Fatigue Due To Lack of Sleep
Fatigue Due To Lack of Sleep
Fatigue Due To Lack of Sleep
BSN 2 Block-A
Health Problem Family Nursing Goals of care Objectives of care Intervention Methods of Resources
Problems measures Nurse-Family required
Fatigue due -within 30 mins of Teach the family Home visit and -Caregiver, family
Inability to make teaching the family, about the risk Video Chat member
to lack of decisions and actions The family will they will be able know factors of fatigue
sleep. the proper amount and have -Adequate Food
due to low salience have an knowledge on the
and variety of foods to
and inadequate improved eat. negative effects of -Equipment for
knowledge as to energy levels fatigue of their exercise
alternative courses of and physical -Within weeks the action.
action open to them state family will be able to
add and adjust the
day to day activities Teach the family on
as a part of their stress and time
routine management,
through this the
Within a week, the family will be able to
family will be able to divide the rest and
manage their time work throughout the
well and practice a day.
consistent healthy
sleeping pattern.
The nurse plan and
discusses with the
family on relaxation
activities an
where they can
lessen the effects of
stress and fatigue
and also ,discuss on
the change on the
diet within the