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ypoK 1
1. 0 3 B y * i 6yK B H , 6 y K B o c n o jiy n e H H fl i T p a H C K p m m iH H i 3 h a k h :

a) c, g, h, j, k, 1, s, v, w, x, z, a, u, e, i, o;
6) ch, ck, sh, ar, or, ir, oo, qu, ng, nk, wh;
b) [ei], [d], [0], [0], [w], [v], [a ], [a:], [d3], [ae], [e],
[m], [n], [r], [t], [f], [h], [g], [ks].

2 . FIpoHHTaH c jio B a a H r jiific b K o io m obow i 3H aH £ n B i^ n oB i^ H H H

im n e p e K jia ^ :

1) an autumn 1) nepmHH
2 ) a school 2) A eH b
3 ) September 3) norofla
4 ) a pupil 4) o c iH B
5 ) first 5) npOBOAHTH
6) third 6) m K O J ia
7 ) a day 7) B ep eceH b
8 ) a teacher 8) T p e T in
9 ) to spend 9) yneH b
10 ) the weather 10) yHHTeJIb
11 ) a village 11) KJiacHa KiMHaTa
12 ) a town 12) 3H O By
13 ) the holidays 13) noraHHH
14 ) to like 14) co H n ;e
15 ) good 15) 6a*IHTH
16 ) bad 16) cejio
17 ) the sun 17) M iC T O
18 ) again 18) no,z;o6aTHCH
19») a classroom 19) KaHinyjiH
201) to see 20) ra p H H H

3. BLAnoBiAi Ha aaiiHTaHHH.
1. What day is it today?
2. What season is it now?
3. Do you like today’ s weather? Why?
4. What form are you in?
5. How many pupils are there in your form?
6. Do you like your classroom?
7. Did you spend your holidays in town or in the
8. Are you glad to see your English teacher again?
4. Po3K a^CH n p o n oro,n ;y B oceH H , B H K opH C T aB nm M ajiioH K H .

5. npoHHTafl npo ce6e i HannmH Bi/jnoBiAHi cjioea:

[buk], [sku:l], [ga:l], [boi], [glaed],

[liv], [fo:m], [6a:d], [in], [ ti:tja].
6 . y T B o p H H KQ M ora S ijib r a e p e ^ e H b .

is in the second form,
are in the third form,
am in the first form.
7 . Bi,n,TBopiTb f l i a j i o r a n r j i m c b K o i o m o b o io .

— ,Qo6pHAeHb, HaflmKo!
— ,Qo6 pn;jeHb, IleTpHKy!
— H paflira Te6 e 6 araTH.
— Tern.
— y H K O M y t h KJiaci?
— H b T p e T b O M y K J ia c i. A th ?
— H b flpyroMy KJiaci. '
|8.|a ) IIp o ^ H T a H c jio B a Ta c jio B o c n o jiy ^ ie H H fl a H iu iiiic b K o io m o b o io
3a 13 cenyHfl.
6 ) 3 a n p n f t jiiB y q a cT H H y B npaB H i n e p e K J ia /jH H a a H r jiific b K y
MOBy 3a 15 ceKyHA-

1 a school m K O J ia
2 a pupil yneHb, yneHHijh
3 a teacher yHHTejib, y^HTejibKa
4 a classroom KjiacHa KiMHaTa
5 September BepeceHb
6 an autumn OCiHb
7 a fine weather ^y^OBa noroaa
8 in the third form y TpeTbOMy KJiaci
9 to be glad 6yTH paAHM
10 to have a good time Ao6pe npOBOAHTH nac

9.| I le p e n H m H p e ^ e H H « , HCTaBHBiOH n o T p i6 H i cjiO B a .

1. Today is the (first, second) of September.

2. I am in the (second, third) form.
3. I am (eight, nine).
4. I had a (good, bad) time on my summer holidays.

1. ripo^HTaii Bipm i nepeKjia^n Ha yKpamcbKy MOBy. CnpoGyii
po3K&3aTH fioro HanaM’flTb.
Summer is over,
September comes.
October and November
Are also autumn months.

also ['o:lsou] — Text, TaicoaK

2 . r ie p e ^ a H T e f l i a j i o r yHH TejiH 3 n e p ro B H M .

— Who is on duty today?

— I am on duty today. My name is Roman. My
surname is Homenko.
— How old are you, Roman?
— I am eight.
— What form are you in?
— I am in the third form.
— How many pupils are there in your class?
— There are twenty-five pupils in our class.
— Who is absent today?
— Nobody is absent. All are present today.
— Thank you. Sit down, please.
— Not at all.
3 . IIo r o flb C H a 6 o He n o r o f l b c # 3 y ^ H T e jie M .

3p a 30K: It is spring now.

No, it isn*t spring now.
It is autumn now
It is'September now.
Yes, it is September now.

1. It is October now.
2. It is winter now.
3. It is cold today.
4. Two pupils are absent today.
5. September is a summer month.
6. September has thirty days.
7. Autumn has four months.
*8. You have four lessons today.

4. npoHHTaii TeKCT, flail BiAnoBiAi Ha 3aimTaHHJi.


Summer is over. It is autumn now. Autumn is a

fine season. September, October and November are au­
tumn months. It is September now. The weather is

good in September. The sky is blue. The sun shines
brightly. It is not cold. There are many apples, pears,
plums and flowers in September.

to be over [ ouva] — 3aKiHHyBaTHCH

1. What season is it flow?

2. How many seasons are there?
3. What are autumn months?
4. Is it October now?
5. What is the weather like in September?
6. Is it warm today?
7. Do you like autumn? Why?
8. Who likes September in your class?

5 . I le p e n im m p e n eH H H , BCTaBHBm n n o T p ifiH i c jio b & ( w e e k , a u ­

tu m n , s e a s o n s , m o n th s ).

1. There are four ... in a year.

2. A year has twelve ... .
3. There are seven days in a ... .
4. September is an ... month.

6 . y T B O p H MHOHCHHy iM eHHHKiB B ifl CJliBI

a desk, a book, an exercise-book, a ruler, an eraser,

a diary, a pen, a pencil, a box, a child, a pupil, a teacher,
a window, a door, a chair, a bench, a tree, a car,
a lorry.

7 . IIocT aB 3anHTaHHH flo peneH b i ^ a n 3anepeH H y B ianoB iA b.

Lida likes to play with a doll.

3 pa 30 K:
Does Lida like to play with a doll?
No, she doesnft.
1. Oxana goes to school on Sunday.

2. They live in Poliske.
3. I am in the first form.
4. There is a clock on the wall in our classroom.
5. There are four windows in his room.
6. Ostap is ten.

8.1 a) 3ra^an'na3Bii flHiB thhchh aHrjiincbKoio moboio. A Tenep


Sunday — Sun’ day — Sun.

Monday — Mon’ day — Mon.
Tuesday — Tues’ day — Tues.
Wednesday — W ednes’ day — Wed.
Thursday — Thurs’ day — Thurs.
Friday — Fri’ day — Fri.
Saturday — Satur’ day — Sat.

y kojiohiu th Gannm HanncaHHH hobhoi Ha3BH

n e p m iii
AHiB thjkhh. He 3a6yBafi, mo b aHrjiiHCBKin mobI bohh 3aBJKAH
HHinyTbCH 3 BejiHKOi 6yKBH. y flpyriii kojiohhI BH^ijieHo
nepmi cKJia^H, Bia hkhx i yTBopioeTbCH cKopoqeHa $opMa
HanncaBEfl ahib thxchh. Ocb BOHa y TpeTiii kojiohiu. A Tenep
me pa3 yBajKHo npoHHTaii yci TpH kojiohkh i flail BiflnoBifli
1 . y HKOMy c jio b i c K o p o n e H H fl He 36 ir a e T b c « 3 n e p n iH M

C K J ia flO M ?

2. H ne c jio b o M ae TpH cK J ia^ H ?

3 . f l K e M a j i e H b K e c j i o b o n n m e T b C H i b h m o b j i h f t b c h o/jnaK O B O
B O C T a H H b O M y C K J ia A i B C i x CJI1 B ?

6) Hannmn n o n a M ’ H T i c n o 'i a T K y h h 3 b h c e M H a h i b t h h c h h , a
H O T iM 6 lJIH K O JK H O rO 3 H H X 1XH IO C K O p O H e H y (|>O pM y, H K a m e
H a3 H B aeT bC H a 6 p e B i a T y p o i o . Ahh 3 H a io T b t b o ! piflHi T a npn-
H T e ji i T a K e c j i o b o ?
yPOKH 3 - 4

1. IIpo^HTaH cjioBa 3a 17 cenyHA:

air, hair, chair, fair, ear, pear, bear, tear, near,

bird, girl, shirt, skirt, first, boy, toy, joy, oil,
soil, coin.
2. BiflTBopiTb ^iajiorn aHrjiiiicbKoio m o b o io .
1) — Hna nopa pony 3apa3?
— 3 a p a 3 o c iH b .
— A hkhh Tenep Micnijb?'
— BepeceHb.
— LJe nepnmn Micnijb oceHi?
— Tan.
—CnijibKH M ic H n ;iB M a e o c i H b ?
— OciHb Mae Tpn Micaiji. IJe BepeceHb, 3KOBTem>,
2) — CicijibKH nip pony th 3Haem?
— H 3 H a io hothph n o p a p o n y : 3 H M y , B e c H y , jiiT o ,
o c iH b .
— Hica nopa pony To6i nofl;o6aeTbCH H a n 6 ijib m e ?
— OciHb.
— H oM y T o 6 i nofl;o6aeTbCH ociHb?
— OciHb — 30Ji0Ta (golden [’goulden]) nopa pony,
n o r o ^ a *iyflOBa. JIhcth Ha flepeBax 3ejieHe,
HCOBTe, ^epBOHe, KopnraeBe. A To6i noao6a-
eTbca ociHb?
— T a n , a jie M e m H a n S i j i b m e n o fl;o 6 a e T b C H 3 H M a .
— Th jnofimn KaTaTHCH Ha KOB3aHax?
— H j iio 6 j ik ) K aT aT H C H H a c a H ^ a T a x , i h j ik ) 6 jiio

jiin H T H C H ir o B H K a .

3. ripo^HTaii TeKCT i nepeKJia^H fioro Ha yKpamcbKy MOBy.

3,n;oraAaHCH npo 3HaneHHJi BHflijiemix cjiiB.

It is the first of September. All the schoolchildren

are at school again. The pupils want to begin their
lessons again. They are glad to see their teachers and
friends. It is their first day at school after the sum­
mer holidays. We can see many little boys and girls
with their mothers and fathers or grandmothers and
grandfathers. These children are six or seven. Today
is their first day at school. Many children have flow ­
ers in their hands. The flowers are for their teachers.
The day is very fine. The pupils are gay and happy.
Antin: Hello, Katya! I am glad to see you again. Where
did you spend your summer holidays?
K atya: Hello, Antin! I am glad to see you too. I was in
the village in summer. Where were you?
Antin: I was in town on my summer holidays. I had a
good time. It was very hot in summer. I often
went to the river with my father and mother.
And what about you?
K atya: I went to the pond and to the forest with my
brother. I helped my grandfather and grand­
mother about the house. I read many books.
Did you play football in summer?
Antin: Yes, I did. Sometimes I played football with my
friends and sometimes I played tennis. In the
evening I watched TV or read a book.
Katya: But we must go to the classroom.
Antin: Yes, let’ s go.

to begin [bi'gin] — noHHHara; a river [’nva] — pinna;

a forest [’fonst] — jiic

4 . C kh h ch a H r jiift c b K o io m o b o io .

1 . C b o r o fln i n e p m e B ep ecH H .
2 . y * m i 3H O B y n p n ii m ji n ; j o m K O jm .
3. H pa^H H 6a^H TH c b o ix n p u H T e jiiB i B H H T e jiiB .
4 . M h 3 H O B y X O H eM O P 0 3 M 0 B J I H T H , H H T a T H H H H C aT H
a H r jiiH C b K o io m o b o io .
5. BiKTOp npoBiB jiiTHi KamKyjiH b O^eci.
6. M em x o t I jio c h 6 n p oB ecm c b o i K a H in y jiH b c e jii,
a jie moh 6a6yca HCHBe y M i c T i .
7. Ha^iiiKa nacTO xo^HJia flo Jiicy 3 fliflyceM. TaM
6araT O K B iT iB , ^ e p e B i iiT a x iB .

5 . 3 a n H T a iiT e o ^ H e o f lH o r o , h k b h n p o e e j i H J iiT H i K a H i i c y j i H . y
c b o ix flia jio r a x bh M tW K eT e B H K o p n c T a T H T a ic i c j i o s a i b h c jio b h :

a camp [kaemp] — Ta6ip;

to bathe [beifl] in the river — KynaTHca b pinn;i;
to swim [swim] — njiaBaTH;
to make a fire [fa 10] — po3najnoBaTH Borram e;
to gather [ gaefla] berries — 36npaTH aro^H;
to gather mushrooms [mAjrumz] — 36npaTH rpH6n;
to bicycle [’baisikl] — i‘3 flHTH Ha Bejiocnnefli.

6 . H a n n m iT b a H r jiift c b K o io m o b o io n if l flHKTOBKy b ^ h t c j ih .

1. H yneHb TpeTboro KJiacy.

2. HaM nofl;o6aeTi.ca Ham ni;jpy*iHHK 3 aHEJiincbKoi
3. JliTO — HaiiKpam;a nopa pony.
4 . IIlKOJiapi iiflyTb ^o hikojih nepmoro BepecHH.

7 . B n K O H aiiT e k o m h h ^ h b ^ h t c j ih .

Stand up! Take a pen!

Stand still! Write a word “ the sun” !
Sit down! Take a book!
Sit still! Read a* text!
Look at the window! Go to the door!
Show me your pencil! Open the door!
Open your bag! Go to the table!
Take a ruler! Clean the desk!

8.| a ) H a n l i m n , h k t h n p o B i s jiiT H i K a H iK y jiH . B n K o p iic T a ii HOBi

cjiO B a 3 B npaB H 5 .
6) P o3K a?K H CBOIM pi/JHHM n p o JiiTHi K a H iK y jiH .

yPOKH 5 -6
1 . P o3 K a jK H , /je i h k th n p o s i B JiiTHi K a H iK y jiH .

2 . C K jia ^ iT b f lia jio r H , BHKopHCTOByroMH cjiO B a “ p l e a s e ” i “ t h a n k

you” .
3 pa 30K: 1) — I want to write but I have no pen.
Give me a pen, please.
— Here you are.
— Thank you.
2) — Excuse me, please! May I take your
— Yest you may.
— Thank you.
3. Ckhhch, mo th po6 hb ije y*iopa.

3pa30K: I clean my desk every day.

I cleaned my desk yesterday.

1. Borys plays with his dog in the yard.

2. Vira helps her mother about the house.
3. We water flowers in our classroom every day.
4. I want to go to the park.

4. y T B o p n H ic o M o r a 6 i j i b m e p e ^ ie H t.

I do lessons
He have dinner on Sunday,
We watch TV at that time,
didn’ t yesterday,
Ivan helped his mother
Nadya go to the pond at 3 o ’ clock.
They play tennis

5. a ) r i p o ^ H T a ii cjiO B O c n o jiy n e H H H Ta pe*ieHH H a H r j i m c t K o i o

6 ) 3 a K p iift JiiB y q a cT H H y s n p a B H i n ep eK J ia ^ H pe*ieHHH Ha
a H r jiiik c b K y M O B y .

1) to go to school HTH flO mKOJIH

2) in the yard y flBopi
3) to write a letter HHCaTH JIHCT
4) near the village 6iji« cejia
5) at eight o ’ clock O B O C bM lH TO AH H l

6) I should like to bathe H xoTiB 6h noKynaTHca

in the river. b p i^ i.
7) We were in the second Mh 6 y jin b A p y r o M y KJia­
form last year. c i M H H yjioro p o n y .
8) Svitlana was in the zoo C B iT jia H a 6 y jia b 3oonap-
last Sunday. K y M H H yjioi H e ^ ijii.
9) They didn’ t watch TV B o h h He a h b h jih c h T e jie -
in the morning. B i3 o p y p a H iji.

10) September is the first B epeceH b — nepm nn

autumn month. o c iH H ia : M i c ji i jb .

6 . a ) C n o ^ a T K y n p o H H T a ii H enpaB H JibH i A ie cjiO B a , 3 h k h m h t h

03HHH0MHBCH b ^ p y r o M y K J ia ci, b P r e s e n t I n d e f i n i t e T e n s e i
n ep eK J ia flH I x Ha y K p a i'H c t K y M O B y . IIo T iM 3H aH #H B i/jn o B iA n i
im (JjopM H b P ast I n d e fin ite T en se y npaBH X K O J iO H K a x .
6 ) 3 a n n m n o 6 h a b 1 (J»opMH ^ i e c ji i B .

3pa30K: to be — was, were

to speak — spoke

Present Ind. Past Ind. Present Ind. Past Ind.

1) to be 1) went 12 to speak 1 2 ) thought

2) to come 2) read 13 to write 13) said
3) to have 3) made 14 to take 14) shone
4) to do 4) was, were 15 to think 15) shut
5) to give 5) got up 16 to know 16) stood
6) to go 6) came 17 to put 17) took
7) to make 7) had 18 to shut 18) knew
8) to get up 8) sat 19 to say 19) put
9) to read 9) did 20 to spend 20) wrote
10) to see 10) gave 21 to stand 21) spoke
11) to sit 11) saw 22 to shine 22) spent
17 .| a ) Ilp creH T a H TeKCT “ The Fox and the Crow” i nepe^aii f i o r o
3 M icT y K p a 'iH C b K o io m o b o io c b o I m 6aTbK aM , 6 p a T o s i c e c T p i.
6) BHnHmH 3 TeKCTy 3 H a fioM i T o 6 i ^ i e c jio B a b Past Indefinite i
n o c T a B ix y Present Indefinite. H keho o ^ H e ii Te ca M e ^ i e c jio B o
s y c T p m a e T b C H fleK ijii> K a p a 3 i s , 3 a n H cy H f i o r o ji n m e o^ hh pa3.

3pa30K: sat — to sit

looked — to look



A Crow once sat in a

tree. She had a large
piece of cheese in her
mouth. She wanted to eat
it, but suddenly she saw
a Fox. The Fox came up
to the tree. He looked up
and saw the Crow. He
saw the cheese also. The
Fox wanted to get the
“ How beau tifu l you
are, Mrs. Crow! What big
eyes you have. What a
pity you cannot sing.”
The Crow opened her
mouth and said:
“ Of course I can sing.
Car-r! Car-r!”
When the Crow ope­
ned her mouth, the piece
of cheese fell out. The
Fox ran up to the cheese
and quickly ate it up.
“ Thank you very much,” said he. “ The cheese was
good and you sang well. What a pity you don’ t think

a c r o w [k r o u j — B o p o H a ; o n c e [w A n s ] — o flH o r o p a 3 y ; a
p ie c e [p i:s ] — in M a T O K ; ch eese [t ji:z ] — cn p;
a m o u th [m a u G ] — p o t ; t o e a t [i:t] ( a t e ) — ic th ; su d­
d e n ly ['s A d n li] — p a n T O M ; a ls o [o :ls o u ] — T en c; t o get
— ^ ic T a B a T H ; b e a u t i f u l [’ b ju :ta fu l] — b p o a j ih b h h ; M rs.
[’ m is iz ] — nam ; an eye [ai] — oko; o f c o u r s e [k o :s ] —
3 B H ^ a iiH o ; f e l l o u t ( t o fa ll) — B H naB, y n a B ; ran up
[ra e n ,A p ] — n i f l 6 i r j i a ; q u i c k l y [ 'k w ik li] — d ib h a k o

yPOKH 7 - 8

1 . I lp o ^ H T a H c j i o b h i c jio B o c n o jiy ^ e H H H , 3H afi£ H B i/jn o B iflH H ii im

nepeKJia,n; y n p a B ift k o j io h iu :

1) a crow 1) mMaTOK cnpy

2) a fox 2) BeJiHKi oni
3) a piece of cheese 3) nifl;6iraTH
4) big eyes 4) ^o6pe ,n;yMaTH
5) in the mouth 5) B opoH a
6) to eat 6) niflxoflHTH
7) to look up 7) Hcajii.
8) to look at 8) jihchd;h
9) to come up 9) y poT i
10) to run up 10) flHBHTHCH Bropy
11) what a pity 11) ICTH
12) to think well 12) ahbhthch Ha

2. .ZJaii B iA noB i/i,i Ha 3annTaH H H /jo TeKCTy “ The Fox a n d t h e

Crow” .
1. Who sat in a tree?
2. What did the Crow have in her mouth?
3. Did she eat the cheese?
4. Whom did the Crow see under the tree?
5. What did the Fox say?
6. Can the Crow sing?
7. Why did the piece of cheese fell out?
8. Who ate the cheese?
9. Who was glad and who was sad? Why?
3. Ile p e K a jK H 3 M icT TeKCTy “ T h e F o x a n d t h e C r o w ” 3 a t a k h m
n jia n o M :

1. A Crow sat in a tree.

2. She had a piece of cheese.
3. A Fox came up to the tree.
4. The Fox wanted the cheese too.
5. The Crow began to sing.
6. The piece of cheese fell down.
7. The Fox ate the cheese.
8. What a clever Fox!

4 . IlocT aB a o pe^ieHb 3amrraHHH, Ha HKi MO»CHa 6 y j i o 6 BiflnoBicTH

“ T a n ” a6o " H i” .

1. There was a picture on the wall.

2. There were many children in the yard.
3. His sister cleaned the room on Saturday.
4. Roman had two cars and three lorries.
5. Pavlo spent his summer holidays in the village.

5 . P o3K aJK H , hk n p o B i s JiiTHi K a H iK yjiH T B iii npH H TeJib.

6 . I liflS e p H c ji o B o c n o jiy n e H H H , npoTH Jie>KH i 3 a 3Ha*ieHHHM , i

H an m rn i Ix .

3pa30K: a clean window — a dirty window

a good student, a new school, a polite boy, a white
car, a big dog, a long corridor, a bad pupil, a light
7. B h k o h h h kom rh^ h .

Stand up! Hands up! Hands down!

Show me your right (npaBy) handj
Show me your left (jiiBy) hand!
Right hand up!
Right hand down!
Left hand up!
Left hand down!
Right leg up!
Right leg down!
Left leg up!
Left leg down!
8.| n p o ^ H T a i i i n e p e K J ia /jH Ha y K p a m c t K y Mosy B i p m “ Ten Toys
I Love Best” . C K ancH , c k u i b k h H a c n p a s ^ i 6yjio i r p a m o K .


One dog is under a tree.
Two geese are for you and me.
Three sheep are near the door.
Four puppies are on the floor.
Five hens are in the box.
Six chickens and a horse.
Seven cows are near the house.
Eight cats and a mouse.
Nine birds are in the nest.
Ten toys I love best.

to love [Iav] — jiio6hth; geese [gi:z] — rycn; sheep

[Ji:p] — BiBHii; a nest — rHi3,fl;o
an nucBMOBi BiflnoBifli Ha 3annTaHHH.

1. When did you get up yesterday?

2. How many lessons did you have yesterday?
3. Who was on duty yesterday?
4. Did you have an English lesson yesterday?
5. Where did you go after classes?

Y P O K M 9 -1 0

1. T p a H C K p w n u iH H i 3H aK n :

[k]. [h], [g], [j], [w], [v], [d], [t ]. [m], [n], [s], [z], [J],
[0], [S], [a:], [a ], [au], [e], [se], [a:], [ei], [u], Du:], [o],
[01], [ou],
2. I le p e ^ a H T e p03M 0B y H ep roB oro 3 y ^ H T e jie M a H r J iiiic B K o io
m o b o io .

1) — X to c b o r o flH i ^ ep roB H H ?
— H.
— X to B if lc y T H ii i ?
— H o M y B iH B i A c y T H i i i ?
— Mem 3flaeTbCH, mo BiH xsopHH.
— H oM y th T a n fly M a e m ?
— H a y M a i o T aK T O M y, m o n o r o H e 6 y j i o s ^ o p a T a K o n c.
2) — X to C b o r o flH i ^ e p r o B H H ?
— M apH H a.
— M apH H o, xto B if lc y T H iii?
— C am K o.
— H ljo TpanHJIOCH 3 H H M ?

— Mem 3,n;aeTBCH, mo BiH 3ani3HioeTbCH (he is late).

— H oM y th TaK fly M a e m ?
— H fly M a io TaK TO M y, m<o BiH H e m e ,n;ajieK o s i # h i k o j i h .
3. a) IIp oH H T a H p e^ eH H H i n e p e K J ia ^ H ix Ha yK p a m cb K y M O B y.

1. I shall go to the park on Sunday.

2. We shall have four lessons tomorrow.
3. Ira will go to her grandmother in the evening.
4. The boys of our form will play football after
5. They will spend their winter holidays in Yaremcha.
6 ) I Io c T a B pe^eH H H b H H T ajibH iii i 3 a n e p e * m if i $ o p M a x .

3p a 30K: Shall I go to the park on Sunday?

No, I shall not (shan't).
Will you go to the park on Sunday?
No, you will not (won*t).
4. H a3B H B c i M ic fliji p o n y . CnaMCH, citiJibK H ams Mae K oaceH 3
HHX i flKHH BiH HO H O pjIflK y.

3p a 30K: January, February ...

January has thirty-one days.
January is the first month of the year.
5 . f lo n H m H H e3aK iH H eH i p en eH H H .

The spring months are:

The summer months are:
The autumn months are:
The winter months are:
6 . a ) n p o ^ H T a ft 3aniiT aH H H a H r jiin c b K o io m o b o io i jx&ii Ha h h x
6 ) 3 a K p H H J iiB y ^ a c T H H y B n p a B H , n e p e K J i a ^ H 3anH TaH H a Ha
a H r jiific b K y MOBy i n o n p o c n c s o r o o^H O K JiacH H K a Bi,n;no-
* .
B iC T M Ha H H X .

1. What day will it be to­ H khh 3aBTpa 6yfle fleHt?

2. Who will be on duty to­ X to 3aBTpa 6y^e *iepry-
morrow? BaTH ?
3. What will you do after 111,0 th 6 y ^ ;e m p o6 h th
classes? n i c j u i y p O K iB ?
4. W ill you help your Th 6 y ;je m ^ on oM araT H
mother or father about mz TaTOBi n o r o c n o -
M aM i
the house today? aapcTBy cboroflHi?
5. When will you get up K o j ih th B C T a H em y H e -
on Sunday? flijn o ?
5. W ill you watch TV in T h 6 y fle in ^ h b h t h c h T e-
the evening? jie B i3 o p y B e ^ ie p i?

7. Where will you spend fle th n p o B e fle m 3h m o b i

your w»nter holidays? K a m K y jiH ?
3. What form will you be y HKOMy K J ia c i t h 6 y a e m
in next year? H acT yn H oro p o K y ?

7 . H a 3B H m i ^ p n a H r j i m c t K o i o m o b o io .

3, 11, 15, 20, 29, 30, 32, 40,

44, 50, 66, 78, 81, 97, 100.

8.| n p o M H T a n TeK CT. I le p e f la H H oro 3 M icT y K p a i H c b K o i o mo­

b o io .
Teacher: How much is two plus one?
Pupil: I don’ t know.
Teacher: Well, Petro! Fancy, I give you two pens
and then one pen. How many pens have you now?
Pupil: Four pens.
Teacher: Why?
Pupil: Because I had one pen already.

m athem atics [/naBGi'maetiks] — MaTeMaTHKa; to fancy

[’fsensi] — yHBjiHTn; already [o:l'redi] — BHce

H a im n m a H r jiiw c b K o io m o b o io .

1. y Heflijno mh nifleMo ,n;o 300napKy.

2 . T a p a c He n i^ e flo h ik o j ih 3aB Tpa.
3. X to r p a r a M e y T e H ic n i c j i n y p o n i B ?
4. 3aBTpa 6y^e ^y^OBa noro^a.

y p o m 1 1 - 1 2

1 . n p o ^ H T a ii c j i o s a i c n a a c H , hk ^ irra ioT b C H 6 y K B n :

а) can face doctor

cat pencil decorate
cut nice December
cry certainly recite
class dance October
“ g”
б) bag page give
green gem girl
great gin get ■
gay village degree
egg large flag
2. a) BiflnoBifli Ha 3annTaHHH.

1. What is the weather like today?

2. Is it warm or chilly?
3. Does the sun shine brightly?
4. Is the sky covered with clouds?
5. What colour are the leaves on the trees?
6. Are there many autumn flowers in the parks?
7. What is the temperature today?
8. What else can you say about today’ s weather?
6 ) Po3KaHCH n p o cboroflHinraio n o r o a y .
b ) CKaHCH, h k & M ojK e 6yT H n o r o f l a 3aBTpa.
3 . y T B o p n HKOM ora 6 ijib r a e p e n e H b i CKaHCH, n p o h k h h KOHKpeTHO
M ic n n b HfleTbCH b KOJKHOMy p e n e H H i.

tw o degrees
above zero
ten d eg rees in spring,
was above zero in summer,
The tempe­
is twenty-five de­ in autumn,
will be grees above zero in winter,
fiv e degrees now.
below zero
eighteen de­
grees below zero
4 . a ) Ilp oH H T a H T e y n a p a x ^ i a j i o r n a H r jiiiic b K o io m o b o io .
6 ) 3 a K p H H T e ji i f i y n a c T im y B npaB H i B i^ T B o p iT b y n a p a x f l i a j i o -
r n a H r jii f l c b K o i o m o b o io .

1) — What can you see — IIl^o th 6 a ra m y flBopi?

in the yard?
— I can see many trees — H 6a*iy 6araTO flepeB y
in the yard. ABopi.
— What else can you see — IHo th m e MOJKem 6a-
there? *IHTH TaM?
— I can see a car and a — H 6 a * iy TaM aB T 0 M 0 6 ijn>
b en ch th e re . i J ia B y .
— W hom can you see in — K oro th 6 aH H m y
th e y a r d ? flB o p i?
— I c a n Qe e m a n y c h i l d r e n — H 6 a * iy 6 a r a T O f li T e n y
in th e y a r d . flB o p i.
— W hom e ls e c a n y o u see — K oro m e th 6 a H H in
th e re ? TaM ?
— I can see an o ld m an — H 6any C T aporo h o -
th ere. jiO B iK a T a M .

2) — W h a t d id y o u see in — 111,0 t h 6 a*iH B H a B y -

th e s tr e e t? jiH iji?
— I saw m any cars and — 6a*iHB 6araT0 j i e r -
lo r r ie s in th e s tr e e t. KOBHX i BaHTaHCHHX aB-
T 0 M 0 6 ijiiB H a B y j r a i j i .
— W h a t e ls e d id you see — m o me th T aM Ga^iH B?
th ere?
— I saw a tra m th e re . — H 6a^iHB TaM TpaMBafi.
— W hom d id you se e in — K oro th 6 aHHB H a B y -
th e stre e t? jiH iji?
— I saw m any boys and — H 6 a TiH B 6 a r a T O x j i o n -
g ir ls in th e s tr e e t. n;iB i fliB ^ a T H a B y j r a i j i .
— W hom e ls e d id y o u s e e — K oro me th T aM 6a-
th ere? TOB?
— I sa w o u r E n g lis h t e a ­ — H 6a^iHB T aM H a m o r o
ch e r th e re . B^mTeJIH aHTJUHCBKOl MOBH.

5. Hannmn c n o n a T K y K ijib K ic H i m h c j i I b h h r h c jio B a M ii, n o T iM


3 pa 30K: 2 — two — second;

45 — forty-five — forty-fifth...
1 — — ; 11 — — ;
7 — — ; 33 — — ;

56 — — ; 98 — — ;
82 — — ; 100 — — .

6. a) BiflnoBifli Ha 3annTaHHfl.
1. What holiday did we celebrate in August?
2. When was Day of Independence of Ukraine?
3. Did you go to school on that day?
4. Did your father and mother work on that day?
5. What did you do on that day?
6. Did you see many people in the streets and in the
parks on the twenty-fourth of August?
7. What did they have in their hands?
8. Were they gay and happy?
9. Do you like this holiday? Why?
6) OnnniH MajiK>HOK, BHKopHCTouyioHHcjiosa i cjioBocnojiy^eHHfl:
a holiday, to celebrate, great, on the twenty-fourth of

2 6
August, Day of Independence of Ukraine, Maidan of
Nezalezhnist, people, gay, happy, children, cold, warm,
flags, flowers.
|7.|a) Hamimii npo /JeHb He3ajie>KHocTi. BiiKopucTaH npn HbOMy
cjioBa, cjioBocnojiyMeHHH i 3aiiH TaH H fl i3 s n p a s n 6 .
6) Po3Ka>KH c b o i m piflHHM, njo t h HanHcaB npo nen /i,eH b.

18.|BiiKOHaH B n p a e y 6 (6 ) nncbM OBo.

yPOKM 13-14
1 . I lp o ^ H T a H T p a H C K p H n n iio c jiiB i n ep eK J iaflH i x Ha y K p a iH C b K y

[’w a:ka], [’bilda], [’ta:na], [,e n d 3 i'nia], ['draiva],

[ka 'le ktiv'fa :m a ], ['tra e kta ,draiva], [’m ilkm eid],
[kam'bain .opareita], [’penjana], ['ti:tja], ['doktaj,
[pju:pl], [’stju:dant].
2 . P o 3Ka>KH, HKa c b o r o ^ H i n o r o ^ a , HKa T e M n e p a T y p a n o B iT p n Ha
B y jin n i i b K J ia ci.

3 . a ) n p o ^ H T a ft 3ann T aH H H aH r.niH C LK ofo m o b o io i na.fi Ha h h x

6 ) 3 a K p H H JiiB y n a cT H H y B n p a B H , n e p e K J ia # H 3anH TaH HH Ha
a H r jiiiic b K y MOBy i n o n p o c n C B oro c y c i ^ a n o n a p T i B ifln o B ic -
th Ha hhx.


1. Do you get up at six T h B C T a e m o m o c T in ro -

o’ clock? flH H i?

2. When do you get up? K o j ih th BCTaem ?

3. W hen do you go to K o j ih th H ^ e m flo in ic o -

school? JIH?

4. Is the first lesson at nepmHH ypoK o BocbMm
eight o ’clock or at half past roflHHi hh o niB Ha fle-
eight? B’ H Ty?
5. How many breaks do you C k u ibkh nepepB bh Ma-
have? eTe?
6. When is the last lesson K ojih 3aKiH*iyeTbCH oc-
over [ouvs]? TaHHin ypoK?
7. Do you come home at Th npHxo,n;Hin ROROMy o
two o ’ clock? flpyriH ro^HHi?
8. When do you have your K ojih th o6iAaem?
9. At what time do you do O K O T p in ro^HHi t h po-
your lessons? 6hhi ypoKH?
10. Do you go to bed at Th jiaraem cnaTH o ,n;e-
nine o ’ clock? b’htIh roflHHi?

4. CKa>KH a H rjiiiicb K O K ) m o b o io .

f l p y r a r o flH H a , n ’ a T a r o flH H a , C bO M a r o flH H a , ^ B a H a # -

n;HTa roflHHa;
n iB H a n e p r a y , n iB H a * ie T B e p T y , n iB H a fle B ’ H T y , n iB
Ha OfliHHaAi^HTy;
*iBepTB H a T p e T io , T O epT B Ha n ’ j r r y , HBepTB Ha bocbm y,
*iBepTb Ha ABaHa^i^HTy;
3a H B epT t n e p m a , 3a ^ B ep T t a p y r a , 3a r a e p T b mocTa,
3a ^ B e p T t ^ ecH T a;
TpH XBHJIHHH H a f l P y r y , n ’ HTB x b h jih h Ha n ’ j r r y ,

B iciM H a ^ I^ H T B XBHJIHH H a C B O M y, flB a flijH T B acb ’ htb

x b h jih h Ha f l e e c y ;

3 a ABi x b h j i h h h n e p m a , 3 a a e cH T b x b h j i h h n e T B e p T a ,
3a in icT H a w H T B x b h jih h BOCBMa, 3a fljBa/mjiTB h ’ h t b

x b h jih h 0 flHHa,n;niaTa.
5. yTBopH AKOMora 6ijibm e pe^eHb.

a collective-farmer.
My father a pensioner,
His mother a worker,
Her sister a student,
Halya’ s brother is an engineer,
Petro’ s grandfather was a tractor-driver,
Oxana’ s grandmother shall be a builder,
Stepan’ s uncle will be a pupil,
Maria’ s aunt a turner.
I a combine-operator.
My friend a driver,
a milkmaid.

6. a) IIpo^HTaH pe^eHHH i nepeKJia^H Ix Ha yKpaiHCbKy Mosy.

6) CKJia^H no 0flH0My pe^eHHio 3 BHflijieHHMH cjioBaMH i
sannniH i'x.

1. I always come to school in time.

2. My mother is always right.
3. V ictor’ s grandfather and grandmother live in the
4. He spent his holidays in town.
5. It’s a pity I don’ t have a watch.
17.|lIpo^HTaH[ TeKCT i nepeKJiaflH n oro Ha yKpaiHCbKy M OBy.


One day a farmer came to a large town for the first

time. He wanted to see nice modern buildings, muse­
ums, theatres and cinemas. He stopped at a good
hotel. “ Your room is 416 on the fourth floor,” said
the clerk.
“And what time is breakfast, dinner and supper?”
asked the farmer.
“ Breakfast is from seven to twelve o ’clock,” said
the clerk, “ lunch is from twelve to three o ’ clock; din­
ner Is from three to seven and supper is from seven to
“ Oh,” said the farmer, “ I don t like your hotel. You
eat here all day. I want to see the town. Please, show
me the way to another hotel.”

a farmer — (JjepMep; large [la d3] — bcjihkhh; jiice —

rapHHH; modern ['moda:n] — cynacHHii; a building
Dildirj] — 6yfliBJia; a museum [mju’ziam] — My3en; a
theatre inata] — TeaTp; a cinema ['simma] — KiHOTea/rp;
to stop — aynHHHTHCH; a hotel [hou'tel] — roTejib; a
floor — noBepx; the fourth floor — n’ jjthh noBepx; a
clerk [kla.k] — cjiy3K6oBen;B; a lunch [lAntf] — apyrHH
cniAauoK; to eat [i:t] — icth; a way [wei] — aopora;
another [a nA5a] — iHiniiki

18.|yTBopn mothph peneHHH 3HTafijiimeio BiipaBTi 5 i 3annmn i k.

yPOK 15
1. IIpOHHTaH f l a T H .

3pa30K: 13th January — the thirteenth of January

21st August — the twenty-first of August
2nd February, 8th March, 9th May,
14th December, 3rd October, 31st January,
10th April, 22nd July, 11th November,
1st August, 19th June, 1st September.

2 . C k jm u u t b y napax fliajiorH, BHKopHCTOByroHH T a 6 jm i ji o .

I like summer because..
3pa30K: What season do you like best?
I like summer best of all. And you?
As for me, I like autumn.
I like autumn because the leaves on
the trees are yellow, red and brown.

3 . a ) P o 3 K a 3K H H a n a M * H T B a H r jiiH C B K H H aji<J>aBiT.
6 ) H a3B H c n o * ia T K y r o j i o c H i , a n oT iM n p n r o j i o c H i .
b) H a3B H n o 0/i;H 0M y c ji o B y Ha KOJKHy 6 y K B y aji4> aB iT y.

4. a) Han urnh c jio B a b aji4>aBiTHOMy n o p a /n ic y .

6 ) n p o ^ H T a ft ix i n e p e K J ia ^ H Ha y K p a m c B K y M O B y .

A book, a corridor, a shelf, a teacher, a lamp,

a pencil, a ruler, a pen, an eraser, an exercise-book,
a day-book, a table, a desk, a chair, a pupil, a bag,
a clock, a pointer.
5 . 3 a n H T a H T e o,a;He O A H oro, xto 3 a n p o 4 > e c ie io B a m i 6 aT b K n i

3pa30K: — What is your uncle?

— He is an engineer. And yours?
— He is a turner.
6 . n p o ^ H T a f i p eq eH H H i n ep eK JiaA H I x . 3 a K m * i 3annTaH H H ro


1) Nina Romanivna didn’t like Hlib’ s day-book.

Did ...
Who ...
What did ...
2) Olya is a pupil of the third form.
Is ...
Who ...
What is ...
What form ...
3) Myron will go to the village on Sunday.
W ill ...
Who ...
What ...
Where ...
When ...
17 . |I I p o * m T a H 3 a r a fl K y , n e p e K J ia ^ H ii Ha y K p a i'H c t K y MOBy i
B iflr a fla ii.
There is a little green house;
And in the little green house
There is a little brown house;
And in the little brown house
There is a little yellow house;
And in the little yellow house
There is a little white house;
And in the little white house
There is a white little heart.
a heart [ h a :t ] — cepije.
8. HanmnH a H r jiific L K o io m o b o io .

y HarnoMy KJiaci e B e jiH K a n o j r a i j H . B o H a H a c T i n i .

Ha n o j r a i j i m h 6a^iHMO 6 a r a T o k h h h c o k i 3 o m H T iB .

9 ^ B H K O H a ii B n p a B y 6 ( 3 ) d h clm o bo .

yPOKM 1 6 - 1 7

1. a) IlpO^HTaH CKOpOMOBKy 3 a 1 3 ce K y H fl.

Humpty-Dumpty sat on
a wall,
Humpty-Dumpty had a
great fall.
All the King’s horses
And all the King’ s men
Couldn’ t put Humpty-
Dumpty together again.

[’ hAmpti'dAmpti] —
t o b c t y h ; a fall [f o : I] —

na^iHHH; a k ng —
Kopojib; to put t o ­
gether [ta'geQa] again
[a'gein] — ckjibcth AOKynH 3HOBy

6 ) Ilep eK J ia A H CKOpOMOBKy Ha y K p a iH C b K y MOBy.

b ) A T e n e p n p o m r r a i i B ipraoF aH H H n e p e n jia A c k o p o m o b k h i no-

p iB H J iH 3i c b o im n e p e K J ia flO M .
T O B C T yH -K O pO T yH CH fliB H a C T iH i.
T o B C T y H -K O p O T y H 3BaJIHBCb y B i c n i .
I BCH K O pO JliB C bK a p a T B
He 3MorjiH iioro 3H O B y flO K y n n 3i 6 p a T b .

2 . rie p e /n a H T e a H r jiific b K o io m o b o io p 0 3 M 0 B y B'lH TejiH i ^ e p r o B H X .

y : X to CboroflHi ^eproBHH?
Hl\ H. Mene 3BaTH iBaH^yK neTpo.
H2\ I h Te>K ^eproBa. Moe iM’n Ojieca, a npi3Bnme
— OcTanenKO.
y : X to Bi/jcyTHm?
HI i nnjiHn Bi^cyTHiH.
y : IU^o 3 hem Tpannjiocb?
HI: H tohho ne 3Haio, ajie ayMaio, mo BiH xbophh.
H2\ H 3Haio tohho, m o B i H xbophh, 6 0 B^iopa Sannjia
Horo MaMy.
y : MCajib, mo nnjinn XBopnii.
H2: Ajie h ayMaio, mo BiH 6yae b noHeaijioK.
y : Tapa3,n:. flHKyio BaM. Ci^aHTe, 6y,a;i> jiacna.
3. Ck&hch, BiAnoBiflae npo^HTaHe fliiicHOCTi.
3pa30K: 1 ) You got up at seven o’clock yesterday.
You are right (a6o That's right.) I got up
at seven o*clock yesterday.
2)< You lived in Lviv last year.
You are not right (a6o That*s not right.)
I did not live in Lviv last year.
1. You had breakfast at nine o’ clock yesterday.
2. You watered flowers last night.
3. You went to the zoo last Sunday.
4. You were at school on Saturday.
5. You played snowballs in the morning.
4 . n o flH B H C b Ha B e c e jiK y i Ha3BH B ci i i K o jib o p n a H r jiiiic L K o io
m o b o i o . ^ B a i3 ceM H K o jib o p iB m h T o 6 i n iflK a H ceM o: orange
[’orinda] — opaHHceBHH, voilet [’vciialit] — <J)iojieTOBHH. A caMe
c j i o b o “ B e c e j i K a ” , a 6 o “paHAyra”, — a rainbow [’reinbou]
c K J ia A a e T b C H 3 abox c jiis : r a in — A om ; i b o w — A yra. 3 a-
n a M ’ flT a B ? f l K m o t h H e M O JK em n a 3 B a T n a H r .ii h c l k o i o m o b o i o
B c i K o j i b o p n B e c e jiK H n o n o p ^ A K y , t o a i 3 a n a M * H T a ii c n o * i a T K y
T a K H H y K p a i'H C b K H H B ip m iiK :

JIio6hti> IIeH3jmK Miii ,n;o cbhtb

Co6i ^ y 6 h h k ( J ) a p 6 y B a T H .
B i H y paiiA yry nipHae,

K omchhh KOJiip Ha3HBae:

“ IJe HepBOHHH, neap iieHa^e.
IJe opaHMcesMii, rapa^HH.
2Kobthh — hk nmeHHi^a b n o jii.
M o b TpaB a — aejieH iiii K O Jiip .
TojiyfiHik — hk y Kpaiuram.
A HacTynHHH kojiip — drain.
C H H iH K o j i i p , h 6 h p i^ K a ,
O iO JieT O B H H — HK H i* iK a ” .
C K i m K H B C b o r o K O J ito p iB
BojioduMup TuMenrco
B H fliJ ie m y s i p m i c j i o s a 03Ha*iai0Tb i i o p h a o k po3TamyBaHHH
KOJibopiB y p a fifly 3 i: MepBOHiift, opaHJKeBHii, h c o b t h h , 3ejieH H H ,
r o jiy 6 iiH , CHHifi, 4 >i0 JieT0 BHH.

5 . H a n i i m n T p a H C K p H n n iio c j i I b : g o o d , b a d , p u p i l , t e a c h e r , b o y ,
g ir l, p o lit e , im p o lite .

| 6 .[ B iib w h H a n a M ’ flT b c K 0 p 0 M 0 BKy a H r jr iiic b K o io m o b o i o .

m B iin iin iii J iu m e Ti c jiO B a , H K i n iA x o /jH T b ao T e6 e . E yA b

o C ’ g k t h b h h m . 3 a n iiT a ii c s o i x p i ^ H i ix , npaB H jibH O t h x a -
p a K T e p H 3y e m c e 6 e .

A girl, a boy, tall, short, thin, thick, polite, impo­

lite, gay, sad, a good pupil, a bad pupil, long name,
short name, long surname, short surname, fair hair,
dark hair, long hair, short hair.

|8 . |B hbwh HanaM ’ flTb s ip m n p o IleH3JiHKa.

| 9 . |H a n n n r a s c i K o jib o p n s e c e jiK H n o n o p H flK y y K p a iH C b K o io h


3pa30K: nepeonuu — red

opaHMeeuii — orange ...

YPOKM 1 8 -1 9

ball pen, felt-pen, sketch book,

p e n c il-s h a r p e n e r , b ru sh ,
paints, to draw, to paint

1 . 0 3 B y ^ B ci SyKBH a H r jii f i c b K o r o aji«|>aBiTy.

2 . OsBy^i cnonaTKy rojiocHi, a hotIm npnrojiocH i.

3 . B iA T B o p iT b f l i a j i o r y napax.
— Who is on duty today?
— I am. My name is ... My surname is ...
— What day is it today?
— Today is Monday (Wednesday ...).#
— What month is it now?
— It is April.
— Is it spring or summer?
— It is spring.
— What temperature is it now?
— It is 10 (15 ...) degrees above zero.
— Who is absent today?
— Victor (Nina ...) is.
.— W hat’ s the matter with him (her)?
— I don’ t know exactly but I think he (she) is ill.
— Why do you think so?
— I think so because he (she) was absent yesterday.
— It’ s a pity. But the weather' is good and I think
he (she) will be at school tomorrow.
4 . a ) ripo^ H T aii pe^eHHH i nepeKJia^H i x Ha yKpai'HCbKy MOBy.
6 ) Y t b o p h n o fli6 m pe^eH H a b P r e s e n t , P a s t i F u t u r e I n d e ­
fin it e .

1) She reads every day.

Does she read every day?
She doesn’ t read every day.
2) He wrote a letter yesterday.
Did he write a letter yesterday?
What did he do yesterday?
When did he write a letter?
Who wrote a letter yesterday?
He didn’ t write a letter yesterday.
3) They will go to the park on Sunday.
W ill they go to the park on Sunday?
Who will go to the park on Sunday?
Where will they go on Sunday?
When will they go to the park?
They will not (won’ t) go to the park on Sunday.
5. IIp o ^ H T a H c ji o B a 3 n e p e K J ia ^ o M , a a im n iH i x y c b I h c j i o b h h k i

a ball-pen — a felt-pen — a sketch-book

KyjibKOBa (JwioMacTep; [skaetj] —
pyw a; a jI b S O M R J I H

a pencil-sharpener a brush [brA — a paint

[’Jaipana] — h h h k e neH3ejiB; [peint] —
(3acTpyryBan rjir $ap6a;
t o d r a w — K p e c jiH T H , m & jh o b & t h ; t o p a i n t — M a ji io -
B ara (^ » a p 6 a M H , ( J m p S y s a T H .

3 A llA M ’HTA ft!

Past Indefinite si,n; flie c jiO B a t o d r a w — d rew

6 . a ) ripoHHTaii cjioBocnojiyneHHa i pe^eHHa aHrjiiHCbKoio Ta

yKpaiH CbKOIO M O B H M II. *?*
6 ) 3 a K p n ii jiiB y *iacTHHy B npaB H i nepeKJia^H cjio B O cn o jiy q e H H H
fi pe^eH H H Ha a H r jiin c b K y M o s y .

1) a long ball-pen flosra KyjibKosa pyqna

2) a yellow felt-pen 5KOBTHH (jWIOMaCTep
3) Taras* sketch-book TapaciB ajii>6oM
4) a good pencil-sharpener flo6pa HHHKa
5) two small brushes ABa MajieHbKHx neH3Jii
6) a box of paints Kopo6Ka 3 $ap6aMH
7) to draw with a pencil M a jn o B a T H o jiis ije M
8) to paint a picture M a jn o B a T H K a p T H H y
9) I like to write with a M em noflo6aeTbca nnca-
ball-pen. TH KyjIbKOBOH) py'IKOK).
My m other
•'W. -* «
likes to ■ M om MaMi noAoSaeTbca
write with a pen. nncaTH pymcoio 3 nepoM.
11) Nina has twenty-four y HiHH e fl s a f l ijH T b h o -
\ felt-pensT Tnpn (JwioMacTepn.
12) The pupils of our form y^H i H am oro K jia c y
have sketch-books, pencils, ojiiBiji,
M aiO T b a jii> 6 o M n ,
fe lt -p e n s , p a in ts and 4>JioMacTepn, (J>ap6n i
brushes. neH3Jii.
13) Our teacher gives us H a m a B^inTejibKa aae
her pencil-sharpener. HaM CBOK) ^HHKy.
14) Oleh likes to draw with O j i e r j i i o 6 n T b M a jiio s a T H
a pencil and his little sis­ ojiiBn;eM, a noro MajieHt.-
ter likes to paint. Ka cecTpHHKa j h o C h t b
M a jn o B a T H 4 > a p 6 a M n .
7. Hi/IIIOBIA-1 Ha 3anHT8HHfl.
1. Do you have a pen or a ball-pen?
2. Who has many felt-pens?
3. Do you like to draw in your sketch-book?
4. Do you have a pencil-sharpener?
5. How many brushes do you have?
6. What colour are your paints?
7. Who paints very well in your form?
8. Can you paint a picture?
9. Can you draw with a pencil and a ruler?
10. Do you have a good eraser?
8 . H a m m m a H r jiiiic b K o io m o b o io n ifl flHKTOBKy b h h t c j ih .

1. H xo^y Majhobfith, ajie y MeHe neMae (JjjioMacTepiB.

2. Bjh naMajiiOBaB ijio KapTray B^opa.
3. flan mchi, 6yfli> jiacKa, cboio HHHKy.

|9 .] a ) IIp o * ra T a H TeKCT i n ep eK J ia flH n o r o Ha yK pa'iH C bicy MOBy.


Mike drew a picture o f a cock, but he did not
colour it.

The Cock went out for a walk and on his way he

m et a dog.
“ You are not beautiful,” the dog said.
The Cock went to the river to look at himself. He
really was not beautiful.
“ Oh, you are not coloured!” said the dog. “ Go and
ask paints to help you.”
The Cock went to the paints and said: “ Paints,
paints, help me, please! Colour my wings, my tail and
my head.”

“All r g h t, ’ said the red paint and coloured red the

Cock’ s head. The blue pa nt coloured blue his taxi. The
green paint coloured green his wings.
The Cock went into the yard and cr?ed: “ Cock-a-
doodle-doo! Look at me! I am coloured now. I have a
red head, I have a blue tail and I have green w ings. I
am the m ost b e a u tifu l bird in the w orld.”

to colour — 4>ap6yBaTH; to go for a w alk — hth Ha

“ nporyjiHHKy; a way — n uiax, aopora; m et — 3ycTpiB;
b e a u tifu l [’bjir.teful]
— bpoajihbhh , npeicpacHHH; a river
— pi*iKa; at h im se lf — s a ce6e caMoro; really [nail] —
cnpaBfli; to ask — nonpocHTH; a w ing — kphjio ; a tail
[teil] — xBicT; a head hed] — rojioBa; to cry — k p h t o th ;
cock-a-doodle-doo ['kakadu id I'du:] — KyKypiicy; the m ost
[moust] b e a u tifu l — HaHBpo^jiHBimnH; world [wa:ld] —
6) 3H aH AH y TeKCTi i BHnmiiE cjioBocnojiyneHHa, m o Bi^no-
B i^ a io T b yicpaiH C bK H M : „

HaMajifOBaB KapTHHy,
nimoB Ha nporyjiHHKv,
3ycTpiB co6aKy,
n im o B ro p m n ,
no<J>ap6yBaB y nepBOHHH kojiip,
3ejiem KpHjia,
nimoB Ha noflBip’ n,
HaHKpama nTamica y CBiTi.

yPOKM 2 0 -2 1

a b a cu s , c a l c u l a t o r ,
class-register, black­
board, piece o / paper*
piece of chalk, orange

~ 1. I I p o ^ n T a n c jio b & 3a 20 ce icy H A :

pen, pencil, ball-pen, felt-pen, pencil-box, pencil-sharp­

ener, ruler, eraser, pointer, book, exercise-book, paint,
brush, day-book, bag, bottle of glue, sketch-book; red,
black, white, yellow, brown, blue, green, grey.
2 . a ) ,H,aH Bi,a,iioBi,a,i Ha 3 anHTaHHJi js,o TeK CTy.
1. Who drew a picture of a cock?
2. Did Mike colour the cock?
3. Whom did the Cock meet in the yard?
4. What did the dog say to him?
5. Did the Cock go to the paints?
6. What did the red paint do?
7. Who coloured his tail?
8. What did the green paint colour?
9. Where did the Cock go then?
10. What did he say?
11. Was the Cock the most beautiful bird in the world?

3. BiflTBopiTb ^iajiorw aHrjiiiicbKoio m o b o io b n a p ax.

a) — H xoTijra 6 HaMajnoBara KOTa, ajie y MeHe HeMae

4)jioMacTepiB (ojiiBijiB). flan Mem, 6y#b jracna, cboi
^jjiOMacTepn (ojiiBiu).
— Oct, npomy.
— f l y M c e B flH H H a .
— He BapTo.

6) — H xo*iy HaMajiiOBaTH KapTHHy npo Becny, ajie y
Mene neMae neHSJiH. flaik MeHi, 6y^ t jia c K a , C B oro
n e H 3 jiH .
— Bn6av, ajie y MeHe tchc HeMae Horo. H MOHcy aaTH
To6i ojiiBu;i a6o tJj-^OMacTepK.
— fljncyio, ajie h jiio6jik> MajiiOBaTH <J>ap6aMH.
4. n p o ^ H T a i i c j i o a a h cjioBocnojiyHeHHH 3 n e p e K J ia ^ o M , a a n H m n
i’x y cjiobhrk i 3 a n a M *H T a n :

an abacus [ aebakas] a calculator a class-register

— paxi bhhi^h; [kaelkjuleita] — ['kla: s,red 3 ist8] —
KajibKyjiHTop; KJiacHHH Hcypnaji;

a blackboard a piece of a piece of orange

— K J ia c H a paper [pi:s] chalk [tjo k] [’orind3] —
floinKa; — apK ym — inMaTOK OpaHJKeBHH
nanepy; KpeH^H; (-a, -e, -i).
5. a) IIp o 'iH T a H c j i o B o c n o j i y ' i e H H f l H peneH H H i n ep eK J ia flH I x Ha
y K p a iH C b K y Mosy.
6 ) CKJiaflH n o OflHOMy pe^ieHHIO 3 BH /jijieH H M H CJIOBaMH.

A big abacus, a small abacus, a new abacus, an old

abacus. There is a big abacus on the floor in the first
A big calculator, a small calculator, a new calcula­
tor, a good calculator, my calculator, many calcula­
tors. Our teacher has a small calculator.
A white class-register, a blue class-register, our
class-register, a class-register on the table, many class-
registers. The surnames of the pupils are in the class-
A black blackboard, a brown blackboard, a big black­
board, a good blackboard, a bad* blackboard, a black­
board on the wall, a blackboard on the floor, a black­
board between the windows, above the blackboard. Olya,
write this exercise on the blackboard!
A big piece of paper, a small piece of paper, two
pieces of paper, a clean peace of paper, a dirty piece
of paper, on the piece of paper, under the piece of
paper. Nina, give me a piece of paper, please!
A big piece of chalk, a small piece of chalk, a piece
of white chalk, a piece of red chalk, many pieces of
chalk, a piece of chalk in the hand, a piece of chalk on
the blackboard. I can see a piece of chalk under the
teacher’ s table.
An orange pencil, an orange felt-pen, an orange
lamp, an orange dress, yellow and orange, orange and
red. Do you like this orange ball?
6 . I l o c T a B H K O M ora 6 ijii» m e 3a n n T a H b f lo pe*ieH i» i c k b j k h i'x y
3anepe*iHm <J)opMi.

3pa30K: There is a class-register on the table.

Is there a class-register on the table?
What is there on the table?
Where is a class-register?
There is no class-register on the table.
There isn't a class-register on the table.
1. There is a blackboard on the wall.
2. There was a big abacus in the corner of the class­
3. I shall have a calculator next year.
7. Hannnra cjiOBa b aji<J)&BiTHOMy nopflflicy:

a felt-pen, a class-register, orange, a ball-pen, a piece

o f paper, a calculator, a blackboard, an abacus, a
paint, a sketch-book, a pencil-sharpener.

18.1a ) n p o ^ H T a ii c jio B o cn o jiy * ie H H H i pe*ieHHH a H r jiift c b K o io m o b o io

3a 40 c e ic y H fl.
6 ) 3aK pH H Jiifiy n acT H H y BiipaBH i n e p e K jia ^ H cjio B o c n o jiy n e H H H
h pe^ieHHH Ha a H r jiin c b ic y MOBy.

1) a ball-pen and a felt- KyjiBKOBa py^Ka i (Jwio-

pen MacTep
2) a sketch-book and a ajib6oM i KjiacHHH »cyp-
class-register H a ji
3) an abacus and a calcu­ paxiBHHi^H i KajibKyjiH-
lator Top
4) a brush and paints neH3ejn> i (JrnpGn
5) a blackboard and a KJiacHa AomKa i mMaTOK
piece o f chalk KpeHflH
6) an exercise-book and 3oinHT i apnym nanepy
a piece o f paper

7) pencils and a pencil- o jiiB iji i ^H H K a
8) to draw and to paint M a ji i o B a T H i p o 3 < i)a p 6 o -
9) orange and brown opaH H ceB H H i kophh-
H eB H H
10) I have six felt-pens and y MeHe micTfc cjwioMac-
Taras has twelve felt-pens. T e p iB , a y Tapaca fl»a-
11) It’ s a pity that I ha­ 3 K a jn > , njo y MeHe HeMae
ven’ t a calculator. KajibKyjiHTopa.
12) A pupil on duty didn’ t HeproBHH He BHTep
clean the blackboard. KjiacHoi a o h i k h .
13) Olya wants to draw the Ojih xone HaMajxioBaTH
sun with an orange pencil. COHDje O p a H H C eB H M O J liB -
ije M .
14) Does your teacher have y Bamoi BHHTejibKH e
a class-register? — Yes, KJiacHHH HcypHaji? —
she does. TaK.
15) Don’ t write your name He n n m i T t c b o c i M ’ n H a
on the piece of paper, write apnymi nanepy, Hann-
it on your exercise-book! m i T b Horo Ha CBoeMy
3 o m H T i.

|9.|^I,onH m H p e^ eH H H , BCTaBHBnra H e o S x iflH i c jio s a .

1. I write a letter with (a ball-pen, a pen, a paint).

2. There isn’ t (a piece of paper, a piece of chalk) on
the blackboard.
3. You can sharpen your pencils with (a brush, an
abacus, a pencil-sharpener).

y P O K H 2 2 - 2 3

to remember

1 . IIpO ^H T aH i BHKOH&H f li’i .

Clap, clap, clap your hands!

Clap your hands together!
W e are clapping,
We are clapping,
We are clapping our hands!
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet!
Stamp your feet together!
We are stamping,
We are stamping,
We are stamping our feet.
to clap [klaep] — n jie cK a T H ; we are clapping — mh
n jie c K a e M o ; to stamp — T y n a r a ; feet [fi:t] — H o rn

2. IIonpociTb oflHe o^Horo ^aTH (J^oMacTep ojiisenb nes-

H o r o K o j i b o p y ( r e d , g r e e n , white, black, o r a n g e , blue, b r o w n ,
y e llo w ).

3pa30K: — Do you have an orange felt-pen?

— Yes, I do.
— Give me your orange felt-pen, please.
~ Here you are.
— Thank you very much.
— Not at all.

3. C K a jK H , m o th 6a^H m i * io r o He G a m im y K J ia c i 3 th x
n p e f lM e T iB , H a a u n h k h x t h b h b * i h b . B H K o p n c T a n c jiO B a : a b l a c k ­
board, a p ie c e o f c h a lk , a c l a s s -r e g i s t e r , a p ie c e o f p a p e r , an
a b a c u s , a c a lc u la t o r , a b a ll-p e n , a f e lt -p e n , a b r u s h , p a in t s , a
p e n c il-s h a r p e n e r Ta iH m i.

3pa30K : I see ( can see) a duster on the blackboard.
I don't ( can't) see a calculator in the classroom.

4 . a ) IIp oH H T a H c j i o b o 3 n e p e K J ia ^ o M , .l a m i n m y c B iii c jio b h h k i

3 anaM *H T aH .

t o r e m e m b e r [r fm e m b d ] — n aM *H T aT H , n p n r a f l y B a T H .

6) IlpoHHTaH cjiosa, cjioBocnojiyqeHHH i peneHHH aHrjiincbKoio

M O B O IO .
b ) 3 a K p n ft j i i B y H a c T H H y nn paB H i n e p e K J i a ^ H c j io b r , c j io b o -
cn ojiyM eH H H h pen eH H H H a a H r j i i i i c b K y M o s y .

1) a word CJIOBO
2) a good word ao6pe cjiobo
3) many fine words 6araTO rapirax cjiiB
4) to remember a word naM’HTaTH cjiobo
5) to remember a poem naM’ HTaTH Biprn
6) I remember his name but H naM*HTaio iioro iM’ n,
I can’t remember his sur­ ajie He Money npHrajjaTH
name. Horo npi3BHin;a.
7) This little girl can’ t re­ U,h MajieHbKa fliBHHHKa
member the number of her He MOHce npnraflaTH ho-
house. Mep CBoro 6 y,niHHKy.
8) He didn’ t remember the Bin He naM*HTaB aHrjiiik-
English word “ <J)ap6n” . cbK oro cjioBa “ <J)ap6H” .
9) Do you remember the Th iiaM’ HTaem Ha3By cb o -
name o f your street? — ei' nyjTHiii? TaK.
Yes, I do.
10) I remember I saw him H n a M * H T a io , m o 6 a * ra B
in Odessa last summer. H oro b O^eci M H H y jio r o
jiiT a .

5. CKJiaAH i H a n n n iH flB a pe^eH H H 3i c ji o b o m “ t o r e m e m b e r ” .

6 . CKaMCH, m o t h He MOJKem n p n r a fla T H H K ecb c j i o b o . T b Ih c y c i f l

n o n a p T i Mae flo n o M o r T H T o 6 i . I lo T iM noMiHHHTecn p o ji h m h .

3pa30K : I can’ t remember the word “paxieuima”.
It is an abacus.
7 . a ) IIpoHHTaH TeKCT i nepeKJia^H fio r o Ha y K p a m c tK y M OBy.
16)|^aii BiflnoBifli Ha 3annTaHHH.
Petro was a lazy boy. He did not like to do his les­
sons. He didn’ t learn his English words either.
One day his English teacher asked him: “ Petro, what
is the English for ‘ KaHiKyjiH’ ?”
“ I don’ t know,” answered Petro.
“ Well, then, what is the English for ‘ 4)jioMacTep’ ? ”
“ I don’ t remember,” said Petro again.
“ What do you know then?” the teacher asked him.
“Tell me, what three words do lazy pupils usually say?”
“ I don’ t know,” was the answer.
“ Correct at last,” said the teacher.

lazy [’leizi] — juhhbhh, jiejja^iHH; to learn [la:n] — ymrm;

either [’aifla] — trkohcj to ask — 3amrryBaTH; What is
the English for...? — Hk 6y^e aHrjiiiicbKoio moboio?;
answer ['a:nsa] — BiflnoBiaaTH, BianoBifli,; again [a'gein]
— 3H O B y; to tell — C K a3aT H ; correct [ka'rekt] — npa-
bhjibhhh; at last — HapeinTi
1. Who was a lazy boy?
2. Why was Petro a lazy boy?
3. Are you a lazy boy (girl)?
4. Did Petro know the English words “ KamKyjin”
and “(J)jioMacTep”?
5. Do you rem ember what is the English fo r
“ KamKyjin” ?
6. And what is the English for “ 4>JiOMacTep” ?
7. What are three words of lazy pupils?
8. Do you like these words and do you often say
8.1 BuKO H aH s n p a s y 4 ( 6 ) 3 a 2 0 c e K y H f l , 4 ( b ) 3a 2 5 c e K y H fl.

cjiosa Ha aHr.niiicbKy M O B y , CKJia^H 3 ko>khhm 13

1 9 .[ I l e p e K J i a f lH
hhx no OAHOMy peneHHio i 3annmH i x :

n eH a ejib , o p a m K e B iiii, k a jiiK y j ih t o p ,

apnyin nanepy, KyjibKOEa py^ica.

yPOKM 2 4 - 2 5
bo o k ca se , r a d ia to r ,
ceilin g , p a il , mop

X. npO'iHTan CKOpOMOBKy 3a 5 ceKyHfl. riepeKJia^H ii Ha yKpa

lH C bK y M O B y .

Jack, be nimble,
Jack, be quick,
Jack, jump over
The candlestick.
nimble [nimbi] — c i i p h t h h h ; quick [kwik] —
MOTopHHii; over [ 'ouva] — ^epe3; a c a n d le s tic k
['keendlstik] — cBi^HHK

2. Po3KaJKH npo ctoroflHiniHio norofly.

3. IlocTaB HKOMora 6ijii>me 3anirraHB /jo pe^eHt.

1. Roman remembers the poem about the New Year.

2. Maria cleaned the blackboard in the morning.
3. I shall go to the park with my sketch-book and
pencils on Saturday.

4 . C n a jK H aHrjiincLKOK) moboio.

1. H 3Haio ijio fliBHHHKy, ajie He MOHcy npnra^aTH ii

2. HiHa naM*HTae Bci aHrjiiiicBKi Bipm i.
3 . MeHi xoTijiocH 6 CKa3aTH fleicijibKa cjiiB npo
noroay, ajie h He 3Haio cjiOBa “TyMaH” .
4. BiH xoTiB HaManiOBaTH ,n;iM, ajie y Hboro He 6yjio <£ap6.
5. 51 ,n;aM To6i CBiii KajibKyjiHTop 3aBTpa.
6 . Hnoro Kojibopy ijeii (JjjiOMacTep? — BiH opaH-
8 . X to Monce #aTH Mem apicym nanepy?

5. ripo^HTaii cjiosa 3 nepeKJia^oM, 3anmnH Ix y csifi cjiobhhk i


a bookcase [bukkeis] — a radiator ['reidieita] —

KHHHCKOBa m a$a, e T a n c e p n a ; SaT apen;

a ceiling [ si .Iiq] a pail [peil] a mop - -
— CTeJia; — Biflpo; rnBaSpa.


6 ) 3aK pH H JiiBy H iiC T im y B n paB H , n ep eK J ia flH 3 a n H ra H H fl Ha
a H r jiific b K y M osy n on p ocH cB oro eye aa no napTi
B iA H O B iC T H Ha H H X .

1. Do you have a bookcase Hii e y B a m o M y K J ia ci ( y

in your classroom (room)? TBO 'H K lM H a T i) KHHHCKOBa
2; Are there many books in y ijiii KHHHCKOBiii uia(J)i
this bookcase? 6araro khhhcok ?
3. How many radiators do C kuibkh 6aTapeii y tbgjh
you have in your room? p KiMHaTi?
4. Is it warm or cold in TenJio h h x o j i o a h o y Bn
your classroom (room) in rnoMy K.naci (y t b o j h i u m -
winter? H aT *) B 3 H M K y ?
5. What colour is the ceil­ Hnoro Kojibopy cTejifl?
6. Is the ceiling above or C t c j ih H a fl hh iiia cto -
below the table? JIOM?
7. Where is the floor? JXe nifljiora?
8. Do you have a pail in y BamoMy KJiaci (y tbo Yh
your classroom (room)? KiMHaTi) e Bi^po?
9. What colour is this HKoro K0JiB0py ije Bi^po?
10. Do you have a mop? y Bac (y Te6e) e in B a S p a ?
11. Where is the mop? fle mBaSpa?
12. Can you clean the floor Th. B M i e m npnSnpaTH
with a mop? n i^ jio r y 3a aonoM oroio
iH B a S p n ?

7. Oniimii M a jiK » H O K . BiiKopiicTaft 4>P&3 h: I can see ... I see ...


8. Hannran nifl ahktobky bhhtcjih.

1. Ctcjiji 6ijia, a nifljiora Kopn^meBa y HamoMy K Jiaci.

2. y H ac H eM ae m B a S p n b^ o m a .

3. y moih KHHHCKOBin ma<i)i 6araTO khhhcok Ta irpamoK.

4. H oro napTa He^ajieKO Bi,n; S a T a p e l .
|9.|a) r ip o H H T a ii cjiOBa Ta cjioBOcnojiyHeHHH aHrjimctKoio m o b o io
3a 20 ceKyHfl.

6) S a K p iin J iis y *iacTH H y B n p a e n i n epeK JiaA H c j i o s a Ta c j io b o -
cn o jiy n e H H H 3 a 2 5 ce K y H fl. I l e p e B i p c e 6 e .

1) a bookcase KHHjKKOBa ma(J)a

2) a big bookcase BejiHKa KHHHCKOBa ma(J)a
3) a bookcase in the cor­ KHHHCKOBa macjrn b KyT-
ner of the room Ky KiMHaTH
4) a shelf nOJIHIJH
5) many shelves 6araTO nojraijb
6) a shelf on the wall nojraijH Ha CTim
7) a radiator SaTapea
8) a white radiator under 6ijia 6aTapea ni^; b Ik h o m
the window
9) a hot radiator rapaHHH pafliaTop
10) a ceiling CTeJIH
11) a white ceiling 6ijia CTejia
12) on the ceiling Ha cTejii
13) above the floor Ha# ninjioroio
14) a pail Biflpo
15) a duster in the pail raHHipKa y Biapi
16) a broom and a mop .. BiHHK i mBaGpa
17) a mop near the door inBaSpa. 6ijia .^Bepen
| 1 0 .l3H a H flH c e p e f l 6yK B a j i ^ a s i T y m ic T b “ s a ^ D B a n K x ” c ji iB , HKi
M a ioT b 6yTH y kojkhIh K iM H aT i. 3amimn i'x.
j ecamyf looriqef gilds
[n ] BHKOHaii Bnpaey 3 ( 1 ) nncbMOBO.

yPOKM 2 6 -2 8 (PE3EPBH!)
flP y fA HBEPTb


1. a) IIpoMHTafi sipm i nepenjiaAH iioro Ha yKpai'HCbKy MOBy.

Ckejkh, mh Bi^noBi/iae iioro 3MicT cboroflHinraiii norofli.
6 ) IIepeMO>Ke t o h , x t o raBHflme BH B H iiT b Bipm H a n a M ’ jiT b .

Autumn, autumn, autumn!

The summer is over,
The trees are bare,
There’ s mist in the garden
And frost in the -air.

to be over [’ouva] — 3 a K iO T y B a T n c H ; bare [bea] — t o j ih h ;

mist — TyMaHj air [ea] — noBiTp^

2. Jla.ii BiflnoBifli Ha 3anHTaHHH.

1. How many seasons are there in a year?

2. What season is it now?
3. What month is it now?
4. Is it the last autumn month?
5. What were the first and the second
autumn months?
6. What will be the next month?
7. Will it be autumn or winter?
8. How many days does November have?
9. What can you say about today’ s weather?
10. Do you like November? Why?
3. a) 3aKiHH pe^eHHH.
6) Po3Ka>KH npo cboro/jHinmio noro^y, BHKopncTOByiOMH ni
1. Today is the ... of November.
2. November is the ... month of autumn.
3. The weather is ... today.
4. The sun ... brightly in the sky.
5. The sky is ...
6. The clouds are ...
7. The temperature is ... zero.
8. The leaves are ...
9. I ... today’ s weather.

4. a) n p o ^ H T a ii 3an n T aH H : a H r jiin c tK o io m o b o io i f la i l H a hhx

6 ) 3 & K p im jiiB y n a c T H H y B n p a B H , n e p e K jia ^ H 3annTaH H H Ha
a H r jiin c b K y MOBy i nonpocn cboto .c y c i f la no napTi
B iA n o B ic T H H a hhx 6 e 3 n iflr jiH fla H H H b K H H jK K y .

1. Did you spend your au­ T h npoBiB ociHHi KaHiKy­

tumn holidays in town or jiH b MicTi h h cejii?
in the village?
2. Where did you spend J\e th npoBiB cboi Kam-
your holidays? KyjiH?
3. Did you spend holidays T h n p oB iB K aH iK yjiH 3i
with your sister or bro­ CBoeio cecTpoio mh 6pa-
ther? TOM?
4. With whom else did 3 KHM ime TH npoBiB CBOI
you spend your holidays? KaHiKyjiH?
5. How many days did you Ck Ijibkh flniB y Te6e 6yjiH
have your holidays? KaHiKyjiH?
6. What was the weather HKa 6yjia noro,n;a nifl *iac
like on your holidays? tboix KaHiKyji?
7. Did you have a good T h ^;o6pe npoBiB n ac?
8. Did you go to the park Th xoflHB y napK mh 3oo-
or to the zoo? napK?
9. Did you play football, T h rp aBy $Yt 6 oji, 6 acKeT-
basketball or tennis? 6 oji TeHic?
10. What book did you Hicy KHH>KKy th npo^H-
read? TaB?
11. What else did you do II],o me th po6 hb nifl ^ac
on your holidays? KaHiKyji?
12. Did you like your au­ To6i cnoAo6ajiHca ociHHi
tumn holidays? K a m K y jiH ?

5. a) ripoMHTaiiTe fliajior TBapun y p o j i a x .

6 ) B i # iMeHi c b o i x nepcoHaJKiB po3Ka3KiTb, HKa nopa poKy
BaM noflo6aeTi»CH Hafi6ijibme i HOMy.



Cat : It rains today. I don’ t like rain. I’m going to sit

by the fire in the room.
D og : You can sit by the fire. I think the rain is nice. I
want to go to the garden.
Cat : I like the garden when the sun shines and it is
hot. I don’ t like autumn and grey sky. I like sum­
Squirrel : I like autumn because it brings me nice, brown
D og : Spring is the best season, I think. My master
goes for a long walks then, and takes me with
Squirrel : Spring is very nice, but I don’ t like winter
with its frost and snow.
Cat: I’ ll sit by the fire and drink hot milk then.

animal [’aemmal] — TBapHHa; talk [to:k] — p03M0Ba,

6eci,zja; I’m going — h 36Hpaioca, Maio HaMip; a fire
[faia] — BoroHt; nice — rapm iH ; a garden [ga:dn] —
caa, ropofl; a squirrel [’skwiral] — Sijnca; to bring —
npuHOCHTu; a master — rocnoflap; to go for a walk
[wo:k] — niTH noryjiHTH; to drink — iihth
6 . yTBopn 2—3 pe^eHHH 3 bhcjiobom I’m going to ... (H 36Hpaio-
ch, .h Maio HaMip) i 3amimH ix y 3ohiht.
|7.| HannniH KopoTKo, hk th npoBis ociHHi KaHiKyjiH. y nbOMy
To6i flOHOMOMcyTb 3anHTaHHH Bnpasn 4.

yPOKH 3 0 -3 1

tv begin , to be
ready , to be over ,
to study well

1. IlpoHHTaH i ckbjkh, n;o ne.

In this town (village) there is a street that you ,»< \v
very well.
There is a big house in that street.
There are many big rooms in that house.
There are many boys and girls in each room.
There is a blackboard on the wall in each room.
There is a table and a chair in each room too.
There are many books and exercise-books in the
There are pencil-boxes on each desk.
There are pens and pencils in the pencil-boxes.
What house is that?
each [i.tj] — kohchhh
2. IIocTaB flKOMora 6ijibme 3aniiTaHb flo pe^eHb i cKa>KH ix y
3anepemiiii $opMi.
1. v alya goes to school every day.
2. Valya went to school yesterday.
3. Valya will go to school tomorrow.

3. Ha n w r a n a H r jiin c b K o io m o b o io .

IIojihijh i KHHJKKOBa ma<})a, ctcjih i nifljiora, bIkho

i fiaTapen, flsepi i cTiHa, Bi^po i raHnipKa, inBa6 pa i
4. r i p o 'i H T a H c j i o B a i b h c j io b h 3 n e p e K J ia A O M , 3 a n n m n ix y c s ifi
c j io b h h k i 3 a n a M ’ H TaH :

to begin [bi'gin] — no^HHaTH, nonnHaTHca;

to be ready [' red i] — 6yTH totobhm;
to be over [ouva] — 3aKiHHyBaTHCH;
to study well — ,n;o6pe bhhthca.

3A nA M ’ HTAfi!
Past Indefinite b i r fliecjioBa
to begin — began

5 . a ) n p o 'i M T a i i p e n e iiH H .
6 ) 3 a K p n i i J iin y *ia c T H H y B n p a B i i i n e p e K J ia /jH p e ^ e H H H H a a H r -
jiiiicb K y Mosy.

1. Children, begin to write! fliTH, no^HHaiiTe mjcaTn!

2. Lida began to do her les­ Jlifla nonajia roTyBaTH
sons at five o’ clock. ypOKH o n’ jrriH roflHHi.
3. The first lesson begins IlepmHH ypoK no^HHa-
at half past eight. eTbca o niB Ha fleB’ jrry.
4. Shall I begin to read? IXo^HHaTH *IHTaTH?
5. The classroom is ready KjiacHa KiMHaTa roTOBa
for the lesson. AO ypoKy.
6. Are you ready? Th totobhh (bh roTOBi)?
7. I shall be ready in five H 6 yay roTOBa (roTOBHii)
minutes. 3a (*iepe3) h’ htb xbhjihh.
8. The lesson is over. Y P O K 3aK iH *£H B C H .
9. The rain was over yes­ /J o m 3a K iH *iH B C H (n e p e c -
terday. TaB i T n ) B * io p a .
10. The school will be over 3aHHTTH 3aKiH*iaTI>Cfl B
in May.

6 . a ) r ip o ^ H T a H TeK C T.

6 ) /Jail BiAnofiiAi Ha 3amiTaHHji.

At the English lessons the pupils read and write
English. They speak English too.
Every day when the lesson begins the teacher usu­
ally says, “Good morning, children!” The pupils an­
swer, “ Good morning!”
Then the teacher says, “Sit down please!”
And the pupils sit down.
At every lesson the teacher says, “Who is on duty
today?” The pupil on duty stands up and says, “ I am.”
Then the teacher asks, “ Who is absent? Is the class­
room ready for the lesson?”
And the pupil on duty answers.
But one day the teacher came in and asked, “ Who is
absent today?” The pupil on duty stood up and said, “ I
am.” The pupils and the teacher began to laugh.
When the lesson was over the teacher said, “ The
lesson is over. You are free.”

to answer [ ainsa] — BiflnoBiflaTH; to ask -r- 3anHTyBaTH\

to laugh [la:f] — cMiaTHca; to be free — 6yTH BijibHHM
1. When did you begin to study English?
2. What is your English teacher’ s name?
3. How many English lessons do you have every
4. What do you do at your English lessons?
5. What does your teacher say when the lesson be­
6. Who asks, “Is the classroom ready for the les­
7. What does the teacher say when the lesson is
8. What did the teacher say at the beginning of the
lesson one day?
9. Do you like your English lessons? Why?

7. IIpo^HTaHTe fliajior i nepe^aiiTe iioro b nap ax.

— Is Dmytro a good boy?

— Yes, he is.
— Why do you think so?
— I think so because he studies well, he is polite,
he often helps the pupils of our form to study Eng­
— And what about Oleh?
— Oleh doesn’ t study well. He doesn’ t listen to the
teacher, doesn’ t repeat after the teacher, doesn’t do
his lessons.
— I agree with you. He doesn’t want to study well
and he is an impolite boy.

[8T]Po3Ka>KH c b o i m pi^HUM, mo bh po6HTe Ha ypoKax aHrjiincbKoi


9. Hannmn no 0flH0My pe^eHHio 3i cjiOBaMH i bhcjiobrmh: to

begin, to be ready, to be over, to study well.

1lO .lBnKQHaH Bnpasy 5 (6) 3a 30 ceKyHfl.

yPO K H 3 2 - 3 3

1. npo^HTftHTe Bipm i nepeKJia/UTb iioro Ha yKpamctKy M o s y .

IlepeMOJKe toh, xto manAHie hhb^hti* iioro HapaM’ aTt.

Jack and Jill went up the hill,

To fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.

a hill —rop6, naropon; to fetch — h p h h o c h t h ; water

[’wo:ta] — BOfla; fell down — ynaB; broke his crown —
Ha6nB I'yjiio; came tumbling after — Bnajia, c n i T -
2. IIpoiiHTaHTe 6eciay h ’ hth y^His, hk' rpaioTt y mKojiy, i
BiflTBopiTb ii BiflnoBiflHo ao cHTyanii y BaraoMy KJiaci (P —

P I : Who is on duty today?

P2: I am.
P I: Who is absent?
P2: Myshko is absent.
P I : What’ s the matter with him?
P 2: I don’ t know exactly but I think he is ill.
P I: Is the classroom ready for the lesson?
P2: Yes, it is. The blackboard is clean, the duster is
wet, there is a piece of chalk on the blackboard. That’ s
why I think the classroom is ready for the lesson.
P3: You are not right. Look! The duster is not on
the blackboard, it is on the window-sill. The floor is
not clean. That’ s why I think the classroom is not ready
for the lesson.
P4: You are right. The classroom is not ready for
the lesson. Look, the pail is under the table, the mop
is under the first desk. There are pieces of paper un­
der the desks.
P 5 :1 want to add. The broom is on the radiator, the
map is in the corner of the classroom. Victor and Taras
are in the corridor. That’s why I say that the class­
room is not ready for the lesson.

3. B i/jnoB ifli Ha 3aiiHTaHHfi.

1. Do you often have English lessons?

2. Are you a pupil of the second form?
3. What do you do at your Ukrainian lessons?
4. Who is your Ukrainian teacher?
5. When did you begin to study Ukrainian?
6. Where does your friend live?
7. Why do you study English?
8. How many English books did you read?
3A n A M ’ HTAft!
3anHTaHHH 6yBaiOTB 3arajitHi i cneijiajitHi.
3arajn.Hi 3anHTaHHH BHMaraioTB Bi^noBi^i
“yes” (Tan) a6o “ no” (Hi).
HanpHKJiaA: 1 •Does she live in Kharkiv?
Y es, she does. (No, she doesnft.)
2. Is he a student?
Yes, he is. (No, he isn't.)
3. Can you speak English?
Y es, I can. (No, I can*t.)
Cnei^iajibHi 3anHTaHHH 3aB>K,n;H HOHHHaiOTBCH

what — mo; where — ,n;e, Ky^n;

who — x t o ; which — hkhh;
whom — Koro; how — hk;
why — HOMy; how many — ckLjibkh.
when — kojih;

HanpHKJiaA: i- When do you go to school?

2. What do you usually do in the evening?
3. Where is your bag?
4. How old is your mother?

4. a) ripo^HTafi TeKCT i nepeKJiaflu iioro Ha yKpamcbKy M O By.


The frog lived in a lake. It had two friends, two

big birds. But one day the birds wanted to go to an­
other lake.
“ My good friends, take me with you,” said the frog.
“ All right,” said one of the birds. “ Do you see this
stick? I shall take one end of the stick, my friend will
take the other end. And you must take the stick in
your mouth in the middle. But you must not speak!
Do not open your mouth!”

“All right!” said the frog. So one bird took one end
o f the stick in its beak. Another bird took the
other end. The frog took the stick in its mouth in the
And they flew to another lake. When they flew they
saw many children in the field. And the children saw
the birds too.
“ Oh, look!” they cried. “What is it? What are the
birds carrying? Is it a big clock?”
The frog opened the mouth and said: “ I am not a
clock! I am a frog!” And flop! The frog fell down to the
What a silly frog!

a lake — ©3ep'o; another b'riAOa] — iHinnn; all right

— rapa3fl; stick — najriniKa; an end — KiHen;i>; other
A$a] — lHmnit; ‘a month [mauG] — p o t ; in the middle
— nocepeflHHi; so — T a n , T a K H M h h h o m ; a beak [bi:k]
— # 31.06; flew [flu:] — nojieTijra; a field [fi:ld] — noJie,
jiyr; to cry — KpnnaTH; W hat are the birds carrying?
— I H o H e c y T b H T a m K H ? ; flop — m j i b o n , r e n ; silly —
fly p m r a

f>) 3HaHAH b TeKCTi i aanmnH aHrjiiiicbKoio mobpjo peneHHH, h»

BiAnoBi^atOTb Ha TaKi sannxaHJiH.

1. Hkhx Apy3iB Majia aca6a?

2. II],0 HaKa3ajiH nTamKH »ca6i?
3. Koro b o h h noGa^HJiH b noJii?
4. HoMy aca6 a Bnajia Ha 3eMjno?

b) /Jaft BiAnoBiAi Ha 3annTaHHH CKa3KH, HKi n;e 3anHiaHHH:

3arajn>Hi cneijia;ibHi.

1. Where did the frog live?

2. Where did the birds want to go?
3. Did the frog want to go with the birds?
4. Who took the stick in the mouth in the middle?
5. Did the children see the frog?
6. What did the children say?
7. Was it a clock?
8. Where did the frog fall?
r) Ilpo^HTaH nepeKa3 Ka3KH. Po3Ka^cn il 3MicT.


The frog lived in a lake. Her friends, two birds,
wanted to go to another lake. The frog wanted to go
with them too.
So the frog took the stick in its mouth in the middle.
The birds took the ends of the stick in the beaks and
they flew to another lake.
They saw children in the field. The frog wanted to
say, “ I am not a clock, I am a frog.” It opened its
mouth and fell down to the ground. What a silly frog
was it!
57|a) IIpo^HTaH TeKCT i nepeKJia^n iioro Ha yKpa'iHCbKy MOBy.
6) Cno*iaTKy flaii mictMOBi BiflnoBi/u Ha 3arajibHi 3annTaHHfl,
HOTiM — Ha cneqiajiBHi.


“Sam,” said his father, “ put on your cap and coat
and let us go for a walk.”
Sam was happy. He liked to go for a walk with his
father. He put on his cap and coat and said, “ Father, I
am ready.”
Sam and his father went out into the street. Sud­
denly they saw a big black dog. The dog began to bark.
Sam was afraid of the dog. He wanted to go home. His
father said, “ Don’ t be afraid, Sam, don’t you know
the proverb: “A barking dog does not bite?”
“Oh, yes,” said Sam, “ I know the proverb, you know
the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb?”

to bark — raBKaTn; to bite — KycaTH; to put on —

ofliiraTH; a coat [kout] — najitTo; let us — flaBan; to go
for a walk — ryjiHTn; suddenly ['sAdnli] — panTOM; to
be afraid [a'freid] of — 6 o h t h c h ; don’t you know —
xi6a t h He 3Haem; a proverb ['provab] — n p n cjiiB ’n
1. Who went for a walk?
2. Was Sam happy?
3. Did Sam and his father see a big black cat?
4. Who began to bark?
5. Was Sam afraid of the dog?
6. Where did Sam want to go?
7. Did Sam know the proverb: A barking dog does
not bite?
8. Do you know this proverb now?
b) 3anaM’ HTaft npncjiiB’ n “A barking dog does not b ite ”
(“ Co6aica, hkhh raBKae, H e KycaeTbCfl” ).

yPOKH 3 4 -3 5

t i d y , u n t i d y , well-­
bred, ill-bred, to push,
to run, to run about

1. IIpoMHTaii TpaHCKpmmiio i Hannmn BiflnosiAHi cjiosa.

3pa30K: [d a :k ] — [d A k ] — dark — duck,

[mem] — [maen], [flen] — [Qaet], [red] — [raet],
[kAp] — [kaep], [ba:d] — [bed], [ma] — [tjea].
2. B hkohah BnpaBH 5(6) i 5(b) n o n e p e flH b o r o y p o K y .

3 . P o 3 K a ^ C H , H K a c b o r o flH i n o r o A a .

4 . r ip o M H T a ii c j i o B a 3 n e p e K J ia A O M , 3 a n n m n i x y O B ift c j i o b h h k i
tidy [’taidi] — oxaHHHH (-a, -e, -i), hhcthh (-a, -e, .-i),
aKypaTHHH (-a, -e, -i); untidy [AiVtaidi] — HeoxanHnn
(-a, -e, -i), HenpH6paHHH (-a, -e, -i); w ell-bred — Ao6pe
BHXOBaHHH (-a, -e, -i), iJpe^HHH (-a, -e, -i); ill-bred —
noraHO BHXOBaHHH (-a, -e, -i), HeBHxoBaHHH (-a, -e, -i),
rpy6nn (-a, -e, -i); to push [puj] — mTOBxaTH, mTOB-
xaTHca; to run [rAn] — 6iraTH, 6irTH; to run about —
MeTymHTHCfl, rpaTHCji, 6aBHTHca.

3A n A M ’ HTAfi!
Past Indefinite bir AiecjiOBa
to run — ran

5. a) Iipo'iHTaH pe'ieHHH 3 n e p e K J ia flO M .

6) 3aKpHH npaBy *iacTHHy BnpaBH i nepeKJia^H pe'ieHHH Ha

yKpai'HCbKy MOBy.
b) 3aKpHH Jiiay *iacTHHy BnpaBH i nepeKJia^H pe^eHHa Ha
aHrjiiiicbKy M O B y.

1. She is a very tidy girl. BoHa ffyyxe anypaTH a ,n;iB-

H H H K a.
2. I like tidy children. Mem noAo6aioTi>CH oxan-
Hi fliTH.
3. Pavlyk is an untidy IlaBJIHK — HeOXaHHHH
boy. XJIOnTOK.
4. Why are you so un­ HOMy TH TaKHH Heoxan-
tidy? HHH?
5. I think Slavko is well- H ayMaio, mo C jia B K O flo6-
bred because he studies pe B H X O B & H H H , TOMy TJ^O
well, he is tidy and polite. B iH flo6pe B^HTBCa, B iH
O X aH H H H i B B n U IH B H H .
6. Borys is an ill-bred boy. BopHC H eB H X O B aH H H XJIO-
7. Ihor, push the door and Irope, mTOBXHH flBepi, i th
you will open it. ix.
8. He is ill-bred because he BiH noraHO BHxoBaHHH, 6o
pushes the girls. mTOBxae AiBHaTOK.
9. Do you like to run in Th jno6nm 6 i r a T H b nap-
the park? — Yes, I do. Ky? — Tan.
10.* Our teacher doesn’ t Hamm yHHTejibiji He noflo-
like when the boys run 6aeTbCH, kojih xjioh^hkh
about in the classroom. MeTymaTbca (6iraiOTb) b

6. 3anHTafiTe o^He oflHoro aHrjiincBKoio moboio i flaiiTe Bi^noBi^i,

xto y KJiaci ox&hhhh, HeoxairanH, r'pe^HHH, HeBH-
B am oM y
xoBaHHH, BBiMjiHBHH, HessiMjihbhh; xto 6irae, CTpnGae,
mTOBxaeTBCH, MeTynmTBca nifl Mac nepepB.

3pa30K: Who likes to jump in the classroom and

in the corridor? — Pavlyk does.

7. Hanmnn, HKi 3 nepepaxosaHiix y snpasi 6 pnc npHTaMaH-

Hi To6i.
3pa30K: I am polite . I study well. I don't run
about in the classroom ...

8. a) npomrraHTe fliajiorn b napax.

6) 3aKpnHTe Jiisy MacTHHy /jiajioriB i BiflTBOpiTB ix aHr-

1) — Is Artur tidy? — ApTyp aKypaTHHH?

— Yes, he is. — TaK.
— Is he well-bred? — BiH f l 06p e B H X O B a ­
— Yes, he is. — Tan.
— Why do you think — H oM y TH T a K B B a -
so? 'H c a e m ?
— I think so because — H Tan BBaHcaio to-
he doesn’ t push the girls, My, mo B iH He m T O B xae
doesn’ t run about in the fliB^aTOK, He 6irae b K J ia ­
classroom and in the cor­ ci H KOpHflOpi. BiH B B W -
ridor. He is polite and JIHBH H i O X a H H H H .

2) — Is Myshko tidy? — M H m K O O XaH H H H ?

— Oh, no, he is un­ — O H i, B iH H eoxan-
tidy. His books and exer- HHH. fto r o KH HJKKE i 3 0 -

cise-books are dirty, his m HTH G p y flH i, pyKH y

hands are often dirty too. H t o r o TeH c n a c T O C p y f l H i .
— Is he well-bred? — BiH tpe^HHH?
— No, he isn’ t. He is — Hi. BiH noraHO bh-
an ill-bred boy. X O B aH H H XJIOHHHK.
— Why do you think — HoMy th TaK ayMa-
so? em?
— He pushes the girls — BiH mTOBxae fliB^ia-
and the boys, runs about tok i xjioOTHKiB, 6irae i
and jumps in the class­ cTpnCae b KJiaci i Kopn-
room and in the corridor. flopi.
He is impolite and he BiH HeBBi^uiHBHH i no-
doesn’t study well. That’ s raHO HaB^aeTtcH. Oct
why I think he is an ill- *iOMy h flyMaio, m,o BiH
bred boy and a bad pupil. HeBHxoBaHHH xjioneijt i
noraHHH y^iem*.

9.|BHKOHaH Bnpasy 5 (6) 3a 30 ceicyHfl, 5 ( b ) — 3a 35 ceicyHfl.

11 0 . 1 i H a n H D IH , XTO 3 IJHX fliT G H O X& H H H H , a
xto H c o x flH H H H , xto /jo6pe B H xoBAH H H , a xto noraHo BHXO-
3pa»oic: Stepan is ll-bred.

------ — I

Denys Maryna

Dmytro and Iryna Lida

yPOKM 3 6 -3 7

behaviour , to be
satisfied with

1. IIpbBHjiBHO npo'iHTaft He3HanoMi To6i cjiosa 3a 15 ceKyH^:

[a:] heart, hard, star, lark, large, guard, cart, darn,

mark, tart;
[ai]: pie, side, rye, line, fly, lie, guy, sigh, bike,
2. B H K O H a ii B n p a s y 10 nonepeflHboro ypoKy.

3. a) IIpo*iHTaH TeKCT i nepeKJia^H Horo Ha yKpamcbKy M osy.

6)»CKamH, x t o 3 f liT e ii ,n;o6pe b h x o b &h h h , a x t o noraHo, i
*iOMy th TaK flyMaem.


It was a cold winter day. A boy and a girl were
going home from school. An old woman was walking
in front of them. It was very slippery in the street.
The old woman fell down.

“ Take my books,” said the boy and he gave his bag
to the girl. He ran quickly up to the old woman and
helped her to get up.
When the boy came back the girl asked him, “ Is
that old woman your granny?”
“No, she isn’ t.”
“ Then she must be your aunt or your mother’ s
“ No, she isn’ t,” answered the boy. “She is iust an
old woman,”

only [’ounli] — jinme; a woman /wuman] — jKijaica; were

going — HmjiH; in front of — n o n e p e A y ; fell down —
Bnajia; quickly [’kwikli] — i h b h a k o ; back — na3aA; to
ask — 3aniiTyBaTH; a granny — 6a6ycn; must be —
Mae 6yTH; to answer [crnsa] — BiAnoBiAaTH; just [d3Ast]
— npocTo

4. a) IIpoMHTaH, 3annmrT y c b ih c j io b h h k i 3anaM*HTaii:

a behaviour [bi'heivja] — noBe/uHKa; to be satisfied with

[saBtisfaid] — Gyro 3a^,OBOjremiM (- 010, -hmh) ^ihmocb, khm ocb.

6) ITpo^HTaii cjiOBOcnojiy^eHHH i pe*ieHHH ft nepeKJia^n ix Ha
yKpaiHCBKy MOBy.
A good behaviour, a bad behaviour, his behaviour,
N ina’ s behaviour, pupils’ behaviour. I don’ t like his
behaviour. Her behaviour is good. Do you like Tolya’ s
to be satisfied with him, to be satisfied with her,
to be satisfied with them. I am satisfied with Olya.
The teacher was satisfied with the pupils on duty.
Roman’ s mother was not satisfied with his behaviour.
Are you satisfied with them? — Yes, I am. (No, I am
b) Ckrjkh aHrjiiiicBKoio moboio.
1. H 3aflOBOjieHa lOpKOM.
2. y^HTeJIfc 3aflOBOJieHHH TeTHHKOlO.
3. H 3aflOBOJieHHH Mhkojikoio, T O M y mo fioro noBe-
fliHKa #o6pa.
4. fl He 3aflOBOJieHHH OjieKcoio, 6o noro noBe^iHKa
5. HiHa CTenaHiBHa He 3a,a;0B0JieHa *ieproBHMH, TOMy
mo vomica Spy^Ha.
6 . Mh He 3 aflOBOJieHi CTenaHOM, 6o Horo noBefliHKa
flyHce noraHa. BiH 6irae i CTpn6ae b KJiaci. *
7. Mem noflo6aeTtcH JIio6HHa noBefliHKa, TOMy mo
BOHa flonoMarae MajieHtKHM fliTHM.
8. Im He noflo6aeTtca MapKOBa noBe^iHKa, 6o BiH
mTOBxae fliBHaTOK.
5. Hannnra aHrjiiftci»Koio moboio ni# ahktobky BHHTejiH.

1. Irop HeoxanHHH i noraHO BnxoBaHHH xjiommK.

2. Jlifla flo6pe HaB^aeTtcn. BoHa BBWjiHBa i I'peraa.
3. yTOTejifc He 3aflOBOJieHHH noBe^iHKOH) Bacnjin,
6o BiH 6irae b KJiaci.
6. а) P o3K am H TeK C T “Only an old woman” cbotm piflHHM.
б) HanrnnH a H r jiiiic b K o io m o b o io :

1. XjiommK i fliBHHHKa hjujih flOflOMy 3i hekojih.

2. BiH flonoMir cTapin Hdmji niflBecTHcn.
3. BoHa npocTO cTapa HciHKa.
4. H 3aflOBOjieHHH noBefliHKOK) ijfcoro xjiorranica.

yPOKM 3 8 - 3 9

1. IIpo*iHTaH i HanrnnH cjiosa b aji^asiTHOMy nopa/iKy:

tidy, run, abacus, well-bred, behaviour, push, un­

tidy, ill-bred, radiator, calculator, pencil-sharpener,
orange, draw, mop, word, lesson, study, over.
2. a) Bi/inoBifli Ha 3anHTaHHH.

1. What day is it today?

2. What month is it now?
3. Is it spring or summer now?
4. Is the weather fine today?
5. Does the sun shine brightly?
6. What colour is the sky?
7. Do you see many clouds in the sky?
8. What can you say about trees and flowers?
9. What is the temperature today?
10. Do you like today’ s weather? Why do you like it
(Why don’ t you like it)?
6) Po3KamH npo cboro/iHimHio noroay.

3. a) npo^HTafi pe*ieHHH i 3aKiHH saiiHTaHHfl.

1. The classroom was not ready for the lesson.
Was ...
What was not ...
2. The teacher likes Nick’ s behaviour.
Does ...
Who ...
What does ...
3. Roman will run in the park after his lessons.
Will ...
Who ...
What will ...
Where ...
When ...
6) Cica>KH pe'ieHiia b 3anepeMHifi (JiopMi.

1. He is tidy and polite.

2. I was satisfied with Katya’ s behaviour.
3. She will do her lessons in the evening.
4 . a) I lp o M H T a H T e 6 e c i,n ;y a H r ji m c B i c o i o m o b o io .

6 ) 3 a K p n H T e j i i a y M a c T H H y B n p a B H i n e p e K J ia /u T B i i H a a H r -
jiiiic b K y M O By.

1) — Do you like Makar’ s — To6i noflo6aeTbCH Ma-

behaviour? K a p o B a n o B e f li H K a ?

2) — No, I don’ t. — Hi.

1) — Why? — HoMy?
2) — I don’ t like his beha­ — Mem He noflo6aeTBCH
viour because he jumps fioro noBefliHKa, Toaiy^mo
in the classroom and B iH C Tpn6ae b K J ia c i i
pushes the girls. m T O B x a e ^ iB ^ a T O K .
1) — Does he study well? — BiH floGpe B^HTbCH?
2) — No, he doesn’ t. He — H i. BiH He b h h t b c h
does not study well be­ ,n;o6pe, 6o BiH He cjiyxae
cause he doesn’ t listen B^HTejiH i He noBTopioe 3a
to the teach er and B^HTejieM.
doesn’ t repeat after the
3) — I agree with you. — H noroflHcyiocH 3 to-
6 o ig .
4) — But I don’ t agree — Ajie h H e noroflHtyiocji
with you. Makar lis­ 3 BaMH. Manap cjiyxae
tens to the teacher, he B^jHTejia, e: h noBTopioe
repeats after him, he 3a h h m , roTye ypoKn, ajie
does his lessons, but he BiH He MOJKe 3anaM’ HTaTH
can ’ t rem em ber the CJTIB.
5. a) IlpoHHTaH TeKCT Hairaara moth^h 3anHTaHHH,
flo H b o r o
HKi 6 po3noHHHajiHca cjioBaMH: Did, Who, When, What.


Long, long ago there lived a man who had no fam­

ily, He had no wife and no children. He had only a cat.
The man liked his cat very much and the cat liked the
man too. Every day when the man had dinner the cat
sat on a chair at the table. The cat had its plate and

the man always put some meat or f sh into the cat’ s

plate. Sometimes he gave the cat some soup or milk
with some bread on it. One day the cat came into the
room and put a large rat into the m ar’ s plate. You
see, the cat wanted to thank the mar for the food that
the man had given it every day for a number of years.

wife [waif] — flpyncHHa; only — t l j ib k h ; every —

k o h c h h h ; its — c b o io ; always [ o:lwaz] — 3aBHCfln; some
— Tpoxn; meat — m ’h c o ; soup [su:p] — cyn; bread
[bred] — xjii 6 ; large [Ia;d3] — b c j ih k h h ; you see —
po 3yMieTe; food — k a ; had given — flaBaB

1 6 .[ B n K Q H aH B n p a o y 3 ( 6 ) nncbM O B O .

|-7.| a) Hannnra *iothph 3anHTanaa pe^eHHH.

My father watches TV every evening.

6) HannraiT pe*ieHHH b 3anepeMH<ii (JmpMi.

1. We were in Ivano-Frankivsk last summer.

2. I want to spend my holidays at home.
3. Ruslan will go to the zoo on Tuesday.

8.| Po3Ka>KH cbo:. w p in hum, ana noro/ia 6yBae B oceH H . Ohh-

m n c B o r o fln im H io noro^y. IIo flo G a e T b C H BoH a To6i hh H i?

yPOKH 4 0 -4 1

a n im a l, m o n k ey,
squirrel, hare, do
mestic, wild

1. IIpoMHTaH 3HanoMi To6i cjiosa i nepeKJiaAH i’x Ha yKpamcbKy

M O By:

cat, dog, cow, horse, rabbit, fox, hen, cock, rat,

duck, frog, mouse, chicken, fish, kitten, bird, pig,
puppy, bear.
2. 3an«Tan cBoro cycifla 3a napToio, hkj a nepejii'ieHHX BHiqe
TBapHH hh nTaxiB y Hboro e. BiH Mae To6i BiflnoBicTH. IIoTiM

3pa30K: Do you have a horse?

No, I don't.
Have you a bird?
Yes, I have.

3. IlpoMHTaH cjiooa 3 nepeKJiaflOM, aaim m u ix y cbiii cjiobhhk i

3anaM’ aTaii:

a monkey [mArjki] a squirrel [’skwiral] a hare [hea]

— MaBna; — 6ijnca; — 3aen;b;
an animal [’asnimal] — TBapnHa; domestic [da'mestik] —
cBiiicbKHH (-a, -e, -i); wild [waild] — ahkhh (-a, -e, -i).

4 . a ) r ip o H H T a ii c jio B a , c jio B O c n o jiy n e H H H i p e n e H H H a H r j i i i i c t K o i o

M O B O IO .

6 ) 3 a K p n f i J iiB y ^ a c T H H y B n p a B H i n e p e K J ia ^ n c j i o B a , c j io b o -

c n o jiy ^ e H H H i p en eH H H H a a H r jiin c fc k y M O B y.

1 a monkey MaBna
2 a gay monkey B e c e jia M a B n a
3 a squirrel 6ijiKa
4 a fine squirrel rapHa 6 ijiica
5 a hare 3 a e u ,b
6 a rabbit and a hare k p o j i h k i 3 a e ii;b
7 many grey hares 6 a r a T O c i p n x 3aH U ,iB
8 an animal TBapHHa
9 a wild animal Anna TBapnHa
10 a domestic animal CBiHCbKa TBapnHa
11 The monkeys like to M a B n n j h o S j i h t b rp aT H C H
play and jump) i cTpnSaTH .
12) I saw a red squirrel in H Sa^HB pyA y Sijio^K y b
the park) napny.
13) A hare is a wild animal 3aen,B — flHKa TBapnHa,
and a rabbit is a domestic a k p o j i h k — CBiiicbKa.

5. H a3B H a H r / i i i k t. ow cnonaTKy C B ific b K H X TBapHH,

m o b o io a
n o T iM — flH K H x (^hbhci* MaJiiQHOK Ha c T o p i H n i 8 3 ) .

G. HannniH aHrjiiucbKoio m o b o io .

1. Kopobh i K O H i HCHByTb y cejii.

2. BaraTo co6an i k o t I b 5K H B yTb y M i c T i .
3. Th 6a*mB MaBny i 3ann,H b 3 0 0 n a p K y ?
4. E L jik h jiio S jiH T b ropixH.
7. Bhcjiob cyMHis 3 npHBOAy nonyToro.
3 pa30K: — Cows live in town.
— Do cows live in town? They live in
the village.
— I don't agree with you . They live in
the village.

1. Monkeys live in the houses.

2. Squirrels live in the ponds.
3. Hares live in the trees.
4. Cats live in the dog-houses.
5. Horses live in the streets.
6. Fishes live in the park.
J B h ko h eh BnpaBy 4 (a) 3a 2 5 ceKyHfl, 4 (6) 3a 3 0 ceKyHfl.

19.|BHKOHaH BnpaBy 5 iihcbmobo .

yPOKH 42-43

lion, tiger , wolf , croco­

dile, elephant , giraffe

1. IIpoHHTaHTe Bipm “ The Zoo” i nepeKJia^iTb fioro Ha yKfJaiHCbKy

MOBy. llepeMOHce to h , x to mBH^ine bhb^ihtb iioro HanaM*HTi>.


I like to go to the zoo,

To the zoo, to the zoo!
Come with me to the zoo,
To the zoo, to the zoo!
A zebu lives in the zoo,
In the zoo, in the zoo!
A zebra lives there tpo,
In the zoo, in the zoo!

a zebu [’zi:bu:] — 3e6y (flOMammn 6hk 3 HeBejiHKHM

r o p 6 o M Ha 3arpHBKy); a zebra [ zi:bra] — 3e6pa

2. IIocTaB yci mo^kjihbI 3anHTaHHH ,50 pe^eHb.

1. This monkey will live in the zoo.

2. Kostya saw a white hare in winter.
3. Tanya has two birds in her room.
3. 3aimTaH ceoro cycifla no napii, kojih i fle am 6aHHB Masny,
6iJiKy, 3annH, jiHcnnio i BeflMeflH. BiH Mac BUjnoBicTH.

3p*aoK: — When did you see a bear?

— I saw a bear last summer.
— Where did you see it?
— I saw it at the zoo.
4. npo^HTaii cjiosa 3 nepeKJia^oM, 3anmnH y cBiii cjiobhhk i

a lion [’laian] a tiger [’taiga] a w o l f [wulf] —

— ji e B ; — T n rp; bobk ;
a crocodile an elephant a giraffe
['krokodail] — [’elifant] — [dji:'ra:f] —
K p O K O flH J i; c j io h ; >KHpa«J)a.

MnoMciiHa s i# iMemmica
a wolf — wolves [wulvz]

5. a) IIpoHHTaH cjioBa, cjioBocnojiyweHHH i peneHHH aHrJiificLKoio

6) 3aKpHH Jiisy *iacTHHy BnpaBH i nepeKJia^M c j i o B a , c j io b o -

cnojiyqeHHfl i peneHHfl Ha ynpaiHCLKy MOBy.

1) a lion and a tiger jieB i Tirrp

2) a bad wolf noraiinn bobk

3) a crocodile kpokoah ji

4) a big elephant BeJIH KH E CJIOH

5) a giraffe sKHpatJja, jKHpatJ)

6)1 saw a lion and a tiger H Sa^HB jiesa i THrpa b

in the zoo. 300napKy.

7) A wolf looks like a dog. B obk cxohchh Ha coGaicy.
8) Crocodiles live in Africa K p O K O flH J IH JKH ByTL B
[’aefrika] and America A(J)pmji Ta AMepnijL

9) There was a little bird Ha BejiHKOMy cjiom cnfli-
on the big elephant. jia MajieHbKa nTamna.
10) This giraffe is very IJh 3KHpa<|>a aynce BncoKa.
11) Lions, tigers, wolves, JleBH, THrpn, BOBKH, KpO-
crocodiles, elephants and KO£HJIH, CJIOHH i HCHpa(J)H
giraffes are wild animals. — ffHKi TBapHHH.
12) You can see these ani- T h M O H cem n o 6 a xiH T H d ;h x

m3als in the zoo. TBapHH y 300napKy.

6. H annm n c j io b r b a jn J m siT H O M y n o p a / j K y :

li(5n, giraffe, bear, monkey, crocodile, hare,

elephant, fox, tiger, squirrel, wolf.

7. Ckejkh, HKoro Kojibopy MoncyTt 6yTH n i TBapHHH: KiHb, c j i o h ,

KopoBa, MaBna, 3 a e n b , k p o j i h k , B e flM iflb , KpoKOflHji, 6ijiKa,
jiH C H n a , }KHpa4>a, THrp, JieB, b o b k , co6aKa.

3pa30K: An elephant is grey.

A hare is white or grey.
A hare can be white or grey.

~s] a) IIpo'iHTaH TeKcT i nepeKJia^H fioro Ha yKpamcbKy MOBy.

6 ) flail HHCbMOBi BiAnoBi^i Ha 3anHTaHHH.


On Sunday Vira went to the zoo. She went there

with her father, mother and a little brother. They saw
many birds and animals at the zoo.
Vira liked an elephant very much. It was big, strong
and very kind. They saw also a wolf, a tiger, a lion, a
giraffe, a Crocodile, a white bear and a brown bear.
Little bears were very funny. They ran, jumped and
played with a ball.

Vvra saw monkeys too. They also played, jumped

and cried loudly. Little children were very glad to
watch them. Children like to go to the zoo.
Vira and her family had a good time at the zoo.

strong — kind — floSpun, c j i a B H n i i ; also

c h j ib h h h ;
[’ d :Is o u ] — T aK O H c; funny ['fAni] — 3 a 6 a B H H H , c m i i d h h h ;
to cry — K p n ^ ia T H ; loudly [ laudli] — t o j i o c h o ; to watch
— cnocTepiraTH
1. Who went to the zoo?
2. What did they see there?
3. Why did Vira like an elephant?
4. What did monkeys do?
5. Did Vira’ s family have a good time at the zoo?

yPO K H 4 4 - 4 5

cage, neck, forest,

river, funny, clever

1 . P o 3 K a ?K H n p o c b o r o f l H i m H i o n o r o ,n ;y .

2. CnajKH, HKa TBapnHa (cBificbKa hh #HKa) To6i no,ao6aeTbCH

riaiiGijibme, i ughchh, *u>My. Po3Ka>KH Bee, mo th npo Hei

3. IIpo^iHTaH c j io b e 3 nepeKJiaAOM, aanm nH ix y c B iii c j iq b h h k


a cage [keida] — K J iiT K a ; a neck [nek] — uihh;

a forest ['fonst] — Jiic; a river [nva] — pinna;

funny [fAm] — 3a6aBHHH (-a, -e, -i), cMimHHH

(-a, -e, -i); clever [’kleva] — po3yMHHH (-a, -e, -i).

4 . a ) I I p o ^ iH T a H c j i o B o c n o j i y ^ e H H a T a p e n e H H a , n e p e K J ia ^ H i'x H a
y K p a i’H c b K y M o s y .
6 ) C K J ia ^ H n o o flH O M y p e n e H H io 3 k o jk h h m c jio b o m .

A big cage, a small cage, a good cage, a bad cage, in

the cage, on the cage, under the cage, near the cage,
between the cages. Lions and tigers in the zoo are in
the cages. The rabbits live in the cage near the house.
A long neck, a short neck, a clean neck, a dirty
neck, his neck, her neck. A giraffe has a long neck.
Mykolka, wash your hands and the neck!
A green forest, a big forest, a small forest, a thick
forest, a thin forest, in the forest, near the forest,
many forests. My grandfather and grandmother live
in the village not far from the forest. Maksym likes to
ski in the forest with his father and mother.
A long river, a short river, a clean river, a dirty
river, many rivers, at the river, in the river, between
the forest and the river. Dnipro is a big and fine river.
A crocodile lives in the river.
A funny toy, a funny boy, a funny girl, a funny
monkey, a funny kitten, a funny puppy. Little tigers
are very funny. I can see a funny boy in this picture.
A clever man, a clever student, a clever pupil, a
clever boy, a clever girl, a clever dog, a clever elephant.
Our teacher is very clever and good. I like monkeys
because they are funny and clever.

5. Ckhhch aHrjiiHCBKoio moboio.

1. MajieHbKa nTamna Heme b MajieHBKin KjiiTiji.

2. y Koro flyHce flOBra mna?
3. y ijBOMy jiici 6araTo hjihh i cocoh.
4. K pokoahjih He ttCHByTB y Hanmx pinKax.
5. EypaTiHO flynce cMimHHH, 6o y HBoro flOBrnH Hie.
6. Min co6aica flynce po3yMHira, ajie BiH He B M ie po3-

6. Harmnm BinnoBi/ji Ha 3anHTRHHH.

1. Is there a cage with birds in your classroom?

2. Has a cock a long or short neck?

3. Do domestic animals live in the forest?

4. Who lives in the river?
5. Do you like to read funny books?

7 . P o 3 y * iH n i c H i o n p o K e H r y p y i a a c n i B a n i"i p a 3 0 M 3 y * u r r e ji e M .

Come with me to the zoo, zoo, zoo,
To see kangaroo, roo, roo;
Watch him walk with a jump, jump, . ump!
As he goes along with a bump, bump, bump!

a k a n g a r o o [kaenga'ru:] — KeH rypy; t o w a lk [wo:k] —

^ o a h t h , ryjiHTu; as [sez] — TOfli, k o jih ; a lo n g [a'lor)] —
Bnepefl; a b u m p — CTyK

f § ] npo^HTaii i nepeKJiaAH 3araflKH. KopoTKi nwcbMOBi

B ifln o B ifli H a 3 a n n r a H H H .

3pa30K: I have spots on my back and
a very long neck. What am I ?
— You are a giraffe.
1. I am yellow and black and have stripes on my
back. What am I?
2. I am big and grey and have a long trunk. What
am I?
3 . 1 have long ears and a short tail. The big animals like
to eat me and I am afraid of them. What am I?
4. I am big and brown. I like berries and mush­
rooms. Children are afraid of me. What am I?\
a spot — njiHMa; a back — cmraa; a stripe — cMyra; a
trunk [trArjk] — x o 6 o t ; an ear [la] — B y x o ; a tail
[teil] — XBicT; to eat [i:t] — i c t h ; to be afraid [a'freid] —
GoHTHca; a berry — aro,a;a; a mushroom — rpn6

yPOK 46

1. Ilpo^HTaH B i p m 3a 10 cenyHA. IlepeKJiaAH iioro Ha yKpaiHCbKy

M O By.
Deedle, deedle dumpling
My son John,
.He went to bed with his stockings on.
t One shoe o ff
And one shoe on,
Deedle, deedle dumpling
My son John.
• a son — chh ; a stocking — namoxa; a shoe [|u:] — nepeBHK
2. Bhcjicb c y M H iB , ck r jk h , xto ije HacnpaBfli.
w3 p a 3 0 K : — This is a lion.
— Is this a lion? You are not right.
I am sure it’s a tiger.

1. This is a lion.

4. This is a monkey. 5. This is an elephant. 6. This is a crocodile.

3. IlocTaB HKoMora 6ijii>me 3anHTaHb ro KCWKHoro pe^ieHHH.

1. This green crocodile lives in the river.

2. Two little monkeys played and jumped in the
3. They will go to the forest next Sunday.
4. a) IlpoHHTaH TeKCT i nepeKjiaflit Horo Ha yKpamcbKy MOBy.

A little monkey lived in a cage wi.th her mother.
The cage stood in the zoo.

The monkey’ s name was Happy. Happy ran up and

down in her cage and looked at the children. Children
liked Happy. Every day they stood near her cage, looked
at her and gave her many apples and sweets.
One day Happy sat still in her cage. She didn’t run,
she didn’t jump, she didn’t look at the children. She
had a bad toothache.
Her mother went to the doctor.
“ Happy has a bad toothache,” she said.
“ I must see Happy,” said the doctor.
He came to see the little monkey. “ Open your
mouth,” said the doctor.
Happy opened her mouth.
“ Now I see,” said the doctor. “ I can help you but
you must not eat many sweets.”

The doctor helped Happy and she jumped in her

cage again.

stood — cTOHJia; sweets — ijyicepKii, cojiofloin;i; she

had a bad toothache [ tu:0eik] — y Hei* jsyme 6 ojiijm
3y 6 n; must — n o B H H e H ; a mouth [mau0 ] — p o t ; to eat
[i:t] — i c t h ; again [a'gem] — 3 H O B y
6) /I,rm BiAnosiAi Ha 3anHTaHHH.

1. Who lived in a cage?

2. Where was the cage?
3. What was the monkey’ s name?
4. What did Happy do in her cage?
5. Who stood near the cage every day?
6. What did children give her?
7. Why did Happy sit still one day?
8. Where did her mother go?
9. Did the doctor come to see the little monkey?
10. Did he help Happy?
b) IIpo^HTaH nepeKa3 TencTy. Po3KaJKH fioro 3MicT.


A little monkey lived in the zoo. Her name was

Happy. Happy was very gay and funny. She liked chil­
dren and children liked Happy. Happy liked apples and
sweets. One day Happy was very sad because she had a
bad toothache. But the doctor came and helped Happy.
She was gay and happy again.
5. yBara! Tpa “Where Does It Live?*

y^HTejib cTaBHTb 3anHTaHHH “Where does it live?” i oApa3y

jk, SBepTaio'iHCb ao KojKHoro rpaBUH no *iep3i, Ha3HBae 6yfli»-
HKy TBapHHy, nTaniKy, pn6y. BiAnoBiAi cJiiA AftsaTH hibhako.
Toii, xto noMHJiHBCH, Bn6yBae 3 rpn.

3 pa 30K: — Where does a wolf live?

— It lives in the forest.
— Where does a fish live?
— I t lives in the river.


1. ITpoMHTaiiTe p03M0By B^HTejia 3 y^HHMH npo roTOBHicTb KJiacy

Ao ypoKy i BiATBopiTb i'i b pojinx.
T: Who is on duty today?
P I : I am.
T: Who is absent?
P I : Petro is.
T: What’ s the matter with him?
P I : I don’ t know.
T: Who knows?
P 2: I don’ t know exactly but I think he is ill.
T: It’ s a pity. Is the classroom ready for the lesson?
P I : Yes, it is. The classroom is clean. The blackboard
is clean too. The duster is wet, the chalk is on the
blackboard.That’ s why I think the classroom is
ready for the lesson.
P 2: You are not right. Look! The desks and the win­
dow-sills are dirty. There is a piece of paper un­
der the teacher’ s table. That’ s why I think the
classroom is not ready <r the lesson.
P 3: You are right. The floor is not clean, there is a
pail under the table. I think the classroom is not
ready for the lesson.
P 4: I want to add. Look! The mop is near the door.
T: Are you satisfied with the pupils on duty?
P 2: No, I am not. I am not satisfied with the pupils on
duty because the classroom is not ready for the
T: Are you satisfied with pupils’ behaviour?
P3: No, I am not. I am not satisfied with their behaviour
because they run about and jump in the classroom.

2. npoHHTaii TpaHCKpmmiio i Hannmn BiflnoBiflHi c jio B a :

[’fa: ,tri:]f [gri:n], [ ’njiKja:], [’dekareit], [siq], [dcr.ns], [toiz],

[ ’preznt], [ ’selibreit], f'haepi], [gei].
Bci B i p m i h nicHi, HKi bh 3HaeTe npo Hobhh pin.
3 . n p H r a fla iiT e
IlepeMOHce toh , x to 3raflae ix H a i i 6 i j i i » m e .

4. a ) IIp o M H T a H T e H O B o p iq H y iH c ije H iB K y i n e p e K J ia fliT B I I Ha

yKpalHCbKy M O B y .
6) Po3noflijiiTb MiJK co6ok> cjioBa i niflroTyHTe mcmemBKy flo
Hosoro pony.


(J ^ iT H , O flH r H y T i B M aC K H 3 B i p i B , B H H IH K yB ajIH C H B p f l f l . )

Bedyuuu: Now the animals want to welcome you to

the forest to celebrate the New Year with them. (K ojih
Beflyjmii roBopHTb: “the squirrel says” a6o “the hare
says” Tomo, 6ijiica ^ra 3aen;i> po 6 htb kpok ynepe# i
roBopHTB CBoi cjioBa, nicjia noro CTae Ha Micije.)
The squirrel says:
Come to my hut
I’ ll give you a nut.
The hare says:
Come to my village
I’ ll give you cabbage.
The hedgehog says:
Come to my house
I’ll give you a mouse.
The fox says:
Come to my hole
I’ ll treat you all.
The bear says:
Come to my den
You’ ll get honey then.
All together:
Welcome, welcome, come to us
We shall sing and play and dance.
a hut — xaTHHa; cabbage ['kaebida] KanycTa;
a hedgehog [’hedahog] — ImaK; a hole — Hopa; to treat
[tri:t] — npnromaTH; a den — Gapjiir; honey [’hAni] —

1 S.llIpo^HTaH i n e p e K j i a ^ H Ha y K p a lH C b K y MOBy i je i i B i p m . Bhbhh

iioro ao HoBoro poK y.


Oh, New Year’ s Tree,
Oh, New Year’ s Tree,
How green are your sweet branches.
You bloom not only when it’ s warm,
But also in the winter storm.
Oh, New Year’ s Tree.
Oh, New Year’ s Tree.
How sweet are your green branches.

sweet — 3anammm; a branch — rittKa; to bloom —

njBicTH; a storm — 6ypn, yparaH

yPOKM 4 8 -4 9 (PE3EPBH I)

yPO K 50

1. a) IlpoHHTaH cjioBa i cjioBocnojiyneHHH, nepeKJia^H i'x Ha

yKpalncbKy MoBy.
6) CKJia^H no o^HOMy peneHHio 3 kohchhm cjiobom i cjiobo-
cnojryneHHHM .

New Year tree, Christmas Day, many presents,

green, Father Frost, Snow-Maiden, happy, to celebrate.
2. IIpoHHTaHTe aiajior y napax i nepeKJia/UTb iioro Ha yKpamctKy
MOBy. CKjiaaiTb caMocTiirao noAifimiH aiajior npo KamicyjiH i
Bi^TBopiTb iioro.

— Hello, Natalka!
— Hello, Mykolka!
— I am glad to see you.
— So am I. How are you?
— Thank you, well. Where did you spend your win­
ter holidays?
— Oh, I had a good time. I went to my grandfather
and grandmother to the village. And what about you?
— I had a good time too. But I was in town. I skied
in the park. I played with my friends in the yard and
read a book about animals. And what did you do dur­
ing your holidays?
— I went to the pond and skated there. I helped my
grandmother and grandfather about the house. I made
a snowman and played snowballs. I watched TV
and I read a book about Dunno (He3 HaHKa) and his
— Did you speak English during your holidays?
— It’ s a pity but I didn’ t. And you?
— As for me I wrote a letter to my English friend.
— W ill you go to school tomorrow?
— Yes, I shall. I am glad to go to school. And you?
It seems to me that you want to go to school too.
— Yes, I do.
3. Po3Ka5KH, fle i hk th npoBiB 3HMOBi KamKyjm.

4. aii BiflnoBifli Ha 3anHTaHHH.

1. What season is it now?

2. What is the name of the month?
3. Is it the first month of winter?
4. What else winter months do you know?
5. What is the shortest month of the year?
6. What is the coldest month of winter?
7. Are there many holidays in winter?
8. What holiday do you like best of all? Why?
9. Did you have a New Year tree at home or at
10. Was it a fir-tree or a pine-tree?
11. Who decorated the New Year tree?
12. Did you have Father Frost and Snow-Maiden at
13. Did you like the New Year holiday?
14. How did you celebrate Christmas Day?
15. Who gave you presents on these holidays?
5. HanmnH, HKa cboro#Hi norofla. BmcopncTaH Heo6xi#Hi cjioBa
h cjioBOcnojiyqeHHH: January, the weather, frosty, cold, chilly,
below, degree, much snow, the sun, the sky, in winter.

6. Hairanra, hk th npoBiB 3 iim o b t KamKyjm.

yPOKH 5 1 -5 2

classmate , subject , question ,

to ask questions , fo answer
the q u e s t i o n s , fo le a r n ,
favourite , interesting

1. Po3Ka?KH HanaM’ HTb aHrjiifictKHH ajnJmBiT.

2. Ohhihh cboroflHinmio norofly.

3. Ilpo^HTaH cjioea Ta cji0B0cn0jiy*ieHHH 3 nepeKJia^oM, 3 aim mu

Ix «y cjiobhhk i 3anaM’ HTaH:

a c la ssm a te ['kia:s,meit] — oflHoicjiacHHK (-ija); a s u b ­

ject ['sAbd3ikt] — npeflMeT (m K ijiB H n n ); a q u e s t io n
['kwestjn] — 3anHTaHHa, nH Tam ia; to a n sw e r ['a:nsa]
the q u e stio n s — Bi^noBiflaTH Ha 3anHTaHHa; to le a rn
[lain] — bhhth, BHB^aTH; fa v o u rite [’feivarit] — yjiio6-
jieHHH; in te re stin g [’mtristirj] — ijiicaBHH.

3 A l l A M ’H T A f t !

The Past Indefinite Tense Bi,n; fliecjioBa

to learn — learnt

4. a) IIpo^iHTaH cjioBOcnojiy^eHHH Ta pe*ieHHH i ncpeKJia.au ix Ha

yKpaiHCbKy MOBy.
6) CKJia^H ho oflHOMy pe^ieHHio 3 bhaijiqhhmh cjioBaMii.

My classmate, his classmate, our classmate, Stepan’ s
classmate, one classmate, many classmates, with this
classmate. Valya is my classmate. Yurko went to the
zoo with his classmates.
One subject, five subjects, a new subject. We have
many interesting subjects in the third form. English
is a very interesting subject.
A short question, a long question, an interesting
question, many questions, a good question, a bad ques­
tion, to ask questions, to answer the questions. Can
you ask and answer the questions at the English les­
sons? My little sister asks many questions. The pupils
answer the teacher’ s questions.
To learn a poem, to learn words, to learn English,
to learn Ukrainian. I learn English from the first form.
He likes to learn Ukrainian. We learnt many new words
at the last lesson.
A favourite book, a favourite film, a favourite sub­
ject, a favourite toy. Nina’ s favourite subject is En­
glish. Olenka’ s favourite toy is a teddy-bear.
An interesting book, an interesting subject, an in­
teresting film, an interesting man. Look at this pic­
ture! It is very interesting. Olenka is an interesting

5. a ) n p o ^ H T a ii 3anH TaH H H a H r ji i n c B K o i o m o b o io i ^ a ii Ha hhx

6) 3aK pH H J iiB y H a c T H H y B n p a B H , n e p e K J ia ^ H 3 a n iiT a H & a H a
a H r j i i i i c t K y M O B y i n o n p o c n c s o r o cyci,n ;a n o napTi B i ^ n o B i c -

1. Do you like to go to the T h jik»6hhi xo^hth b napK

park with your class­ 3i CBOIMH OflHOKJiaCHH-
mates? KaM H?
2. Is English your favou­ AHrjiiHCBKa MOBa — TBin
rite subject? y ji i o 6 ji e H H H n p e ,n ;M e T ?
3. How many subjects do C n ijib K H n p eflM e-riB th
you learn this year? BHB^aem n;i>oro pony?
4. Do you like to ask ques­ T h jno6nm cTaBHTH 3anH-
tions? TaH H H ?
5. Do you like to answer Th jho6hhi BiflnoBiflaTH
the questions? Ha 3anHTehhh?
6 . Who usually asks many XTO 3BHHEHHO CTBBHTL
questions at the les­ SaraTO 3anHTaHb Ha ypo-
sons? Kax?
7. Do you want to learn Th xonern bhbhath aHr-
English poems? jiincbKi Bipmi?
8 . What is your favourite H na tbo h yjiio6jieH a
book? KHHHCKa?
9. Who is your favourite X t O TBiH yJIH)6jieHHH
feacher? y^HTeJib?
10. What interesting book Hny ijiKaBy KHHHcny th
did you read on your npoHHTaB nifl ^ac JiiTHix
summer holidays? KamKyji?

6. XIpoHHTan 3HafloMy To6i KaaKy i Bummm 3 Hei Bci aiecjioBa b

Past Indefinite. Hkih;o HKecb fliecjioBO 3ycTpi^aeTbCH KijibKa
pa3iB, 3anncyH iioro jrame oahh pa3.


Once upon a time there lived three little kittens: a

black one, a grey one and a white one.
One day three little kittens saw a little grey mouse.
They ran after the mouse.
But the mouse jumped into the box of flour.
Three little kittens jumped after it. But the mouse
ran away.
Three white kittens came out of the box of flour.
Three white kittens went into the yard and saw a
green frog.
The frog jumped into an old stove-pipe. Three white
kittens ran after the frog.
But the frog ran away.
Three black kittens came out of tlu stove-pipe.
Three black kittens went to the river. They saw a
fish in the river.
Three black kittens jumped into the river but the
fish swam away.
Three little kittens came out of the river.
They were wet.
But the sun came out and they dried.
Now you can see a black kitten, a grey kitten and a
white kitten again.

once u p o n a tim e — k o j ih c b , AaBHHM-aaBHo; r a n a fte r

— no6irjiH 3a; flo u r ['flaua] — 6 oponmo; r a n a w a y —
BTeKJia; cam e o u t of — bhhehjih 3; a stove-pipe — ni^Ha
Tpy6a; sw a m a w a y — nonjiHBjia reTb; d rie d — bhcoxjih;
a g a in [a'gem] — 3HOBy

|7.|lIepeKa?KH 3MicT Ka3Kn “Three Little Kittens”, BiiKopHCTaBmii

cjioBOcnojiy^eHHa: three little kittens, a grey mouse, ran af­
ter, jumped into, ran away, a green frog, a fish in the river,
swam away, the sun came out.

[8.|a) IIpo^HTaH cjiosa, cjiOBOcnojiyqeHHH i pe^eHHH aHrjiiHCbKoio

moboio 3a 20 ceKyHA*
6) 3aKpHH JiiBy *iacTHHy BnpaBH i nepeKJia^H cjioBa, cjiobo-
cnojiy^eHHH i pe^eHHH Ha yKpamcbicy MOBy 3a 25 ceicyHfl.

1) this year ijb o r o p o K y

2) last year M H H y jio r o p o n y
3) in the third form y T p e T b O M y K J ia c i
4) an interesting subject n;iKaBHH npe^MeT
5) my classmate M iH O flH O K JiaCH H K
6) English a H r jiin c b K a M OBa
7) Ukrainian yKpai'HCbKa MOBa
8) to ask questions C T aB H T H 3 a n H T a H H H
9) to answer the questi­ BianoBiflara Ha 3amrraHHH
10) We learnt many En­ M h bhbhhjih 6araTO arn1-
glish words in the second jiincBKHX cjiiB y flpyroMy
form. KJiaci.
11) Dmytryk’ s favourite yjHo6jieHHH npe^MeT mh -
subject is Ukrainian. T p H K a — y K p a iH C b K a M O B a.
12) We began to read an M h nonajin HHTaTH ijiicaBy
in terestin g book about KHHHCKy npo co6aK.
|9.|BiiKOHafi BnpaBy 4 (6 ) h h c i >m o b o .

yPOKM 5 3 -5 4

time-table , mathematics ,
natural sciences, music ,
drawing , manual work ,
physical training

1. npoHHTaft TpaHCKptnnjiio cjiiB i nepeKJia^H ix Ha yKpaiHCbKy


[’ intnstir]], [fo:m], [ri:d], [rait], [ri’piit], [lesn], [tekst],

['eksasaiz], [sAbd3 ikt]f [kwestjn], [feiyarit], [la:n], [a:nsa],
2 . CicaJKH a H r .n i H c t K o i o m o b o io :

li oflHOKJiacHHKH, ip.KaBa KHHHCKa, yjiioSjieHa irpamKa,

6araTO inKijibHHx npeflMeTiB, bhhth aHrjiincBKy MOBy,
cjioBa, BiflnoBiflaTH Ha 3anHTaHH«, cTaBHTH 3ann-
3 . I lp o * m T a H c jio B a 3 n e p e K jia ^ o M , 3 a n ir a r a i x y c B iii c j io b h h k i

a tim e -t a b le m a th e m a tic s n a tu ra l s c ie n c e s
— po3KJia,n;; ^mseOi'maetiks] — [’naetjral.saians] —
MaTeMaTHKa npHpo#o3HaBCTBo;
(maths [maeOs] —
CKopo^eHa 4>opMa);

music ['mju:zik] — My3HKa; drawing [’dro:irj] — Majiio-

BaHHH; manual work [ masnjual] — py*ma npaujn; physi­
cal training [’fizikalitreimr]] — (|)i3HHHe BHXOBaHHH.

4. n p o ^ H T a i i c jio B o c n o jiy ^ ie H H H T a p e * ie H H H , n e p e K J ia A H i’x Ha

y K p a iH C b K y M o s y :

a tim e -ta b le — p o 3 K J ia /i
This time-table, our time-table, a good time-table,
today’ s time-table, a time-table for tomorrow, a time­
table for a week. We have a time-table for every day.
I like a time-table for Friday best of all. Do you know
a time-table for Monday?
m a th e m a tic s — M aTeM aTH K a
A book of mathematics, a teacher of mathematics,
at the lesson of mathematics. Mathematics is Olya’ s
'favourite subjest. Mathematics is an interesting sub­
ject. We have mathematics every day.
natural sciences — npnp0A03HaBCTB0
A book of natural sciences, an exercise-book of natu­
ral sciences, a lesson of natural sciences, a teacher of
natural sciences. How many lessons of natural sciences
do you have? Many pupils of our form like the lessons
of natural sciences. Last year we didn’ t learn natural
music — My3HKa
Music lessons, a teacher of music, at the lesson of
music. We like music lessons very much. Our music
lessons are very interesting. At the music lessons we
sing and dance.
drawing1 — MajiiOBaHHH
A drawing lesson, at the drawing lesson, two draw­
ing lessons, a teacher of drawing. Drawing is Lida’ s
favourite subject. I like drawing lessons. At the draw­
ing lessons we draw with pencils, felt-pens and paints.
manual work — pymia npaija
A lesson o f manual work, a teacher of manual work,
at the lesson of manual work, many lessons of manual
work. Do you like your manual work lessons? Is manual
work your favourite subject? The pupils of our form
like manual work lessons very much.
physical training — <}>i3inme BHxoBamm
A lesson of physical training, a teacher o f physical
training, at the lesson of physical training, after the
lesson of physical training. Physical training is Oleh’ s
favourite subject. Many pupils of the third form like
physical training lessons. At the physical training les­
sons we run, play football and tennis.
5. 3anirraHTe o,n,He o^Horo, ^ihm b h nmneTe h MajiioeTe i fle.
BHKopucTaHTe cjiosa Ta cjiofiocnojiy^ieHHa: a pen, a pencil, a
felt-pen, a ball-pen, a piece o f chalk, a brush, paints, in the
exercise-book, in the day-book, on the blackboard, on the piece
o f paper, in the sketch-book, to write w ith, to draw w ith.

3pa30K: — W h a t do you write with?
— H u m mu nuuieui?
— I write with a pen.
— W h e r e do you draw?
— I draw in the sketch-book.

6. flan Bi^noBifli Ha 3aniiTaHHH.

1. W hat are the subjects of the third form?

2. W hat were the subjects of the second form?
3. W hat new subjects do you learn this year?
4. W hat lessons do you have today?
5. W hat lessons did you have yesterday?
6. W hat lessons will you have tomorrow?
7. Do you have a time-table for a week?
8. W hen do you have your English lessons?
9. W hat subjects do you have every day?
10. W hat is your favourite subject?

7. HannraH po3KJia^ yponiB Ha cboro^Hi 3a trk h m 3pa3KOM:

1. Ukrainian
2. Mathematics
3. English
4 . Manual Work
® a ) IIpo^HTaH cjioBa, cjiOBOcnojiyTieHHH i peqeHHH aHrJiificbKoio
m o b o io 3a 25 cenyHA.
6 ) 3 a K p n n JiiBy *iacTHHy BnpaBH i nepeKJiaflH c jio sa , cjiobo-
cnojiy^eHHH i pe^eH H a Ha amviiHCbKy MOBy 3a 30 ceKyH#.

1) my classmates MOl OflHOKJiaCHHKH

2) a favourite subject yjiioSjieHHH npeflMeT
3) an interesting book njiKaBa KHHHCKa
4) a new time-table HOBHH p 0 3 K J ia #
5) to learn English and BHBMaTH a H r jiin c B K y h y K -
Ukrainian p aiH C B K y MOBH
6) mathematics MaTeMaTHKa
7) natural sciences npnp0A03HaBCTB0
8) drawing MajLEOBaHHH
9) music M y3H K a
10) manual work p y^ m a n p a ija
11) physical training (})i3HM He BHXOBaHHH
12) W e learn eight subjects M h BHBnacMO BiciM npefl-
this year. M eT iB ijB o r o p o n y .
13) \ye began to learn M h nonajiH BHB^taTH aHr-
English in the first form. jiincbKy M OBy b nepmoMy
14) The pupils of our form y ^ H i Hamoro KJiacy jik>6-
like to ask questions and JIHTB CTaBHTH 3aHHTaHHH
answer them. i B iA n o B iA a T H Ha h h x .
15) I was absent at the last H 6 yB B i^ c y T H iH H a M H H y-
mathematics lesson. jio M y y p o i j i M a T eM a T H K H .

|9.[ HanHiuH cBiii po3KJiaA yponiB Ha thxcachii anrJiiiicBKoio


yPOKH 55-56

mark , to get a mark ,

to use , to coun t , to
do a sum

1 . IIp o H H T a H T e Bipra i nepeKJia/UTb iio r o Ha yKpaiHCBKy M O By.

IlepeM O H ce Toii, x t o iu B u x in e bhb ^ih t b iio r o H a n a M ’ flT b .
I can run,
I can jump,
I can draw and I can play,
I can do it this way,
I can do it that way,
I can do it any way.

to jum p [d3Amp] — CTpnSaTn; this w ay [wei] — ocb

Tan; that w ay — i ocb Tan; any ['em] way — bcljihko

2. Y tboph 3annTaHH*i 3a TaCjiimeio i n o n p o cn cBoro cycifla no

n ap T i BiflnoBicTH Ha hhx.

W hat lessons do you have on Thursdays?

3. 3annTaiiTe oflHe oAHoro, h k h h Bara yjiioGjieHHH mKijiBHHH


3pa30K: — W h a t is y o u r favourite subject?

— M y favourite subject is English. A n d yours?
— M y favourite subject is music.

4. IIpoHHTaH HOBi cjioBa Ta cjioBocnojiy*ieHHH, 3annm n ix y cBin

c j io b h h k i 3anaM *aTaii:

a m ark [ma:k] — oijiHKa; to get a m ark — oaepHcyBaTH

oi^iHKy; to use [ju:z] — BHcnBaTn, KopHCTyBaTHCH; to
count [kaunt] — jii^mra, paxyBaTu; to do a sum [safti]
— po3B ’ H3yBaTH 3aAa*iy.

5. a ) IIp o^H T aii cjioBa, cjioBocnojiy^enHfl i pe^ieHHH aHrjiincbKoio

fi yKpai'HcbKOK) mobrm h.

6) 3aKpnn npaBy *iacTHHy BnpaBH i nepeKjiaAH cjioBa, c jio b o -
cnojry^ieHHa fi pe^ieHHH Ha yKpaiHCBKy MOBy.
b) 3aKpnfi JiiB y n a c T H H y BnpaBH i nepeKJiaflH H a a H r jiiS c b K y
M O B y.

1) a sketch-book ajii>6oM ajih MajnosaHHH

2) a new sketch-book HOBHH ajii>6oM
3) his day-book f i o r o n jo fle H H H K
4) a good mark xopoma oiuHKa
5) a bad mark n o r a H a on ;iH K a
6) to get a mark oji;ep jK yB aT H o rjiH ic y
7) to count paxyBaTH
8) to. do a sum .posB’nayBaTH 3aflany
9) to use KOpHCTyBaTHCH
10) A t the lessons of ma­ Ha y p o K a x M a T eM a T H K H
thematics we count and do mh paxyeM O i p03B’ a 3 y-
sums. gmo 3 a A a n i.
11) Yesterday Taras got y^opa Tapac oaepncaB flBi
two good marks. rapHi on;iHKH.
12) M ysh k o gets good y MnniKa 3 ycix npefl-
marks in (for) all the sub­ MeTiB rapHi oiuhkh.
13) W e have a time-table M h M aeM O p 0 3 K jia a y p o -
in our day-books. K iB y H am ux m o ^ em ra -
14) — W hat do you use at — H h m bh K opn cTyeTeca
a drawing lesson? Ha y p o i j i M a jiio B a H H a ?
— W e use coloured pencils, — Mh KopncTyeMOca
felt-pens, paints, brushes KOJIbOpOBHMH O JliBI^aM H ,
and sketch-books. 4)JioMacTepaMH, <J?ap6aMH,
neH3JiaMH n ajn»6oMaMH.
15) — Do you use an aba­ — B h KOpHCTyeTecb pa-
cus at a mathematics les­ xiB H H i^ eio H a y p o i j i M a T e ­
son? M aTH K H ?
— Yes, we do. — TaK.
6. a) ysaHCHo npo^iiTafl c jio sa aHrjiificBKoio m o b o io :

an exercise-book, a ball-pen, a sketch-book, a felt-

pen, a calculator, an abacus, a book, a piece of pa­
per, a day-book, a piece of chalk, interesting,
favourite, a classmate, a pupil.
6) A Tenep Hannnm ix anrjiiiicbKoio m o bo io b TaicoMy nopji/jKy:

a J Ib 60M
Ka, yjiio6jieHHH, i^iKaBnn, KajibKyjiHTOp, paxiBHHijH,
y^ceHb, o,o;hokjiacHHK, mMaTOK KpefiflH, apnym na-
nepy, cjwioivtacTep, KyjibKOBa py^ica.

7. Ilpo^H T aH TeKcT i nepeKJiaAH Horo Ha yKpai'HCBKy M O B y.


Little Nelly was seven. On the first of September

she went to school. When she came home her mother
asked her: “Did you like your teacher, Nelly?” Nelly
thought a minute and said, “Yes, I liked her very much
but I do not think that she is very clever.” “How is
that?” asked the mother. “Oh,” said Nelly, “because
she asked us so many questions.”

us [as ] — Hac; so — TaK

18.[a ) IIpo^HTaH Jiisy *iacTHHy BnpaBH 5 3a 30 ceKyHA*

6) BuKoHan BnpaBy 5(b) 3a 40 ceicyHA*
[9^fl,aH nncBMOBi BiAiloBiAi Ha 3anHTaHHH.

1. How many lessons did you have today?

2. W as there your favourite subject today?
3. W hat mark did you get today?
4. Did you have an English lesson?
5. Do you like today’s time-table?
yPOKM 5 7 -5 8

hornet ask, page, sentence,

story, dictation , to trans­
late , to retell , a£ page

3i 3ByKOM [i:].
1. IIpo^iHTaH cjio sa nepeKJia^H Ha yKpaiHCbKy
MOBy Ti, HKi th 3Haem.
She, he, we, me, see, free, sleep, greet, street, three,
green, tree, please, speak, clean, read, eat, meat, leaf,
season, piece, field, chief, ceiling, people, key, ski,

2. JJ,afi BiflnoBifli Ha 3anHTaHHH.

1. Do you have a sketch-book?
2. Do you like to get bad marks?
3. W hat marks do you get for English?
4. Do you use a calculator at mathematics lessons?
5. Can you count to hundred in English?
6. Do you do sums at the English lessons?
7. How many days in a week do you go to school?

3. IIpo^iHTaH cjioBa 3 nepeKJia,n;oM, 3 a im m u i x y c jio b h h k i

3anaM ’ aTaft:

a hom etask — flOManme 3aBflaHHn; a page — CTopiHKa;

at page — Ha CTOpiHiji; a sentence ['sentans] — peneHHH;
a story ['stori] — onoBi^aHHa; a d ic ta tio n [dik'teijn] —
AHKTaHT; to translate [traens'leit] — nepeKJia^aTH (3 —
from , Ha — into); to re te ll [ri:'tel] — nepeKa3yBaTH.

3 A n A M ’flT A lt!
The Past Indefinite Tense Bifl fliecjiOBa
to retell — retold
4. CKawcH, HKi npe^MeTH b h BHKopHCTOByeTe Ha pi3HHX ypoKax.
y HBOMy T o6 i fl0ii0M05Ke Ta6jiHn;H.

sketch-books at mathematics
calculators lessons.
abacuses at draw ing les­
pens sons.
exercise-books at music lessons.
day-books at the E n g lish
pencils lessons.
at the lessons of
W e use ball-pens
manual work.
a blackboard at the lessons of
a piece of chalk natural sciences.
felt-pens at the Ukrainian
glue lessons.
at the lessons of
balls p h ysical t r a in ­
a pencil-sharpener
a pointer

5. a) IIpoHHTaH cjioBocnojiy^ieHHH i pe*ieHHH, nepeKJia#if i'x Ha

yKpaiHCbKy M OBy.
6 ) C K J ia ^ H no OflHOMy pe*ieHHK> 3 BHflijieHHMH CJIOBaMH.

A hometask in English, a hometask in mathema­

tics, a hometask in drawing. Our hometask in English
was to do exercise 5. W hat was your hometask in math­
ematics? — To do sums.
A clean page, a dirty page, at page 10, at page 22,
at page 97. Open your books at page 31. Read the text
at page 45.

A long sentence, a short sentence, many sentences,
this sentence, that sentence. Say this sentence in U krai­
nian. Don’t read a sentence in English.
An interesting story, a short story, a long story,
two stories, her story. I liked a story about the clever
dog very much. A t the English lessons we read an in­
teresting story about the little monkey.
A short dictation, a long dictation, English dicta­
tions, Ukrainian dictations. Many pupils of our form
write English dictations very well. Did you write a
dictation at that lesson? — No, we didn’t.
To translate words, to translate sentences, to trans­
late from English into Ukrainian, to translate from
Ukrainian into English. Laryssa likes to translate En­
glish stories into Ukrainian. A t the English lessons
we often read sentences with the new words and trans­
late them into Ukrainian.
To retell the text, to retell the story. Read and
retell the text at page IT. Our hometask in Ukrainian
was to retell the story about Dovbush.

6. Ilpo^HTaH peneHHH i nepeKJia^H Ix Ha yKpamcbKy MOBy.

1) — W hat was your hometask in mathematics for

— To do sums 10 and 11 at page 26.
2) — W hat was your hometask in Ukrainian for last
— To read and retell the text at page 29.
3) — W hat is our hometask in English for tomorrow?
— To do exercise 8 at page 50 and to answer the
questions at page 52.
7. a) IlpoHHTaHTe fliajior y napax aHrjimcbKoio Pl yKpamctKOio
6) 3aKpHHTe Jiiey nacTHHy BnpaBH i BiATBopiTb Aiajior aHrjiin-

— Hello, is that you, K a­ — n p m iT , u;e t h , KaTio?

— Hello! That’s me. How — npH B iT . H e h . H k
are you, Olya? W hy were noHCHBaem, Ojiio? HoMy
you absent yesterday? Te6e B^iopa He 6yjio?
— I was ill. W hat did you — H XBopijia. m^o b h
do at the English lesson? P o 6 hjih Ha yp o iji aHr-
— W e learnt new words — M h BHBTOJIH HOBi CJIO-
and translated sentences Ba i nepeKjiaflajiH pe^ieH-
from Ukrainian into En­ HH 3 yKpaiHCBKOl MOBH
glish. Ha aHrjimcfcKy.
— W hat is our hometask — fhce AOMamHe 3aBaaH-
in English for tomorrow? HH 3 aHrjliHCbKOl MOBH
Ha 3aBTpa?
— To do exercise 7 at page — BnKOHaTH BnpaBy 7
33 and to retell the text at Ha CTopiHi^i 33 i nepe-
page 31. Ka3aTH TeKCT Ha CTopimji
— And what is our home­ — A HKe flOMaiime 3aB-
task in drawing? flaHHH 3 MaJIIOBaHHH?
— To draw an apple and a — HaMajiiOBaTH a6jiyKO
pear. i rpymy.
— Th an k you, K a ty a . — fltfKyio, KaTio. flo no-
Good-bye! 6a*ieHHH!
— Not at all, Olya. Good­ — He BapTO, O jiio. flo
bye! no6aneHHH!
— See you tomorrow. — flo 3aBTpa.

|S.llIpoHHTaH nepmy *iacTHHy TeKcTy "Four Wishes” i nepeKjiaAH

H oro H a yicpaiHci»Ky M OBy.

Part I
It was winter. It was cold. The days were short and
the nights were long*. There was much snow on the
ground. The streets, the trees, the yards, the parks
and the fields were white with snow.
Taras could skate and ski. He could make a snowman
and play snowballs. Taras liked winter very much.

In the evening he came home, took off his coat and

said to his father.
“Oh, Daddy, how nice it is in winter! W inter is the
best season in the year. I like all its months: Decem­
ber, January and February. I want it to be winter all
the time.”
His father asked him to write down his wish in the
exercise-book. And Taras wrote it down.
Spring came. It was warm in spring. The weather
was fine. The trees were green. There were many flow ­
ers in the fields. The birds sang in spring. Taras could
play in the green garden and went for a walk to the
forest. Taras and his friends could play football in
spring. Taras liked spring too. In the evening he came
home and said to his father. “Oh, Daddy, how nice it
is in spring! Spring is the best season of the year. 1
like all its months: March, A pril and May. I want it to
be spring ail the time.” His father asked him to write
down his wish in the exercise-book. And Taras wrote
it down.

a wish [wij] — Sa^caHHa; a part [pa:t] — nacTiraa; a


field [fi:Id] — nojie; could [kud] — M ir ; very much —

^;y>Ke; took o ff — 3hhb; a coat ['koul] — najn>Tc; Daddy
['daedi] — TaTO, TaTyct; how rice [hau.nais] — hk rapHo;
to ask — (no)npocnTii; a garden [ga:dn] — ca^; to go
fo r a w alk [wo k] — xo ^ hth Ha nporyjiHHKy

[ 9 1 jC K jm flH n o oflHGM y pe*ieH H io c jio s a M H : a h o m e t a s k , a s e n ­

t e n c e , a d i c t a t i o n , t o t r a n s l a t e . 3 a n 11 m u ix.

110, |Hannran p o a K J ia # y p o K i s H a 6 y flb -a ;K H H p,e Hb t h j k h j i i

flO M a m H e 3aiyi;aHHH 3 k o j k h o t o npeflivriiTa 3 a th k h m 3pa3KOM:
1. M a t h e m a t ic s — to do sums 20 and 21 at p a g e 48.
2. Ukrainian — to learn a p o e m at p age 29.
3. D r a w i n g — to draw a ball.
4. N a t u r a l Sciences — to read arid retell the text at
page 34.
5. Physical T ra in in g .

yPOK 59

1. H a 3 B iT b a H r jiiiic b K o io m o b o io c jio B a , H K i h o o tch a io T B c a i3

3 a £ a H o i 6yKBH. IlepeM O H ce t o h , x t o BHKOHae me 3aB ^aH H H 3a
20 ceKyHfl.

а) “S ” . 3pa30K: peuenuH — sentence

mKijibHHH npe^MeT mKOJia

ajii>6oM ajih MajiioBaHHH iHKOJIH
inicT^ecHT CTy^eHT
OnOBiA&HHH npi3BHme
б) “M ”. 3pa30K: p y u n a npai^si — manual work

MaTeMaTHKa oijiHKa
My3HKa KapTa
6araTo MicHii;i>

2. IlpoHHTaH cjioBocnojiy^eHHa i nepeKjiaAH ix Ha yKpaiHcwcy

M OBy.

1) to learn English 4) to get good marks

2) mathematics lessons 5) a new time-table
3) a favourite subject 6) at page 18
7) to read and retell the text
8) to do sums
9) a short dictation
10) an interesting story
11) to translate words and sentences
12) to ask questions

3. CKaHCH aHrjiiHCbKoio moboio :

1) .zjoMainHe 3aB,n;aHHH 3 yKpamcbKoi mobh

3) Bi^noBi^aTH Ha 3anHTaHHH
4) BacHJieBi 0 ,n;H0 KJiacHHKH
5) Ha ypoiji npHpo,n;o3HaBCTBa
6) jii^HTH Bi,n; oflHoro ,n;o aecHTH
7) nepeKJia^aTH 3 aHrjimcBKOi mobh Ha ynpaiHCBKy
8) flyHce noram oijiHKH
10) nepeKa3yBaTH onoBi^aHHH
12) 6araTO 3anHTaHE>

4. a) IIpo'iHTaH i nepena^KH tckct.

W e had four lessons yesterday. At the first lesson

we learnt a poem and recited it. Then we wrote a dic­
tation. It was an Ukrainian lesson. A t the second les­
son we did sums and counted. W e used an abacus and
a calculator. It was a mathematics lesson.
A t the third lesson we drew pictures. The pupils
used coloured pencils, felt-pens and paints. It was a
drawing lesson. A t the fourth lesson we read an inte­
resting story about seasons and retold it. Then we an­
swered the teacher’s questions about the weather. It
was a lesson of natural sciences.
Many pupils of our form £ot good marks in these

6) CKaxcH, B ifln o B i^ a io T fc i j i pe^ieH H H TeK CTO Bi. f l n m o H i, t o

BHIip&B ix.

1. W e had five lessons yesterday.

2. A t the first lesson we did sums.
3. W e had mathematics at the second lesson.
4. W e spoke English at the third lesson.
5. W e drew pictures at the fourth lesson.
6. W e had natural sciences at the fourth lesson.
7. A
ll the pupils of our form got bad marks in Ukrai-
nian, mathematics, drawing and natural sciences.

5. Hannmn aHivimcbKoio moboio ni,n; flHKTOBKy B^HTejm.

1. Min yjno6jieHHH npeflMeT — npHp0#03HaBCTB0.

2. Ha ypoiji aHrjiiiicfcKoi mobh y rai BHB^ajiH HOBi
3. M h nacTo mnneMO flHKTaHTH 3 yKpaiHctKoi mobh .
4. HaniHM flOMamniM 3aB^aHHHM 3 MaTeMaTHKH 6yjio
po3B*H3aTH 3afla^i Ha CTopimji 23.

6. y«BH, mo th B'lopa He 6ys y nucojii. 3aTejie<|>oHyH flo cBoro

OflHOKJiacHHKa i 3anHTan Horo aHrjiiHCbKoio moboio, a id B^iopa
6yjin ypoKH i mo 6yjio 3a/jaHo flOflOMy.


cboroflHi (BHopa) Ha KOHCHOMy ypoiji. 3a 3pa30K Bi3bMH Bnpa-
By 4 (a).

[ 8.|HanmnH aHrjriiiebKoio moboio, hkhh TBiii yjiio6jieHHH midjib-

hhh n p e ^ M e T , i i i o h c h h , ^ O M y .
yPOKM 6 0 -6 1

expression , ivord-com *-
bin ation , dialogue , to
explain , fo make up, to
write down

1. IIp oH H T aH i nepeKJia^H Ha yKpamcbKy MOBy B ip m “How Many?”


How many seconds in a minute?

Sixty and no more in it.
How many minutes in an hour?
Sixty for sun aiid flower.
How many hours in a day?
Twenty-four for work and play.
How many months in a year?
Twelve the calendar makes clear.

a second — ceicyima; no more — He 6ijibine; an hour

[’aua] — roflHHa; a calendar [’kaelinda] — KajieH^ap;
makes clear ['klis] — noncmoe

2. a ) IIpoHHTaH cji0B0cn0jiy^eHHH i nepemiaflH ix Ha yKpaiHCbKy

MOBy. npHra^aH, an a pi3HHD,H MiJK 3aHMeHHHKaMH many i

Many books, many people, many maps, many sen­

tences, many pages, many subjects, many questions,
many days.
Much milk, much snow, much work, much rain,
much time, much grass, much butter, much water.

6) CKJia^H no oflHOMy pe*ieHHio i3 3aHMeHHHKaMH many Ta

much i 3aniinm ix y 3omnT.

3. IIocTaB He MeHme tp b o x 3anHTaHi> p,o KojKHoro peneHHH.

1. W e read an English story yesterday.

2. The pupils drew pictures at the third lesson.
3. Hnat answered all the teacher’s questions.
4. Kira wrote words on the blackboard.

4. IIpo*iHTaH c jio sa i cjioBOcnojiy*ieHHH 3 nepeKJiaflOM, 3annniH

ix y cBin c j io b h h k i 3anaM ’HTaH:

a n e x p r e s s i o n [ik s 'p r e jn ] — B n p a 3 , b h c j h b ; a w o r d - c o m -
b i n a t i o n [w a :d , k o m b i'n e ijn ] — c jio B o c n o jiy ^ e H H n ; a d i a ­
l o g u e [ ’d a ia lo g ] — flia jio r , p03M 0Ba; to m ake up —
CKJia,n;aTH, y T B o p io B a T n ; t o e x p l a i n [jk s 'p le in ] — nonc-
HiOBaTH; t o w r i t e d o w n — 3 a n n c y B a T H .

5. a ) IIpo^iHTaH cjioBocnojiy^ceHHH T a pe^ieHHH aH rjiincBKoio ii

6 ) 3 a K p n n npaB y HacTHHy BnpaBH i nepeKJia^H Ha yKpai'HCbKy
b) 3aKpHH JiiBy ^acTHHy BnpaBH i nepeKJia^H Ha aH rjim cbK y
M O B y.

1) new expressions HOBi B H p a 3H, BHCJIOBH

2) to read words and word- TO TaTH CJIOBa T a CJIOBO-
combinations cnojry^ieHHH
3) short dialogues K o p o T K i f li a j i o r n
4) to make up a dialogue CKJia^aTH f li a ji o r
5) to make up questions yTBOpIOBaTH 3an H T aH H H
6) to explain new words nOHCHIOBaTH HOBi CJIOBa
T) to explain us (me, him, noHCHioBaTH HaM (MeHi,
her, them) HOM y, i n , im )
8) to write down these ex­ 3a n n c y B a T H uX b h c ji o b h
9) Our teacher always ex­ Hama BTOTejiBKa 3aB3KflH
plains us new words and noH CH ioe H aM HOBi c jio B a
expressions. i BHCJIOBH.
10) Your hometask will be B am uM A O M a in H iM 3aB -
to make up dialogues at AaHHHM 6yae cKjiacTH pX-
page 56. ajxorn Ha C T op im u 56.
11) He wrote down new B iH 3annc£tB hobI cjioBa
words on the blackboard. Ha flonmi..
12) Read these word-com- IIp o m iT a n T e mi c j io b o -

bin ation s and translate c n o jiy n e H H a i n e p e K jia -

them into Ukrainian. A iT b i'x Ha y K p a iH C B K y

6. BiATsopiTb fliajior y napax anrjiiHCbKoio moboio.

— T h BHB^aein aHrjiiiicbKy MOBy?

— Tan. A th?
— H BHB^aio aHrjiincbKy MOBy 3 nepm oro KJiacy.
— To6i noAo6aK>TBCH ypoKH aHrjimcbKoi mobh ?
— Tan, aHrjiincbKa — Min yjiio6jieHHH npe^MeT. A
hkhh TBifi yjiio6jieHHH npe^MeT?
— Min y jiK )6 jie H H H npe^MeT — yKpaiHCbKa Mosa. K
jik>6jik) bhhth Bipmi, HHTaTH ijiicaBi onoBi^aHHa. A mo
bh po6HTe Ha yponax aHrjiincbKoi mobh?
— M h TaKOHc bhhmo Bipmi i ^HTaeMo i^inaBi
onoBi^aHHH aHrjiiiicbKOK) moboio. M h b^hmo HOBi cjioBa,
bhcjiobh, cKJiaflaeMO peneim a, fliajiorn, nameMo ahk-
TaHTH. H 3aB3Kfl;H OTpHMyro xoporni on;iHKH 3 aHrjiin-

7. BiiKOHaii BnpaBy 5(b) 3 a 35 ceKyHjot.

8.| Hannmn pe^eHHH aHrjiific&Koio moboio .

1. M h 3 H a cM o 6araTo a H r jiin c b K H x c jiIb i b h c jio b Ib .

2. Y t b o p h jo;Ba peneHHa i 3anHinH Ix y c b ih 3 o h ih t .
3. B h cKJia^aeTe fliajiorn Ha yponax yKpamcbKoi*
M03 h?
4. Moa MaMa nacTO noacmoe MeHi h o b ! cjioBa.
yPOKM 6 2 -6 3

vo c a bu la ry , paragraph , mother
ton gu e , to describe , also

1. IIpo^iHTaH T p a n c K p H n n iio i nepeK.na.UH c jio B a Ha y K p am cbK y

M OBy:

[’daialog], [iks'prejn], [’stori], [peida], [dik'teijn],

['houmta:sk], ['sentans], [trsens'leit], [rait], [ma:k], [kaunt],
['sAbdaikt], ['dro.iQ], ['mjujfeik], ['kwestjn].

2. y T B o p n «K o M o ra 6u ibm e pe*ieHb 3a Ta6jm ijeio.

read texts
write words at the English
answer the questions lessons.
make up dialogues at the Ukraini­
We wr^te down new expressions an lessons.
learn poems at the lessons
translate sentences of natural sci­
retell stories ences.
use books and exercise-books

3. ITpoHHTaH cjioBa 3 nepeKJiafloM, 3 a n H ra ii ix y c b i h c ji o b h h k i

sanaM h t b h :

a vocabulary [va'kaebjulari] a paragraph ['paeragraif]

— c j io b h h k ; — naparpa<|>;
a mother tongue [tArj] — piflHa MOBa; to describe
[dis'kraib] — onncyBaTn; also [’o.lsou] — telkotk.

4. a ) ripo^H T aii cjioBocnojiy^ieHHH S pe^eH H a i nepeKJiaflH ix Ha

y K p am cbK y MOBy.
6 ) CKJiaflH no 0,n;H0My pe^ieHHio 3 BHAijieHHMH cjiosaM H.

A clean vocabulary, a dirty vocabulary, my vocabu­

lary, our vocabularies. I have a new vocabulary this
year. W e write down new words and expressions into
our vocabularies. They use their vocabularies at the
English lessons.
Paragraph 3, paragraph 13, paragraph 64 at page
48, a big paragraph, a new paragraph. You must read
and retell this paragraph. Our hometask in natural
sciences was to retell paragraph 10 at page 27.
My mother tongue, his mother tongue, her mother
tongue, our mother tongue. My mother tongue is Ukrai­
nian. Jimmy’s mother tongue is English. Read the dia­
logue and translate it into your mother tongue.
To describe pictures, to describe a room. Describe
what you can see in the picture. Can you describe your
classroom to me? Last year we described many pic­
tures at the English lessons.
W e also read and retell the texts. His sister also
learns English. At the English lessons we also write
dictations. Last Saturday I was at the zoo. My class­
mates also were there.

5. Bi,n;noBi,n;i Ha 3anirraHHH.

1. How many vocabularies do you have?

2. W hat is your mother tongue?
3. How many paragraphs are there in your book?
4. Can you describe your room?

5. W hat marks do you like to get?
6. Do you like to ask questions in English or to
answer them?
7. W ho likes to learn poems in your form?
8. W hat interesting subject did you have today?

6. Hannmn c jio b & y m h oh ch h I:

a question, a mark, a sum, a page, a story, a dia­

logue, a vocabulary, a paragraph, an expression, a

7. Ckwjkh aHrjiiHCbKoio m obo io.

1. M h noBHHHi MaTH ^Ba c j i o b h h k h 3 aHrjiiiicBKoI

2 . 3 a n H in H n;i c jio B a b c j i o b h h k i b h b m h i x .
3. Po3KpHHTe khhhckh i ^HTaHTe naparpa<|) 6 Ha
CTopimu 25.
4. To6i cnoflo6aBca ijen naparpa<|>?
5. B aHrjiiHCBKin KHHHCiji HeMae naparpatjHB.
6. H j iio 6 j iio n e p e n jia fla T H ijiic a B i o n o B ifla H H H 3
a H r jiin c b K o i mobh H a y K p a i’H CB K y.
7. BD pKO B i no,zjo6aeTB C H o n n c y B a T H M a jiiO H K H npo
nopn pony.
8. H a yponax a H rjiiH C B K O i m o b h m h *£HTaeM 0 i nepe-
K a 3 y e M o TeK CTH . M h TaKOMC p o 6 h m o n;e H a yponax
y K p a iH C B K O l M OBH .

8. B h k o h a h BnpaBy 4(6) nHCbMOBo.

9.|IIpo*mTaii APyry HacTimy TeKCTy “Four W ish es” i a &h

iiHCBMOBi BiAnoBiAi Ha 3annTaHHH.

5 6-123 129

Part 2
Summer came. It was very hot. The sun shone
brightly, the sky was blue. The weather was fine. The
days were long and the nights were short. The gar­
dens, the fields, the grass and the trees were green.
Taras and his friends often went to the forest. They
picked flowers Sometimes Taras played in the yard.
He played football, volley-ball, tennis and other games.
He often went to the river. He swam in the river, and
he fished there. He liked summer very much. He said
to his father, “How nice it is in summer! Summer is
the best season of the year. A ll its months are good:
June, July and August. I want it to be summer all the

His father asked him to write down this wish in the

exercise-book. So Taras wrote down the wish in his
father’s exercise book.
A t last autumn came. Children started to go to
school. But Taras could also play many games in au-

tumn. When it rained he often played chess with his
The trees were yellow and red in autumn. Taras
went to the garden. He could see many red, green and
yellow apples and pears there. Taras liked to eat apples
and pears. He gave many apples and pears to his
Taras liked autumn very much. So he said to his
father, “Daddy, how nice it is in autumn! Autumn is
the best season of the year. I like September, October
and November. I want it to be autumn all the time.”
His father asked him to write down his wish in the
exercise-book, and Taras wrote down this wish in the
father’s exercise-book.
Then Taras’ father took his exercise-book and said,
“Now, my boy, read your wishes about winter, spring,
summer and autumn.”
Taras read ...

shone — c B iT H jio ; t o p i c k — 36npaTH , 3pH B aTn; o t h e r

['A Q a] — im n H H ; a gam e — rp a; sw am — n jia B a B ; t o
fis h — j io b h t h p n 6 y ; so — OT^Ke, T aK H M hhhom ; a t la s t
— HapeinTi; to start — noHHHaTH; to play chess —
rpara b rnaxn; to eat [i:t] — i c t h ; took — b 3h b

1. W as it cold or chilly in summer?

2. W here did children pick flowers?
3. W hat came after summer?
4. W ho gave apples and pears to children?
5. Did Taras like autumn?
6. W hat season did he like best of all?


1. Onirara cboroflHinraio norofly. CicajKH, nofloSaeTbcn BO H a To6i

*ih Hi?

2. rio C T aB iM eH H H K H B MHOHCHHi.

3pa30K: a g irl — g irls

a child — children
a bench — benches
A school, a pupil, a teacher, a classmate, a man, a
subject, a picture, a room, a bench, a flower, a floor,
a dress, a day, a story, an exercise, an exercise-
book, a time-table, a sketch-book, a word-combina­
tion, a mark, a dialogue, a blackboard.

3 A ft A M ’ 9 T A &
Hkiijo ocHOBa iMeHHHKa 3aiciHHyeTbca Ha 6yKBy
y nicjia npHrojiocHoi, to y mhohchhI iMeHHHK
MaTHMe 3aKiHHeHHa -ies.
Hanpmcjia#: a victory — victories
a puppy — puppies

A jie h k i h ;o n e p ep, 6 y K B o io y c t o it b r o jio c H a , to


3aKiH^ieHHH -s.
HanpHKJia#: a toy — toys
a holiday — holidays

3. HanmnH iM eH H H K H y m h oh ch h I:

a story, a vocabulary, a cherry, a family, a lorry,

a boy, a day, a schoolboy, a monkey, Monday.

4. y T B O p H micTi> 3anHTaHb i n o n p o cn CBoro cyci,n;a no napTi

Bi^noBicTH Ha h h x TaK, mo6 y u i^n o B iai o 6 o b *h 3 K o b o 6yjio

in your Ukrainian
in your classmates?
lorries are
How many in the street?
boys there
in your form?
in a week?
in the zoo?

5. a ) IIpo^H TaH TeKCT i nepeKJia^H iforo Ha yKpamctKy M O B y .

6 ) HoCTaB B H ^ ijie H i iM eHHH K H B OAHHHi.

My name is Denys. I am nine. I live in Vinnytsya. I

am a pupil of the third form. I learn many interesting
subjects at school. My favourite subject is English.
W e have English lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays. A t the English lessons we learn to read, write
and speak English. Our teacher’s name is Olha Ivanivna.
She knows English very well. She explains us new words
and expressions and we write down them into our vo­
cabularies. W e read word-combinations and sentences
in English and translate them into our mother tongue.

W e also translate sentences from Ukrainian into En­
A t our English lessons we often read and retell the
texts and stories, describe pictures, ask and answer
the questions. W e like to make up dialogues or sen­
tences with new words. Sometimes we write dictations.
W e also write small stories about our friends and fami­
lies. Our English lessons are very interesting. I like
them very much and I always get good marks.

6. .ZJafi BiAnoBi^i ea 3&iiht&hhh npo sami ypoKH aHrjiificbKoi


1. W hen do you have your English lessons?

2. W hat do you learn at the English lessons?
3. W hat is your teacher’s name?
4. W hat does your teacher explain you at the les­
5. W here do you write down new words and expres­
6. Do you know all the words from your vocabu­
7. W ho asks and answers the questions at the En­
glish lesson?
8. Do you often read interesting stories and retell
9. W ho can describe pictures very well?
10. Can you make up sentences with new words and
11. Do you often make up dialogues in English?
12. Do you like to write English dictations?
13. W hat stories do you read at your English les­
sons? Do you like them?
14. Are your English lessons interesting?
15. W hat marks do you usually get in English?

7. Ilpo^HTaHTe fliajio r i Bi#TBopiTB n o ro b napax.

— Did you have an English lesson yesterday?

— Yes, I did. And what about you?
— I also had an English lesson. W hat did you do at
that lesson?
— A s for me I read the text and answered the ques­
tions. Did you speak at your English lesson?
— Yes, I did. I described the picture and I wrote
new words and expressions in my vocabulary.
— Did you get a good mark yesterday?
— Yes, I did. I always get good marks because En­
g l i s h is my favourite subject.


y D,bOMy To6i flonoMOHcyTb po3no^aTi pe^eHHH, HKi c jiifl

1. W e have English lessons on ...

2. A t the English lessons we learn to ...
3. Our teacher explains us ...
4. W e write down new words into ...
5. W e translate sentences from ...
6. W e often read and retell ...
7. W e describe ...
8. W e ask and answer ...
9. W e like to make up ...
10. Sometimes we write ...
11. Our English lessons are very ...
12. I always get ...

9.| HairaniH, m;o b h p o G h jih H a ocTaH H bO M y ypou;i aHrjiiHCBKoi

m o b h . (W hat did you do at the last English lesson?)
yPOK 66

1. Ilepe/jaHTe posMOBy BHHTejia 3 neproBHM.

2. a ) f la ii B i#n o B i#i Ha 3anHTaHHH.

6 ) 3 a K p i m jiiB y qacTHHy B n p a B H , nepeK Jia/jn pe^eHHH Ha
aH rjiificBKy M osy i n o u p o cn c s o ro cycifla no napTi sifl-
noBicTH Ha h h x .

1.° W hen did you have Kojih y Bac 6yB ocTaHHin

your last English lesson? ypoK aHrjiincBKoi mobh?
2. D id you learn new B h BHB^ajiH HOBi cjioBa i
words and expressions at bhcjiobh Ha TOMy ypon;i?
that lesson?
3. How many vocabular­ CnijiBKH y Te6e e cjiob -
ies do you have? HH KiB?
4. Did you write a dicta­ Bh nncajiH flHKTaHT Ha
tion at the last English ocTaHHBOMy yporiji, a n r-
lesson? JliHCBKOl MOBH?
5. W hat else did you do IU^o me b h p o S h jih Ha TOMy
at that lesson? yp o n ;i?
6. W hat did you use at IU jo BH BHKOpHCTOByBaJIH
that lesson? H a TOMy y p o iji?
7. W ho retold the text or X to nepeKa3yBaB TenqT to
the story? onoBiflaHHH?
8. Did you make up dia­ Th cKjia,n;aB flia jio rn 3i
logues with your class­ CBOIMH O flH O KJiaCH H KaM H ?
9. W h at mark did you H n y onjiH Ky th o,n;epHcaB?
10. W hat was your ho­ 111,0 BaM 6yjio 3a#aHo Ha
metask for the next les­ HacTynHHH ypoK?

3. Onunm MajiioHOK “A t the English lesson” .

4. Ile p e K J ia A H ni c jio B o c n o jiy * ie H H H Ha y K p a iH C b K y M osy 3a

30 ceKyH#:

1) a favourite lesson
2) a new expression
3) to read the word-combinations
4) to translate a poem into Ukrainian
5) a time-table for a week
6) to make up a story
7) to write a dictation
8) an interesting text
9) to answer the teacher’s questions
10) to learn mathematics
5. riep eK J iaflH n i c jio B o c n o jiy ^ e H H H Ha a H r j i i n c b K y M O B y i 3 a n n -
nm ix:
1 ) K o p o T K i flia J io rn
2) flOMamHe 3aBfl;aHHH 3 npnpo#o3HaBCTBa
3) hobhh p o 3 K jia # y p o K iB
4 ) o n n c y B a T H M ajiiOHKH
5 ) noHCHK>BaTH HOBi cjioB a
6 ) n ep eK J ia fla ra Ha y K p a m c b ic y MOBy
7 ) H a CTopiH i^i 9
8 ) 3anncyBaTH b c j io b h h k h

10) po3B’H3yBaTH 3aaa*ri

6. IIpoHHTail TeKCT. H h TpanjinioTbCH TaKi cH Tyaiui y sa c Hi

y p o K a x aH rjiiiicbK oi m o b h ?


Every day when the English lesson begins the teacher

says, “Good morning, children!” The pupils answer,
“Good morning!” Then the teacher says, “Sit down,
please.” And the pupils sit down. A t every lesson the
teacher says, “W ho is on duty today?” The pupil on
duty stands up and says, “I am.”
Then the teacher asks, “W ho is absent?” And the
pupil on duty answers.
But one day the teacher came in and asked, “W ho is
absent today?” The pupil on duty stood up and said, “I
am.” The pupils and the teacher laughed.

to laugh [la :f] — cmIh th ch , po3CMiHTHCH

m I le p e # toGok) m icT b 3Hhhom hx cjiiB . y KOHCHOMy 3 h h x

n p o n y iq eH O o#H y 6yK By. Hny? Hannnm iji 6yKBH, i t h
MaTHMem in je o^He cjiobo. IU,o ii,e 3a cjiobo?

1 2 3 4 5 6

t f

d e a b d

e a t o o b

k h e k r a

e r c

r k

yPOKH 67-68

storey , floor

1. IIpo^iHTaH cjioea:

a) igh [ai] ou [au] tion [Jn]

light count dictation
right round composition
fight pound reception
might sound recommendation

6) light, count, dictation, right, round, composition,

fight, pound, reception, might, sound, recommen­

2. IIpoHHTaH pe*ieHHH i ckrhch , m o:
а ) TH i TBOl OAHOKJiaCHHKH BHKOHyiOTb iji flii' aoGpe;
б) th i tboi OAHOKJiacHHKH He BHKOHyK>TB iji fli'i flofipe.

3pa30K: a) I speak E nglish well. M y classmates

speak E nglish well.
6) I d o n ’ t speak E ng lish well. M y class
mates d o n ’t speak E n g lish well.

1. Count from twenty to fifty!

2. Retell the text!
3. Translate the words!
4. W rite the dictation!
5. Speak Ukrainian!
6. Recite the poem!
7. Clean your room!
8. Play tennis!

3. IIocTaB pe^eHHH b 3ancpe*miiT 4>opMi.

3pa30K: Open y o u r book , please!

D o n ’t open y o u r book!

1. Take this pencil, please!

2. Shut the door, please!
3. Speak Ukrainian, please!
4. W rite this word, please!
5. Open the window, please!
6. Put your diary into your bag, please!
7. Translate this text, please!
8. Retell this story, please!
9. Read this exercise, please!
10. Draw a flower, please!

4. y T B o p n HKOMora 6ijii»m e pe^eH b.

speak English
translate from English
into my mother tongue
retell the poems
I well.
read Ukrainian texts
We very well,
count in English
They not very well.
write the dictations
know mathematics
play football

3 A IIA M ’H TA & !
K o jih mh KanceMo, c k I j i b k h noBepxiB M ae
S yflH H O K , t o BHCHBaeMO c jio b o a storey ['s to ri]
— noBepx.
HanpHKJia^: The house in this picture has
five storeys. — L (e u dydunoK
Mae n ’amb noeepxie.
I t is a five-storied house. —
Lfe n*nmunoeepxoeuii dydunoK,
A k o jih mh TOBOpHMO, Ha H K O M y n o B e p c i
3H an oM e T o 6i c jio b o a floor [flo:] — noBepx.
A Tenep 3BepHH y B a r y Ha nepeKJia# h ;h x c jio b o -
the ground floor — neprnuu noeepx;
the firs t floor — dpyzuu noeepx;
the second floor — mpemiu noeepx;
the third floor — uetneepmuu noeepx;
the fourth flo o r — n ’Jimuu noeepx;
the fifth floor — uiocmuu noeepx i t . a*
5 . a ) Po3J\jijjhi> M ajijoHCiK i n i/ u m c H jap H b o r o .


5. fourth floor (Oleh)

4. third floor (Ivan)
3 second floor (Nina)
2. first floor (Taras)
1. ground floor (Ira)

5. fifth storey
4. fourth storey
3 third storey
2 second storey
1. first storey

6 ) C n a jK H , Ha HKOiwry n o B e p c i DKnuyTb fliTH, q m irviena H a n H c e n i

Ha MajiwHKy.
3pa3QK: I r a lives on the ground floor.

6 . ^ a i i B iA n o B i^ i Ha 3anH TaR H H .

1. How many storeys does your house have?

2. W hat floor do you live on?
3. How many storeys does your friend’s house have?
4. W hat floor does your friend live on?
5. How many storeys does your school have?
6. W hat floor is your classroom on?

7. 3an n T aH T e o^H e oflH o ro n p o Te» cKijibKH n o B e p x is M ae
6 yA H H O K , y H K O M y b h HCHBeTe, i H a H K O M y n o B e p c i b h MCHBeTe.
KoH ceH 3 s a c M a e B iA n o B ic T H H a n i 3 a n H T a H H H .

8 . ^ o iio b h h pe^eH H H , h k y 3pa3K y.

3pa30K: Y a ro s la v lives on the sixth floor , but

last year he lived on the g roun d floor.

1. Roman lives on the second floor.

2. Mykola lives on the fifth floor.
3. Svitlana lives on the fourteenth floor.
4. My aunt lives on the ninth floor.
5. Our teacher lives on the first floor.

9 . a ) flp o ^ H T a H p e ^ e H H a a H rjiin c b K o io m o b o io 3a 25 ceK yH A.

3 s e p H H y s a r y H a BHAiJieHi c ji o s a Ta i x n ep eK Jiafl.
6 ) 3aKpHH Jiisy ^acTHHy B n p a B H i n e p e K J ia A H p e *ie H H H Ha
a H r jiiiic b K y M OBy 3 a 3 0 cen yH A *

1. I speak English a little. H TpOXH P03M0BJIHK) a H r -

2. He reads very well. BiH HHTae flyace #o6pe.
3. W e play tennis well. Mh a o ftp e rp a e M O y Temc.
4. I recite the poems not H fl^ K J ia M y io B ip m i He
very well. ayace a o 6 p e .
5. Their house has sixteen I x H i n 6y,n;HHOK Mae 16
stories. noBepxiB.
6. They live in a five-sto­ B o HH HCHByTB y h ’ h t h -
ried house. nosepxosoMy GyAnmcy.
7. Do you live on the third Th ^ECHBem Ha ^eTBep-
floor? — Yes, I do. TOMy nosepci? — Tan.
8. Does Ihor live on the Irop HCHBe Ha nepmoMy
ground floor? — No, he nosepci? — Hi.
9. How many stories does C n ijiB K H n o s e p x i s y tbo-

your house have? — Nine. eMy 6y^HHKy? — fleB’HTB.

10. W hat f l o o r do y o u live I Ha a K o M y n o s e p c i t h m c h -
on? — On the first floor. I B ern ? — Ha a p y r o M y .

110.iHannnm 5 p e n e H b n p o T e, H a H K O M y n o B e p c i JK H ByTt t b o i
Apy3i ii poAH^i.

yPOKM 69-7 0

a d d r e s s , t e l e p h o n e , to
m o v e , to ring up. H a v e n ' t
seen you for ages!

1. IlpoHHTaH CKOpOMOBKy Ha 3ByK [w] 3a 20 ceKyHA- IlepeKJiaAH

l i Ha yKpai’HCbKy MOBy.


“Oh, where is my whistle,”

Asked W illy one day.
“My dear little whistle,
My little white whistle,
My dear little, white little
W histle,” I say.
“W hy, here is your whistle;”
His brother replied.
“Your dear little whistle,
Your little white whistle,
Your dear, little, white little
W histle,” he cried.

a w h is tle [wisl] — cbh c-

to k ; dear [d ie ] — Aopo-
th h ; to r e p ly [ri'plai] —
B i f ln o B if la T H ; to cry —
KpH^iaTH, njianaTH

2. ,11,an BiflnoBifli Ha 3anHT&HHfl.

1. W hat day is it today?

2. Do you like today’s weather?
3. Is it cold, warm or chilly today?
4. Can you see the sun in the sky?
5. Does the sun shine brightly?
6. Are there many clouds in the sky?
7. W hat temperature is it today?
8. W hat colour are the leaves on the trees?
9. Is the grass green or yellow?
10. Are there many flowers in the parks and near
the houses?
11. W hat season is it now?
12. Do you like autumn? Why?

3 . IIp o H H T a H c ji o B a , c jiO B O c n o jiy n e H H H i p e n e H H H 3 n e p e K jia flO M .

3annniH i x y c j i o b h h k i s a n a M ’ H T a fi:

an address [a'dres] a telephone ['telifoun]

— aflpeca; — Tejiec})OH;

to move [mu:v] — nepebKjpicaTH, n e p e c e jiH T H c a ; to ring

up [rir], Ap] — A3BOHHTH n o TejiecJxm y, T ejiec})O H yB aT H ;
Haven’t seen you for ages! a 6 o I haven’t seen you for
a g e s ! [fo :r ,e id 3 is ] — H H e 6a'tm B Te6e (B a c ) Aynce # a B H o .
(U ,i ji y B iH H icT b T e6 e He S a ^ H B .)

3 A l l A M ’HT A ft !
The Past Indefinite Bifl fliecjioBa
to ring — rang

4. a) IIpoHHTaH cjioBocnojiy*ieHHH i peneHHH aHrjiiiicbKoio Ta

6) 3aKpnH npaey nacTHHy BnpaBH i nepeKJia^H Ha yKpamcbKy
M OBy.
b) 3aKpHH Jiisy n acT H H y B n paB H i nepeK Jia^H cjioBocnoJiyqeH H H
T a p e ^ e H H H Ha a H r jiiiic b K y MOBy.

1) my address moh aapeca

2) his new address Horo HOBa affpeca
3) to have a telephone MaTH Tejie^oH
4) a telephone number HOM ep Tene<i>OHy
5) to speak on (over) the P 0 3 M 0 b j ih t h n o TeJie(l>OHy
6) to ring up A3b o h h t h no TeJie<|>OHy
7) to move to Poltava n e p e i'x a T H b n o j i T a B y
8) to move into a new flat n e p e ix a T H (n e p e c e jiH T H -
ch) b HOBy K B a p T H p y
9) I haven’t seen you for H e 6aHHJia T e 6 e n;ijiy bw -
ages! H iCTb.
10) W hat is your address? Hica tboh a^peca?
11 ) O lh a ’ s address is: A flp e c a O jit r n : ByjiHijH
5, Shevchenko Street, IIIeBH eH Ka, 5, KBapTH-
Flat 10. pa 10 .
12) W h at’s your telephone Hkhh HOM ep Barnoro
number? Tejie^OHy?
13) His telephone number H oM ep H o ro T ejie^O H y
is 5-11-43. 5-11-43.

14) R ing me up at five nofl3Boim (3aTejie4>OHyH)
o’clock, please! MeHi, 6yflb jiacna, o n ’« -
Tin roflHHi.
15) — Haven’t seen you for — He SannB Te6e fly»ce
ages! AaBHo!
— W e moved into a new — M h nepei’xajiH b h o b y
flat. KBapTHpy.

5. 3anHTaiiTe o#He o#H oro i AafiTe Biflnofcifli.

1. Do you have a telephone?

2. W hat is your telephone number?
3. Do you like to speak dn the telephone?
4. Is there a telephone in your classroom?
5. Do your friends ring you up every day?
6. W hat is your address?
7. When do you move into your flat?
8. How many storeys does your house have?
9. W hat floor do you live on?

6. Bi^TBopiTb Ai&Jior y rrapax.

— Hello, Lida! Haven’t seen you for ages!

— Hello, Ruslan! W e moved into a new flat.
— W hat is your address?
— 10, Volodymyrska Street, Flat 41.
— W hat floor do you live on?
— I live on the fourth floor. Do you have a tele­
— Yes, I do. My telephone number is 228-39-21.
— Thank you. I ’ll ring you up in the evening. Good­
— Good-bye! I was glad to see you.

7. 3aKiHH peneHHtf irachMOBO.

1. My address is ...

2. I live on the ... floor.
3. Our house has ... storeys.
4. I like (I don’t like) to speak ...
5. W e have (haven’t) a telephone. Our telephone
number is ...

|8 .|a ) IIpoHHTaH JiiBy *iacTHHy BnpaBH 4 3a 30 ceKyHfl.

6 ) BnKOHafi B n p a sy 4 (b ) 3a 35 ceicyHfl.

|9.|Hannnm aH rjiiiicbKoio m o b o io .

1. Th 3Haem a^pecy C B oro npHjrrejiH?

2. Ham Tejie<j?OH 6ijiHH.
3. B ohh nepeixajiH b HOBy KBapTHpy BjiiTKy.
4. He ,zi;3bohh Mem Bpam];i!
5. IJijiy BiraicTb Te6e He Sarajia. — H 6yjia xBopa.


1. IIpoHHTafi cjioBa b aji^JaBiTHOMy nopaflicy:

floor, telephone, address, describe, storey, explain,

because, move, hometask, count, retell, music, ques­
tion, learn, word, nine, zero, vocabulary.

2. a ) 3aKiH*i 3annTaHHa ao peneHb.

1. Last year Stepan moved into a new flat.

— W ho ...
— Did ...
— W hat ...
— W hen ...
— W here ...
2. Valya lives on the ground floor.
— W ho ...

— Does ...
— W hat ...
— Where ...
3. They will have a telephone next year.
— W ho ...
— W ill ...
— W hat ...
— When ...

6 ) IlocTaB HKOMora 6ijii>me 3&iih t &h i > a o pe*ieHi».

1. Our school has two storeys.

2. Olha didn’t know her teacher’s address.
3. Yurko will ring you up tomorrow after classes.

3. IlocTaB pOTeHHH b 3anepe*iHm <J>opMi.

3pa30K: O u r hometask was to learn a new poem.

O u r hometask wasn*t to learn a new poem.

1. Lyuda’s telephone number is 218-45-19.

2. Last year they moved from Melitopol to Uzhhorod.
3. Maryna likes to speak on the telephone with her
4. He will give you his address in two days.

4. a ) 3aKiHHTe fliajio r i Bi^TBopiTt iioro b napax.

— Hello ... I am glad ... — So am I. Haven’t seen

you ...
— Where were you?
— W e moved ... — W hat is your new ad­
— ... — W hat floor ...?
— I live ... — Thank you. Good-bye.
6 ) BiATfiopiTb A iajio r aHrjiincBKoio m o b o io .

— IIpHBiT, CjiaBKy! He Sannjia Te6e n;ijiy B i r a i c T b .

— npHBiT, OneHKo! Mh nepei’xajiH b HOBy KBapTHpy.
— HKa tbo h aflpeca?
— ByjimjH JlicoBa, 2, KBapTHpa 8.
— Ha HKOMy noBepci t h HCHBern?
— Ha TpeTbOMy. Ham SyflHHOK n’HTHnoBepxoBHH.
— M h nepeifleMo b HOBy KBapTHpy HacTyimoro poKy.
y T e 6 e e Tejiec})OH?
— TaK. 3annniH noro HOMep, 6y,n;b jiacKa.
— f l a Kyio. H T o 6 i nofl3B O H K ) b c y 6 o T y h h Heflijno.
— flo no6aneHHH.
— flo no6aneHHH.

5. IIpoHHTaH pe^eHHH Ta ix h Ih nepeKJiaA. 3BepHH y B a ry Ha

3aKiH^ieHHH A iec jiis y npauifi k o jio h h L

Every day Now

1. I go to school every day. 1. I am going to school
— H x o flM cy # o DIKOJIH now. — H H#y flo mKO-
mOflHH. jih 3apa3.
2. Danylo does his morn­ 2. D anylo is doin g his
ing exercises every day. morning exercises now.
— flaH H J IO p o 6 n T b p a H - — flaHHjio po6htb paH-
K O B y 3 a p n ,n ;K y h ^o ^ h h . KOBy 3apHflKy 3apa3.
3. My m o th e r w a te rs flow­ 3. My mother is w atering
ers every day. — M oh flo w e r s now . — M o «
M aM a n o jiH B a e k b Ith MaMa nojiHBae k b I th
Il^O^HH. aapaa.
4. The boys play football 4. The boys are playing
after classes. — Xjiomji football now. — Xjioniji
rp a iO T b y 4>yT6oji nicjra rpaiOTb y <J>yT6oji 3apa3.

5. W e do our lessons every 5. W e are doing our les-
d ay. — M h po6hm o yp o- sons now. — M h p o -
k h m o^H a. 6 h m o y p o K H 3apa3.

p\a B iflS y saeT bca b m om cht
m 06 n o K a 3aTH, m o
P03M0BH a6o npoTaroM nepiofly TenepimHboro
nacy, BJKHsaeTbca Tenepimmn TpnsajiHH nac
(The Present Continuous [kan'tinjuas] Tense).
Tenepimmn TpHsajiHH nac yTBopioeTbCH 3 a
AonoMoroio Aiecjiosa to be y TenepimHbOMy
He63HaneHOMy naci (am, is, are) i 3aiciinieHHH
-ing, HKe flOflaeTbca ro ^iecjiis.
Hanpmcjiaa: I am reading a book now (a6o
I*m reading a book now.) —
H Humaio khumkij 3apa3.
y fliecjiis, m;o 3aKiHHyiOTbCH Ha e, npn ao^a-
BaHHi 3aKiHHeHHH -ing e BHna^ae.
HanpHKJia#: to give — giving
to make — making

Hkie;o fliecjioso 3aKiHHyeTbCH Ha ie, to npH

flOAasaHHi -ing ie 3aMiHioeTbCH Ha y.
HanpHKJiaA*. to lie (jieMamu) — lying
to tie (3ae*R3yeamu) — tying

y OflHOCKJiaflOBHx fliecjiis, m;o 3aKiHHyiOTbCH

Ha npnrojiocHy, nepe/j hkoio ctoItb kopotkhh
tojiochhh 3ByK, npn AOAasaHHi 3aKiH^eHHH
-ing KiHnjesa npHrojiocHa noflsoioeTbCH.
HanpHKJiaA*. to sit — sitting
to run — running
6. Ilpo*mTaH ni^nHCH flo MajuoHKiB i nepeKJia^H ix Ha yKpaiHci>Kv
M O B y.

1. The boy is jumping. 1. The boys are jumping.

2. The girl is sitting. 2. The girls are sitting.

3. The child is playing. 3. The children are playing.

4. The pupil is standing 4. The pupils are stand-
at the blackboard. ing at the blackboard.
7. Y tbo^ h HKOMora Gijibme peneiib y Present Continuous Tense.

I making a bed.
You am dressing,
He is watching TV.
She are having breakfast,
We reading a book,
They writing a letter.

18. [a) IlpowHTaH TencT i nncbMciBo nepeKJiaflH BH^iJieHi KypcHBOM

p e lieHHJi.
6) flan Bi/jnoBifli Ha 3anHTaHH«.


E v e r y day the Sun shines in the sky. Every night

the Moon shines in the sky. One day the Moon says to
the Sun, “You are bright. You are brighter than I.
But you are alone in the sky. I am not alone. There are
many stars in the sky. They are my little friends. They
twinkle and smile at me. They like me and I like them
very much.”
The bright Sun is very sad. H e wants to have as
m a n y friends as the M o o n .
One day Spring sees that the Sun is sad. “W hy are
you sad?” asks Spring.
“I am bright,” says the Sun, “but I am alone in the
sky. The Moon has many friends. The stars are the
Moon’s friends.”
“W ell, I can help you,” says Spring. “You will have
many friends and they will love you very much.”
N e x t m orn in g when the S u n rises in the sky he sees
m any bright yellow flowers everywhere . They grow in
the street?;, they grow in the yards, they grow in the
parks and in the gardens. They are called dandelions.
The Sun loves them and they open when the Sun shines.

the M oon — MicaijB; b rig h te r — acKpaBime; alone

[a'loun] — caMOTHin; a sta r [sta:] — 3ipna; tw inkle
[twirjkl] — MepexTi TH, c h h t h ; s m i l e a t me —
nocMixaioTbca Mem; as many ... as [asz] — ctIjibkh m
... ckuibkh; to rise — BCTaBara, niflHiMaTHcn; every­
where — cKpi3b, yciofln; to grow — pocth; a garden
[ga:dn] — c&ji, ropoa; they are called — ix Ha3HBaioTB;
a dandelion [’daendilaian] — Kyjib6a6a

1. Where does the Sun shine every day?

2.. When does the Moon shine?
3. W ho is alone in the sky?
4. Are the stars the Moon’s friends?
5. Does the Sun want to have many friends?
6. W ho helps the Sun?
7. W hat can you say about the Sun’s friends?
19.|H a n n n in peneHHa b Present Continuous Tense.

1. The Sun shines in the sky.

2. The stzrs twinkle and smile.

3. Many dandelions grow in the yards and in the
4. The Moon speaks to the Sun.

ypom 7 3 - 7 4

at this m om ent

1. n p o * r a T a fi c jio B a :

[n]: pin, pan, sun, win, thin, fan, ran, ten, in, kin;
[r]]:*king, ping, ring, sing, thing, bring, tongue,
sung, fang, bang.

2 . C n a jK H , m o t h p o d H in ije c a M e .

3 pa 30K: K y r y l o is writing a dictation now.

I am writing a dictation now.

1. She is writing down new words.

2. They are translating the text,
3. W e are sitting at our desks.
4. Ostap is doing a sum.
5. You are reading the tale at page 7.
6. My classmates are making up dialogues now.

3 . a ) 3 a n n m n y c a i n c ji o b h h k i 3 a n a M ’ jiT a ft:

at this moment ['moumant] — y meii momcht , y n;io

X B H JIH H y.

6 ) Ilp o ^ H T a H pe*ieHHH i nepeK JiaflH h a y K p a m c b K y M O By.

I am making my bed at this moment.

My father is watching TV at this moment.
Vira is having supper at this moment.
They are reading a tale at this moment.
4 . CKaHCH aH IV liH C bK O K ) MOBOIO.

1. BiH paxye y n;eH momcht .

2. BoHa BiflnoBiflae Ha 3anHTaHHa B^HTejia y ijeii
3. y^HTejiBKa noHCHioe HOBi cjioBa y n;io XBHjiHHy.
4. H onncyio KapTHHy 3apa3.
5. HeproBHH BHTHpae flomicy b ijeii momcht .
6. B ohh nepeKJia,maiOTi» peneHHa Ha aHrjiiHCBKy MOBy
7. BiKTopia p03M0Bjiae no Tejie<}>OHy b ijeii momcht .

3 A I I A M ’J IT A ft!
fljia yTBopeHHH nHTajiBHoi cJjopmh Present Con­
tinuous Tense flie c jiO B O to be (am, is, are)
CTaBHTBCH nepe/i; niflMeTOM.
Hanprnuia#: I am speaking now. — H 3a-
pa3 P03M06JIHT0,
Am I speaking now? — H 3apa3
P 03M06JUU0?
H e ( s h e ) is reading at this mo­
ment. — B in (e o n a ) numae
e u,eii M O M e n m .
Is he (she) reading at this rrco
ment? — Bin (eona) y i^eu m o
Menm numae?
You (w e , th e y ) are having din­
ner now. — Bu ( m u , eoHu) odida
eme ( 06idaeM0, o6idawmb) 3apa3.
Are you ( we, they) having din
ner now? — Bu ( m u , bohu) odida
eme ( odidaeMO, odidatomb) 3apa3?

3anepe*raa (})op]v^a Present Continuous yTBopio-
nicjiH am, is, are.
HanpHKJiai;: I am n o t watching T V now —
H He duejiiocsi menee 3op 3apa3.
H e ( s h e ) is n o t ( i s n ' t ) da nc i ng
at this moment. — B i n ( e o n a )
ne maHUfioe e u,eu MOMenm.
W e ( y o u , they ) are n o t ( a r e n 't )
p la yin g football now. — M u ( e u ,
e o n u ) 3apa3 ne epaeMO ( zpacme,
epaiomb) y (pymdoji.

5. IIpo'iHTaH peqeHHH flo MajuoHKiB i nepeKJia^H Ix Ha yKpamcbKy


1. The boy is giving an 2. The dogs are running

apple to the girl. in the park.
Is the boy g iv in g an Are the dogs running in
apple to the girl? — Yes, the park? — Yes, they
he is. are.
Is the boy giving an apple Are the dogs jumping in
to his father? — No, he the park? — No, they are
isn’t. not.
W hat is the boy doing? — W hat are the dogs doing
He is giving an apple to in the park? — The dogs
the girl. are running in the park.
W ho is giving an apple to Where are the dogs run­
the girl? — The boy is giv­ ning? — They are run­
ing an apple to the girl. ning in the park.

6 . IIo c T a B p en eH H H b m r r a jit H iH i 3 a n e p e *m iH ^ o p iv ia x .

1. Taras is looking at the picture.

2. Raya is standing near the window.
3. The pupils are listening to their teacher.
4. I am drawing a flower.

7. HanHnm a n r jiiH c t K o io m oboio n ifl a h k t o b k y b h h t c jiji.

1. B h nnnreTe flHKTaHT 3apa3.

2. yHHTejib HHtae pe^eHHa aHrjimcbKoio moboio y
n e f i M O M 6H T.
3. Maicap a h b h t b c h na flomKy 3apa3? — Hi.
4. y^Hi CHflHTb 3a napTaMH 3apa3? — Tan.

|8>|Po3KaHCH aH rjiiiicfcK o io m o b o io , m o p o6 h ti> 3 a p a 3 k o h w h H Jien

T B o e i c iM *I (flifly cfc, 6 a 6 y c a , TaTO, M aM a , 6 p a T , c e c T p a , t h ) .

9. H a n n m H aH rjiiH CfcK oio m obo io.

1. H 3apa3 flonoMaraio MaMi no rocnoflapCTBy.

2. BiH He p o 6 h t b ypoKH b rcen m o m c h t . BiH rpaeTbca
3i CBOeK) C eC TpH H K O IO .
3. JliTH rpaiOTb y cmxcKH 3apa3? — Hi.
4. OjieHa mhc nocy# n;iei xbhjihhh ? — TaK.

10. B H K O H aft B u p a s y 6 n iic b M O B O .

]5 R
yPOK 75

1. Ckhjkh a H rjiiH C b K o io m o b o io :

OflHH, fle C a T b , f l B a f f l f l T t , T p H T O flT L ,

copoK, n’flT^ecHT, inicTflecaT, ciM,n;ecaT,

B ic iM ^ e C H T , fle B ’ HHOCTO, CTO;

n e p in H H , A p y r H H , T p e T iii, H e T B e p T H H ,

n ’ flT H H , AeC H TH H ,


,'ciM(n;ecHT .zjpyrHH, fleB’aHOCTO ^eB’aTHH.

2. a ) /J,aH B ifln o B ifli Ha 3 a n n T a n H H r o M aJiioHKa.

6) OnuniH M ajiK)HOK, B H K o p n cT O B y io 'm Present Continuous
1. Is it summer or autumn? W hy do you think so?
2. Is it raining?
3. Does the sun shine brightly?
4. Are the boys playing football?
5. W ho are playing tennis?
6. W hat is the girl doing?
7. W ho is reading a book?
8. Is the grandmother reading a book too?
9. W hat is she doing?
10. Is this a happy family?

3. IIpo^HTaHTe TeKCT i BiflTBopiTB Horo b napax.


A mother asks her small daughter who is reading a

“W hat are you reading, dear?”
“I don’t know,” answers the girl.
“You don’t know? You are reading aloud, so you
must know.”
“I am reading aloud, Mummy, but I am not listen­
in g,” the child explains.

a daughter [’do:ta] — aoHica; dear [do] — floporHH (-a);

aloud [a'laud] — srojioc; so — TOMy; must — noBHHeH

4. a ) IIpo^H TaH peqeHHH i nepeKJia^H ix Ha yKpai'HCLKy MOBy.

CKatfCH, b HKowy ^ a c i bjkhto BHAiJiem fliecjiona (P r e s e n t
In d e fin it e , P a s t In d e fin ite , P re s e n t C o n tin u o u s ).

1. Fedir goes to school number 2.

He doesn’t go to school number 1.
Does Fedir go to school number 2? — Yes, he does.
Does he go to school number 1? — No, he doesn’t.

2. Natalka went to the zoo yesterday.
She didn’t go to school yesterday.
Did Natalka go to the zoo yesterday? — Yes, she
Did she go to school yesterday? — No, she didn’t.
3. The boys of our form will play football after classes.
They will not do their lessons after classes.
W ill the boys of our form play football after classes?
— Yes, they will.
W ill they do their lessons after classes? — No, they
4. The teacher is listening to the pupils at this mo­
She is not reading the sentences now.
Is the teacher listening to the pupils at this mo­
ment? — Yes, she is.
Is she reading the sentences now? — No, she isn’t.
[6)~|yTBopH no oflHOMy peneHHio b CTBepflHcyBajibHiH cfropMi Ha
KOJKeH nac i 3anmim Ix.

5. 3anHTaHTe o#He oflHoro i #aHTe BiflnoBifli, mo bh i Barni

oflHOKJiacHHKH pofijiHTb 3apa3 (now, at this m om ent).
BnKopncTaHTe TaKi cjioBa:

to read, to write, to speak, to listen, to explain, to

translate, to look, to describe, to draw, to ask, to
answer, to count, to retell, to make up.

3pa30K: — W h a t are you doing n o w ?

— I am answering y o u r question now.
— W h a t is P e tro doing at this moment?
— P e t r o is looking at the teacher at
this moment.
— I s our teacher speaking now?
— N o , she isn't.
6 6-123 161
6. C k &j k h aHrjiincbKOK) m o b o io .

1. 3apa3 H,n;e crnr? — Hi.

2. 3apa3 Hfle flom;? — TaK.
3. T h 3apa3 rpaemca 3 coSaKoio? — Hi.
4. m^o yrai po6jiaTb 3apa3? — B ohh posmobjihiotb
aHrjiincBKOK) moboio.
5 . H e p r o B H H He B H T H pae flo in K y b i^en momcht. BiH
c h ^ h t b 3a n a p T o io i cjiyxae.

6 . fl He M a jiio io b n;io xBHJiHHy, a nepeKjiaflaio pe-

n eH H fl H a a H r jiin c B K y M OBy.
7. Hama B H H T ejib K a c t o i t b 6ijia BiKHa 3apa3. BoHa


1. IIp o ^ H T aH B ip m 3a 7 ceKyHfl. C n po G y fl po3Ka3aTii H oro

H a n a M ’ HTB.

I like to read,
I like to play,
I like to study every day.
I like to jump,
I like to run,
I like to play,
It’s fun.

fun [fAn] — H ca p T , B e c e jio m ; i

2. a ) IIp o^iH T aH T e c jio B a i cjroBocnojiy^eHHH, h k i b h b h b ^ih j ih b

ijif i ^iB epTi. Ile p e K J ia A iT b i x H a y K p aiH C B K y MOBy.
6) Po3noflijiiTi> cjioBa mihc coGoio i cKjia^iTB no o^HOMy
pe^ieHHK) 3 KOtfCHHM 13 HHX.

1) address 3) classmate
2) also 4) count
5 describe. 27 natural sciences
6 dialogue 28 page
7 dictation 29 at page
8 do a sum 30 paragraph
9 drawing 31 physical tra ilin g
10 explain 32 question
11 expression 33 ask questions
12 favourite 34 answer the questi
13 floor ons
14 Haven’t seen you for 35 ring up
agesl 36 retell
15 hometask 37 sentence
16 interesting 38 storey
17 learn 39 story
18 make up 40 subject
19 manual work 41 telephone
20 mark 42 time-table
21 get a mark 43 translate
22 mathematics 44 use
23 at this moment 45 vocabulary
24 mother tongue 46 word-combination
25 move 47 write down
26 music
3. a) I lp o ^ H T a H TeKCT “The Parrot Likes to Learn English** i
n ep e K J ia^Hiioro H a y K p a m c t K y MOBy.
6) ^ a ii BiAnoBi^i H a 3 an n T aH H H b Past Indefinite.


Bohdan likes to learn English. Polly likes to learn

English too. Polly is a nice big parrot. W hen Bohdan
does his English lessons Polly is in the room. He lis­
tens to Bohdan and repeats the words.
One day two boys come to see Bohdan. They are
Bohdan’s friends. Polly sees them and says in English,
“ Go away! Go away!” The boys know English. They do
not like Polly’ s words. They look at Bohdan. Bohdan
is angry with Polly. He asks him to stop talking. But
Polly says and says, “ Go away! Go away!”
Then the boys say, “Very well, let’ s go!” They say
“ Good-bye” to Bohdan and Polly, and go home.
Bohdan doesn’ t know what to do. Then he says,
“ Polly, you must be nice to my friends. When they
come say these words: “ How do you do, friends? Come
in, come in, please!”
Polly likes the new words. He says them a lot of
times. Bohdan listens to him and says, “ That’ s right,
Polly, that’ s right.”
When Bohdan’ s friends come to see him again Polly
says, “ How do you do, friends? Come in! Come in,
The boys like his words very much. They say, “ Well,
Polly! You are a good parrot.”
And then Polly says, “That’ s right! That’ s right!”
a parrot ['pserat] — nanyra;
nice — rapmiH; to see —
BiflBiflaTu; q g away! — H a ’ t b r e T t ! ; to be angry (with)
— cepflHTHca, rHiBaTHca (Ha); to talk — t o b o p h t h ,
P03M0BJXHTH; a lot of times — 6e3jmi pa3iB; again
[a'gein] — 3hoby

1. Did Polly like to learn English?

2. Could he speak English?
3. Who came to see Bohdan one day?
4. Did Polly say good words to them?
5. What did the boys do?
6. Was Bohdan satisfied with Polly’ s behaviour?
7. What new English words did Polly learn?
8. 'Was Polly a good pupil?
9. Do you have a parrot?
10. Does your parrot speak English or Ukrainian?

yPOKH 7 7 -7 9 (PE3EPBHI)


1. a) IIpo^HTaH TpaHGKpnnitiio cjiib i nepeKJia^n 'ix Ha yKpaiHctKy

6) Ha3BH cno^aTKy Bci Micfliji poKy no nopa^Ky, a noTiM oKpe-

[d 3 u:n], [sap'temba], [’februari], [mei], [ok’touba],

[d3 u:'lai], ['daaenjuan], [di'semba], [ma:tj], [’o:gast],
[noVemba], ['eipral].

2. Po3Ka?KH npo secHftHi KamKyjm.

'3. BHKOHan KOMaH^y. IIpH ufcOMy #aH npaBHjibHy BiAHOBi/jfc Ha


3pa30K: — Stand up, Oleh!

— Are you sitting?
— No, I am not sitting. I am standing.
1. Go to the blackboard! Are you going to the door?
2. Open the book! Are you opening the window?
3. Shut the diary! Are you opening the diary?
4. Read this text! Is he writing a letter?
5. Write the exercise 5 at page 11! Are they writ­
ing the exercise 3 at page 11?
6. Give him a pencil! Are you giving him a pencil-
7. Draw a ball! Are you writing a ball?
8. We are sitting in the classropm. Are we sitting
in the park?
9. The teacher is asking questions. Is the teacher
answering the questions?

10. Count from five to ten! Are you doing sums?

4. a) IlpcraHTaH nipm. BinnoBi/u Ha 3annTaHM.

Where are you going
to, my little cat?
I’ m going to town to
buy a hat.
What? A hat for a cat?
A cat in a hat?
Who ever saw a cat in
a hat?

to buy [ b a i ] — K y n y -
BaTii; ever ['eva] —

1. Where is a cat going?

2. What is the cat going to buy in town?
3. Do you have a cat?
4. Does your cat have a hat?
5. Did you ever see a cat or a dog in a hat?
6. Do you like this little cat in a hat?
6) A renep cnpo6yii npo^HTaTH fiipm, oaMmHsmH cno^aTicy
cjtobo “ a hat" Ha “ a shirt” , a mmM Ha “ a sk irt” .

5. HannniH pe*ieHHji aHiviiHcfcKOK) moboio b Present Continu­


1. KiT CHflHTb Ha niABiKOHHi.

2. Co6aKa aubhtbch y bIkho.
3. Eijiica rpa eT b ca 3 ropixoM .
4. Ha ByjiHixi hag aohj.
6. a) Ilpo^iHTaHTe fliajior aHrjiiHCfcKOK) m o b o i o y napax. 3fiepHiTb
yeary Ha BHAijieHi cjioBa Ta i'x nepeKjia^.
6) 3aKpHHTe jiisy *iacTHHy fliajiory i cnpo6yfiTe Bi^TBopHTH
fioro aHrjiincfcKoio m o b o i o .

Katya: The weather is bad Rama: CtoroAHi noraHa

today. norofla.
Myshko: Yes, it is. I think M uuiko : Tan. H flyMaio,
it will rain. mo 6yfle flom;.
Katya: Let’ s go home. We Kama: Xo^iMo flOflOMy. y .
have no umbrellas Hac HeMae napaco-
[Am'brelaz]. JIBOK.
Myshko: Oh! It’ s raining M uuiko : O! yace Hfle aohj.
already [o:l'redi].
Katya: It’s raining cats Kama: Aom, jijic h k 3
and dogs. Binpa.
Myshko: You are right. I M uuiko : CnpaBfli. H npo-
am wet to the skin. MOK AO HHTKH.
Katya: So am I. Kama: I h rem.

7. a) IIpo^iHTaH TeKCT i n e p e K J ia ^ n noro Ha yKpalHci.Ky Mosy.


Vira and Lida Pavlenko are twins. They are school­

girls. The twins are very much alike and their teach­
ers never know which is which.
One day the teacher of English says, “ Vira Pavlenko,
take your book and come up to my table.” But Vira
does not know the lesson. She cannot read the new
text. So she says to her sister, “ Help me, Lida! I don’t
know the lesson. I can’t read the text. You go and
read it.”
Lida stands up and goes to the teacher’ s table. She
begins to read. She reads the text very well. The teacher
says, “You read very well, Vira, you get a five. Shut
your book and sit down.”
Lida goes to her place and sits down. The twins are
happy. But the teacher wants to ask Lida Pavlenko
too. He says, “And now, Lida Pavlenko, you take your
book and come up to my table!” And he looks at Vira.
Now Vira must go and read the text. But she can­
not read it. The twins do not know what to do.
Vira Pavlenko stands up and ... .
What does she say to the teacher?
twins — 6jiH3HHTa; to be much alike [a'laik] — 6 y ra
flyHce c x o h c h m h ; never know which is which — h I k o j i h
He po3pi3H$iK)Tb ix; so — TOMy
6) HanmnH pe^ieHHfl b Present Continuous.

1. Lida Pavlenko goes to the teacher’ s table.

2. She reads the text.
3. Vira does not answer the teacher’ s question.
4. The twins look at the teacher.

yP O K H 8 1 - 8 2

face, head, nose, round,

oval, straight, turned-
up, plump

1 . IlpO ^IH TaH H a3B H M iCT. CKatfCH, B HKOM y 3 H H X HCHByTfc TBOl

Apy3i poflirai.
3pa30K: M y aunt lives in Kamyanets-Podilsky.
Vinnytsya, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhytomyr,
Zaporizhzhya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Kirovohrad,
Luhansk, Lutsk, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Odessa, Poltava,
Rivne, Simferopol, Sumy, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Kherson,
Khm elnytsky, Cherkassy, Chernivtsi, Chernihiv,

2. Cno*iaTKy npomiTaiiTe Aiajiora y napax, a noTiM BiflTBopiTt

ix aHrjimcfcKoio moboio.

1) — Who is on duty today? — X to ctoroflHi nepro-

— I am. — H.
— Who is absent? — X to BiflcyTHin?
— Halya is absent today. — CboroflHi Bi,n;cyTHH
— Why is she absent? — HoMy BOHa Biflcyraa?
— It seems to me she is ill. — Mem 3AaeTBCH, njo bo-
Ha XBopa.
— Why do you think so? — HoMy th TaK ayMaem?
— I think so because yes­ — H flyMaio TaK TOMy, njo
terday it was raining B^iopa flom JIHB HK 3
cats and dogs and she Biflpa, i BOHa npoMOK-
was wet to the skin., Jia flO HHTKH.
— It’ s a pitty, but I think — HCajib, ajie a AyMaio,
we shall see her at school mh no6a^iHMo li b nnco-
in two or three days. jii *iep e3 flea Tp n
2) — Hello, Maxym! — npHBiT, MaKCHMe!
— Hello, Kostya! — n p H B i T , K octio!
— Let’ s go to the zoo after — flaBan cxo^hmo b 300-
lessons. napK nicaa ypoKiB.
— But look at the window! — Ajie norjiaHb y bIkho!
It rains cats and dogs. I flom jijig aK 3 Biflpa.
haven’ t an umbrella. y MeHe HeMae napa-
C O J IbK H .

— And what are you going — I m;o 36H paem cH
to do then? to a 1 po 6 h th ?
— I am going to read an — H 36npaK)CH *mTaTH
interesting book. Will ijiK aB y KHHHCKy. T h
you read it with me? ' 6yflem H H TaTH ii 3i
— Yes, I shall. — Tan.

3. IIp o ^ H T a H c j i o B a 3 n e p e K J ia flO M , a a n n m i i y C B iii c j i o b h h k i


a face [fe is ] — a head [h e d ] a nose round [r o u n d ]

o 6 jih h * ih ; — rojiosa; [ n o u z ] — Hie; — K p y r jiH n ;

oval [’o u v a l] straight [streit] turned-up plump [plAmp]

— o b a jilh h h ; — npH M nn; ['ta :n d ,A p ] — — d obh h h (n p o .

K iip n a T H ii; jnoairay).

4. a) IIpo*iHTaH cjioBocnojiy^ieHHH i pe*ieHHH. IlepeKJiaflH ix Ha
yKpaiHCbKy MOBy.
6) CKJia^H no oflHOMy pe^ieitHio 3 BH£ijieHHMH cjioQaMH.
My face, her face, their faces, the girl’ s face, the
boy’ s face, a clean face, a dirty face, a round face, an
oval face. His face is oval. Nina’ s face is round.
My head, his head, the doll’ s head, a big head, a
small head, on his head, on her head. My dog has a big
head. Buratino has a fine hat on his head.
A big nose, a small nose, a long nose, a straight
nose, a turned-up nose. Pinocchio has a long nose.
Malvina has a small nose.
A round face, a round head, a round table, a round
clock, a round watch, a round ball. He has a round
face. Buratino’ s head is big and round.
An oval face, an oval watch, an oval table, an oval
looking-glass, an oval ball. Tanya’ s, face is oval. I have
an oval watch.
A straight nose, straight hair, a straight street, a
straight line. I can draw a straight line with a ruler.
Her hair is* short and straight.
A turned-up nose. Valya has a small turned-up nose.
Do you have a turned-up nose? Who has a turned-up
nose in your class?
A plump child, a plump girl, a plump boy, a plump
man, a plump woman. Olya is small and plump. My
grandmother is a plump woman.

5 . C K aH CH a H r j i i n c b K o i o m o b o io :

Kpyrjie o6jra*raa, oBajiBHe o6jispraa, Bejraica rojiOBa, Moa

rojioBa, npHMiiii Hie, KHpnaTHH Hie, noBHa fliBHHHKa,
noBHHH HOjiOBiK, Kpyrjia KiMHaTa, OBajiBHa KiMHaTa,
npflMa Byjraija, flOBra Byjraija, KopoTKa Byjinija, *racTe
o6jiH*raa, HHCTa rojioBa.
6 . ^ a f i B i ^ n o B i A i H a 3 a n iiT a H H H .

3pa30K : What is your face like? — Hue y me6e

o6 jiuhhjl?
I t ’ s oval. — Oeajibne.
What face have you? — Slue y me6e
o6 jiuhhjl?
I have an oval face. — y Mene oeajibne
1. Are you a boy or a girl?
2. Are you tall or small?
3. Are you thin or plump?
4. What face have you?
5. What is your head like?
6. Is your nose straight or turned-up?

|7.]a) ripoTiHTan cjioBocnoJiyneHHfl i peTieHHji aHrjimcbKoio moboio

3a 25 ceKyHA-
6) 3aiepHH Jiisy *iacTHHy cTopiHKH i nepeKJia^H cjioBOcnojiy-
^eHHH Ta pe^eHHH Ha aHrjiiiicbKy Mosy 3a 30 ceicyHp,.

1) a round face Kpyrjie oSjihhm#

2) an oval face OBajtBHe o6jihmmh
3) a straight nose npHMHH Hie
4) a turned-up nose KHpnaTHH Hie
5) a big head Bejinna TOJiOBa
6) on his head Ha iioro rojioBi
7) a plump child noBHa flHTHHa
8) Pinocchio and Buratino y IliHOKKio i EypaTiHO
have long straight noses. ,n;oBri npaMi hoch.
9) My friend has an oval y Moei noApym OBajn»He
face. o6jihmmh.
10) Rex has a big head y Penca BejiHKa TOJiOBa
and a small nose. i MRJieHBKnn Hie.
11) She has a red hat on y Hei* Ha TOJiOBi nepBOHHH
her head. Kanejiiox.
12) This g ir l is very L(a fliBHHHKa ayace hob-
plump. Ha.

yPOKM 8 3 -8 4
ey e , eyebrow, left , blue­
ey e d , g r e y -e y e d , dark­
eyed, green-eyed

1. npoHHTaii 3a 30 cenyHfl:

hand, arm, leg, head, face, nose, neck, hair, fair,

dark, straight, round, oval, plump, thin, thick,
turned-up, short, tall, big, large, small, fat, old,
gay, happy, boy, girl, man, woman, child, children,
2. CKa>KH aHrjiiHCbKoio moboio.

3pa30K: y Hbozo oeajibne o6jiuhhjl. — H e has

an oval face .
Hoeo oOjiuhhji oeajibue. — His face is oval.

1. y Hei* Kpyrjie o6jra*raa. II oGjiHM^a Kpyrjie.

2. y KimKH BejiHKa ro- KoTana rojioBa BejiHKa.
3. y KypKH MajieHtKa ro- Kyp^iHHa roaoBa Majiem*-
aoBa. Ka.
4. y MeHe KHpnaTHH Hie. M in Hie KHpnaTHH.
5. y Bipn npaMHH Hie. BipHH Hie npaMHH.
6. y IliHOKKiO flOBrHH Hie. Hie niHQKKio AOBrHH.
3. flaft Biflncmifli Ha 3&nHTaHHH npo c b o ix oAHOKJiacHHKiB.

1. Who has a round face?

2. Who has an oval face?
3. Who has a small nose? 7. Who is tall?
4. Who has a straight nose? 8. Who is small?
5. Who has a long nose? 9. Who is plump?
6. Who has a turned-up 10. Who is thin?
4 . OnH EU H K o r o c b i 3 c b o ix O A H O K J iacH H K iB .

3 pa 30K: Olya is my classmate. She is a girl. Olya

is small and plump. She has a round
face. Her nose is turned-up.
5 . 3 a n H f f lH c j i o e a 3 n e p e K J ia ^ o M y CBift c j io b h h k i 3a n a M ’ aTaH

an eye [ai] — an eyebrow blue-eyed —

oko ; [ 'a i b r a u ] — 6poB a; r o jiy S o o K im ;

grey-eyed — dark-eyed — green-eyed —

C ipO O K H H J TeM H O O K H H ; 3 e J ie H O O K H H ;

left — jiiBHii.
6. a) ITpo^HTafl cjioBocnojiy^eHHH i peqeHHJi fi nepeKJia^n Ix Ha
yKpaiHCBKy MOBy.
6) CKJia^H no o^HOMy pe^ieHHio 3 kojkhhm BHflijieHHM cjiobom.

Two eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, large

eyes, my eyes, their eyes, dog’ s eyes, cat’ s eyes. My
mother has large blue eyes. His eyes are grey.
Thin eyebrows, thick eyebrows, dark eyebrows, fair
eyebrows, my eyebrows, his eyebrows, her eyebrows.
Olena has brown eyes and dark eyebrows. Her eyebrows
are very thin.
A left hand, a right hand, a left leg, a right leg, a
left eye, a right eye, in her left hand, in his right
hand. Nastya has a bag in her left hand. Our teacher
can draw with his left hand.
A blue-eyed child, a blue-eyed girl, a blue-eyed boy,
a blue-eyed man, a blue-eyed woman. Is he a blue-eyed
boy? — Yes, he is. He is a blue-eyed boy. Her sister is
* a blue-eyed girl.
A grey-eyed girl, a grey-eyed boy, a grey-eyed
woman, a grey-eyed man. My grandfather is a grey-
eyed man. Antin’ s brother is a grey-eyed boy.
A dark-eyed boy, a dark-eyed girl, a dark-eyed child,
a dark-eyed woman, a dark-eyed man. A dark-eyed old
man was sitting on the bench and reading a book. Our
teacher is a dark-eyed woman.
A green-eyed girl, a green-eyed woman, a green-
eyed child. This green-eyed child is my sister. Liza is
a green-eyed girl.

7. CnajKH aHrjiincBKoio moboio:

a) 1. y Hei rojiyfii oni. II oni rojiy6i.

2. y HBoro K a p i oni. Horo o^i K a p i .
3. y Hei TOHKi 6 p O B H . II 6 p O B H TOHKi.
4. y H B O rO T O B C T i 6 p O B H . Horo 6 p O B H T O B C T i.
5. y K)jii 3ejiem om. IOjihhI oni 3ejiem.
6. y CBiTJiaHH CBiTJli 6pOBH. CBiTJiaHHHi 6pOBH CBiTJli.

6) 1. U,a r.ojiySooKa 3Kimca — Hama BMHTejibKa

aHrJiincBKoi mobh.
2. Ton cipooKHH mojiobIk — H a m y^HTejiB <})i3BH-
XO BaH H H .
3. Moa noflpyncKa — TeMHOOKa fliBHHmca.
4. y lOpna rojiy6i o*ii i TeMHi 6pobh.
5. Min 6paT MOHce nncaTH jiiBOK) pynoio.
6. 3aKpHH jiiBe oko, 3aKpHH npaBe oko!

|8.| ripoqHTafi TeKCT i flaii BiflnoBifli Ha 3anHTaHHH. SfloraflaHCH,

npo Koro H^eTbCH.

This boy is Malvina’ s friend. He is a small wooden

boy. His head is big and round. He has also a round
face, a long straight nose and large brown eyes. His
hair is dark and short. He has long thin arms and legs.
He has a white shirt and white shorts on. There is a
long striped hat on his head. He always has a key in
his hands.

shorts — mopTH; striped [straipt] — cMyracTHH; a key

[k i:] — k jiio h

1. Who is this boy?

2. Is he Malvina’ s friend?
3. What head has he?
4. What is his nose like?
5. Is he a grey-eyed boy?
6. Has he an oval face?
7. What can you say about his arms and legs?
8. Is his hair long and fair?
9. What has he on?
10. Has he a ball in his hands? What does he have?
11. Do you like this boy? Why?
GO Haim m u aHrjiracbKoio m o b o io .

1. Mem notfo6aioTi>CH 3eJieHooKi flisnaTa, ajie y MeHe

rojiy6i o^ri.
2. y Horo 6aTbKa TeMHi o^i h TeMHi 6pobh.
3. y Tap3aHa MajieHBKHH mokphh Hie.
4. H o y Te6e b jiiBin pyni?


1. a) Ilpo*iHTaH sipm “My Plans” i iiepeKJia^H Horo Ha yKpaiHCbKy

6) A Tenep cnpoSyH npo'iHTaTH Horo y Past Indefinite Tense.

3pa30K: On M onday I bought a tool, ...

( y nepeflocTaHHbOMy pnflKy cjiobo “ i f ” BHnycTn.)

On Monday I shall buy a tool,
On Tuesday I shall make a stool,
On Wednesday I shall read a book,
On Thursday I shall try to cook
Something very, very sweet
For my little brother Pete.
On Friday I shall brush my hat,
On Saturday I’ ll dust my flat,
On Sunday if the weather’s good
I shall go into the wood.
plan — njiaH; a tool [tu:l] — iHCTpym cht ; a stool —
TaSypeTKa; to try — CTapaTnca; to cook — sapHTn;
som ething — in;ocb; sweet — cojio^khh; to brush —
dust — BHTHpaTH
nnji; if the weather’s
good — HKmo noro/ta
6y;je rapHa; a wood —
2. Onnmn aoBnimnicTb
BypaTiHo 3a MaJHOHKOM.

3. a) ripoHHTaii cjioBocnojiy-
MeHHH i pe^eHHii aHrjiin-
CbKOIO MOBOIO 3a 40 ce-
6) 3arpHH Jiisy HacTHHy
BnpaBH i nepeKJiaAH cjio
Bocnojiy^ieHHH i peneHHH
aa aHrjiiiicbKy MOBy 3a 40

1) a thin boy xyflHH xjioneipi

2) a plump woman noBHa MciHKa
3) a left hand jiiBa pyna
4) a right leg npaBa Hora
5) an eye and an eyebrow oko i 6posa
6) an oval face OBajibHe o6jihh*ih
7) a blue-eyed girl rojiy6ooKa flisnHHa
8) a turned-up nose KHpnaTHH Hie
9) large eyes and dark BejiHKi o*ii i Teivim 6pobh
10) He has a black cap on y Htorq Ha rojioBi nop-
his head. hhh K a m K e T .
11) Laryssa has large blue y JlapncH BeJiHKi rojiy6i
eyes and long fair hair. o*ri i flOBre CBiTjie bo-
12) Do you like this green- To6i noflofiaeTbCH ijji 3e-
eyed doll? — Yes, I do. JIGHOOKa jIHJIBKa? — TaK.
13) Has Pinocchio a turned- y niHOKKib KHpnaTHH
up nose? — No, he hasn’ t. Hie? — Hi.

4. Hanrnim a H r jim c b K o io m o b o io ni# a h k t o b k y B ^ iH T ejiH .

1. y MajibBiHH Kpyrjie o6 jihhhh i MajieHbKHH Hie.

2. Ba3ijiio — mophhh KiT 3 bcjihkhm 3 ejieHHM okom.
3. fl He 3H a io n ,b o r o BneoKoro e ip o o K o ro x j i o m r a i c a .

5. a) Ilpo*iHTaHTe tckct y ponnx i nepeKJia^iTb fioro Ha yKpa-

lH C b K y M O B y .

One cold evening Rex says, “ Bow-wow” .
Ivanko: What is it, Rex?
Rex goes to the door. Father goes to the door too.
Ivanko and Lessya go to the door.
Father: Sh-h-h-h. Sh-h-h-h.

Lessya: What is it?

Is it a bird?
Father: Rex, what is
Ivanko: Is it Father
Lessya: Is it ^Father
Frost? Open the door,
Father opens the
door. Something white
runs into the house.
R ex runs a fte r it.
Ivanko and Lessya run
after it too.
Lessya: What is it?
Is it a dog or a cat?
Ivanko: It is a dog. A little white dog. He is very
cold. He cries.
Lessya: Let us call him Father Frost.
Father Frost is hungry.
And the children go to get something for Father
bow-wow — raB-raB; something ['SAmGir]] — moct; to
be cold — 3aMep3Hyth; to cry — njianaTn; let us —
^aBaHTe; to call — Ha3HBaTH; hungry ['hArjgri] — ro-
jioahhh; to get — flicTaTH
16 )|IIpoqHTaH nepeKa3 TeKCTy. Po3Ka?KH iioro.

One cold evening Rex went to the door and said,

“ Bow-wow.” Ivanko, Lessya and their father went to
the door too. The father opened the door and a little
white dog ran into the house. He was very cold and
hungry. The children called him Father Frost.
|b )|B hiihiiiii 3 TeKCTy peqeHHH aHrjiiiicbKOio moboio.

1. m o TaM, PeKC?
2. IUjocb 6ijie B6irae p,o 6yAHHKy.
3. BiH jsy>Ke 3Mep3.
4. flaBaHTe Ha3BeMo noro flifloM M opo3om .
5. Rip Mopo3 rojioAHHH.

yPOKH 8 6 - 8 7

cheek , mouth, ear, fore­

head , pale , high, low

1. IIpo^HTaH cjioBa 3 6yKBOK) “ y*:

a) [ai]: my, by, fly, try, cry, why,

style, rye, type, bye;
[i]: happy, sunny, cloudy, dirty, windy, hobby, story,
silly, many, any;
Li]: yes, year, yet, you, your, yard, young, yawn,
yellow, yesterday;
6) fly, sunny, yes, why, windy, yard, cry, cloudy,
yet, type, many, young, my, happy, yesterday,
bye, hobby, yellow, try, dirty, year.
2. IT p o H H T a H c jio B a 3 n e p e K J ia /jo M , 3 a n H n iH y C B iii c jio b h h k i

a cheek [tji:k] a mouth an ear [la] —

— moica; [mau0] — pot; B yxo;

a forehead high [hai] — low [lou] —

[’forid] — jio6; bhcokhh (ane He hh3bkhh, hcbh
npo jnoAen); cokhh, HeBejih k h h *
pale — 6jiiAHH.
3. a) IIpoHHTaH cjioBocnojiytieHHH i pe^eHHH h nepeKJiaAH ix Ha
yKpamcbKy M O B y .
6 ) C K J ia ^ H n o o # H O M y p e q e H H io 3 b h a I jig h h m h c jio s a M H .

My cheeks, red cheeks, rosy cheeks, plump cheeks,

clean cheeks, dirty cheeks. This child has plump cheeks.
His sister has rosy cheeks and red lips.
Her mouth, his mouth, a big mouth, a small mouth.
Ihor has a big mouth. My mouth is small.
My lips, her lips, thick lips, thin lips, red lips, rosy
lips. I have rosy cheeks and red lips. He has an oval
face and thin lips.
A left ear, a right ear, two ears, my ears, clean
ears, dirty ears, small ears, large ears, long ears.
Sharyk has long black ears. My sister’ s ears are small.
My forehead, his forehead, a large forehead, a high
forehead, a low forehead. His forehead was very high
and large. My mother put her hand on my forehead.
A pale child, a pale girl, a pale boy, a pale woman,
pale cheeks, a pale face. He had thin and pale cheeks.
Natalka has a pale face.
A high tree, a high house, a high wall, a high chair,
a high table, a high forehead. My father has a high
forehead. He lives in the high house.
A low wall, a low ceiling, a low house, a low tree, a
low forehead. There are many low trees near the house.
She has a low forehead.

4. Ckejkh a H r jiin c b K O H ) m o b o io .

Kpyrjie o6jihmmh, BeJinica TOJiOBa, MajieHbKi Byxa,

npaMHH Hie, sejiHKHH poT , ^ ep B om r y 6 n , r o jiy 6 i o m ,
AOBri B yxa, Bejinici o m , TeMHi 6 p o b h , noBHa ^ciHKa,
XyflHH TOJIOBiK, KnpnaTHH Hie, KpyrJiHH poT.
5. BnCepH 3 jiymoK Heo6xi,zjm cjioBa i Haniinm peneHHH npo

1. I have a (high, low) forehead and a (big, small)

2. My'cheeks are (pale, rosy, red) and my lips are
(red, rosy).
3. I (like, don’t like) my ears because they are (small,

6. ripo^HTaii peneHHH i nepeKJia^ii hh yKpaiHcticy MOBy.

1. Her cheeks are plump and- rosy.

She has plump and rosy cheeks.
2. His mouth is big.
He has a big mouth.
Has he a little mouth?
No, he hasn’ t.
3. Snip’ s ears are long.
Snip has long ears.
Are Snip’ s ears long?
Yes, they are.
Has Snip long ears?
Yes, he (it) has.
4. Pylyp has a high forehead.
Pylyp hasn’ t a low forehead.
Pylyp’ s forehead is high.
Pylyp’ s forehead isn’ t low.
5. Nina had pale cheeks.
Nina’ s cheeks were pale.
Did Nina have pale cheeks?
Yes, she did.
Were Nina’ s cheeks rosy?
No, they weren’ t.
7. CicaJKH, HKi TBapHHH MaioTb BejiHKi (^eh flOBri) Byxa, a HKi —

3pa30K: An elephant has large ears.

A hen has small ears.

|8.[ a) IIpOHHTRH cjioBocnojiy^eHHH i pe*ieHHH aHrjiinctKoio moboio

3a 30 ceicyHji;.
6) 3aKpHH jiiBy HacTHHy BnpaBH i n e p e K jia ^ H cjioBocnojiy^eHnn
h peneHHH Ha aHrjiincbKy MOBy 3a 35 ceKyHfl.

1) rosy cheeks pyM’ am m;oKH

2) pale cheeks 6jii,n;i iujokh
3) a pale face 6jiifl;e oSjihwh
4) a big mouth BeJIHKHH pOT
5) a small mouth MaJIHH POT
6) long ears flOBri Byxa
7) clean ears racT i Byxa
8) a high forehead BHCOKHH JIo6
9) a low forehead HH3BKHH JIo6
10) Nastya has red cheeks y HacTi ^epBOHi u^okh i
and red lips. ^epBOHi ry6n.
11) He has a small nose y HBOrO MaJIHH Hie i Ma­
and a small mouth. JIHH poT.
12) Her eyes are large Ii o^ii BejiHKi, a Byxa —
and her ears are small. Majii.
13) He has a straight nose y HBOrO npHMHH Hie i BH­
and high forehead. COKHH jio6.
14) Maria has a round y Mapii Kpyrjie o6jra*niH
face and a low forehead. i HH3BKHH JIo6.

~9[] HannniH ABa pe*ieHHH npo Te, HKi TBapHHH MaiOTb BejiHKi
o*ri, a HKi — Majii.

3 pa 30K: Birds, mice ... have small eyes.

Frogs, cats ... have large eyes.
yPOKM 8 8 - 8 9

braid* ribbon, curly,

fa ir -h a ir e d , dark­
haired, grey-haired

1 . y T B O p H M H O JK H H y iM e H H H K iB . I I p O ^ H T a H yrO JIO C o 6 H A B i ^ )O p M H .

3pa30K: an eye — eyes

A nose, a head, a forehead, a face, an ear, a mouth,
a lip, a cheek, an eyebrow, a hand, an arm, a leg, a
boy, a girl, a man, a woman, a child, a schoolmate,
a friend.
2. a) IIpoHHTaH 3aniiTftHHfl aHrjiiiicfcKOio m o b o io i #aH Ha hhx

6) 3aKpHH jiiBy 'iacTiray BnpaBH, nepeKJia^H 3anHTaHH« Ha
aHrjiincbKy MOBy i nonpocn cBoro OAHOKJiacHHKa BiAnoBicm
Ha H H X .

1. Are you tall or small? Tn B H C O K H H MH H H 3 B K H H ?

2. Are you thin or plump? Th X y f l H H MH n O B H H H ?
3. Is your hair dark or T bog b o j io c c h T eM H e mh

fair? CBi T J i e ?
4. What colour are your Hnoro KOJiBopy tboi OMi i
eyes and eyebrows? 6 pO BH ?
5. Is your nose turned-up T b Ih H ie K H pnaTH H mh

or long? f lO B r H H ?
6. Is your forehead high or TBiii J Io6 BHCOKHH MH

low? HH3BKHH?
7. Are your cheeks rosy, T b oi h^okh p y M ’ aH i,

red or pale? M epB O H i m h 6 j i i f l i ?

8...What are your ears like? HKi y Te6e Byxa?
9: What can you say about IH,o th M odern c K a 3 aTH

yoiir mouth and lips? npo C B iii poT i ry6n?

3. IlpoHHTaH cjiobe 3 nepeKJiaflcm, 3annmH y cjiobhhk i 3a-

a braid [breid] — a ribbon ['nban] curly ['ka; li] —

Koca (b o jio c c h ); — CTpi^Ka; Ky^epaBHH,
x b h j ih c t h h ;

fair-haired — dark-haired — grey-haired —

4. a) IIpoHHTaH cjiosocnojiyHeHHH 3 nepeKJraflOM.
6) 3aKpHH npasy nacTHHy BnpaBH i nepeKJiaflH cjiOBocnojiy^ieH-
hh Ha y K p a i 'H C b K y MOBy.
b) 3aKpHH jiisy *iacTHHy BirpasH i nepeKjia/ui cjioBocnojiy^eHHH
Ha aHrjiificbKy MOBy.

1) a long braid jioBra Koca

2) a short braid icopoTKa Koca
3 a thick braid TOBCTa Koca
4 a thin braid TOHKa KOCa
5 two long braids flfii flOBri koch
6 a red ribbon MepBOHa CTpi^Ka
7 a yellow ribbon acoBTa cTpi^Ka
8 a large ribbon BejiHKa cTpi^Ka
9 a ribbon in a braid CTpiMKa B Koci
10 curly hair Ky^epaBe Bojiocca
11 short curly hair KopoTKe Ky^epaBe bo -
jiocca *

12 long curly hair AOBre XBHJiacTe Bojiocca

13 a fair-haired woman CBiTaoBOJioca aciHKa
14 a dark-haired woman TeMHOBoaoca acimca
15 a grey-haired man CHBHH MOJlOBiK

5. IIpoHHTaH pe^eHHH i nepeKJia^H Ha yKpaiHCBKy M O B y.

1. Olya has two long braids.

2. There are two white ribbons in her braids.
3. Halya’ s hair is short and curly.
4. My brother is a dark-haired boy.
5. Our teacher is a fair-haired woman.
6. His grandfather is a grey-haired man.
7. Vira has thick straight hair.
8. Her grandmother’ s hair is short and grey.

6. HannniH aHrjimctKoio m o b o io .

1. Moe bojiocch KopoTKe i KyqepaBe.

2. y CBiTJiaHH r b i AOBri koch.
3. OKcaHa Mae MepBOHi CTpi^KH b Kocax.
4. LJa CHBa acimca — Moa 6a6yca.

7. /i,aH Bi^noBiAi Ha 3anHTaHHH #o MajiioHKa.

1. Whom do you see in this picture?
2. Is Nina’ s and Mykolka’ s grandmother a grey-haired
3. How many braids
has Nina?
4. What are her braids
5. W hat colour are her
5. Who is a fair-haired
7. Is Mykolka’ s hair
straight or curly?
8. What is the grand­
mother doing?
9. Who is playing with
a doll?
10. Is Mvkolka playing
with a car?
8. Oniinm MajiroHOK.
|9.1npo*mTaH Bipm i bhbhh fioro HanaM*HTb ,«o ,U|hh IlepeMorH.


The sun is so bright today,
Because it is the Ninth of May.
The skjr is so blue today,
Because it is the Ninth of May.
And we are now so gay,
Because it is Victory Day.
10. /Jail imcbMOBi BiflnoBifli Ha 3anHTaHHH.

1. When do we celebrate Victory Day?

2. Is it a great holiday?
3. Can you see many people with flowers on the
9th of May?
4. What do we usually do on that day?
5. Do you like this holiday? Why?

yPOKH 9 0 -9 1

appearance, pretty, hand­

some, to look like;
What do you look like?
Whom do you look like?

1. IIpoHHTaH TpaHCKpmmiio cjiiB i nepeKJiaflH ix Ha yKpamcbKy


[’feisiz], [hedz], [’nouziz], [aiz], [’aibrauz], [tji:ks],

[mau0z], [iaz], [’fondz], [a:mz], [haendz], [legz], [breidz],
[’nbanz], [lips].

2. JIavl BiAnoBi^i Ha>3annTRHHH.

1. Are you a dark-haired or a fair-haired boy (girl)?
2. Is your hair long or short?
3. Is it curly or straight?
4. Have you a braid?
5. Is there a ribbon in your braid?
6. What is your mother’ s hair like?
7. Has she braids?
8. Is she a grey-haired woman?
9. How many girls have braids in your form?
10. What colour are their ribbons?
3. OnmnH o6jih*wh i bojiocca:

a) cfcoro cycifla no napTi;

6) CBoel BMHTeJibKH (cBoro yMHTejia);
b) cb o g i MaMii;
r) CBoro TaTa;
r ) C B o r o 6paTa (cbogi cecrpn);
e) C B o r o fli^ycH (cbogI 6a6yci).

3pa30K : My sister's face is round.

She has two long dark braidsK

4. IIp©*iHTaH HOBi cjioBa i cjioBocnojiyneHHH 3 nepeKjia^oM,

3annnm y cam cjiobhhk i 3anaM*HTan:
an appearance [a'piarans] — 30BHimHicTi»; pretty ['pnti]
— rapHeHBKa, MapiBHa (npo huhok); handsom e
[’haensam] — bpoajihbhh, rapHHH (npo MOJiOBiiciB); to
look like — Gyra c x o j k h m Ha Koroct, BHrjiH^aTH.

5. a) IIpo^HTaH cjioBocnojiyHeHHH i pe^eHHH, nepeKjia^H ix Ha

yKpaiHCBKy Mosy.
6) CKJia/jH no OAHOMy pe^eHHio 3 BHfliJieHHMH cjiobamh.

My appearance, his appearance, her appearance,

Nadya’ s appearance, Yurko’ s appearance. Describe her
appearance, please! Can you describe his appearance?
A pretty girl, a pretty woman. Vira is a pretty girl.
His mother is pretty.
A handsome boy, a handsome man. Her brother is a
handsome boy. My father is handsome.
I look like my mother. He looks like his father. A
wolf looks like a dog. What do you look like? What
does his sister look like?
6. ITpo'iHTaH peqeHHH 3 nepeKJia^oM. 3sepHH ysary Ha ix h io
cT p yK T yp y.

1) What do you look like? — Hk th B m v iH fla e m ?

(H khh th ?)
I am a tall black-eyed boy. — H bhcokhh tcm ho -
I am a short girl with blue eyes. — H HeBHCOKa
fliB r a H K a 3 r o j i y 6 HMH o r a M a .

2) Whom do you look like? — Ha Koro th cxoh ch h

I look like my father. — H cxohchh (-»ca) Ha T a T a .
I look like my mother. — H cxohchh (-wca) Ha
M aM y.

7. nncBMOBi Bi#noBi#i Ha 3anHTaHHH.

1. What do you look like?
2. Whom do you look like?
|8 .|a) ITpoHHTafi c j i o B o c n o j i y n e H H H i p e q e H H H a H r j i i n c b K o i o m o b o i o
3a 35 ceKyHfl.
(?) 3aKpnH J iisy nacTH H y BnpaBH i nepeKJia^n cjioBOcnojiy^ieHHH
Ta p e n e H H a H a a H r ji i H C B K y M O B y 3 a 40 c e K y H # .

1) his appearance iioro 30BHimHicTb

2) my mother’ s appearance 30B H inraicTfc M o e l m em h
3) a pretty woman MapiBHa xciHKa
4) two pretty girls flBi rapHeHbKi .zubmhhkh
5) a handsome man rapHHH MOJiOBiK
6) handsome boys rapm xjioniji
7) I can’ t describe her ap H He Money OHHCaTH 11
pearance. 30BHimHiCTb.
8) Can you describe your Th Moacem onncaTH 30B-
father’ s appearance? HimmcTb CBoro 6aTbica?
— Yes, I can. — Tan.
9) This pretty woman is IJh MapiBHa HciHKa — Ha­
our teacher. ma BMHTejibKa.
10) My friend Sashko is a M in flpyr CamKo —
handsome boy. BpofljiHBHH xjioneijb.
11) What do you look like? Hk th BHrjiH^aein?
— I am a tall girl with a — H BHCOKa ^iBMHHKa 3
long braid. AOBrOK) KOCOH).
12) Whom do you look Ha Koro th cxohchh?
— I look like my brother. — H CXOJKHH Ha CBoro

9. yTBopH no oflHoniy pe^ieHHio 3i cjiobamh “appearance*,

“pretty”, “handsome” i 3anHmn Ix y 3omHT.

yPOKM 9 2 -9 3

1. ripo^HTaH Bipm i bhbhh iioro HanaM’HTB flo MaTepi.


My dear, dear Mummy.

I love you very much,
I want you to be gay
On the Mother’ s Day.
Be happy and gay
On the Mother’ s Day.

dear ['dia] — flopora;

Mummy ['mAmi] —

2. Po3Ka>KH npo cboroAHimHio norofly.

3. 3aniiTaHTe o.ane oAHoro, Ha Koro bh cxoHci.

3pa3QK: — Denys, whom do you look like?

— I think I look like my father. And <you?
— It seems to me I look like my mother.

4. a) Ilpo^HTaHTe Tejiec})OHHy p03M0By abox Apyais no jihcty-

6) 3aKpHHTe JiiBy nacTHHy BnpaBH i BiATBopin* Aia-flor
y napax.

— H e llo , are you — n p H B iT , th E oraaH

Bohdan Karpenko? KapneHKo?

— Yes, I am. And who — Tan. A T H XTO?
are you?
1Q A
— I am Mariana Ivanchuk. — H M ap’ra a iB a im y K .
I am your pen-friend. f l tboh noftpyra no jihc-
— Oh, I am glad to hear — 0 , h paflHH Te6e Myra.
you. Where are you ring­ 3BiflKn th Mem Tejie^jo-
ing me up from? Hyem?
— I am in your town now. — H 3 a p a 3 y TBoeMy M ic -
I want to see you. Ti. 51 xoMy Te6e no6aMH-
— I want to see you too. — H Te$K xony Te6e no6a-
What do you look like? mhth. Hk th BHrjiHflaem?
— I $m not very tall. I have — H He fly^ce BHcoica. V
a long fair braid with a M eH e f l o s r a c B iT jia K o c a 3
blue ribbon in it. My nose r0Jiy60K) CTpiMKOIO B HiH.
is turned-up, my face is y MeHe KHpnaTHH Hie,
round. I am a blue-eyed Kpyrjie o6jihmmh. H rojiy-
g irl. And now describe 6ooKa fliBMHHKa. A Tenep
your appearance. onnmH cboio 30BHim-
— I am a tall thin boy. My — 51 BHCOKHH XyflOpjIH-
hair is short and dark. My BHH XJIOnMHK. Moe
eyes are dark too. I have BOJIOCCH KOpOTKe H TeM-
an oval face and a straight H e. M oi oMi Tenc T e M H i.
nose. And where are you y MeHe oBaJibHe oGjihmmh
now? i npHMHH Hie. A #e th
— I am in the cen tre — H b ijeHTpi MicTa 6ijia
[’senta] of the town near the BejiHKoro Mara3HHy.
big shop.
— Oh, I live not far from — 0 , h HCHBy He^aJieKo
this shop. I’ ll be there in si# i j b o r o M a r a 3 H H y . H
ten minutes. 6 y a y T a M Mepe3 flecHTb
— All right! — Tapa3fl!
5. Y hbh co6i, mo TBin flpyr (noflpyra) no jmcTyBaHHio npmxaB
(npnixajia) y tbog mIcto (cejio) i iioa3bohhb (noA3BOHHJia) To6i,
mo6 3ycTpiTHCH. 3anHTaHTe OAHe oAHoro npo 3ob HimHicTt i
AOMOBTeca npo Micn;e 3ycTpi*ii.

6. IIpoHHTaH peneHHH 3 nepeKJia^oM.

1) What does he look like? H k BiH BH rjiH flae?

He is a thin grey-eyed B iH X y flH H c ip O O K H H ^ o -
man. JIO B iK .
What does she look like? H k BOHa B n rjiH flae?
She is a plump woman with B o H a n o B H a x c im c a 3 K a -
brown eyes. P IIM H O H H M a.

2) Whom does he look like? Ha K oro BiH cxohchh?

He looks like his mother. B iH cxohchh Ha M aM y.
Whom does she look like? Ha Koro BO H a cxonca?
She looks like her father. BoHa cxonca Ha TaTa.

7. JJjblk nncBMOBi BiAnoBi^i Ha 3anHTaHHa.

1. Whom does your sister look like?

2. Whom does your brother look like?
3. Whom does your friend look like?

18. |a) r ip o H H T a ii 3 a n n T a H H a aHrjiincbKoio moboio i fla n Ha hhx

BiAHosiAi. •*
6) 3aKpHH JiiBy *iacT H H y BnpaBH i nepeKJiaAH ?*inHTaH H H H a
aHrjiificBKy Mosy 3a 30 ceKyHA.

1. Have you a friend? y T e 6 e e f lp y r ( n o a p y r a ) ?

2. What is his (her) name? H k Horo ( 11) 3 B a ra ?
3. How old is he (she)? C k l k b k h HOM y ( i h ) p o K iB ?
4. What is your friend? Is X to T B in f l p y r ? B iH ( b o -
he (she) a pupil or a stu­ H a) y^ceH t (yneH H U jH ) r a
dent? CTyAeHT (cTy,n;eH TK a)?
5. What does your friend Hk B H r jia A a e T B iii A p y r ?
look like?
6. Whom does your friend Ha K o r o c xo jk h h t bIh
look like? Apyr?
7. Where does your friend f l e xcHBe TBin flp y r ?
8. Where is your friend fle T B iii Apyr 3apa3?
9. Do you often ring him Th n acT O A 3b o h h h i H OM y
(her) up? (ih)?
10. Does he (she) write let­ B iH (BO H a) n n m e To6i
ters to you? J IH C T H ?

9. Hanmnii npo C B oro Apyra 3a njiaHOM BnpaBH 8.

10. IIpHHecH Ha HacTynHHH ypoK jiajitKy a6o <J)0T0rpa<i)ii cboxx



1. IIpoHHTaH 3araflKy i Biflraflafi li.

I have a face,
I have a little hand,
I have a big hand.
My face is white,
My hands are black.
I have no feet,
I can run.
What am I?
a riddle [rid I] — 3ara#Ka; feet — Horn ( oah. — a foot)
2. nepe/jaHTe p03M0By BHHTejia i *ieproBoro.
3. Ohhdih 30BHinmicTi> jih-
JlbKH. nOKa)KH T i nac-
THHH o6jIH*mH i Tijia, HKi
th 3Haem.

3pa30K: This is a
doll. These are her eyes.
This is a left eye. This
is a right eye. Her eyes
are large and blue
i t . a -

4. Ohhhih (JjoTorpaiJjiio, HKy

npHHic TBiH OflHOKJiaC-
THMemca, BiH Te6e Mae
HHHTeCH pO JIH M H . P 0 3 H 0 -
^HHaii onnc $pa30K>: This
is a photo o f ...
a photo ['foutou] — 4>OTO* <J)OTorpa4)iH.
3pa30K: This is a photo of Andriyrs mother. She
is a pretty woman. I think she is thirty-
five. She has a round face ... i t . a .
5. npo^HTaH Bipmi “My Sister** i “My Brother” . CnaMCH, mh y
Te6e Tewc TaKa cecTpa a6o 6paT. Hkiao Hi — MOHcem homIhhth
AeaKi cjioBa Ha Ti, HKi To6i niflxo^HTb.
3pa30K: short — straight, turned-up;
round — oval; full — thin, thick ...

1) My sister is pretty, my sister is nice.
She has a short nose and beautiful eyes.
Her full lips are rosy, her cheeks are rosy too.
Her little face is round, her ears are small.
I love my dear sister best of all.
nice — rapHHH (-a), mhjihh (-a); beautiful ['bju:taful] —
npeKpacHHH, nyflOBHH; full — hobhhh; to love [Iav] —
jik>6hth; dear'[’die] — flopornn (-a)


2) My brother is handsome, my brother is nice

He has a straight nose and beautiful eyes.
His full lips are red, his cheeks are red too.
His little face is oval, his ears are small.
I love my dear brother best of all.

6. nepe^aHTe fliajior aHrjiificBKOK) moboio y napax.

— n p H B iT , CjiaBKo!
— npHBiT, Mapimco! He 6aHHB Te6e ijijiy BinmcTb.
— H xBopijia, ajie HacTyraoro noHeflijnca npHHfly b
— T h 3Haem, mo y Hac e HOBa yneHHiia b KJiaci?
— Hi. A HK 11 3BaTH?
— II 3BaTH Jli^a TapaceHKO. .BoHa nepeixajia 3
— Hk BOHa BHrjiHflae?
— BoHa He flysKe BHCOKa. y Hei Kpyrjie o6jihhhh,
rojiy6i oni, KHpnaTHH Hie. B ojiocch CBiTjie,
KopoTKe i KynepHBe. BoHa rapHeHBKa.
— BoHa xopoma yqeraijH?
— H flyMaio, m ° Jlifla xopoma yneHHijH, TOMy mo
BOHa 3aB3KflH OTpHMyG rapHi OUjiHKH.
— Tapa3fl. H flyMaio, m ° BOHa CTaHe (6y#e) Moeio

[7 ^ 0 n n n iH H H C bM O B O 3 0 B H i m H i C T b K o r o c b i 3 C B O IX p i f l H H X ( T a T a
*i h M a M H , 6 p a T a hh c e c T p n , A ifly c n 6 a 6 y c i ) 3 a 4 > O T o r p a i]> ie K )
a 6 o n o n a M * H T i.
yPOKM 9 5 - 9 6

can , m ay , must

1. npo^HTaif Bipm Ha 3ByKH [w], [0] i nepeKJia#H iioro Ha

yKpai’HCbKy MOBy.

Whether the weather be cold,
Whether the weather be hot,
Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not.
Whatever the weather,
We must weather the weather
Whether we like it or not.

whether ['weSa] — ra; whatever — xo^i 6h hkoio 6yjia

(norofla); to weather — BHTpnMyBaTH, nepeHOCHTH

2. Bi^noBi^i Ha 3aiiHTaHHH.

1. Is it autumn now?
2. What season is it now?
3. What spring months do you know?
4. What month is it now?
5. Is it a cold month?
6. What colour is the sky today?
7. Is the sun shining today?
8. Is it windy or rainy today?
9. Is it cool, cold or warm today?
10. Is the weather fine today?
11. What is the temperature today?
12. Do you like today’ s weather?
3. a) ripo^HTaii t c k c t . 3AoraAftHca, npo Koro b H bO M y

6) OnmnH 3 0 B H i m m c T b /u b 'ih h k h , H e n i A i v i f l 1z j a i o , m b tc k c t .

My story is about one pretty girl. I want to de­

scribe her appearance. She is a tall girl with a round
face and a small nose. She has large blue eyes and thin
black eyebrows. Her cheeks and lips are rosy. The girl’ s
hair is blue, long, curly and thick. She has a large
blue ribbon in her hair.
The girl has a fine dress on. It’ s blue too.
She is a very good and tidy girl. She has many
friends. Who is this girl?

4, On H n m 3 0 B H i n m i c T i > 3 o 6 p a ? K e H H X H a M a jiio H K a x jiiT e p a T y p H H X

n e p c o H a x c iB . H a 3 B H i x .
3A n A M ’ HTAft!
MoflajibHHMH fliecjiOBaMH b aHrjimc^Kiii mobi
fliio (hh ctrh), a BiflHomeHHH ro Hei. flo oc-
HOBHHX MOA&JIbHHX fliecjiiB HajiencaTBi
can [kaen] — MorTH, bmIth, 6yTH chpomoxchhm;
may [mei] — MorTH, MaTH 3Mory, momcjihbo;
must [mASt] — Tpe6a, Heo6xi#HO, Mymy, noBHHeH.
HanpHKjiaa: She can speak E nglish. —
Bona BMie (Mootce) po3Moe-
jiamu amjiiucbKoio moboto.
M a y I sit down? — Hu mook-
na Meni cicmu? (Moony si cicmu? )
I m ust go home now. — H.
noeunen ( My my ) umu dodoMy.

Ilicjifl MoaajiBHHx AiecjiiB can, may, must

TiaCTKH to.
HanpnKJiaA: H e can draw. W e must w ork .

Mo^ajiBHi aiecjioBa can, may, must MaioTB OflHy

<|)opMy rjih Bcix oci6 TenepimHBoro nacy, to6to
He MaiOTB 3aKiHHeHRH -s y 3-h oco6i oahhhh.
HanpHKJiaA: I can read. W e can read . .*
You can read. You can read .
H e (she) can read. They can read.

MoaajiBHi aiecjiOBa can, may, must HHTajiBHy

Ta 3anepe*my <J)opMH yTBopK)K)TB caMOCTinHO,
6e3 flonoMiHCHoro fliecjioBa.
y HHTajiBHin (J)opMi fliecjiOBa can, may, must
cTaBjiHTBCH nepefl niflMeTOM.
HanpHKJiaA: M a y I come in? Can I see her
now? M u st I go?

y 3aneperaiH (J)opMi 3anepe*raa ^acTKa not
CTaBHTbCH nicJiH MO^ajibHHx ^iecjiip can, may,
HanpHKJian: I can not (can't) answer this
You must not ( mustn't) do that.
He may not ( mayn't) go there
fliecJioBa can i may M aiO Tb 4>opmh T e n e p i m -
H b o r o ( P r e s e n t I n d e f i n i t e ) i MHHyjioro ( P a s t
I n d e f i n i t e ) ^ a c y — could [k u d ], might [m a it], a
flleejiO B O must BHCHBaeTbCH Jinme b T e n e p i m -
H bO M y n a e i .
Hanpmcjiaa: Nina could not speak English
last year.
I might not go there yesterday.

5. IlpcraHTaH peneHHH. 3sepHH ysary Ha nepeKJia^, BHflijieHHx


1. He can write well. B iH B M ic (M o a c e ) # o 6 p e

n ncaTH .
2. A boy can read. XjIOHHHK BMic *IHTaTH.
3. You may take my ruler. Mottcem b3hth moio
4. It may rain today. M o s k jih b o , C b o r o ^ H i 6 y a e
5. She must speak English BoHa nOBHHHa P 0 3 M 0 B -
on her English lessons. JIHTH aHrjliHCbKOH) MO-
boh) Ha ypoKax aHrjiin-
6 . 1 must be at home at two M e m n o T p i6 H o 6yT H b # o -
o’ clock. M a o f l p y r i n roflH H i.
91V *
7. Can she translate this B oH a mome nepeKJiacTH
text into Ukrainian? n;en tckct Ha yKpamcBKy
— Yes, she can. — No, she MOBy? — Tan, M o m e . —
cannot. Hi, He MOHce.
8. May I open the window? M o H C H a B iflH H H H T H B iK H O ?
— Yes, you may. — No, — Tan, MOHcna. — Hi, ne
you may not (mayn’t). MOSKHa.
9. Must we write these M h n o B H ix ix i m h 3an n -
words down?
ca T H i j i c jiO B a ?
— Yes, you must. — No, — T aK , n o B H H H i. — Hi,
you must not (mustn’t). ne n o B H H H i.
10. I could not do this H ne 3Mir bh koh bth ij io

work yesterday. poSoTy BHOpa.

11. He might go to the zoo BiH M i r ( 6 h ) n i T H b 3 0 0 -
after classes but it was napK nicjiH ypoKiB, ajie
raining. EinoB flom;.
12. My mother must get up 3aBTpa MOfl MaMa noBHii-
at six o ’ clock tomorrow. n a BCTara o m ocTin ro ^ n m .

6. a) Y tboph HKOMora 6ijii»me pe^ieHL 3 Mo^ajibHHMH fliecjioBaMH

c a n , m a y , m u s t . nepeKJia^H i'x Ha yKpamcBKy MOBy.
6) 3anHmH no o/jHoiviy pe^eHHio 3 k o j k h h m Mo/jajiBHHM
fliecjioBOM y Present Indefinite Tense.
I read this book
in winter,
He write a letter
in summer,
She skate and ski
in December,
Lina can play tennis
on Sunday,
Denys may play football
last year,
We must go to the village
after classes,
You could play with (my, his,
in the evening,
They might her, our, their)
at seven o ’clock,
The pu­ friend
pils watch TV
The chil­ open a window
in the morning,
dren get up
at the lesson.
7.1 a) IIpo*mTaH TeKCT i nepeKJia^H noro Ha yKpalHCLKy MOBy.
6) Bhdhqih 3 TeKCTy Tpn pe^eHHH 3 MOAajibHHMH AiecjiOBaMH
(o^He — y cTBepflMcyBajibHiH <i)opMi, o/jHe — y 3anepe*miii
i oflHe — y niiTajibuiii) Ta nepeKJia/jH ix hhcbmobo Ha
yKpaincbKy MOBy.

(Jimmy is an English boy, Betty is his
little sister, Jack is a dog)
Betty: Jimmy, can you come and play with me in the
children’ s room?
Jimmy: I cannot come now, I must do my hometask. I
* have much hometask to do today. You can take
Jack with you.
Betty: Must you do your hometask now? You can do it
in the evening.
Jimmy: I cannot, Betty. Our mother says that I must
do my lessons now.
Betty: I also want to play school.
Jimmy: You can take your dolls, the doll’ s table and
chairs and play with them till I come.

Betty: May I take your English book with pictures?
Jimmy: No, you may not because I must read a text in
this book and translate it into my mother
Betty: All right, Jimmy, do your hometask quickly.
Then we’ ll play school.
Jimmy: I can do my lessons quickly and then I can
come and play with you.
till I come — nonn a n p n H fly ; quickly ['kwikli] —
rn ln ^ K O

18. IY t b o p h no o f ln o M y peM eH H io 3 Mo^ajibHHMH A iecjioB & M H can,

may, must b Present Indefinite i Past Indefinite Ta 3anmnH

yPOKH 9 7 -9 8

to come in, to go out,

to be late, never

1. a) IIpo^iHTaH B i p j n i nepeKJia^H iioro Ha ynpaiHCbKy Mosy.

6) A Tenep npo^HTaii Bipm y Present Indefinite Tense.

m m , *

A sailor went to the sea. To the sea?
What could he see? .
And all he could see
Was the sea, the sea, the sea.

a sailor [’seila] — mophk; the sea [si:] — Mope

2. ripo^HTaii peMeHHH i nepeKJia^H ix Ha yKpaiHCbKy MOBy.

1. You may see this old man every morning in the

2. Can she come at eleven o ’ clock? — No, she can’ t.
She’ ll be at school at that time.
3. Borys could not help his brother because he had no
4. May I shut the window? — Yes, you may.
5. I must study well because I want to be a clever boy.
6. How old may she be? — I think she may be twenty.
7. Can you skate well? — No, I can’ t. But I can ski
8. You may use vocabularies at the English lesson.
9. I must do my lessons and then I can read a book, or
watch TV.
10. Who can speak English very well in your form? —
I think our teacher can speak English very well.

3. CKasKH aHrjiificbKOK) moboio.

1. Mh noBHHHi xoahth # o uikojih njoflHa.
2 . T h MOHcem B3HTH moi ojiiBi^i.
3. H 3MOHcy 3aTejie<J)OHyBaTH (iioa3bohhth) To6i b cy6oTy
t o Heflijiio.
4. MoHCHa Bac 3anHTaTH (nocTaBHTH BaM 3anHTaHHn)?
5. B ojiorh He 3Mir po3b’ h3&th 3a^any 3 MaTeMaTHKH.
6. H noBHHHa hth flOflOMy nicjia ypoKiB.
7. Bh MOHceTe 6aTOTH BHCOKoro ^ojioBina Ha $OTorpa<J)ii.

8. JIi3a BMijia ^HTaTH, kojih Ih 6yjio hothph pokh.
9 . MOHCHa B3HTH $i6jiyKO?
10. BiH He Mir n p n H T H Bnopa, 6o xBopiB.
11. Ham k ip y c b Monce h p h h th cboroflHi a6o 3 aBTpa
( m o j k j i h b o , Ham fli^ycB npnHfle cBoroflHi a6o 3 a B T p a ) .
12. yxiHi n O B H H H i BHHTH y p O K H

4. 3anH m n c jio B a h c jio B o c n o jiy * ie H H H b c B ifl c j i o b h h k i 3a-

to come in — bxo^hth; to go out — bhxoahth; to be
late — 3ani3Hi0BaTHCH; never — Hikojih.

5. a) IIpo*iHTaH pe*ieHHH 3 nepeKJia/joM.

6) 3aK pH H n p a B y * ia c T H H y B n p a B H i n e p e K J ia ^ H p e * ie H H H Ha
y K p a iH C L K y M O B y.
b ) 3aK pH H Jiisy *iacTHHy B npaB H i nepeKjia^H pe*ieHHH Ha
a H r jiiH c b K y M O B y.

1. May I come in? — Yes, — MOHCHa B B iH T H ? —

you may. Come in! TaK, MOHCHa. 3axoflb!
2. Don’ t stand in the rain, He CTin nifl flom;eM, 3apa3
come in at this moment. HCe B B iH flH B 6 y f lH H O K .
3. May I go out? — Yes, M oH C H a (M e m ) bh h th ? —
you may. TaK, MoncHa.
4. She is ill and can’t go BoHa xBopa i He Monce
out. B H X O flH T H ( 3 f l O M y ) .
5. Why are you late? — I H o M y TH 3 a n i3 H H B C H ? —
am late because I have no H 3 a n i3 H H B C H , TOM y m;o
watch. H e M a i o r o flH H H H K a .
6. I am never late fo r H HiKOJIH H e 3an i3H K > I0C I»
school. flO in K O JIH .
7. Vira was ten minutes Bipa 3ani3HHJiaca Ha p,e-
late. C H T b X B H JIH H .
8. My friend never gets Moh noflpyra hIkojih He
bad marks. oflep^Kye noraHHx oijmoK.

9. Our teacher is never Hama B^HTejn»Ka hIkojih He
late for lessons. 3ani3HioeTi>CH Ha ypoKH.
10. Never do tomorrow He BiflKJiaAaHHa 3aBTpa Toro,
what you can do today. H^O MOECHa 3po6hth CfcOrOflHi
(oflKjia^ He H^e y Jiafl).

3A n A M ’flT A ft nPHCJIIB’H:
Never do tomorrow what you can do today.
— He BiflKJiaflaii Ha 3aBTpa Toro, m;o MOHCHa
3po6hth cboroflHL(mo Maein 3Po6hth 3aBTpa,
3po6n cboroflHi.)
6. HannniH aHrjiificLKoio moboio ni^ ahktobky B*nrrejia.
1. AHTOHiHa nOBHHHa HTH flOflOMy, TOMy mo 11 MaMa
2. H MOHcy flonoMorTH To6i nepeKJiacTH rjeii tckct
Ha yKpaiHCi>Ky MOBy.
3. He6o cipe, mohcjihbo, cboro^Hi 6yfle flom-
4. y Hei HiKOjiH He 6yjio koch.
7. BiflTBopiTL fliajiorn aHrjiificLKoio moboio b napax.
а) — MoncHa bbIhth?
— T aK , MOHCHa.
— floSporo paHKy, iBaHe OeflopoBH^y!
— flo6poro paHKy, ApTeMe! HoMy th 3ani3HHBCH?
— H 3ani3HHBCH TOMy, m;o aBToSyca He 6yjio 20
xbhjihh (for 20 minutes).
— Tapa3fl, ciflaii i hIkojih 6ijn»ine He 3ani3HioHCH.
б) — floSpnii AeHb!
— flo6pHH fleHb! U,e /Jmhtphk ?
— Hi, n;e /^mhtphkIb TaTO. A xto th?
bhhth i norpaTH b chIhckh 3i mhoio?
— Hi, BiH He M05Ke bhhth, TOMy mo b!h xbophh .
Ajie t h MOMcein h p h h t h r o m>oro r o r o m y . Bh M O H ceT e
TIHTaTH *IH rpaTHCfl B Horo KiMHaTi.
— ^ H K y i o . H n p H H ^ y flo m>oro 3a ( n e p e 3) 30 x b h j i h h .
— rapa3fl, ajie He 3ani3HH>HCH.
[~8.|BHKQHaH Bnpasy 5( b) 3a 40 ceKyHfl.

19.|BHKQHaft nnci»M0B0 BnpaBy 7(a), 7(6).


1 . IlepeKjiaAH hhcbmobo cjioBocnojiy^ieHHH Ha yKpamcbKy MOBy

i 3aim nm i x ( o# hh i 3 BapiaHTiB, h k h h To6i 3anponoHyi
B^HTejib Ha yp on i).

I. 1) a pretty woman II. 1) a handsome man

2) a turned-up nose 2) a round head
3) his left ear 3) a right leg
4) a blue-eyed girl 4) a big mouth
5) thick lips 5) pale cheeks

2. IlepeKjiaflH HHCbMOBo cjroBocnojiyMeHHH Ha aHrjiificbKy MOBy

i 3annmn ix (oawh i3 BapiaHTiB, hkhh To6i 3anponoHye
B^HTejib Ha ypoiu).

I. 1) OBajiBHe o6jihh*ih II. 1) n p H M H H Hie

3) 3eJieni o*ii 3) TeMHi 6pOBH
4) BHCOKHH JIo6 4) flOBre bojiocca
5) KynepHBe Bojioecji 5) xy,n;HH hojiobIk

3. Onwmn hhcbmobo 30BHinmicTb cBoro 0#H0KjiacHHKa mh 0flH0-

KJiacHHu,i (Koro To6i 3anponoHye BMHTejib Ha ypoiu).

yPOKM 100-102 (PE3EPBHi)

(Irregular Verbs)

I <J)opMa II $opMa III $opMa IlepeKjiaA

(The first form) (The second form) (The third form) (Translation)
to be [bi:] was, were [wo:z, been [bi:n] 6yTH
to begin [bl'gin] began [bi'gaen] begun [bi'gAn] no^HHaTH
to come [kAm] came [keim] come [kAm] H p H X O flH T H
to do [du:] did [did] done [dAn] P o6 hth
to draw [dro:] drew [dru:] drawn [dro.n] MajTIOBaTH
to get [get] got [got] got [got] o^epjKyBaTH
to give [giv] gave [geiv] given [givn] AaBaTH
to go [gou] went [went] gone [gon] HTH, ixaTH
to have [haev] had [haed] had [haed] MaTH
to hold [hould] held [held] held [held] TpHMaTH
to know [nou] knew [nju:] known [noun] 3HRTH
to learn [lain] learned, learnt learned, learnt BWTHCH,
[la:nt] [la:nt] B*IHTH
to make [meik] made [me id] made [meid] P o6 hth
to put [put] put [put] put [put] K J la C T H
te read [ri.d] read [red] read [red] TOTaTH
to retell [ri:'tel] retold [ri:'tould] retold [ri:'tould] nepeKaaysaTH
to ring [riq] rang [raeq] rung [rAi]] A3BOHHTH
to run [rAn] ran [raen] run [rAn] 6ii r n
to say [sei] said [sed] said [sed] Ka3aTH
to see [si:] saw [so:] seen [si:n] 6a*IHTH
to shine [Jain] shone [Joun] shone [Joun] CBiTHTH
to show [Jou] showed [/oud] shown [Joun] noKa3yBaTH
to shut [jAt] shut [JAt] shut [JAt] 3a^HHaTH
to sing [sir]] sang [saeq] sung [sAf)] cnifiaTH
to sit [sit] sat [saet] sat [saet] CHfliTH
to speak [spi.k ] spoke [spouk] spoken [spoukn] FOBOpHTH.
to spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] BHTpa^aTH
to stand [staend] stood [stud] stood [stud] CTOHTH
to take [teik] took [tuk] taken [teikn] 6paTH
to tell [tel] told [tould] told [tould] po3noBi^aTH
to think [0 ir)k] thought [0o:t] thought [0o:t] AyMaTH
to write [rait] wrote [rout] written [ritn] nncaTH

A a — [ei] N n — [en]
B b [bi:] Oo — [ou]
C c [si:] Pp - [Pi:]
D d [di:] Q q — [kju:]
E e — [i:] R r [a:]
F f [ef] S s — [es]
Gg - [d3i:] Tt — [ti:]
H h [eitJl U u - Du:]
Ii [ai] V v — [vi:]
Jj [d3ei] W w— ['dAblju:]
K k [kei] Xx — [eks]
L 1 [el] Yy - [wai]
Mm — [em] Z z — [zed]

A, B, Oj D, E, F, G,

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R,

S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
( A H r J I O - Y K P A i H C b K I I ^ C J I O B H M K )

a [a] Heo3HaHeHHH apTHKJit (neped npueojiocnuMu)
abacus [aebakas] paxiBHHijH
about [a'baut] npo
above [a'bAv] Ha#, BHin;e
absent ['aebsant] BiflcyTHin; be absent 6yTH BiflcyTHiM
add [asd] .zjonOBHioBaTH, flo^aBaTH
address [a'dres] a^peca
after ['a:fta] nicjin; after classes ['kla:siz] nicjin ypoKiB
afternoon ['a:fta'nu:n] nac nicjin nojiy^HH; Good after­
noon! flo6pHfleHi>!
agree [a'gri:] noroflHcyBaTHcn
album [’aslbam] ajn>6oM
all [o:l] yci
also ['o:lsou] TaKOHc, Tenc
always ['o:lwaz] 3aBHc^H
am [asm] (was, been) e (Ojisl oOhuhu )
an [an] Heo3HaHeHHH apTHKJii> (neped eojiocnuMu)
and [send] i, Ta; and yours [jo:z] a TBifi (tb o h , tb o i)
animal ['asmmal] TBapima
answer [’a:nsa] BiflnoBiflt, Bi^noBiflaTH
appearance [a'piarans] 30BHiinHicTB
apple [aspl] n6jiyKo
April ['eipral] kbItchb
are [a :] (were, been) e ( O jih m h o m u h u )
arm [a :m ] p y n a (eid Kucmi do njiena)
around [a 'r a u n d ] H a B K p y r n , H aBK O jio
as for me [a z 'fo i'm i:] moflo MeHe
ask [ a : s k ] nHTaTH; ask a question [ 'k w e s t f n ] 3anHTyBaTH
August [ ' o : g a s t ] cepneHb
aunt [ a : n t ] T i T K a , t b o t h
autumn [ 'o : t a m ] ocint; in autumn b o c c h h

bad [ b s e d ] noraHHH
bag [ b s e g ] n o p T ^ e j i t , c y M K a
ball [ b o : l ] m ’ a h
ball-pen [’ b o : l #p e n ] K y j i t K O B a p y n n a
be [ b i : ] (was, were) S y r a
bear [ b e a ] B e ^ M i f l b
because [ b l 'k o z ] T O M y m ; o , 60
bed { b e d ] jibKKo
begin [ b l 'g i n ] (began, begun) n o ^ i i H a T H ( c H )
behaviour [ b i 'h e i v j a ] noBe^iHKa
behind [ b i 'h a i n d ] 3 3 a ,z jy , n o 3 a a y
bell [ b e l ] a 3b o h h k
below [ b i 'l o u ] n i f l , H H 5K n e
bench [ b e n t f ] j i a B a
best [ b e s t ] HaHKpam;HH; best of all HanSijibme
better [ 'b e t a ] K p a n ^ H H , K p a m e
between [ b i 't w i : n ] M i 5K
big [big] BeJIHKHH
bird [ b a : d ] n T a m K a
black [blaBk] hophhh
blackboard ['blaBkboid] KJiacHa vomica
blue [blu:] rojiyGnn, 6jiaKHTHHH, d r a in ; blue-eyed
['blu .aid] rojiy6ooKHH
book [buk] KHHxcica
bookcase ['bukkeis] KHHHCKOBa matfra, eTancepna
bottle of glue ['botl av'glu:] njiamKa KJieio
box [boks] am h k , KopoSna
boy [boi] xjionen;i>, xjiohhhk
braid [breid] Koca ( b o j i o c c h )
break [breik] nepepBa
breakfast ['brekfast] cHi^aHOK; have breakfast CHi^aTH
brightly ['braitli] acKpaBo
broom [brum] M iT jia , bIh h k
brother ['brASa] 6paT
brown ['braun] Kopn*meBHH
brush [brAj] neH3ejiB
builder ['bilda] Sy^iBejiBHHK
bus [bAs] aBTo6yc
but [bAt] ajie, npoTe
butter ['bAta] Macjio

cage [keid3] KJiiTKa
calculator ['kaelkjuleita] KajiBKyjiaTop
can [kaBn] (could) m opth , bm Ith , 6yrn chpom ohchhm
cap [kaBp] KenKa, KamKeT
car [ka:] aBTOMoSijiB, Mammra
carpet [’ka:pit] khjihm
cat [kset] KiT, KimKa
ceiling ['si:hr]] cTejia
celebrate ['sehbreit] cBHTKyBaTH
ce rta in ly ['sa:tnh] 3BH*iaHHo, Heo^MiHHO, HaneBHo
ch a ir [tfea] CTijiei^b
changeable ['tjeind39bl] m I hjihbhh
cheek ['tji.’k] mona
cherry ['tjeri] bh d ih h , qepemHh
ch ick [tfik] nTameHfl
chicken ['tjikin] Kyp^ia
ch ild [tjaild] p ,HTHHa
children ['tjildren]
ch illy ['t/ill] npoxoJioflHHH; it is ch illy npoxojio^Ho
class [kla:s] KJiac
classm ate ['kla:srmeit] o# hok jiacHHK, oflHOKJiacmma
class-reg ister ['kla:s,red3ista] KjiacHHH ncypHan
classroom ['kla:s,rum] KJiacHa KiMHaTa
clean Jk!i:n] h h cth h , oxaHHHH
clever ['kleva] po3yMHHH
clock [klok] rOflHHHHK (CTiHHHH, HaCTiJIBHHH, SaiHTOBHH)
cloud [k!aud] xMapa
cock [kok] niBeHb
cold [kould] xojioahhh ; it is cold xojio ^ho
collective-farm [ka'lektiv/aim] Kojirocn
co lle ctiv e -fa rm e r [ka'lektiv ,fa:ma] Kojirocm raK, k o ji -
colour ['kAla] Kojiip, <|)ap6a; <J)ap6yBaTH
combine-operator [kam'bain'opareita] KOMSaHHep
come [kAm] (came, come) npnxoflHTH; come in bxo ^hth
corner ['ko:na] KyT, KyTOK
corridor ['korido:] Kopn^op
cover [ 'k A v a ] n o K p H B a T H

cow [k a u ] K o p o B a

c r o c o d ile [ 'k r o k a d a i i ] k po k o ^ h ji

cu p [k A p ] H a m K a

c u r ly ['ka:li] K y ^ e p H B H H , x b h j i h c t h h
c u r t a i n ['ka:tn] 3aBica, 3aHaBicica, 4>ipaHKa

dan ce Jda:ns] T a m j i o B a T H
d a r k [da:k] T e M H u i i ; d a r k b l u e [ b l u :] c r a i n ; d a r k - e y e d
['da:k,aid] T e M H o o K H i i ; d a r k - h a i r e d ['da:k(head] T e M -
day [del] #eH B

d a y -b o o k [ 'd e i b u k ] m o f l e H H H K

D ecem ber [ d i 's e m b a ] r p y ^ e H t

d ecora te [’ d e k a r e i t ] n p H K p a m a r a

d egree [ d i ’ g r i:] r p a ^ y c

d e s c r ib e [ d i s 'k r a i b ] on n cyB aT H

desk [d e s k ] napTa, hhclm obhh C T iji

d ia lo g u e [’d a i a l o g ] f l i a j i o r , p 0 3 M 0 B a

d ic ta tio n [ d i k 't e i j n ] flH K T a H T

d in n e r [ 'd i n a ] o 6 i ^ ; h a v e d i n n e r o 6 i# a T H

d ir ty [ 'd a :t i ] 6 p y f l H H i i

d o [d u :] ( d i d , d o n e ) p o 6 h t h ; d o n o M i M n e d ie cjio e o ; d o a
su m [s A m ] p o 3 B ’ H 3yB aTH 3 a fla n y (n p H K jia ^ ); do le s ­
son s [le s n z ] roT yB aT H (p o 6 h th ) ypoK u; do m o r n in g
e x e r c is e s [ 'm o : n i r ] , e k s a s a i z i z ] p o 6 h th paH K O By

3 a p n flK y

d octor [’d o k t a ] j i i i c a p
dog [dog] co6aica, nee
doll [dol] jiHJibKa
dom estic [da'mestik] flOMammn, cBincbKHH
door [do:] flBepi
down [daun] bhh 3, ,moHH3y
draw [dro:] (drew, drawn) KpecjiHTH, MajnoBara
draw ing ['dronrj] MaJiioBaHHH
dress [dres] cyKHH; o^araTH
d river ['draiva] mo<j>ep
drum [drAim] 6apa6aH
duck [dAk] KanKa
during ['djuanq] npoTaroM, ni,m nac; during the break
nifl *iac nepepBH
duster ['dAsta] ramripica
duty ['dju:ti] nepryBaHHH; be on duty 6yTH *ieproBHM,
HepryBaTn; pupil on duty ['pju:pl] ^eproBHH
dry [drai] cyxnii

ear ['ia] Byxo
e g g [e g ] n n ije
eigh t [eit] B ic iM
eighteen ['ei'tiin] BiciMHa^ijHTb
eigh ty ['eiti] BiciM^ecHT
elephant ['elifant] cjioh
eleven [I'levn] oflimaflijHTb
engineer [,end3i'nia] inaceHep
English ['irjgliJ] aHrjiincbKHH; aHrjiincbKa MOBa; in En­
glish no-aHrjiiHCbKH; speak English [spi:k] po3-
eraser [I'reiza] ryM K a

evening ['i:vmr)] Benip; Good evening! JJoSpHH Be^ip!;

in the evening BBe^iepi
every ['evri] kohchhh

exactly [ig'zaBktli] tohho

excuse me, please [iks'kjuiz^mir'plizz] Bn6a*i(Te) M em , 6y#B

exercise ['eksasaiz] BnpaBa
exercise-book ['eksasaiz ^buk] 3 0 h ih t

explain [iks'plein] noHcmoBaTH

expression [iks'prejn] b h c ju b , BHpa3
eye [a i] o k o

eye-brow [’aibrau] 6poBa

face [feis] o6jih w h
fair [fea] C B iT jm ii, 6 L j i h b h h ; fair-haired ['fea,head] cbIt -
j io b o j io c h h

family pfemili] ciM ’n

far [fa:J flajieKo; far from [from] ^ajieKo b ir
farm [fa:m] 4>epMa, rocnoaapcTBO
fat [fast] 5KHPHHH, TOBCTHH
father ['fa:6a] 6aTBKo, TaTo; Father Frost [frost] Rip,
favourite ['feivant] yjiio6jieHnn
February ['februari] jiiothh
felt-pen [feltpen] (JwiOMacTep
few [fj u:] aeKijiBKa
fifteen ['fifti:n] n *HTHa^iijHTB
fifty [Tifti] n’HTflecHT
fine [fain] npeKpacHHH, ^yflOBHH
fir-tree ['fa :tri:] HJiHHa
first [fa:st] nepinnn
fish [fij] pn6a
five [faiv] i i ’ htb
flag [flseg] npanop
flat [flaet] KBapTHpa
floor [fb:] nifljiora, n o B e p x
flower ['flaua] KBiTKa
for [fo:] flJiH, 3a
forehead ['fond] jio6
forest [’forist] Jiic
fork [fo:k] BH^ejiKa
form [fo:m] KJiac; What form are you in? B aKOMy th

forty ['fo:ti] copoK
f o u r [fo :] T O T H p H
fourteen ['fo:'ti:n] ^loTHpHaAijHTfe
fo x [foks] JIHC, JIHCHIljH

fresh [frej] c b Ih c h h

Friday ['fraid i] n’aTHHnia

friend [frend] flpyr, npHHTejit, no^pyra
frog [frog] nca6a
frosty [’frosti] m o p o 3 h h h , x o j i o a h h h
funny ['fAm] c m I i q h h h , 3a6aBHHH, noTimHHH

gay [gei] BecejiHH
get up ['get,Ap] (got, got) BCTaBaTH (3 JiiMKa)

g ira ffe [d3i:'ra:f] Hcnpag), xcnpat&a
g irl [ga:l] fliBHHHa, fliBHHHKa
give [giv] (gave, given ) ^aBaTH
go [gou] (went, gone) x o ^ h t h , h t h , lx a T H ; go home
[houm] h t h ,n;o,n;oMy; go out [aut] b e x o ^ h t h ; go to

bed j i n r a T H c n a T H
good [gud] r a p H H H , ,n;o6pH H , xopomnn; Good afternoon!
.ZJoGpHfleHB!; Good evening! floGpHH Benip!; Good
morning ['mo:nir)]! f l o 6 p H H p a H O ic !
grandfather ['gr8Bnd,fa:Sa] flia, fli^ycB
grandmother ['grsen ,mASa] 6a6a, 6a6ycn

great [greit] BejiHKHH

green [gri:n] 3ejieHHH; green-eyed [’gri:naid] 3ejieHooKHH
grey [grei] cipHn; grey-eyed ['greiaid] cipooKHH
ground [’ground] 3eMJin (nOBepxHn)

hair [hea] bojiocch
half [ha:f] nojiOBHHa
hand [hsend] pyKa ( khctb )
handsome [’haensam] bpoajihbhh, rapHHH (n p o x jio n iiie ,

H O J io e iK ie )

happy [’haepi] macjiHBHii; Happy New Year ['nju:ja:] to

you! 3 Hobhm pokom!
hare [hea] 3aen;B
has [hsBZ] (had, had) Mae (Djui 3-i ocodu o Oh u h u )

hat [hast] KaneJiiox

have [hsBV] (had, had) Mara (Maio, Maem, MaeMo, MaeTe,
MaioTB); have a good tim e [taim] Ao6pe npoBecTH nac;
have breakfast cm^aTH; have dinner o6iflaTH; have
lunch [lAntJ] Mara flpyrim CHi^aHOK; have supper
['s A p a ] B e^iepH TH

he [h i:] B iH

head [hed] r o jio B a

help [h e lp ] aonoMaraTH; help about the house [h a u s ]

flo n o M a r a T H n o r o c n o f la p c T B y

hen [hjen] Kypica

her [h a :] u , i h

here you are [hiaju:a:] o c b , 6 y ^ B jia c K a ; n p o r n y

h i g h [h a i] b h c o k h h ( n e n p o ji i o d e u )
him [h im ] H O M y, i i o r o

his [h is ] i i o r o

hold up ['h o u ld jA p ] (held, held) n i^ H iM a T H

h o l i d a y [’ h o la d i] c b h to , b h x I^ h h h ^ eH B

holidays ['holadiz] KamKyjm

home [houm] r im , s k h t ji o ; at home B^oMa
hometask ['houmta:sk] aoMaimie 3aB^aHHH
horse [h o :s ] k I h b

hospital ['h o s p it l] jiiK a p H H

hot [hot] rapHTOii; it is hot McapKO

house [haus] ,n;iM, 6 y # H H O K , x a T a

how [hau] hk; how many ['mseni] c k Ijib k h ; how much

[mAtJ] C K ijIB K H

hundred ['h And rad] cto

I [a i] h

ill [ll] xbophh; be ill 6yTH xbophm

ill-bred [ ’ il'b r e d ] noraHo BiixoBamiH, HeBiixoBaHHii
im polite [im p a 'la it] HeBBiHJiiiBiiH, HeneMHHH
in [in] y, b , Ha
institute ['in s titju :t] iHCTHTyT
interesting ['m tris tir )] niKaBiiH
is [iz ] (was, been) e { d j i a 3 -i o c o 6 u o O h u h u )

it [it] l i e ; B iH , B O H a, b o h o ; iioro, i i , H O M y, i n ( n p o p e n i u
m eapun)

its [its ] iioro, Ti

January ['d ^ s e n ju a r i] c i n e H t

job [d^ob] po6oTa

jug [d 3 A g ] r j i e r a K

July [d 3 u :'la i] jraneHB

June [d 3 u :n ] n ep B e H B


kitchen ['kitjm] KyxHH; kitchen garden ropoji;

kitten ['k itn ] K o rn e H H

know [n o u ] (knew, known) 3H aTH


lake [leik] osepo

lam p [laemp] jiaMna
last [la:st] m h h y j i h h , o c T a H H in ; last night [nait] B nopa
be la te [leit] 3ani3HK>BaTHCH
le a f [li:f] ( m h . leaves) jih c to k , jih c t

learn [lain] (learn t, lea rn t) b h h t h , BHBnaTH

least [li:st] HaHMemne

le ft [left] jiIb h h

le g [leg] Hora
less [les] MeHme
lesson [lesn] ypoK; do lessons p o 6 h th ypoKH
le tte r ['leta] jih c t; 6yK B a

lig h t [la it] C B iT jio ; c b I t j i h h

lik e [laik] cxojkhh ; nofloSaTHca

lion ['laian] jieB
lip [lip] ry6a
listen [lisn] cjiyxaTH(ca)
litt le [litl] MajieHbKHii; Majio; a little Tpoxn

liv e [liv ] 3KHTH

lon g [lor)] flOBrHH

look [luk] flHBHTHca; MaTH BHrjia#; look lik e 6yTH
c x o h c h m H a Korocb, B H r jiH ^ a T H ; you look w ell [wel]
th f l o 6 p e B H r jiH A a e m

looking-glass ['lukir)gla:s] A3epKajio, jiio c t p o

lo rry [Mon] BaHTanciBKa

low [lou] H H 3 B K H E , HeBHCOKHH

M m
make [meik] (made, made) p o 6 h t h ; make a bed c t c j i h t h
nocTijib; make snowballs J iin H T H c h I h c k h ; make a
snowman jiin H T H cmroBy 6a6y (cmroBHKa)
man [mssn] ( m h . men) H0 Ji0 BiK,.jiic>,n;HHa
manual work ['maBnjual'waik] py^ma npan;H
many ['maeni] G araT o

map [masp] KapTa

March [ma:tj] 6epe3eHB
mark [ma:k] orjimca; get a mark oflepHcyBara orjiHKy
mathematics [,1713501'mastiks] M a ie M a T H K a ( CKopouena
ipopMa maths [mssBs])
i May [mei] TpaseHB
may [mei] (might) M o r T H , M a r a 3 M o r y , m o h c jih b o

may be ['meibi:] m o h c jih b o , Ma6yTB

me [mi:] MeHi, MeHe
melt [melt] TaHyra
milk [milk] m o jio k o

milkmaid ['milkmeid] /joapKa

minus ['mainas] Mmyc
minute ['minit] xBHjiHHa
moment ['moumant] m o m c h t; at this moment y n,efi
Monday [’mAndi] noHefliJioK
monkey ['mAqki] MaBna
month [mAn6] m I chi^b

mop [mop] mBa6pa

more [mo:] 6iJiBme
morning ['mo:mr)] paHOK; Good morning! floGporo paHKy!
in the morning BpaHiji
most [moust] HanSijiBme
mother ['rriAQa] MaTH, MaMa
mother tongue ['rriAda'tAi]] piflHa MOBa
mouse ['maus] ( m h . mice) Mnma
mouth [mau0] poT
move [mu:v] nepeiHCAXtaTH, nepecejiHTHcn
much [mAtJ] 6araTo
muddy ['mAdi] SpyflHHH
music ['mjuizik] My3HKa
must [mAst] Tpe6a, HeoSxi^Ho, M ym y, noBHHeH
my [mai] M in

name [neim] iM ’ a, Ha3Ba
natural sciences ['naetjral (saiansis] npnp0fl03HaBCTB0
near ['nia] 6ijin
neck [nek] m h h
never ['neva] hIkojih
new [nju:] hobhh; New Year [ja:] H obhh p in
next [nekst] HacTynHHH
night [nait] rnn; Good night! Ha Ao6paHi*i!
nine [nain] p,eb ’ h t b
nineteen ['nain'tiin] ,n;eB’ jiTHaAn;HTi>
ninety ['nainti] ^eB ’ hhocto
no [nou] Hi
nobody ['noubadi] HixTO
nose [nouz] Hie
not [not] He
November [no'vemba] jiHCTona^;
now [nau] 3apa3, Tenep
number ['n A m b a ] o t c j i o , H O M ep
nut [nAt] ropix

October [ok'touba] ncoBTeHb
often [o:fn] nacTo
old [ould] CTapnii
on [onj Ha
one [wAn] o^ hh
Open [OUpn] BiflKpH BaTH, B i^ h h h h t h , p03KpH BaTH
or [o:] a6o, hh
our ['aua] Ham
oval [’ouval] oBajibmm
be over ['ouva] 3aKiHHyBaTHCH

page [peida] CTopiHKa, at page Ha CTopiHiji
pail [pei I] Biapo
paint [peint] $ap6a; MajiioBaTH
pale [peil] 6jiiflHH
paragraph [’pseragraif] naparpa$
part [pa:t] *iacTHHa
past [po:st] MHHyjiHH
pear [’pea] rpyma
pen [pen] py^nca, nepo
pencil [pensl] ojiiBeijb
pencil-box ['penslboks] neHaji
pencil-sharpener ['pensl Ja:pana] 3acTpyryBa*i fljia ojiiB-
u;iB (^iHHKa)
pensioner ['penJana] neHcioHep, neHcioHepKa
people [pi:pi] JiioflH
physical tra in in g ['ftzikal ^treinir]] <|>i3H*iHe BHXOBaHHa
picture ['piktja] KapTHHa, MajHOHOK; in the picture Ha
K apT H H i
piece [pi:s] inMaTOK; piece o f ch alk [tJo:k] inMaTOK
K pefiflH ; piece o f paper ['peipa] a p K y m n a n e p y

p i g [p ig ] CBHHfl, nOpOCH
p i n [pin] m n n jiB K a
pine-tree ['paintri:] cocHa
it ’ s a p ity [’piti] HcajiB, niKO^a
plant [pla:nt] ca^ncaTH; 3aB0A
play [plei] rpaTH(ca); play hockey ['hoki] rpaTH y xoKefi;
play fo o tb a ll ['futbo:l] rpaTH y (J>yT6oji; play tennis
['tenis] rpaTH y TeHic; play snowballs rpaTH b chIhckh
plum [pkm] cjiHBa
plump [plAmp] noBHHH ( npo jaoduny)
plus [pUs] nJiioc
poem ['pouim] Bipm; recite a poem [ri'sait] aeKjiaMyBaTH
Bipm (po3Ka3yBaTH)
point ['point] noKa3yBaTH najiBijeM, BKa3yBaTH
poin ter ['pointa] yica3Ka
p o lite [pa'lait] bbI^ijihbhh , hcmhhh
pond [pond] cTaBOK
present ['preznt] npHcyTHm; noflapyHon; be present 6yTH
n p n c y T H iM

p re tty ['priti] rapjaeHBKa, TOpiBHa ( npo dienam, otcinoK)

puddle [pAdl] KajiioHca

pupil ['pj u:pI] y*ieHb, y^eHHD;n; pupil on duty *ieproBHH
P^ppy ['pApi] nyueHH
piish [puj] inTOBxaTH
put [put] (put, put) KJiacTH, noKJiacTH; ctabeth ,

quarter ['kwo:ta] ^BepTb (15 xbhjihh)
question ['kwestjn] 3annTaHHH, nHTaHHa; ask questions
3aiiHTyb&th , CTaBHTH 3anHTaHHH; answer questions
BiflnoBiflaTH Ha 3anHTaHHH
quite right ['kwaitjrait] a6cojnoTHo ( iujikom) n p a B H H

rabbit ['rsebit] kpojihk
radiator [Yeidieita] 6aTapea
rain [rein] flom; it rains ha© Aom;
rat [rset] nan;ioK, m;yp
read [ri:d] (read, read) HHTaTH
ready ['red i] t o t o b h h ; be ready 6 y T H t o t o b h m ; ready
for the lesson t o t o b h h ( - i ) ,n;o ypony
red [red] TiepBOHHH, py^HH
remember [n'memba] naM’jrraTH, 3ra#yBaTH, npnraflyBaTH
repeat [ri'pi:t] noBTopioBaTH
retell [ri:'tel] (retold, retold) nepeKa3yBaTH
ribbon ['riban] cTphnca
right [rait] npaBHH, cnpaBefljiHBHii; npaBHH ( 1 1 4 0 3naxo-
dumbCR npaeopyu)
rin g up [rir]|Ap] (rang, rung) a 3bohhth no Tejie<i>OHy,
r iv e r ['riva] pinna
room [ru:m] KiMHaTa
rosy ['rouzi] poheccbhh, pyM’ jram:
round ['raund] Kpyrjmfi
ru ler ['rula] jim ifiKa
run [rAn] (ran, run) 6iraTH, 6ir T H ; run about MeTy-

sad [sssd] cymhhh
Santa Claus [ ,sa&nta'klo:z] CaHTa Kjiayc, Mopo3,
P i 3flB H H H H R ip ,

be satisfied with ['saBtisfaid] Gym 3a#OBOJieHHM ( khmocb ,

Saturday fssetadi] cy6oTa
say [sei] (said, said) tobophth , cna3aTH
sca rf [ska:f] rnapcj), rajicTyK, KpaBaTKa
school [sku:l] mKOJia
schoolboy [’skuilboi] o k o jih p
schoolgirl ['sku:lga:l] inKojrapKa
season [siizn] nopa pony
seat [si:t] Micije; take a seat ci^ara Ha Micije
second ['sekand] flpyrHfi; ceKyH^a
see [si:] (saw, seen) 6a^HTH
sentence f'sentans] peneHHH
September [sap'temba] BepeceHb
settled [setld] BCTaHOBjnoBaTHCH ( npo noaody)

seven [sevn] ciM
seventeen ['sevn'ti:n] cI mh &aijhtb
seventy ['sevnti] ciM/jecHT
she [Ji:] BOHa
shelf [Jelf] nojiHijH
shine [Join] (shone, shone) cBiTHTH, chhth
shirt [Ja:t] copoHKa, 6jiy3a
S h op [J o p ] KpaMHHUiH
short [Jo:t] k o po tk h h , hh 3bkhh
should like [Jud] xotith
show*[Jou] (showed, showed) nonasyBaTH
shut [/At] (shut, shut) 3aKpHBaTH, 3aHHHHTH
sing [sir]] (sang, sung) cniBaTH
sister ['sista] cecTpa
sit [sit] (sat, sat) ch/u t h ; Sit down! Ch # b (cn/jBTe)! Sit
still! Cha;h (cHfliTb) cnoniHHo!
six [siks] rnicTB
sixteen ['siks'ti:n] inicTHaflii;HTB
sixty ['siksti] micTflecHT
skate [skeit] KaTaTHca Ha KOB3aHax
sketch-book ['sketjbuk] ajii>6oM ( djia MajiioeaHHSi)
ski [ski:] (skied, skied) jinxca; xo /jhth Ha jraxcax
skip [skip] CTpnSaTH, CKanaTH
skipping-rope ['skipiq,roup] cKanajiKa
skirt [ska:t] cniflHHijH
sky [skai] He6o
sledge [sled3] KaTaTHCH Ha caHHx; caHH
slippery ['shpari] cjih3bkhh
small [smo:l] MajiHH, MajieHBKHH
snow [snou] cmr; it snows itae cmr
snowball ['snoubol] cHhKKa; make snowballs jiinnTH
chIhckh; play snowballs rp a T H b cm acKH
Snow-Maiden ['snoumeidn] Cmrypna
snowman ['snoumaen] c H iro B H K , CHiroBa 6a6a; make a
snowman jiinHTH CHiroBy 6a6y
sock [sok] innapneTKa
sometimes ['sAmtqimz] iHOfli, iHKOJin
I am sorry ['son] M e m mnofla (acajib)
speak [spi:k] (spoke, spoken) tobophth, po3mobjihth
spend [spend] (spent, spent) iipoboahth ( nac)
spring [sprirj] BecHa; in spring BecHoio, HaBecm
squirrel ['skwiral] Sijina
stand [staend] (stood, stood) ctohth; Stand still! CtIh
(cTiHTe) cnoKiiiHol Stand up [Ap]! BcTaHt (BCTam/re)!
still [St11] CnOKiHHHH
s t o r e y [ 's t o n ] noBepx

s t o r y [’s t o n ] o n o B i f la H H a

s tr a ig h t ['s t r e it ] n p a M H H

s t r e e t [s tr i.t] B y j i H i j a

s t u d e n t ['s t ju : d a n t ] c T y / je H T , C T y ^ e H T K a

s tu d y ['s t A d i] H a B ^ a T H c a , b h h t h c a

s u b j e c t [’s A b d 3 ik t ] n p e / jM e T ( u i K iji h H u ii)

su ch [SAtJ] TaKHH
sum [SAm] apn(J)MeTHHHa sa^ana, npHKJia^; do a sum
po3B*H3yBaTH s a ^ a n y (npHKJia,n;) .
summer f'sAma] jiiTo; in summer BjiiTKy, j i I t o m
sun [sAn] coHixe
Sunday [’sAndi] He^ijia
supper ['sApa] Benepa; have supper BenepaTH
sure [*Jua] BneBHemm; be sure 6yTH BneBHeHHM
surname ['sa:neim] n p i3 B H in ;e
ta b le [teibl] CTiji
t a k e [teik] ( t o o k , t a k e n ) Spara

t a l l [to:I] BHCOKHH

t e a c h e r ['t i:t ja ] y ^ H T e jiB , y ^ H T e j i b k a

t e d d y - b e a r ['t e d i'b e a ] B e ^ M e ^ H K ( i e p a u i K a )
te le p h o n e ['te lifo u n ] T e jie t jx m
t e l l [te l] ( t o l d , t o l d ) p o 3 n o B i^ a T H
te m p e ra tu re ['t e m p n t ja ] T e M n e p a T y p a
t e n [te n ] jje c H T B

te x t [tekst] tc k c t ♦
th a n k you [’0aer)kju:] flHKyio, cnacn6i
th a t [Qaet] toh , Ta, Te
t h e [ 6 b ] , [fli:] o s H a n e H H H a p T H K J ib
th e ir ['Sea] I x H i n , Ix
t h e m [Qem] , im ix

t h e n [flen] TOfli
t h e r e [Sea] T a M
t h e r e a r e [Qear'a:] e ( O jih m h o m u h u )
t h e r e is [Qear'iz] e ( djin odnunu)
t h e y [flei] b o h h
t h i c k [Gik] TOBCTHH
t h in [Bin] t o h k h h , x y / jH H

t h in k [0 1Qk] (t h o u g h t , t h o u g h t ) ayaiara
th ir d [0 a :d] T p e T i i i
th ir te e n ['0a:'ti:n] TpHHa^i^HTB
th ir ty ['0a:ti] tphah;htb
t h i s [O is] ije H , h ;h , n;e
th re e [0ri:] tph
T h u r s d a y ['0a:zdi] neTB ep
tid y['taidi] o x & h h h h , h h c t h h , a ic y p a T H H H

tiger ['taiga] THrp

tim e [taim] ^ac; W h a t is the tim e? KoTpa roflHHa?
tim e-table po3KJia,n;
to [tu:], [tu] flo , b

today [ta'dei] CBOro/jHi

together [ta'geSa] pa3 0 M
tomorrow [ta'morou] 3aBTpa
too [tu:] TanoHc, Tewc
top [top] ^ H r a
touch [tAtJ] TOpKaTHCH, flOTOpKaTHCH
town [taun] m I c t o
tractor-driver ['traekta,draiva] TpaKTopHCT
tram [traem] TpaMBaii
translate [traens'leit] nepeKJia^ara (from — 3, into —
H a)
tree [tri:] ^epeBO
Tuesday ['tju :zdi] b Ib to p o k
turned-up ['ta:nd,Ap] KH pnaTH H
turner ['ta:na] Tonap
tw elve [twelv] flBaHaflHiHTB
tw en ty ['twenti] flBaflijHTB
tw o [tu:] flBa

u u
U krain ian [ju^kreinjan] y K p a i hcbkhh ; yKpaiHCBKa MOBa;
in U krain ian no-yKpaiHCBKH; speak U krainian p o 3 -

uncle ['Arjkl] ^ h a b k o , p,ap,K

under [>nda] nip,
untidy [An'taidi] HeoxaHHHH, HeaicypaTHHH
up [Ap] Bropi, Bropy, Haropy
us [as] Hac, HaM
use [ju:z] BHCHBaTH, KopncTyBaTHca
usually ['ju:3Udli] 3BHHaiiHo

very ['veri] flyHce
victory ['viktari] nepeMora; Victory Day fleHb IlepeMora
village [Vilid 3] cejio
vocabulary [va'kaebjulari] cjiobhhk

wall [wo:I] cTma
want [wont] xotIth, SaHcaTH
warm [wo:m] Tenjmii; it is warm Tenjio
was [wo:z] 6 y B , 6yjia (djist oO huhu)
up MHTH nocya
watch [wotj] roflHHHHK ( KuiuetibKoeuu, napyuHuu); ^h-
bhthch, cnocTepiraTH; watch T V ['ti:'vi:] jjhbhthch
T ejieB i3 op
water ['wo:ta] ao^a; nojiHBaTH; water flowers nojiHBaTH
we [wi:] mh
weather ['wefla] noro^a
Wednesday ['wenzdi] cepe^a
week [wi:k] THHc/jeHb
well [we I] flo6pe, rapHo; very well aynce flo6pe, BiflMiHHo
well-bred ['wel'bred] flo6pe BHxoBaimii, rpeHHHH
were [wa:], [wa] 6yjra ( O j i h m h o m u h u )
wet [wet] MOKpHH
what [wot] m;o, hkhh; what else [els] m;o me
w hen [wen] k o jih

where [wea] ae, KyflH

w h ite [wait] S Ijih h

who [h u :] x t o

whom [hu:m] Koro; whom else Koro m;e

why [wai] HOMy
w ild [waild] /jhkhh
w indow ['windou] bIkho
w indow -sill ['windousil] niflBiKOHHH
w in ter ['winta] 3HMa; in w in ter B3HMKy
w o lf [wulf] ( w olves) bobk
m h .

w ord [wa:d] cjiobo

word-combination [rwa:d«kombi'neiJn] cjioBocnojiyneHHH
w ork [wa:k] po6oTa; npaijioBaTH
worker ['wa:ka] po6iTHHK
worse [wa:s] rip n iH H

w orst [wa:st] HaiiripinHH

write [rait] (wrote, written) nncaTH

Y y

yard [ja:d] flBip, noflBip’n

year [ja:] piK; New Year H obhh piK
y e llo w ['jalou] h cobth h
yes [jes] TaK
yesterday [ 'j e s t a d i ] Bnopa; yesterday morning ynopa
B p aH iji
you [ju:] t h , b h , Te6e, To6i, Bac, BaM
your [jo:] t b I h , B a m

zero [ 'z i a r o u ] H y jn > ; below zero H H H cn e H y j i n ; above zero
BHii];e HyjiH
zoo [ zjj :] 3 o o n a p K

Aa Ii Tt

E6 I I Yy
BB M M <D <J>
r r Kk Xx
f t /I II Uu

Ee HH 111 U l

e e Oo lU m

>K )K nn bb
33 Pp K> K>
II VI Cc fl n

a 6o or
a 6 c 0 Jii0 TH0 n p a B H H quite right
aBTo6yc bus
asT0M06ijiB car; (eanmaDiCHUu) lorry
aapeca address
aKypaTHHH, oxaHHHH tidy
ajie but
ajib6oM album; ajibSoM ajih MajiioBaHHH sketch-book
a H rjiin c B K H H English; a H r jiiiic b K a M o s a English; no-
a n r jiin c B K H in English; p o 3 m o b j i a t h aH rjiiH C b K O H )
m o b o io speak English
a p K y m n a n e p y piece of paper

6'a6a, 6a6yca grandmother
6a6a (cnieoea) snowman; j i u i h t h c H ir o s y 6a6y make a
6aBHTHcn run about
6 a ra T O many, much
6a»eaTH want
6apa6an drum
S a T a p e n r a d ia to r
6 aTB K O , t h t o f a t h e r
6 a *iH T H s e e
6epe3eHB M a r c h
6iraTH, 6 ir T H r u n
6 ijiH H w h i t e
6ijiKa s q u i r r e l
6ijii»me m o r e ; Handijibme m ost
6ijin a t , n e a r
6 ijiH B H H f a i r
6 jia K H T H H H b l u e
6jii^ H H p a l e
6jiy3a, copomca ( u ojioeiua) s h ir t
60 b e c a u s e
6paT b r o t h e r
6paTH t a k e
6posa e y e-b ro w
6 p y A H H H d i r t y ; ( n p o eyjiuu,io, d o p o e y ) m u d d y
6y A H H O K h o u s e
6 y # iB e jib H H K b u i l d e r
6 y A i» J ia c K a p l e a s e
6yKBa le tte r
6 y T H b e ; 6 y T H B iz^ cyT H iM b e a b s e n t ; d y r a s n e B H e H H M
su re; 6y T H t o t o b h m be rea d y; 6 y T H 3 a A O B O J iem
( k h m o c l , m h m o c l ) b e s a t i s f i e d w i t h ; 6y T H n p u c y T H
b e p r e s e n t ; 6y T H x b o p h m b e i l l ; 6 y T H q e p r o B H M
on d u ty

b , 6i j i n , n p n a t , i n
saM you

BaHTaHciBKa lorry
BapeHHH jam
sac you
Barn your
BBrajiHBHH polite
Bropi, eropy up
BffOMa at home
BeAMe^HK ( izpauiKa ) teddy-bear
BeAMi^b bear
BejiHKHH big, great
BepeceHb September
BecejiHH gay
B ecH a spring; BecH oio in spring
Be*iepH supper; senepHTH have supper
B e n ip evening; B B e n e p i in the evening; R o6pm B e n ip !
Good evening!
bh, Bac, BaM you
Bn6a^(Te) M e m , 6yab jiacica excuse me, please!
BHrjiA^aTH (MaTH BHrjiHA) look; T h no6pe BHrjiH/jaem
You look well.
BH^ejiKa fork
BHnpacysaHHH pressed; npacysaTH press
BHCJiiB, BHpa3 expression
bhcokhh tall, high
BHxi#HHH AeHb holiday
BHXOBaHHH (ao6pe) well-bred; (n o r a H o ) ill-bred
BH XO AHTH go out
b h u ih h cherry
above; BHn^e
BH nje, H a ^ H y jia above zero
BisTopoK Tuesday
9 6 -1 2 3
s i a f r o m ; ^ a jie K O b ir fa r fr o m
B i# M iH H O , a y a c e a o 6 p e v e r y w e l l

B i^ n o B iA B , B iA n o B iA a T H a n s w e r

B i^ c y T H in a b s e n t ; 6 y ™ B i^ c y T H iM b e a b s e n t

B iz jK p H B a T H , b w ih h h t h open
s i^ p o p a il
B iK H O w i n d o w

B iH h e ; ( n p o m e a p u H , n p e d M e m u , neuu^a) i t
b Ih h k b r o o m

s ip m p o e m ; A e K J ia M y B a T H s ip r n r e c i t e a p o e m
B ic iM e i g h t

B ic iM A e c H T e i g h t y

B ic iM H a A m H T B e i g h t e e n
B H BqaTH , bh h th le a r n

B H pom ynaTH g r o w
bhcokhh (n e npo jiiodeu) h i g h
B K a 3 y B a T H , n o K a 3 y B a T H n a jiB u e M p o i n t

B M H B a T H (c a ) w a s h
bm I t h , M orT H c a n

bhh 3, A O H H 3 y d o w n

BOBK w o l f
BO H a s h e ; ( npo meapuH, npedMemu , sieuu^a) i t
BO ^a w a t e r

bohh th e y

b o j io c c h h a ir

B n e B H e H H H s u r e ; 6 y T H B n eB H eH H M b e s u r e
B n p a s a e x e r c is e

B p a H ip i n t h e m o r n i n g

B p o A J iH B H H , ra p H H H ( npo xjioniifie, u o ji o e iK i e ) h a n d ­
som e

s c i a ll
B C TasaTH (3 jiiD K K a ) get up; (n a noeu) s ta n d up!
BcTaHb(Te)! Stand up!
BCTaH 0BJH0BaTH C H ( n p o n o z o d y ) s e t t l e d
B y jin i^ H s t r e e t
Byxo e a r
bxo^ hth come in
b*ihth learn
B ^opa y e s te rd a y ; B ^opa B B e ^ e p i la s t n ig h ty Bqopa
s p a H U ,i y e s t e r d a y m o r n i n g

r a jiC T y n , K p a s a T K a , rn a p cj) s c a r f
r a p iip ic a d u s te r

rapHnii, Ao6pHH good; r a p H O (^o6pe) well; Tn rapHo

BHrjiAAaem. You look well.
rapHeHbKa, napiBHa ( n p o dieuam , m Ih o k ) pretty
rapHHH, BpoAJiHBHH ( n p o xjion itie, H on oeiK ie) hand­
ra p H H H , m h j ih h , x o p o m n ii n ic e

r a p n ^ H H h o t ; a c a p ic o i t i s h o t

r ip in H H w o r s e ; HaHripinHH w orst

r jie ^ H K j u g
roBopH TH (c K a 3 a T n ) s a y ; p o 3 m o b jih t h s p e a k
roAHHHHK ( cmiHHuu, HdcmiJihHuu, 6ammoeuu) c lo c k ;
( Kum eubKoeuu, napyHHuu) w a tc h

r o jio s a h e a d ; K a ^ a H K an ycT H h e a d o f c a b b a g e

r o jiy 6 H H b l u e
r o jiy 6 o o K H H b l u e - e y e d

9* 243
r o p ix nut
r o c n o A a p C T s o (4 > e p M a ) f a r m
ro T O B H H r e a d y ; (JyTH t o t o b h m be read y; t o t o b h h ao
ypony r e a d y f o r th e le s s o n
rpanyc degree
rpaTHCH play; rpaTH y x o K e H play hockey; r p a T H y i[»y T -
6oji play football; r p a T H y T e H ic play tennis; rpaTH
b CHisKKH play snowballs
rpaTHCH (6 a B H T H C H , MeTymHTHcn) run about
rpyAeHb December
rpyma pear
ry6a lip
ryMKa eraser

rp e ^ H H H , A o 6 p e BH xoBaH H H w e l l - b r e d

A asaT H g iv e
A ajieico f a r ; n ajieico Bin f a r fro m
A sa tw o
AsaAiJHTt. t w e n t y
A saH aA t^flT B t w e lv e
A B epi d o o r
A »ip y ard
Ae w h e re
AeB*HHQCTO n in e t y

Aes’HTHaAi^HTB nineteen
Aes’HTfc nine
AeKUifcica few, some
AeKJi&MyB&TH sipiu recite a poem
fleH bday; ^ e H b IlepeMOrn Victory Day; ^o6phh a e hb!
Good afternoon!
Aepeso tree
AecHTt ten
R3BO H H K bell
A3b o h h t h no T e jie g iO H y ring up
A3epicajio ( j iio c t p o ) looking-glass
Asm'a top
Ah b h t h c h (MaTH b h iv ih a ) look; Th £o6pe BHrjiHAaem.
You look well; BnrjiH^aTH (6yTH cxohchm Ha Koroct)
look like
Ahbhthch (cnocTepiraTn) watch; ahbhthch TejieBi3op
watch TV
Ahkhh wild
AHKTaHT dictation
AHTHHa child
ffiajior, p03M0Ba dialogue
^iB^HHa, AiBMHHKa girl
JOT, ^ y c i> grandfather; flin Mopo3 Father Frost, Santa
#iM (kchtjio) home; 6yahhok, xaTa house; B^oMa at
home; hth AOAOircy go home
Aira children
Ajih, 3a for
AO, b to
#o6pe well; ay ace #o6pe very well

Ao6pe BHxoBaHHH, I'pe^HHH well-bred
Ao6pnn good; Ao6pnH Aem>! Good afternoon! Ao6pnn
Benip! Good evening! ^oGpnii pamm! Good morn­
A O B rn H l o n g

A O A & B aT H , A o n o B H K )B a T H a d d

A O M a n r a i ii (c B r a c b K H H ) d o m e s t i c

A O M anm c 3aB^aH H H h o m e ta sk

A0H H 3y, bhh 3 dow n

AonoMaraTH help; aonoMaraTH no rocnoAapcTBy help

about the house
AOTOpKHyTHCH t o u c h
Aonm a ( KJiacna) b la c k b o a r d
AOm; r a i n ; H ^ e a om i t r a i n s

AOH pK a m i lk m a i d
A p y r , n prtH T ejib f r i e n d

A p y rn n secon d
A y .»c e v e r y ; a y H e e A<>6pe v e r y w e l l

A yM aTH th in k

A H A *k o , aaah u n c le

exasKepKa, KHHWKOBa ma«|)a bookcase

e am, is, are; there is, there are

xca6a frog
rcajib I t ’ s a p i t y ; M e m Hcajib I a m s o r r y
Hcapico i t i s h o t
3KHpa<|>(a) g i r a f f e
3KHTH liv e
SKHTjio, ffiM h o m e
SKOBTeHb O c t o b e r
3KOBXHH y e llo w

acypiiaji ( KJiacHuu ) class-register

3a for
3a6aBH H H , noTim H H H , CM iinm iH f u n n y
3as»CAH a lw a y s
3 afiica, 3aHaBicKa, ^ipaHKa curtain

3aBOA plant
3aBTpa tomorrow
3a^a^a ( aputpMemuHHa ) sum; po3B’H3yBaTH 3a^any do
a sum
3aAOBOJieHHH satisfied; 6yTH 3a/j0B0Jieim M (k h m o c l ,
mhmoci») be satisfied with
3aci^B hare
3 aKiHHyBaTHCH be over

3aKpHBaTH, 3aMHHHTH s h u t
3anHTaHHH question; BiAnoBiaaTH Ha 3annTaHHH an­
swer questions; 3anHTyBaTH ask questions

3ani3ffion aT H C H be late
3 a p a 3 , T e n e p now
3 a p H A K a (paHKoea ) m o r n i n g e x e r c i s e s ; p o 6 h t h 3 a p H ^ K y
d o m o r n in g e x e r c is e s
3 a c T p y r y B a n a j i h o ji if i i ji B (q n H K a ) p e n c i l - s h a r p e n e r
3B H qaH H O c e r t a i n l y , u s u a l l y
3 r a ^ y B a T H , n a n i’ H TaTH r e m e m b e r
3eJieHH H g r e e n
3 e jie H o o K H H g r e e n - e y e d
3 e M jiH ( noeepxHA :) g r o u n d
3 3 a a y , n o 3 a a y b e h in d
3H M a w i n t e r ; B3HM icy i n w i n t e r
3H aTH k n o w
30 BHimHicTb appearance
3oonapK zoo

i and
iM’h name
iHHceHep engineer
iHKOJin, mo^i sometimes
iHCTHxyT institute
iTH go; ira ffOAOMy go home; iae aoiu, it rains; ifle cmr
it snows

*ii, ’in her; ( npo peu i u m e a p u u ) it, its

im , ix them

•• •• • M I 1 •
ix, ix h ih their

Horo his, him, it, its

HOMy him, it
hth go; h th ROROMy g o home; ikfle flon* it rains; iifle
CHir it snows

KajitKyjiHTop calculator
KajiioHca puddle
KaHinyjiH holidays
Kanejiiox hat
KapTa map
KapTHHa picture; Ha icapTHHi in the picture
KaTaTHCH Ha KOB3aHax skate; KaTaTHca Ha caH ax
Ka^tna duck
KBapTHpa flat
KBiTeHb April
KBiTKa flow er; nojiHBaTH k b Ith water flow ers
KenKa, KamiceT cap
khjihm carpet
KHpnaTHH turned-up
KiMHaTa room
KiHb horse
KiT, KiniKa cat
KJiac form, class; B H K O M y t h KJiaci? What form are
you in?
KJiacHa Aonina blackboard
KJiacHa KiMHaTa classroom
KJiacHHH McypHaji class-register
KJiaCTH, CTaBHTH put; BAHraTH, B3yBaTH put on
KJieii glue; irjijnnica KJieio bottle of glue
KJiixKa cage
KHH»CKa book
KHHHCKOBa ma<|>a, eTaacepica bookcase
Koro whom; K o ro me whom else
kohchhh every
Kojirocn collective-farm
KOJirocnHHK, KOJirocnHHn,H collective-farmer
kojih when
KOJiip colour
KOM6aHHep combine-operator
KopHAop corridor
KopHMHeBHH brown
KopoGna box
Koposa cow
KOpOTKHH short
Koca ( eojiocck) braid
kotphh which, what, who; KoTpa ro#HHa? What is the
Kom eH H kitten
KpasaTKa, rajicTyn, map4> scarf
KpaMHHI^H Shop
Kpan^HH, icpanje better
Kpenfla chalk; niMaTOK Kpen^H piece of chalk
KpecjraTH, M ajiioBaTH draw; (<pap6aMu) paint
k p o j i h k rabbit

kpokoahji crocodile
K pyrjiH H round

KyAH where
K y jiB K O B a p y m c a ball-pen
K ypna hen
Kypna chicken
K yT , KyTO K corner

KyxHH kitchen
K y q e p f lB H H , x b h j ih c t h h curly

j i

jiasa bench
jiaMUa lamp
jies lion
jiHSKa; x o a h t h H a jraacax ski
jiHnem July
J IH C H ip i fox

j i h c t letter

j i h c t o k leaf ( m h . leaves)

jiHCTonaA November
jiiB H H left

jiis K K O bed

j i i i c a p doctor

jiiic a p H H hospital

j i m i H K a ruler
jiinHTH CHiroBHKa (cm ro B y 6a6y) make a snowman;
jiinHTH CHisKKH make snowballs
jiic forest
jiiT O summer; B ji i T K y in summer

j i o 6 forehead

j i i o a h ( napod ) people
jiiOAHHa man ( m h . men)
j i i o t h h February

j i i o c t p o , A 3 e p K a j i o looking-glass

j i n r a T H c n a T H go to bed

jiHjiBKa doll

MaBna monkey
MajiHH, MajieHBKHH small, little; Majio little; TpoxH
a little
MajiiOBaHHH drawing
MajiioBaTH draw; ( <pap6aMu) paint
MajiioHoic picture; Ha MajiiOHKy in the picture
MaMa, MaTH mother; piAHa MOBa mother tongue 4
Macjio butter
MaTH have, has; MaTH BHrjiHA> BHrjiHAaTH look; Th
Ao6pe BHrjiHAacm. You look well; MaTH 3Mory, MorTH
M a n iH H a ( j i e z u o e a ) car; ( e a n m a M H a ) lorry
MeHi, MeHe me; Mem niKOAa (majib) I am sorry
M e H iu e less; H a iiM e H m e least
M eT yn iH TH C H , 6a*BHTHCH run about
m h we
MHHyjiHH past, last
m h th , BMHBaTHCH wash; m h th nocya wash up
M H iu a mouse ( m h . mice)

Mi»c between
Min my
m I h j i h b h h changeable

M m y e minus
Mici^e seat; ci^aTH Ha Mici^e take a seat
MicHi^B month
MiTjia broom
Mosa^piAHa mother tongue
MorTH can, may
m o s k j ih b o , M a6yTB may be

MOKpHH wet

m o j io k o m ilk
MOMeHT moment; y u,eH m o m c h t (y u,io x b h j i h h y ) at this
M o p o 3 HHH frosty; flitf Mopo3 Father Frost, Santa Claus
My3HKa music
m9ssh ball

Ha in, on
H a B K p y rn , HaBKOJio around
HaB^iaTHCH study
H a r o p y , B r o p y up
Haa, BHme above
Ha3Ba name
H a ii6 ijiB n ie best of all, most

H a iir ip iiiH H w o r s t

H aH Kpan^H H b e s t

H a n M e H iu e l e a s t

H ac, H aM us

H acTynH H H n e x t

H am o u r

He n o t

H e6o sk y

HeBBi^uiHBHH, He^eMHHH impolite

HeBHXOBaHHH, noraHO BHxoBaHHH ill-bred
He#ijiH Sunday
HeoftMiHHo, HaneBHO c e r t a i n l y
HeoxaHHHH, HeaicypaTHHH u n t i d y
HHHrae, n iA b e l o w ; HHHrce Hyjih b e l o w z e r o
Hi no

HiKOJiH n e v e r

Hie n o s e
HixTO n o b o d y
hm night; Ha ao6paHhi! Good night!
hobhh new; H o b h h pin New Year; 3 H o b h m pokom !

Happy New Year!

Hora l e g
HOMep n u m b e r
H y jib z e r o ; HH3K*ie H y jiH b e l o w z e r o ; BH ii^e H y jin a b o v e

o6in dinner; o6iAaTH have dinner
o 6 j i h t c h face

OBajiBHHH oval
o a h h one

OAHHa,n;ii,HTi» eleven
OAHOKJiacHHK, OAHOKJiacHHii.H classmate
O A H ra T H dress; c y K H H dress; 6 y T H y
be dressed in; BAHraTH put on
osepo lake
oko eye
ojiisei^B pencil
onncyBaTH describe
onoBiAaHHH story
opaHSKeBHH orange
ociH b autumn; BoceHH in autumn
oxaH H H H , aK ypaT H H H tidy
oi^iHKa mark; O A epm y aaT H oitfHicy get a mark

naM’flTaTH remember
n an ip paper; apicyni nanepy piece of paper
n a p arp a g) paragraph
napTa, h h c b m o b h h c t I j i desk
naipoic rat
neHaji pencil-box
neH3ejii» brush
neHcioHep, neHcioHepKa pensioner
n e p e iS K fljK a T H , n e p e c e jiH T H c n m o v e

n epeK a3yB aTH r e te ll

translate (3 from, Ha into)

nepeKOHaHHH sure; 6yTH nepeKOHaHHM be sure
nepeMora victory; SeHi> IlepeMorH Victory Day
nepepsa break; ni# qac nepepBH during the break
nepniHH first
nec, coGaica dog
im c a T H

nmaTH ask (npo about)

m sera cock
ni^ under; (HHarce) below; niA *iac during; niA »iac
nepepBH during the break
niABiicoHHH window-sill
ni^Jiora floor
ni^HiMaTH hold up
nicjiH after; nicjin yponifi after classes
njiioc plus
njiHMa spot
njininica Kjieio bottle of glue
noseAiHKa behaviour
noBepx floor, storey
noBHHeH, Mymy must
noBHHH (npo jnoduny) plump
n0BT0pi0BaTH repeat
noraHHH bad
norano BHxoBaHHH, HeBHxoBaHHH ill-bred
noroAa weather
noroAHcyBaTHCH agree

noaapyH oic p re se n t
n o A B ip ’ n y a rd
n o flp y ra , a p y r , npHHTejiB fr ie n d
n o 3 a a y b e h in d
noKa3yBaTH show ; (najiBijeM ) p o in t
noKJiacTH, KJiacTH p u t
noKpHBaTH c o v e r
nojiHBaTH w a ter; nojiHBaTH k b It h w a te r flo w e rs
nojini^H s h e lf
nojioBHHa h a lf
noHe^ijiOK Monday
n o p a p o K y season
n o p o c a , CBHHA p ig
nopT^ jejit b a g
noHHHaTn(cH) b e g in
noHCHiofiaTH e x p la in
npaBH H ( cnpaeedjiueuu) r ig h t ; ( mo 3naxodumbcsi npa
e o p y u ) r ig h t ; t h npaBH H y o u are r ig h t ; a6cojiK>THo
npaBH H q u ite r ig h t
n p a n o p f la g
n p a ip o B a T H w o rk ; po6oTa w o rk , job
npearoeT (uiKijibnuu) su b je ct
npeKpacHHH, hyaqbhh fin e
n p n at
n p H ra A y sa T H re m e m b e r
npHKpamaTH d eco ra te
npHp0A03HaBCTB0 n a tu r a l sciences
npncyTHiii p re se n t; 6yTH npncyTHiM b e p re se n t
npnxoAH TH com e; bxoahth com e in
npHHTejib, Apyr friend
npi3BHn;e surname
npo about
npoBOAHTH ( n a c ) spend; A<>6pe nposecTH Mac have a
good time
npoTe but
npoTnroM, niA during; niA *iac nepepBH during the
npoxojiOAHHH chilly; npoxojiOAHO it is chilly
npomy (ocb, 6yA* Jiacna) here you are
npHMHH straight
nTaineHH, Kyp*ia chick
nTamKa bird
n’HTAecaT fifty
n’HTHaAi^HTB fifteen
n’jiTHHi^H Friday
n’jiTB five

pa30M together
paHOK morning; B p a m ji in the morning; /JoGporo paH K y!
Good morning!
paxiBHHi^H abacus
p e *ie H H H sentence

piK year; H o b h h piK New Year

phKa river
pn6a fish
P o 6 h t h do, make; p o G h t h ypoK H do lessons; p o 6 h t h
paH K O B y 3apH A K y do morning exercises
po6iTH H K worker

p o 6 o T a w o r k , jo b ; p y *ra a n p a ijf l m a n u a l w o r k
poaceBH ii r o s y
po3B*ii3yBaTH 3 aA a*iy (n p n i u i a A ) d o a s u m
po3K jiaff t im e -t a b le
po3K pH B axH , B i^K p n B aT H o p e n
P03M 0 b j ih t h s p e a k
p o 3 n o B i^ a T H t e ll
po3yM HHH c le v e r
poT m o u t h
pyAHH r e d
pyica ( eid Kucm i do njiena) a r m ; k h c t& h a n d
p y M ’HHHH r o s y
pynK a, n ep o pen ; ( KyjibKoea) b a ll - p e n
pynH a n p a q ji m a n u a l w o rk

caA^caTH, caAHTH p la n t
c a n n s le d g e ; KaTaTHCH n a c a i w x s le d g e
cbhhh p ig
CBisKHH f r e s h
c b Ih c b k h h d o m e s t ic
csiTHTH, c h h t h s h o n e
csiT jiH H f a i r , l i g h t ; c b I tjio l i g h t ; c b I t j io b o j io c h h f a i r ­
h a ir e d
CBHTKyBaTH c e le b r a t e
cbhto h o lid a y ; K a m K y jin h o lid a y s
c e K y H ^a s e c o n d
c e jio village; y c e jii in the village
c e p e A a Wednesday
cepneH bAugust
cecTpa sister
CH^iTH sit; chah (cH^iTb) cnoKinHo sit still; cha&
(cHA^Te) sit down
C H H in blue, dark blue

c iA a T H H a M ic i^ e take a seat

ciM seven
ciMAecHT seventy
ciMHaAi^HTb seventeen
ciM’n family
cipnn grey
c ip o o K H H grey-eyed

cineHb January
cKa3aTH say
dcaicajiKa skipping-rope
cKijibKH how many, how much; CicijibKH To6i poicis?
How old are you?
cjiH3bKHH slippery
cjiHBa plum
cjiobo word
cjiobhhk vocabulary
cjioh elephant
cjiyxaTH(cH) listen
CMiniHHH funny
CHir snow; HAe CHir it snows
CHiroBa 6a6a, CHiroBHK snowman; JiinHTH cHirony 6a6y
make a snowman
CmrypKa Snow-Maiden
CHiAaHOK breakfast; cHiAaTH have breakfast

CHisKKa s n o w b a ll; rp a T H b c h Is k k h p la y s n o w b a lls ;
jiin H T H CHiaeKH m a ke s n o w b a lls
cofiaica d o g
com^e su n
cop oK f o r t y
copoH K a s h ir t
cocH a p in e -tre e
cn a cH fti t h a n k y o u
cn iB aT H s in g
cni^ H H i jh s k ir t
cnoKi^ HHH s t ill; c h a h ( c h a I t e ) c n o K iira o s it s t ill; C T iii
(cTiHTe) c h o k I h h o s ta n d s t i l l
cn o n a T K y, c n e p rn y first
cnpaseA JiH BH H , n paB H H r ig h t
CTaBHTH, nocTaBHTH p u t
CTasoK p o n d
CTapHH o ld
CTejiHTH n o c T ijib m a ke a bed
cTejiH c e ilin g
c T iji ta b le ; (nucbMoeuu) d e sk
cTijieiijb c h a ir
c t iH a w a ll; Ha c T m i o n th e w a ll
« t o h u n d re d
cTopiHKa page; Ha cTOpiHini at the page
c t o h t h stand; c t I h (c T iH T e ) c n o K iH H o stand still; BCTaH b
(BCTaHbTe) stand up
CTpn6aTH, cK an aT H , n e p e c T p n fiy B a T H skip
CTprcKa ribbon
cTy^eHT student
cyfioT a Saturday
cyKHH d ress
cyMKa b a g
cyMHHH sad
cyxHH d ry
cxoskh h lik e ; 6 yTH c x o s k h m Ha K orocb, BiirjiHAaTH
look lik e
cboroAHi tod ay

Ta, i an d
TaK yes
TaKHH such
TaicosK, Teac too, also
TaM th ere
TaHyTH m elt
TaHii;iOBaTH dance
TaTO fa t h e r
T s a p im a an im a l
T B ii i y o u r; a T B in an d y o u rs
TeKCT tex t
Tejie<|>OH telephone
T ejie^oH ysaT H r in g up
TeMHHH d a r k ; TeMHOOKHH d a rk -e y e d ; TeMHOBOJiocHti
d a r k -h a ir e d
TeM nepaTypa tem p e ratu re
Tenep n o w
T e n ji H H w a rm ; T e n j i o it is w a rm
t h , Te6 e, To6 i you
T H rp tiger
THSKAeHb week
T iT K a , t b o t h aunt
TOfli then
T o ii, T a , T e that

T O K a p turner

TOMy mo because
tohkhh thin
T O pK aT H C H touch

tohho„ exactly
T p a s a grass
TpaKTopncT tractor-driver
TpaMBaif tram
T p e 6 a , Heo6xi^HO must
T p e T iii third

Tpn three
TpHAB[HTb thirty
TpHHa^HiHTb thirteen

y, b in
yna3Ka pointer
ynpaiHCbKHH Ukrainian; yKpamcbKa MOBa Ukrainian;
P03M0bjihth yKpaiHCbicoio m oboio speak Ukrainian;
no-yKpaiHCbKH in Ukrainian
yjiio6jieHHH favourite
yneBHeHHH sure; 6yTH yneBHeHHM be sure
ypoK lesson; nicjia ypoKis after classes; po 6hth ypoKH
do lessons
y«eHb, yqeHH^s pupil
ynopa yesterday; ynopa BpaHiji yesterday morning

<J>ap6a colour, paint

4>ap6yBaTH paint
4>epMa farm
4>i3HHHe BHxoBaHHH physical training
4>JioMacTep felt-pen

xaTa, aim house
xBHjiHHa minute
XBopnif ill; 6yTH xbophm be ill
xjioneiijb, xjion^HK boy
xMapa cloud
x o a h t h , h t h go; x o a h t h Ha jraxcax ski

x o j i o a h h h cold; x o j i o a h o it is cold

xoTiTH want *♦

x t o who

xyAHH thin

n;e it, this
m e ii, ii ;h this

UjiKasHH interesting
iiiijiK O M n p a B H H quite right
n y n e n n puppy


n a p iB H a p r e t t y
^ac time; KoTpa roA H H a? What is the time?; 3 T o ro
^acy, hk since
^acTH H a p a r t
nacTO o ft e n
q a n iic a c u p
H B epTb q u a r t e r
qeM H H H p o l i t e
^epseHb June
nepB O ^H H r e d
H e p r o B H ii p u p i l o n d u t y
^ e p ry B a T H , 6yTH n ep roB H M b e o n d u ty
leTsep Thursday
qH o r
qH H K a p e n c il- s h a r p e n e r
h h c j io n u m ber
q n c T H ii c l e a n ; (oxaiiHiiH) tid y
H H T aT H r e a d
h o jio b m c m a n ( m h . m e n )

^OM y w h y
q op H H H b la c k
H O TH pH f o u r
^O TH pH a^m H Tb f o u r t e e n
n yffO B H H f i n e


m ap4> s c a r f
msaftpa m op
n iH fl n e c k
micTAecHT sixty
micTHaAilHTb sixteen
micTb six
n iK a p n e T K a sock
mKOAa it ’ s a pity
mKOJia school
micojiHp' schoolboy
m vcojinpica schoolgirl
mKOJinpi schoolchildren
inMaTOK piece; niMaTOK KpenftH piece of chalk
mogtep driver
mnnjibKa pin

macjiHBHii happy
mo what; mo me what else
moAeHHHK day-book
ii^oao MeHe as for me
moica cheek
myp rat


fl6jiyKO apple
HHije egg
HK h o w
HJiHHa fir-tree
HCKpaBO brightly
hh^hk box

The K an g a ro o

Drum A A A A
-J ?-j -Ij) 7_jj. j j 7 jj
Come with me to the zoo, zoo, zoo, To

4*— 1» -
see the kan- ga- roo, roo, roo;


J1- r n
goes a* long with a bump, bump, bump!



Урок 1 ................................................................. З
Урок 2 ................................................................. 6
Уроки 3—4 ........................................................10
Уроки 5—6 ........................................................13
Уроки 7—8 ........................................................17
Уроки 9—1 0 ..................................................... 20
Уроки 11—1 2 ...................................................23
Уроки 13—1 4 ...................................................27
Урок 1 5 .............................................................31
Уроки 16—1 7 ...................................................33
Уроки 18—1 9 ...................................................36
Уроки 20—2 1 ...................................................43
Уроки 22—23 ................................................... 48
Уроки 24—25 ................................................... 51
Уроки 26—28 (резервні)................................55


Урок 2 9 .............................................................56
Уроки ЗО—3 1 ...................................................59
Уроки 32—33 ................................................... 63
Уроки 34—35 ................................................... 69
Уроки 36—37 ................................................... 74
Уроки 38—39 ................................................... 77
Уроки 40—4 1 ...................................................81
Уроки 42—43 ................................................... 84
Уроки 44—45 ................................................... 89
Урок 4 6 .............................................................93
Урок 4 7 .............................................................97
Уроки 48—49 (резервні)............................. 100


Урок 5 0 .......................................................... 101

Уроки 51—5 2 ................................................. 103
Уроки 53—54 ................................................ 107
Уроки 55—56 ................................................. 111
Уроки 57—58 ................................................ 115
Урок 5 9 .......................................................... 121
Уроки 60—6 1 ................................................ 124
Уроки 62—63 ................................................ 127
Уроки 64—65 ................................................. 132
Урок 6 6 .......................................................... 136
Уроки 67—68 ................................................. 139
Уроки 69—70 ........................ ....................... 144
Уроки 71 — 7 2 ................................................. 148
Уроки 73—74 ................................................. 155
Урок 7 5 .......................................................... 159
Урок 7 6 .......................................................... 162
Уроки 77—79 (резервні)............................. 165


Урок 8 0 .......................................................... .166

Уроки 81—8 2 ................................................ .169
Уроки 83—84 ................................................ .174
Урок 8 5 .......................................................... .178
Уроки 86—87 ................................................ ..181
Уроки 88—89 ................................................ ..186
Уроки 90—9 1 ............ ................................... ..190
Уроки 92—93 ................................................ ..193
Урок 9 4 .......................................................... ..197
Уроки 95—96 ................................................ ..200
Уроки 97—98 ...................................................206
Урок 99 (контрольний)............................... 210
Уроки 100—102 (резервні)...........................210
Таблиця неправильних дієслів................... 211
Англійський алфавіт...................................... 212
Англо-український словник............................ 213
Український алфавіт.................................. ..238
Українсько-англійський сл овн и к ...............239
Ноти................................................................ ..267

Навчальне видання

Василь Макарович
Тамара Костянтинівна

Навчальний посібник
для 3-го класу
загальноосвітніх шкіл

Ільницький Євген Олександрович
Відповідальна за випуск С. В. Хрустальова
Редактори Д. Г. Мартіна, Ю. М. Набока
Технічний редактор Т. М. Піхота
Коректор Л. 11. Тютюнник
Комп'ютерна верстка І. М. Законя

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Папір офсетний №1. Гарнітура Шкільна. Друк офсетний.
Ум. друк. арк. 21,93. Ум. фарбовідб. 90,95. Обл.-вид. арк. 8,44.
Замовлення Міг 6 - 1 2 3 .
Видавничо-торгова фірма «Перун».
255710 Ірпінь, вул. Т. Шевченка, 4а

Свідоцтво про реєстрацію №13710594 від 30.06.95.

Віддруковано на харківській книжковій фабриці «Глобус».

310012 Харків, вул. Енгельса, 11.

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