First 1000 Days Law
First 1000 Days Law
First 1000 Days Law
It has been known that the “First 1000 days of life” plays a very crucial part to an
individual’s overall health. The “First 1000 days of life” is considered as the period between the
conception up to two (2) years old, and that period has a massive influence on the risk of hild’s
stunting, obesity, diabetes, allergies, cardiovascular, and skeletal diseases in later life. Rapid
physical and mental growth occurs, and there is a rapid brain development in this period than any
other period of life, hence, that period between conception and first 2 years of life serves as a
window to determine the lifelong health and intelligence of an individual. In line with this, the
importance of the “First 1000 days” is promoted worldwide. In the Philippines, we have the
Republic Act no. 11148, otherwise known as an act scaling up the national and local health
programs through a strengthened integrated strategy for maternal, neonatal, child health and
nutrition in the first one thousand (1000) days of life, appropriating funds therefor and for other
The main purpose of Republic Act no. 11148 is to provide nutrition interventions that are
evidence-based for pregnant, lactating women, and children below two years old, to decrease the
maternal and infant mortality rate. In addition to that, it aims to address malnutrition among
children, and relocate resources for the needed interventions as well. Another good thing about
this law is that it ensures that the national government agencies such as the Department of
Health, National Nutrition Council, local government units, and private sectors provide
meaningful participation. Furthermore, the act aims to strengthen the implementation of other
nutrition-related laws, programs, policies, and guidelines including multi sectoral integration,
gender equality, and promotion of the United Nations Convention on the rights of the Child
(UNCRC). One of the things that first caught my attention is the mission of the said Republic
Act to address malnutrition and stunting among Filipino children. Unfortunately, according to
recent data, almost 3.6 million children in the Philippines are stunted, almost 95 children who are
5 years old and below die due to diseases associated with undernutrition, and almost 800,000
children are malnourished. Fortunately, with the help of the Republic Act. 11148, the government
implemented programs that support the mothers and their children in the first 1000 days, starting
from conception up until the child reaches 2 years of age. Strengthening the support for the first
1000 days lessens the risk of the children experiencing stunting and malnutrition, because that
period will serve as an opportunity window to make sure that both the mother and her child
achieve their optimum development. Not to mention that this law also implements training for
local health workers, as well as additional support for the mothers to help her own health and her
child’s health. It should also be noted that the Republic Act no 11148 not only focuses on the
first 1000 days law, but it also has additional program components that include health and
nutrition services and interventions that are provided at different life stages, examples are the
programs during maternal period. Counselling during maternal period, provision of necessary
micronutrient supplements, promotion on the consumption of iodized salt, and counselling on
responsible parenthood and family health services, are just a few examples of the said programs
during maternal period. The other periods that also have corresponding actions and services are
as follows: Women about to give birth and immediate postpartum period, Postpartum and
lactating women, Birth and newborn period, First 6 months of infancy, and Infants six months up
to two years of age. These programs for the different periods ensure that there is continuous care
given for the mother and child starting from conception, birth, and until two years of age of the
To sum it all up, the Republic Act no. 11148 is a big leap for our country into pursuing a
future that has less maternal and child mortality rate, and decrease in the whooping number of
children who are stunted and undernourished. This Republic act will not only serve as an action,
but it also serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing the mother’s health, and the first
1000 days of every child. The first 1000 days of every child may seem like it is just a short span
of time, but that period will play a very important role in determining the future and life-long
health of the individual.