FF6121 Investments: Week 7
FF6121 Investments: Week 7
FF6121 Investments: Week 7
FF6121 Investments
Capital Market Line & Optimal Risky P
E(rC) CAL (P) = CML
• Other investments
– Mutual funds and performance evaluation (seminar 12)
FF6121 W7-4 Nanyang Business School
W7 Index Model & Capital Asset Pricing
f = Mkt Sharpe Ratio = CML Slope
= Maximum Sharpe Ratio
– Understanding Beta 𝐶𝑜𝑣(𝑟𝑖 , 𝑟𝑀 )
𝛽𝑖 =
• Beta by Industry 2
If the model assumptions are true: take the market prevailing price
• Individual investors are “price takers.”
• Investments are limited to traded financial assets.
• No taxes and no transaction costs.
• People only care about mean and variance of returns.
• People all have the same expectations, and the mean and
variance of returns are known (Homogeneous expectations).
Then in equilibrium all investors will hold some combination of the
Market Portfolio (M) and the risk-free asset.
FF6121 W7-9 Nanyang Business School
Overview of Implications
Market Portfolio:
• All assets of the security universe.
• Market-value weighted.
• Is the optimal risky portfolio and on efficient
frontier. well-diversified
FF6121 W7-10 Nanyang Business School
In Class: CAPM, Capital Market Line
E(rC,M) =yM*E(rM) + (1-yM)*rf = rf + yM*(E(rM)-rf)
Market Portfolio (M) is: 1) market-value weighted of all assets
of the security universe; 2) the optimal risky portfolio on efficient
frontier of all risky assets with the maximum Sharpe ratio.
= Slope of the CML
The market risk premium is:
E(rM) - rf = A* σM2
sM =sC,M=yMsM
FF6121 W7-11 Nanyang Business School
CAPM: ONLY systematic risk
determines Expected Returns
When the average investor is fully invested in the
market portfolio,
Using the CML, y = 1
➔The market risk premium is E(rM) - rf = A* σM2, Why?
How to Derive CAPM (1)? • We also observe that the contribution of GE to the
risk premium of the market portfolio is .
• The CAPM is built on the insight that the • Therefore, the reward-to-risk ratio for investments in
appropriate risk premium on an asset will be GE can be expressed as
determined by its contribution to the risk of
investors’ overall
σp = [W I W J Cov(rI , rJ )] • On the other hand, the market portfolio is the
I=1 J=1 tangency (efficient mean-variance) portfolio. The
• Thus, the contribution of GE’s stock to the reward-to-risk ratio for investment in the market
variance of the market portfolio is portfolio is
E(𝑟𝑖 ) – rf E(𝑟𝑀 ) – rf
SML Slope = = = E(𝑟𝑀 ) – rf
βi βM
According to the SML:
E(r)=0.03 + 1.25(.08)=13%
1.0 1.25
William F. Sharpe
• William Forsyth Sharpe is the winner of the I am a professor of
1990 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, finance @Stanford, and a
shared with Harry Markowitz. recipient of 1990 Nobel
• Sharpe was one of the originators of the capital Prize in Economics. Thx!
asset pricing model. He created the Sharpe ratio for
risk-adjusted investment performance analysis, and
he contributed to the development of the binomial
method for the valuation of options, and returns-
based style analysis for evaluating the style and
performance of investment funds.
Arbitrage Pricing
Review: Single Factor Index Models
𝑅𝑖 = 𝛼𝑖 + 𝛽𝑖 𝑅𝑚 + 𝜀𝑖
If you do not know PXYZ,t+1, your best estimate of the price GIVEN
Pm,t+1= $108 is $27.375.
Since eXYZ,t+1 < 0, there was bad news about XYZ Corp.
Even though there was bad news, the stock price went
UP. This is because there was a positive systematic
FF6121 W7-34 Nanyang Business School
7.5 Arbitrage Pricing Theory
1. A
2. B
3. A and B
4. None of the above
1. A only
2. B only
3. A&B
4. Neither
1. A only
2. B only
3. A&B
4. Neither
Question 1
• Index Model
– Two Components of Stock Risk σi2 = bi2σ2m + σ2(ei); R2 = bi2σ2m / σ2i
f = Mkt Sharpe Ratio = CML Slope
= Maximum Sharpe Ratio
– Understanding Beta 𝐶𝑜𝑣(𝑟𝑖 , 𝑟𝑀 )
𝛽𝑖 =
• Beta by Industry 2