Wireles Robots
Wireles Robots
Wireles Robots
L L L L L L // n L 5 V V
I 10
This circuit has the two resonant frequency as the above
equation (5). ωo is decided through the Lr and Cr. ωp is If Rt is high, operating frequency is decreased. In the
decided through Lp and Cr. opposite circumstance, operating frequency is increased.
If L n L , the above equation (4), (5) are The value of Rt control is not easy so the value of Irt will be
expressed as the next equation (6), (7). controlled by changing the value of the Vrt. The detection
circuit for ZCS detects the failure of operating ZCS. If ZCS
is not happened, D-flip flop (Q) output signal will be
ω k
k 1 changed to high and the detection circuit for ZCS will be
2V ω
M 6 failed. At that time, ZCS can be operated through decreasing
nV ω ω k 1 ω Vrt and increasing operating frequency.
j · 1 Q 1
ω ω 2k 1 ω A wireless power transfer system was designed and
operating of the system was confirmed. The next figure 5, 6
L L /C shows the waveforms which are before and after applying
k Q 7 circuit designed.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 72 2010
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In this paper, frequency tracking compensation circuit is
designed for frequency compensation which improves the
efficiency according to decreasing resonant frequency, and
the size of the passive components become smaller by using
high frequency. The smoothing capacitor having small
capacity is used through high speed switching. 3.7W, 67%
efficiency was gotten by operating ZVS. This research
showed the higher efficiency than existing efficiency.
However, the distance limit between coils and low output
are still problems so many researches are needed to apply to
the actual fields.
This research was supported by the MKE (The Ministry
of Knowledge Economy), Korea, under the Human resource
development program for robotics support program
supervised by the NIPA(National IT Industry Promotion
Agency). (NIPA-2010-(C7000-1001-0009))
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