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Wireles Robots

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 72 2010

The Study on the Wireless Power Transfer

System for Mobile Robots
Hyung-Nam Kim*, Won-Yong Chae** Dong-Sul Shin***, Ho-Sung Kim****, Hee-Je Kim+

Abstract—A wireless power transfer system can attribute to the

fields in robot, aviation and space in which lightening the weight of
device and improving the movement play an important role. A
wireless power transfer system was investigated to overcome the
inconvenience of using power cable. Especially a wireless power
transfer technology is important element for mobile robots. We
proposed the wireless power transfer system of the half-bridge
resonant converter with the frequency tracking and optimized Fig. 1 Typical wireless power transfer system
power transfer control unit. And the possibility of the application
and development system was verified through the experiment with
LED loads. Basic devices for wireless power transfer system consist
of transmitter and receiver. The transmitter consists of dc-dc
Abstract—Wireless Power Transmission (WPT), resonance converter and transmitting coil. The receiver consists of
frequency, protection circuit. LED. receiving coil, rectifier circuit and load. The transmitter and
the receiver are optimized when designing, and the entire
I. INTRODUCTION system considering characteristics of each device is
designed [8] [9] [10] .
A wireless power transfer system is the new concept for
power transmission. It is the method of transmitting the
energy which is converted to microwave in favor of wireless
In this paper, a half-bridge resonant converter is designed
for the transmitter.
power transmission [1] [2] [3]. That electrical energy is III. HALF-BRIDGE RESONANT CONVERTER
transmitted rather than the signal of the radio in that system.
Nowadays, the interest in the power transmission using the Fig. 2 shows the half-bridge resonant converter and
wireless power transfer system has sharply risen due to the rectifier circuits. An operating sine-wave considers the
improvement of the mobile devices the last few years. power, and B which is part of rectifier considers load. In this
That’s why the research of the wireless power transfer paper, this circuit is minimized to obtain the equivalent
system is required [4] [5] [6] [7]. circuit of the half-bridge resonant converter.
A wireless power transfer system is very essential for the
charging system of mobile robot due to increasing usage of
the robot. This system can supply stable power without
another charging stations. In addition, that system doesn’t
need to change the batteries.
In this paper, the system is designed to charge 30W robot.
This system is operated in the resonant frequency area in
order to maximize the efficiency of the wireless power
transfer system. The circuit is designed to minimize the loss
Fig. 2 Half-bridge resonant converter and rectifier circuits
of the power due to operating as well as tracking the
frequency using typical IC.
Iac is the current of the equivalent power in above figure 2.
II. WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER SYSTEM Io can express the average equation of Iac like next equation
Fig. 1 shows the proposed wireless power transfer system. I
I sin ωt 1

*. Author is master course with the Interdisciplinary program in

Robotics, Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea Vi shows the next equation (2). Vo is the output voltage.
** Author is master course with the Interdisciplinary program in V
Robotics, Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea V sin ωt 2
***. Author is master course with the Interdisciplinary program in
Robotics, Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea
The equivalent equation of Rectifier B shows the next
(e-mail:girubak762@gmail.com) equation (3). Ro is the resistance value of LED.
****. Author is doctor course with the Electronic and Electrical
Engineering Department, Pusan National University, Pusan, South V
Korea(e-mail:khsgt@hanmail.net) R R (3)
+. Corresponding Author is professor with the Electronic and Electrical
Engineering Department, Pusan National University, Pusan, South
Korea(corresponding author to provide phone: 082-051-510-3186; fax:082- Fig. 3 shows the Half-bridge equivalent circuit. Vi is just
051-516-3889; e-mail:heeje@pusan.ac.kr)
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 72 2010
sine-wave which is made through two MOSFET because it’s IV. PROPOSED CIRCUIT
delivered through the resonant circuit. The total circuit Fig. 4 shows the proposed wireless power transfer system.
which is part of output rectifier replaces the equivalent
resistance. The Llkp is the leakage inductance of the first and
second coil.

Fig. 4 Proposed wireless power transfer system

That is half-bridge LLC series resonant converter. Half-
bridge circuit is used that Lm doesn’t effected resonant
Fig. 3 Half-bridge equivalent circuit
That circuit has two resonant frequencies. The next
The next equation (4) shows the voltage gain through the equations show the equations of two resonant frequencies.
above figure 3.
4Vo sin ωt 1
2Vo F 8
M nπ 2π L C
4 Vi nVi 1
sin ωt
π2 F 9
2π L C
ω2 Lm Cr R load
4 The resonant tank designed correctly operates in ZVS area
ω ω
jω · 1 · L n L R 1 despite the Vi and variable Rlamp. In this circuit, the 50%
ω ω
duty ratio is made through VF-1020A 20Mhz DDS Function
1 1 Generator, and the frequency is made of Rt and Ct.
ω ω Accordingly, the variable frequency control is possible
LC L C through Irt control flowing Rt. Irt can express the Vosc and Vrt.

L L L L L L // n L 5 V V
I 10
This circuit has the two resonant frequency as the above
equation (5). ωo is decided through the Lr and Cr. ωp is If Rt is high, operating frequency is decreased. In the
decided through Lp and Cr. opposite circumstance, operating frequency is increased.
If L n L , the above equation (4), (5) are The value of Rt control is not easy so the value of Irt will be
expressed as the next equation (6), (7). controlled by changing the value of the Vrt. The detection
circuit for ZCS detects the failure of operating ZCS. If ZCS
is not happened, D-flip flop (Q) output signal will be
ω k
k 1 changed to high and the detection circuit for ZCS will be
2V ω
M 6 failed. At that time, ZCS can be operated through decreasing
nV ω ω k 1 ω Vrt and increasing operating frequency.
j · 1 Q 1
ω ω 2k 1 ω A wireless power transfer system was designed and
operating of the system was confirmed. The next figure 5, 6
L L /C shows the waveforms which are before and after applying
k Q 7 circuit designed.

The leakage inductance (L ) effects the voltage gain (M)

through the above equations. In addition, if law value of Q is
selected, the equivalent leakage inductance (Lr) is decreased
and then magnetizing inductance (Lm) is also decreased.
Lower Lm makes the high current which makes low
efficiency. Therefore, higher Q in rated load makes higher
Lr and Lm but the value of resonant capacitor (Cs) is
decreased. If value of Cs is too high, voltage stress and Fig. 5. (a) The waveforms before applying circuit designed
rating is decreased but resonant tank impedance is too law.
It affects the circuit characteristics about the switching
frequency control. That’s why optimal Cs is very important
to get the stable gain.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 72 2010
[10] Brown, W. “The History of Power Transmission by Radio Waves.”
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Vol. MTT-
32, No. 9, 1984.

(b) The waveforms after applying circuit designed

The output waves are the waveforms applying 10 LED.

The waves before applying circuit designed are a little bent
and lower value than ideal value. This situation causes
significant efficiency degradation. The waves after applying
circuit designed are stable waveforms. A energy of the
primary side transfers to secondary side with the law loss
because of the clean waveforms.

In this paper, frequency tracking compensation circuit is
designed for frequency compensation which improves the
efficiency according to decreasing resonant frequency, and
the size of the passive components become smaller by using
high frequency. The smoothing capacitor having small
capacity is used through high speed switching. 3.7W, 67%
efficiency was gotten by operating ZVS. This research
showed the higher efficiency than existing efficiency.
However, the distance limit between coils and low output
are still problems so many researches are needed to apply to
the actual fields.

This research was supported by the MKE (The Ministry
of Knowledge Economy), Korea, under the Human resource
development program for robotics support program
supervised by the NIPA(National IT Industry Promotion
Agency). (NIPA-2010-(C7000-1001-0009))

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[7] Andre Kurs, Aristeidis Karalis,Robert Moffatt,J. D. Joannopoulos,
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