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Nursing Nursing

Cues Scientific Rationale Objectives Rationale Evaluation

Diagnosis Interventions
Subjective: Unstable Blood Gestational diabetes is Within 4 to 6 Independent: Independent: After 4 to 6 hours
- “Diri na ak Glucose Level caused when there are hours of nursing 1. Perform 1. All available of nursing
sugad related to excessive counter- intervention, fingerstick glucose interventions, the
kakusog adherence to insulin hormones of client will be able glucose monitors will client was able to
kumaon kesa diabetes pregnancy. This leads to: testing. provide maintain glucose
han una ky management to a state of insulin satisfactory in satisfactory
bagan waray plan as resistance and high • Maintain readings if range,
ko na gana” evidenced by blood sugar in the glucose in properly used acknowledge
as reported lack ofmother. There may be satisfactory and factors that lead
verbalized. interest in food
defective insulin range maintained to unstable
- “Gutiay la an receptors. Hormones • Acknowledge and routinely glucose and
ginkaon han Source: that raise blood sugar factors that calibrated. verbalize
akon asawa Marilynn E. include the glucagon, lead to understanding of
kaninan aga” Doenges, epinephrine and unstable 2. Review 2. Identifies body and energy
as verbalized Mary norepinephrine, glucose. client’s dietary deficits and needs.
by the Moorhouse cortisol, growth • Verbalize program and deviations
significant and Alice hormone, etc. these understanding usual pattern; from Goals were
other Murr (2019). hormones are released of body and compare with therapeutic completely met.
- “Skyflakes Nursing Care due to stress. Thus, energy needs. recent intake. plan, which
nala akon Plans: during phases of stress may
ginkakaon Guidelines for like pregnancy precipitate
para la Individualizing diabetes control unstable
mamay sulod Client Care worsens and blood glucose and
ak tiyan ky Across the sugar rises. uncontrolled
waray ako Life Span. hyperglycemia.
ganahi” as Philadelphia, Source: Mandal,
verbalized Pennsylvania: Ananya. (2019, 3. Identify food 3. Incorporating
F.A. Davis February 26). preferences, as many of the
Objective: Company. Diabetes including client’s food
- Glucose Page 383. Pathophysiology. ethnic and preferences
monitoring News-Medical. cultural needs. into the meal
results: 104 Retrieved on plan as
mg/dL at September 21, 2021 possible
5pm and 79 from increases
mg/dL at https://www.news- cooperation
5am medical.net/ with dietary
- Diagnosis of health/Diabetes- guidelines
gestational Pathophysiology after
diabetes. .aspx. discharge.
- Patient has 4. Observe for 4. Once
not fully signs of carbohydrate
consumed hypoglycemia metabolism
her meal. – changes in resumes,
LOC, cool and blood glucose
clammy skin, level will fall,
rapid pulse, and as insulin
hunger, is being
irritability, adjusted,
anxiety, hypoglycemia
headache, may occur.

Collaborative: Collaborative:
1. Monitor 1. Blood glucose
laboratory will decrease
studies, such slowly with
as serum controlled fluid
glucose, replacement
acetone, pH, and insulin
and HCO3. therapy. With
of optimal
glucose can
then enter the
cells and be
used for
energy. When
this happens,
acetone levels
decrease and
acidosis is

Source: Marilynn
E. Doenges,
Mary Moorhouse
and Alice Murr
(2019). Nursing
Care Plans:
Guidelines for
Client Care
Across the Life
F.A. Davis
Company. Pages
383 to 385.

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