Australia Awards Statistical Profile
Australia Awards Statistical Profile
Australia Awards Statistical Profile
COVID-19 impact
The impact of COVID-19 on the Australia Awards program has been profound. Travel restrictions and the
transition to online learning has impacted the learning experience of awardees. DFAT is working closely with
educational institutions on the welfare and safety of awardees studying in Australia and continues to provide
assistance to awardees wishing to suspend or defer their studies to return home.
2021 intake
DFAT offered 818 awards to individuals from 20 developing countries in the 2021 intake.
• For 2021, over 88 per cent of Australia Awards went to the Indo-Pacific region.
• The 818 awards offered in 2021 include 330 Australia Awards Scholarships, 221 Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships, 9
ACIAR awards and 258 Australia Awards Short Courses.
# of
% of total
Rank Country current Female Male TVET Undergrad Postgrad
1 Indonesia 211 24 112 99 0 0 211
2 Papua New Guinea 86 10 36 50 0 6 80
3 Vietnam 53 6 37 16 0 0 53
4 Samoa 46 5 29 17 0 41 5
5 Solomon Islands 42 5 25 17 0 28 14
6 Kiribati 40 5 30 10 5 21 14
7 Myanmar 39 4 24 15 0 0 39
8 Bangladesh 29 3 14 15 0 0 29
9 Fiji 29 3 16 13 0 24 5
10 Laos 26 3 17 9 2 0 24
All other countries,
279 32 145 134 0 33 246
All countries, total* 880 100 485 395 7 153 720
*= Total number includes ACIAR counts
3. In 2020, around 800 Australia Awards Scholarships recipients successfully completed their award and returned home. A 2010
study showed that more than 85 per cent of scholars remain in their home country for at least two years. Since 2015 Australia
Awards Scholarships has had an average successful completion rate of over 95 per cent.
4. Since 2007, 27,279 long-term awards and 21,101 short-term awards have been offered by DFAT (and the then AusAID).