Loxone UK Brochure 2018
Loxone UK Brochure 2018
Loxone UK Brochure 2018
was on offer to be impractical,
We are complicated and expensive.
changing lives! Martin Öller recalls: “We wanted a
solution that was highly intelligent,
Back in 2008: Thomas Moser and simple to use and yet affordable!
Martin Öller liked the idea of having We wanted to have a system where
a home in which the majority of the lights would turn on and off
functions like safety, energy automatically and at the right
efficiency and comfort could all be brightness for the time of day; we
centrally controlled. After all, this wanted a system intelligent enough
was at a time where cars could to close the blinds and curtains
already parallel park themselves automatically based on the position
and robotic lawnmowers could take of the sun and a system that
care of the gardening. So why were maintained the perfect temperature
homes so far behind? in every room.“
Both Martin and Thomas wanted
intelligent and convenient automation And so the concept of Loxone was
in their own homes, so they scoured created. Initially, Martin and Thomas
the market for something that would developed it just to meet their own
meet their needs, but found what needs, but now it’s for everyone.
02 03
Our headquarters:
The Loxone Basecamp
04 05
Welcome E A Loxone Smart Home
ven before you get up in the about dangers such as fire or water the free electricity you’re generating
morning, the house gets to leaks and light a path to safety. Your from the sun.
work. Your blinds open gradually Loxone Smart Home gives you peace takes care of you.
to a Real
to wake you with natural sunlight of mind, around the clock. Your personal assistant
whilst soft music fills the room. holiday, the house mimics your Waiting for an important parcel to
Your Loxone Smart Home knows you everyday actions to deter would-be arrive? Your home will let you know
intruders. Upon your return, the
Smart Home.
Imagine, before you’re even out of A Loxone Smart Home greets the when it‘s there. Keep forgetting to
bed, your home turns on the heating first person who returns home with a house is already warm and cosy, close the garage door? Your home
and lighting, opens the blinds welcoming warmth and the reassuring just how you like it. will gently remind you or even close
throughout the house and warms feeling that everything is alright. it for you automatically.
the towel rail for you… without you That’s thanks to the heating system, As a nation, we’re obsessed with Life at home is like flying on autopilot!
lifting a finger. If you get up in the which thinks for itself; in fact, it the weather, and your home should It takes care of the daily running of
night, low-level lighting guides your learns how to improve and becomes be no different. Come rain or shine, your home for you, however, if you
path to the bathroom or to check more efficient over time. It makes your home will make the most of it. ever want to change something, a
on the children. Once you’re back sure you’re always comfortable in If you have large glass windows or single click on a switch or smartphone
in bed, it switches off again. every room and saves energy in doors, your blinds and shading can is enough.
rooms that are not being used. automatically adjust to the path of
Protection around the clock the sun, and close during the day to A Loxone Smart Home brings you
Your home is always looking out Once everyone has left the house, prevent rooms from overheating. happiness. It makes your home
for you. Whilst you’re asleep, it security mode kicks in. All sensors go Similarly, if you have a solar PV smarter, safer, more comfortable
keeps watch, alerts you to any into alarm mode: doors lock, lights system, your home can run the and energy efficient. The best bit?
intruders and sounds the alarm in are switched off and the heating is washing machine, dishwasher or It may even make the neighbours a
an emergency. It can warn you lowered. When you go away on even charge your electric car using little jealous!
06 07
This is me.
This is my More time
Loxone moment.
“With a four-year-old son, I spend a lot of
for my
time at home. After lunch, I put him down
for a sleep and get on with other tasks
around the house without worrying. During
and me
this time, the switches in his room are locked
to prevent any danger. If the postman rings,
the doorbell does not sound; instead, the
lights in the living room and kitchen flash
to let me know that someone’s at the door
without waking my little
one up. That’s my Loxone
moment. When my husband first said he wanted to build a smart
Tina, 27 years
home, I was sceptical, but now I wouldn’t be without it!
08 09
A home like Always the right temperature
In a Loxone Smart Home, it’s always a pleasant temperature. The heating in
each room can be individually controlled, which means if you like a toasty
no other
warm bathroom in the morning and a cool bedroom at night, your home will
take care of this automatically for you. When you’re away from home, the
heating is lowered to save energy.
Goodnight button
Use the Goodnight button for an effortless bedtime routine. One click is all you
need to turn off appliances, switch off the lights and arm the alarm, leaving
you free to sink into bed and drift off into a peaceful sleep.
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Simple Your home at your fingertips
Your Loxone Smart Home takes many daily tasks off your hands, giving you
time to focus on the more important things in life.
Our recommendation
To keep things simple, we recommend you have the same function for each
switch in your home. Use the central touch point for lighting and the four
corners for blind and music control. Easy to remember, even for guests.
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Your home Full alarm functionality
You don’t need any additional, expensive alarm equipment as part of a
Loxone Smart Home. Existing components in your home can be combined
keeps watch
to create a fully integrated alarm system which reliably alerts you to any
Presence simulation
If you’re on holiday, you can rest assured that your home will behave as
if you were home, at least it will seem so from the outside. Your home will
mimic your presence by activating the blinds and lighting according to your
Your home is always looking out for you. usual routine.
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Working in harmony
In your home, the heat of the sun can be captured to bring the rooms to a
comfortable temperature. Whether you have a fireplace, large windows, or
use solar heat pumps, your rooms will be intelligently heated to reach the
desired temperature whilst ensuring energy is not wasted.
Standby killer
Your smart home automatically takes all of your standby devices and other
power guzzlers off the grid when they are not needed to help you save on
your energy bills.
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A home
to be
proud of
Mario, 28 years
18 19
Minise g
l e s s & retrofittin
For wire
The highest
IQ thanks to
Miniserver Miniserver Go
The Loxone Smart Home is the one the communication between them.
with the highest IQ. We offer the
products and software to intelligently
A Loxone Smart Home adapts to
suit your lifestyle. The system will
for new
automate every part of your smart take care of tasks before you‘ve even
home. thought about them. Whether your
system is wired or wireless, or a
The Loxone Miniserver brings your combination of the two – the
home together. Think of your home Miniserver anticipates your habits,
as a central nervous system and the wishes and needs to create an
Miniserver as the brain. It combines environment that is both comfortable
all the components of your home and enjoyable. It continuously adapts
into one central system and manages to keep up with your lifestyle.
20 21
The 360° Blind Motor Door & Window Contact Motion Sensor Wind Sensor Rain Sensor
Smart Home
Precise weather data and
Control your For greater security and Detects whether Protects external Detects precipitation. Useful forecasts assist your home in
blinds and energy efficiency. someone is in the blinds and awnings if you want to close motorised making intelligent decisions.
shading room. Useful for from damage during skylights or roof windows
Loxone offers a one-stop shop for automatically. lighting, heating, storms or high winds. automatically when it rains.
Weather Service
security and more.
products, software and knowledge.
High quality, European-made
products, powerful software and
the right know-how… it’s all part of
what we offer, which means you’ll be
For multiroom audio
able to enjoy a home that’s reliable, Miniserver
throughout your home.
future-proof and 100% compatible. The heart of
Available for ceiling or
wall mounting.
your Loxone
Smart Home. It
brings everything Speaker
For a comfortable
temperature in every room.
Keep track of
what you’re using
and uncover
potential savings.
Miniserver Go
Temperature & Humidity Sensor Water Sensor Intercom Touch Switch Smoke Detector Smart Socket LED Spot Aquastar
22 23
My home.
My data.
Privacy guaranteed.
Maxiumum Independence
Loxone is proof that intelligent
control of your home is possible
without the Cloud or an Internet
My Miniserver.
My data.
My security.
My Smart Home.
Unlike some other smart home
solutions, Loxone does not share If the Internet goes down, your home
your personal information with third won‘t. The Miniserver looks after
parties. Loxone works completely everything locally, including your
independently of a central data lighting, heating and security.
Cloud. This means that data about
you and your home, such as presence, Conclusion: With Loxone, you‘ll get
temperature or alarm modes doesn’t maximum protection, data privacy
leave your home. We believe in the and independence within your own
motto: “My Miniserver, my data.” four walls.
24 25
Loxone Smart Homes
Loxone Partners
100+ Loxone
Export countries
Smart Ashbrook
Miniservers sold
Homes Homebuilder and Loxone installer, Ashbrook Homes, carefully matched
breathtaking architecture with smart technology to create this energy-
efficient, family friendly home in Oxfordshire.
App downloads
“Having a Loxone Smart Home gives
the house the added ‘wow’ factor,
with our guests surprised when the
Our favourite functions
lights, music and blinds work Humidity sensing
Over 60,000 Loxone Smart Homes are improving the
automatically without us touching Our home is built into a hill, so we Underfloor zoned heating
lives of people all over the world. With this experience,
any controls or apps!” have an extraction system that The underfloor heating system
Loxone has become one of the leading smart home
understands when humidity reaches adjusts automatically, so the rooms
brands worldwide. James Barrett, Ashbrook homeowner a certain level and kicks in to remove are always at a pleasant temperature.
moisture as required.
In more than 90 countries, from modest family homes
Multiroom audio
to palatial villas, the Miniserver has already transformed
Automatic blinds The children love the Loxone
the way people live in their homes. Each of them have
The property is south facing with a multiroom audio system – they can
dream 2.
They’ll be able to advise you and help you that your home uses future-proof
Discover the benefits and features of a Loxone decide which features and functions you’d cabling and that everything is wired
like in your new home.
Smart Home and enjoy a free demonstration correctly. If your project uses Loxone
Air products, your Partner can oversee
of the system at our show facility in Reading or
awaits the correct installation of these.
Optimisation and
Partner Smart Home Find a expansion
Enjoy your
Once you‘ve settled in, get in touch with
Showrooms Info Sessions Loxone Partner Smart Home! your Loxone Partner, who‘ll be able to
Visit one of our Visit us at one of our Put your project in safe hands and assist you with further personalisation
Partner Showrooms: free info sessions: find a Loxone Partner near you: and expansion of your smart home.
loxone.com/showrooms loxone.com/infosession loxone.com/partners
30 31
Loxone Sarpsborg | NO
Reading | UK
Paris | FR
Budweis | CZ
Wäschenbeuren | DE Kollerschlag | AT
Steckborn | CH
Neumarkt | IT
Artés | ES
Philadelphia | US
Lexington | US
Loxone Basecamp,
Kollerschlag, Austria
Loxone UK
+44 (0)1183 130 140 7 Theale Lakes
loxone.com/contact Reading
office@loxone.co.uk Berkshire
32 RG7 4GB