils cunningly withdrawn
75. The humbleness and the bas sufferance liberate the
man from all sin. The first one it cuts off the soul`s passions,
the second one the ones of the body. That`s why the Lord says:
“Blessed are them who are clean in the heart, for they will see
God”, namely Him and the treasuries hidden into Him, when
they will clean themselves through love and restraint. And this
is the more, the more will they stretch the cleaning.
76. The guarding of the mind is a tower out of which can
be seen the rationalities of each virtue, like the David`s tower of
yore symbolized the circumcision of the heart.
77. As seeing with the damaging senses we hurt
ourselves, so it happens also to the mind.
78. As the one who has wounded the heart of the plant,
he has withered it entirely, so be you understanding also about
the man`s heart. You must be careful even in that particular
moment, because the thieves do not stay without working.
79. The Lord, wanting to show that every commandment
must be fulfilled, and on the other hand that the adoption has
been gifted to the people in His blood, He says: “When you will
do the things commanded to you, say that unprofitable servants
we are, and that`s why we have owed to do, what we have
done”73. That`s why the Kingdom of Heavens isn`t the payment
of the deeds, but the grace of the Master, prepared to the
faithful servants. And the servant doesn`t ask for liberation as
Luke: 17: 10: KJB: “So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are
commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to
do.”; ROB: “So also you, when you will do all the things commanded to you, let yourself
saying: unprofitable servants we are, for we have done what we have been indebted to do.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Ecclesiastes: 12: 134: KJB: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and
keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”; ROB: “Behold shortly;
everything that you have heard this is: Fear God and guard His commandments! This is the
thing due by every man.”
Psalms: 40: 8: KJB: “I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.”;
39: 11: ROB: “In the beginning of the book it is written about me. To do Your will, my God, I
have wanted You law inside my heart.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Isaiah: 45: 7: KJB: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I
the Lord do all these things.”; ROB: “I form the light and I give face to the darkness, the One
Who dwell the peace and gives way to affliction: I am the Lord Who does all these things.”
Psalms: 92: 11: KJB: “Mine eye also shall see my desire on mine enemies, and mine ears
shall hear my desire of the wicked that rise up against me.”; ROB: 91: 11: “And my eye
looked at my enemies and the cunning ones, who rebel against me, my ear will hear them.”
Θηρευτιχός, in G.P. is λαkωνιχός. Hausherr, by not having but only the text from G.P., he
translates it “laconic dog”, cited work, p. 139.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Psalms: 59: 10: KJB: “Because of his strength will I wait upon thee: for God is my
defence.”; 58: 10: ROB: “My power in You I will guard it, because You, God, my upholder
Like that is in the G.P. In the Greek Philokalia instead is “the quietude from the mind and
from the heart”.
Psalms: 69: 3: KJB: “I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I
wait for my God.”; 68: 4: ROB: “I have tired of shouting, my throat has become numbed, my
eyes have weakened by hoping towards my God”.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Luke: 18: 8: KJB: “I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son
of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”; ROB: “I am saying to you that He will do
justice to them soon. But the Son of Man, when He will come, will he find faith on earth?”
Hebrews: 7: 19: KJB: “For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better
hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.”; ROB: “Because the law didn`t consummate
anything, and instead of it, it makes way to itself a better hope, through which we come closer
to God.”
of the fornication and of the love for money which cause the
hallucinations of the heart. And if our mind is experienced and
disciplined, having the habituation of observing itself and of
seeing cleanly and limpidly the deceiving hallucinations and
deceit of the evil ones, it easily quenches, through resistance
and with the prayer of Jesus Christ, the fiery arrows of the devil
immediately as they appeared, not allowing the passionate
fantasy to move in the same time with the bait and to shape
with passion our thoughts after the form that has been showed
to us, or to think much at that, or to agree with it. This is
because out of these ones it necessarily follows, like the nights
to the days, the evil deeds.
42. But if our mind is inexperienced in the skillfulness of
the watchfulness, immediately mixes itself passionately with the
image which appeared to it, whatever would be, and converses
with it, receiving inappropriate questions and giving answers.
And then our thoughts are mixed with the devilish
hallucination, this one growing up and increasing even more, to
seem to the mind, which has received it and on which it has
plundered, worthy to be loved, beautiful and pleasant. The
mind suffers then the same thing which would happen, for
instance, if a dog will appear somewhere in an orchard, when it
happen to be also some lambs, which, being innocent, they run
towards that dog which appears to them as their mother, and
not gaining something else out of the approaching to the dog
than the fact that they take from that one its uncleanness and
stench. In the same manner also our thoughts stupidly run
towards all the devilish hallucinations of the mind and by
mixing themselves, as I`ve said, with those ones, they can be
seen like wanting together to destroy Troy, as Agamemnon and
Menelaus. This is because so also take council what they must
do to pass into deed, through the body, the beautiful and the
sweet hallucination which appeared to them in a deceiver
manner through the devilish influence. So are committed inside
the fallings of the soul. Later, the ones from inside the heart are
also necessarily prolonged outwards.
43. The mind is a light and innocent thing, which easily is
influenced by hallucinations and only with difficulty it refrain
itself from the lawless hallucinations, if it doesn`t have the
thought mastering upon passions, which to ceaselessly impede
the mind and to hold the mind into bridle.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Isaiah: 40: 3: KJB: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall
mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not
faint.”; ROB: “But the ones who trust in the Lord they will renew their power, wing like the
ones of the vulture will grow up to them; they will run and they will not exhaust their power,
they will walk and they won`t get tired.”
will do their deliverance in a hurry” 93, both in the life from now
and also after the soul`s getting out from the body.
48. Floating on the mental (intelligible) sea, trust Jesus.
For He secretly says inside your heart: “Do not fear, My son
Jacob, you small in number Israel; do not fear, you worm Israel,
I am defending you and supporting you”. Therefore, if God is
with us, which it is the evilness that can do something against
us? With us is the One Who blessed the ones clean in heart and
ordered that the sweet and the only One clean, Jesus, He wants
to enter in godlike manner and to dwell in the clean hearts.
Therefore, let`s not cease, according to the godlike Paul, to
accustom our mind towards awe. This is because rightly was
said that awe is the one which uproots the seeds of the evil
ones. This is because awe is the way of the rationality, or of the
judgment, or the way of the thought94.
49. “Into the multitude of the peace we will delight
himself”95, according to David, the ones who doesn`t look at
human face, judging injustice in his heart, namely by accepting
images of the evil ghosts and through images cogitating the sin;
or judging evil in the earth of his heart and through this fact
surrending to the sin the righteous ones. This is because the
great and the knower Fathers names as men, in some of their
writings, also the devils, due to their rational faculty, like is the
place from the Gospel, where the Lord says: “An evil man did
this”96 and mixed tares into wheat. And the evil comes from
these ones because we do not quickly oppose to them; that`s
why we are defeated by evil thoughts.
50. After we started to live being attentive to the mind, if
we unite the humbleness with the watchfulness and accompany
the prayer with the resistance, we will walk well on the road of
the cogitation, beautifying, weeping, adorning and cleaning the
Luke: 18: 8: KJB: “I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son
of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”; ROB: “I am saying to you that He will soon
do justice to them. But the Son of the Man, when He will come, will He find faith on earth?”
The text from G.P. has few more rows of explaining the word οίμος = way (the sole
translation that we have found to the word οίμος was the adverb “fairly”. So we aren`t sure
about the translation through the word “way” (E. l. t.`s n.))
Psalm: 36: 11: KJB: “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in
the abundance of peace.”; 37: 11: ROB: “And the gentle ones will inherit the earth and into
the abundance of the peace they will delight themselves.”
Matthew: 13: 28: KJB: “He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said
unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?”; ROB: “And he answered to them:
An evil man did this. The servants said to him: Do you want us to go and to pluck it off?”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
The text from G.P. has few more rows, showing that the man knows when God helps him.
Psalms: 91: 8: KJB: “Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the
wicked.”; 90: 8: ROB: “But with your eyes you will look and the reward of the sinner you
will see.”
Galatians: 4: 6: KJB: “And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son
into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.”; ROB: “And for you are sons, God has sent the Ghost
of His Son in your hearts, Who shouts out: Abba, Father”.
Here the watchfulness is identified to the active phase of the spiritual life.
John: 11: 25: KJB: “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that
believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:”; ROB: “And Jesus said to her: I am
the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in Me, even he will die, he will live.”
Psalms: 137: 9: KJB: “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the
stones.”; 136: 9: ROB: “Happy is the ones who will grab and will hit your children against the
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Ecclesiastes: 8: 5: KJB: “Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a
wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment.”; ROB: “To the one who listen to the
commandment nothing evil will happen to him, for the heart of a righteous man will know the
time and the judgment .”
John: 15: 5: KJB: “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him,
the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”; ROB: “I am the vine,
you are the offshoots. The one who remains into Me, also I into him, that one brings forth
much fruit, for without Me you cannot do anything.”
Luke: 12: 47: KJB: “And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not
himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.”; ROB: “And that
servant who knew the will of the master and didn`t prepare himself, neither did according to
his master`s will, he will be beaten much.”
This comparison is missing from the Greek Philokalia.
Deuteronomy: 10: 15: KJB: “Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no
more stiffnecked.”; ROB: “Therefore circumcise your heart and from now on do not be stiff-
Matthew: 25: 29: KJB: “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have
abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.”; ROB:
“For to everyone who has it will be given and it will be abundant to him, and from the ones
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
who love God, all the things are worked them towards good” 111.
Therefore his virtues will be much more worked.
66. The ship won`t travel many miles without water; and
it won`t advance at all the guarding of the mind without
watchfulness united with humbleness and with the prayer of
Jesus Christ.
67. The foundation of the house is formed of stones. And
this virtues it has both as foundation and as roof the
worshipped and the holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Easily
will got stranded a helmsman confused in times of storm, if he
has banished the sailors, has thrown the oars and the sails into
the sea, and he is sleeping. But more easily will be sunk by the
devils the soul which didn`t take care of watchfulness and
didn`t call the name of Jesus at the beginning of the baits
68. We are telling in writing what we know and we
confess to the ones who want to listen to it, what we have seen
by travelling the way, if you want to accept the said ones. This
is because He Himself said: “If somebody won`t remain into Me,
he will be cast out as the vine and they will gather it up and
they will cast it into fire and it will burn”; “and the one who
remains into Me and I into him, much fruit he will bring
forth”112. This is because like it is impossible to the sun to
lighten without light, likewise it is not possible to be the heart
cleaned of the defilement of the thoughts of perdition, without
the prayer of the name of Jesus. And it this is true, as I can see,
let`s use it, like we use our breath. This is because this prayer
is light, and those ones are darkness; and that is God and the
Master, and those are the servants of the devils.
69. The guarding of the mind can be appropriately and
rightly called like birth giver of light, birth giver of lightening,
who doesn`t have even what he has it will be taken from him.”
Romans: 8: 28: KJB: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that
love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”; ROB: “And we know that
God works everything towards the good of the ones who love Him, of the ones who are called
according to His will;”
John: 15: 6, 4: KJB: “If a man abides not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is
withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.” // “Abide in
me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more
can ye, except ye abide in me.”; ROB: “If somebody doesn`t remain into Me he is thrown out
as the offshoot and he gets withered; and they gather them up and they cast them into fire and
they burn.” // “Remain into Me and I into you. Like the offshoot cannot bring forth fruits by
itself, likewise also you, if you don`t remain into Me.”
Psalms: 140: 13: KJB: “Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright
shall dwell in thy presence.”; 139: 13: ROB: “And the righteous ones will praise themselves
to You name and the righteous ones will dwell before Your face.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
72. The prayer of a sole word (or thought) 114 it kills and
transforms in ashes their delusions. This is because Jesus, God
and the Son of God, ceaselessly and without idleness called by
us, doesn`t allow to them to show to the mind in the mirror of
the cogitation, either the beginning of the entering, which is
called by some ones as bait, or some image, and neither to
speak some words into the heart. And by not penetrating some
devilish image into the heart, the heart will be empty, as I said,
also of thoughts. This is because the devils use to speak to the
soul and to teach it the sin through thoughts, hiding
themselves from it.
73. Therefore through the ceaseless prayer the sky of the
cogitation is cleaned of the darken clouds and of the winds of
the evilness. And by being the sky of the heart cleaned, it is
impossible he says, to not shine in it the godlike light of Jesus,
if we won`t inflate ourselves of vain glory, of the smoke of the
pride and of the passion of unveiling ourselves. Through these
ones though, we will make ourselves too light-minded, and we
will find ourselves without help from Jesus, because Christ,
Who showed to us the humbleness, He hates all these.
74. Let`s therefore persevere in prayer and humbleness,
on working these two ones, which together with the
watchfulness arms us against the devils, as with a sword of fire.
This is because the ones who live like that, we can feast in each
day and in each hour, out of heart, in a mysterious way, a
holiday of joyfulness.
75. The eight more general thoughts of the evilness, in
which is comprised every thought and out of which is born
everything (as out of Hera and Zeus, all the cursed devils,
honored by Greeks, according to their myths), all the things
ascend to the gate of the heart and, by finding the mind
unguarded, they enter one by one at their own time. And then
each of the eight thoughts, ascending and entering into the
heart, it brings with itself a swarm of other shameless thoughts.
And in this way, by darkening the mind, they entice the body,
urging it to commit deeds of shame.
76. Therefore the one who guards the head of the snake
and through angry resistance he uses courageous words, by
punching with the fist in the face, he has banished the enemy
from himself. This is because by crushing the head, he has set
η προσευχή μιας λέξης (the prayer of one word) E. l. t.`s n.)).
Matthew: 15: 19-20: KJB: “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries,
fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: // These are the things which defile a man: but
to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.”; ROB: “Because out of the heart come the
evil thoughts, killings, adulteries, fornication, thefts, liar witnesses, blasphemies. // These
ones are which defile de man, but eating with unwashed hands do not defile the man.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Jesus stick with your breath and you will see how this thing is
accomplished in a few days.
81. As it is impossible to write letter in the air, because
these ones must be written on something, to be preserved for a
long time, likewise we must stick the prayer of Jesus with the
tiring watchfulness, for the most-beautiful virtue of the
watchfulness to remain steadfastly together with Him and
through Him to be preserved to us not-kidnapped forever.
82. “Turn, says the Lord, your things and you will find
grace”. Therefore let`s avoid to be said also about us by the
Prophet: “Close are You, Lord, to their mouth, but far away
from their entrails”116. Nobody else will steadily bring peace to
the heart in what concerns the passions, but only Jesus Christ,
the One Who united the ones who were as great distance one
from another.
83. The soul is equally darkened by these two: by the
speeches of the thoughts in cogitation and by the meetings and
by the encounters and vain words from outside. The ones who
want to be shunned from the damaging of the mind, they must
be saddened both by the thoughts and by the men, who love to
speak purposelessly, for a very blessed reason: lest by being
them darkened with the mind, to be their watchfulness
becoming drowsed. This is because by being darkened due to
the forgetfulness, we are losing our mind.
84. The one who guards the cleanness of the mind with
the whole zeal, he will have as teacher the lawmaker Christ,
Who secretly whispers to him His will. “I will hear what the Lord
God will speak into me” 117, says David when showing this thing.
And by showing the observing which the mind does it to itself
for the mental (intelligible) war and for the helping support from
God, he says: “The man will say: will there be fruits to the
righteous one?”118 And then by showing the effect which results
out of both of them, through meeting of them, he says:
Jeremiah: 12: 2: KJB: “Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root: they grow, yea,
they bring forth fruit: thou art near in their mouth, and far from their reins.”; ROB: “You have
planted them and they have taken roots, they have grown up and they have brought forth
fruits; You are close only to their lips, but of their heart You are far away.”
Psalm: 85: 8: KJB: “I will hear what God the Lord will speak: for he will speak peace unto
his people,”; 84: 8: KJB: “I will hear what the Lord God will speak into me; for He will speak
peace over His people”.
Psalm: 58: 11: KJB: “So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous:
verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth.”; 57: 11: ROB: “And the man will say: Yes, there
is rewards for the righteous one! Yes, there is God Who judges them during their life!”
other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall
be exalted.”; ROB: “I say you that this one went down to his house more corrected that that
one. Because whoever will exalt on himself he will be humbled, and the one who humbles on
himself he will be exalted.”
James: 4: 6: KJB: “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud,
but giveth grace unto the humble.”; ROB: “No, but He gives a great gift. That`s why He says:
“God stays against the pride ones, and to the humble ones He gives them grace.”
93. The signs of the priest in the Old Testament they were
prefigurations of the clean heart, for us also to take care of the
vestment of the heart, lest to be darkened due to the sin and to
clean it with tears, with repentance and with prayer. This is
because the mind is a light thing and difficult to be stopped
from lawless memories; a thing which is easily influenced by the
evil or by the good hallucinations of the cogitation.
94. Truly happy is the one who has stuck in cogitation
with the prayer of Jesus and shouts at Him ceaselessly in his
heart, as the air has united with our bodies, of the flame with
the bee wax. By coming over the earth the sun makes day; and
the holy and most-honored name of Lord Jesus by ceaselessly
lighting into the cogitation it gives birth to countless meanings,
like the sun does.
95. After the clouds are scattered, the sight it becomes
clean. And after the hallucinations of the passions have been
scattered, by the sun of the righteousness Jesus Christ, use to
be born in the heart luminous and stellar meanings out of the
whole its sky lightened by Jesus Christ. This is because the
Ecclesiastes says: “The Ones who trust in God, they will
understand the truth and the faithful in love ones, they will live
with Him”124. Someone from the Saints said: “If you keep the evil
in the mind, keep then in mind the evil from the devils; and if
you have enmity on someone, have enmity on the body forever.
The body is a cunning friend, and if it is served it makes war to
you even more”. And again: “Gain enmity against the body and
fight against the belly”125.
96. In the previous words of the first and of the second
hundreds I have presented the toils of the holy quietude of the
mind. They don`t comprise only the fruits of our cogitation, but
also the ones which we have learnt out of the words of the wise
God bearers Fathers about the cleanness of the mind. And now,
after I have said these few things, for showing the gain which
comes out of guarding the mind, we will cease speaking.
97. Come therefore and follow me towards the union with
the happy guarding of the mind, whoever you will be, you who
wants into the ghost to see good days, and I will teach you into
the Lord the seen work and the living of the intelligible Powers.
The Wisdom of Solomon (this book is missing from KJB (E. l. t.`s n.)): 3: 9: ROB: “They
will understand the truth as ones who have put their trust in the Lord; the faithful ones will
live with Him in love, for the grace and the mercifulness are the part of His chosen ones.”
This chapter misses in the G. P.`s text.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
See also J. Hausherr, cited work p. 140 (44), where he gives the title of the writings of
Philotheos form the cod. Athous Ʌ 38 (Spyridon et S. Eustratiades, Catalogue no. 1528, 11).
Philotheos is called likewise also in the title of his writings from the cod. Naniensis (Venitian)
95 (Mignareli, Cat. Codd. Greek Nan p. 185), presented in Migne G.P. 98, 1369-70. See also
the title from cod. 30 Moscow (Matthaeus, Not. codd. Greek Mosq., p. 317), presented in
Migne G.P. 154, 717-718.
The manuscript of the Romanian Academy no. 2012, which comprises in Romanian
translation “The Heads for Watchfulness and Prayer”, it calls him: “Philotheos the monk, the
abbot of the dwelling place Pyre of the Most-Holy Birth Giver of God”.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
These two writings (indicated at Migne according to Mathaeus, cited work) are entitles, the
first one: “Φιλοθέου, μοναχου μονης της υπεραγίας Θεοτόκσυ της βάτου εν Σινα, περι
τριμερους την ψυχης και περι νήψεως και ευχης”. Inc. Ο μακάριος ο αποστολος Παυλος; the
second one: “Περι τηρήσεως νου και ταπεινοφροσυνης”. Inc. Βλέπετε και ορατε, φησιν ο
κυριος, μήπος Βαρυνθωσιν. But the beginning of the first writing it seems to coincide to the
head 31; and the beginning of the second one to the head 15 of the writing from Philokalia.
Also according to Mignareli, cited work, p. 185.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
31 37
32 38
33 39
(from “nothing will defile us,
nor make us sad”)
34 20
35 16
36 17
37 18
J. Hausherr, cited work, 141 (45).
Idem, Ibid.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
An intelligible war, more awful than the sensitive one. In the Manuscript no. 2012 of the
Romanian Academia it is said: a thinking and feeling war.
The intelligible sweats (the fights of the cogitation).
In the Manuscript of the Romanian Academia: thinker.
Starting from here to the end of this head the text it misses from the Manuscript of the
Romanian Academia.
In the Manuscript of the Romanian Academia: “The ones who slow down with the thinking
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
let`s start this way through restraint from the much food,
receiving the food and the drinks with measure, as much as it
is possible this restraint to us. This is because the watchfulness
can be rightly called both as was which leads to the Kingdom,
to that Kingdom from inside us and to the future one, and to
the thinker work, as one which processes and whitens the
things of the mind and it moves the mind from the passionate
living to the one without passions. This is because it is like a
luminous small window, through which God, by leaning Himself
downwards, He shows on Himself to the mind.
4. Where are the humbleness and the remembrance of
God, sustained by watchfulness and by attention, and the
directed against enemies, there is the place of God, or the
heaven of the heart, in which the gang of the devils are afraid to
stay, because God dwells in that place.
5. Nothing brings more disturbance than the much
speaking, and nothing is worse than the unrestrained speaking,
which can damage the state of the soul. This is because the
ones which we build them up daily, the much speaking
demolishes them, and the ones which we gather with toil, the
soul scatters them away through the itching of the tongue.
What can be worse than this? It is an evil without bridle.
Therefore we must put a border to it, to forcedly keep it, to
strangle it, to say so, for being serving only to towards the
necessary ones. But who could ever say the spiritual damage
which comes from the tongue?
6. The first gate which leads to the mental (intelligible) 143
Jerusalem, to the attention of the mind, it is the silence of the
mouth into knowledge, even if the mind still isn`t soothed. The
second one is the restraint with measure from foods and drinks.
The third ones, which cleans up the mind and the body, it is the
remembrance and the ceaseless thought of death. Myself,
seeing once, for an instance, the beauty of this ones and being
wounded and delighted with the ghost, not with the sight, I
wanted to gain it to be my wife for the rest of the life, being in
love with its beauty and its decency: how humble it is, with how
much joyfulness it saddens itself, how thoughtful it is, how
much fears the right future judgment, fearing the end of the life;
out of its sensitive eyes uses to flow the living and healing
water, out of its thinking (intelligible) eyes emerges a spring of
In the Manuscript of the Romanian Academia, the “mental Jerusalem” is missing.
because it is earthly and mixed with wort, with blood and with
burning’ and always hanging downwardly, it is always full of
passions of the earthly ones and it sweetens itself with the
destroyer pleasures of this eon. This is because the thought of
the body is death. And the ones who are into body they cannot
be pleasant to God.
13. The ones who take care of guarding the mind into the
Lord, we need much humbleness, first towards God and then
towards people. In every way and in all directions we a indebted
to break our heart, by searching for everything that humiliates
it. And the heart is broken and humbled by the memory of our
first life into world, if we do this thoroughly. The memory of all
the sins from childhood, regarded again into mind, according to
their image (except the bodily ones, because their memory is
damaging), it humiliates and gives birth to tears and it moves
us towards giving thanks to God, out of the whole heart;
likewise also the ceaseless and alive memory of the death. This
one also gives birth to crying, mixed with some sweetness and
joy, as the watchfulness of the mind also gives birth. Powerfully
humiliate the thought and makes us seeing the sin also the
remembrance of the passions of our Lord Jesus Christ, being
them also regarded by the memory according to their image.
They also cause tears. Besides these ones also humiliate the
soul the many benefactions of God, the ones towards us,
counted and regarded according to their kind, once our fight is
against the pride devils.
14. Do not reject, out of bodily love for the self, these
savior medicines of the soul, for otherwise you`re no longer the
disciple of God, neither the follower of Paul, who says: “I`m not
worthy to be called Apostle”, or: “The one who was blasphemer
before, persecutor and mocker”. See, you the pride one, the
Saint, how he doesn`t forget his life from before? And all the
Saints, from the beginning of the world until today, they put on
this last holy thick and long coat of God. And our Lord Jesus
Christ Himself, being not-comprised God, unknown and
unspoken, wanting to show the way of the eternal life and of the
holiness, He put on the humbleness all over His body. Thus the
holy humbleness must be rightly called also godlike
humbleness and commandments and godlike coat. In this
virtue toil and are guarding it also the Angels and all those
shining and godlike Powers, knowing with what falling fell
satan, by being proud. And as fearsome example of falling, to
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
the Angels and to the people, let be the cunning one, which lays
in deep, being shown by God more lacked of honor than the
entire creation, due to its pride. But we also know with what
falling fell also Adam due to the pride. Therefore by having
these examples urging towards this useful to the soul virtue,
let`s always humble ourselves in all the ways. By using them,
let`s humble on ourselves with the whole power with the soul
and with the body, with the thought and with the will, in words,
in thoughts and in countenance, outward and inward. Let`s
search for this one as much as we can, to not have Jesus Christ
against us, the Son of God, Who gave on Himself for us. This is
because “the Lord stays against the proud ones, and to the
humble ones He gives them grace”; and “Unclean is to the Lord
everyone who exalts on himself with the heart”, and “the ones
who humbles on himself, he will be exalted”. |Learn from Me,
He says, for I am meek and lowly in heart”. That`s why, let`s
take heed.
15. “See, says our Savior, to not become your hearts
heavy”… and the followings; and “the one who lives in ascesis,
he restrains himself from everything”. Therefore by knowing
that all these ones were said by the Holy Scripture towards us,
lets` spend our life with restraint, first of all from the much
food; let`s habituate the body with a virtuous order, giving to
food to it with measure. Thus the throbs of his lusting part will
be appeased and they will obey to the governing rationality,
and, it we must say the whole truth, also of the wrath. But we
will easily retain ourselves also from the other mistakes.
Besides, this ones is also reckoned as virtue by the ones who
have experienced the virtue: the all-comprising restraint,
namely the retaining from all sorts of evil. This is because firstly
the cause of the cleanness is God, the One who causes and
Who gives all the goods; then the measured restraint, equal and
on a daily basis, from much food.
16. As satan, by resisting against God, to not do His will,
namely the commandments, it wages war to God through us,
through whom it tries to overthrow His will, likewise God wants
that also through us to be fulfilled His most-holly will, namely,
as I said, the godlike and life-maker His commandments,
overthrowing through us and through His help the destroyer
plan of the cunning one. The vain will of the enemy, which
reckons to resists to God, by determining the people to
transgress His commandments, God, scatters it again through
Psalms: 1: 1: KJB: “BLESSED is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,
nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”; ROB: “Blessed is
the man, who didn`t walk in the advice of the faithless ones, and in the way the sinners he
didn`t stand, and of the stool of the blasphemers he didn`t sit.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
It is about John Climacus G.P. 88, 1148 C; likewise of Isaac the Syrian, word 55, About
Passions, Ascetic Word, Athens, 1895, p. 220.
John: 15: 5: KJB: “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him,
the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”; ROB: “I am the vine,
you are the offshoots. The one who remains into Me, also I into Him, that one brings forth
much fruit, for without Me you cannot do anything.”
for the pearl and for the dough, and all the other ones we will
find them out mysteriously, if we will clean up the eye of the
mind. That`s why our Lord Jesus Christ said: “The Kingdom of
Heavens is inside you”, showing the godhead which is inside the
24. The watchfulness luminously cleans up the
conscience, and this one, by being cleaned it bursts
immediately as a great light which was before covered, now
banishing the great darkness. And the darkness by being
banished away, the conscience, through ceaseless and true
watchfulness, unveils at its turn the ones which move
themselves in hidden. And through the mind it learns with
watchfulness the unseen fight and the mental war (intelligible),
how it must throw with the spear in the man-to-man fight and
to hit the target with sharp thought and to avoid to be hit the
mind, by taking shelter next to Christ from the lances` pricking
and wanting the light instead of the damaging darkness. The
one who has tasted the light he understand what I`m saying.
The tasting of the light it hungers even more the soul which
nourishes itself with it, and this soul won`t ever be satisfied
again, but the more he eats the more he becomes hungry, the
light attracting the mind like the sun attracts the eyes. This
thing cannot be explained, because it isn`t explained through
word, and, speaking more truly, the experience of the one who
suffers it or is pricked, it commands me to be quiet. But the
mind wants to delight itself by speaking about the things told in
the words: “Aim the peace, all of you, and the holiness, without
which, nobody will see God”148. It is about achieving the love
and the cleanness, because these ones are the peace and the
25. We must arm the wrath only against the devils, which
persecute us through thoughts and only against them we must
anger ourselves. And the sort of the war of anytime of inside us,
listen to it and accomplish it, unite your prayer with the
watchfulness, because the watchfulness cleans up the prayer,
and the prayer it cleans the watchfulness. This is because the
watchfulness, by uninterruptedly looking, it knows the ones
who enter. And by impeding a little their entering, it calls the
Hebrews: 12: 14: KJB: “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man
shall see the Lord:”; ROB: “Search for the peace and for the holiness, without which, nobody
will see God.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
28. Let`s not reject either the labors of the bodily ascesis.
This is because out of earth rises the wheat up, and out of these
ones rises up the spiritual joyfulness and the experience of the
good ones. And let`s also not to disregard the conscience which
speaks to us about the savior ones and about the ones which
we must do, which ceaselessly tells to us about our duties;
especially when it happens to be cleaned up by the working and
thin watchfulness of the mind. This is because then it uses to
bring forth thoughtful and doubtless judgments for its
cleanness. That why we mustn`t disregard it; because it
foretells inside the pleasant to God life and mercilessly rebukes
the soul. And when the thought is stained with sins, the
conscience shows the way of correcting the mistake, by urging
the heart which has done that mistake to repent, showing to it
the medicine through a conquering speech.
29. The smoke, which comes out from woods, it is hard to
the eyes, but it shows light to them and delights the ones whom
it saddened before. Likewise the attention, which ceaselessly
looks, it produces heaviness, but by coming into prayer, the
called Jesus, He lightens the heart. This is because His
remembrance brings, in the same time with the lighting, the
most part of the good things.
30. Our enemy uses to disturb our mind and to eat dirt
and to invite us together with that one. He wants that the image
of God to crawl himself on the belly. That`s why God says:
“Enmity I will put between you and him” 149. Due to this reason
we must always breath God, for through this to pass over each
day unwounded by the burning arrows of the devil. “I will cover
him, He says, for he knew My name”; and again: “Close is to the
ones who fear Him, His salvation”.
31. The blessed Apostle, the vessel of the choosing, who
speaks into Christ, having a great experience of the inward and
mental (intelligible) war, which is unseen to us, he writes to
Ephesians: “It is not our fight against the body and the blood,
but against the principalities, of the masteries, of the chieftains
of the dark of this age, of the ghost of the evilness and into the
heavenly ones”150. And Apostle Peter says: “Stay awake, and
Genesis: 3: 15: KJB: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”; ROB: “Enmity
I will put between you and woman, between your seed and her seed; she will crush your head
and you will prick her heel.”
Ephesians: 6: 12: KJB: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
take vigil, for our adversary walks like a lion, searching for
whom to swallow, to which you stay against, strong in faith” 151.
And our Lord Jesus Christ, speaking about the diverse
dispositions of the ones who listen to the words of the Gospel,
He says: “And then comes the devil and takes the word from the
heart”, namely committing the theft through the evil
forgetfulness, “lets, by believing, to be they saved” 152. And the
Apostle says again: “For I rejoice myself into the inward man
with the law of God, but I see another law waging war against
my mind and enslaving me”153. They said all of these to teach us
and to make us know the forgetfulness.
32. The knowledge uses to make haughty, making the
man to imagine that he is above many, if he is without the
blaming of the self and humbleness. Let`s thing therefore like
the ones who have the knowledge of the helplessness, listening
to the one who says: “Brothers, I do not reckon myself to have
arrived yet; but I know one thing: the ones from behind
forgetting them and towards the one from ahead stretching
myself, I am running to the target, towards the crown of the
calling from above of Jesus Christ”154. And again: “I am running
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places.”; ROB: “For our fight is not against the body and against the
blood, but against the principalities, against the masteries, against the masters of this age,
against the ghosts of the evilness, which are in the sky.”
I Peter: 5: 8-9: KJB: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring
lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: // Whom resist stedfast in the faith,
knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.”;
ROB: “Be you awake, take vigil. You adversary, the devil, walks, roaring like a lion,
searching for whom to swallow, // To which you stay against, strong in faith, knowing that the
same sufferings endure also your brother into world.”
Luke: 8: 12: KJB: “Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and
taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.”; ROB: “And
the one from besides the road are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and take the
word out of their heart, lest, by believing, to be saved.”
Romans: 7: 22-23: KJB: “For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: // But I see
another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into
captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.”; ROB: “For, after the inwards man, I
rejoice myself of the law of God; // But I see in my limbs another law, fighting against my
mind and making me servant of the sin`s law, which is in my limbs.”
Philippians: 3: 13-14: KJB: “13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this
one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things
which are before, // I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ
Jesus.”; ROB: “Brothers, I do not reckon to have conquered it yet, // But one I am doing:
forgetting the ones which are behind me, and tending toward the ones from ahead, I am
like this, not like without target, and I am fighting like this, not
like one punching the air, but I am obeying and I am
restraining my body, lest, preaching to others, to prove myself
untried”. Do you see how much humbleness united with the
running towards virtue at Saint Paul, the so great one? Christ,
he says, came into the world to save the sinners “among which
the first one I am”. Therefore, it is not needed to humiliate
ourselves, if the scarcity of the nature is characteristic to us,
because what is more unimportant the dust? We must
remember of God, if for this thing we have been created, but to
strive ourselves also with the restraint, to be us running lightly
into the Lord.
33. The one who has surrendered on himself to the evil
thoughts, it is impossible to him to clean on himself from sins
according to the outside man. And if the evil thoughts haven`t
been plucked out from the heart, it is impossible to not be
shown in deed. The cause of the fornicator look it stays in the
fornication and in the darkening of the inward eye. And the
cause of the lust of hearing shameful things it stays in that that
the ears of the soul listen to what the shameless devils from
inside whisper against us. Therefore we are indebted in the
Lord, to clean on ourselves inside and outside and to guard
each of our senses and to clean them on each one individually,
of the passionate works and of mistakes. And as before, when
into our nescience we have been living in the world in the vanity
of our mind, we have been serving with the whole mind and
with the senses to the delusion of the sin, likewise now, after we
have moved ourselves to that life according to God, let`s serve
with the whole our mind and with the senses to the living and
true God, and to the righteousness and to the will of God.
34. First is the attack (the bait), then the accompanying,
then the consent (the agreeing), then the enslaving, and then
the passions combined with habituation and continuity. Behold
the victory of the war wages against us. Likewise state the Holy
35. The attack, they say, it is the simple thought, or the
image of the thing recently born into the heart, which it shows
itself to the mind. The accompanying it consists in the dialogue
with what has appeared, either with passion, or without
passion. The consent is the joyful agreeing of the soul with what
running to the target, to the rewards of the calling from above, of God, into Jesus Christ.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
into the ones who have the desire to clean the sight of their
soul, there is another work of Christ and another mystery.
38. The limpid remembrance of the death it truly
comprises many virtues. It gives birth to the crying, it urges to
the restraint from everything, it remembers about Gehenna, it
is the mother of the prayers and of the tears, it is the guarding
of the heart, the lack of earthly passion, gushing up of
understanding and right reckoning, of whose fruits are the
twofold fear of God and the cleaning of the passionate thought
out of the heart. It comprises therefore many commandments of
the Lord. Through it, the heavy war of each hour it is seen,
which worries many amongst the fighters of Christ.
39. A happening or a upset which comes suddenly, it
saddens, and not a little, the attention of the cogitation. By
getting the mind out of the high preoccupation, virtuous and
good, it deviates the mind towards sinful quarrels and strife.
And the cause of this our lost it consists in the fact that we
aren`t careful with what it happens to us.
40. We won`t be defiled and we won`t be saddened by any
of the upsets which come daily, once we will know and will
cogitate this always. That`s why the godlike Apostle Paul says:
“I am content into helplessness, into mockery and into needs”;
and: “All the ones who want to live with good honoring into
Christ Jesus, they will be persecuted”. His to be the glory,
forever, Amen.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
O. Bardenhewer, Geschichte der altkirchl. Literatur, V. Band, 1932, p. 83.
Ιωάννης ελέω Θεου επισκοπος της Καρπαθίων νήσου δρίσας υπέγραψα. (John the
Carpathian, the Bishop of God, I Have Signed (E. l. t.`s n.)) Mansi, Amplissima collection
conciliorum, 1901, tome 11, col. 653 E, 693 E.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Job: 28: 16-17: KJB: “It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx,
or the sapphire. // The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be
for jewels of fine gold.”; ROB: “It cannot be priced either with the gold of Ophir, nor with the
precious agate, nor with sapphire stones! // Next to it cannot stay either the gold, or the
crystal, and for a vessel of the purest gold it cannot be changed.”
John: 1: 25; Ezekiel: 28: 10.
Psalms: 18: 29: KJB: “For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I
leaped over a wall.”; 17: 32: ROB: “For with You I will be delivered from temptation, and
with my God I will pass over the wall.”
I Corinthians: 15: 10: KJB: “But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which
was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not
I, but the grace of God which was with me.”; ROB: “But through the grace of God I am what
I am; and His grace which is in me wasn`t in vain, but I labored more than all of them; yet not
me, but the grace of God which is with me.”
Psalms: 18: 48: KJB: “He delivereth me from mine enemies : yea, thou liftest me up above
those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.”; 17: 52: ROB:
“From the ones who rise themselves against me, You elevate me, from the unjust man, You
deliver me.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Psalms: 27: 6: KJB: “And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round
about me:”; 26: 10: ROB: “And you have lifted me up on a rock. And now, behold, He lifted
my head over my enemies.”
Psalms: 55: 6: KJB: “And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly
away, and be at rest.”; ROB: “And I said: Who will give me wings as of a dove, to fly away
and to rest on myself.”
Psalms: 18: 34: KJB: “He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by
mine arms.”; 17: 37: ROB: “You Who strengthen my hands in time of war, and You have put
brass bow in my arms.”
Psalms: 18: 39: KJB: “For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: thou hast
subdued under me those that rose up against me.”; ROB: “And you girdled me with power
towards war and You stumbled all the ones who were raising themselves against me.”
II Samuel: 22: 50: KJB: “Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the
heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.”; II Kings: 22: 50: ROB: “That`s why I will
praise You amongst peoples and I will give glory to Your name.”
According to Maximos the Confessor, Answers towards Thalassius, no. 26, in The
Romanian Philokalia, volume III, p. 91.
Proverbs: 1: 31: KJB: “Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled
with their own devices.”; Solomon`s Parables: 1: 31: ROB: “They will eat the fruits of their
way and of their own advices they will be fed.”
In the Latin translation: “ut scriptum est a Plutarcho” (G.P. 85, 793).
The word from “himself” are found only in the Latin translation.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
I Corinthians: 3: 19: KJB: “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is
written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.”; ROB: “Because the wisdom of this world
is insanity before God, for it is written: “He catches the wise ones in their cunningness.”
Luke: 2: 10: KJB: “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good
tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”; ROB: “But the angel said to them: Do not
be afraid. For, behold, I am announcing to you a great joy, which will be for the whole
Psalms: 66: 4: KJB: “All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall
sing to thy name. Selah.”; 65: 3: ROB: “All the earth to worship You and to sing to You, to
sing to Your name.”
Psalms: 1: 13: ROB: “Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice yourselves of Him with
tremble.” (the serves 7-14 of the Psalm 1 from ROB are not present in the similar psalm from
Luke: 23: 43: KJB: “And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be
with me in paradise.”; ROB: “And Jesus said to him: Verily I speak to you, today you will be
with Me in Paradise.”
In the Greek Philokalia: “into seed”.
this kind; or: “On autumn the grape ripe” 183; or: “Be to you
according to your faith”184.
16. When by hating the passions, we are troubled ever
harder by the shameless thoughts of the devils, let`s lean ever
more on the faith in the Lord, and to make even more fortified
the hope in the promised eternal goods, of which the enemies
strive themselves to deprive us and to estrange us to those
goods, because of their envy. This is because those goods
wouldn`t be so great, the devils wouldn`t burn of such a big
envy against us and they wouldn`t throw arrows on us in the
form of defiled thoughts, believing that they will satisfy their
fury and will push us into despair, through the much and
difficult to bear trouble.
17. Some people say that the doing is the truest
knowledge. Therefore strive yourselves to show your faith and
your knowledge rather through deeds. This is because the one
who boasts himself only with the knowledge, he will hear: “I
confess I know God, but through deeds I deny Him”185.
18. The devil strive themselves to defile the ascetic,
through shameful hallucinations and through the leaking of the
seed, most often in the time of the holydays and of the holy
services, and especially when somebody wants to come close to
the holy mass. But neither through this will they wound or
weaken the one who is accustomed to endure everything with
patience and valor. “Therefore do not praise on themselves
against us the crooked ones like the straight ones” 186.
19. The enemies avenge themselves on your bearing and
zeal, slapping your soul with diverse and unspoken trials. But
out of the many and untold troubles is being weaved your
crown; and “into helplessness is being consummated the power
Luke: 7: 50: KJB: “And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.”;
ROB: “And towards the woman He said: Your faith saved you; go in peace.”
Matthew: 9: 29: KJB: “Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it
unto you.”; ROB: “Then He touched their eyes, saying: According to your faith, be it to you.”
Titus: 1: 16: KJB: “They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being
abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.”; ROB: “They confess
that they know God, but with their deeds they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and
to every good thing, unworthy.”
I Kings: 20: 11: KJB: “And the king of Israel answered and said, Tell him, Let not him that
girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off.”; ROB: “And the King of Israel
answered and said: “Say to not praise on himself the one who girdles on himself like the one
who takes the girdle off.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
II Corinthians: 12: 9: KJB: “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my
strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my
infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”; ROB: “And He said to me: It is
sufficient to you My grace, for My power is being consummated into weakness. Therefore,
very glad, I will praise myself more often into my weaknesses, for the power of Christ to be
dwelling into me.”
Psalms: 107: 27: KJB: “They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at
their wits’ end.”; 106: 27: ROB: “They were troubled and they were reeling as a drunken man
and all their skillfulness perished.”
in all kind of sins, poisoning it and taking it out from its nature
through the leaning in two sides.
23. Great thing is the man who grows inside and
increases in virtues. But this great being is being afraid of sin,
as the elephant of mouse, “lest, after he has preached to others,
he himself to reach at being rejected”189.
24. Not only close to the end of the world will de devil
speak words against the Most High, as the Lord says, but even
now it sometimes happens that it sends through our thoughts
heavy blasphemies towards the sky and it speaks reproaches
against the Most High, against His creatures and against the
Holy Mysteries of Christ. But by staying us on the rock of the
knowledge, we aren`t troubled by these things, neither we
wonder about the daring of the cursed one, but by persevering
into faith and into fiery prayer and by being us imparted by the
help from above, we banish the enemy away.
25. When the soul exits the body the enemy rushes upon
the soul, waging war to it and reproaching it with daring and
making itself bitter and fearsome accuser of the soul for what
the soul did wrong. But then one can see how the loving of God
and most faithful soul, even if it has often been wounded before
by sins, it isn`t afraid by the rushing and by the menaces of the
devil, but the soul strengthens itself even more into the Lord
and it flies full of joy, encouraged by the Holy Powers which lead
the soul, and surrounded as by a wall by the lights of the faith,
shouting at its turn with much daring to the cunning devil:
What is to you and to us, you the estranged one from God?
What is to you and to us, you the fugitive from the heavens and
cunning servant? You don`t have the mastery over us, but
Christ, the Son of God, He has the mastery over us and over
everybody. To Him we have committed sin, to Him we will
answer, having as earnest of His mercifulness on us and of our
salvation, His honored cross. And be you running away from
us, you the destroyer, because nothing is to you from the
servants of Christ. By saying the soul these things with daring,
the devil turns its back, weeping with a loud voice, not being
able to stand against the name of Christ. And the soul being
above, flies upon the enemy, slapping the enemy, as the bird
I Corinthians: 9: 27: KJB: “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that
by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”; ROB: “But I
torment my body and I submit it to slavery; lest, by preaching to others, I myself to become
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
called oxypterix (rapidly flying) on the raven. After this the soul
is being brought with gladness by the godlike Angels to the
places decides for the soul, according to its state190.
26. Even a small temptation, if it is allowed, it impedes
the one who strives himself to advance. Let yourself be
convinced by this thing by the echeneida, that so small fish,
which stops only with a touch a very heavy load, impeding that
load to advance. And remember the one who says: “I Paul (the
so great one), I wanted once and again to come to you, but
Satan impedes us”191. But do not be troubled for this, but fight
further through patience and you will have part of grace.
27. One may be very rich in virtues, but if out of
carelessness he deviates from what it is due, the sons of the
bad sunrises of Amalek will rise themselves upon him, and
especially Midian192, the loving of adultery power, together with
their camels, namely with the passionate memories, which are
countless, and they destroy all the fruits of the earth, namely of
the doing and of the all-good habituation. Then Israel becomes
poor and diminishes itself to the soul, and it finds on itself
forced to shout out towards the Lord. And from heavens it is
sent good thought, which imitates Gideon through the much
faith and the humble cogitation. “For my thousand, he says, it
is the most humble in Manasseh” 193, to fight against so many
multitudes with three hundreds of weak men 194 and to
This head presents more largely the idea from the head 46 of the Second Hundred, of
Hesychios. Also at Hesychios in the head 26 of the First Hundred we find also the comparison
to oxypterix, but with another meaning. One can see everywhere closeness between John the
Carpathian and Hesychios, but we do not know who used who.
I Thessalonians: 2: 18: KJB: “Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once
and again; but Satan hindered us.”; ROB: “Therefore we wanted to come to you, especially I,
Paul – once and another times more -, but satan impeded us.”
Judges: 6: 33: KJB: “Then all the Midianites and the Amalekites and the children of the
east were gathered together, and went over, and pitched in the valley of Jezreel.”; ROB:
“meanwhile the Midianites, the Amalekites and the inhabitants of the East gathered
themselves together, crossed the rive and settled their camp in Jezreel Valley.
Judges: 6: 15: KJB: “And he said unto him, Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save Israel?
behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.”: ROB:
“Then Gideon said: “Lord, how to deliver I on Israel? Behold my family is the poorest one of
the tribe of Manasseh, and I am the smallest in the house of my father”. But the Lord said:”
Judges: 7: 7: KJB: “And the Lord said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped
will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go
every man unto his place.”; ROB: “Then the Lord said towards Gideon: “With three hundred
who lapped I am going to deliver you and I am going to give the Midianites in your hands,
and the whole other people to go each of them to his place.”
Luke: 14: 9: KJB: “And he that bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man
place; and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room.”; ROB: “And coming the one who
called you and him, he will say to you: Give to this one the place. And then, with shame, you
will go and sit on the lowest place.”
Galatians: 5: 25: KJB: “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”; ROB: “If we
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
32. Do not accept ever that the one who is under your
responsibility to say to you: give me for a while the mastery (the
liberty) to prove that or this thing regarding the virtue and I will
succeed. This is because the one who says that, it is proven
that he does his own will and he removes the rules of the best
33. The sufferings of the body and of the soul will cease,
as you will see, in time and with the will of God, even if they
have grown much. But the mercy of Christ won`t ever cease.
This is because “the mercy of the Lord, from this age and to the
future age will be over the ones who fear Him”197.
34. The imperial treasuries will be filled up with gold and
the minds of the true monks will be filled up with knowledge.
35. It happens sometimes that the teacher is given
towards dishonor, enduring the trials for the ones who have
profited spiritually from him. This is because “we, he says, are
dishonored and helpless, and you have become honored and
powerful into Christ”198.
36. The passionate thought it is source and cause of the
corruption through the body. But the ones who cultivate the
watchfulness he banishes away from the soul, after mistake
through repentance, but also before the mistake 199. Therefore it
is good if you have wept more, to be taken from your middle the
cunning and indecent thought, which has urged you to do this
thing. Consequently the crying resists against the ghost of the
37. Who will announce to the one saddened one due to
the lack of glory and to the helplessness into virtue, that he will
see Jesus, not only in the future, but even from here, coming to
him with power and with much glory, through the lack of
passions? This one will be able to say like Sarah, or like the
soul which became old in fruitlessness and gave birth, against
all expectations, to a son of the righteousness: “laughing made
to me the Lord”, namely he has given to me the greatest joy, to
live in the Ghost, in the Ghost to walk also.”
Psalms: 103: 17: KJB: “But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon
them that fear him,”; 102: 17: ROB: “And the mercy of the Lord from age to age towards the
ones who fear Him,”
I Corinthians: 4: 10: KJB: “We are fools for Christ’s sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are
weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised.”; ROB: “We are insane into
Christ; but you, wise into Christ. We are weak, you are powerful. You are into glory, and we
are into dishonor.”
The adding from “but” is only in the G.P.
me, to that one who was saddened for many years by the
multitude of the passions, or, as another interpreter says:
“delight has made to me God”, namely “my youth has been
twofold like the one of the vulture”. This is because, after I have
grown old into sins and into dishonorable passions, now I have
been born again and I am growing young and I am becoming
tender, I who have become harsh to nature, and now I am
seeing luminously the things from the world, because I have
received again that according to the nature simplicity and lack
of complication, being my mind healed, through the great mercy
of God. My body has become like that one of the Nehemiah the
Syrian, like the one of the children, for I have washed myself in
the Jordan of the knowledge. And through the grace of God I
am living now in a sole mode, being delivered from the will of
the snake and from the swarm of the much knowing and too
material thoughts of the sin, which I have gained before against
the nature.
38. Suppose the Lord says towards you: I have taken
from you for a while this gift and that one, of which you have
been reckoning that your mind if full and can rest itself, and I
have given instead of the taken gifts this and that gift, of the
same price. But you, thinking at the taken ones and not
accepting the ones given instead of those ones, you are gloomy
and grievous and melting of sadness. But by being saddened by
Me you are causing Me joy. Because I sadden somebody with
profit, pursuing rather to save than to lose the one, whom I
have reckoned to be son to Me.
39. Reckon that you command to yourself to not eat fish
and you will see after that, that the enemy relentlessly pushes
you towards lusting fish and you also crave passionately
towards delving with the deed of the forbidden thing, to know
what happened to Adam like a type. This is because, that one
by hearing: only out of this tree to not eat, he mainly ran
towards this forbidden thing with much lust.
40. God saves one through knowledge, and on other ones
through cleanness and lack of evilness. For you owe to know
that God won`t reject the one who is without evilness.
41. The ones who are praying more insistently, those ones
are more troubled200 by fearsome and savage temptations.
In the Latin text from G.P.: “they aren`t troubled” (non expugnatur).
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
II Corinthians: 5: 2: KJB: “For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with
our house which is from heaven:”; ROB: “For that`s why we also sigh in this body, wanting
to dress ourselves up with our dwelling place from heavens.”
I Corinthians: 15: 54: KJB: “So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and
this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is
written, Death is swallowed up in victory.”; ROB: “When this corruptible (body) will be
dressed up in incorruptibility and this mortal (body) will be dressed up in immortality, the will
be the word which is written: “Death has been swallowed by the victory.””
I Corinthians: 9: 27: KJB: “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that
by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”; ROB: “But I
torment my body and I submit it to slavery; lest, preaching to others, I myself to becomes
I Corinthians: 10: 12: KJB: “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he
fall.”; ROB: “That`s why the one who thinks that he stays steadfastly let him take heed to not
Galatians: 6: 1: KJB: “BRETHREN, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are
spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be
tempted.”; ROB: “Brothers, even if a man will fall in some mistake, you the spiritual ones
correct on one like this with the ghost of the gentleness, taking heed to yourself, to not fall
also you into temptation.”
they will receive not only forgiveness of sins, but also heavenly
gifts. This is because these good things are promised by the
Lord not to the righteous ones, but to the sinners: “Because if
you, He says, being evil, you know to give good gifts to your
children, how much strongly your heavenly Father will give to
the ones who ask from Him”, the Holy Ghost? Therefore ask
without unhesitatingly and with doubtless thought and you will
take the big and above worthiness ones, even you are
unimportant in the virtuous living and very helpless.
46. How could be convinced the faithless one or the one
who is only a little faithful, that the ant flies and a certain worm
becomes bird and other things also happen into creation, for
rejecting at least on this way the illness of faithlessness and of
the despair, to grow up wings to him and to flourish in him as
in a tree the most-praised knowledge. Because “I am, He says,
the One Who makes green the withered wood and resurrects the
dried bones”212.
47. Let`s not melt down by the cares of the things
necessary to the body, but to believe to God from all our soul,
as a certain wonderful man said: “Trust in the Lord and He will
strengthen you”213, and how the blessed Apostle Peter writes:
“Be temperate and be awake in prayers and all your care throw
it upon the Lord, for He takes care of you” 214. And if you still
doubt and you do not care that He takes care of you to feed
you, take a look to a spider and think at how much the man is
different from the spider. Nothing is weaker that the spider,
neither more without power, for it hasn`t riches, it doesn`t do
overseas trips, it doesn`t sue, it doesn`t become angry, it
doesn`t gather in barns, but it lives its life in perfect gentleness,
temperance and quietude, it doesn`t spy the neighbors` things,
Ezekiel: 17: 24: KJB: “And all the trees of the field shall know that I the Lord have brought
down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the
dry tree to flourish: I the Lord have spoken and have done it.”; ROB: “And all the trees of the
field will know that I, the Lord, I make the tall tree small and the small one I make it tall; I
wither the green tree and I make the withered tree green. I, the Lord, have said these.”
II Chronicles: 20: 21: KJB: “And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed
singers unto the Lord, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before
the army, and to say, Praise the Lord; for his mercy endureth for ever.”; ROB: “Then he
consulted the people and ordered singer who to sing to the Lord, for, by going these ones out
in holy adornments before the armed ones, to extol and to say: “Give glory to the Lord, for
His mercy is forever!”
Peter: 5: 7: KJB: “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”; ROB: “Let all
your care to Him, for He takes care of you.”
but it only does its own things, and in its occupation it remains
in a peaceful and undisturbed quietude, saying, seemingly, to
the ones who love idleness, only that: “The one who doesn`t
want to work, neither to eat!” It keeps its silence for so long
than it overwhelmingly comes over even to Pythagoras, whom
the Hellenes admire more than all the philosophers, for his
ascesis in restraining his tongue. Pythagoras, even if he wasn`t
speaking to everybody, though he was speaking secretly to the
closest ones and often uttered towards oxen and vultures some
drivel and nonsense; and by totally restraining on himself from
wine, he still used water. But the spider passed the restraint of
the Pythagoras` tongue through the overwhelming and total
silence, and it despises in the same time the wine and the
water. In this peaceful state by living the frail and the
unimportant spider and in no way allowing to itself to go
outside, or to wander here and there according to the whims of
the mind, neither to endlessly toil and work, the Lord, Who
“dwells in the highest and looks towards the humble ones” 215,
(for nothing is more humble than the spider), and stretches to
the spider His taking of care, and daily sends the food close to
the corner of the spider`s net, making to fall in that net the
small flies which the spider needs.
48. But somebody of the ones enslaved by gluttony will
say that he is eating very much and, because he spends much
money, he is forced to entangle himself in the countless
businesses of the life. But let also this one to look at the great
whales, which graze in the Atlantic Ocean, how they are
plentifully nourished by God and they never know what hunger
is. This is because each of them swallows so much food than no
city with many inhabitants is able to daily spend. “All of them,
he says, towards You await, to give them food at the right
time”216. Consequently God is the One Who feeds both the ones
who eats much and the one who eats a little. By hearing these
things let on yourself whole in the care of God and of the faith,
both you who have a large and spacious belly, rejecting on this
Psalms: 113: 5: KJB: “Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high,”; 112: 5:
ROB: “Who is like our Lord God, the One Who dwells into the highest”
Psalms: 104: 27: KJB: “These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in
due season.”; 103: 28: “ROB: “All of them await towards You to give them food at the right
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
way any world scattering and the much concerned thought, and
“do not be faithless, but faithful”217.
49. If we truly want to be well-pleasant to God and to
make friendship with the most-blessed friendship, let`s present
our mind empty, to God, not dragging with it anything from the
present age, either craftsmanship, or thought, either liar
contraption (sophism), or defense, even if we would have learnt
the whole wisdom of the world. This is because God turns away
from the ones who come close to Him full of high self-
appreciation about themselves and fattened to the swelling by
the vain glory. (This is because as rightly showed some of the
interpreters, the vain self-appreciation as one which it fattens
and it swells).
50. How could we kill the sin, which has taken us into
mastery? Here striving is needed. For the man, he says, toils
into labors and banishes away forcedly the perdition from him,
craving always to ascend towards the holiness of his thoughts.
And to remove through force, it is not forbidden by laws.
Therefore if we set in working the force of a certain striving,
even very weak, and sitting in Jerusalem, namely in ceaseless
prayer and in the other virtues, then we are waiting for the
power which comes from above, it will come to us a powerful
striving, which isn`t working as our weak striving, but it is a
striving which cannot be presented through human lips. It will
overcome with its great power and it will defeat the evil
habituation and the evilness of the devils. It will defeat also our
souls` impulse towards evil, as also will defeat the inappropriate
movements of the body. “And has come, he says, sound from
the sky, as of storm which comes with power”218, to banish away
forcedly the sin which always forces us towards worse.
51. The enemies lays himself in waiting as a lion in its
den and it sets traps and snares of unclean and unfaithful
thoughts. But we also, if we aren`t sleeping, we can set traps
and snares to him, even bigger and more fearsome. This is
because the prayer, the singing, the watchfulness, the
John: 20: 27: KJB: “Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my
hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but
believing.”; ROB: “Then He said to Thomas: bring your finger hither and seen My hands and
bring you hand and put it in My side and do not be faithless but believing.”
Acts: 2: 2: KJB: “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty
wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.”; ROB: “And from the sky, suddenly,
a rumble came, as of a wind blowing which comes speedily, and filled up the whole house
where they were sitting.”
II Samuel: 7: 27: KJB: “For thou, O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, hast revealed to thy
servant, saying, I will build thee an house: therefore hath thy servant found in his heart to pray
this prayer unto thee.”; II Kings: ROB: “Since You, Lord Savaot, God of Israel, unveiled to
You servant, saying: “I will make a home to you”, then You servant has prepared his heart, to
pray to You with this prayer.”
I Corinthians: 3: 16: KJB: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit
of God dwelleth in you?”; ROB: “Don`t you know that you are temple of God and that the
Ghost of God dwells in you?”
I Corinthians: 1: 30: KJB: “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us
wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:”; ROB: “Out of Him,
therefore, you are into Jesus Christ, Who for us made on Himself wisdom from God, and
righteousness, and sanctification and redemption,”
Matthew: 11: 28: KJB: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest.”; ROB: “Come to Me the tired and the burdened ones and I will be resting
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Ecclesiastes: 12: 14: KJB: “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every
secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”; ROB: “For God will judge all the
hidden deeds, either good or evil.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
the Lord, Who has turned the things towards evil, He surely can
change them again, suddenly, towards even more glory226.
64. The one who starts against the devils, either through
restraint, or through prayer, or through any virtues, stronger
and with more zeal, he will receive from them ever heavier
blows, until he will be discouraged by seeing the punishment of
the spiritual (intelligible) death in his soul, than to reach
saying: “Who will deliver me from the body of this death” 227, for I
am forced to unwillingly obey the enemies` laws?
65. It was not for nothing written that some of them said
amongst themselves: Wake yourselves up and let`s go to the
strengthened into hope and peaceful people” 228; or again; “Come
to go up and to speak to them with cunning tongue of thought
(intelligible), and we will turn them away from truth towards
us”. This is because the awful devils use during all the life to
sharpen the spears of the temptations against the one who have
chosen the life of quietude. And even more furiously they fight
against the ones who are more pious and more honoring God,
pushing them towards the sin with the deed through hard to
endure wars, only to be able to detach the warred ones from the
faith in Christ, from prayer and from the good hope. “But we, as
Davis says, won`t depart from You 229, until you will have mercy
towards us and won`t be parted from us the ones who want to
swallow us; we won`t depart from You, until you will command
to run away from us the ones who tempt us and we won`t be
made alive again through patience and through firm lack of
passions”. This is because means of tempting it is the life of the
Jeremiah: 31: 28: KJB: “And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them,
to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down, and to destroy, and to afflict; so will I
watch over them, to build, and to plant, saith the Lord.”; ROB: “Like I have been watching
upon them to pluck them out and to crush them, to scatter them, to wound them and to destroy
them, likewise I will watch upon them, to build them up and to plant them, says the Lord.”
Romans: 7: 24: KJB: “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of
this death?”; ROB: “Miserable man that I am! Who will deliver me form the body of this
Judges: 18: 9: KJB: “And they said, Arise, that we may go up against them: for we have
seen the land, and, behold, it is very good: and are ye still? be not slothful to go, and to enter
to possess the land.”; ROB: “And they answered: Let`s rise ourselves up and go upon them.
We saw the country and it is very good. But you do not hesitate and to not be late to go and to
take that country in mastery.”
Psalms: 80: 19: KJB: “Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we
shall be saved.”; 79: 19: ROB: “Lord, God of the powers, turn us back and show Your face
and we will be saved.”
me”234; and again it is written: “Out of the belly of the hell You
heard my shouting out and my voice” 235; and “let it my live rise
up from corruption”. That`s why, “until the lawlessness will
pass”, namely the disturbance caused by sin, “I will shout out,
he says, towards the most-high God” 236, for giving to him the
greatest benefaction, to destroy with His power the bait itself of
the sin and to overthrow the idols of the passionate cogitations
and to empty of idols our occupied by idols Athens 237. Therefore,
If you haven`t received the gift of the restraint, know that God
wants to listen from you through prayer and hope when you
pray. Therefore, knowing the judgment of God, do not
discourage yourself for the helplessness of the ascesis. But
rather persevere in the work of the deliverance from enemies
through prayer and patience, united with thanks giving.
Therefore, if the thoughts of the helplessness and of the
sufferance will banish you out from the city of the fasting, run
in other city, namely in the one of the prayer united with
thanks giving.
69. Pharaoh says, when praying: “Be God taking from on
me this death”238. And he was listened. Likewise also the devils,
praying the Lord to not send them into deep, they received the
fulfillment of the request239. How much stronger won`t be
Jonah: 2: 2: KJB: “And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord, and he
heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice.”; 2: 3: ROB: “I shouted
out towards the Lord in my tribulation, and He heard me; out of the belly of the dwelling of
the dead I shouted out, and He took heed to my voice!”
Psalms: 57: 2-3: KJB: “I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things
for me. // He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would
swallow me up. Selah.”; 56: 2-3: ROB: “I will shout out towards the most-high God, that God
Who has done me good. // He has sent from heavens and has delivered me, and has given
towards reproach on the ones who are upsetting me.”
In the text form the Greek Philokalia we have ασθεννείας = helplessness. But at the edge of
the page there is this note: ισ... Αθήνας, and the Latin text from G.P. also has Athens.
Exodus: 10: 17: KJB: “Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, my sin only this once, and
intreat the Lord your God, that he may take away from me this death only.”; ROB: “Now
forgive once more my mistake and you pray to your God to divert in any way from me this
Luke: 8: 31-32: KJB: “And they besought him that he would not command them to go out
into the deep. // And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and
they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he suffered them.”;
ROB: “And they were praying Him to not command to them to go into deep. // And was there
a large herd of pigs, which were grazing on the mountain. And they pray Him to allow them
to enter in those pigs; and He allowed them.”
John: 20: 29: KJB: “Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast
believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”; ROB: “Jesus said to
him: For you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are the ones who haven`t seen and
have believed.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
down over the Son of Man” 241, namely the serving and the help
of the Angels will overflow plentifully over the mankind.
74. Remember that Hierarch, to Whom the devil stood at
his right hand242, to resist against to any thoughts, word and
thing from the right side, to not be bewildered by what is
75. The monk owes to know what the helplessness is,
according to the word: “Have mercy on me, for I am helpless” 243
and what is the falling (the apostasy) from God, which is the
devil`s illness and the one of his angels.
76. Like the union with the fire makes the iron impossible
to be touched, likewise the frequent prayers make the mind
stronger in the war against the enemy. That`s why they strive
with whole their power to instill to us a certain displeasure for
the perseverance into prayer, knowing that the perseverance
into prayer is defender of the mind, and damaging to them.
77. Davis cherishes the zeal of the ones who went out
together with him from Ziklag against the ones of another
nation, though by becoming weak they remained at River Bosor.
This is because by returning to them after defeating the
barbarians and hearing the ones who were saying that it
mustn`t be given a share from lute to the ones who sit down,
due to the weakness, at the creek, and these ones being
ashamed and saying nothing, the most kind David defended
them, saying that they stood there to guard the forgotten tools.
That`s why he gave them a share equal to the one given to the
valiant and courageous fighters244. Take heed therefore if, to the
John: 1: 51: KJB: “And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall
see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.”;
ROB: “And He said to him: Verily, verily I am saying to you, from now on you will see the
heavens opening and the angels of God ascending and descending over the Son of Man.”
Zachariah: 3: 1: KJB: “AND he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the
angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.”; ROB: “And he shewed
me Joshua, the great priest, standing before the Angel of the Lord, and satan, standing at his
right hand to blame him.”
Psalms: 6: 2: KJB: “Have mercy upon me, O Lord; for I am weak: O Lord, heal me; for
my bones are vexed.”; ROB: ”Have mercy on me, Lord, for helpless I am; heal me, Lord, for
my bones are troubled.”
I Samuel: 30: 21-24: KJB: “And David came to the two hundred men, which were so faint
that they could not follow David, whom they had made also to abide at the brook Besor: and
they went forth to meet David, and to meet the people that were with him: and when David
came near to the people, he saluted them. // Then answered all the wicked men and men of
Belial, of those that went with David, and said, Because they went not with us, we will not
Psalms: 9: 18: KJB: “For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the
poor shall not perish for ever.”; ROB: “For not until the end will be forgotten the poor, and
the patience of the poor ones will not perish forever.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
But pray, together with the holy David: “Send Your light and
Your truth249, to me, the saddened one, the salvation of my
face250 and my God”251. Because “You will send Your Ghost and
they will be build and You will renew the face of the earth” 252.
83. Blessed is the one who eats and drinks during this
life without satisfy on himself, prayers and psalms, day and
night and he nourishes on himself with the glorious reading of
the Scripture; because this impartation will give to the soul an
undiminished joy in the age to come.
84. Assure you out of all your power not to fall. This is
because it is not appropriate to the strong fighter to fall. But if
it would happen to you to fall, immediately rise you up and
stand again to the good fight. Even if this thing would happen
to you for tens of thousands of times, through the withdrawal of
the grace, you do this for tens of thousands of times, namely to
rise you up until your end. This is because it has been written:
“If the righteous will fall for seven times, namely the whole his
life, for seven times he will rise up”253. Until you hold the
weapon of the holy schism with tears and with prayer towards
God, you are counted amongst the ones who stand, even if you
have fallen for many times. Until you remain amongst monks,
you receive as valiant soldier the wounds on your face and they
bring you rather praising, because, even being wounded, you
didn`t accept to cede or to reject. But if you will go out from
amongst monks, you will be wounded from behind, as a fugitive
and you are without courage.
Psalms: 43: 3: KJB: “O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring
me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.”; 42: 3: ROB: “Send You light and Your truth;
these ones advised me and led me to Your saint mountain and to Your dwelling places.”
Psalms: 43: 5: KJB: “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted
within me?”; 42: 6: ROB: “Why are you saddened, my soul, and what are you troubling me
Psalms: 42: 11: KJB: “(…) hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health
of my countenance, and my God.”; 41: 17: ROB: “I will hope in God, for I will praise Him;
the salvation of my face is my God.”
Psalms: 104: 31: KJB: “Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest
the face of the earth.”; 103: 31: ROB: “You will send Your Ghost and they will be built and
You will renew the face of the earth.”
Proverbs: 25: 16: KJB: “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the
wicked shall fall into mischief.”; ROB: “This is because if the righteous one falls for seven
times and he still rises up, the lawless ones stumble into misfortune.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
90. A sole good word made the wretch thief from yore,
clean and saint and took him into Paradise; and a sole
inappropriate word closed to Moses the Promised Land.
Therefore, let`s not consider a small illness the tongue itching.
This is because the gossipers and the babblers, they close the
Kingdom of Heavens to themselves. The talkative man, even if
he goes straight in some regards, but it that one he doesn`t go
straight but rather crooked, the evil things will hunt him for
destroying him. Therefore, a certain wise man rightly said that
is better to fall off a hill than off the tongue. Let`s believer
therefore to James the Apostle, who writes: “Let every man to be
quickly to hearing and slowly to speaking”254.
91. To not become us haughty out of vanity, being
deceived by senses, it is good to take heed to the One Who says:
“Go, My people, enter in the chamber of your heart, hidden to
any sensitive imagination, in that dwelling place without idols,
lightened by the lack of passion and by the shadowing of the
holy grace. Close your door to everybody who see you, hidden
yourself even for a little bit, because little is the human life, and
after that day: “Until the anger of the Lord will pass”255, as other
one said: “until the lawlessness will pass”. This is because the
anger of the Lord and the lawlessness are the devils, the
passions and the sins, as Isaiah says towards the God: “Behold,
You have become angry and we have committed sin” 256. And
from this anger the man escapes, if he ceaselessly takes heed to
his heart in prayer, and if the strives to keep himself inside to
the hidden ones. “Draw, he says, the wisdom over the most
inward ones”. This is because “the whole glory of the daughter
of the Emperor is inside” 257. Therefore I will strive “until I will
James: 1: 19: KJB: “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow
to speak, slow to wrath:”; ROB: “You to know, my beloved brothers: any man to be quick to
hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.”
Job: 14: 13: KJB: “O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me
secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!”;
ROB: “Oh, if You would hide me in the kingdom of dead ones, for keeping me there until
Your anger will pass, and if You would establish to me a time, when You to remember again
about me.”
Isaiah: 64: 5: KJB: “Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, those that
remember thee in thy ways: behold, thou art wroth; for we have sinned: in those is
continuance, and we shall be saved.”; 64: 4: ROB: “You go to meet the ones who do the
deeds of the righteousness and they remember Your ways. Behold, You started with anger,
and we were guilty through the faithlessness and the lawlessness of ours.”
Psalms: 45: 15: KJB: “The king’s daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
wrought gold.”; ROB: “The whole glory of the daughter of the Emperor is inside, dressed up
with fabrics of gold and most-beautified.”
Psalms: 73: 17: KJB: “Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their
end.”; ROB: “Until I have entered in the holy dwelling place of God and I have understood
the end of the evil ones:”
Psalms: 62: 5: KJB: “My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.”;
61: 5: ROB: “But obey to God, my soul, because from Him it comes my patience;”
Psalm: 109: 4: KJB:” For my love they are my adversaries: but I give myself unto
prayer.”; 108: 3: ROB: “Instead of loving me, they were slandering me, and I was praying.”
Psalms: 109: 18: KJB: “As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let
it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones.”; 108: 18: ROB: “And he has
The second law: 4: 20.
Malachi: 3: 13: KJB: “Your words have been stout against me, saith the Lord. Yet ye say,
What have we spoken so much against thee?”; ROB: “Harsh are to Me your speaks”, says the
Lord. And you speak: “What have we told against You?””
Malachi: 3: 15-16: KJB: “And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work
wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered. // Then they that feared
the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of
remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his
name.”; ROB: “But behold that now we are blessing the pride ones. And the ones who
commit lawlessness they thrive, and they even challenge the Lord, and they escape. // Behold
what say one to another, the ones who fear the Lord. And the Lord took heed and listened; a
book of remember was opened before Him towards the good of the ones who fear Him and
who search for escape in His name.”
“Amen I am saying to you, that you will cry and you will weep,
you who are close to Me and the world will rejoice” 266. But a
little more and I will visit you through the Comforter and I will
banish away your sadness and I will strengthen you again
through the thoughts of the life and of the heavenly resting and
through sweet tears, of which you have been deprived for a few
days, beign tempted. And I will give to you the bosom of My
grace, like the mother to the child who suckle sighing, and I will
fortify you with power from above, on you who have become
weakened in the war that you wage; and I will sweeten on you,
the ones who have been bitter, as Jeremiah says in
“Lamentations”, about Your hidden Jerusalem. “But I will see
you and your heart will rejoice”267, for the hidden trying “and
you trouble will be turned in joy” 268, “and your joy nobody will
take it from you”269.
Therefore let`s not be shortsighted, neither to close our
eyes, blessing the laymen more than on us. But by knowing the
difference between the true sons and the illegitimate ones, let`s
rather embrace the apparent unhappiness of the monks and
their great labor, of which end is the eternal life and the not-
withered crown of the Lord`s glory. Let`s embrace the tormented
life of the ascetics, to not say of the righteous ones who reckon
on themselves to be sinners, and “the rejection in the house of
the Lord”, namely in the multitude of the ones who ceaselessly
serve to Christ, and “not the dwelling in the dwelling places of
the sinners”270, of the living together with the laymen, even if
these ones will do great right things. This is because says
towards you, o monk, your heavenly Father, Who loves you
above anybody and Who troubles you and tires you with diverse
John: 16: 20: KJB: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the
world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.”;
ROB: “Verily, verily I am saying to you, that you will cry and you will lament, and the world
will rejoice. You will become saddened, but your sadness will be transformed in joy.”
John: 16: 22: KJB: ” And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your
heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.”; ROB: “Therefore also you are now
sad, but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice and your joy nobody will take it from
John: 16: 20.
John: 16: 22.
Psalms: 84: 10: KJB: “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a
doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.”; 83: 11: ROB:
“For better is one day in Your courts than thousands. I have chosen to be rejected in the house
of God, better, than to dwell in the dwelling places f the sinners.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Hosea: 13: 8: KJB: “I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will
rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear
them.”; ROB: “And I will throw myself upon them as a she bear bereaved of her whelps and I
will tear apart the hard shell of their heart. And let the lions from the forest to eat them and the
wild animals to tear them.”
Luke: 17: 10: KJB: “So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are
commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to
do.”; ROB: “And likewise also you, when you will do every things commanded to you, to
say: Worthless servants we are, for we have done what we have owed to do.”
Isaiah: 43: 25: KJB: “I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own
sake, and will not remember thy sins.”; ROB: “I, I am the One Who erases your sins and Who
doesn`t remember anymore of your lawlessness.”
Psalms: 103: 12-13: KJB:” As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our
transgressions from us. // Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that
fear him.”; 102: 12-13: ROB: “As far are the sunrises from sunsets, He has removed from us
our lawlessness. // Like the Father has mercy on the sons, so the Lord has had mercy on the
ones who fear Him.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
things which God has cleaned up, you do not defile them” 277.
This is because if God is the One Who has corrected us with His
love for people, who is the one who will condemn us?278
This is because by calling us the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ, our conscience is easily being cleaned, and nothing
makes us different from Prophets and from other saints. This is
because God hasn`t put us towards anger, but to gain us
through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, because either
we will take vigil, into virtues, or we will sleep in some
circumstance, as it happens, due to some fallings, together with
Christ to live279, looking towards Him with great sighs,
ceaselessly crying and breathing Him.
Let`s put therefore on the breastplate of the faith and to
have the hope as helmet of salvation, to not have where to
penetrate the arrows of the despair. But you say: I become
angry and I am awfully troubled when I see that the laymen
aren`t tempted. Let you know, my beloved ones, that satan
doesn`t need to temp the ones who tempt on themselves and
who are always attracted towards the lower ones through the
worldly things. Let you know also this, that for the tempted
ones are kept the rewards and the crowns, not for the ones who
don`t take care of God or for the laymen who are lying on the
back and are snorting. But you are saying, again: I am very
much tempted and “my loins have been filled up with
reproaches”, as the Prophet says. I have part of unhappiness
and of stooping, and there is no comforting to the body and care
to my bones. But the great doctor is close to the one who labor.
“He bears our helplessness and with His wound He has healed
Acts: 10: 15: KJB: “And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath
cleansed, that call not thou common.”; ROB: “And again, for the second time, there was a
voice towards him: The things cleaned by God, you do not call them soiled.”
Romans: 8: 33-34: KJB: “Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God
that justifieth. // Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen
again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.”; ROB:
“Who will raise accusation against the chosen ones of God? God is the One Who corrects; //
Who is the One Who condemns? Christ, the One Who died, and especially the One Who
resurrected, Who also is on the right hand of the Father, Who mediates for us.”
I Thessalonians: 5: 9-10: KJN: “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain
salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, // Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we
should live together with him.”; ROB: “Because God hasn`t appointed us towards anger, but
towards achieving the salvation, through our Lord Jesus Christ, // Who died for us, because
us, either we take vigil or we sleep, with Him together to live.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Abba Philemon
About the time when Abba Philemon lived we haven`t
found nowhere a notice. Out of the story about his life which we
are telling it in the following pages one can only generally
establish that he lived after the year 450 and before the year
640. Around the year 450 was living Diadochus of Photice,
whom Abba Philemon mentions as one who isn`t living
anymore, and around the year 640 Egypt falls under
Mohammedans and there isn`t anymore the flourishing
monastic life about which Abba Philemon tells in this story.
Abba Arsenius and John Colovic, about whom is being told
within the story as about venerable past figures, they lived, the
first one until 449283, and the second one until the beginning of
the Century V284.
Very Useful Word285
persevering into that cave for a long time, weaving ropes and
baskets, and he gave them to the steward to buy small breads
for food. This is because he wasn`t eating anything but bread
and salt, and even these ones only in some days. Consequently
he was not at all taking care of the body, but by occupying on
himself with the contemplation, he penetrated inside the godlike
light. And in this manner celebrating the mysterious service of
unspoken mystery286, he lived in joy. And by going at church on
Saturday and on Sunday, he was walking alone and with the
mind gathered together, not allowing to anybody to come close
to him, to not cut his mind off from the work that he had. And
in the church, standing I a corner and starring his face to the
ground, he was shedding streams of tears, ceaselessly crying
and having in mind the thought of the death and the example of
the Holy Fathers, especially the one of Arsenius the Great, to
whom he was striving to walk on his traces.
But appearing a heresy in Alexandria and in the
surrounding country, he left and went to that monastery close
to the one of Nicanor. And receiving him the loving of God
Paulinus, and giving to him his dwelling place of loneliness, he
accommodates him in the whole quietude. This is because for
an entire year he did not allow to anybody to go to Abba
Philemon, end even him didn`t bother Abba Philemon at all, but
only in the time when he gave to him the necessary food.
Coming the Holy Resurrection of Christ and being they together,
was mentioned amongst them the state of loneliness and
quietude. And by knowing that also to the most-pious brother,
the most exquisite purpose is this, he sows to him ascetic words
from Scripture and from the Fathers, showing through all of
them that without the perfect quietude (hesychia) it is
impossible to be pleasant to God, as also the godlike Moses
thought, because the quietude gives birth to the ascesis, and
the ascesis gives birth to the crying, and the crying to the fear,
and the fear to the humbleness, and the humbleness gives birth
to forgiveness, and the forgiveness to be love, and the love
makes the soul without illness and without passion; and then
the man knows that he isn`t far from God.
So he was saying him: You must perfectly clean your
mind through appeasement and to give to it an uninterrupted
spiritual work. This is because as the eye penetrates in the ones
τεν αρρητον μυσταγωγίαν τελούμενος.
τας προσευχας και τασ λειτουργίας.
το περικέπαιο του ευαγγελίου.
heart and by taking vigil, say into your thought with fear and
with tremble: Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me. For so
teaches the blessed Diadochus the beginners. Therefore, leaving
that one and appeasing on himself with the help of God and
with the prayers of the Father, he sweetened on himself with
this work for a little while. But leaving this work suddenly from
him and not being him able to take care of it in watchfulness
and to pray, he came again to the old man and announced him
the happening. And the Father said to him: For now on, behold,
you have known the consequence of the appeasement and of
the work and you have tried the sweetness out of it. Therefore
always keep this one in your heart. Either you are eating, or
drinking, of meeting somebody, or you are outside your cell, or
you are on the road, do not forget to utter this prayer and to
sing and to meditate prayers and psalms, with an awake
cogitation and with the mind not gone astray. But even when
you are in the most necessary need, let not your mind to stop
meditating and praying secretly. Because in this way you can
understand the godlike deeps of the Scripture and the power
hidden into it and to give to the mind a ceaseless work, for
fulfilling the Apostle`s word, which commands to us: “pray
ceaselessly”291. Take therefore heed diligently and guard you
heart to not receive evil or vain or useless thoughts. But always,
either you are laying down, or you are standing up, either you
are eating, or you are drinking, either you are meeting others,
let your heart to be occupied secretly in thought, either with the
Psalms, or with the prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
have mercy on me”. And when you are singing with the mouth,
also take heed to not say other words with the mouth and your
cogitation to be wandering to other words.
And again the brother asked him: I see in my sleep many
vain hallucinations. And the old man said towards him: do not
became lazy and do not make you careless, but before going to
the sleep say many prayers in your heart and resist against the
thoughts, lest to be you taken by the will of the devil and to be
rejected by God. Take care with all your power to fall asleep
after the Psalms and after this meditation in mind, and to not
let your cogitation to receive stranger thoughts, but in the
though in which you have been praying, in those thought to be
you meditating and falling asleep and those thoughts to be
I Thessalonians: 5: 17: KJB: “Pray without ceasing.”; ROB: “Pray ceaselessly.”
speaking to you when you wake up. Say also the holy Symbol of
the Orthodox faith before going to bed. This is because the right
faith in God is a spring and a guardian of all the good things.
The brother asked him again saying: Be good to me,
Father, and tell me, what kind of work does your mind have?
Teach me how to save myself also. And the Father said: What
do you want to spy with all these? And the brother getting up
and embracing the feet of the Father, he kissed the Father`s feet
praying him to answer. And after a long time the Father said:
You cannot bear these things yet. This is because is
characteristic to the man who has reached at the habituation of
the good things of the righteousness to give to each feeling the
appropriate place according to it. But it is also impossible that
the one who hasn`t cleaned on himself perfectly of the vain
thought of the world, to be found worthy of such a gift. That`s
why, if you want some things like these ones, keep the
meditation hidden into clean heart. This is because if you will
ceaselessly persevere in your prayer and in meditating the
Scriptures, your soul`s understanding eyes will be opened and a
great joy will come into it and a unspoken and powerful longing,
the body being also kindled by the ghost, than every man will
becomes spiritual. Therefore, when God will found you worthy
to pray not-scattered and with clean mind, either during the
night, or during the day, you do not take care of your cell rule
and persevere with all your power stuck to God, and He will
enlighten your heart in what concerns the spiritual work which
you are committing.
And he also added these ones: One time an old man came
to me and asking him about the state of the mind he told me:
For two years I persevered praying God with all my heart and
asking without weakening to give me to be imprinted
uninterruptedly and not-scattered the prayer in my heart,
which He left it to His disciples. And by seeing my toil and my
patience, the Lord, the great Giver, has fulfilled my request. He
was also saying that the thoughts emerge into cogitation about
the vain things are illnesses of the not-working and lazy soul.
He therefore added: that, how it is written, we must defend our
mind with all the guarding and to not-scattered singing into
knowledge and to pray with the clean mind.
God wants us, my brothers, consequently, to show our
zeal towards Him, firstly in toils, and then in love and in
ceaseless prayer and He Himself will show us the way of
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Job 41, 3, 9-12, 14, 21-22, 24.
But the victory against him is easily won by the ones who
have chosen the monastic life according to the law, because
they haven`t anything of his things, through the rejection of the
world and through the manly kindness of the virtues, and
because we have the One Who fights for us. Tell me then: Who,
coming close to the Lord and taking His fear in his mind, he
hasn`t been transformed in his nature, and by enlightening on
himself with the godlike laws and deeds, he hasn`t made his
soul all-shining and he hasn`t made it to sparkle godlike
understandings and thoughts? This is because the Lord does
not let him not-working. For he has God Who moves the mind,
to want the light without satiation. A soul like this, being
worked out relentlessly, it is not let by the Ghost to become
drowsy in passions. But this soul is like an emperor who
harshly and fearsomely blows against the enemies, cutting
them mercilessly and not turning at all on himself towards the
things from before, but through doing and through the mind`s
prayer moving his hands towards the sky, he wins the victory of
the war.
The same brother was telling also that besides other
virtues, the Holy Fathers also has gained also this one: he never
suffered to hear a meaningless word. And if out of lack of
attention somebody was telling a thing which was not tending
towards the profit of the soul, he was not even answering to
that. But neither when the disciple left for some job, he didn`t
ask: why is he leaving, nor when he returned, he didn`t ask,
where are you, or how are you, or what did you do? Once,
traveling I to Alexandria for a certain need and from there going
up to the imperial city293 for a churchly thing, together with
several most-pious brothers, I didn`t send any word to the
servant of God. Spending I enough time there, I came again
back to the Hermitage294, to him. And him, seeing me and
rejoicing and embracing me, he made a prayer, and then sat
without asking me anything, but he persevered for a long time
occupying on himself with the contemplation. Once, wanting I
to try him, I left to pass several days, without giving him bread
to eat. And he didn`t ask, nor said something. I, after that,
bowing myself down before him, I told him: Please Father, out of
love, tell me, haven`t you been upset that I didn`t bring to you
anything to eat, as usual? And he said: Forgive me, brother, but
In the ascetic wilderness from Egypt.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
for if you wouldn`t give me bread to eat for twenty days, and I
still wouldn`t ask you. This is because until I endure with the
soul, I also endure with the body. So deepened was him in
contemplating the true Good.
He was also saying: Since I have come to the Hermitage, I
haven`t allowed to my thought to go out from the cell, neither
have I received other thought into cogitation, other than the fear
of God and of the judgments of the age to come, thinking at the
damnation which waits for the sinners, to the eternal fire, to the
outer darkness, to the way in which the souls of the sinners
and of the righteous ones will be, to the payment which each
one will receive according to his labors, one for the increasing of
the pains, other one for mercifulness and for not-hypocrite love,
one for lack of wealth and for rejecting the whole world, other
one for the humble cogitation and the fullest appeasement, one
for the consummated obedience and other one for
estrangement. Thinking at all of these, I do not allow other
thought to work in me, neither can I be with the people
anymore, or to occupy my mind with them, to not separate on
myself from the godlike thoughts.
Add to these things also what happened to a monk. He
was saying also the he reached at the lack of passions and he
was receiving out of the hand of the Angel the bread for food,
and through carelessness he has been deprived of this honor.
This is because when the soul allows the thickness and the
intensity of the mind to weaken, the night lays mastery upon it.
This is because where God doesn`t shine, all things merge as in
darkness and the soul cannot look anymore towards God and to
tremble of His words. “For close God I Am, says the Lord, and
not far away God”; or: “Will the man hide himself on thicket,
and won`t I see him? Don`t I fill up the heavens and the earth?”
And he mentioned also many others, who suffered similar
Besides these things he was mentioning also about the
Solomon`s falling, about whom is being said that he received so
much wisdom and he was being honored by everybody, than he
was like a morning star which raises up in the morning,
lightening on everybody with the brightness of the wisdom. But
for a small pleasure he lost the glory. Therefore let`s fear the
carelessness. We must ceaselessly pray, lest by coming a
thought, to separated us from God, and to sneak in something
else into our mind. This is because the clean heart, by
priest when uttering: “The Holy of the Holies”. Fir he was saying
that the whole church is filled up with the Holy Angels and the
Emperor of the Powers Himself celebrated the holy service and
He transforms on Himself within our hearts in body and blood.
That`s why he was saying that we must become clean and
somehow outside the body and so to dare coming close, without
any doubt and hesitation, to the most-pure Mysteries of Christ,
to become partakers to the enlightenment from them. This is
because many amongst the Holy Fathers saw the Angels
guarding around them. That`s why also they were guarding on
themselves in silence, not speaking to anybody. He was also
saying that, when he needed to sell himself the work of his
hands, lest, speaking and answering, to say some lie, some
oath, or some useless word, or some other sort of sin, he was
better keeping his silence, allowing to seem that he is stupid.
And everyone who wanted to buy from him, that one took from
him and gave him what he wanted. And the Father was
receiving what was being given to him with content, not
speaking anything, this truly wise man.
For this note regarding the life and the writing of Saint John Damascene we have used: D.
Fecioru, Introduction to the Translation of the Dogmatics, Bucharest, Publishing House of the
Theological Library, 1938, p. 17-30, where one can find also a list of the writings of Saint
John Damascene. Father D. Fecioru, a true4 specialist in Saint John Damascene, he has also a
larger study about Saint John Damascene: “The Life of Saint John Damascene”, Bucharest,
1935. – We mention also that the dates from O. Bardenhewer, Geschiste der Altkirchl.
Literatur, Band V., Fr. i. Br., Herder, 1932, p. 51-65, are different from the data given by
Father D. Fecioru. For instance according to Bardenhewer, John Damascene was still at
Damascus in the year 726 and only in 732 he went to Saint Sava Monastery.
In the Greek Philokalia, second edition, volume I, p. 342-346. In Migne G.P. 95, col. 85-98
is entitled: “Of Saint John Damascene, About Virtues and Sins, Spiritual and Bodily”.
Between the two texts there are some minor differences. We successively follow one or
another, according to how it has seemed to us of being one better than the other one.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
many the bodily ones; and which are, again, the spiritual
passions and which are the bodily ones.
Virtues of the soul we say that are firstly these four more
general ones: the manhood, the prudence, the temperance and
the righteousness. Out of these ones are born the following
virtues of the soul: the faith, the hope, the love, the prayers, the
humbleness, the gentleness, the long-patience, the suffering of
the evil, the kindness, the lack of anger, the godlike knowledge,
the lack of wrath, the simplicity, the lack of disturbance, the
lack of hypocrisy, the lack of haughtiness, the lack of pride, the
lack of cunningness, the lack of love for money, the
compassion, the mercifulness, the generosity, the lack of
sadness, the pricking of the heart, the shyness, the awe, the
desire for the future goods, and the sake for the Kingdom of
God, the lusting after resurrection.
And bodily virtues, better said tools of the virtues, which
are born into knowledge and after God and bring the man
outside of any hypocrisy and desire of being pleasant to the
people, to advancing into humbleness and in the lack of
passions, are these ones: the restraint, the fasting, the hunger,
the thirst, the taking vigil, the standing of all night, the often
bowing of the knees, the not-bathing, to be content with a sole
clothing, eating dry food, eating late, eating a little, drinking
only water, sleeping on the floor, the poverty, the lack of wealth,
the austerity, the lack of adornment, the not-loving of the self,
the loneliness, the not-going out of the house, the lack, the
being content with what you have, the silence, the procuring of
the needed things through the work of the hands, every bad
suffering and the bodily ascesis and other likewise. All of these
are as necessary as possible and useful when the body is
healthy and troubled by bodily passions. And if the body is
helpless and with the help of God has overcome the bodily
passions, the things mentioned above are not so much
necessary, because the holy humbleness and prayer 302 make
whole everything.
But now we must speak about the sins of the soul and
about the bodily sins, namely about passions. The passions of
the soul are these ones: the forgetfulness, the carelessness and
the nescience303. When the eye of the soul or the mind, is
In the Greek Philokalia we have Eucharist instead of prayer.
According to Mark the Ascetic, the Epistle towards Nicholas, in the Romanian Philokalia,
volume I, second edition, p. 326.
Mark the Ascetic, The Epistle towards Nicholas, 1. c.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
goods, and the sake for the Kingdom of God and the lusting of
the resurrection.
But we must add here also the diagnosis of the
passionate thoughts, through which is done every sin. The
thoughts in which are comprised all the sins, are eight: of the
covetousness of the belly, of the adultery, of the vain glory, of
the love for money, of the anger, of the sadness, of the idleness,
of the vain glory and of the pride. Being these eight thoughts
disturbing us it doesn`t depend on us. But to persevere or not
to persevere, or to stir up the passions or not to stir them up, it
depends on us.
Something else is therefore the bait (the attack),
something else the accompanying, else the fight, else the
passion, else the consent (the consenting), which is close to the
deed and it resembles to it, else is the work and else is the
enslavement. The bait is the thought simply brought into the
mind by the enemy, as for instance: do this and that, as he said
to our Lord and God: “Say to these stone to become bread” 306.
This thing, as it has been said, it doesn`t depend on us. The
accompanying is the receiving of the thought snaked in by the
enemy, the preoccupation with it and our pleasant dialogue
with it. The passion is the habituation with the snuck in be the
enemy thought, which is called accompanying, and the
relentless swirling of the cogitation and of the imagination
around it. The fight is against the cogitation either at the
quenching of the passion from the thought or against the
passionate thought, or at the consenting, as the Apostle says:
“For the body lusts against the ghost and the ghost against the
body; and those ones resist one against another” 307. The taking
into slavery is the forcedly and unwillingly bringing of the heart,
dominated by prejudice and by a long habituation. The
consenting is the agreeing with the passion from within
thought. Therefore the one who cogitates without passion from
the beginning, or he rejects through resisting against and
rebuking, the bait, he cut at once all the following ones.
Matthew: 4: 3: KJB: “And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of
God, command that these stones be made bread.”; ROB: “And coming close, the tempter said
towards Him: If You are the Son of God, say that these stones to become bread.”
Galatians: 5: 17: KJB: “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the
flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye
would.”; ROB: “For the body lusts against the ghost, and the ghost against the body; for these
ones resist one to another, to not be you doing what you would want.”
This text is from G.P.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
allow any longer to look towards truth. But the ones who has
gained a thought above all these, he is imparted even from here,
as it has been said, of the Kingdom of heavens, and he lives a
happy life, waiting for the happiness ordered to the ones who
love God; of which also us to be found worthy through the grace
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
It must be know this fact that one cannot reach at the
measure of any of the virtues, if he doesn`t strive on himself his
whole life, with all his power, towards achieving that virtue,
through strained labor and through taking care of doing, for
instance, of giving alms, of restraint, of prayer, of love, or o one
of the general virtues. In fact everyone occupies on himself with
one of these virtues separately. For instance someone gives
alms for some time. But by occupying on himself only for a little
while with doing this, we cannot say about him that he is
proper-said merciful, especially when he doesn`t commit well
and in a pleasant to God manner what he is committing. This is
because neither the good is good, when it is not worked
correctly, but it is truly good when it doesn`t expect for this or
for that the pleasure from people, for instance the good name,
or the glory from them, neither it is done out of greediness or
injustice. This is because God doesn`t look at the good which is
done and which it seems to be good, but to the purpose on
which it is done. This is because the God bearer Fathers also
say, that when the mind forgets the purpose of the awe, the
seen deed of the mind it end to be purposelessly. This is
because what it is done without the right-reckoning and
purposelessly, not only that they are useless, even they could
be good, but they also wound; as it happens on the opposite
with the ones which seem to be evil, but they are done on the
purpose of Honoring God, as it is for instance the deed of that
one who enter in a brothel to escape from perdition a lost
woman. From here it is obvious that isn`t merciful the one who
has occupied on himself for a little while with giving alms,
neither restrained the one who has done likewise with the
restraint, but the one who has been occupying on himself the
whole his life and as much as possible, fully, with this virtue,
using the right-reckoning, without mistake. This is because
greater than all virtues is the right-reckoning, which is the
empress and the virtue of the virtues. As also in the case of the
contrary ones, we do not call fornicator, or drunkard, or liar,
the one who slipped once in some of these, but the one who has
fallen for a lot of times and he remains not-corrected.
Besides the said things, one must know especially this,
which is of a great importance to everybody who crave to
achieve the virtue and who strive to avoid the sin: as much the
soul is incomparably better than the body, and more
distinguished and more honored in many and very important
regards, as much are also the virtues of the soul better than the
bodily ones, especially the ones which imitate God and bears
godlike names. Totally on the opposite we must reckon the sins
of the soul, that they are different from the bodily passions in
what concerns their effects and their punishment, though that
this thing is forgotten by many, and I don`t know how. The
drunkenness, the adultery, the dissoluteness, the theft and the
things close to these ones, no matter how ugly they are with
their countenance, to the pious ones and to the ones who run
away from these sorts of sins, or to the ones who punish these
sins, these sins do not cause so much pain to the ones who are
persevering into them without correcting on themselves, in
comparison to the soul`s passions, which are much worse and
heavier than those ones, and which drive to the state of the
devils and to the eternal damnation ordered to the devils, the
people dominated by those sorts of sins. It is about envy, about
the remembrance of the evil, about callousness and about the
love for money, which is the root of every evil thing, according to
the Apostle, and the ones alike 309.
I`ve presented these things in this simple manner,
according to our lack of learning, sketching a clear and a easy
to look over word, about virtues and passions, to be somebody
able to judge and to know easily the difference and the division
of the virtues and of the passions, out of their thoroughly
clarification. This is why I have presented all the sorts and all
the forms of each one of them, to be known, as much as
possible, each virtue and each sin. And so to attract the first
ones towards us, namely the virtues, and especially the ones of
the soul, through which we come close to God. And let`s avoid
with the whole power the sins, by running away from them.
This is because truly happy is the one who is searching for the
virtue and who is occupying on himself with it and who is
researching carefully everything that it is virtue, coming close
The last two paragraphs aren`t in the text from the G.P.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Theodor of Edessa
Records about Theodor of Edessa are given by one of his
“Life”, which is alleged to be written by one of his nephews, the
Bishop Basil of Emesa 311. According to this writing, Theodor
was born at Edessa, and at the age of twenty he entered as
monk in the Saint Sava Monastery (Mar Saba), near to
Jerusalem, and at the age of thirty two he end to be abbot of
this monastery. Later on, he returns as bishop in his city of
origin. In this quality he sustains a long activity in combating
against diverse heresies, being helped by the sultan of the
Persians. The same sultan sends him in a mission to Emperor
Michael III, at Constantinople (842-867). Towards the end of his
life he retires again at Saint Sava Monastery where he dies and
is buried. It is remembered on 19th of July.
More recently R. Gouillard312 consider the “Life” of
Theodor of Edessa as one of the best example of hagiographical
forgery, a mosaic of themes collected out of three centuries. The
This “Life” was published by J. Pomialovschii, “The Life of Our Holy Father Theodor,
Archbishop of Edessa”, Petersburg, 1982, p. XVIII+147, in 8 0 (Greek text with Russian
In the study: Supercheries et méprises littéraires. L`oeuvre de Saint Théodore d`Edesse, in
Revue de Etudes byzantines, tome V, 1947.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
1 27, 28, 30
2 30-31
3 32
4 33
5 19,18
6 17,18
7 12, 14, 16
8 11, 10, maybe also 21.
Head 47 is a doublet of the head 21; heads 25-40 exploit the monastic
mirror of Evagrius (G.P. 40, 1277).
26 10,13,14,15
27 16
28 23 (and Mark the Ascetic)
29 27
30 10, 12, 31, 34, 35
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
31 37
32 38-40
33 39, 42, 44
34 47-51
35 58-59
36 65
37 82
38 57
39 ?
40 90
80 21
81 25
82 32
83 23
84 25
85 26
86 ?
87 26
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
60 10-11
Theodore`s Centuria De malignis cogit.
61 1
62 1, 3
63 10
64 23
65 1
67 26
68 B. XLIV
69 B. XLIV
The Great Ascetic and Bishop of Edessa
Greek Philokalia, Second Edition, volume I, p. 182-194.
This sentence is almost literarily taken from Evagrius, G.P. 79, 1237 D.
At Evagrius G.P. 79, 1240A it is said: The faith and the curse don`t deliver from the eternal
fire, without the deeds of the righteousness.
John: 14: 21: KJB: “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth
me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest
myself to him.”; ROB: “The one who has My commandments and keeps them, that one loves
Me; and the one who loves Me he will be loved by My Father and I will also love Him and I
will show on Myself to him.”
The last sentence is after Evagrius, G.P. 79, 1240 B.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
gaining to ourselves the eternal life and the joy of the unspoken
good things321.
4. Whosoever resists against fulfilling the commandments
of God, even that person would be the mother or the father, or
anyone, let him be worthy of disgust and hatred 322; to not be us
hearing: “The one who loves his father and his mother, or on
somebody else more than on Me, he is not worthy of Me”.
5. Let`s squeeze on ourselves with the whole power
towards the fulfilling of the Lord`s commandments, to not be
squeezed by the difficult to undone chains of the evil lusts and
of the corrupting of soul pleasures 323. This is because then it
will be uttered also upon us the decision uttered upon the
fruitless fig tree: “Cut it, to not make it also the place worthless;
for every three which does not bring forth fruits, it is cut and
cast into fire”324.
6. The one who allows on himself to be defeated by lusts
and by pleasures and who lives into the world, he will quickly
fall into the nets of the sin. And the sin once committed, it is
fire against the straws, stone against the cheek, torrent which
widens its ways. This is because all these things bring in all
ways the perdition of the one who commits the sin325.
7. The soul, while it is in a contrary to the nature state,
become savage and overwhelmed by the thorns of the pleasures,
it is den to the foreign beasts, according to the said word:
“There the centaurs will be resting, there the hedgehog made
his den and the devils meet the centaurs” 326. And these ones are
the diverse reproachable passions. But when he will turn back
to the according to the nature state (because he can, if he
wants, until he is united with the body) and he will tame on
himself through the loving care of the deed and he will live
according to the law of God, the beasts denned before they will
run away and in their place the angels come, the guardians of
our life, making of his turning back day of joy; and the grace of
After Evagrius, G.P. 79, 1240 B.
Ibid, G.P. 79, 1237 B.
Matthew: 21: 19: KJB: “And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found
nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for
ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.”; ROB: “And seeing Him a fig tree by the
way, He went to it, but He didn`t find anything in it but leaves, and He said to it: From now
on let not be fruit in you forever! And the fig three immediately withered.”
Evagrius, col. 1237 A.
Evagrius, 1236 C.
Hebrews: 12: 14: KJB: “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man
shall see the Lord:”; ROB: “Seek the peace with everybody and the holiness, without which
nobody will see the Lord,”
After Evagrius, cited work, G.P. 40, col. 1228 D, head 26.
Ibid, col. 1229 A, head 28.
Ibid, col. 1245, heads 48-49.
After Evagrius, cited work, col. 1232, head 34.
Ibid, 1233 A, heads 46-47.
Ibid, head 48.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Ibid, col. 1233 C, head 53.
Ibid, heads 54-55.
Ibid, col. 1233 D, 1235 A, head 58.
Ibid, col. 1236 B-C, head 61.
After Evagrius, Sentiatiae ad eos qui in coenobiis et xenodochiis habitant fraters, G.P. 40,
After Evagrius, cited work, G.P. 40, 1273.
After Evagrius, idem.
After Evagrius, cited work, G.P. 40, 1279.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
soul, the ones who live in the world will be greater than you;
and you will be ashamed, as one who has not been improved by
31. During any war and during any temptation, use you
the prayer as undefeated weapon and you will be victorious
with the grace of Christ. But let this one be clean, like our wise
teacher teaches us, “For I want, he says, to be the men praying
in every place, lifting us pious hands, without anger and
without thoughts”. This is because the ones who doesn`t take
care of such a prayer, he will be handed over to the temptations
and to the passions347.
32. It has been written that the wine gladdens the man`s
heart. But you, who have promised to weep and to cry, avoid
this gladness and you will be gladdened by spiritual gifts. This
is because by gladdening on yourself with wine, you will live
with shameful thoughts and you will end in many upsets 348.
33. Take heed to not spend the holidays by drinking wine,
but in the renewal of the mind and in the cleanness of the soul.
This is because by filling up your belly and getting drunk of
wine, you rather will get the primate of the holyday angry.
34. It has been ordered to us to always take vigil in songs,
in prayers and in readings, and especially on holidays. This is
because the monk who takes vigil he makes thin his
understanding towards useful to the soul views, and the sleep
thickens the mind very much. But take heed to not let yourself
during the vigil to vain stories or to evil thoughts. This is
because is better to sleep than to take vigil around the vain
words and thoughts349.
35. The one who nurtures a snake in his bosom, he will
be killed: the first one by being bitten in his body by the
poisoned teeth; and the other one by pilling up into soul the
bearer of death poison. Let`s therefore quickly kill the baby
snakes and to not bear within our heart the evil thoughts, to
not be us bitterly suffering350.
36. The clean soul can be rightly called as chosen vessel,
opened garden, unsealed water spring, and chair of the feeling.
Ibid. Let`s not grow up within our heart the evil thoughts, to not give them birth into pains.
And the soiled one by the unclean stains it is full of the stench
of the slime351.
37. I have heard from old men, experienced in doing, that
the evil thoughts are born into soul out of the beauty of the
clothes, out of the satiation of the stomach and out of damaging
38. Let not the lust of money to dwell in the souls of the
ascetics. This is because the much gaining monk is like a ship
with take water on beneath, which is toppled over by the waves
of the cares and is sunk into the deep of the despair. The love
for money is the mother of every passion, being called, rightly,
the root of all evil.
39. The lack of wealth and the silence are a hidden
treasure in the field of the monastic living. “Going, therefore,
sell all your wealth and give them to the poor ones” and then
gain this field and, by digging out the treasure, keep it not-
stolen, to enrich on yourself with a richness which cannot is not
being emptied.
40. If you are living with a spiritual Father and you have
felt the profit from him, let nobody separated you from his love
and from the together-dwelling with him. Do not judge him in
something, do not speak evil about him if you are rebuked and
beaten, do not listen to somebody who defames him, do not
accompany the one who mocks on him, to not become the Lord
angry upon you and to erase you from the book of the living
41. The ascesis of the obedience it is consummated
through the rejection of the self, as you have learnt; and the one
who strives himself in this, let him fence around himself with
three weapons: with the faith, with the hope and with the most-
honored and godlike love, for, by being strengthened through
them, “to fight the good fight and to take the crown of the
42. Do not be the judge of your Father`s deeds, but the
fulfiller of his commandments. This is because the devils have
the habit of showing his shortcomings, to cover your ears to his
words and so to get you out of the battle, as a weak and fearful
soldier, or to still you through thoughts of faithlessness and to
make you helpless to any virtue.
According to Evagrius, cited work, G.P. 40, 1280.
After Evagrius, Ibid.
According to Evagrius, cited work, G.P. 40, 1281.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
ascesis of the obedience and enduring the fire of all the life`s
sadness according to God and so leaning with toil and with
much patience the obedience, by melting his old habits he will
learn the humbleness, he regains the shininess and he becomes
worthy of the heavenly treasures, of the imperishable life and of
the blessed place, from where have run away the pain and the
sighing and where have been sown relentless gladness and joy.
47. The right and the inward faith it gives birth to the fear
of God. And the fear of God teaches us to keep the
commandments. “For the fear of Him, he says, gives birth to the
keeping of the commandments”. Out of the keeping of the
commandments is born the virtue with the deed, which is the
beginning of the contemplative virtue. And their fruit is the lack
of passions. Then out of the lack of passion is born inside us
the love354. And about love the beloved disciple says: “God is
love and who remains in love he remains into God and God into
48. How beautiful and good is the monk`s living! How
beautiful and good if it is unfolded according to the rules and to
the laws established by its chieftains and primates, they being
taught by the Ghost. This is because the soldier of Christ
mustn`t be preoccupied with the material things and he must
be lacked of the care of any thought and of worldly deeds, as
the Apostle says: “Nobody, being soldier, entangles on himself
with the businesses of the life, to be pleasant to the one who
gathers army”356.
49. Therefore the monk mustn`t be preoccupied with the
material things, without passions, outside all the evil lust,
not-loving of delectation, not addicted to the wine, not-drowsy,
not-lazy, not-loving of money, not-loving of pleasure, not-loving
of vain glory. This is because if somebody won`t get on himself
out of these things, he won`t be able to achieve this angelic
living. And to the one who are living as it is due, its yoke is
gentle and its burden is light, the godlike hope making
everything easy. Such a life is sweet, pleasant is the doing, good
See the previous head 21.
I John: 4: 16: KJB: “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is
love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”; ROB: “And we have
known and believed the love, that God has is towards us. God is love and the one who
remains into love he remains into God and God remains into him.”
II Timothy: 2: 4; according to Evagrius, Rerum monachalis rationes, G.P. 40, 1253
(“Monastic Sketch”, in The Romanian Philokalia, volume I, p. 40).
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
is the part which won`t be taken from the soul which has
achieved it357.
50. You who have rejected the cares of the life and have
put on the fight of the ascesis, do not lust to have richness for
sharing it to the poor ones. This is because also this thing is a
deceit from the evil one, which pushes us towards the vain
glory, to entangle the mind in all sorts of occupations. Even if
you have only bread and water, you can gain with them the
reward of loving the strangers. And if you don`t have either
these ones, but you receive the strangers only with a good
thought and you give them work of comforting, you also can
gain through these the payment for the love of strangers. You
have for this thing as example the widow, for whom the Lord
confesses into the Gospel, and who surpassed through the two
mites the thought and the power of the rich ones358.
51. These things have been said for the ones who occupy
on themselves with the appeasement (the hesychia). And the
ones, who are under the obedience of the Father, let them have
only one thought in their mind: to not fall in anything from the
parental commandment. By doing this, they have accomplished
everything. As on the opposite, the ones who will fall down from
this commandment and living, they will be unworthy of any
spiritual virtue and living.
52. Take also this advice of mine, you who love on Christ:
love the estrangement, detaching on yourself from the
circumstances from your country, to not be taken by the cares
of the family and by the friendships of the kindred ones. Run
away from tarrying into cities and persevere into wilderness,
saying with the Prophet: “Behold I got far running away and I
have dwelled into wilderness”359.
53. Search for the lonely and far from the world places,
and even if they will be scarce and difficult to be found the
things necessary for life, do not have fear. If the enemies will
surround you as the bees or as the evil wasps, haunting you
with all sorts of wars and disturbing on you with all sorts of
thoughts, do not get scarred, to not listen to them, neither to
run from the place of the fight. Rather persevere with long-
suffering, by singing inwardly and by saying: “Waiting, I have
After Evagrius, cited work, G.P. 40, 1225 (Philokalia, I, 41).
Psalms: 44: 8: According to Evagrius, cited work, G.P. 40, 1275 (Philokalia, volume I, p.
After Evagrius, Ibid.
After Evagrius, cited work, G.P. 40, 1260 (Philokalia, volume I, p. 43); Matthew: 12: 50:
Luke: 8: 29.
I Timothy: 5: 6. After Evagrius, Ibid (Philokalia, volume I, p. 44).
Proverbs: 30: 9: KJB: “Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or lest I be
poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.”; ROB: “Lest, satisfying on myself, to
reject You and to say: “Who is the Lord?” Lest becoming I poor to start stealing and to
defame the name of my God.”
The Wisdom of Solomon (This book is not present in KJB): 4: 12: ROB: “Do not hurry up
your mind through the wanderings of our life and to not attract your perdition through the
deed of your hands.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
After Evagrius, Capita Practica al Anatolium, G.P. 40, 1237, head 64.
the Church, John Chrysostom, says that “the zeal of the man in
not sufficient, if he doesn`t enjoy also the overflowing of the
help from above”, but again that “we do not gain anything out of
the overflowing of the grace from above, if there is no zeal.
These two things are shown by Judah and Peter. The first one
much rejoicing of help, but he didn`t use anything, because he
didn`t bring his ones. And Peter, despite the fact that he had
zeal, because he didn`t rejoice of any help, he fell. Out of these
ones it is woven the virtue. That`s why I pray you, he says,
neither to sleep throwing everything upon God, nor by striving
to reckon that you achieve everything through your labors”.
69. God doesn`t want us lying down on our back. That`s
why He doesn`t do everything. But He doesn`t also want to be
us proud. That`s why He hasn`t left everything on our account,
but by removing from everybody what it is damaging, he has left
to us what it is useful. Rightly also the Psalmist teaches us: “If
the Lord won`t build the house, vainly will take vigil the ones
who guards and toils”. This is because it is impossible to the
man to step over the asp and the basilisk, and to mount on lion
and dragon, if he won`t have been clean before, as much as it is
possible to the man, and won`t have been then strengthened by
the One Who has said to the Apostles: “Behold I have given to
you power to step over snakes and shrew and over all the power
of the enemy”. That`s why it has been also commanded to us to
ask in prayer from the Lord “to not bring us into temptation,
but to deliver us from the cunning one”. This is because if we
won`t be delivered through the power and the help of Christ
from the kindled arrows of the cunning one, and if we won`t be
found thus worthy to gain the lack of passions, vainly we will
toil, reckoning to finish something through our power or zeal.
Therefore the one who wants to stand up against the devil`s
plots and to render those plots powerless and to be partaker to
the godlike glory, he is debtor to ask with tears, with sighs, with
insatiate longing and with hot soul, day and night, the help and
the support from God. And the one who wants to impart on
himself of these ones, he must render his soul clean of any
sweet addiction to the world and to the passions and to the
adversary lusts. This is because about such souls God says: I
will dwell and I will walk into them”. And the Lord said to His
disciples: “The one who loves Me he will keep My
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
John: 14: 21: KJB: “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth
me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest
myself to him.”; ROB: “The one who has My commandments and keeps them, that one is
who loves Me; and the ones who loves Me he will be loved by My Father and I will also love
him and I will show Myself to him”.
things is the devil the deceiver of our souls. Therefore you bring
thanks for the good things which you do, to their Beginner.
74. The one who has united the doing with the knowledge
he is a worthy of praise plowman, who waters the little place of
his soul out of two very limpid water springs. This is because
the knowledge gives wings to the young being through
contemplating the higher ones, and the doing kills the limbs
from earth: the dissoluteness, the uncleanness, the passion,
and the evil lust. And by being these ones killed, it shoots out
the flowers of the virtues, bringing forth the fruits of the Ghost:
the love, the joy, the peace, the long-patience, the kindness, the
faith, the gentleness and the restraint 371. And then this wise
plowman, after he has crucified his body together with its
passions and lusts, he will say together with the God-bearer
preacher: “I am no longer living, but Christ live is me” 372; what I
am living, I live through faith, through that one of the Son of
God, Who loved me and Who gave on Himself for me.
75. Do not also forget, you who love Christ, that the
passion by finding in you a little place and by rooting itself as
habit, it brings with itself in the same enclosure also others.
Even if the passions resist to each other, and their creators, the
devils, likewise, but all of them search in union our perdition.
76. The one who withers the flower of his body through
ascesis and cuts off his whole will, that one bears the signs (τα
στίγματα373) of Christ in his mortal body.
77. The labors of the ascesis end in the resting of the lack
of passions; and the modes of the delectation reach at the
dishonorable passions.
78. Do not allow to yourself to reckon the many years of
the lonely life, neither to be surprised praising on yourself with
Galatians: 5: 19, 22, 24: KJB: “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;
Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, // But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,
peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, // And they that are Christ’s have crucified
the flesh with the affections and lusts.”; ROB: “And the deeds of the body are known, and
they are: adultery, dissoluteness, uncleanness, lewdness, // And the fruit of the Ghost is the
love, the joy, the peace, the long-patience, the kindness, the doing of good, the faith, // And
the ones of Christ Jesus crucified their body together with the passions and the lusts.”
Galatians: 3: 20: KJB: “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ
liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God,
who loved me, and gave himself for me.”; ROB: “I have crucified myself together with
Christ; and I am no longer living, but Christ lives in me. And the present life, into body, I am
living it in the faith of the Son of God, Who loved me and Who gave on Himself for me.”
The stigmas (E. l. t.`s n.).
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
the suffering of the desert and with the harshness of the fights.
But you have in mind the Lord`s word, that you are a worthless
servant and you haven`t even accomplished the commandment.
This is because, truly, while we are in the life from here, we
haven`t been yet called back from exile, but we are still sitting
at the River of Babylon and we are still toiling to make bricks in
Egypt, as ones who haven`t seen yet the Promised Land, since
we haven`t disrobed on ourselves of the old man who is being
corrupt after the lusts of the deceitfulness and we haven`t put
on yet the countenance of the heavenly one, still being us
bearing the countenance of the earthly one. Therefore we don`t
have way of praise, but we are indebted to cry, praying the One
Who can save us from the slavery of the bitter Pharaoh and to
get us out from the awful suppressing and to take us in the
good land of the promise, to be us resting on ourselves in the
holy place of God and to be us on the right hand of the glory of
the Most High One. But the achieving of these good things is
above understanding and doesn`t depend on our deeds, which
we reckon that we are doing into righteousness, but on the
immeasurable mercy of God. Therefore let`s not cease to shed
tears day and night, according to the one who says: “I got tired
in my sigh, I will wash each night my bed, with my tears I will
wet my bedding”. This is because the ones who sow into tears,
they will reap into joy.
79. Banish away from yourself the ghost of the
much-speaking. For in it are lying very dreadful passions. From
here it comes the lie, the daring, the bad jokes, the
shamelessness, the insane words and, shortly speaking, “out of
much-speaking the sin won`t be absent; and the quiet man is
chair of sobriety”. And even “we will be held accountable for
every vain word”, as the Lord said. Therefore the quietness is
very necessary and useful.
80. It has been commanded to us that on the ones who
defame and rebuke us, or who trouble on us in any way, to not
defame them or to upset them at our turn, but rather to speak
well about them and to bless them. This is because as long as
we are living in peace with the people, we are fighting with the
devils; and as long as we remember the evil and we are fighting
with the brothers, we are living in peace with the devils, who we
have learnt to hate them with a perfect hatred and to have
towards them a relentless war.
I John: 4: 20, 12: KJB: “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he
that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not
seen? // No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and
his love is perfected in us.”; ROB: “If somebody says: I love God, and he hates his brother,
liar he is! For the ones who doesn`t love his brother, whom he has seen, on God, Who he
hasn`t seen, he cannot love Him // Nobody has seen God ever, but if we love on each other,
God remains in us and His love in us is perfect.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
prayer unites us with the Master. At this reached the one who
said: “God, my God, towards You I wake up in the morning; my
soul got thirsty of You”. For doesn`t wake up in the morning
towards God the one who got his mind far from all sins and who
is relentlessly wounded by the love of God?
95. Out of restraint and humbleness we have learnt that
it is born the lack of passions; and out of faith the knowledge.
From these ones the soul advances than to the right reckoning
(the discernment) and to love. And who has gathered into heart
the godlike love, he flies endlessly through the wings of the
clean prayer towards its height, until he will reach at the
knowledge of the Son of God, as the Apostle said: “At the
consummated man, at the measure of the age of the fulness of
96. Through the virtue with the deed it is enslaved the
lust and it is restraint the wrath. And through knowledge and
contemplation the mind is winged, which, by going up over the
material things, it travels towards God, being worthy fo the true
97. Let this be the first fight: to diminish the passions
and to defeat them totally. The second fight: to achieve the
virtues and to not let our soul empty and not working. The third
stage of the spiritual road: let`s guard with watchfulness the
fruits of the virtues and of our toils. This is because it wasn`t
commanded to us only to work with toil, but also to guard with
98. “Let your waists be girdled and your candlesticks to
be kindled, says the Lord”380. The good girdle of the waist,
through which we can become nimble and light, it is the
restraint, together with the humbleness of the mind,
understanding through restraint: getting far from all passions.
And the light of the spiritual candlestick it is the clean prayer
and the perfect love. Therefore the ones who have prepared on
Ephesians: 4: 13: KJB: “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of
the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:”;
ROB: “Until all of us will reach at the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of
God, at the state of the consummated man, at the measure of the age of the fulness of Christ.”
Exodus: 12: 11: KJB: “And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your
feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the Lord’s Passover.”; ROB:
“Eat it like this: have your loins girdled, the footwear on your feet and your staffs in your
hands; and eat it in a hurry, for it is the Passover of the Lord.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
themselves like this, they truly are like the people who receive
their Lord, who, being Him coming and knocking at the door,
they immediately open to Him, for being Him entering, to make
to Himself at their place, together with the Father and with the
Holy Ghost, dwelling place. And blessed are those servants on
whom, by coming the Lord, He will find them doing like this.
99. The monk must love God as he would be His son, out
of his whole heart and out of his whole thought; to honor Him
and to obey to Him as a servant and to fulfill with fear and with
tremble His commandments; to be burning with the ghost, to be
clothed with the weapons of the Holy Ghost, for achieving the
joy of the eternal life; to fulfill without any shortcomings all the
commanded things, to be awake, to guard his heart against the
evil thoughts and to relentlessly cogitate at God in good
thoughts. To study on himself in each hour in what concerns
the evil thoughts and of the deeds, and to make whole what is
missing, and for what he has done to not extol on himself, but
to call on himself a worthless servant, lagged much behind with
the fulfillment of the owed things. But let him give thanks to the
Holy God and to ascribe his feats to His account, and to not do
anything for the vain glory or for the pleasure of the people, but
to do everything secretly and to search only the praise from
God. Firstly and foremost, let him fence his soul with the right
faith, according to the godlike dogmas of the congregational
Church, received from the preachers of God Apostles and from
the Holy Fathers. This is because the ones who live like this,
they will receive much reward, endless life and uncollapsed
house from the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, the
godhead of one being and in three hypostases.
100. “The end of the word, hear it all, said the
Ecclesiastes: “fear God and keep His commandments, for this is
every man”. I, he says, show you the most important and the
most honored path of the salvation: “fear God and keep His
commandments”. It is not about the beginner fear, the one due
to the punishments, but about the consummated and
consummator one, which we owe to have it, for the love for the
One Who commanded it. This is because if the fear of the
punishments we do not commit the sins, it is obvious that if the
punishments wouldn`t stay in front of us, we wouldn`t keep the
commandments, having our intention started towards sin. But
if we keep ourselves far from the evil things, not because of the
threat of the torments but because we hate the sins, we fulfill
the virtues out of love for the Master, fearing not to fall. This is
because through that that we fear we do not overlook anything
of the commanded ones. This is the natural fear, which takes
place for the good itself. This fear cleans our souls having the
same power like the consummated fear. And the one who has
this fear and who keeps the commandments, this is every
consummated and without blemish man. By knowing these
things, let`s fear God and let`s keep His commandments, to be
us consummated and adorned with virtues. And by having a
humble cogitation and a crushed heart, let`s ceaselessly sing to
the Lord the prayer of the godlike and great Arsenius: “My God,
do not leave me, for no good I have done before |You, but give
me, for Your mercifulness, to lay beginning”. This is because all
our salvation stays in the mercifulness and in the love for
people of God. His be the glory and the mastery and the
worshipping, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost,
now and always and forever. Amen.
Word about Contemplation381
the not-lightened soul, not being able to receive help from God,
it cannot also be truly cleaned, neither ascended towards the
godlike light. The said things must be considered as being said
for the believers.
And for the fuller clarification of these ones, let`s say a
few words about the kinds of the knowledge. Amongst the
knowledge from here, one is according to the nature and one is
above nature. The second one will be clarified out of the first
one. Therefore we call knowledge according to the nature that
whole one which the soul can gain it through research and
searching for it, using the little pieces and the power of the
nature: about creation and about the cause of the creation, as
much as the tied to the matter soul can understand. This is
because it was said in the “Word about Feeling and the
Imagination of the Mind”, that the work of the mind has been
blunted through the union and through the mixing with the
body and that`s why it cannot reach in touch with the
intelligible forms, but it needs the imagination for cogitating
them, imagination which has a idol-like nature, of material
separation and of thickness. Consequently there are necessary
forms on the mind`s measure from the body, to be able to notice
these ones. Therefore being the mind thus, any knowledge it
would receive through its natural method, we call that
knowledge as natural.
And above nature knowledge it is that one that emerges
within mind in a manner above its method and measure,
namely when the cogitated things surpass (exceed, transcend)
the measure (the analogy) of the mind united with the body,
being the knowledge which is fitted to the bodiless mind. This
comes only from God, when He finds such a mind cleaned of all
the material addiction and mastered by the godlike love.
Not only the knowledge is divided like so, but also the
virtue. This is because other is the virtue which doesn`t exceed
the nature and which is called, rightly, also natural, and other
is the one worked only by the First Good, which is above the
natural power and above the natural state and that must be
called, rightly, supra-natural. Therefore being these ones
divided thus, the natural knowledge and virtue may be owed
also by the not-enlightened one; but the supernatural ones, not
at all. This is because how would he have them, not being
partaker to the cause that produces them? And the enlightened
one can have them both. Better said, one doesn`t achieve at all
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
senses, through the word, and even so-saying through all the
things, then if there wouldn`t be the One Who took the strayed
sheep on His shoulders, to make the ones who look at Him
taller through an endless taking care, no soul could at all
For escaping of all of these ones, there are necessary
three things. The first and the greatest one is to look out of all
his soul towards God and to ask from Him a helping hand,
putting in Him all his hope, as ones who are convinced that if
that One wouldn’t help, they would be necessarily kidnapped by
the ones who are pulling them toward the contrary ones.
The second one, which I reckon that it causes also the
first one, it is relentlessly feeding of the soul through science.
And through science I understand both the one of the sensitive
things and the one of the intelligible ones, either being them
considered in themselves, or in report with the first principle, as
being out of it and towards it, and also the contemplation of the
cause of the things out of the things from around that cause, as
much as it is possible. This is because the researching of the
nature of the things it very much helps to cleaning. It delivers
from the passionate affection towards them and elevates to the
everybody`s principle, allowing to be seen out of the beautiful
ones and wonderful and great, the One from above beauty,
wonder and greatness. The cogitation by going around them, it
is possible to it to not desire the One Who is truly good? This is
because if it is brought towards what it is stranger, the more is
brought towards what it is familiar to it. And by falling in love
the soul with these things, in which from the ones from bellow
would the soul suffer to tarry? And in which of the ones who
use to pull it from the beloved One? Won`t the soul become
tired even of the life into body, as one which impedes the soul
from the beautiful things? This is because though was said that
the mind sees unclearly within matter the intelligible beauty,
but the intelligible goods are of such a kind and so great, than
even a short glimmer of theirs and an unclear showing of that
torrent of beauty, it can convince the mind to elevate itself over
all the unintelligible ones and to stretch itself only towards
those ones and to no longer suffer to be separated from that
delectation, even if it would reach in things of sadness.
The third thing which must be followed it is the killing of
the accompanying body. Otherwise it is impossible to be
received those clear and limpid showings. And the body is killed
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
fight are taught by the experience and by the fight against the
body. And the rationality of the fear it is not missing from
rationality. This is because the greater is the love, the greater
also increases the fear. This is because the greater is the hope
of the good, the more bites on the ones wounded by it, than
tens of thousands of threats. As great is the happiness when
touched, so great is the fear of not reaching at it, which is the
most awful misfortune.
And for our word to advance also differently on its way,
let`s starting with the end. This is because it seems that
everything that it takes place it receives its discernment and the
order of its parts from its end. Therefore the end of our life is
the happiness that also can be called the Kingdom of Heavens
or of God. And this thing doesn`t consist only in seeing the all-
imperial Trinity, but also in receiving the godlike overflowing
from above and to suffer the deification and to fulfill and to
consummate our lack-of-fulness and lack-of-consummation,
through the overflowing from above. This is the food of the
understanding beings: the fulfillment of the lack-of-fulness
through that godlike overflowing.
This is some kind of eternal circle that starts from the
same point and it ends again in the same point. This is because
as much as somebody understands, as much he wants; and as
much as he desires, so much he receives; and as much as he
receives, that much he uses again for strengthening his
understanding. And the unmoved move or the moved
motionlessness starts again. Therefore the end is like this, as
much as we can understand. And who must we be going
towards this end, we must take heed. To the rational souls,
which are thinking creatures and a little lower than the minds
of the Angels, the life from here is a struggle, the life into body
is an imposed ascesis. And the reward is the mentioned state,
which is in the same time a gift of the godlike kindness and a
reward the righteousness. It is the reward of the righteousness,
because these goods are being shown to us as being achieved
through our sweat. And gift, because the power of the endless
gift exceeds any toil and because the fact itself of being able to
do the good and to do it is a gift from Him.
Which is therefore the fight from here? The rational soul
has been yoked with an animal body, which it has its being
from earth and it hangs towards the ones from below. And it
has been woven to it thus than out of these two ones, soul and
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
In the last case we therefore say that it is sought for due to not
knowing the true goods. But the vain glory isn`t sought for
some need of the body, because it doesn`t give any comfort to
the body. It comes out of the not-trying and out of not-knowing
the first good and of the true glory. Therefore its cause, and,
shortly speaking, the root of all the evil things it is the
This is because by being mastered by nescience the soul
doesn`t understand the nature of the things, from where each
thing has come and where it turns back. And by despising its
purpose it turns towards the earthly ones. This is because the
soul doesn`t desire on itself after the seen good. And if it is
dominated by some habit, the soul can even overcome that
habit. Therefore when the habit didn`t exist, the soul was
deceived by nescience. Therefore the soul must aspire towards
the first ones and to cogitate rightly about creatures, and then
to wing his will towards the first good and to despise all the
present ones, by knowing their great vanity. For what is the
support they give to us for our end (purpose)?
And for summarizing everything shortly, a sole thing has
to do the rational soul into the body: to desire on itself after its
own purpose. And because the working of the will without
understanding it remains unmoved, we owe to work with the
mind. Therefore, either to cogitate is for willing, or that is bo0th
for itself and for willing, which it seem to be truer, because the
happiness, to which the ascetic`s life from here isn`t only cause
but also image, it has both of works: the cogitation and the
desiring (if both of them are there alike, or if some of them is
more chiefly, it belongs to the ones who want to philosophize for
determining it), fact is that for the time being we move ourselves
through both of works, of which we call one contemplation, and
the other one doing. And it is impossible to be one of them
without another on the peaks of these works. But on the lowest
stairs, and after that, it is possible. All the impediments of these
works, or the ones which look at the contrary ones, we call
them sins. As also all the ones which help and deliver from
impediments, we call them virtues. And the deeds committed
through virtues, we call them victories, as the ones of the
opposite ones, we call them falls and mistakes. And what it
shapes each work, either towards worse or towards better, it is
the top target, which we know that is a work composed of
cogitation and willing.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
synthesized form, fact that will prepare the terrain for the
apparition of Saint Simeon the New Theologian, during Century
XI. He knew the Sinaite ones, that is proven by the fact that he
literally repeats the head 25 from the writing of John the
Carpathian (at Theognostus head 26), but he represents a more
energetic and more ascetic spirituality.
On the other hand the attention granted in this writing to
the Liturgy and to the priesthood it could again be a hint that it
was composed by a personality with an official role in the
Church`s life and in the Emperor`s Michael III Constantinople,
within which, after the reestablishing of honoring the icons, the
pomposity of the cult took a special impulse. It is known the
legend, that has some historical truth, that the Russian envoys
from Kiev were so impressed by the Liturgy of that time from
Saint Sophia, that they determined Prince Vladimir to receive
together with his entire people the Christendom from
1. Then reckon that you have true virtue when you will
consummately despise all things on earth, having through clean
conscience the heart always ready to travel towards the Lord.
Περι πράξεως και θεωρίας και περι ιερωσυνης. The Greek Philokalia, Second Edition,
volume I, p. 355-365.
good hope that it will receive the desired One, when, being
melted the seen ones (the manifestations) and the imagination
in shadows, as in mirror and in riddles, it will come for the
everlasting sight face to face.
6. You withdraw from the highest contemplations if you
haven`t reached yet at the higher lack of passions, and do not
run without pause, lusting after the things which are above
you. This is because if you want, he says, to become theologians
and seeing (contemplative), go up through living and gain to
yourself the cleanness through cleaning. And because I`ve
mentioned the theology (the secret knowledge of God), take heed
not to stretch on yourself endlessly and thing that isn`t allowed
to us, who are still living with the milk of the virtues, to try
flying towards that one, lest our wings to become weak like at
the unconsummated baby birds, even if the honey of the
knowledge forces our longing. But when, being cleaned through
the lack of passions and through tears, we will be lifted up from
earth as Elijah and Habakkuk, fore-imagining the future
kidnapping into clouds, and when in clean, seeing
(contemplative) and not-scattered prayer, we will be outside
senses, searching for God, maybe then we will somewhat reach
at theology.
7. If you lust for being worthy of godlike sight and of
apparitions in your mind, embrace firstly the peaceful and quiet
life; and by occupying on yourself thus, know on yourself and
on God. This is because if this thing is fulfilled, there isn`t any
longer something to impede you to see with the mind, in a clean
and untroubled by any passions state, as in a thin cloud, the
One unseen by anybody, preaching to you salvation through
His thicker (more imprinted) knowledge.
8. As when the lightning bolt emerges one expect the
thunder, so also where the godlike mercifulness has lightened,
there the storm of the passion is also appeased. And where this
thing takes place, it comes in the same time to the one who has
achieved it the earnest of the happiness from above. But there
isn`t godlike mercy, or hope of lack of passion, in the soul that
love the world more than the Creator and it is addicted to the
seen ones and it is totally dominated by the bodily pleasure and
9. Do not search God and where He is, with your mind.
This is because He is above being and not-comprised at all,
being above in everything. But only look at God the Word, the
About Priesthood
13. When you have been found worthy of the godlike and
honored priesthood and you have indebted on yourself to have
on yourself sacrificed to the death of passions and of pleasures
and so to dare to touch the alive and fearsome sacrifice, if you
don`t want to be burnt by the godlike fire, as an easily burning
matter. This is because if the Seraphim didn`t dare to touch the
The philosophy is the endeavor of cleaning through deeds.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Until here the author speaks mainly about priesthood.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
to you and to us, you the fugitive from the sky and cunning
servant? You don`t have mastery upon us, for Christ the Son of
God has the mastery upon us and upon everybody. To Him I
committed sin, to Him I`ll also answer, having lien of His
mercifulness towards us and of our salvation, His honored
cross. And you run far away from us, you the destroyer. This is
because nothing is to you and to the servants of Christ. By
saying the soul these things daringly, the devil turns his back
weeping with loud voice, not being able to stay against the
name of Christ. And the soul being above, it flies upon the
enemy, slapping him as the bird called Oxypteryx (rapidly
flying) on the raven. After this the soul is carried with gladness
by the holy Angels to the places decided for that soul, according
to his state.
27. Do not allow the longing for the flowing ones to pull
down to the ground on you who are cogitating to the heavenly
ones. And if some addiction to the earthly things ties you to
them, you are like the vulture with his leg caught in snare and
impeded to fly to the sky. Therefore consider everything as
garbage, in the hope of the better ones; and by rejecting even
the body when the time comes, follow the Angel of God, who
gets you out (of the body).
28. As it is impossible that the coin which hasn`t have the
portrait of the emperor to be placed in the imperial treasuries
together with the common coins, likewise is impossible to
somebody to receive the earnest of the happiness from beyond,
without the right reckoning and without the lack of passions,
and to leave with trust and with entrustment out of the present
life towards the hoped one and to the placed together with the
chosen ones. And I call knowledge not the wisdom, but that
not-deceiver news about God and about the godlike things,
through which the one who loves God is extolled towards
deification with the grace of the Ghost, without being attracted
downwardly by passions.
29. Even if you would fulfill the whole doing, do not have
trust into yourself, reckoning that you have reached at the lack
of passions, and do not live into the world carelessly; lest, by
loading on yourself with imprints of passions from here, to be
difficult to you the withdrawal from the world. But letting
yourself to be always guided by fear, take care of your
changeable and fickle nature. Put a distance, wisely, between
you and the causes of the passions. This is because the lack of
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
and flies towards the high and from above ones, searching for
its Master.
37. Guard the cleanness as the light of your eyes, to
make on yourself church to God and most-loved house. This is
because it is impossible to come close to God without
righteousness. And this is born out of the longing for God, out
of lack of passions and out of running away from the world. And
it is guarded by the humble cogitation, by the restraint, by the
ceaseless prayer, by the spiritual contemplation and by the
persevering tears, together with the lack of anger. And the
beauty of the right reckoning, without the lack of patience, you
won`t achieve it.
bitter and more bad than the death itself and worse than the
41. The faith and the hope aren`t some simple and
random things. But the faith needs a strong soul, and the hope
needs a right reckoning and a right heart. This is because how
could somebody believe easily in the things which can be seen,
without the grace? And how will he hope in the future and
unseen things if he won`t receive through cleanness some
experience of the Lord`s gifts, through which he receives the
proving of those ones, as of some which are present? Therefore
for both of them the virtue is needed, but also the influence and
the help from God, which, if we don`t have them, we vainly toil.
42. The true virtue has as fruit either the knowledge or
the lack of passions, or both of them. And if not, it has been
empty and liar what it has seemed to us as virtue. This is
because if would have been real, it would has been adorned
with fruit also, not only with leaves. But in this manner, trying
to attract to itself, either only the pleasure from people, or its
own pleasure, or something else from the things which are not
pleasant to God, it is liar and not-loving of God. We though,
who have corrected our work, we will doubtlessly achieve,
towards our profit, also the grace of the Good God, which
brings, when is necessary and as much as it necessary, both
the knowledge and the lack of passions.
43. Penetrate the thoughts of the enemy with the light of
the grace and by throwing on yourself before God with crying,
announce your helplessness. Consider your person as nothing,
even if the deceiver would convince you that you seem to be
something. Do not ask either for the coronation with some gifts,
but only if they are causing the salvation and guarding the
humble cogitation. Ask thought the knowledge that doesn`t
make you boasting, as cause of the knowledge of God, and pray
to not be dominated until the end by passions, as by some
tyrants, but to detach on yourself from your body into lack of
passions, or more humbleness, to suffer together with the ones
who do err.
44. As one cannot fly to the high things and into the sky
without wings, so one cannot reach at the hoped ones without
having the doubtless entrustment even since here. And the
entrustment comes from the consummated humbleness of the
thought and from the grace of the Holy Ghost in the ones totally
reconciled with God, in whom there is of course the lack of
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
About Priesthood
saved from the whale and form deep, because the striving
brings the most-loving of people God wherever wants it), being
found worthy of Him, even he is still into the body, he has
overwhelmed the measure of the corruptness that submits him
to death, waiting the death as a usual sleep, that transports
him sweetly towards he hoped ones.
About Priesthood
blood it washes out and it cleans, more than any hyssop, every
stain and defilement, to the ones who dare to come close to the
Holy Ones as clean as they as one can be, if it could have
happened to remain there something.
73. It is not sacrificed the ascended body of God the
Word, descending from heavens, but, like someone of the Saints
said, the bread and the wine themselves are transformed in the
body and the blood of Christ, through the mysterious
ministration with faith, of the ones who have been found worthy
of the godlike priesthood, receiving the changing from those
ones in these ones, through the work and the coming of the
Most-Holy Ghost; not being made other body than the one of
the Lord, but being transformed in that one, incorruptible and
not corruptible being. Therefore how much cleanness and
holiness doesn`t the priest need to touch the godlike body, and
how much daring doesn`t he need to be mediator between God
and people and to receive around himself together-praying,
in the same time with the Most-Holy and of God Birth Giver, all
the heavenly powers of the Angels and all the Saint from ever?
It seems to me that as he need an angelic or archangelic
worthiness, so he also needs an angelic familiarity with God.
74. You must, therefore, to note down, o Physinius, that
that`s why the Holies stay uncovered before us, according to the
Symbol of the Faith, on the Holy Table, having to be sanctified,
as would stand praying in whatever way for the ones who bring
them forth and would shout out with untold voices towards the
One who dwells in heavens. This is because That One watching,
He doesn`t turn his sight away, remembering the willing
humiliation (the kenosis) for the sinners and the untold descent
and the loving of people stabbing. This is not by being us
corrected He have given to us the price of redemption and the
salvation through His sufferings, the Good and of evil enduring
One, but being us sinners, He saved us and He called us again
to Himself.
science of the death, but intentionally pray for this and be with
good hope that you will gain it close to the end, if it will be
useful to you. But prepare yourself ceaselessly for it, rejecting
the whole fear, as by crossing the sky and escaping from the
ghosts of the evilness, with daring and without fearing, to reach
inside the heavenly cupolas, uniting on yourself with the angelic
groups and being added to the chosen ones and to the saints
from ever and looking, as much as it is possible, at Godhead.
And if not, let you be knowing at least the goods from under
Godhead, and the Word of God, spreading rays to above
heavens, the One worshipped with a sole worshipping together
His undefiled body, in the same time with the Father and with
the Son, by the whole heavenly army and by all the Saints.
A possible translation of the name Ecdicus can be: the Defender (source: Defensoris from
Latin) (E. l. t.`s N.).
First Edition, Venice, 1782, p. 529-548; Second Edition, volume I, Athens, 1893, p. 375-
“Ανθολόγιον γνωμικον φιλοσόφων σπουδαίων, σπουδασθεν και πονηθεν `Ηλία ελαχίστψ
πρεβυτέρψ και εκδίκψ”.
“Ετερα κεφάλαια”. The translation of Pontanus is from 1603, when it was published as
appendix at the translation of the work of Saint Simeon the New Theologian (Ingolstadt,
1603) under the title: “Ex Elie Presbyteri et defensoris sententiarum florilegio florilegium”.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Behold how Disdier reaches at this figure: The first section has at Combefis 77 heads, in
The Greek Philokalia 79. But a thorough comparison it gives 79 heads. Head II from
Combefis form heads II and III from The Greek Philokalia. Here it must be accepted the
division from Philokalia, which it has for it also the manuscript from the basis of Pontanus
translation as also the progression of ideas. Thus we correct Combefis head II in heads II and
II encore. Head III from Combefis corresponds to heads IV, XI and XII from Philokalia. But
here Combefis is right, confirmed also by Pontanus and by the Codice Atheniensis 517. The
scattering of this head in Philokalia is illogical. Philokalia, at its turn, blocks in head V, the
heads IV and V from Combefis; and in head VII, the heads VII and VIII from Combefis. And
here Combefis is more logical, confirmed by Pontanus and Atheniensis. Combefis has not the
head 76 of Nicodemus. Here Nicodemus is right.
Thus 77 heads from Combefis + II encore + LXXVI Nicodemus = 79 heads.
79 heads Nicodemus – XI and XII + V encore and VII encore = 79 heads.
Section II has also both at Nicodemus and Combefis 30 heads instead of 31 as in the
majority of the manuscripts. Philokalia doesn`t have the head 83 from Combefis (εζωμεν
ποιειται), but instead it divides the head 91 of Comfebis in two, obtaining the heads 92 and
The third section has at Combefis 30 heads (numbered in continuation), in Philokalia
32 (starting the numbering from 1). The figure from Philokalia is the right one, being
indicated by almost all the manuscripts. Therefore we must complete Combefis with
Philokalia, interposing between the heads 125 and 126 of Combefis the head 19 from
Philokalia (ο εν ημιν εγκεκρυμμένος) and between the heads 130-131, the head 25 from
Philokalia (εν τη δυαδικη).
The fourth section has at Combefis 106 heads (with numbering in continuation), and at
Nicodemus 107 (with numbering that continues the 32 heads of the third section). Combefis
will be completed by interposing between heads 153-154 the head 49 from Nicodemus (τη
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Moral Heads
Psalms: 26: 2: KJB: “Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.”; 25:
2: ROB: “Examine me, Lord, and try me; kindle my entrails and my heart.”
Psalms: 18: 35: KJB: “Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right
hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great.”; 17: 36: ROB: “And Your
scolding corrected me until the end, and Your scolding itself will teach me.”
The activity, the doing.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
the first one and you will estrange the sight of the face of this
18. The devils wage war to the soul especially through
thoughts, not through things. This is because the things in
themselves are necessary406. And the causes of the things are
the hearing and the sight. But the causes of the thoughts are
the habit and the devils.
19. The soul`s sin stretches in three branches: in deeds,
in words and in thoughts; and the good of the impeccability in
six. This is because we must guard without mistake the five
senses and the uttered word. The one who doesn`t commit sin
in these ones “he is a consummated man, able to restraint even
the limbs of his body”407.
20. The irrational part of the soul is divided in six, namely
the five senses and the uttered word. The word, when
dispassionate, it is divided together with the passionate in an
undivided manner408.
21. Neither the body can be cleaned without fasting and
vigil; nor the soul, without mercy and truth. And neither can
the mind, without speaking to God and without seeing Him.
These are the most important pairs in these things.
22. The soul being fenced by the mentioned virtues it has
his fortress, which is the patience, unshaken by temptations.
“Into your patience you will gain your souls” says the
Scripture409. But if the things are different, it is shaken in
trembling of fear, even to the far away noises, just like a city
without walls.
23. Not all the ones who are prudent concerning the word
are also prudent concerning the thoughts. Neither all the ones
who are prudent concerning the thought will be also prudent
concerning the outside feeling. This is because even all of them
are indebted to the feeling, but not all of them pay the tribute
Being the things necessary in themselves they aren`t dangerous to the soul but when they
are added to the thoughts brought in by the devils.
James: 3: 2: KJB: “For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the
same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.”; ROB: “For we all do err in
many things; if somebody isn`t wrong in word, that one is a consummated man, able to bridle
even the whole body.”
The word of the sinless one communicates with the one of the sinful one without
communicating into sin.
Luke: 21: 10: KJB: “In your patience possess ye your souls.”; ROB: “Through your
patience you will gain your souls.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
is like the ones who doesn`t want to eat his bread also with salt
but only with honey. This one doesn`t always have the pleasure
as companion, but he is always neighbor to the satiation (to the
50. The one who washed the broken coat of the neighbor
with godlike words, or he sews it through gifts, he looks like one
who, by being master, he puts up a servant countenance. But
let the one who does this to take heed, lest, by not doing it like
a servant, to lose, in the same time with his payment, also the
honor of the power of master due to him, for the vain glory.
51. Like the faith is the foundation of all the hoped ones,
likewise the thoughtfulness is the foundation of the soul 412; and
the humbleness, of the virtue. But it is amazing how the ones
committed through them, they become unconsummated
without the random ones (the accidental ones).
52. “The Lord, he says, will guard your entrance and your
exit”413, namely of the foods and of the words, through restraint.
This is because the one who is with restraint at the entrance of
the foods and at the exit of the words, he gets rid of the lust of
the eyes and he tames his anger which comes out of the lack of
outpouring. This is because the ascetic, first of all, he must
take care of these ones and to strive in any ways for them. This
is because through them it is being empowered the working life
and through them it is strengthened the contemplative one.
53. Some people take much care of the entering of the
foods, but they are careless about the exiting of the words.
Some like these ones “they don`t know to remove the anger
from the heart and the lust from the body”, as the
Ecclesiastes414 says, through which the renewing Ghost uses to
build the clean heart.
Hebrews: 11: 1: KJB: “NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen.”; ROB: “And the faith is the entrustment of the hoped ones, the proving of
the unseen things.”
Psalms: 121: 8: KJB: “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this
time forth, and even for evermore.”; 120: 8: KJB: “The Lord will guard your entrance and
your exit since now and forever.”
Ecclesiastes: 11: 10: KJB: “Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil
from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity.”; ROB: 11: 9: “Rejoice you man as long
as you are young and your heart to be glad in the days of your youth and walk in the path of
your heart and after your eyes show to you, but be you knowing that, for all of these, God will
bring you to His judgment, Banish away the trouble from your heart and remove the
sufferings far from your body, for the childhood and the youth are futility.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Proverbs: 6: 23; Song of Songs: 4: 11; John: 6: 69.
Greek Philokalia: but of the sin`s body, the one who little rejoiced on himself of the
pleasures of the life from here.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
one, he will arrive to the city of the views, “from where have run
away all the pain, and the sadness and the sighing” 421.
87. The spiritual work can be done also without the deed
of the body. Blessed is therefore the one who reckons the
immaterial work better than the material deed. This is because
through it he has fulfilled the lack of the deed, by living the
hidden life of the prayer, the one shown to God.
88. The godlike Apostle urges us to endure in faith, to
rejoice into hope and to persevere into prayer 422, for remaining
inside us the good of the joyfulness. If it is so, the one who
doesn`t endures, he isn`t a faithful one; the one who doesn`t
rejoice, he isn`t with a good hope, for he has rejected the cause
of the joy, the prayer, by not persevering into it.
89. If the mind living from the beginning in worldly
thoughts, has gained so much love for them, how much
friendship wouldn`t have achieved towards the prayer, by
ceaselessly living into it? This is because in what it tarries, he
says, in that thing it uses to widen on itself.
90. Like leaving its dwelling place from yore, the mind has
forgotten the shininess from there, so it must forget again the
things from here and to run towards that dwelling place,
through prayer.
91. The mind will be towards the prayer that cannot
comfort it like a little child towards the breasts of his mother
which have become could. And towards the one that is
otherwise, as a little child asleep with pleasure in his mother`s
92. “There, he says, (in the crying bed of the virtuous life,
like the bride from the Song, the bride will also say a prayer,
Isaiah: 51: 1: KJB: “Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with
singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and
joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.”; ROB: “And thus the saved ones of the Lord
will return and they will come to Zion, in songs of victory and an eternal joy will crown their
head. The joy and the gladness will come upon them, and the pain, the sadness and the
sighing will go far from them.”
Romans: 12: 12: KJB: “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in
prayer;”; ROB: “Rejoice into hope; in sufferance be you patient; to prayer persevere.”
towards her groom) I will give you my breasts” 423, if you will
totally come to me.
93. Cannot make friendship with the prayer, the one who
doesn`t rejected the whole matter, except the life and the
clothing424. Go out from all the other things, you who want to be
only with the mind.
94. The witness of the loving of God mind, it is the prayer
of a sole thought; of the thoughtful thought, it is the word at its
time; and of the liberated feeling, the taste of a sole kind.
Through these three ones on says that are strengthened the
soul`s ones.
95. The nature of the one who is praying must be
softened and to be made well tender, just like of the children,
for to those ones, likewise to this one, to receive easily the
development which comes out of praying. Therefore don`t be
careless, you who wants to accompany yourself with this.
96. Not everybody have the same purpose in prayer, but
one has this, other has that. One prays that, if it is possible, his
heart to be always with the prayer; other, to ascend even above
prayer. And other prays to not be interrupted by thoughts in
when praying. But all of them pray either to be guarded into the
good things or to not be taken into the evil things.
97. If nobody remains not-humbled into prayer (this is
because the one who prays is broken into humbleness), the one
who behave with haughtiness in the outside things he doesn`t
pray into humbleness.
98. The one who prays thinking at the widow who moved
the judgment against the cruel oppressor 425, he won`t ever
weaken due to the delay of the promised goods.
99. The prayer won`t remain into the ones who tarries at
the things thought inside and to the spoken things outside. But
the prayer will come back to the one who cuts off the many
Song of Songs: 7: 13: KJB: “The mandrakes give a smell, and at our gates are all manner
of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved.”; ROB: “You
come tomorrow to the vineyard to see if the vine shoots out, if the apple trees are in buds, if
they are close to flourish. And there I will give my caresses to you.”
I Timothy: 6: 8: KJB: “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.”; ROB:
“But, having food and clothing, we will be satisfied with these ones.”
Luke: 18: 3: KJB: “And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying,
Avenge me of mine adversary.”; ROB: “And there was, in that city, a widow, who was
coming to him, saying: Do justice to me towards my adversary.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Psalms: 116: 17: KJB: “I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon
the name of the Lord.”; 115: 17: ROB: “To You I will bring sacrifice of praising and the
name of the Lord I will call.”
Namely the concentrated one.
119. When you will liberate your mind from the pleasure
(voluptuousness) of the bodies, of the money and of the foods,
anything you will do it will be reckoned to you as clean gift,
brought to God; and it will be given to you to open the eyes of
your heart and to be able to clearly look at the rationalities 435 of
God, written into it, above any honey and bee wax 436, through
the sweetness from within them.
120. You won`t be able to elevate your mind above bodies,
above money and above the lust for foods which aren`t perforce
necessary, if you won`t introduce it in the clean country of the
righteous ones, in which there springs out the memory of the
death and of God, which erase from the earthly heart any sort
of the lust.
121. Nothing is more fearsome than the thought of the
death and nothing more wonderful than the remembrance of
God. This is because the first one brings savior sadness; and
the other one give joyfulness. “I remembered God, says the
Prophet, and I gladdened myself”437. And the wise man says:
“Remember the last things and you will not commit sin” 438. But
it is impossible to somebody to achieve the second one until he
hasn`t tried the pressure of the first one.
122. Until the mind haven`t seen with the uncovered face
the glory of God439, he cannot tell to the soul in his feeling: “And
I will rejoice into the Lord440, I will delight on myself into His
The laws.
Psalms: 19: 11: KJB: “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold:
sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.”; 18: 11: ROB: “Desired they are more than the
gold, and more than the stone of a great price; and sweeter than the honey and the
Psalms: 115: 52: KJB: “I remembered thy judgments of old, O Lord; and have comforted
myself.”; 113: 52: ROB: “I remembered Your judgments from ever, O Lord, and I was
Ecclesiastes: 12; 13: KJB: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and
keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”; ROB: “Behold on short,
everything that you have heard is this: Fear God and keep His commandments! This is the due
thing to every man.”
II Corinthians: 3: 18: KJB: “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of
the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the
Lord.”; ROB: “And we all, looking like at a mirror, with the face unveiled, the glory of the
Lord, we are being transformed in the same way from glory to glory, like from the Lord`s
Psalm: 9: 2: KJB: “I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou
most High.”; ROB: “I will rejoice and I will gladden on myself of You; I will sing Your
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
salvation”441. This is because the cover of the love for the self
lays down over his heart, to not be unveiled to him the
foundations of the world, which are the rationalities of the
things. And this cover he won`t be able to remove it without
willing and unwilling toils.
123. The leader of the people of Israel cannot see the
Promised Land, which is the lack of passions, after fleeing from
Egypt, that is the sin with the work, neither after crossing the
sea, namely of the slavery through lust and affection, but only
after living in the desert, placed between the deeds and the
moves of the sin, sending ahead his seeing and researching
124. The ones who sit into wilderness, namely in the not-
working of passions, they have the goods of that blessed land
only from hearing. And the ones who have taken a look at the
things from it, of course only with the imagination of the soul,
they have reached at the contemplation of the seen ones. At
last, the ones who have been found worthy of entering into it,
they have been satiated with the whole feeling of the
rationalities which flow out of it as a milk and as a honey,
namely the first and the second contemplation443.
125. The one who still has the natural movements of the
body he hasn`t crucified on himself yet with Christ; neither has
he buried on himself with Him, the one who drags after him
thoughts and memories of the soul. Therefore how will resurrect
together with Him one like this one, towards walking into the
renewal of the life?444
126. The more comprising virtues of the soul being three:
the fasting, the prayer and the silence, the one who wants to
detach on himself (a little) from the prayer, he must rest on
name, You the most high One.”
Psalm: 104: 34: KJB: “My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in
the Lord.”; 105: 34: ROB: “Pleasant be to Him my words, and I will gladden
myself of the Lord.”
Deuteronomy: 2: 26; 31: 2; 34: 1.
The first contemplation only by sight it is flowing and passing like the milk is. The second
one by possession it is considered like the honey. More probably, though, it is about the
rationalities of the Providence and of the Judgment, according to the head 161.
Romans: 6: 4: KJB: “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as
Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in
newness of life.”; ROB: “So we have buried on ourselves with Him, into death, through
Baptism, like Christ resurrected from dead, through the glory of the Father, so also be us
walking into the renewal of the life.”
134. During the life in the couple, the man and the
woman they cannot see simply, because this thing is possible
only in the lonely life, during which, for the likeness to Christ,
there won`t be known the difference between man and woman.
135. The thoughts450 aren`t either of the rational part of
the soul (because there isn`t thought in the beats), or in
(because there isn`t either in Angels). But being fruits of the
rational part and using the imagination as a ladder, they climb
towards the mind from the feeling, announcing to the mind the
things of the feeling, and they descend towards the feeling from
the mind, putting forth to this one the mind`s things.
136. When the sin is endangered like a ship by the
torrent of the tears, the evil thoughts emerge as one which come
out of deep and try to rescue the ship.
137. The thoughts gather around the soul according to its
present state, either as some pirates who want to sink the soul
down, or as some oarsmen who want to help the soul seeing it
endangered. The first ones tow to offshore the inappropriate
thoughts, the others, by turning the helm, the push the ship to
tranquil shores.
137451. The thought of the vain glory, being the seventh
one, the soul that wants to reject it as being the last one, if
won`t disrobe also the thought from before this last one, the
soul won`t be able to put on the eighth one, which comes after
them and which the godlike Apostle calls it “heavenly dwelling
place”452. This one can be put on through sight only by the ones
who disrobed for it the material things.
139453. To the consummated prayer can come close the
angelic thoughts; to the middle one, the spiritual thoughts; and
to the beginner one, the rational-natural thoughts.
140. Like the good lot of the seed used to appear through
the wheat-ear, likewise the cleanness of the contemplation it is
shown through prayer. The first one has for chasing away the
gatherer of seeds birds, the casings which fence it like some
spears; the second one, the thoughts which philosophize in
temptations to banish the temptations away.
The concepts, the reasoning.
This is the numbering from the original text where the head 137 is doubled (E. l. t.`s n.).
II Corinthians: 5: 2: KJB: “For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with
our house which is from heaven:”; ROB: “For that`s why we also sigh, into this body,
desiring to put on our dwelling place from heavens,”
See footnote 21.
141. The ones saw by the soul, for doing, are silvery, like
the wings of the dove; and the cogitated ones, for
contemplation, are golden454. This is because the thus not-
beautified soul, it cannot fly and it cannot rest where the
dwelling place of the ones who rejoice themselves is455.
Psalms: 68: 14: KJB: “When the Almighty scattered kings in it, it was white as snow in
Salmon.”; 67: 14: ROB: “When the heavenly Emperor will scatter the kings in His country,
they will be white as the snow on Salmon.”
Psalms: 85: 7: KJB: “Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation.”; 84: 7:
ROB: “Show to us, O Lord, Your mercy and Your salvation give it to us.”
Exodus: 22: 23, 25.
Philokalia: The plots from the neighbor.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Psalms: 50: 5: KJB; 49: 5: ROB // 23: 5: KJB; 22: 5: ROB.
Deuteronomy: 24: 21. The stranger is allowed to enter into vineyard after the master has
harvested it, to collect what he still manage to find. Through prayer it is understood here the
prayer of a sole thought; through psalms, the psalmody or the read or the singed prayer.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
likewise the ones who reach at the meeting with the prayer
won`t rejoice all of the contemplation from it.
174. Like the silence at good time it is the brake of the
anger, likewise eating with measure it is the brake of the lust,
and the one thought prayer it is the brake of the unsettled
175. Both the one who wants to dive in the deep from
bellow (on the bottom of the ocean) for the sensitive pearl and
the one who wants to cross through the deep from above for the
intelligible pearl, to surface it, if they won`t disrobe on
themselves, the first one of light, the other one of feeling, they
won`t succeed in what they are searching for.
176. The mind that is during the time of the prayer inside
its cogitation, it will be like the bridegroom who speaks to his
bride in the wedding chamber. And the one who is not let to
enter, staying outside shouts out with sighs: “Who will take me
inside of the city?”463 Or: “Who will guide me to there, to not be I
looking any longer at vanities and at liar insanities” 464 in the
time of the prayer?
177. The prayer without the pricking of the heart it is
considered by the mind like it is considered by the throat the
food without salt.
178. The soul that is still searching for the prayer, it is
like the woman in the birth pains; and the soul that has
reached at prayer it is like the woman who has given birth and
it is full of joy for that birth.
179. Yore the Amorite who was living in the mountain,
rushing in upon the ones who were striving to cross that
mountain, was hurting them465; now the evil forgetfulness
chases away the ones who try to climb at the higher prayer of
the simplicity, before cleaning.
180. The devils have much enmity against the clean
prayer. These ones are beaten up not by the multitude of the
Psalms: 60: 9: KJB: “Who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me into
Edom?”; 59: 10: ROB: “Who will take me to the fortified city? Who will advise me to
Psalms: 40: 4: KJB: “Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not
the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.”; 39: 6: ROB: “Blessed is the man whose hope is the
name of the Lord and he hasn`t look at vanities and to liar insanities.”
Numbers: 14: 45: Deuteronomy: 1: 44.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
Exodus: 15: 20: KJB: “And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in
her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.”; ROB: “Then
Miriam, the prophetess, took the tambourine in her hand, and after her there went out all
women with tambourines and dancing.”
Song: 5: 4: KJB: “My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were
moved for him.”; ROB: “My loved one has stretched his hand through the window and my
heart has flinched.”
beauty? What thought fills up with joy more than the one of the
greatness of God? What longing is so powerful and so difficult to
bear than the one that is born from God in the soul cleaned of
all sins and that shouts out from its deep: “I`m wounded by
203. The one who does not get tired by walking of the
traces of God through prayer, and who does not want to see a
man, he can say: “My heart has been kindled within me and fire
will burn within my thought”.
204. Let the doer soul saying after rejecting the evil, like
the bride from the Song of Songs, towards the devils and the
evil thoughts, which force it to look again at vanities and at liar
insanities: “I have disrobed my coat, how will I put it on again? I
have washed up my feet, how will I soil them again?”474
205. The loving of God soul dares to ask Him: “Tell me,
You good Shepherd, where do You graze Your sheep and where
do You rest at noon Your lambs? For by following to these ones,
to not go myself astray from the flocks of Your friends” 475.
206. The doer soul, trying to keep the prayer`s word and
not being able to, shouts out also, like the bride from the Son of
Songs: “During the nights I have been searching for my beloved
one in the bed and I haven`t found him” 476. I shouted out his
name, but he didn`t hear me. “I will get myself up” through even
more perseverant prayer and “wandering through the city, on
streets, on market places, I will search for the one Whom I love”;
maybe I will find the One Who is in everything from here and
outside everything, and I will satiate on myself when his glory
will appear to me.
Song of Songs: 2: 5; 5: 8.
Song of Songs: 5: 3: KJB: “I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed
my feet; how shall I defile them?”; ROB: “The coat I have taken it off, how will I put it on
again? I have washed my feet up, how will I soil them again?”
Song of Songs: 1: 7: KJB: “Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest,
where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon: for why should I be as one that turneth aside by
the flocks of thy companions?”; 1: 6: ROB: “Tell me, my beloved one, where do you graze
your sheep? Where do you lodge at noon? Why must I vainly go astray to the flocks of your
Song of Songs: 3: 1-2: KJB: “BY night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I
sought him, but I found him not. // I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in
the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.”;
ROB: “During the night in bed I`ve been searching for the beloved one of my soul, I`ve been
searching for him, but behold, I haven`t found him. // I will get myself up, I said to myself,
and I`ll run to the market place, on the streets, and thoroughly I`ll search for the beloved of
my soul. I have searched for him, but I haven`t found him anymore.”
Song of Songs: 4: 16: KJB: “Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my
garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his
pleasant fruits.”; ROB: “Awake, northern wind, come southern wind, and blow through my
garden and stir up their perfumes; and let my beloved one come and enter in his garden and to
pick up its expensive fruits, to eat.”
Song of Songs: 1: 15: KJB: “Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast
doves’ eyes.”; ROB: “How beautiful are you, my love! And how cute are you! The meadow
of green grass is our bed.”
Song of Songs: 2: 3: KJB: “As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my
beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was
sweet to my taste.”; ROB: “Like the apple tree is amongst trees, so is my darling lad amongst
lads. I love staying in the shadow of the apple tree; sweet is its fruit in my mouth.”
John: 14: 23: KJB: “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my
words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with
him.”; ROB: “Jesus answered and said: If somebody loves Me he will guard My word, and
My Father will love him, and We will come and make dwelling place at him.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
and the taking vigil; and to the others the poverty and the
despising. But without the second ones, the toils for the first
ones are useless.
225. Nobody can pray cleanly while he is dominated by
the passion of the love for beauty and of the love for honor. This
is because the lusts (the affections) and the thoughts of the
vanity, by moving on themselves with familiarity around these
ones, they wrap him like some ropes, pulling, like on a tied
sparrow, the mind trying to fly away during the prayer.
226. It is impossible to the mind to have peace during the
prayer if it hasn`t made friendship the restraint and the love.
This is because the first one it fights to scatter the enmity of the
body against the soul, and the second one against the enmity
counter the neighbor, for the sake of God. That`s why by
coming the Peace, which overwhelms any mind485, has promised
to make a dwelling place in the one who has made peace with
227. The one who strives on himself to enter into the
Kingdom of God, he must abound with the deed of the
righteousness into the good things; into giving alms, by giving
out of what is lacks to him; and in the toils for peace, by
stealing that patience according into the Lord.
228. Neither into the one who is in lack with the virtue,
due to his carelessness, nor into the one in whom the virtue it
exceeds, due to his self-appreciation, they won`t be inside the
shore of the dispassion. This is because neither one of them has
reached to be imparted of the goods from righteousness,
between them and those ones staying in the middle the lack
and the surplus.
229. The earth which doesn`t give to the plowman the
multiplied seed, it cannot make the plowman rich, by giving
him back only the seed, or even a small adding. Likewise, on
despised my trial, that was in my body, neither have you becomes disgusted, but you have
received me like on an angel of God, as on Jesus Christ.”
Philippians: 4: 7: KJB: “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”; ROB: “And let the peace of God, which
overwhelms any mind, to guard your souls and your thoughts, into Jesus Christ.”
John: 14: 23: KJB: “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my
words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with
him.”; ROB: “Jesus answered and said to him: If somebody loves Me he will keep My word,
and My Father will love him and We will come to him and We will make dwelling place at
the doer, the thing done, it cannot make him righteous, if his
striving won`t be, towards God, bigger than his will.
230. Not all the ones who love their neighbor they can
also hate him. And something else is to envy the accretion of
that one, and something else is to impede 487 his increasing. But
the last stage of the sin consists in not be only bitten by the
gifts of that one, but also in gossiping his good characteristics,
as they wouldn`t be like that.
231. Others are the bodily passions and others are the
ones of the soul; others are the ones according to the nature
and others are the counter to the nature one. The one who
rejects the first ones but he doesn`t take care of the last ones, it
is like the man who erects high and thick enclosure against the
wild beasts, but he rejoices of the birds which eat the grapes of
the rational vine, the really beautiful ones.
232. First the soul imagines the evil, then the soul lusts
for it, and then the soul is penetrated by pleasure or by
sadness, and then it sees it with the senses and then the soul
enters in seen or unseen touching with the evil. All of these are
accompanied by thoughts, except the first movement, which if it
isn`t accepted, the whole evil after it will remain not-worked.
233. The ones who have come close to dispassion they are
budged only by hallucinations; the ones with the passions
appeased, by lusts; the ones dominated by voluptuousness,
they are budged by affections. In the feeling of the evil are the
ones who make abuse of the necessary ones, but with sadness;
and in touch with the evil are the ones who accompany it
without sadness.
234. The pleasure dwells in all the body`s limbs. But it
doesn`t appear to everybody equally troubling. But some of the
limbs enjoy more the lusting part of the soul, other the anger
and again others the things which depends on the cogitation.
The first ones are troubled by the covetousness of the belly, the
second ones by anger, and the third ones by cunningness, the
cause of all the evil passions.
235. It is necessary to be the senses opened like the gates
of the city. But it is also necessary to not be allowed to enter
through the opening in the same time with the necessary ones
also the peoples who want the enemies and who become causes
of fight.
Within the text: to not impede.
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
236. The pleasure is the fruit of the lust; and anger of the
wrath; and the evilness of the envy. But cannot reach at peace
with the last ones he who doesn`t fight against the chieftains.
Neither can enter in the shore of the appeasement of the
passions the one who fulfills the commandments forcedly.
237. The ones who reject the attacks, they don`t let to
enter the thoughts to the rational vine like some wild beasts
and to damage its fruits. And the ones who accompany them
without sweeten on themselves they simply let them come in,
but they don`t let them at all to touch the vine`s fruits. The
ones who talk sweetly with the passions through the thoughts
but they do not come to approval, they resemble to the ones
who let the wild beast to enter inside the field and of the
enclosure, but they don`t allow the beast to satisfy on itself with
the vine`s grapes. But then they find it stronger than their own
power and they often reach at the approval of the passions 488.
238. The one who still needs to take care of the enclosure
through restraint, he hasn`t reached yet at simplicity. This is
because the consummated one, he says, he doesn`t restrain on
himself (but the one who is still fighting) 489. He resembles to the
ones who has vine, or field, but not in the middle of other vines
or fields, but somewhere in a corner. That`s why he needs much
guarding and watchfulness. But the vine of the one who has
reached at simplicity it cannot be touched from any side,
identically to that one of an emperor or of another fearsome
master, who makes the thieves and the by-passers trembling,
just by hearing his name only.
239. Many climb on the cross of the evil suffering but few
of them accept also its spikes. This is because many submit on
themselves to the willing toils and troubles, but to the ones
which come unwillingly, only those ones submit on themselves,
who consummately have died to this world and to the resting
out of it490.
240. Many have disrobed all the skin clothes. But the last
one, that one of the vain glory, it has been disrobed only by the
ones who have despised the mother of it, namely the desire to
be pleasant to themselves.
The four stages of Hesychios: attack, accompanying, consenting, deed, here they become
five: attack, accompanying, dialogue, consenting and deed.
The words in parentheses can be found only in the Greek Philokalia.
In G.P. 90: In the middle of the last sentence it has: Many are the servants of the willing
obedience, but of the unwilling shame only the ones who have quenched the love for honor.
241. The one who rejects and doesn`t accept the praise
from the people and the resting of the body, he has disrobed
even the last coat of the vain glory. This one has been found
worthy to put on even from here the brightness of the dwelling
place from heavens, sought with many sighs.
242. Something else is the work and something else is the
thing done. The last one shows the finished sin; the first one
shows only the sweet addiction which is worked inside, but not
outside, like the ones who haven`t been removed from their
land, but they pay tribute to the masters their own thoughts.
243. If the taste is dominated by pleasures it is
impossible to not be followed also by the other senses, even if
the ones from bellow the belly of the colder ones seem to be
tranquil, like the ones of the aged ones, who don`t receive the
heat any longer, due to exhaustion.
244. The lusting part of the soul is proven as it is in
foods, in countenances and in voice, in the willing impulses, of
otherwise into taste, in sight and in hearing, like it uses them
well or wrong, or what is in the middle between these two ones.
245. In the ones who aren`t advised by fear, the thoughts
are in a great scattering, like the sheep without shepherd 491.
But when they are guided, or driven from the back by fear, the
thoughts are in good order and inside the enclosure.
246. The fear is the daughter of the faith and the
guardian of the commandments. The one who hasn`t gain the
mother of it he won`t be found worthy of being the sheep
pastured according to Lord`s will.
247. Some people have only the beginnings of the goods,
other their middle, and other their ends. Without these ones,
each of them will be as a simple soldier or as a clerk without
payment. And that`s why the first one guards only and barely
his house against the ones who try to plunder it, and the other
one doesn`t have the due honor in what he is doing.
248. The ones who urge us to consent to the pleasures of
the throat, until we are not-consummated, they do something
resembling to the ones who command us to scrape our almost
I Kings: 22: 17: KJB: “And he said, I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that
have not a shepherd: and the Lord said, These have no master: let them return every man to
his house in peace.”; III Kings: 22: 17: ROB: “And he said: “Behold, I am seeing all the
Israelites scattered throughout the mountains, like the sheep that do not have shepherd. And
the Lord said: They have not a Lord, to turn back each of them in peace to their home.”
Priest Professor PhD. Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAE
The heart`s tears 5
The holy work 4
The heart`s warmth 3
I`m presenting here, of the godlike The clean prayer 2
The godlike 1
gifts, which through trying was ascension
known by the Ghost bearer ones