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Magna Carta of Women

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Carta of
By: Prof. Melfe G. Diola
Associate Dean, Student Discipline
Office of Student Affairs
The Magna Carta of
Women is a
comprehensive women's
human rights law that
seeks to eliminate
discrimination against
women by recognizing,
protecting, fulfilling
and promoting the
rights of Filipino
women, especially
those in marginalized

- Small farmers and rural workers
- Fisherfolk
- Urban poor
- Workers in the formal and informal economy
- Migrant workers
- Indigenous people
- Moro
- Children
- Senior citizens
- Person with disabilities
- Solo parents

groups who are mostly

living in poverty
Discrimination The State condemns discrimination against women in
all its forms and pursues by all appropriate means and
without delay the policy of eliminating discrimination

on Women
against women in keeping with the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against
Women (CEDAW) and other international instruments
consistent with Philippine law.

The State shall accord women the

rights, protection, and opportunities
available to every member of society.
Discrimination against
women defined as:
Any gender-based distinction, Any act or omission that
exclusion, or restriction which directly or indirectly
has the effect or purpose of excludes or restricts
impairing or nullifying the women in the recognition
recognition, enjoyment, or and promotion of their
exercise by women. rights.

A measure or practice of Discrimination

general application that fails compounded by or
to provide for mechanisms, as intersecting with other
a result of which women are grounds, status, or
denied or restricted in the condition, such as
recognition and protection of ethnicity, age, poverty, or
their rights religion.

Magna Carta of Women

Rights of
The State affirms women’s rights as human
rights and shall intensify its efforts to fulfil
its duties under international and domestic
law to recognize, respect, protect, fulfil,
and promote all human rights and
fundamental freedoms of women, especially
marginalized women, in the economic,
social, political, cultural, and other fields
without distinction or discrimination on
account of class, age, sex, gender,
language, ethnicity, religion, ideology,
disability, education, and status.
Rights of
Carta of
Women All rights in the Philippine Constitution and those rights recognized
under international instruments duly signed and ratified by the
Philippines, in consonance with Philippine laws shall be rights of
women under the Magna Carta of Women. These rights shall be
enjoyed without discrimination since the law prohibits discrimination
against women, whether done by public and private entities or
Section 3 - Principles of Human Rights of Women
Human rights are universal and
Human rights are indivisible.
Human rights are interdependent
and interrelated.
All individuals are equal as human
beings by virtue of the inherent
dignity of each human person.
All people have the right to
participate in and access
information relating to the
decision-making processes that
affect their lives and well-being.
States and other duty-bearers are
answerable for the observance of
human rights.
The Magna Carta of
Women also spells out
every woman's right to:
Protection from all forms of violence,
including those committed by the State.

Protection and security in times of disaster,

calamities and other crisis situations, especially
in all phases of relief, recovery, rehabilitation and
construction efforts, including protection from
sexual exploitation and other sexual and gender-
based violence.
Equal treatment before the
law, including the State's
review and when necessary
amendment or repeal of
existing laws that are
discriminatory to women
Participation and representation, Equal access and elimination
including undertaking temporary of discrimination against
special measures and affirmative women in education,
actions to accelerate and ensure scholarships and training
women's equitable participation and
representation in the third level civil
service, development councils and
planning bodies, as well as political
parties and international bodies,
including the private sector.
Equal participation in sports.

Non-discrimination in employment
in the field of military, police
and other similar services.
Non-discriminatory and
non-derogatory portrayal of
women in media and film to
raise the consciousness of the
general public in recognizing
the dignity of women and the
role and contribution of
women in family, community,
and the society through the
strategic use of mass media
Comprehensive health
services and health
information and education

Leave benefits of two (2)

months with full pay based on
gross monthly compensation,
for women employees who
undergo surgery caused by
gynaecological disorders,
Equal rights in all matters
relating to marriage and family

Food security and resources for

food production

Localized, accessible, secure and

affordable housing
Employment, livelihood,
credit, capital and technology

Skills training, scholarships,

especially in research and
development aimed towards women
friendly farm technology
Access to information regarding
policies on women, including
programs, projects and funding
outlays that affect them

Representation and participation in

policy-making or decision making bodies
in the regional, national, and international
Recognition and preservation of cultural identity
and integrity provided that these cultural systems
and practices are not discriminatory to women

Social protection
Inclusion in discussions Services and interventions for
on peace and development women in especially difficult
circumstances or WEDC
Protection of girl-children against all forms
of discrimination in education, health and
nutrition, and skills development

Protection of women senior citizens

Responsible in the
Implementation of Magna Carta

The State, the private sector, society in general, and all

individuals shall contribute to the recognition, respect
and promotion of the rights of women defined and
guaranteed in the Magna Carta of Women
The Government
is tasked to:
• Refrain from discriminating against
women and violating their rights;
• Protect women against discrimination and
from violation of their rights by private
corporations, entities, and individuals;
• Promote and fulfil the rights of women in
all spheres, including their rights to
substantive equality and non-

Role of Government (Local and National)

The Magna Carta of Women

mandates all government offices,

including government-owned and
controlled corporations and local
government units to adopt gender
mainstreaming as a strategy for
implementing the law and
attaining its objectives.

Under this law, the National Commission on the Role of Filipino

Women which will be renamed as the Philippine Commission on
Women (PCW) shall be the overall monitoring and oversight
body to ensure the implementation of the law
Consistent with its mandate, the Commission
on Human Rights shall act as the Gender and
Development Ombud to ensure the promotion
and protection of women's human rights.

The Commission on Audit shall conduct an annual audit

on the government offices' use of their gender and
development budgets for the purpose of determining its
judicious use and the efficiency, and effectiveness of
interventions in addressing gender issue
Local government units are also encouraged to
develop and pass a gender and development code to
address the issues and concerns of women in their
respective localities based on consultation with
their women constituents


Upon finding of the CHR that a
department, agency, or
instrumentality of government,
government-owned and -controlled
corporation, or local government unit The sanctions under administrative
has violated any provision of this Act law, civil service or other appropriate
and its implementing rules and laws shall be recommended by the
regulations: Commission on Human Rights to the
Civil Service Commission and the
Department of the Interior and Local
If the violation is committed by a
private entity or individual, the
person directly responsible for
the violation shall be liable to pay
damages. Further, the offended
party can also pursue other
remedies available under the law
and can invoke any of the other
provisions of existing laws,
especially those that protect the
rights of women
Recently enacted laws to
protect women and children
Women in Development and Nation Building Act (Republic Act No. 7192)
Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act
(Republic Act No. 7610)
Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7877)
Anti-Rape Law of 1997 (Republic Act No. 8353)
Rape Victim Assistance and Protection Act of 1998 (Republic Act No. 8505)
Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 (Republic Act No. 9208)
Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9262)

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