Northern Cebu Colleges, Inc. San Vicente ST., Bogo City, Cebu Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)
Northern Cebu Colleges, Inc. San Vicente ST., Bogo City, Cebu Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)
Northern Cebu Colleges, Inc. San Vicente ST., Bogo City, Cebu Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)
Culminating Performance Standards: The learners demonstrate a capacity for a critical and analytical reflection from the perspective of a holistic and profound vision of
What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? What to Teach?
Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Highest enabling
Most assess strategy to use in
Content Content Essential Performan developing the
Standards Topics ce Highest Thinking Skill
Standards to Assess
Complete KUD Most Essential KUD Flexible Enabling Flexible
Classifi Classifi RBT Assessment General Learning
cation cation level Activities(FA Strategy Strategies
A) (FLS)
Quarter 1
The learner The The learner 1.1.Distinguish a 1.1.Distinguish a K Underst Filling the Represent Modeling
understands Meaning reflects on holistic perspective K holistic perspective anding KWL column. ation
1. Doing the meaning a concrete from a partial point from a partial point
Philosophy and process of y experience of view of view
doing in a
philosophy Plato’s philosophic 1.2.Recognize U 1.3.Realize the value U Analyzin Writing Communi Providing
Concept al way human activities of doing philosophy g reflection cation Feedback
of a that emanated in obtaining a broad paper.
from deliberate perspective on life
1.3.Realize the U
y value of doing
philosophy in
obtaining a broad
perspective on life
1.4.Do a D
reflection on a
concrete situation
from a holistic
2. Methods The learner The The learner 2.1.Distinguish K 2.2.Analyze U Analyze Misconcepti Communi Video
of demonstrates Branches evaluate opinion from truth situations that show on Check. cation Class
philosophizi various opinions the difference Discussio
ng y 2.2.Analyze U between opinion and n
situations that truth
show the
difference between 2.3.Realize that the U Analyze 3-2-1 Communi
opinion and truth methods of Things they cation Student-
philosophy lead to learned from led video
2.3.Realize that the U wisdom and truth the lesson- presentati
methods of Things they on
philosophy lead to want to
wisdom and truth know-
2.4.Evaluate U they have
3. The The learner The learner 3.1.Recognize own 3.1.Recognize own Analyze Written Communi Addressin
human understands distinguish limitations and U limitations and U Misconcepti cation g
person as an the human es his/her possibilities possibilities on test mistakes
embodied person as an own
spirit embodied limitations 3.2.Evaluate own U 3.2.Evaluate own U Evaluati T-chart Reasonin Providing
spirit and the limitations and the limitations and the ng g and Feedback
possibilities possibilities for possibilities for their proof
for his/her their transcendence
transcende transcendence
3.3.Recognize how U
the human body
imposes limits and
possibilities for
3.4.Distinguish the K
limitations and
possibilities for
4.The The learner To be in The learner 4.1.Notice disorder K 3D picture Printed
human understands the world is able to in an environment 4.4.Demonstrate the making using Modules
person in the interplay with demonstrat virtues of prudence U Applyin recyclable Connectio and some
their between other e the 4.2.Notice things K and frugality g materials n posted
environment humans and beings. virtues of that are not in their towards found in video
their prudence proper place and environments locality. presentati
environments and organize them in on
frugality an aesthetic way
his/her 4.3.Show that care K
environme for the
nt environment
contributes to
health, well-being
and sustainable
4.4.Demonstrate U
the virtues of
prudence and
frugality towards
Quarter 2
5. Freedom The learner Choice The learner 5.1. Realize that U 5.1. Realize that “all U Evaluati “Journey Reasonin Lesson
of the understands Conseque shows “all actions have actions have ng Ticket” g and Objective
human the human nce situations consequences.” consequences.” Listing Proof transpare
person person’s that action/s in ncy
freedom demonstrat 5.2. Evaluate and U card/s and
e freedom exercise prudence Possible
of choice in choices consequence
and the s
’ the consequen 5.3. Realize that: U
Thinking ces of a. Choices have
Thing choices consequences
b. Some things are 5.3. Realize that: U Evaluati Practice Reasonin Modules
given up while a. Choices have ng Frequency g and and other
others are consequences (Checking my Proof printed
obtained in making b. Some things are Understandi materials
choices given up while ng)
others are obtained
IMAGO 5.4. Show K in making choices
DEI: The situations that
Origin of
freedom of choice
and the
consequences of
their choices
6. The learner Similarity The learner 6.1. Realize that U 6.2. Appreciate the U Evaluati Video Reasonin Posted
Intersubjecti understands and performs intersubjectivity talents of persons ng presentation g and video on
vity intersubjective Differenc activities requires accepting with disabilities and of individual Proof the group
human es that differences and not those from the talents and chat
relations demonstrat to imposing on underprivileged skills
e an others sectors of society
appreciatio and their
n for the 6.2. Appreciate the U contributions to
talents of talents of persons society
persons with disabilities
with and those from the 6.3. Explain that U Applyin Writing Connectio Printed
disabilities underprivileged authentic dialogue g Reflection n modules
and those sectors of society means accepting Paper
from the and their others even if they
underprivil contributions to are different from
eged society themselves
sectors of
society 6.3. Explain that U
authentic dialogue
means accepting
others even if they
are different from
6.4. Perform U
activities that
demonstrate the
talents of persons
with disabilities
and those from the
sectors of society
7. The The learner Relations The learner 7.1. Recognize how U 7.1. Recognize how U Analyzin Printed Communi Printed
Human understands hip evaluates individuals form individuals form g analogy cation modules
Person in the interplay between the societies and how societies and how prompt
Society between the an formation individuals are individuals are
individuality of individual of human transformed by transformed by
human beings and relationshi societies societies
and their society ps and how
social contexts individuals 7.2. Compare U 7.2. Compare U Analyzin Printed Communi Student-
are shaped different forms of different forms of g analogy cation Led video
by their societies and societies and prompt presentati
social individualities (eg. individualities (eg. on
contexts Agrarian, industrial Agrarian, industrial
and virtual) and virtual)
7.3. Explain how U 7.3. Explain how U Applyin Presentation Connectio Printed
human relations human relations are g on human n analogy
are transformed by transformed by relations prompt
social systems social systems transformed
by social
7.4. Evaluate the U systems
transformation of using
human powerpoint/f
relationships by ocusky
social systems and
how societies
individual human
8. Human The learner Friedrich The learner 8.1. Recognize the U 8.1. Recognize the U Evaluati Video Reasonin Ready
persons as understands Nietzsch writes a meaning of his/her meaning of his/her ng presentation g and made
oriented human beings e‟s philosophic own life own life of personal Proof video
towards as oriented Otherwor
al perspective posted in
their towards their ld reflection 8.2. Enumerate the U of life group
impending impending on the objectives he/she chat.
death death Søren meaning of really wants to 8.2. Enumerate the U Evaluati Writing Reasonin Ready
Kierkega his/her achieve and to objectives he/she ng Summary g and made
ard's own life define the projects really wants to Proof video
Taking he/she really wants achieve and to posted in
the Risk
to do in his/her life define the projects group
Martin he/she really wants chat.
Heidegge 8.3. Explain the U to do in his/her life
r's meaning of life
Dasein (where will all
these lead to)
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