Approved By:: Calibration Procedure For Torque Wrenches
Approved By:: Calibration Procedure For Torque Wrenches
Approved By:: Calibration Procedure For Torque Wrenches
Approved By:
S. Premkumar
Mohanan, Sanju
Lead Business Process Management
QMS/QA Leader
For any feedback to the process, or the document, please contact the process owner - Lead Quality
Management Specialist.
*The criticality matrix score indicates that the criticality matrix for rollout and communication strategy
of the document has been complted, and the document has scored as high, medium, or low with
actions assigned accordingly. Completed matrices scoring medium or high shall be uploaded to the
relevant onedrive folder found here
Table of Contents
1 PURPOSE / OUTCOME.............................................................................................................................................4
2 SCOPE & APPLICABILITY......................................................................................................................................4
3 PROCESS OVERVIEW / INSTRUCTION...............................................................................................................4
4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES...........................................................................................................................5
5 QUALITY RECORDS.................................................................................................................................................6
6 REFERENCES, TERMS, DEFINITIONS & ACRONYMS....................................................................................7
7 APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................................................7
This document is strictly confidential and is the property of Baker Hughes, and no person shall have
any right to disseminate, reproduce, quote, report or in any manner whatsoever utilise or rely on the
contents of this document to any third party (other than Parties to the Contract) without the prior
written authorisation of Baker Hughes. In no circumstances shall the use of this document by any
person or by Baker Hughes in any presentation, meeting or discussion with any person imply that
any such authorisation is given. Baker Hughes retains all rights to any intellectual property that may
be contained in this document. The document disclosure if made, is deemed to be made on a
without prejudice basis. This document is aimed at providing an insight into Baker Hughes quality
processes and procedures. It is not intended and cannot be construed as in any way expanding
Parties obligations beyond that set out in the relevant Contract(s) for the Project, and the provisions
of such Contract(s) are deemed to prevail over this document at all times.
1 Purpose / outcome
This procedure establishes requirements for the inspection, calibration and certification of torque
wrenches used during the assembly of products by Pressure Control Operating Units.
Full compliance to this work instruction / procedure required by release date.
The normal calibration frequency for torque wrenches(pressure gaugesand torque unit output
devices) shall be once every three-hundred and sixty-five (365) days.
The error in indicated measurement of the pressure gauges shall not exceed +/-5% of
the full-scale value.The torque unite output device acceptance criteria shall be in
accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements.Any adjustments to the
pressure/torque conversion charts as a result of the calibration shall be implemented
into applicable facility instructions for use by assembly personnel.
Role Responsibility
3) Ensure that only calibrated instruments are used in good condition.
5 Quality records
The following is a summary of records produced by this work instruction that shall be
maintained and controlled according to the requirements of BH-QUA-013 Control of records.
Calibration records shall include the following information, as a minimum
Name and address of calibration supplier or identification of the facility
performing the calibration work,
Serial number or unique identifier for the testing, monitoring, measuring, and
detection devices being calibrated,
Equipment description (including original manufacturer & manufacturer’s serial
number, if known),
Calibration procedure and revision level used for calibration,
Results of calibration comparison measurements prior to any adjustments or
repairs (as-found condition),
Adjustments, repairs, or modifications performed, if applicable,
Results of calibration comparison measurements following any adjustments or
repairs (final condition),
Accuracy of the testing, monitoring, measuring and detection devices being
Serial number or unique identifier of standard used as the basis for
measurement comparisons,
Date of calibration or certification and date due for re-calibration,
Name, signature, or initials of individual performing or certifying calibration
results, and
When the calibration is subcontracted to an outside calibration source, the
calibration record shall also reference the applicable purchase order number for
the purchase order issued to cover the calibration activity.
Note: When calibration activities are performed in-house, the In-House Calibration
Worksheet form or an equivalent record in a calibration database may be used to record
All records shall be in line with any Records location map relevant for the site/organization.
Record Record #1 Record #2
Supplier / Outsourced Calibration Inhouse calibration
Owner Calibration controller Calibration controller
Identification / Reference Calibration certificate Site Excel forms
Storage Format Digital Digital
Location BH-Asset tracking BH-Asset tracking
6.1 References
Number Name
n/a Baker Hughes QMS Lexicon
n/a Oilfield Equipment QMS Lexicon
BH-QUA-013 Baker Hughes Control of records
BH-SOU-001 Supplier Quality Requirements
ASME B107.300 Torque Instruments –Hand Torque Tools(Mechanical)
API Specification 6A Specification for Wellhead and Tree Equipment
QW-SPC-GLO-QUA-010 Record Location Map
7 Appendix