Department of Project Management: Addis Ababa
Department of Project Management: Addis Ababa
Department of Project Management: Addis Ababa
JUNE 2012
First and for most I would like to thanks my god for
endowing me the endurance and courage of going all ups
and downs to reach the stage where I am now. Then, I
would like to take express my advisor Mr. Gedion M (MCS)
for his technical and professional guidance in writing this
paper. Next my best thanks goes to Ato Teshome, the
manager of development bank of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
branch and the employees of that organization for their
corporation and unreserved help.
Finally, I would like to thanks my father Ato Dugassa
Ararso and my mother w/r Sogide Taressa who support me
financially to accomplish this research paper.
This research paper has been entitled the loan recovery
performance of development bank of Ethiopia Addis Ababa
This paper has been included introduction, statement of
problem, objective of the study, significance of the study,
scope and limitation of the study, literature review and
research design and recommendation. Under the objective
of the study, the researcher question that the researchers
where emphasized to answer has been raised. The
literature parts which are directly related to loan recovery
performance has been reviewed from several source.
Finally, for data analysis purpose, source of data, method
of data collection and sampling techniques has been
stated. Then based on analyzed data appropriate
conclusion and recommendation have been suggested.
Chapter 1
The above table 3.1.1 shows that about 75% of the respondents of the
organization employees are male and remaining 25% of the employees
are female. From the above table 3.1.1 the researcher concludes that
most of the respondents are male.
Table 3.1.2 Educational level of the respondents
Educational level No of respondents Percentage %
Above degree 1 12.5%
Degree 4 50%
Diploma 3 37.5%
Certificate - -
Total 8 100%
Table 3.1.2 reveals that 50% of the banks employees are degree holder,
while 37.5% and 12.5% are diploma and above degree holders
respectively on the other hand there are no employees who are holders of
certificate. So this implies that the employees are competent to carry out
their responsibilities or duties.
Table 3.1.3 responses given by respondents
No Question No of respondents Percentage %
who say
Yes No Yes No
1 DBE examine 8 - 100 -
potentiality of
the clients
before giving
the loan
2 Does the 6 2 75 25
collect and
recover all
loans at due
3 Are there 8 - 100 -
responsible for
non payment
of loan?
As shown on table 3.1.3 above, for item number question out of eight
respondents all of them responded by saying yes. This implies that the
organization or the bank examine the potentiality of customer before
giving the loan. Similarity to this, besides the respondents mentioned
some of the criteria’s such as trade license, master plan, kind of project,
professional experience, legal registration certificate, sire plan, 5cs such
as character, capacity, capital, collateral and condition of the clients and
the like that the bank provide for evaluation of clients back payment
Based on the above information the researcher suggested that the bank
holders a collateral, which is at least equivalent to disbursed amount.
According to the above table 3.1.3, for item number two question 75% of
respondents replied that the bank collects and recovers all loans on the
due date. Contrasting to this, the remaining 25% of the respondents
responded that the bank does not collect all loans on the due date. Based
on the above responses the researcher concludes that the bank collects
and recovers the loans on the due date.
As indicated on the table 3.1.3 for item number three question 100%
implies or reveals that all of the respondents responded that there is
factors responsible non repayment of loan.
As the respondents explain that the main factors responsible for non
repayment of loan are spending of the loan an intended project,
incremental of the price of the raw materials, lack of raw material on the
market, internal problem of the organization, an for seen occurrence and
negligence of the clients because most of the loan provided to customers
are long term loan.
Generally, the respondent’s responses which are mentioned above
indicate that as there are different bottlenecks on the collection and
recovery of the loan against disbursement.
Table 3.2 types of service provided by the bank
No Description Respondent Percentage %
1 Short term - -
2 Medium term - -
3 Long term - -
4 All type 8 100%
3. Educational status
Diploma £ Certificates £
Degree £ above Degree £
4. What are the sources of capital for the organization to give a loan to
clients? _______________________________________
5. What are the major factors of the bank concerning to loan service?
6. What kind of loan service can the DBE gives to the customer?
Short term £ Medium term £
Long term £ all £
7. DBE examines the potentiality of the clients before giving the loan?
Yes £ No £
8. If you say yes for the Q.8 what criteria’s does the DBE use to evaluate
9. Does the organization collection and recover all loans at the due date?
Yes £ No £
10. If you answer for Q.10 is no what are the reason for non collectivity?
11. Which sectors are more effective in returning of their debt?
12. Are there factors responsible for non repayment of loan?
Yes £ No £
13. If your response for Q.13 is yes, what are the factors? Please state