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Advertising Ch.2

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Advertising Management
Submitted To:
Dr.Asim Nawaz
Submitted By:
Shahzad Bashir
Roll No:
BBA (Marketing B)

Government College University Faisalabad

Q Define Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)?

Integrated marketing communication is a marketing strategy. It Ensure all forms of

communication and messages Connected carefully. Integrated marketing communications
(IMC) is a process of managing customer relationships that give Brand value through
communication efforts. Such an effort usually involves cross-functional processes for creating
and encouraging to Build profitable relationships with customers and other stakeholders through
the strategically control or influence all messages sent to these groups and encourage data-
driven, purposeful dialogue with them. IMC includes the coordination and integration of all
marketing Communication tools, channels and resources within the company a seamless
procedure to maximize the impact on the end user at the lowest cost. Integrated marketing
communication encourages marketers to think about communication in a coordinated way. They
asked In order to maximize our influence, how do we coordinate and apply all the different ways
to reach the target market segment.


According to American Association of Advertising Agencies IMC is a “concept of marketing

communication planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that
evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication discipline”

Q What are the main tools of Integrated Marketing Communication?

Followings are the main tools of IMC.

 Advertising: Advertising is a non-personal and paid form of communication. It is one of the

most effective forms of communication, which can reach the mass audience immediately in
a short period of time. Advertising is an idea or an impersonal display Products (when
personal sales or sales skills help Personal promotion. Advertising supplements personal
sales largely. Advertising in Modern India is characterized by fierce market competition, the
rapid changes in technology, fashion and taste of customers. It Play an active role in the
integrated marketing communication mix Just.
 Publicity: Publicity is non-personal presentation. Propaganda is an impersonal display. It
originated from editing desk. Its purpose is to let the public know Events, people,
companies, etc. Advertiser has no control on publicity because it comes from the media
owner. Publicity has Advantages and disadvantages. Large companies have separate
publicity or PR department for publicity. The secret of promotion is to get a placement in the
required media.
 Public Relation (PR): Public relation is defined as a management function which Identify,
establish and maintain mutual beneficial relationship between the organization and the
public. PR considers multiple audiences and uses two-way communication to monitor
feedback and adjust its information and organizational actions to maximize benefits. It is
used to generate goodwill for the organization. Public relations help companies and the
public through mutual connections to achieve mutual benefit.
 Sales Promotion: Sales promotions are direct incentives and provide additional Incentives
to enhance or accelerate product movement from producer to consumer. The promotional
ingredients are Contests, coupons, free samples, premiums, and purchase points Material.
Sales promotions are also marketing activities designed to temporarily promote the sale of
products or services by increasing the basic value provided, such as "buy one get one free"
discounts to consumers or " Buy twelve boxes and get a ten percent discount" to
wholesalers, retailers or distributors.
 Personal Selling: Personal sales use people to build relationships with target audiences to
sell products and services. Personal sales emphasize face-to-face interaction,
understanding customer needs, and showing how products or services provide value. The
role of personal sales varies from organization to organization according to the nature and
size of the company. Many Marketing executives understand sales and non-sales employee
acts as a salesperson for his organization in a certain way or other.
 Packaging: A well-designed package can attract potential customers to buy product. A well-
designed packaging can convey the type and the quality of the product. Packaging plays an
important role in transforming consumers' thinking.
 Internet: Just as direct selling has become a prominent participant in Promotional mix, and
the same is true for the Internet. It covers many areas, from websites to search engines,
content and social media marketing. Digital marketing tools and technologies have
developed rapidly with technological advancement, but this general term covers all the ways
in which digital technologies are used for marketing and sales organizations, products,
services, ideas, and experiences.
 Sponsorship: Many advertisers rely heavily on sponsorship to create Positive sentiment
towards the company. Increase in sponsorship Knowledge of the company or product, build
loyalty in a specific way Target audience, help differentiate the product from the competition,
Provide sales opportunities, show commitment to the community or ethnic group, or
influence the bottom line. Like advertising, sponsorship is to establish long-term association.
Sometimes the organization will sponsor and advertise using total impressions or cost per
thousand people measurement. However, the value of sponsorship can be very large it’s
hard to measure. Companies considering sponsorship should consider the short-term public
relations value of sponsorship and Long-term goals of the organization. Sports sponsor
approximately two-thirds of all sponsorships.
 Trade shows and Exhibitions: It is one of the oldest forms of promoting product sales.
Trade shows and exhibitions provide face-to-face opportunities. Contact with potential
customers so that the new company can create a viable Visit the customer base in a short
period of time and allow small and medium-sized companies that may not be able to visit
regularly Sales staff are familiar with suppliers and vendor. Since many trade shows have
attracted media attention, they have become a popular place to introduce new products.
Q What is the importance of Integrated Marketing Communication?

IMC is important due to following factors.

 Awareness: IMC tools play an important role in improving product brand awareness and
brand usability. It makes potential customers notice the new varieties of goods available on
the market.
 Information: When a product is recently launched on the market, product information is
required. Potential customers must understand the product and function. IMC provides this
information through various technologies so that the buyer can make the right decision when
purchasing goods.
 To increase Sales: The proper combination of communication tends to increase the
organization's sales. This is possible because the increased sales bring the economy of
mass production, enabling the seller to reduce costs and increase profits.
 To Increase Intermediaries: IMC acts as a communication channel between sellers and
middlemen such as distributors and agents. These intermediaries are notified regularly
through sales materials, brochures, pamphlets, price lists, etc.
 Expansion of the Market: IMC helps sellers expand their business from the local level to
the regional level and then to the national level. This expansion provided his goodwill, which
was recognized nationwide.
 More specialized Media: It used to be said that the mass media is sufficient to meet the
needs of any advertiser. However, as advertisements become more and more disorganized,
attention spans are shortened, and resistance to advertisements becomes stronger and
stronger, customers now tend to be more demanding. Something you want. Therefore, with
IMC, sellers can divert their attention through various Communication Mix, thereby retaining
the attention of customers.
Q What are the steps involved in framing Integrated Marketing Communication

Integrated marketing communication is likely It is expected to make some contributions to

achieve this marketing goals. Therefore, the main steps in designing an IMC are:

 Identification of target audience: Defining the target audience is the first step in designing
an IMC. When considering the target audience, you must go far beyond traditional
demographic considerations. It is also important to "think ahead" and ask the following
 What are the relevant target buyer groups?
 What are the target group's demographic, lifestyle, and psychographic profile?
 How is the trade involved?
 Determining the communication objectives: The next step is to set communication goals.
There may be different communication goals, such as increased sales, brand image and
goodwill, and business expansion. Therefore, the seller must evaluate all these goals and
choose the goals he intends to achieve.
 Determining the message: An effective message should attract attention, maintain
interest, inspire desire and gain action (AIDA model). In practice, there is very little news to
guide consumers from realizing the purchase all the way, but the AIDA framework shows
the ideal quality of good news. When integrating information, the marketing communicator
must decide what to say and how to say it, Who should say. Therefore, the communicator
should pay more attention to the message content, message format and message structure.
 Selecting the communication Channels: There are two broad communications channels-
personal and impersonal.
 Personal communication Channels: In personal communication channels, two or more
people communicate directly with each other. They may communicate face-to-face, via
phone, email, or even online chat. Personal communication channels are effective because
they allow individuals to process feedback.
 Non-Personal communication Channels: In most year-end events, non-personal
communication channels include the media. The media includes:
o Print media -newspapers, magazines, direct mail etc.
o Broadcast media-radio, television etc.
o Electronic media-audiotapes, videotapes, CD-ROM, web page etc.
o Display media-billboards, signs, posters, banners, hoardings etc.
 Determining the budget: This is one of the most important decisions in the IMC process.
Effective IMC depends on the budget set for the communication portfolio. Marketers prepare
budgets based on the nature of the client, goals, nature of competition, and availability of
 Promotion mix decision: After determining the budget, the promotion mix must be
determined. Promotional combination is a combination of various tools such as advertising,
public relations, and personnel sales. Due to different marketing environments, you must be
different in your communication mix. A medium that is effective in one market may not be as
effective in another market.
 Implementation of Promotion mix: Then, the marketer makes arrangements to implement
the communication mix. Sellers must choose the right media to convey promotional
 Follow up: Here, advertisers must review their sales and purchase performance. If the
performance meets the communication goals, there is no need to worry. On the other hand,
if the performance is below the communication target, certain corrective measures must be
Q Write short note on Advertising?

The word advertising comes from the Latin word "advertere” Meaning to turn the minds of


American Marketing Association has defined advertising as “any paid form of non-personal
presentation of ideas, goods and services by an indentified sponsor”.

Q What is the importance of Advertising? Explain the objectives of Advertising?


Advertising has become an essential marketing activity in the modern era of large scale
production and serve competition in the market. It performs the following functions:
 Promotion of Sales: Advertising promotes the sale of goods and services by telling and
encourage the people to buy them. A good advertising helps in convincing new customers to
buy products.
 Introduction of New Product: Advertising helps the introduction of new products in the
market. If any company want to launch a new in the market advertising is the best technique
to attract people towards product. A new company cannot make a good impression on the
prospective customers without of advertising.
 Creation of Good Public Image: Advertising builds up the reputation of the advertiser.
Advertising enables a business firm to communicate its achievements in an effort to satisfy
the customers' needs. This increases the goodwill and reputation of the firm which is
necessary to fight against competition in the market.
 Mass Production: Advertising facilitates large-scale production. Advertising encourages
production of goods in large-scale because the business firm knows that it will be able to sell
on large-scale with the help of advertising. Mass production reduces the cost of production
per unit by the economical use of various factors of production.
 Research: Advertising stimulates research and development activities. Advertising has
become a competitive marketing activity. Every firm tries to differentiate its product from the
substitutes available in the market through advertising. This compels every business firm to
do more and more research to find new products and their new uses. If a firm does not
engage in research and development activities, it will be out of the market in the near future.
 Education of People: Advertising informs the people about new products and their uses
The basic aim of this objective is to satisfy the customer about superiority of product with
other products. It is advertising which has helped people in adopting new ways of life and
giving-up old habits. It has contributed a lot towards the betterment of the standard of living
of the society.
 Support to Press: Advertising provides an important source of revenue to the publishers
and magazines. Press media can’t continue only with price paid by the purchaser or readers
the advertisement bring revenues and strong financial for press. It enables to increase the
circulation of their publication by selling them at lower rates. People are also benefited
because they get publications at cheaper rates. Advertising is also a source of revenue for
TV network.


The main objective of advertising is to communicate about the product and service to the
prospective customer. General object of advertising is to inform the customers about the
attributes and uses of the product. In addition to this general objective, advertising is also used
by the modern business enterprises for certain specific objectives which are listed below:

 To Introduce: Advertising are used to introduce a new product by creating interest for it
among prospective customer.

 To Support: It is easier for the salesmen to sell the product that are well advertised. For this
to support personal selling programme.Advertising maybe used to open customers doors for
 To reach inaccessible customers: Some customers are inaccessible through
salesmanship because of their location, small number and scattered nature etc. Advertising
is the only way through such customers can be accessed.

 To enter new market: When a firm wants to enter new market segment, it advertise widely
in the segment so that product familiarity created.

 To show competition: To light completions in the market and to increase the sales as seen
in the fierce competition between Coke and Pepsi.

 To enhance goodwill: Large scale advertising is often undertaken with the objective of
creating or enhancing the goodwill of the adverting company. This in turn increases the
market receptiveness of the company’s product and helps the salesmen to win customers

 To improve dealer relations: Advertising supports the dealers in selling the product.
Dealers are attracted towards a product which is advertised effectively.

 To warn against imitation: To warn public against imitation of an enterprise’s products.

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