Adult Reflexes Bicep Reflex
Adult Reflexes Bicep Reflex
Adult Reflexes Bicep Reflex
Bicep Reflex
The examiner prompts the Ankle Jerk Reflex
brachioradialis reflex by tapping the
brachioradialis muscle tendon at its The ankle jerk reflex, also known as the
point of insertion onto the styloid Achilles reflex, occurs when the Achilles
process of the radius. tendon is tapped while the foot is
A normal reflex would produce flexion dorsiflexed.
and supination of the forearm. It is a type of stretch reflex that tests the
function of the gastrocnemius muscle
and the nerve that supplies it.
It is elicited by holding the relaxed foot Palmomental
with one hand and striking the Achilles
Is an involuntary contraction of the
tendon with the hammer and noting
mentalis muscle caused by stimulation
plantar flexion.
of thenar eminence.
Presence may indicate cerebral
It is a test that doctors use to examine
the reflexes of the upper extremities.
This test is a quick, equipment-free way
to test for the possible existence of
spinal cord compression from a lesion
on the spinal cord or another underlying Glabellar
nerve condition
The forehead is tapped to induce
blinking; normally, each of the first 5
taps induces a single blink, then the
reflex fatigues.
Blinking persists in patients with diffuse
cerebral dysfunction.
Superficial Abdominal Reflex
Is the contraction of the abdominal
muscles in response to the area being
Is done by stroking areas around the
It is a nociceptive segmental spinal umbilicus using a wooden tool applicator
reflex that serves the purpose of or end of patella hammer
protecting the sole of the foot. Absence may indicate spinal cord injury
The clinical significance lies in the fact
that the abnormal response reliably
indicates metabolic or structural
abnormality in the corticospinal system
upstream from the segmental reflex.
Bulbospongiosus Reflex
Is the contraction of the
bulbocavernosus muscles and/or
external anal sphincter in response to
squeezing of the penis or clitoris
Clonus Presence may indicate intactness of the
sacral spinal reflex arcs
Testing for clonus is done by rapid
Absence may indicate spinal shock
dorsiflexion of the foot at the ankle.
Clonus is a rhythmic oscillating stretch
reflex that is related to upper motor
neuron lesions.
Clonus is generally accompanied by
Sustained clonus indicates an upper
motor neuron disorder.
Cremasteric Reflex
A reflex found in human males that is
elicited when the inner part of the thigh
is stroked and by lightly stroking the
superior and medial part of the thigh in a
downward direction.
It is dependent upon the nerve roots L1
and L2 and the normal response is a
contraction of the cremaster muscle that
pulls up the scrotum and testis on the
side stroked.
The upper and lower motor neuron
disorders can cause an absece of
cremasteric reflex.