Beginners Guide To SEO
Beginners Guide To SEO
Beginners Guide To SEO
That’s a long phrase isn’t it? It can seem scary, but it doesn’t have it be.
Trust me, I was very intimidated by the term SEO when I started learning it
over a decade ago. I’m not scared of it anymore, but that is because I’ve
spent the time to learn about it and understand it.
This eBook is designed to teach you about the basics of SEO in an easy to
understand manner.
We are going to not just talk about the how of SEO. Instead, we’ll explore
the how and why. Knowing the why will help you understand the
importance of the how and you’ll be in a better place to apply this
knowledge to your own website or blog.
I’m not going to promise you SEO is easy, because it isn’t. You’re not going
to learn how to perform SEO in a few hours. SEO doesn’t work that way and
anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you. I’ve seen books and courses
titled Simple SEO and Easy SEO. But guess what? They are 100% crap.
SEO is not simple and it is not easy. It is part art, part science, and part
instinct. But know this – once you get it, you get it and it becomes common
What I will promise you is that anyone and everyone can learn SEO.
The question is not if you can learn SEO. The question is do you want to
learn it.
If the answer to that is yes, then let’s start exploring SEO and all that it has
to offer. I promise this journey will be rewarding and if you follow my
process, you will have great results.
SEO is simply the process of getting website traffic from “free” or “organic”
search results in search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. All major
search engines have primary search results that are ranked based on what
the search engine considers most relevant to users. SEO helps maximize
the number of visitors to a particular website or page by ensuring that the
site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.
Notice how Google states they are small modifications? They are, but there
are many. But making changes together, in a planned and methodical
manner, can have big results.
SEO factors have varying weights and no SEO consultant knows the exact
weight of each or when these weights change. We’re not going to talk about
every SEO factor. This is because Google has over 200 SEO factors and over
10,000 sub-signals for ranking. That is way too much information to digest
and remember.
And guess what? You don’t have to remember or even know all of the
factors that influence SEO. You need to learn about what is important and
why it matters. Once you have that down, the rest of the details fall into
I have long believed in the power of organic SEO (organic meaning natural
and not paid). I’ve been using it for well over a decade and I’ve been
screaming it from the rooftop for over five years.
When you architect a website and you place SEO at the forefront of a web
project, you’re doing two things simultaneously. You’re making sure your
website will be usable by search engines and your actual website visitors.
And when I say usable, I mean that real people will search for content, find
your website, and learn from it.
When you incorporate real SEO into your website, you’ve made a conscious
decision to plant a seed, nurture that seed, and help it grow over time. This
long-term strategy and efforts produce high-quality results that continue
to produce results year and year.
You need solid SEO to compete online and to obtain traffic. Period.
I’ve had companies show me a beautiful website that they spent lots of
money on, but completely forgot about SEO. Guess what happened in those
situations? They built it and no one came. No one saw the beautiful website
they spent months working on.
Website owners all want their content to be placed at the top of page one of
search results. This is because very few website searches ever go beyond
page one of results.
In many cases, the higher you are on page one the more traffic you will
receive. The farther down your content is positioned on the page of results,
the fewer people will click on your content listing and visit your website.
In some industries, I have seen a drastic fall off of clicks once someone gets
past the first few listings. But this isn’t for all industries or searches.
The more complex the search term is, the more willing users are to explore
search listings beyond the first few positions.
The above search result was given for a basic search for the word plumber.
Let’s review the three items in more depth.
Page Title – This is the first line of a given result, in the example, it is blue
underlined which indicates it is a clickable text. This text comes from your
page’s title or meta title if they are being used. It is important for this text
to clearly represent the content and be easy to read and digest.
The interesting thing about the meta description is you can control this
and it is your first opportunity to reach website visitors. They see this well
before they reach your website or blog, so make sure this description is an
URL – This is the actual address where the page lives. This isn’t super
important to the searcher, but is important to the search engines. In most
cases your URL should use actual words and you should avoid page IDs.
Every SERP is unique, even for search queries performed on the same
search engine using the same keywords or search queries. This is because
virtually all search engines customize the experience for their users by
presenting results based on a wide range of factors beyond their search
These factors can include such things as the user’s physical location,
browsing history, and social settings. In fact, two SERPs may appear
identical, and contain many of the same results, but will often feature
subtle differences.
A SERP typically contains two types of content – “organic” results and paid
Organic results are listings of web pages that appear as a result of the
search engine’s algorithm and the content itself.
These results are based on the quality of content and how closely it
matches the search term or phrase used in the query.
Paid results are listings that are presented as a result of an advertiser
buying an ad. These are commonly called PPC or pay per click.
Now if we want to get really crazy, we can start talking about knowledge
graph results. This is a results type that Google first introduced in 2012. It
In the above image, I had performed a query for What is WordPress and in
return Google gave me a brief answer and a link to further information.
This data was pulled from my friend Cory Miller’s website
Cory’s website is displayed because he provides a great piece of content and
because he is a trusted source within the WordPress community. Cory’s
website has been around for over eight years and he is a major player in our
WordPress community.
While some people worry that this answer will stop searchers from clicking
through to a website, it really doesn’t. Users can see provides
a good answer, which entices them to click through to the page to read
What just happened? The user gets a great response for his search, he buys
product from iThemes, which rewards Cory for writing killer content, and
the user is happy because the experience was positive.
This means they will continue to use Google for search. This makes Google
happy. When Google is happy, we’re all happy.
In our example for the plumber search, Google also suggested the following
terms as illustrated in the image above. Search phrases like 24-hour
plumber or plumber reviews would make a nice search if I needed to find a
new plugin. Thanks Google!
As you look at the above examples, don’t be concerned if you feel like you
don’t have all the variances mastered. These variations simply mean you
have more opportunities to show up on the SERP.
In my mind, winning in organic SEO is about doing the right thing and
making your best effort to think like Google.
The more you focus on Google and doing the right thing for website visitors,
the more you’ll win at SEO.
SEO isn’t magic or voodoo. I know some SEO consultants will make you
believe they possess magical powers and only they can optimize your
website, but don’t listen to them.
With a good education, you can learn how to weave SEO best practices into
your website. You can perform DIY SEO if you have the right education and
you get yourself on the right path.
Over the last decade, I’ve had lots of success with SEO on my website and
that of my clients. In all cases, I did the right things and I stayed clear away
from tactics that offered quick returns or were geared towards
manipulating Google.
Okay well, I one time I did try some less than stellar tactics and Google
promptly booted me out of their index. That was a great learning lesson
and one I will never forget.
But we won’t focus on my failures. Instead, let’s focus on the wins and
review what was done right so you can learn what really matters with SEO.
When I first started Web Savvy Marketing back in 2009 I had a client who
quadrupled search traffic and doubled the company’s revenue in one year.
Guess what? It was due to SEO!
That’s pretty exciting, right? Imagine if you could do the same to your
Before you get too excited, let me qualify this by saying Eric, the company
president, did everything I asked and adhered 100% to my SEO advice. It
was the perfect situation and this created exceptional results.
Sadly this isn’t the norm. When I consult with companies on SEO, they
don’t generally follow my advice entirely and they also typically fail to
deliver on their promises and their deliverables. This isn’t out of lack of
desire, but out of lack of focus. They have businesses to run and real world
issues outside of their SEO efforts. This hampers our success.
That all being said, SEO can work and I want to review what we did for
Eric’s website and how we made such a huge impact in only twelve months.
While this list won’t cover everything we did, it will hit the SEO highlights:
The client’s website ranked and ranked well. Our content ranked higher on
SERP then major companies like Microsoft and it did so because we had a
clearly defined strategy and that we closely followed and executed.
§ We focused on doing the right thing and helping Google do its job.
§ We followed Google’s guidelines.
§ We wrote quality content.
§ We used off-site tactics to help promote what we were doing onsite.
§ We were consistent and we followed a well-documented plan.
While the tactics above will shift some – it is years later after all – the core
concept stays the same.
While there are lots of ways people can get off track with search engine
optimization, here are a few very common issues I see. The good news is
each item can be avoided.
#1 – Lack of Education
SEO isn’t something you learn overnight. If you want to perform your own
SEO, you need to educate yourself. I’ve spent almost fifteen years
learning about SEO and I’m thankful I did because I feel each hour of
learning has paid itself back over and over again.
When thinking about education, consider the following places and types of
#2 – Lack of Planning
Really good SEO is a process and it requires a detailed and well thought out
plan. You cannot expect to execute quality SEO without listing out what
you’re going to do, documenting yourself along the way, and executing step
by step.
For SEO to work, the search engines must see off website activity. This
means other websites need to mention you and/or link to you. This can be
If you’re a nationally focused website, social media helps with this greatly.
This would include popular networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+.
#4 – Unrealistic Expectations
SEO takes time, resources, and money if you outsource. You need to go into
this journey expecting to spend time working on SEO for the long-term.
Good SEO consultants are hard to locate and they are even harder to hire.
This is because there aren’t a lot of high-quality SEO consultants available
Be careful. What you don’t know can and will hurt you.
§ Make sure any SEO consultant you hire has years of real-world SEO
§ Make sure their own website easily shows up in search.
§ Ask for examples of their work.
§ Ask lots of questions.
§ Know what they are going to do and don’t accept non-answers on their
§ Expect to pay top dollar for a high-quality consultant.
Google has even more tips and you can find them at:
You now have to continue your education of SEO and use this introductory
knowledge as a foundation for optimizing your own web property. In doing
so, you can learn about SEO and perform SEO yourself or you can hire a
third party consultant to help.
Both are great options, but as I’ve cautioned you above, make sure you use
credible resources that have proven, real-world knowledge in search engine
If you’d enjoyed this eBook and you’d like to have additional SEO education
in the same type of easy to use information, consider signing up for our
online SEO course at
The online course is self-paced and offers a full eight hours of education in
the form of videos, written tutorials, template downloads, and quizzes.
I love SEO and all of the opportunities it offers to bloggers and website
owners. I want to share this love of SEO with you and help show you what
SEO can do for your website or blog.
I’d like to take a moment and give you a brief overview of me and my
personal history. I think it is important for you to know a little bit about me
so you can see what drives me and what fuels my approach to SEO.
The Backstory
I’ve been working with sales, marketing, and SEO for almost twenty years.
While I am very fond of sales and marketing as a whole, I love SEO. I always
have and I’m quite sure I can attribute this love of SEO to my upbringing
and personal history.
I had a very non-traditional childhood and for much of it, I lived with my
grandparents in a small town in northern Michigan. My Grandmother was
a significant influence in my life and she taught me many things as she
raised me.
This may seem irrelevant, but if you work with me on an SEO consulting
project or take one of my SEO courses, you’ll discover this is the focus of
everything I do.
I never take the easy route in anything. Instead, I evaluate the situation –
many times with data – and I choose the path of hard work and long-term
results. And, as a baseline of everything I do, I make sure I live true to my
values along the way.
This eBook, my free blog posts, and my SEO courses are designed to teach
you to do just that!