Penthouse Summer 1996
Penthouse Summer 1996
Penthouse Summer 1996
TEL: (508) 393-3635
Corrosion fatigue, sometimes compression along the membranes. In
called stress-enhanced or stress- the wind box, the preheater
assisted corrosion, describes that combustion air may expand the
water-side condition that leads to support steel faster than the
steam leaks due to localized waterwalls and stretch the tubes
cracking in the regions of high parallel to the membranes.
stress. The cracks are a series of Regardless of the temperature
connected pits that in cross section differentials, an applied strain is
are suggestive of oxygen attack. generated within the furnace.
The problem occurs in water-wetted Figure 2 presents an example of
tubes in both waterwalls and longitudinal cracking on the ID
economizers at attachments, e.g., about 9 0 " apart, indicative of both
buck-stay clips, on the colder side a push and a pull along the
of the tube. A view from the ID membranes.
surface coincides with the
attachment, as the cracks are
limited to the area of the OD weld.
On occasion the damage is a series
of concentric rings of cracks that
outline the attachment weld on the
outside. More typically, the damage
is axial cracks. Figure 1 is one
such example.
Figure 2
A cross section through a
corrosion-fatigue crack shows a
wide, irregular, bulbous form, or
shape, to the crack surfaces; the
crack tip is often blunt or rounded,
see for example Figure 3.
Figure 1
Depending on the precise state of
stress, the confluence of several
attachments at the circular cross
section may be the site for several
concentrated regions of cracking.
Start-up conditions consist of a
hot waterwall and a relatively cool
support structure. The cooler buck-
stays prevent thermal expansion of
the tubes, which leads to a Figure 3
The non-uniformity to the sides of roughened surface but no localized
the crack suggest several episodes deep pitting or cracks, as shown for
of corrosion occurred even after the example in Figure 4 from an
crack was well established. Such economizer tube. While stresses are
cracks may be widened during a necessary, the important variable is
chemical cleaning. A rash of leaks the oxygen concentration in the
may be found after cleaning, as the water. Corrosion fatigue is a
removal of oxide or corrosion debris better description than stress-
has removed the "plugw. Cracks of enhanced or stress-assisted
this morphology are more common in corrosion.
cycling units.