1 OA - No.170/00483/2017/CAT/Bangalore Bench
1 OA - No.170/00483/2017/CAT/Bangalore Bench
1 OA - No.170/00483/2017/CAT/Bangalore Bench
OA.No.170/00483/2017/CAT/Bangalore Bench
Aged about 61 years
Retired Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
#2A 2nd Cross, Patel Pille Gowda Layout
Ramchandrapura, Vidyaranyapuram
Bangalore-560 013. …..Applicant
1. Union of India
Represented by its Secretary
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Department of Forests and Wildlife
Paryavarna Bhavan, CGO Complex
New Delhi-110003.
(By Advocates Sri V.N.Holla for R1 & 2 and Sri T.S.Mahantesh for R3, 4 & 6)
OA.No.170/00483/2017/CAT/Bangalore Bench
Service Officer borne on Karnataka Cadre and was promoted to Super Time
(1) (D) (iii) of IFS (Pay) Rules and the existing IFS cadre post of Principal
Chief Conservator of Forests, Karnataka; which was in the “above Super Time
of Forests (Head of Forest Force) (PCCF (HOFF) for short) from 27.9.2008.
The said post had to be filled up by ‘selection’ from amongst the IFS officers,
holding the post of PCCF in the State Cadre. Pursuant to the notification
upgraded and designated the existing IFS cadre post of Principal Chief
Forest Force), Karnataka, Bangalore in the ‘Above Super Time Apex Scale of
Rs.80000/- (fixed), Grade Pay- nil w.e.f. 27.9.2008, i.e. the date of issue of
notification of IFS (Pay) Amendment Rules 2008. The notification also stated
that the post of PCCF (HoFF) shall be filled by selection from amongst the IFS
officers holding the post of PCCF in the State Cadre as per Note 2 below Rule
3 (1) (D) of IFS Pay 2 nd Amendment Rules, 2008. The 3 rd respondent, in terms
Committee for selection to the post of PCCF(Head of the Forest Force) in the
and was eligible for being considered for the selection as PCCF(HoFF)-
Karnataka, in the Apex scale-level 17 of Rs.2,25,000. In terms of IFS (Pay)
posts carrying pay above selection grade in the Indian Forest Service shall be
and considered the names of the three officers in the order of seniority. The
applicant being the senior most has been followed by the 5 th respondent at
Serial No.2 and Sri Ashok Kumar Garg at Serial No.3. The Special Selection
Committee considering the eligibility of the each of the three officers with
absolute integrity and suitability for the post, came to the conclusion that all
the three officers under consideration are placed similarly. However, the
Committee ignored the seniority, having found all the three officers similarly
placed in all relevant factors, proceeded to place the assessment before the
appointed the 5th respondent who was junior to the applicant and the case of
the applicant was ignored only on the ground that he was left only with one
claim for promotion as PCCF (HoFF) was not considered, it is not possible to
consider his case for grant of Apex Scale of Indian Forest Service. Aggrieved
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by the same, the applicant has preferred this OA seeking the relief as earlier
selection to the post of PCCF(HoFF), the criteria of tenure left has not been
prescribed. Therefore, while holding that the applicant as well as all the three
officers are similarly placed, the action of the Special Selection Committee in
that the State Government has considered the case of one Sri Ashok Kumar
Singh when he had a left over service of three months only. He also referred
to the promotion orders of Indian Forest Service officers and similar officers in
hold the Apex Scale post for shorter period and the issue of balance of service
left before superannuation has not been taken by the Government for
consideration. He has also referred to the judgment of the Hon’ble Apex Court
in Union of India vs. Mohan Lal Capoor & Ors. in AIR 1974 SC 87 wherein it
was held that the merit and suitability of two eligible candidates when come to
a conclusion, seniority would tilt the scale. He has also referred to an order of
quashed the order of the Special Selection Committing which has failed to
give credence to the seniority of the applicant over the 5 th respondent who are
equally meritorious saying that the decision making process is against the
statutory rules in force. Therefore, he prayed for granting the relief sought by
5. The State Government in the reply statement have referred to the Constitution
of Special Selection Committee saying that guidelines provided for the
suitability for the post. In the instant case, all the three eligible candidates
fulfilled all the eligibility criteria for the selection to the post of PCCF(HOFF).
Under this circumstance, the Selection Committee placed its comments for
not the case of promotion to the higher post but it is the case of selection and
thus discretion vest with the competent authority. In so far as All India Service
is concerned, the Chief Minister of the State is vested with the power to select
the candidate since the transaction of the business rules provides for such an
5th respondent. Therefore, the allegation of the applicant with regard to the
malafide, arbitrariness and discrimination does not arise. The applicant has
considered the relevant factors for the selection and thereafter the respondent
No.5 was appointed to the post of PCCF. At that juncture, the applicant did not
raise any objection for the selection of the respondent No.5. It is true that the
suitable endorsement issued. Since the applicant was not promoted to the
post of PCCF, his claim for granting him Apex Scale Rs.2,25,000 and other
6. The applicant has filed a rejoinder in which he has reiterated the fact that Sri
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for a period of 3 months only. Further the Special Selection Committee in its
meeting held on 18.12.2017 selected the senior most from amongst the three
eligible candidates Sri A.K.Garg who was left with only two months of service
before superannuation. He also gave the instances of many other officers who
were promoted to the higher post with a very short tenure of one month to
three months. He told that in one instance, an officer was sent for two months’
depriving the applicant from the Apex scale citing short tenure is grave
injustice done to the applicant. The issue of tenure left before superannuation
7. We have heard the Learned Counsel for both the parties. The Learned
Counsel for the applicant while highlighting the submission made in the OA
mentioned earlier particularly placed emphasis on the fact that the Special
Selection Committee held all the three candidates as equally competent and
eligible but did not make any specific recommendation but left the decision to
the Chief Minister. It was incumbent on the part of the Special Selection
Without doing so, they left the matter citing the issue of tenure. Moreover, the
issue of tenure is not a factor or laid down parameter of selection. When there
are many instances of officers being posted for shorter tenures, his non-
to the case of Sri Arun Kumar Singh who had only three months tenure left
case of Sri A.K.Garg who was appointed as PCCF when he had only two
months tenure left before superannuation. He highlighted the fact that this is
not only deprived him the promotion to the post of PCCF(HoFF), Karnataka
Forest Department but also the Apex Scale level-17 which is permanent loss
to him since grant of Apex scale would have entitled him the higher pension
promotion when his junior was appointed to the Apex Scale and he should be
8. The Learned Counsel for the respondents, on the other hand, submitted that
the Special Selection Committee considered the matter in detail and found
that all the three candidates put on outstanding competency and absolute
integrity and having specific suitability for the post. Therefore, they placed the
matter for consideration before the competent authority who was empowered
to select the candidates for the post of PCCF in Forest Department. Hence,
the decision of the Chief Minister to choose the 5 th respondent who have
longer tenure cannot be said as arbitrary. Since the applicant was not
appointed to the post of PCCF, he cannot claim the Apex Scale available for
9. We have carefully considered the facts of the case and submissions made by
either side. The only issue involved in the present case is whether non-
integrity and having specific suitability for the post. The State Government
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vide order dtd.12.05.2009 constituted the Special Selection Committee for
selection and adding that these qualities can be assessed on the basis of
06.04.2017 that they considered three officers for the Apex Scale Level-17
which includes the applicant at Sl.No.1, Shri Kishan Singh Sugara at Sl.No.2
and Shri Ashok Kumar Garg at Sl.No.3. The Committee was of the view that
with regard to all the relevant factors of outstanding merit, competency and
absolute integrity, all the three officers under consideration are placed
similarly. However, they did not make any specific recommendation as to who
should be considered for the post and left the matter to be decided by the
Government adding that with respect to the specific suitability, the Committee
took note of the tenure left with each of the officers and noted that as on
30.04.2017, the applicant was left with the service of only one month whereas
Sri Kishan Singh Sugara had 8 months and Sri Ashok Kumar Garg had ten
months of service left. Thereafter Govt. appointed Sri Kishan Singh Sugara
who had 8 months service left ignoring the applicant who is the senior most
amongst the three. While the applicant has taken the contention that he being
the senior most should have been considered for appointment to the Apex
scale since officers having short tenure have been selected on earlier
occasion, the respondents have taken the contention that since this is a
matter of selection, the competent authority has the discretion to choose the
dispute to the fact that this is a matter of selection and the Special Selection
the peculiarity of the case is that all the three persons have been considered
as equally competent and suitable in the context of the laid down parameters.
The only issue considered is the service period left though it is not an integral
part of the selection parameters. While the authority can take a view regarding
the tenure of service left while selecting a person, this principle should be
occasion, one Sri Arun Kumar Singh was appointed to the Apex Scale when
he is left with the tenure of three months. Similarly, Sri Ashok Kumar Garg
who was considered for appointment to Apex scale subsequently he had only
two months of service left. If left over service of 3 months and 2 months can
make an officer eligible for consideration to the Apex scale post, then ignoring
the same facts in the case of the applicant and denying him on the plea that
he has only one month’s service left appears to us as unfair and illogical. In
produced by the applicant in his rejoinder and which shows the Principal Chief
Conservator of Forests, Karnataka right from 1994 onwards, we find that there
are many cases in which persons have been appointed for only one month to
three months. Therefore, denying the Apex scale to the applicant only on this
specific criteria does not appear justified. It is also to be kept in mind that
heading the organisation even for a limited period, it also brings in the
financial benefit in getting the Apex scale which will have an impact on his
11. On detailed consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case, we are
of the view that denial of the Apex scale to the applicant solely on the ground
seen that persons with short tenure of two or three months of left over service
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Therefore, we hold that the applicant is entitled to be appointed to the Apex
scale post right from the date when his junior was appointed. Since the
Scale post i.e. Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (HoFF) can only be on
notional basis from the date when his junior was appointed to the Apex scale.
However, he will get the benefit of the Apex scale right from that date with
applicant right from the date when his junior was appointed to the Apex scale
and give the consequential benefits. This shall be done within a period of
Annexure-A1: An extract of the Civil list of IFS Officers – 2016; showing inter-se
Annexure-A2: A Copy of the Notification dtd.27.9.2008 made in this regard
Annexure-A3: A Copy of the order No: DPAR 04 SFP 2009 dtd.10.2.2009
Annexure-A4: A Copy of the letter of the 1st respondent bearing No: 16019/1/2008-
IFS-II dtd.16.4.2009 issued in this regard
Annexure-A5: A Copy of the Government order dtd.12.5.2009
Annexure-A6: A Copy of the IFS (Pay) Rules, 2016
Annexure-A7: A Copy of the impugned proceedings of the 4 th respondent
Annexure-A8: A Copy of the impugned order of appointment dtd.28.4.2016 bearing
No.DPAR 31 SFP 2017 issued by the 3 rd respondent
Annexure-A9: A Copy of the representation dtd.22.05.2017
Annexure-A10: A Copy of the impugned endorsement dtd.11.08.2017 of the 3 rd
Annexure-A11: A Copy of the notification issued by the 3 rd respondent
Annexure-A12: A Copy of the Notification issued by the 3 rd respondent
Annexure-A13: A Copy of the order dtd.18.01.2017
Annexure-A14: A Copy of the OM dtd.25.01.2017
Annexure-A15: A Copy of the Notification dtd.27.02.2017
Annexure-A16: A Copy of the order passed in OA.No.823/2012 decided on
10.05.2012 by this Hon’ble Tribunal
Annexure-A17: A Copy of the order passed by this Hon’ble Tribunal dtd.27.05.2011
in OA.No.59/2010
Annexure-A18: A Copy of the order dtd.1.7.2011, passed by the Hon’ble High Court
in WP.No.20898/2011 dtd.1.7.2011
OA.No.170/00483/2017/CAT/Bangalore Bench